The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 22, 1916, Image 1

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V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 . ..i '?. ? ?.*"'"r Several hundred Americans and ? 20 Mexicans were Engaged-Machine Guns Turned; an U. S*force --Genera! Felix Gomez in Command of Carranza force, was JkiEled-Fuiiston Gets Official Confir mation of the Battle. ' .. , - - ,i ? iii'f .. . . , ; ! ? ? ? . -V. . T (By Ass?ciat?d Press.) - m ' El Paso, June 21.--According to various accounts roaching here the American losses seemed to bo atout twenty and the Mexican loss es forty. The bailie took place about 10:30 this morning and lasted an hour. lt ?pparently ended with both aides wfmaYawing. J. C. H?bole waa the American who Insight i&0:report ; here and bio story vWe* corroborated by. James Maxey, an American who* waa \ " >o.on tho. feroin; ''^'ta?ba^ saythey talked to Cnrraruta officers at Villa Ahumada; They ^id me Mexicans claimed tc nava foiled 'seventeen Americana and taken forty prisoners, which was contrat id?cted by carlie? acou?ts. They ?aici several, hundred Americans and 120 Meccano were engaged. Hubble declared Mexican officers asserted that Gerueral Gomez wnt forward to the Americans under a flag of. tr?cfe. Directly the Americans began deploying tn a semi, circle and Gomez, believing h lt was to be attacked, gaye the order for his machine guns to fire. He was later hille' a pistol shot. tv Mexicans Say 40 Killed ii (By AssoCfated Press.) { . El Paso, June 21.-A detachment ?f American cavalry. ' clashed with r Carransa force at Camsal, about ninety rtSlea so?th ?f El Pasel early today, hath sides suffering heavy casu?*ie8, according to reports received by General Francisco Gonzales, Carranza commander at Juarez tonight. Gonzales announced officially ' that seventeen Americans have been taken prisoners and General Fetus Gomez, a Carranza general has been killed. According ;to Meascan ujuthoritica forty Americana were killed by machine gun fire m a surprise atteuJ^ but the Mexicali casualties wero not so heavy. The Anzcan-force ts said to have been part of a ccout patrol from Guzman, returning to the P^hing line of .c??t?k/ Caifrizal ia about ni?o miles 'west of Villa Ahuinatla, tho Mexican fifdd base in Chihuahua where the American prisoners are ?said t^'n^ve'b^ teken.'- !: '. ' ...'Jj V^::'v- '. Americana- Opened .Fight ? \ .; - . General Gonzales said the Americans.. .opened.';; toe Vengageinent. Gomez sent a messenger demanding that the Americans retire arid '?;'." .when they refused he sent a second m^ the Ameri cans fire;!. 1 Then Colonel Rivas, second In command^ Americans began the attack?; ; > ^neial tiohzales:said his information came fi;oin Colonel -Ri ';, ''?S>#?f?^ prisoners'taken to Chihuahua City - I ''S||l^of Viiiav??ium?da. General Bell, cbmmanding;the Americans I forces here, was first informed of fighting by Mexican ;co.nsut Gairctitj .who said there^was no question but that me t??fi*.tobie placer but,Jbe ! IjfljP?n?qr :\-?i - ?.. . . ? ? * ??*-?*-??-?*?<?**-??*?.*? * CXKXfcfc.tTBATE FOECES * * ' - ? <? * * ? .jCkilum^ Sl-.-j'Per-;, ? + .shhig ia \ re-dteposing ilUv ? ? ; for?es ?sa' result of tho * + clash at Carrizal,, according to ? ? h r r eport vfTom the field ;. A . ? ' heavy,' 'concentration in un- < ? .fr. de'rway at. Naralq?lpa, two ? ?f hundred. miles south of the. ?fr 1 * border and at Colonia, Dub-, * ? lan, 120 mllea ooutb. ? Mexicans at Carrizal. Ho had' lip}} details though, except through Mc xi- ' can officials at Jaurez. Fuuston transmitted to the war department ( his report from General Boil at SI ! Paso;.1 Bell said the Mexicana said ' the number'of Americans dead IS un known and that thc Americans fired j on General- Gomea'a messenger .and . then attacked. (BaHs report ! - add*: i'An ; American who was* *M4 the train passing 'through Villa Ahornada this afternoon saw ; tho body of a dead , Mexican general being loaded on a train. -Prom tho talk of Mexicans ? hw gathered that* tht?y; had been, in a fight with. American cavalry and the Americans were decoyed by a Mexi can; flag pf truce and then fired on by ; machine guns.- The report says "pur troops engaged the tenth caval ry." Tho, tanti}, cavalry ls a.negro regiment. . ' Attack Follow Kotes. . Tho b*oene of the fight was j?it 90 ?S?e? :5?Uthw?^i. ?i VWa. Ahiui1? mada, ?Mexican' field headquarters in Ndrther.V- Chihuahua*' and- tho ' olaah occurred only . a few hours after i President. Wilson's -6,000 xword note! \ warning 'Carranza that the."gravest; ' .consequences''! would follow an. at tack upon - American troops had - gone forward; ' .: Americans who were engaged are thbught'to have been members ot troops. ?fom tho Tenth . Cavalry, . a negro, -regiment, returning from a'scouting trip to Guzman . The ?Izo o? tho . Mexican force, whose com mander, General Tells Gomez, ' was killed/, ls 'not known, -j >Newa 'of tho battle, was received b? ?JOorOS' carly this afternoon .' ' by GehBTOl 'IPirabdsvO Gonzales, the Car ranza c??vraahder - Of *. -ibo military z?he of tho bordor. For sorao 'rea* Wa; ;^^?ral Gonzales kept: thaatpry a- secireiP-until ; lato vin .tho . aftfcrnOi-tt wiitin an Anioricah. J. C. Hubbt?, re turning to tie border froto the-Inter tor, brought to Bi PksoithO bews that ' ho had scan numbers of tho Mejciopu .^osd^a^hg the i^exlcah Central ra\t* rund. tr?ck?.1 afc V?iayAhtimads, tad had ?been told that thero^ ba/i .been on encounter. Tba firstsStep of. General GOnSai?? after confirming ;lb*> ttetri wu? ft? is sub a^i&tomeot-idaciMg the blame on kU Anzcan cpm5)*hder. Ho charge ed that the Ajnbif^' troops, iired first on tho Mexicans:?ab* that Uielr sUbt? ';Wef?-:??r*n : Wm?ti8k? :-a|^pt?:^lns^4?w: own 'safely. .4^->*-v j G0$?^ ^ntgj -**tr*Vw^l'^^?tid ?fe new?" ?l at??. > "^?jr&i i;"v^Ht?>: s^?ti?itVA^ w#Bfi*S .-v . .. .. -v teil ^.j? i II iii^ui iiuutu?m*-i i .nnm ?OUB PtAQ ASD MY FLAG ' , ;_:-. . i . (Pr ?. Nesbit:) ? , Your Flag and ni y ?"Jag! And oh,' how ! much .? aolas-r Your land and my land-socare wit} In it*:jfold???f This Number Necessary Before I Two Regiments Reedy For Border Serviee ; Columbia. June 2i^Recniiting 'w?sl the big .problem before tho National | Quard of .South Carolina^ lt was es timated ofllccrs that , ap proximately 5000 tuen will be needed ! before.' Ute two regiments ' will "be j ready for service on tho Mexican border: . In ?orne communities trou ble 1B being experienced, in socuring the necessary ..-number '..ol peace. Btrongth. J OiHcors today took, - the position that a war ftrongth bf ISO. men to each company will be requir ed bjsforo tho two regiments aro moved to ;tho Mexican' border. The Columbia Light Infantry, 73 strong 'eft i this morning ? ut 9:10 o'clock for the-.state: camp grouh'da al ' Styx. A general ord?r provides that thc two r?giments, must move on th?'camp Friday and' Saturday . . The general ?taff was busy today j issuing ihe necessary orders for tho; movement -of the tfoopV. Last night j the coatracis for special trains were signed ; by tho adjutant general. ; . j - '^ftrverM hundred ; men were/put ? ib j Work this,morling''placing camp Styx in condition for. <ha' reception!'of .the troops. The several 'necessary build- ' ipl^ s>e-sprlng up Uko mushrooms. -j A new ; water syflicth is /being'.install- ' edi Governor Atajntiing today again uraoa ttia^^sttMwtig bo dono at thc camp fpr .th*. health bf t the men, 7 A recruiting station was opened. in. Columbia this morning to ??burei tuen for the; new, cavalry troops.. ?Tispatch1 ?^ trir?i, Washington, Wl?n4? tt??t th!? ?Bop.. wlli; be aceep?cd if the; nocos stU^.number of : mon; ?.sb-'secured. HS'-''- '--- \ . . Ammunition ^pljfg^^^^ laredo, Texasn Mane ;21.-Carrsr?s? iMUh?rHies.haVe taktf? in charge ap feuoimateljr 17.OOO,?O? : rouMtyot??f t?uaUt?n ?t. V?rlon?rpoinis ,in |i*vj ?ccord?n gio o. refil?e' from;.* pity. ThogoyornmenMaciory ls . |ipH^ of ' ..?prbxin^9ly".'x^ ' r??nfts, dally. isSans' iXour heart anrt ray heart heat;quicker int . the . sight ; Sun-kissed and wind-tossed, rod and bU?o and white, The ono ..Flag-t^tho , great Flog-tho ik'Flag'forme. and; you--; Glorifies all ' elsi beside-tho red and white and Blue! Greenville, June 21.-*-W. %\??|t? tie, vice president and. treasurer of the Parker Cotton mills company and M. 1?. Marchant, treasurer of,the "Vic tor and Monoghan groups'-and ;11 tac tor of the merger corporation, are tho only witnesses, who have ... taken tho Btand In tho hearing ot tho Park er mills caso which; IB now. I? pro gross beforo Circuit: Judge T.:.' J.. Mauldlri, .Groonvlllo, r.! .'Mesara....Beattie ;i?.ndb . Marchont tool: the'etand this morhlng/ Beattie going Into details aa to. the rcorgaphTaUop. pf inlll.o end of nancial situation, declaring that '; the mlll? faced olnbarr?s^meht arid'It'waa almost noce?E'ary "to sell tho :Hanlpf ;'ton group In snrder to reallto' enough ! 'money 'to toke' caro of tho $5,000,009 dollar indebtedness over th^e Parker j mills company. He went laid Hntrt* 'cate d?tails, and aleo Btoutly.- denied j the. charge -that there waa fratid or i any thing "crooked" about the sale.O?] tho . Hampton,^.mills to Lockwood', Gr??nviHe & company*of Boston. Hs said that;neither he nor president M. C. Branch. aUompted-to suppress any information from reaching tho stock holders with reference to tho prdposr ed. ea?o of- tho. mills. '.: ..."Tao 'i??tl??. brought by minority .stockholders,' .attempts to enjoin tho ,'Aalo of the., Hampton mills,, which "-was. authorised,et-'.ai mooting cf the directors, at ll in Greenville;, (J M?. Marchant ?aid that if tho entire ^mediately after Mr Beattie retired and becam? au interested observer of AWES ANXIOUS THAT NOTH ING SHOULD OCCUR TO CUT ?Fj? ; Ol?.; I SUPPLIES . ?rOR^THE FTR??NCH AND! BRITISH NAVIES. (By Associated ; pref8. ) Washington, June ;, 2%,-lt was learned here today that pressure! frona, entonto allies hv. hoing brought Ifrs&T" Os rr?* Vi "*a lo ?????? going to war with tho United StatcB. Tho allies oro said to, bo particularly anxious,that nothing Bhould; ocour to .hut off -oil, supplies : for. tho. French and British navios. - Tho allies also believe Germany, is working on ;carranzrvy/>. bring about th^;VsltU?tl?nr which, would : work to the.dJsadvantH(;o 'ol the 'alll?B.'" They "ornum arjeiita ' haro b&?^K?m idhi; ; : " South ?nd Centrai, America to pro. vent ia? Unltf?' st?tos front '^getting commerce, formerly controlled by Germany.' .'. KX'<^^^^??M^^^ V, yfan pO?'ptod out hero, that thc Jjhited Staten only decline? -to cdn uidor tho immediate' withdrawal., of American troops ?nd cites c?a?Bsb in ^e. Bcott-Qbregoii ugfcement which provide? ' for gradu?t '.^vithdrawi?i. Tiib. nota; also.htbts at ari, intornatibn. al commission, to settle tho "disputo provided under thc treaty, of l848.|' BOYS FLOCK TO THE ' h> COLORS IN ACHANTA Fifth Regiment Pr&ct??ally At Recruiting Strength Now ' ?UanfV 7 fla. ; June 21. -Atlanta boyo ?'?yq been flocking tb the;. city armory sb rapidly Ginee it became known that, the-militia would bo "sent to that the. Mftu*. Regiment Will be brought up to war strength oven before the departure. for Macon. JFf?m ?. o'clock 'yesterday morning, ^yhen th?1 TOO!-w?s balled ?t\ih?/?rV mdry? militiamen ' w?pt'ron^' tot^rn* merit pa^.V-They will ne provided wlthr nt?s?Howahce for meals; but'un til tho yar? sont io th? Macon' en campment probably will ho permitted to sleep, at their homes.' Recruiting was 'greatly stimulated iie announcement of a >? largo ber of firms that they wilthdld the positions . of ; alt K onpioyco io enlist for service in the Mr?m war'or along--:.m&tjrlf?to&vjttoi&rt.. Severa! firma hav? ?rin?, so < far ea - to Announce :that they will payi- 4heir men f?ll es-larles durag ^^cdk io ?navd, <the^m???,ey ;??ping i or ; their ' families;: or 'Iimyi?SiV; m T?TRApE Greece < M*keaAppct? to ' Ml .tn' M+wn?fiiS COOPEir? 1 AND. jEJt?QVEk j RECEIVED, ^fc^?^T^ : j- . (By Steff ^msR?ndorit:'.), ! . Greenville, S.; C^jqnOi.-Rob ert A, .?s?t?VPfflBmrmif?k L? Bleaae were mwe entbualAfl?cfiUy received^ than . any other gubernator ial, candidate ! by th? ? T,2$ soV more rJW?Wera Mn, tho second the county-lb-?ounty f?ffMjmj?i1 ?held here today. Govonj?jir ^nntns? to Bpar^bHrjs^ : y^?^?y; eU?I epoc?h pro?ra?sed than: in -tho ? '? d^nmg- <4t^tfce^.<?n^ speech, o A nieesea?sr.;>bfea3hi ? ;U>f#j&. backet- of flawsM) arid. ?: idlvAr eup to; the etend end <!h ipresent?d the; epeaJker M,,; "County I ^Chairman J. j. McSnoin,. Tho. gov ert thanked . ibo .un?umwnmaWa .with rfestfng. : ??/OtT^ fresh in., their; minden: when_. bleeps 'Ptyppni'toe :-crowd-,'?i?. .toxteth** or cot, jthero wb?ld be ?ny,itipthrg4 to day. /Everything Vpstiqod-' '?'?w'fpi??? tt'oly, ' th??ghi'. 'Aa ?rai <Jf tho ' con- ' didatcs described ?the malting.: it Wa 'T Jtruly .a "tove feast." ' ObatrOporchd..' , ?.dcm&?atS' by ' a. >;?bro^ <tbw?8mftn during B??asCs i ?peech ? roi'". v rolling lldm ( 'te1 account, ' ?jtattar'l?hat not wish tb bo1 Inauitedi : Thia was the-only occasion for a spoaker stop ping, ht* sddresr; io ts] leiths 'eriowd Chief of Police Nee, ,fl.;oe?srg?n?; "and two privates were ?' on t?? ..platform. Reverel?g\.thc ordrr of , ' speaking. > r^#ehviri,iSpait&nhurgJ^ . candidates ? who. spoke dooc .;?hsn sp^ko' first'today;, ind. F. Sw?sr logen with s ^irl?ed addfe's? N pertinent to tho'Wuc4tt?l%:stt?a*toa'' ? In South Carblinit. lils Tcm?rtes A ?#ere'VWoll resolved ? and: he 'w*sv81v-. ' ; en sent? applause. Str.. Sw'e??va ?cn ia ?? unopposed fbi ctute .VaporIn- , tend ont Cf ; ediic?tion. \ Chairman M^Swsto -tyad s, telegram from . Adjutant Gehcrr.rvMoote.^eta* lng that he would; n&^aaWe^.to at ;tepd' the mse?lrig owing because or duties ; In, Columbia\*ibegebt teethe - preparation of the rNi&p^^Gn?r? :1 : .t?r%.-l?or4er^?tt^.:''Jn-.M?s?5?;.- He ts unopposed for this oajco.'.V ; .- Andrnw J., Bellica; .cfc?did&t? for reaction as ?was the nest spoaker.He mbd?i.?ifr ? [ile referenco to hlsgp^^^rJbgjou I