The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 16, 1916, Image 1

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mm^mm?m 11 * f . ' - ] 1 T1 ?. 11 '??.,.",. -, ri 1 T:, _<. NUMBER 143 SINGE HEIMOS BEF?SEI) IR. MFHIIKFIY '.??.Min itali ? ?IE? STRIKE RAILWAY MANAGERS REFUSE REQUEST FOR EIGHT HOUR DAY AND TIME AND HALF OVERTIME-^OVER 400,000 EMPLOYEES INVOLVED (By Associated Prcas.) New York, June 16.-Railroad | managers today, in formed the lu nd s I of four raiIro*,4 employees organi zations that they ..could hot meet j their demands h?ur day| and timo and e hlf for overtime. They proposed rbi trat ion or submls-1 aloa ot tho problem to tho interstate j .commerce commission. A. B . Garrotaon, of the conclue tors organization,. speaking; for the men said the - arbitration .proposal was not acceptable and- tho submission to the Interstate commission imprac tical, a:? the commission Is without authority to act. Ho ?aid 'the rail roads reply will bo reported back to the men'for action. If the men vote in favor of a strike the railroads will bo . formally noti fied Refere a -walkout to-, give them timo td'roconsidor their, 'action. It would take' about five wooka to .com plete tho. vote. Moro than four hundred thousand men aro involved;' (By Associated Press.) . A Gcmi-o cia). Petrograd nows agency saya, .tho Austrians evacuated Czernowltz, bat Vienna asserts tho Ana tri an s ero making a stand north east of the cityv - Tho twelfth day finds the .Russian offensive .iptiil moving with p/tsonefs captured amounting lc> one. hundred and liffy' thousand; Webt of Lutsk, th? Au ;ria;m -are counter-attacking. On the north end of the line Russians have carried .tho German trench at ?Baranovichi,, but wore forced io abandon it. A German infantry attack sou th of .Jivinsk was-repulsed, i . The French routh cf Deadman hill captured/ a. German trench.' .Ger mans ord,, heavily bombarding Port Slouvillo positions northeast of Ver dun. :/\-" JEaet of. Montfalcono, tho Italians tct??itured; an.'. Austrian position and prisoners. HE'S #OT "DEAD.UN" YET Atlanta, Ga., June 15.^-GovornOr Nsf ?>; Harris has once moro madb emphatic denial of the report which had-again gained circulation thal,ho wodld retire from the 'governor's rae?. "Von losy- say for me,", said the governor, "that I am st.lit in the rapo fjid that I am Tunning just .ad] fast as my v--in? will allow, and that, .Ir ?m. a lotjg; :Wny; from winded yet;*? ] The' source from which' some/ bf tbeae. rej^&s ?ro galling dirbiii&iion sa?mh io M . clear to the governor, and he intimated that? with tho con tinuation bf. such reports, ho would pay hlo respectsto th? circulators In tho, near: futuro, - . A we'd known politician, ^'hoi tbr Morsons! rgssqitft ?sk?d that his hame; V? hot ?sod? debared his honest con viction, after trips over tho state. ; that Governor Harris will bo , - elected.1 .This politician is supnortioi another candidate. ?finm lljbp?hp l>.w. j ! ..'trari?h^m'llAt?'W ?nd? i??F?iib?--;,the;farr?^i.-hM:{?ii^t?es''Ja^s ahd ? GfdwwY?f more ?hate toity Ceb? zens^ tho ha^ m, . t^i??,:^3H^i^no9^r . Sulli van's ..-oW^itWf-pyt?? presimmi1 ebd?a today.when1 tho -?linois ;ddle*|?tfi5fl First Complete Photo (of Cabinet St] From left to Hight:-President. WHson? Secretary^ has Daniels, Secretory of Agriculture Houston, Secreta iy cf Slate itobof t er, Postmaster ' General Burlcson,; Secretary of. Interior Franklin D. Lane, Thin. Is-tho first photograph ot tho reconstructed cabinet of j President, ' al Democratic convention at St. Louis will endorse In its platfoni| and hy plete' photograph, of the cabiuet, Robort Lansing haa'tuken Mr. Brynn's'^p lad placo as secretary of war/ond Thomas W. gregory-has taken Mr. McRoynol Great Demonstration.] Br?ales Forth Following Nomination Speech by, Westcott-Old Black Joe, Dixie and Even Tipperary Sung By C*o wd-Wo I men Parade Aisles. (By Associated Press.) St. Louis, June 15.-Wilson and Marshall were nominated by ac. clamation tonight. ; .. .1. Begun at 10:14 O'Clock St. I oms, J?ne 15.-r-N?m?nations for president began at j0:14 o'clock; Alabama yielded to New Jersey. Wescott nominated Wilson. .Wescott finished his speech, at 10:49 and the convention broke into a great demonstration. flashlights were blazed, flags paraded io the front of the stand and bands played "The Star Spangled IBartr^r.'- V A hu?espanner bearing, the likeness of Wilson was un furled from: the roof of ilie hall. Delegates began-the parade bearing state stanchions.. ; [ ..; Durjng.a d?monstration which lasted forty-five minutes, , James I yielded the chair to Hefj?n^ of; Alabama.' . Bands played'pixie^Old Black Joe, and ;even Tipperary. Women delegate^ were among j paraders -in . the aisles.Some suffrage Workers rriounted the plat.' li?t?r.arld?^ strongest "ariti's" in congress. Harmon, of bljio, m?de?the firstseconding speech. Wilson was nominated by- acclamation. Marshall ."was also nominated by,acclamation. ^^^^^^Bt^S?^^SS^?? i Louis Convention Wi? JG. MeA?oo,'Attorney (jenora! T. rV.1 pausing, Secretary ol Labor Wilson, abfl "keretairy jet Commerce Itedfleld Wilson, - oom; ti! nt I nj; tho Democratic hp renomination" hy acclamation o? tl as sccrot?ry? o? state; Newton ,'D. Bd'd place a? attorney general.. ^RES?D?^T MIGHT ~'???f?. ST. LOUIS ?fie Will Not Consent to MocIiR. cation cf. Platform (By Associated Press.) Washington, ; June . 15.-Reports ero .that sOmo of tho loaders In . 8t; . ?puis favored making-President Wll m's Americanism', plank loss ..epeci c in its denunciation of tho activl vc3 of foreign . bom citizens . lcd to declaration by ?offloialB" that Wilson kvlll not consent'.tp .suoh a tnodifloa Blon. It wan said ilt ibo; White ?louse : that President Wilson ls so ?tTongly ?in favor-Of hiakiUB a clear ?ut issuo that if persistent, opposi on, developed be i^ ask the ,con ention to remain ,?n session until tic oca to St. Louis 'and makes- p'oiLr*'" l appeals . FILLMA?* ??ous FOR TRIP IN Am Jenator "Would IVIako ; Hight Wn^I^Wt?biact If Washing!'.> ?, Juno 15-Senator Tjll-?. inn wan tv, lake a trip in a flying ?achino.-:/. *oast? ho says ho is will-1 13g on cot. . Alon-he can find ono thnt y s?fe, "and if Mrs. TUIman oWt liage loo much .?..'?objection." The ihaii-mnn ot. tho senate committee on xyk\ affairs -. was . in!-, earnest'- when ho fexMTOsed his, 'desire to fly-rand if io gots a good chance he intends to *ko lt. Mrs. Tillman walked into hi* .?f tre >esterdp.y a?tcrr?oon ju t iris the iohatoT "had finished'.telling bf ; h's iri-plirationB,; When also. ?ertr?ed^whi?t ( hail asia, ?die- expressed her din irtprbval- ut once, und ?ito .subject was not pursued ? further. i-.^M ^Senator Tiilhsau had boon to ' the yard inspecting a triode! ot'ri snpc?ln" that ia bel?g planned foi K.'jtihe .of/the^tJiiited States^ Tho staid o'.'; is^dosiirhed tn '-HJ* ah lm . pverrieht over/wmilar airships ? ns&l ?y;?Srmany. Tfre ship ? ha? >not ytjt lioun completed. Whew it lt; rertdy it tfximlac* to hri% aifou^' a roVolutlen ?h Mi? aircraft equipment of tho tJn# fd;States. . :-, -$Mf? .'$ehator Tillmajtjvisvin :fa*or of the {felted st?t?t.'^^.i';?^u'ipi^..-i^ra ?lv?r nsslBtance;>?p;i,&?-*rmr,'?fl['d\- navy, ind wm - 'givot:?i^^MevaM^n%i' ^t?ia-br?tich?fc$ib?service, whc?.nis cortimittG? considers, Ahe naval, bli). Ttl* cmW b?s^ ?rb'showing the:, ns hit strength' .'" 5 nations of tue world; The charts, ?ta ^vo ; from . *J?o ~ idesjar^ment: ^ r^?bdiistffifysfcrp coritiS? itdgu 'flee?siv^:^e^o t??^el^'ro' t^the. r?latr^slses, arid *ri&$ Gregory, Secretary of Kory JoHep Secretary of War Newton I): - link. administration, which thc Nation io president. Sinco the last com Dakcr has taken Mr. Garrison's ? 4> ****+*******?+*<?#+4* ** Iii ? PRESIDENT APPROVES 14 ? THE NEW NATIONAL . 'if, '* DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE * + ... - '> ??. . ? . (By Associated.Pre?!?.) * : St. Louis, June in. -Word Pf + .was r? col vwd f ro?a' Washing- \4 ? ton today that tho election of -4 O tho following officers of the ?? ? now demooratjc national com- ?'.?.. ? ndttce Would bo agreeable to '?. ? President Wilson, . '.' ; ??t ? Vaneo McCormick, Penneyl-'.5f ? venia? chairman; . Womer ^ Cummings;'' Cdnttcctlcutt, vico .'.'f .=? chairman;- Representativo -4 V'-'Carter'Glass, Virginia, ?core ?fr tary; W. W. Marah, iow?i )<. treasurer; Prod B. Lynch, m ;. Minnesota, chairman of tho f 4? oxocutlve. committee, p ? The now committee may :f ? moot, for organisation, tomor- .. f ? row. : : . .4 ? * fr*?e****4^?4>*4>?4>*4-,? '.'fr-''i ' . '" ? 1 " ? " " " *.. .i ?- -I ?.'.'! 4 United P?tiy Sf. Louis Tallt Great Commoner b Callad on Ta . Speak and Crowd ;Hotrls^ Hearty Approval *'1-^ .,."?. ' , . . V^-'fi Sty Associated Prs*?-) St. Louis. Juno - SB.-Bhortly aftei 9:15 o'clock tonight the national convention reconvened with the avowed Intention of remaining -tn session until Wilson ' ad ^renell were omihated,. Senator Thompson of Kansas, roofed a. s?opcnsi?n '.ol; allow Bryan to speak. Sen alor Jamo? Introduced Bryan .aa AmeHca^: greatest democrat, and thc .foaiicries howled nt>provat. ; Th? crowd waa ?o great-that tho i polled had .to tako charge?.nt, tho cut ra nco to keep frick tho crutfhv Bry?n began by .dootaning . every democratic con-' vention a "love feast." Ho said: "tye l??horo .to ?prepare.. plans for the fd'* tur? and submit/?ur ct?ima.tQr'.ccottr fid?ricc to the people. Whatever differences ui?y '. have' existed ; tem ^r? wo begin tho 1?16 fight a defied. party Inrr??ry .stale. -You jjbay take ovory administration, iv the bifitory> ofthe Cn Hod States end jiydti iylll find, nono which I? responsible fdr as mahy':. things of great Inippr tahec to tho people as the present administration." ' Brynn, spoke :??i?$ five minutes. ?'? j^Bms^S^ ??&?hy.lf*uera,; Including i^sa Murphy, abd 1 Norman Muck o* New y?pk, were marooned outside )>?o hall dud had to )>?. brought ?dn by reabipi parties. Po? Royal, S. ; C., June lS.^Af ter. tontl^av wisaks of. mUllnry train lh'ihb.''opeh..a.'4^hiippj^'o^ reordlts of tho rilli?fr?i>'i ftrr?ntft* aep?t here, Indre* jliirig.' o?owor,- f?om 2(^4Mr#?? "al^tf?* peu?rts-r-an \0?f?fa0 ; '^Hr?ttfiir.. ? ? 'werc/:?^e,^It?>i3*vj K?ffo?'i , meter"; ?rh^^n^l? W&iNeltt?^^ m h ? .^^^?anaa-> p?ll?d^by^HeacU^, " group of tho body? THREE TROOPERS OF 14TH CAVALRY KILLED WHEN BANDITS RAID CAMP-NO WITHDRAWAL UN"! IL CAR. RAN2? CAN HANDLE SYW. UATiON . (By Associated Prece.) Washington, Juno 15.-soorotary | Lansing's draft ot tho noto' to Car rnnra which will refuse dcmendB fpr tho withdrawal of American, troops wan laid before President Wilson to day. At thc samo timo tho war. de partment recolved nows of tho ban dit raid on the. camp of tho fourteenth | cavalry nt San Ygnaclo, Texas, In J Which three troopors wero killed. Whllo tlio punitive stops will bo| loft to tho discretion of border com manders, the ' attack ' was immediate-1 ly' called to carranzra'? attention. It was understood tho refusal to! w it lui raw troops -would be predicted on the San Vgnacio raid as Indicat ing Carranza Is still unable to copo) with tho border situation. The reply may go forward tohMn* | m? . pH ****** ****** ***** *4 I* ****** ***************< The speech of Hon. John W? Wes** ] I cote . ot -'New Jersey, nominating Woodrow WdlBprt fdr' jircsldont is ?given in full na follows; Prpphecy ls. fulfilled'. Tho eternal verities ?f righteousness have pre vailed. . Undismayed by tho calami ties of . war, unmoved by eltuperatton and Vain declamation, holding to tho pure altar ot truth, tho schoolmaster i AS RESULT LATEST; RAID MANY MEXICANS, HEADED CARRANZA CONSUL! GAR. C?A, ALEE imo MEXICO) FOR SAFETY^ITIZENS AROUSED ? (By Associated Pf?Sa.) Laredo, Judo ir?.-An the r??olt oralie raid on tho fourtoeathiaydlry camp ?t San Ignacio, southeast ' ot here last night, In which three troop on? were killed, . Carranza. OodsnJ Garcia han gone across tho border for eafoty, followingthoi ?x?mpl?i; PJ? tho American consul Garrett at Neu ro Laredo, who /rcofltitly came here. , Citizens tonight escorted t* * ^..edjtor of a Mexican paper here tor*ne bor dor with plBtois and many .Mexicans in Nouvo-Lsreda. hava gone south. Reports from Brownsville cay a tl io-1 sa nd Carranza troops, iroc?tttljr concentrated, uro somewhere couth of Sap ignacio and it the American cavalry invado Mexico1 thero may-ba a clash. : !'/ tlon not production. War curtaUa International trade. tyar / depreeaes industrial energy. Wben\ tko Euro pean cataclysm struck'the world, mora torin, toll- Uko ft blight upon marty bf the nouerai uatfaUB/ but not upon tho United State?. < Thora stands the astounding phe? hpnienon ? bf. .5American . prosperity. ?lui .i" III 11 iW ? II . ii -mi. I i ?ni tl ??>? .II i.nt., ? ' l-lW&tft?^ ? Thc Euclid of ; financial-, thebry. worked to *. de* nflsTTkr riM r*B? Fyi*' 1. ?' .-: ".L JA . A?.VJ 3io lotie cerni? re 'of- lh*?l?B&''w doshinA- ?vea upert foreign free ".to:,fat^dlt."#em.. :.*t*ydjH - co)?n^reiavv.^very?y.r?.. m t?#r*rbr?di '.'r.wtta