The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 15, 1916, Image 1

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V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 ., ' i Former Governor Glynn Gets Series Of Ovations Coliseum at St. Louis, Pack With Thousands, Hears Temporary Chairman, Eulogize Wilson-Dele gates Pass Through "Golden Lane" of Suffragists Enroule to Convention H??L "....?, ,,. " 111_ ' i* ? (By Associated Press.) St. Louis, Jupe 14.*--The ^ , today here, in the keynote of americanism, peace, preparedness and prosperity, sounded by former Governor Martin H. Glynn, of New v York, temporary/chairman,^registered its approval of Wilson's con duct of foreign affairs by a series of demonstrations. A sixteen I minute dempnstr?tion marked Glynn's prediction of Wilson's r? j election, and shorter ones pere sprinkled throughout its course. _ puring his speech Glynn was constantly interrupted by cheerjftg ? and appl?use, especially during his recital bf Wjson's effort to keep" peace. When he gave the list of Presidents whd had adjusted threatening foreign situations without a resort to arms, the delegates caught the spirit of argument As he referred to each particular j President some delegate would call ''what did he do." Glynn would invariably, reply: "he settled trouble by negotiation. Bryan was presentas ? newspaper correspondent and wept as thc ; speaker pictured victories of peace, j Glynn declared Wilson had \ fac.e4 tnofe crucialproblems than any President since the war between j the states and sa jd the issue fo the ^aii?pai?it is t?'be whether the course i the coiintry has pursued will be contin?iU^^^ Je^er issue, lie - I The coliseum, holding twelve thousand persons, was practically filled despite the high temperature. On the way to the convention delis-.. I gates passed through a "golden lane" of suffragists dressed in white with yellow sashes and yellow-faced parasols. (By Associated Press.), ..Viii . St. Louis, Julie 14.-president Wilson's 'A?er?c?niam plank waa telegraphed hero tonight, but was not considered aa the r?Blutiore commit tee ^v^s ^.Ul.enga^ with public ; hearings?; ;itiv other declarations in tended '?8 planks. Tho wording of thia plank, which will . probably ?irov?' tho sensation of tho. platform ? will bo carefully made so na to* cauuo no future embarrassment. Main tea-. ture? of tho platform were agreed: up* on aa follows: No specific mention of Mexico; tho ' Moxican Situation hoing treated Ja-h plank, outlining tho relation? of .th? United States' to' other governments and etresklngMbo right of each nation to regulato ita, internal affaira. A , ; declaration for'tte protection ot the right of Americans at homo ' ?nd DISABLED SOIJ3I??RS PUT Oihr ArtMY ROLLS y.V X Germa? Ministry WiU Send .'Vn ?\ (By ?BBOc?at^l. Press.) Beti.'?,- Jtino ll .-In . compllanca with requests from , ?ll over ^rilas"^ ? :*i?j?war ministry ha? docteed thai ??id??fs wiiT> have booit injured. io : th? ?jct?iit ; that tiley^ro: no longer fit * ?or^ml?H?rjr-a?rvi^eha?l?beia? speed* army. roll?.. * /????? AU branches of ^hc/s?ifvi?? ; are CellSd : todH ; to hii?t?h sb, far w ?ible.:t|ibl#rkvOf ^??e^?ilhg;.?^!: m?h dre >?nn1i|P?rilier*$tf ice, ?hd * i. .Be:adtiHaH?t^-ar?;ib^e^#?t th? ?' loss ot. m?liiary??^ V -vj- fi!?rtt%?!l ?&!1im!l#-:mfrM?b???? ? I*** ;f??Ur?d^tttt'^r?o^oy^f>? the r?l?a^ t?i?? ^"?^a^mi? humber /'ot- m^^bo ^peraaps : M? lohg^c^n ?ighA Mt cah ^/ork.^ . . ': ?ii;^li^^r<^lsvltiv^tion fc*a j>*??*tl . : ijbp*itar -:hat p ali the r.ow*r " **** ffi"^^^ 0 ST. mu?s abroad; in defense of American neu trality the platform will hold the Question involving not Ufo, b?t only 1 proporty .can ??>> settled by Indemnity after tho passions of war subsided. A' permanent poaoo. tribunal, ad vo cat ed, how far the" . platform ref loot President 'Wilson's declarations bf .willingness ot tho United States r to Join* a world league' .to enforce peaco not d?ternim?d. ' 'Ueclaratlons for an effective army and navy and , ampio r?serve' force} cbtlplcd with this the * pronouncement agdlnst, wars, and territorial ..aggresaloh." Declarations fo'ir an ;bight*hfcdr xday. and civil ser vice p?tiBlons., 'Ono plank wlli deal ; with 'ohild ??bor. : Several deal with I tho administr?t lon'u '.'. achievements, 1fedora! reserve: law, trade, comm ta bl?n, act, shipping bill,, tariff 'commia ? ?sion.and rural credits bills. ?FRENCH ?S?C TAKES' '/< fLACE GERMAN Aim 'AifraHgfi?i^t;i^?d?;^fVah Bircfctor . Of Pnrcs Opera ':;'-A. i^.(By ^/AB?0{^^?ilfd :; Prods'. ) .. V ; .' ..' I i.W^?i ? Jua? 14 .--Aa ?jr??igement K?s ittht l'?on concluded beiweoh II. Che?si,, director of. tho Oper?, CdAti n?o abd btlo *A - th<i icu?lhg hallar publishers and tho director et " th* Scala ?hoatro in Milan, th? Ooaiahjfj theatre- in ?vbt??jihd^t?? i^l?ht'f?l I Juanes TA'lroa, whereby ; Frcncli nuts '$kti&h>aattieaB/aratotake the pl?& nith?rti> ailbt?ed.tb O?nn?n ?hd ?m trian prodhcTdoali. :\Thin wlli^apn? . #:th?-lW?nc^''Ope.r^ it I tW?&MlbrpHiBtB, who -will be com' .,^.Br:i5a?\*oel?if^t .;-?rikiiiki^^tv-'<tht Ob?ra Comira : }fr?\l pt?eu?? tltftl?*! , .j^ks^avenvi-^avv^i^lfwtev that . -l?hm ? M\&$-^t&$^W\*b -, fa; -M^;?8isn- llt?i? ifteftrdio?v ?trlfilfle) b their own ; co??tr>,, will ? vb?^^twiwui . to th? Parisian .*ttMlc;: .??Wm :&it% ; 'aanct-Mi'pbin^^ ???^myJ^?i^li^''''M^'t^: to . ta. I '?rif?'ii?gt??a?,>?MM I compbsfete sud librettists. . - . A '. . . v . ' 4 i WI ' Slight Breaking of Muscles Around Fractured Rib Is Giving Roosevelt Trouble (By Associated Press.) N?wi.York? June 14.-Roosevelt un [ derwent an examination today ! for what iho characterized as a "pos sibly j slight breaking of tho . mus cles" around a rib, which had boen j broken ^when" thrown "from a hors? ? May ?ittfj.lOl??. ; Fears, that ho sUf fored.o heatt attack woro set at rest j ? tonight, .when ho received ,nowppape? 1 mon. .' Ho said ho caught a ' severe ] Lcoid/Uh> tho West. Indies ; and had ?'been, subject", to coughing spoils.. Ho wili remain hore until the result of t^a^?S^B?y ' 1? ' known, and also con fer with' progressive leaders. I Arraigns Itafeitts ; Seeking to ; Eta?, barraseWilson ?c^Unstr?'' j tit?n tni ?or?ig? neg? (rations . (?yAssociated Pces.^ ). Y-Washington. - Jubo vii-'-^arrylttg, homo- ideas ho expressed In., ibo flag-d?y T speech, . aPiirtivod. .by : Pros!? d*et Wilson, ffao ?pl?uk ;on "Amortcad-; ism v/^cbnti^ete^^nljihi? .a#H"i; is-. irshdy, ?pk s?bt?tlssmhvtt?L tho conven*' tiena ' rebutions cbmn>l^.':-;^i?i^J rj?gua^?^4bh? .s?eklo? io ^em??r??a| Ibo govrentu?nt in foreign no^ofla tlphs^ endf'obr.lcm^?.ahy .{IdiPjcdl par ty wK^h^mbJ?iries Ha. bol|hy"f?r;ta?? of. p$iu??l^?^ Probld'c?l :W4kpn?j^t?nns ta tfghv forego Mm Amaric?nS; ^wltd :?j?p?ao ?ipi ferr h?? foreign, ^Hcy:,;' , . ., ii a?db>3kt?inaag. ? J?iry tr>^^^ for t'h?-ai?rder two wi-ek?}<afeo-of -W?j ham" .Waller.'-' aHmt^?iti?ytfun'?"V^#?-$ , ?rV .-t0?^d^N6?U^:-'?gd^;ioday- eh^ljif-. ^a? ?chteh??d^toiha^-^?ly-^i'' . . MeC?imngtt Aftas-anee? .fi Granville.-- ?nho -lt ; -Jos .v>A..->. He4 'jQiBUra^iv^?fV:^??>:-A. ;'in*mper^-*w?; ,Od^jr}l.lei?>?t)ty v ?egis'Juwni/d?le^ tw^lla^ ^'^e'^n^-for. T&-p&&it?$i ?n- thte'art-1^V?dmm?ri' Tho Coliseum in St. Louis. FOREIi IN FLAG DAY 'ADDRESS AT j * WASHINGTON PRESIDENT: .FLAYS ,BU?i^a:^#?? T? LEVY POLITICAL BLACKMAIL AND UNDER MINE AMERICAN GOVERN; . MENT (By Associated; Press. ) Washington, June 14.--A charge ! itha't. ? foreign born citizens of tho j "United States aro trying to levy poli tical blackmail and undermine thc influenco of tho government, woro made, by President -Wilson in hisii?iagr day^'; speech today . Ills assortions sounded tito keynote 'ot ono of .fore? most Issues . tb. bc stressed when ho, and indicated tho platform declaration tb bo sub mitted to tho St. Louis convention by tho ; administration. . lief oro tho crowd at tito baso of :4^m^tgl?n '. monument President Wilson said: .'"There ls disloyalty atV tlvc in ? lite Unltod. ; States and it inna t, bo. ab?blutoly ^irtrshbd. it protocds-from. a small minority, but .ls'., an active ; and subtle minority., lt wbrka - undor ground ' but shows ils dgly.' h'?ftd -where .' wo . c?n ace it. Thorb are < thohe this : Vonicdt ,?vlio aro tfyinK tb' levy.;?;:$$exilea of fr?tl ii??t- binckmoil/ t?aythg, 'fdo what wo wish'lui, Inlorcst of ibo" foreign senti ment or wo will wreck our verigbnee ... ?,rcs?d*nti 'Wilson ??dod;^VThat.'-ifl the ko?\. ot:Ihhi? *??t wb'sb tho American. nation wt j) turn > l*h a m?P;tS.of- ?entimtol;~Whlcb .will teach these gentlemen bribe for rall timi iby-. ?l^ifiici4BeVil'4t test o? tdijivneo in the - ???tedl SUttsamBH^^^v.y 'pfr ' ilia;?i>xbjranccs^we^takoi^as-ehal lei|iro'::?a'. '(th**t;f&ri?tiif%?.N?}6ru Americans ' ^oct;. ?# learned ?.?rc.. opposing him :vThe^lreildoh't spdfct?the entire dsy #.?','f?d^.oeli*rltii?n; fewrealdr id prerVaf?dd?b?j \ p?tttflc arid rW?|s ^f?t?and .spoakirijj- later. ' Moro iH-tn fifty. thou'aanil m?r?itod. .'. . ', Credit IteHt^ Mwnu. I .^rechviilo,, Juno/ ?f^'he.,' merc&v tHiei^r ^ . irig|ahd ^pprofcd i to . :4$?^X$?oJnf?ttiigV .-?^i^ureBu:i ih ;t5re^nvii?? 'as has^h?W?Jtfat??M tor ! .sbttl?tt?i|t*Y.v- THfc/^blishradht ..of |.mfc???^?ret^ dir?the attitude .dr a<n^?orriy ,of : the merchants. . ! Will Be Renominated. AS HE LEFT COURT AGAIN ARRESTED Syrian "Slaver" Released On D__ J . ' _?li Greenville, Juno 14.-Ed. Knr.ek ley,' a, young Syrlau who, has been In Jail, for several v/eckB under a charge of . violating' ibo Mann wh?io slave act,, was brought .ato 'federal court this morning. Therre was a wan ?nd pathetic look about him,' and ho complained to a group . that gathered oUtsido of ?tito ?ickening sameness bf his confinement in Jail. Ile- had been eick and, with hie. attorney, ? ho was appearing for h|s releas? en bond. At tho request of H. P. Bur hagev ' Judge Johnson had '. reduced tho bond from SI,OOO to $600. After, tho boud was signed by W. M. McCain of Greenville ond tho ne cessary papers had'been approved of in Clerk of. Court J. B. KnighVu tft fico, Kntickloy prepared' to leavo tho room. As ho stopped into tho;hnllway ho faced Deputy Sheriff George King/ who was. waiting to arrest him on a warrant charging adultery. The war rant had boon previously, ,nworn out by Deputy. Sheriff Capoll and ? had boon withhold bcndliig/dovclopmonta in thc white eldvo cako, ' Ujidn this proceeding Knuckloy and dp officer and. tho attorney wentjidi in'idiatoly to the bilko of Magistrate j V.L. Boliorigbr; ?T?tere ?tt?rn?y| #bjr liago arranged for.berni for his client in tho sun?, of $200, Tait* WY ,'?S? Mc Cain aiad sighed. Annio Axer,'tho: yb?ng-.Syrl?n .wo man who*-wai- tM)Ubd :?'.'. dver ; ' with j^ttcMoy oakthe ''?hito aiaV?^ cpirib wkWiokeh frnm Greenville tb . ChaV lo^ .^eHm^sy hy hof ;t?uib.r,..( who C?^td/ h?r?v lh conseaueccV of ?itfp ,r&*. y#t-tft?t; his dichter htt/faitfti^b?^n anrosted cn ; a Btato^wnrraati^?.^:-e?* i'^jk^^leaacd1. -?Uh" jibe provW^'that ?Si^??ve '4 brt&J v?i.l?;,,,; sb? carried OF Tr?E SE?' MSNES Hot?err?(tni,,riethi)rlabd8^ June 14. >A w?ck'si ivo/ogo ro?tid Scotland, usu I^B^??ndAl?ja ;' fctra?ge way ?ot t?ttlnt frdm-; ?totterd?m ,to Lond?ri, yet tl ' .ia^one-iot'abe- latest imUrt?t . dont quences of ibo war. {Ia$e?^ih face the .'dangers : ol-the] mine -itk tho'?.rotterdam Lloyd' h*s docldfed fUtnr^?fo.fsehd alu?aVlJ^^d? mailnhfps;'ddevto e?U at|?t?hdon. ! thi?^ c?tcnfttnis route, iaat?ad af/ the 'direct eight hot?r|^'p?Sst?e to aaoso;-tit-?pe -, ns ? BRYAN'S PLANK ? ? ' .- .. ? ? St. Louis, Juno 14.-Sam- m + uel A. King, of Ulah, tdd the ? ? resolutions , com mit too to- ? 'I' night that Bryan wasr asked . <f> if ho hod any planks, and bo .:> ? replied:' '"X have Jno planks, ?* + but ono, that, ta the proal- ? <*> dont'B. I'll go. before tho poo- . + plo in , hw'behalf on. your re- ? .5? port." . ? Committee From This State Have j Dalies Set Out-~Marming Waa Elects Chairman ? ? ~- ' (Special to The Intelligencer.) Columbio, S. C., June i*..-Com mittee agslgmueuts of tho South 'Car-1 olina delegation, in tho national de mocratic conven li on ot St. Louis] were contained In n telegram receiv ed tonight at tho governor's .-office. The delegation meeting in St:' Louis elected Governor Manning. as[ chairman. The- following are tho committee.] assl gnmects : Committee on pl at form, E. D. Smith; committee on rules. Trl?iram T. Jlydo; cbmralttoo ?nj '.credential's, ;W:.: P. > Pollock; com mittee on permanent . organization. L., D. Jennings'.- W. P. Pollock "waa named to second tho nomination. Ot President Wlloon. Bright William son waa nambd as? a member. ot the commlttob to notify President 'Wllf. son of biff nomination. John . P. Thomas, Jr., of Columbia^, was aasir ed as a member of the Committee td j notify the vico president. CHINESE STUDENTS IN JAPAN RECAIXE1 Go vc itancnl Uac&e to > Pay For Their Sclmoliag (By AsBOclalid Presa.) . Peking, Juna 14; -Because of fi nancial .-stringency, China im a .beeb compelled to-recall from Japan about 2,000 students whom/the Chinese gov ern thant was maintaining thorn in vi-: rlous achoolB,: f?overal.months - .ago those students . began .. com pl alni us that. thfir .allewaticeb :.weira,*Mtf??n pr ehtirely cut off. They protested v d.the Chihf>5? miniat?r in Tokio, who vlojiotintcd fund* to bring manyvf)* tho students China. The** Va? tbtne'.doubt in-'Chili* as td tho advisability ? ot- having t thelatudisaW jotumod. r??m Japan at a thae; .tfheh the pollUcal b?rtditioh? aro ed i unset tled: rWost bf tho student*VAr* -t&r, lidrnhcod-thinkers, wholly with ; tbs : hibu*?Wb?lf>?y?v mont and other off or? s to avoid the oi?derot^?on.o^Cbtt?. i* . .. v, ;;-?C^?e^vi'll^ . E. ;U?W?H#?? w^?t??da*8daV r&appoititcd - a>m?mb?F?oif ita* '-etat? board of eiaminferii of cuibeJWFira, ac-; cording to- dl?^tchca - received from! Columbia. :? ? :! .iV'Mr. ? Catfls??'i.?authW& A', y J> Cadibeh, > form*?^'^. ???sr^.bdi now bf 0^hJreht?f#'% . ;5frT: '? -'t^?t?ea grao^t*d7at-?Vvotferd college.- this ye?r. FIERCE ONSLAUGHT G1VFS OFFENSE ANOTHER 20 MILE GAIN, WITH CAPTURE OF THOUSANDS OF PRISO NERS AND MACHINE GUNS (By Asdocl&tod PrOBS.) The Ruanlans advancing on . Czor;*, sained twenty, miles, accprd Ing to tho latest Russian cillerai .statement, vllaving , piwto-ut?iy, crossed tho Dnoi?ter river they haye gained tho left bank of thy Prnth river, capturing tho town of Snia thyn, twenty m\Ua trot?i thc capital * ot Bukowina. Nowhere on tho front from Prlpqt IrlVer through Galicia to the Bcssarablan frontier has th?ra been any cessation of the Russian df ??nslvb. Petrograd says the Teutons were driven back all along.' in the eleven days drive the Rus sians captured moro than one hun dred and twenty-one thousand pris* ' on ern, one hundred abd thirty gdna end two hundred and oisty machine guns. Beriln says .the, Russian At* ?.>. tack on the north German lina trna repulsed. Intermittent ? bombardments ,f con tinue at Verdun. Canadians continue to hold trench es recently taken from Germana around Ypres. Rome announces the TO pulse ot rta * int ; Austrian attacks on the Poslri..^ r rant. Tho German auxiliary . cruiser? Horzmann hnr< hoon, riunk tn-the Bal* t?o by Russian1 d-^raye^raccbrding to Bsjrlln. . Ai neutral rbpmt *?pt-:<?>? twelve German mercbahtm?n hud Gennan destroyers Wore also.sunk. it is anticipated tn London thai Lloyd-George takes . Kitchener's place and remains the head ot mun itions as well. ?Mj??i ? ; ; ? ' -/Wi. i-f}-., .-tb - ' " Temporary O?tfsr . df Restraint Issued Against D??wea! Of . :j. ' Hampton C?nccrna ?? . Columbia, Juno t-1-Alleging; in %? complaint in placed .??v?r? ,in tia ort tlcisms, that the sa??. bf, the. .Hampton Cotton mills company properties to Lockwood,' Greeeu & Co.,^of Boston W^$2,650,0C0, aa euthorisod / Ot tho Parker Mills' company stockholder^ meeting May ll, last, would t?i;de- , .raictive of-.the interests ot tho hold era of common and ?ref?rred stech. William H. Ros? of Cbt?mhla, Rich ard t>. Lee bf Sumter and! Alex E. Rt?g of Columbia h?ve^?titred? -ironi justico R. C. , Watta of the j ?bntft ;, Callina ?upremo ct?ji?t.1 ?v'Httlo t? hbbw-Chuno why tho eal??.should not he:enjoined and a tembbrary injttuc tlon against tho> pending tho final hearing. The rule, keturnablo -hsfore Circuit ?bag? T. J. MauUUtt at Pievens J*tne 20 next is directed aghihst: the Par? ter Cotton Milla cbrap#hy? the Stamp ton Colba Mills fennpahy, M. c. Biaueb? pr?si??nt of. th^^rker com? .m^r^P^?^-V e?^tU^\<jr)??*urar : of . ?nd ; hceat?rer - ot tba ."?lla^ptdn, coo*- ,-: p?d>; iTh?mas,,F.V Parked v,T. - V|- . '' .>/' Frost,. M. L. Isar?hfotri T*^T ^ the Parker ?V'ea'rpo*a?y^?.Kart^ ?ohsbany; ^ m?^^^ ^^ .