The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 07, 1916, Image 1

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V. ..".V-.Xy,"'- V^!"??! '..WVK.;?. .-. ?. . - --.V v;..v.,. ?.'>.. ? : . > , IVvX-v-i : . ". 1 !. J "^VII?^||B^^L?T" .-' "Li" . > '' ''? '??/%."'$? v: tf4*%Mk? % v/kt?t ^$#fsSPi VOLUR1S5?L ANDERSON, S? G*? THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1,1916 131 Cruiser Hampshire Victir do near Orkney Island? News' of Tr?gedy Send -King George Confer? .. . ! . .' . (By Associated London, June 6.-~-King Georg held a conference with Premier / the death of Kitchener and his staf rruiser Hampshire off WestOrkei council was held and while a succ nothing definite was decided. David Lloyd George, Lord Derh : of the imperial staff were nientibne ship of war. There were no further reports : .Hampshire and nothing definite j torpedo or mine; The tragedy occ was not known outside official qui ? j land. rVJemorial. services will be , No Survivors. London, June 0.-Admiral Jolllco. commander of 'the . British Grand fleet . reports the cruiser Hampshlro il^ith' Kitchener, war minister, arid his siaff :' aboard lost off. tho .West Orkneys, and aayo vt?Are m'lHtle?hpp? ?or.V?ny sur vlvora. Lord Kitchener was on his way to Russia.- .? " . Four - boats . werovaeon to lea** .tn* 1 Hanipshlro. Only one capsized boat andV some bodies'were found. Tnefe HUB 'been ho recent'reports of Kitchener's movements. He was . lust mentioned in a cable dispatch on i Friday when he . went tb Westminster Palace to be questioned by members of the house ot. commons who were ' dissatisfied 'with tho conduct bf the war. No Intimation-was given that he intended to leave England. . ; Orkney .island*;. bff which tho [. Hampshire sunk are off . tba north Coast of-Scotland. Tho Hampshire \.,was. on nor woy Into, the Atlantic around northern end of tho Scandl*! avian, peninsula Into tho White' Sea Kitchener : probably Intended to de bark at Archangel. . Tho Hampshire wac - ; one of ' the Devonshire, class of BIX cr?lsera.'?nd j was built in leos"; normally carried ] 655 mon; displaced 10,859 toni; 450 feet long; armament Tour T.5 inch \ guns; BlxO-ioch; 2 twelve poun I; .r.?'? 4 '.23'vpouri^vffUBs'^end'.' (two torpedo tunesi coat $4,250,000. lt bad bebri ' uBedr aa'? scout; h,6at" ahd ,for barry c" lng) Officials .iOnvv^rlous-vriilssioq' too told i tb take* ai placo in ;iho tigh>. lng, Une. ;V When tho " war : hogan it ; was in the fir east abd vwaa r?-. ported -"worsted- la a'fight' with tho Gormans'*i tho. South' China Sen. ' . -?Vyfto? Probable; Safgaawr.. Whew nows -of tho nlnkiri% of the cruiser Hampshire with Lord Kitchener, and- staff waa received herc V ) a ?taee?ng bf/trio 'British war ?orine!! - waa Immediately called. Sir William Fobertson ot iiilp?rt?l staff,* who . will probably become head ot .tho war cf . flee; Slr Edward Groy, .foreign sec retary; ^egnwd'''t?'cKcriri?,- chancel lor-, ot exchequer; David Lloyd . w- . George; munitions minister wore pre seritj^pS^" ' - \ '<...:. -"'' . Ncw^paperA reporters at. war ogteo, . - wtio had nbt bewil ibo news rogaruing Kitchener . aim??uc.c? . that, hohhot Karl Kitcho"*? ' ?or 'Premier Asquith > waa present*. ^ i Admiral JoHl?o's Report. jellicoe report tb; U admliriUy fol? Iowa: ?i have to report vwtth 'deep ; regret that His. -Ma?ssiy's ; Ham pBhlre, ?frVMtffi**mst J. SavUi. .. h K.;{N., wlth Lord KH^er and atafl \ al)bard ^riW^kriw^^W^^ v':';.r. p. m.; on/tho^we?t-'.?t^..^rkrfeyS: hy raino or torpeddV - ..Four boats aeeftl^ :: ..^.enoW** '.le#Vb; tho ship.; -The wind ? . i> W?s hortriwest ? rieavy i$&m . were running ^l^^fV^ . ^deatrtfl? ..-.% ..? r^?->w ??nt ijlon?? tno coas! ? ^toX?eaKjli.:: aot'.??fty"' aotta-J??f?? . arid capsized boato; have;.Jteentfohnd-up tr jj l^lUtte-hopo ''??'.V?'-;^SS^oort. 'riba yet:;*^\. ir?ceivei .' item . searchingr.P^?M??S???^ M. '^e ^mP^?^ ^?^ ; thepfpy ^.?tu^^-'v- -.' V' Xt'.'~l*?t V.e?'.vnv-;. ' ' i Mr. .'.Theo-Fant' baa -r^uro^ tn t3fce^ty*?&^^ a of Either Mine or Torpe . and all aboard are Lost 6 Shock ihr ougSi England i with Premier Asquith. Press.) ' ' jj.f s came from Windsor today and Squitb after receiving the news' of ? t through the sinking of the British ty Islands. A meeting of the war ?ssor to Kitchener was discussed s'<*^i5?..''U ? .*' - * ' l, y and Sir William Robertson, chiei J d in, connection with the secretary tonight on the sinking of the o show whether she'was hit by a asioned; greater surprise because it triers that Kitchener had left Eng-1 held at St. Paul's. sap l FLORIDA WON'T RE-ELECT BRYANI Governor TfcfsjmmeH "jbea#ng li ? ______ . . In - i ^(By. Aasocloted. Brew. )- ^"?4.. Tampa, Fla;, June 6'.- Scattered returns from 'Florida's statewide prl I mary tonight Indicated the defeat of Senator Bryant Governor P?rk <M.: -Trammelt aeema' to bo leading tile I senatorial race, with P. G. Wall, ot] Tampa second..' H. I/. Drano, of Lakeland appears to bo leading cou- j grossman S. J?, Parkman in tho| first congressional district. race Three bf five candidate1 for gover nor, S. J. Calls, W. V. Knott and] I Ion I*. Farris aro. skid,to be running a close Taco in .tho order: named. WALHALLA MAN IS mm m AGE nm I Thomas Sizemore Pass?s at ? Court-1 ty Komo-Born 18?1 Walhalla, Juno G.-Thomas Slsor metro . died at tho . county ' farm on I Juno 2ndr: in'his: one /nurtured, andi sixth y**ar According to the record, bf the pension bbanl. Mr. / Seemore ] waa, born in J?nuary. J8U, and-in.?tb rolling 'in tho democratic 'primary 'hv 1914,.:bo* gave his age as. IO*.; ;lfrV Sizbmoore leaves a: widow abd seveih child reo > ' tho youngest v of Whom ls ?about nine.years of age. HQ *vaa , a Confederate soldier, and recently tho pension board piar?n ?sim in class A, and he drew ^a p?r&ion ot 396 each year. Mr.-Sizemore waa - farmer, and lived In different sections of tho county^ ?rdm Unie tb tlmb. ,Two yenra ago-iie resided 1n. Walhall A for . sev eral mopthS, and only a ?hort while v-Chc^ ha ibbk" up. bis resilience at the ? county faim. : Mrv Siteaioto' wbS active -for ; .mau .'.ot-.b.W'. years'. ... Ho was conshl brably stepped, .and in walking.used twp shr?rt, sticks', but, always kopt bia hoad erect. HILL'S SON THE ; ;'.:'./.. 7 : ^ '?s??te.J ' (By ??sobwt?d Prnss.i 1 St. Paul, Juno 6.-James J. left nb, will; His wldotv today tUionbd tti? probate ! court, as' ^^?r^bitfl^?liUi;^" son.Hbd; "pointed' adfejibi?t?atb?f ?or an Trained at tcn?raUll?n dollars. petition also was^his.eli : illdren. ' v . j '?. " ; : Ti^-S^ly^Sf .? Canton. Ohio, Jurie 6,-~Tbreo WA killed bod -four- hurt, -when an ftui mobile was siruc&,.by a train et ; r^l?roild - Vrbsslug.^bey.. here/todays, .^?oattt???bne?v^c^ pil?la?d ?t&e?:a?iar the ttack," killing hi . fronk the jpaehlne tfi BackboneOf ts Victim Of I WM J/.VR??. K??fJI IttitnattiJ "Of BoVeral things that entitle Earl Kitchener to. a., place In world his tory, tho moe!'notable Ia that ho or ganised tho largest volunteer army tho'world has ?v'er soon, in tho great est war p?*a,ll timeB. . Within , a year from , tho - sudden ? outbreak. o( the, European war in ? August i&H the ranko of British ?.fighting men. .wore -quadruppled by pan increase from lesa than ono mil lion to neal'ly 4,000,000. 1 ^ ll . other. great. powers- that cn iu^r1oe:\w?^bad hugo standing ar mlet: and compulsory, military ser-, vico. Great Britain alone '. faced .tho ' issue with;'-cohti?once ; that Tts f-podple" would .roadi|yvrcBpand .to tho' call of fons, .end c??ntjry.. withoutcompul sion; snd'-'. the;'?: precipitous develop ments, that-lcd ?to thc war found both thc {Jobple and . tho g?vernment cTi? ar.lnu.uH j'n tt?c ; verdict' that'kitchen er of Khartunuwss,tho hann .to lead- in" tho recfluitinjti 'Jiijia : organization . of tho necqssary'ariny i > ?* It was not a sentimental 'clamor, for, though KHchehor; whs .a. .proven hero maiiy campaigns, ; his per Boncllty waft ' as , impenetrable. ; as hardened stool; and ho was nbf.'?:-ja. Tp?.?I?*fcv cblild : bc ; loved; - oven . thc War ornea7:- ha? -no- pronbUncod.; Ilkhi.g for hinv but ?on . SU r sides", there, was pyOfoHrtd respect ior his military tef?' H?lbhcy and for all ho hart done'to ext?h&'ifte :tfdmftt?s of /the British empire.'' . ; B/( mero; luck TCitchcncr hapnenert] tb bo. in Ekigten? on oho **>f - the ; torn-; j vanuivoly riirn *.vJsita that hg had pal A to Tk>hd6r during'?U* }ldug -ca reer abroad, when-the^Eurppoap war broke oht, l?o hnd-, jdet; conic .5iomc from service as . British ' agent lu ;:. aco?ptedrv. an- ' /?j$^4$i*K .l?Sorge,' sod was .V,?be?fc ?V^^^^icerojrie't it?d?a. Wltu^ .... a 'few^laourw ^IAOA ^aslaaids, do fclsrnttat?; pf? wari KUc?iOTor, waa ap (By Associated : Press. ) :'; ; .7 Quo hundredand'e?ven deaths ,bid been reported; tonight from1 the <4 m ?Cee?Halpr?li and ; Illinois]; >sV; helate<j reports, were received, of damafeo from j a sorles. of/tor^ Iy,ttMiaya.'i: ' , vi vi . , :^neW|^?1^^--^^ W f<% 'l0^n**;a?*fo^ 30. ^is^iMt. l^. W?noIa 1, T*no0a4 seo *; wi& a SCOTO -nxissiog in .tao* - : i ....... ???ed Armms SeaTmdgedy pointed secretary of state' for -war' and Immediately took full.-chargo at' the war o?lee where ho' worked il ay and night tb /bvorcorao '. thc . handicap which tho neutral powora had; ovoji longland In tho matter of fighting Btrengtb. Ho; grimly told thc; British . people they had a bigger war on.their hands than. they realized, and ono that might last l?hgor than'they, expected, but'it vas to be faced with'; cntlro confidence;, and he, unsmiling, al* most: like a dehumanized machine, 'set ' about to make t h io hom '.. ? He' had scarcely maved ipto. ^"/hitehall street when ho made numerous changes in'the personnel of the war bfTlco, which was (fold, tp' be boney-, combed with social and political tav orltism. Organises Millions: . ..' : Atter dispatching ? fow hundred thousand regulars' to Franco; and Bel gium toyhelp check' tho onrushing Germans; the war secretary began re cruiting, and organizing, bis; array of m il i ion .s. Tho British lalee : woro covorcd with sighs and. po?lera urg ing-,young. Pion :tq 'join:: tho .-colors. Kitchener'; wont, through- the country superintending, tho drilling of >ho army. Vxovci Uni? t?: IJmo .'were "roi porta indicating' his iailure to get tho number of men ho-'wanted, but I within ' a yoar after tho w?VToponed It^mlo.r Asquith ofllclally announced lin 'parliament that ?bbu?-; 'S.???.OOo men had enlisted in ih?^nli??:kmki dom alone, and almost another mll >i?i? in the overseas 'dominions. Kitchener,'-a Wevc'ir, was 'the . .ob l??ctc'qfvnp'jltlo criticism .Thoth was much;-; grumbling ! be?aue'o ' ot tho ??rK:i ' ccrifcbrsblp nnf^inip^s??^.'-'?n no^papers and his jUtor' .t??sregar'd for war . corrct^r.deula. Notwithi standing1, this, thc ^iHU'sh^\ae#if^i? REBELS PLAN Ul GROSS BORDER itt WEAM o?r RAID EXPECTED AT A*TY TIME IN ZAPATA COUNTY^ TEXAS-BAND OF.OUT LAWS LED BY DE LAROSA, . NOTORIOUS FUGITIVE (Hy Associated Press.) San Antonio; June 0.-Ku un ton an-1 nounccd tonight that'ho had what ap peared to be positive information-thsV Luis Do Izaros.wats marching from a| point south of Laredo In tho direction of tho border. Evidently Ina Inten tion is to ruid a country some .where west of Kio Grande City. There are not enough American trops in this) district to prevent Latona from crOBB i"Br Oencral Mahn, who, is corocnaiidlng a squadron cavalry, regiment of in fantry and battery artillery at Lare do, reported that lie fr. taking.mens uren to strengthen tho bordor patrol I tn Zapata county, Texas, where tho] raid la expected to take place. Only ono troop of cavalry; is'.station-1 od In Zapata county, where moat ot j the inhabitants aro Mexicans. La vasa vraa tho leader of a hand | which, took part, in raids wost of Bro.wiisvlllo years ago., Ho is a fugitivo In Mexico and has a price of $1,000 on his hoad offered by the ! stato of Texan. WW I WI ? B? THE qmSQK {By A33oclkted Press.) Prom tho Pripet Hvor-southward] to tho Rumanian ?rontior' tho Rus sians, according tb Petrograd, are continuing their success Against tile teutons. In tho fight along thin front* pf, twp hundred and fifty mile* tho-Russians^already have mad o pris oners of moro thin twenty-five thon Band mon; twenty-seven guns and fifty machine guns. The Russian movement 1B sold te bo a carfoully co-urdtna'tcfl offensive.''. 'Teuton forc es opposing :tho Russian are report? cd to bo about Six '''hundred' thousand) Since tho repent repu SInco the recent ropulBO of Gennnn Infantry tho attack between Pert Vaux and pamloup, fighting at.y?f dun ie mainly by artillery. -No m%< tcrial gain ls reported by either1 side' ????? 'i- Fomc. asserts tlmt tho Italians aro holding Hhe Austrians all atong th? "AuBtre-Italian line; Italians claim to have galhed ground on the w?s t?Yn slopes of Montenegro. Turwklfeh pffenstvo against thej Russians in the' region of Bal burt eudj Erzltiggan. Armenia, ? has failed, ac cording to Petrograd. ' Tentative Plana Arc Laid Tor Holiday ] ; .- ? ?- . 4 Greenwood, June 6.--Tue '-'Gfeen> "were-.* mw3Lo,,Jor, tho big etreyt thin yeari r .^pnuntttees wero . named to. work out, the details of tho program, Including tho invitation of-a speaker, the??thietto events, etc. . 'Mr>.Jf q: K?rris was, cicct?d> '^rm?hont <j??alr? man .?ind E. P. WldemaSi secretary, A'.incetidg of tho Several chsimaok Viii ho called Within: Uie ^ext^'?/f?Wv ttay? wh?ir the .worfc will ibe m?prMW|i out. In about tw^-^weelw^^nE permittees .will ha caller together,-fm? reports,; .A, speaker ot. ndto wilt b# jrtthihV'tW next day or t*o, invited to make the address of inp pwjairtdO; . .4&<ml. 3*oe4 Aeeeptwie. -i Oyster Bay, ^ June 6~-TaeV?0?M?YT tion of%? fc?*?e^?ia^ t?ncBoveit es sr wiiitiimt?wm lion ot Chicago; according; to lv vrtip. ^ tb> ferber/ ?FetuV dent;today.' ' y ." . :'',':V "' ', Bombarding Yest; Parish Jim?; ?.^-Germsd > ttrttUetT lo; bombAgdipgl ?ort Vaux vm precedented- violence, following! tWi>! airy .attack? broke? Kp ?**;?&? ibii?^ jj?? and? Hf^Brp. :. devetop ouoct^see.ia, nsw; offensive^ Report*? i^Jgr??^ captured 460 pacers, 2B,0^^ef.. ? I K?BBW??IM??M ?fi fr Vi*'? '.Vi ? YIJANY KAI (By Associated I'm;;).) j Shanghai, Juno. 6.-Yuan Shi Kal, pr?sident of tho ; Chlneso republic, ?died? yesterday morning. Ll Yuan Han? Pr?sident. * , .P?ltinj?, Juno 6-Vice Pr?sident Li Yuan Hung succeeds- Yuan Shla Kai hB^prcalden.t, Yuatv .wno* Ul for several, 9pf|r^wMr^niaciii' trouble, follov-td . by'nervous, b rcakdown ^ThV-cftpltal' is quiet today. Thc 'president's death apparently soiree a 'Heated political crlsia, Ll'? auccesBlan "meets the demand of southern pro? Vince leaders. In recent years Yuan Shi Kal had become the moat, conspicuous person: elity of the Orient thrOt?gh b's efforts to bHvg his 400;000,O0O fellow yollote men into line as" citizens or ino now republic of China. The task of turn ing "this* most ancient and backward of. kingdoms into a republic within whoso confin?s there was 'a filth bf tbe/^rid'a inhabitants-a ' republic four'' times ss largs as" the Un?tsd States-was obviously no easy ^ ono and the man who attempted lt' did hot -.escape, storms'of crlticien?' from 'tlibse." Who' 'h?ld. that 'he was a d'b ? t tito r.' virtually r fobndlh?: a ne w?.. dy nasty. .But ' amo?g- foreigners :? gew orally Yuan Shi' Kai was given cret'.t fbr'as able' an administration as could ' bo expected- Under tho circum stances. - . ' Long before Yuan Sb 1, Kal was widely known- abroad v be had > been accepted by tho Manchus/ the: CJilu* ?'e?e, and the foreigners in China tm a coming mau. Born in 1869,1 the; son.of; avdlstriot governor in- the /province of . Honan? Yttan 8hl Ka? aspired Y to. an olllclal position that i ac rale 'wss that otfcc?al lifo ' was ope* mly to thoss who pass 'Ijlytn' ando--: classics; Yuan utterly failed In;bi? -iof those, gbvernmcjl tests at which thousands of aeplr< Snts aro closeted for three days un dergoing- examination. ^H^iwSnt Into Korea as a. secretory ?jvjith the anny, and there rose rapidly inrptiah. his dismay of mtlitfiry ono) atpipraatic ability The famous. Grand Ghance?lbr ? -Li.; Hung-cbang rpcognts* ed* in him a, man ,of actum odd op* pointed him Chinese resident at .p?np), ; Thw.w;a? tho highest post td tho empire, and' Yuan . held it when ?in, jera* only H/ years old... When he ^sparicso - drove ' th> chinese but ot .'?fintea, ho WSJ, pub ; ot thc fw t,o return to Peking still })n- the fe? vor of .tho court. ;? He ; roi-o to ; great prpinldon?? .jftr<>o^ ot the army e?^er the war wtyn, J*pd? had- ?bown.'.'Jta^we?ka?aws, it ?] il fciwel^Uy heldlthatibe ?sajsied tho ?Cmprcso lioryagor in ejecting a ?fcjdiel?titii-jWto by .*?hleb , 'she' 4r,'Sueng Shi, and ha vt? popularly Jb&riedi- of twtratfa*.-. ' ?fe v .Tho Dowager, i#??OTn? '*f Shantung. wbaaalp^'Up^M Ulon, he tdlspftJrad.DlS* - astuter ??itwited? to;Joln \m?mm??m darofi not frankly refuse,'.although A?<1- p? ?jnip^t??r- far' :$eir?i$a$< ' ticlsm. Ho agreed, to join the Bose* jnovamsnt lt it4tf.tfi&e>a wpuMti; prove '$H hm? their cqnIMttiea; thaV V?M*M ^tfrVaeet-t-weroi isobiune tn torelga milita. Ho tok? < j&?ai.^. had?se-14 fch* foreign igu?a* Uv hi?. owjet a****-1 KOd that if tb^ l?sitfei:?: wopld- m j Ulai/ in- bia gnt&n* tho .post.djty ?b? VENT??NS BEplfl TODAY ??^^ THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE Ol? UN ITY - MANAGERS PICK HUGHES. WEEKS, TOEN ROOSEVELT ?*? - . -?? - .' Chicago, June 6.-'Progr?s?. %* ? sive loaders in a ccorct con- '<%>. O fcronoo with, old guard ro- ? ..?*' ' publicans' today declined tot ? conBidor Theodore, Burton ? ot i* *> 'Ohio ae! a corapronxisb^repiRb-' ? Hean candidate. It became - O known tonight that Senator <t>, ? Smoot, and McKinley, bf. HU nola , and Charlo? P. .'Hilles, ^ ? made. tho proposition to pro- * 4? gresaive leaders, . ;*> i* 4??44?444*4W*4'$*4*f> .--??-?. .. (By Associated Prosa.) Chicago, Juno 6.-Republican- and progressive: conventions1 a^embl? to morrow without any indication to?-? pigit that tho leaders haye,found tho . common ground on which, tn'ey. ?wp- .'. ed to, establish unity. In three days of conference:! half a dozen name:: .hayo bean proposed aa: acccbtablo td the republicans, but bave, been re jected by progressives, who proposed prft?tl?-nlly no name bi?t ?^G050??>lt'?i; Every thing tonight Indicated tn? the two parties aro far ap ari., Lnbfc ot "cohesive ' leadership- and ' enthusiasm . seems, apparent, in the repuhlicau c^mp. . Hughes' leaden', uudntaing' "tEeirT carly pre??cifons; s?y '??* mayica jd?mf lusted on tho first ballot Frank H. Hitchcb'ck,. Hughes manager, said the; justifie would get about 'three hun- ' d'red on first ybtei : and Husker? . strength would grow Vapidly/ 'after the first ballot. Florida- decided during the day to cast a solid vote fur'Hughes und stay with' him until tho end. '^I^F^^^^ If tho ballot could feo ^aeu'.tbntght ; several politician1 TO?n?gsrs incUcat-. ed it would be about as . follows: Hughes 25!, Weeks .160, Rpbsevelt'. 98, Cummins 84, Fairbanks .80, Bar ton 70, Sherman 58.: ?tnon ci, LaFol letto 28. Repp bli cati? wer??, urged, by, :.,pro pri,?"' to. hurry tho nomination so '. ns to disclose a candidate', ' if ?tey wish .Roosevelt's*, support. They w?ro given notice today by Senator Smoot that they could expect no republican nomination before Friday. Senator Penrose said that . tho republican nominations Cor president ?ould not be made before Saturday. COMPROMISE KN Railrcads View -of f?iffererw&s Likely Be Accepted "-. - : (By -Associated. Press,)/ New York, Juno 6.--It wa* indi cated today, that ? cbthprbmlab would be the Tai J roads -view of how. ibo djf terences between them and their three hundred and fifty thousand em ployes should ' he'^'settled.4 :> ^Isha Lee,: chairman of the conference ndw* being- held.: between the ; roads; abd labor brgftnisatiopB, speaking fbf tho railroads, hinted thin j.t todky'a meet ing. Union leadbra declined to dfc euss the possibility of a compro?a???>> orwlae thap to aay.<f, ono- Qf " byi railroads it'would b? siib U> a vote' of the inert, ? wm;vc^;i^^ . F?r Governor. Spartanburg, June ?.'~"? * feo?m race." ?*ld Co^r^ _ bichon? Yesterday; ' dlsGust race "for cbhj^esa fronviihs congressional district.; lie furt?fer: added that he was not making .. thai: race for ?overnor. br for any oilier> * .^:*#Jd^?ote- forV^bon -?$8ito ed. tnsct?ssin*rtu?, <*?ork f?t't often'when'co ^.wafrv'^dfi the late boors br 4hbn^tbr:^;^eQpl fwuircfiuit ?ViTOfrtRr-/ .