The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, May 02, 1916, Image 1

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V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. President Still Determine Until Brigandage Orders Go to Sc OBREGON CAME TO I CONFIDE* Mexican Officials View A structions to Scott Nc ment on Withdi .({3y Associ El Paso, May 1.-Secretary Funston tonight, that they not ma . that \uas based on the immediate v is viewed with apprehension in, Mi that Obregon came to thc border and Funston that the American fo only to find his plans blocked. H * facto government cannot afford tc any open disagreement must result - -i_ PRESIDENT DETERMINE!? KEE I* TROOPS IN MEXICO TIL BRIGANDAGE STOPPED (By Associated Press.) Washington, May J ?-President Wilson has not altered his purpose to . koop American troops In Mexico un til . brigandage is brought lo an end* After a conference ni tho Whiio Houso today -Secretary Baker- pre pared, further instructions, for Gen erals. Scott . and- Fnnrton, sought- 'by them as a result of their conference with Obrogon. While instructions were not revelled, Secretary I^nnslhg , and Baker sa'd there had boon no change in- the administration's policy. It is believed that Scott and Fun ston sough?. additional instructions because- Obregon dwelled on tho do facto government's vlow that troops should bo 'withdrawn at once. Tho Mexican ambassador hero told today that Mio United States will not dis cuss C?rianza's, xeques? for ? the withdrawal while tho border'confer ence io underway. While Ambassador Ar'rerondo act ed under instructions li um his gov ; cr?ment iii 'renewing <tho request, for a reply to Garranza's note asking the withdrawal, lt is said no formal de mand for tho' withdrawal was mado by Mexico. ANNUAL BURYING DAY IS OBSERVED BY CLAN OF * IRISH HORSE TRADERS Atlanta, Ga., May 1.-Five thous and member? ot tho clan of Irish Horse Traders, tl wellers in Georgia and Alabama, .gathered in "' Atlanta ' ..' Saturday'for tho annual bury Pur, day of thllr organisation. Funeral , ow S vices over tho bodies of f oufc of .their organization.',- who baye died ' during tho last year, wore hoi dat the Imina iat? Conception Tbman : Catholic iphureh.- Father /Kennedy*, officiated, . dud tho 'interment was in Wost ,VleW Cemetery. Ail of the bodies, w?re ^fought to . Atlanta soon after, death $nd kept in an undertaking chapel. Nor FOR AW :W01?TI^ .k . ?'-y- ,'-.,WP?Th'',OOM YB&t?OS .-'.* ? ?/....W.:'-'A'i<Trt.pp.--v.' . * fl Ge?npo M. Reid. -fr J. H. Wright. ." ' * ? J.. Mac Kbig. . .<*? , * O, B. Harper. , ;C * > Scott, -v'-' .? ? - Joe M. H : Arf?oy. V* . A* Ha?. . -. ,<fr, , 4 W. 1*. Casey. . ' * ? v - M. E. Ellison. <* 4 . fi. B. WWtten. * ? C. M.- Tolly;. * -; ? Chairmanr 'county- executive'- ? . ^:i?t^?kij^XCi.1S:'^\iti' :.. . ' ?* ? ;. state Executive Committee- 4" .?fr' wan; H. Clint Summers. .".'?'.'. . - ' ? .The.Anderson Ckmaiy b?mooi?U*i ? ""-..'..';- convention went on \ro*o^.;;yi?&^ "\ vu? hojag ?imp*9d.:^ LESULT IN d tc Keep Army in Mexico Stepped-rFurther :ott and Funston rHE BORDER IT OF A SETTLEMENT Vith Concern Baker's In ri to Make any Agree rawal of Forces. * ated Press) linker's instructions to Scott and ke any agreement with Obregon vithdrawal of the American forces, ?'xican circles, lt was pointed out confident he could persuade Scott rees should be withdrawn at once, owever, it is intimated that the de > break with the United States and : in intervention, it was asserted. BY THE CENSOR] (By Associated Fresa.) London, May 1.-Repulso 'by the French of tho German Infantry, at tacks around 'Headman's HUI and cohn tor-attacks north of Clumereres have i beon followed by heavy German bombardment in those .Koctora. Pep? por Hill and " ?ouaurn?nt. northeast of- yordu n,l:w oro ;?lsovi-^llcu.. Argonne forest, the French occupied crater of mino th?/ exploded. . The, Russians have driven the Aus trians* from trenches recently occu pied by Austrians north of Mlyn?v. t?ori/.ia again has been under heavy fire from the Italians and' thc Italians are on the offensive against tho Austrians at Topeto Pass in the A daniel lo region. Paris reporta skirmishes between tho allied troops and Germane-Bul garian, forces along the .Greek fron tier. .?' Tho British armed yacht Aegusa and British. mine sweeper1, Nastur tium have been sunk in tho 'M?diter reanan by mides. SCARCITY OK MARINES FELT IN THIS COUNTRY AS DEMAND INCREASES! 'Washington, May 1,-fTho scarcity I of marines in tho United States 1B ] mawing itself felt just now when, de mands .are being made on tho marine ] corps for moro mon to guard tho navy yards and. naval stations.' . . :, - Almut sixty per cent of the ?. B marinos aro in service, aboard .ship I or <m" foreign Stations,; ?nd' less than J 2,000 aro pvailable for navy yard dii-' ty in tho United: States. '. Because of the attractiveness of its j .service the .marino - corpa .han little difficulty in procuring i recruit?; and lt? rania aro kept filled to overflow ing nearly all the time, but-the au thorised strength . of the corps .is J only 340 o?leere and?0,021 me??^WjfJ gr??? haa.h?fh asked to 'in ci ease this etren??th. by; ? 3,opn men and ofllcprs. ' of tho couttty-to-eo,unty .campaign, ? resolution to this ?effect having been pes^^most-; -ttnablnijosly. ; The convention ?Iso pi?st?l-fa1 resoldpot t??MHil'tfwsoW.nlBtratlon' of Pres Iden? WiUsobt ?nd ^his p$aco poliefr. "?h4'eonroht*on ?was called to dixie: ip the cont? hotiso -at ll o'eHtcK f tho chairman ?? iiid county ex^cuil that'of tern^ was done.a? follows: ly^i K. i>. ShiHh'moV?d. . A. Tripp ht)' eloctbdi 1 ?ion made tb^v^tiotoli^s^^ol^ _d?,-( wa*, done abd Dr. Tripp vi h^mh^?sly.vei?bt?^ v; 1 ;';'.M?BS?^ ^ ^gSBfettA'-aW-^i"' H. Canle?d w appels led -ba w^tt Mr. Tripp! itt chair. ' "Wv* Mi, T. Paul Djteksoavivaa .< elected temporary clerk * ? ?Apust -the uawsttifa:; 64*awt*t??$ had bet^ p^ee??d. *:iruotfpn wi* u? fared to ?b? e??t..'ttb?v aoo?id$?*t?w eotmhUl;?' fa JKpf?Witfl 4o4pas? <? ; LIBE?s Thia photograph of 'Liberty hall, I with -tho defiance of tho British gov- ! ornnient in largo letters was taken ' Borne months ago. The hall waa tho ? Attired as Soldier President Thrills Audience of Women . t Militarist (By Associated Press.,) . Washington, . May I.-President Wilson addressing ' several hundred young women hore today at tho open ing ot the. Women's National Servico school* military encampment, ?nid I Am erica had boon rewakened in na-j I'onal spirit 'Through the lesson of' tho -European war. Ho prayed this country should not be drawn into tho war, but li lt should be ho declared: .'In tho -grea? volco of national en Uiusiasni which would be mlsed .all tho 'world Would' stand, qnco moro thrilled to, behr tho volco of tho "new" world asserting standards of justice arid liberty." Young woihcu heard him dressed in ?khaki and drawn up in military order. Tire encampment ls under the,'-direction .of -women's section of the np-Vy league. Women are. to. ho :t?rjgh? first, old to wounded, 'band age, making and other war time arts. DEMOCRATS EXPECT A HARMONIOUS MEETING AT rV?/VC?N THIS WEEK AiiatiUi. (Ju., May. 1.-All ?ndica t'ouB ara that Hie elate ?|^$^^H ?^^ili^v\Waicn';iboe^i'' In Mjycoji ?ext Wedhc^diy;Yor! tho pUr-'o:"j til declaring.-. tho nominee ,ofv thc Demo eratic .party of. Georgia for, president ahd.i[!to*furtli3r purpose ot electing a delegation to lito national d?nbcratlc cbriychU?n lri'St. Louis, wilt bo per fectly har.nonli';) fictri ?beginriSng- to fahd. v! ;3o Ta* as^niay bo judged by tho RUH eral comniont?; arnohg rioHtlctsns in tho Hotel: lobbifca and around tho cftb iioli no factional differences 'Avili comp ,tb tho sdrfaco in tho ron.Ycn U?fl,\ht?i'?tt-'<ho-co^^,-it;-wlil,%'r?^ smoothUVjti ?t? proceedings atr*>.?tie |ihtdcb;-tvf:>:delogates? ..will.:.lip' i?udo without any .clashoi^^ffim^^^p ^^fi^M?ilcction ot Olaxk. 1 i?woli (ot Fu l ton '-ooiyity; as n*tife>'h^I ?f'oti?m i tte? man frontt?eOrg?a, which position ho fcfca hold twenty yo?r?:?> more, ??eros fgffiWWy<H^fr general approval, and lhere ts no :'indication tu?t ho will ITY HAtVHEADQUAR hcndqiiartora ^ jtAo followc-i? of Jim Larkin,. Hie a!,i!:itor. who .wa?? In tho United Staloa^ynjilj long HIJO. From this pa!nt th?^r?hoU ??!re:td through IMITE, Former Secretary Gets 18 Votes According to Official Count .Lincoln, Nebr.. May 1 .-William .ieniiingn IJryaii. defeated candidate ?or dclcgatOral-larKc io 'Mic JJenioera tlc National convention, received elghteon vole..1 fer alt?rnale, heeOrd lng to . thc official count thus-' far;' Hence, ho muy go tb ,tho conc?n t'en as an_altemato. Ills ?awe WJC; writ iten iu. Two Brynn mon were cleciui delega les.:. lioooSSi Saies to BeiHg^renta Since War Bagan Total 340 Million , f . ? Dollars $?$: . . -r- : #.Hi.-r.?K?i*y7 Associated /Prp??. ) . /Washington. '> May b.Burbiie's purr ckhvo of war materials in ibo United ?taU's to??tod three hundred and for ty million {lollara at-the .'end or tho first twenty months pf war, accord i??g t? li? .'itiix-aii of loreign and do mestic .?cotnttioreo. The . hcaylcAt mouth wa? last March, when niora than fifty milson ?orth.?f munitions lort American port i. ^Shipments' of high explosivo, sehlis and : shrapnel ?re-novr ?rbs&Jtifc tho* Atlantic ht th? -rife of a miJlloii dolhirB 'jvorih da?iy. iii h- : &? ;:,Mre\f?i (.'?e<bk?.?.u,. : ***** Dublin. At tito right is a company o? '.Lwrkln'rt ('itlsc?jiry Soldiers." They aro ?? volubly thc ?ich concern ed in Ute capturo of tlic poitofllcc Irish City Quiet Since All of Reb< cl Leaders Have Surrendered (By Associated Press.)' Dublin, May . 1.-After a week's ?Teign of terror in which bands of ?tnn Polners had posse&ylon of va rious parts of the.?city, including, tho' .poBtofli?o St. Stephens Grocp, V. p(. A. building', Catholic club and ninny of the houses in Huck ville amt thor prjnciplo Btreots, Dublin is ipiiot tonight with tho surrender, of ill rebel leaders. Tho main body; jw leaders'* liavo surrendered,' including r. M. Pearce. ''Provisional Pr?sident of Hie Irish' Republic," Jumes1 Connol ly," who was' ibadJy wounded, .(ohd Cou nt CBS MnrklevIcM ?aid lo bo'one or,tho. leading spirits ot tho revolt, lt was announced today that the total number of'prisoners, taken Sunday in Dublin aloho r??cli d thousand. Ntar ly five htmdred thus -far havo beeti | taken to England. ';/. The uuthorlUos rosortod to thc/;UB?>j of drtillory Thursday, bombarding ? How mill. and distillery vliero' ' tito | rdbela had taken refuge. Friday" tho ?poutol'lcc. Y. M: C; AV building mid Cuttiolic club woro shell ed but faq .bombardment wa?, utobpfcf. ' when houses ' In tb} neighborhood I caught ? fire and- lt was feared the) city would?buriK ":'" " " - ATLANTI?MS ARE NOT DRY RESPITE CLOSING dt SALOONS SATURDAY Atlanta. Muy 1.-There never waa a.time wiioh Atlanta was HO dry fre?ri th o standpoint of a purclwsable. sup ply thf whiskey., but 'there. never.wa|s a ; timo when.,. .te. city was sn ..wot from tho ht indi. J'lit *>f private- eup pH??v fer: hnm?v?cdns?mptlon. Clo Ataht? millionaire is under stood '?'?.Ut 'li?te s ftd?hasedv $10,000 worth of whiBkey,' wlh?; and boer.and laid .ii;?w?,y,'ln nia w^h?eoll??r fdr iisp ^lifUeW. irir?t?lbHloh' ??ibuld he ?alk orod lb, . ?? ( .^'Anctfn^''^ largorncbtia wh? ;bolleyes iii. ; keeping a ? little :'?on fcftaft-'for ' Vis? -"wheii : occasion. a rte es fo known to hove ft very largo' stfptny ?lw|^?f?y in hlii wino cellar,' which is ftul\l\ like, tie wtpo collar>?''W^'M|a old?.conti try. '...'?? y *pr?h^ Arlan Hans, whoso favor} to drink, is 1 ??ci^t, aj-eao* instas -pawietiij /pre dicament o? being without u ;drQP,? .? artlug ander tho direction of the ?linn Feto society.. Tho hall waa takon hy Uri (I: !i soldiers, -Wednes day, April 2G, at tho cost of olevon lives. - . Statement Is Made Timi Germar American Relations Less Apprehensive (Hy'..Associated Press.) Berlin, May 1.-Tho Associated press tonight wis permitted by tile censor to mnko a ; . itrmont that, tito Tiituro " German-American ' relations probably tian bo looked forward - ito with lesa apprehension. Despatches bearing on tho tinturo of Germany's reply to tho: United States' last note hos ' been stoppe? by tho censor'. r Deliberation at the army hciidijuar tera aro concluded' mid Gerard "loft for-Berlin. Tho Gorma,11 reply is ox? peeled with Uttlo delay, but ft ls'con-; eidercd undesirable thal preliminary, stories of tlie notes nature bo pub lished.. A CROCODILE DERAILED TRAIN THAT TCAUSED DEATH NEWBERRY BOY < Kicbiuond, ay.;.- May 1.-De railment of a train by a crocodilo ort tho track In' Honduras caused tho dea'h of lion ry K. Smltli. aged 22, (ton of tho luto Bishop Coke Smith, of the Sodthern . Methodist' .,. church, whoso widow now resides with her mother, Mrs. H., C. ? l^?jsrat tN'?w-; berry. Si (3., vccordlng tn informa tion received bet* today. Washington, Amy J .- In a vigor oils' fashion So?oi?r Ben Tillman, Sat-i day. af toruoW expressed hieSati?iacy iloh with ?ho decision of th?South 'Carolina supreme court, in d?hojdlo* ?*h?* c^n?ttutioaallty- bf the. o?ti-c?m pUct'tfra lusut?tico -l?w. t?o ?tjes not ballev? tho Wwyer?'ln the ca?d wilt ^m'f?nw United ? ?latos e?tfr?mi?j mr*'-??nies? ttms?behi?? thirth have jg?t inore money than:'ttn**':? ;';':v i?? With "lively - terms; Senator - Titi? man contlcihn^^^^?Tlw/.ao^?ft? Od by tho Southeastern T?$tf&0?m cisUoti .Id^^ht^'.wh^tt^MMWw charged % ct-tba assooiw^lipi^-^TO ^rdnrf. tMidi^ ey since th* war. '..>-'. ciunied ''by tt??^? pewatfajjej* **>. HM state which ure capital h?tlc in .their pbllctea.". . ?: -^*n*tnVo.^ ivte^ih?^ eob?t-?ii wade i .? vt?- I^e^to*^ Joaf* ttt?$fcott?W 41UV? tho :?dutheastcm : Ttotj. 'ftfeoocift* i VFSRS I HOUSE VOTES TO ELIMINATE PROVISION GIVING PRES IDENT SPECIAL POWER 41 SUBSTITUTE BILL Measure Passed Gives Philippines Promise of Independence at Indefinito Date '(My AintofiuU'd Prowl.) Washington, May 1.-Sitting as cnmmlltoo of whole tho houso tonight vt-Vcd by 191 to Hil to eliminate tlio provision of thc PhlUpplno indepen dence hill authorizing tho proBidpnt to grant independence to tho iolnnds in four ..'ears. Tills is "accepted as^-i meaning or defeat for tho provision on tho final vote. Later tim\-house hy a vote of 213 to I6fi voted to strlk'o oui the Clark amendment of Uio sch" atc hill granting independence' In Philippines in four years. /Then tho house passed a substitute for tho on? tlrp . measure, ^providing self-govern ment in thu Philippines apd carrying a preamble declaring thc United Slates' Intention to1 : grant Indepen dence ultimately fith?ut fixing . tho date. Tho bill now..'goes to a coufprenco with opponents ot Philippine.' iadc .pondenco confident thsMt 1:-. d'iad for at least this session of . congress. .Later .tho. houso over..'. jthg. prbi^st .ot administration leaders ^?^cd io in struct itv conferees not to j "agree"on any. provision sotting u defmite; time for-Philippine .independeur.o. This oction .was.. ttio '''first ' marked .victory, of tho vear c-Voir, ?ar-'^i?W^ iii President Wilson's legjolativo pro gram. Republicans ; voled ; ebjidly agnlut$fc tho independence provision. I ? i I PiiHman, Diner and Two Coaches Roll Down Enlargement In Virginia . (By Associated Press.) Roanoke. Va., Muy I.-Th roo aro ropprtVd fatally hurl, many serious ly, when Norfolk and'Witera train nulabor two struck a broken rall and was wreclj3d seven miles south of Natural Bridge, Virginia, tonight. It was said a ' Pullman, ? diner, and two coaches toppled pver an embank- : ment.' A relief train waa .sent from Roanoke.. ; Biggest Pr narnu 1 int. -Atiabar- May l.-~Tho' bi^gosi/^-;; uama hat in.the ?trite of;Georgia' and om? jOhp^blggost"O in the United ? States, it not in thb'worjjl hacinado Us appearance. Jamea' iii. prlfce, slimer of agricultura of ?eo'rghi,1 ls the'o.wpor nod wearer ot tho hat* and pictures of U have phbllBh^d ld papers/nil over thtf? c??Dtry,;y Wh?h Colonel ! gets oh Miltf-cotton ^'lit^ahd hat he is a plcturceQUo-persdh. \ . ?toa rvvo^ Idi^ . .barging tho . unneopssafrH*?'. hkli Mt??^?jtt' that. they :\mWmB^.m$ . tho war^ . ???'I nib*: ihe Itop7tf:?ftft&." ^Wt?f.olhor.;-N??V-Work "cbpitaUirt?; they'thing tho ctmntry;,fM?B^^ no Hali t? ?Hey; are. bound. io' r?p^ict luid. ttey:.tiitete;dtV'otcBp wi?iou^ sub way ^<>wh thiH*uoy.<w*jro idok ?i|f out for their ^wlb ^utere^^Ra? _pj|^ ? . largely by thoio^frap^in thfc which aro .? t?ap?alts^^^^p;^