The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, December 24, 1915, Image 1

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VOLUME O. \ K\y.'l'"\ ' '.'"'Vi ANDERSON, S. C, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24,191S. NUMBER 296. EXCEPT IN ISOLAI THERE IS ACTIVITY CASES I GERMANS CL/UM DISPUTEOT?INT Germans Say Will Re?li Salo . Middle of Januory^ctive in Egypt. London, Dec. 23.-Kal$nann-Well orkopf in tho Vosges,-Itt summit ot wiiicir tho Germans clain to have re taken, together with l.G* prisoners, is tho only point of re? activity .cm r" the. western iron*. WbS ? the Paris officiai statement admi? that tho Frent?'.v have withdrawn fr m the sum mi!/ it claims tho con* rvatlon.'sfbt about a mile and:a quart? of conquer ed ground. , .s "' With the exception ot lashes 3n Galicia and Russians an) Turks . re ported . engaged twonb fivo - miles from Teheran, Persia, -t*< > Christmas lull seems to have seht ;d over "the various"" ?renos. Along tho Austro-Itali.n line lscK lated infantry attacks sad^artillery duels continue; Paris <c isidore . tho . fact that the Austrians i -o fortifying in Montenegro unlgrt Vji?| their offen sive has closed . V-.-'' An Athens dispatch srfs. that Ger many informed. Gf?et?b th: it she'hbpes to Teach Saloniki "by. January.-.IB,' but v/ i 11 e vacuat'o 'Or^eg territory as soon '.?.>?<? thia ir, accomplished.] The allies scoff at an attack/on S?jloniki, but the Greek .public aro unasy. ."-..'*.." A Berlin wireless ,eate that Great . - Britain 'has SQ?.C?a troffs in Egypt, ?of which - 200,000 are gaarding Suez. Geneva ^dispatches doofere that the January. Wallington protested 'a" British or der prohibiting shipment? of hospital supplies to Germans'. A EARLY RESUME Of- OPERATIONS London, Dccr.$3.-It ia unofficially reported that a-v partial law proclauia 7.. . tlon in Greec?l ? imminent and: al though no .. coe .'"\rm allon is .available thor? is evidence of growing uneasi ness, atv Athens, over tho possibility " that Bulgarian ? troopB will' cross tho border. " Punish Belgian Officers. Tho only reeving feature of the .', -".,!situation is the..announcement that tile Bulgarian officer commanding tho ; -\, ?Tor?es clashing with t'lc Greeks in Bpirui has boon, punishedand the lnr . cld?jTt:'lB; coni?jdere'l closbd. 1 no TCfonmOtion of submarino ac tivity ih the near east is signalized VL: "ba a startling manner'' hy the sink ing of tho Japanese? liner Yasaka Maru. Apparently .".ho lives wieve lost hut according to marino, insurance men tao property to3s 'was tho heav iest incurred in any maritime disas ter of -the war. -T-Vo nnturo . of the .vaiuabie cargo ia luuUsclose:! . Varna Affair. The . mystery, bf ..the' bombardment of Varna ts apparently cleared by a statement from both stidea showing it to be nothing but a minor nnvar cn gagemQnt ? ;t? : which shorn batteries participated.1 This.'at first was dc , vji'red to be a-fbrm??ablo 'VPijE^iaa ai t ack. A .largorRussian fleet, how* oyev is said to be in the - vicinity;Of Varna and the action.. may. be pro iiifllaary to a"serious R?S5l?n-attack. ''f.rb?mann-WGiierRopi in once mote the subject o? contention; 'The .po's4*katon; of 'tiie . 8?inmU -:,jdt- th!s. myu|itaiu has teen diRpufeil' so close ly b/^military forres as those officially recording movement, that art .AasociatkdPress v correspondent Wat* called hp iakt April ;to flenldo tho ' r^latiyo. positions of tho opposing ? '-sjtio?'. ".- vTh^ Prouch .'clahii now,. to: have ex . pMed the Germana from t'jd highest . trenched. Thc-' Gormans ndmii a re . . tiremeni from the sum claim t*i har*/ occupied'- since April ; T5H> French'.- b?aiav Oiey '?' haye not r> only a'dranced /ihelr posltibiii sub ?itATi?ialJy ih-fdv^Hlsnfli?gV the . Ger jT?ftha rebecupi^ como ot ibo lost, -trenches Injt. have: foreQtalleu partial ly. f?n o?ensivewUtch the Germans 'i.\r^?^d vbVf^^^l^^BV' ^.'?iavd. The- cca?? g^arJ Gaiter" Wtotal is CALLS FOR LARGER AMOUNT THAN ADMINISTRA TION'S PLAN COVER IO YEARS 'Gcner?LNavy-Itoat?YPlan Want Half Billion Dollars First , - Year. ' Washington, Dec. 23,-Tho report ?soi tho. general navy board, urging 4Siat iii? United States fleet be- rando equu? to the strongest .afloat by 1H25",. will probably be niado public, by Secretary Daniels before tho congressional naval cbnraiittees . begin ; on (tho adminis tration: plan, which calls for.consid erably smaller increases. ; Secretary Djaulels...iaTpctuatcd by reports that' some "congressmen W?at the. report published, and Henry A Wiso Wood. gave, tts rejection by .?be administration as his reason for reV signing from tho navy'a civilian tia* visoiy hoard. In advocating ?j? gonoral board's plan Mr. Wood do cl?red administration's program was "desperately weak." V T^e board's plans are not only plans to buihj tho greatest navy by 1925,' but calla for^o building appro* priation of $500,000,000 for tlief first year, while, tho administration wants a like amount .tb, coyer ? period of five yet: .s and 'goes co ftiHher. il Collision Between Passenger and . 'Freight Trains on Railroad in Tennessee. . Nashville, Dec.. 23,-In a coilfslori between, a passenger train, loaded with laborers,- and freight on the Nashville, St. Louie and Chattanooga railroad between Nashville and Chat tanooga lute today, Engineer Irby Bead and eight negroes were killed and Fireman. Harmon Lear fatally in juredv Twenty others "were Injured. The accident occured hear Sherwood, Tenn. MM M Atlanta, Dec. 22.-A real ?battle with: gunn, pistols, knives and razors . tock place in a negro barber, shop on Au burn avenue yosiorday when seven negroes attacked A. B. Forsyth and John ? ossctC-two "coart bailiffs who tried- to servo-a bench' warrant on Homer Smith, a negro accuszd ot il legally selling whiskey. As ,the result of tho ?rny Forsyth was iatully stabbed, Gossett..was shot through' the heck and ' Homer Smith lg expected to dio from bullet wounds. OtherB wore moro'or lesa seriously injured- The only arrest made in au dition to the taking of Smith Was that of Sluqlcton Newaom who was caught on ?i?'nlovard and who is believed to, have tahon yav't in the cuting. 's ' ^.nincHiH?rSrxn?w>?. ' ' . . . . Atlanta. December 23--Wucn Har ry Loo, a C'hinaman of tiast Harris street wafc arrested- yesterday lt ?ras dis.e?v?ied tliat'? remarkable,, elixir' which ho baa been selling os a cure 611 and resto votive to other Chinamen,7 and which was supposed to have boen obtained' from the eclcfc'?iat. empire with great difficulty, was:'fn ?.ru'?is, plain red-.^rye liquor with - a . little: flavoring in it. Th? roshlt..-ts inst-Lioo will, have tb: answer to the charg? o? selling, tiquer tin?Awfu??y. . *? * ***^**'*4'******?'^^** *'". \. ? ': v:;--,-,-;>y y::.JJr4y * AV?ATOBS 'm i&AYE * * . ' ' --. ' . '?', *> ^v.;-';:Xbw-York, Dec. S3.~Wif-- * -liam ' Thaw?;- . Norm?n Prince ^?r * ; and Elliott C? Cowdta, Amer?- - * * can aviator?, sirring, wrih tho >> ^-.^?nefc, .. ATriyM ; today oe ?ho * * otoamor RcrttoKt?m ron ? leste. , 4> * 'They saf? - that 'tho' o^fstttc-? '.. '*' ., o? t.he.^ovK!;tbji co^ps,. hat* . fr * ',- c-up^i* coat ; ' .'::; * SH iP RE SID EN T BOARD OF TRADE ANNOUNCES FU- jj TURE POLICY SPEECH MADE tO T&? COMMONS After the War no German * Al?? lowed to Stand in Eng? land's Way. London, Dec. 23.--Walter Runcl-| man, president cl tte board of trade, Cold . the.hbu'sa bf commons today that commercially, Germany . was now a. beaten nation and it was for England to see that Germany doe? not recover. Til discussing thc reorganization ot Brillen trade '. after tho -war, ho said tvat .t'ne bcavd of. trade ; was ? taking gicat care that, no Gemida should i-'.aval in the way b! ; England'? advan tages. "Wo aro not going to be ten der Uto the Germans,".'bo continued. The advantage gaited ~ hy - England 1 tihrough tho blbw dealt- German com- ! inoren in South America and the Orient willa ot'be relinquished and German control in European oil fields .an downerahlpin Brltir,u> coal mines j should cease,'he declared. KiLLEo I m m ? -'.;' ??? ^5Sfe?tmi3Bter,. Dec. 2 R.--Yesterday morning at 7:15. &? gentleman by tho nama of Wiggins made a ghastly find, when he ran across tho]'dismember-: ?cd.' body of a man by the name o? J Walt Horgan o? Greenville, at the 1 crossing near Clearmont church, two [miles west of-vWestminster. Tho ?man's body was 'severed " being cut in two juBt fcolow Gie ribs and a por tion was cn oh? side bf the track and a portion on the other. It ls thought he waa beating bia way on a freight train when he met his horrible death. The body: was brought hera and. Sn inquest held by S. H. Maret, Esq., with L. H. V- Hobson ac foreman of the jury. The' Verdict rendered was that, ho .was killed by ax moving train, One dollar is-currency, "three quarters, a pencil, re ceipt for two dollars was" found on his person. After several hours tho body was idontifled by a woman af'tho mill village, as Walt Morgan, son of j Ben Morgan, who lives at one of j tho cotton mills In Gr?e?vlile. SESH?P BUNK HIEB!? yjpradn, 'Dec.- 23.-Tho'new Japan-i e?o liner Yasaka Maru was r.unk in j iho ourttera Mediterranean Tuesday by. a; submarine : while .on route f rqm Londbri to. Japan.. It was sunk with out warning according to a report I /rom Port SaM sent by tho owners' j agents. ;: "' It cnrrie'?/??O passengers ami 160 j in t!:t! crew. AH on hoard,.Including ?oho American," W. J. Leigh,; > were. I sayed.' -,-/. . . : j Tho nationality of the submarine j ?j'^tWi J wj?iUjj^ijij*^ . ?w*ia0jwj;. i reports j said ii was Austrian er German. The! vessel was. sunk Tuesday afternoon, j A French' gunboat picked ?ip the .poe"; fcebger* and, crew at midnight^ and tenisd them nt Port Said Wednesday ?mprnlng. 'The company is errait?Ih'g tb forjare them to ih?,V.destlna?on8, i^n '.^he. list were Si''mon ::"?'?"?.'; women. ?r.d 15 ehlldren, ?uORtay Britt?hv' .-Philadelphia, -.,D*c. os.-Phlladoi? pfc laV death irate doubled, thia ; weak awi more tfc?in, 15,000 persona are ill --ess "tho: result of ?n^ epwemic of J& ?ri ppb. sweeping if?f s'tftW of " Pen'nayi **ni*. *tfx hustlr** ewS ?ifiy buMel :p^'tos.w^r.rfejni?!d f? . ^eb : he?? anda niajcrity ot the deaths dne.: it?-^grijepb. ?, Pjiei ic sCUbol . . ?mo Ge?ti?ba ,\o'? iSe ?t^eUcollf'^?to 'jfsa?e; he^ ?of^U io clots < "Swearing They'd Ne'e ?OHtv Hore oro tilo great ?ioguls of organ ized baseball;; photographed'ton min utos after ?h?y.,2rad made peace wWhl Ino Federal logue, and also ?shortly nftor ?hoy bad bworn . tbey would I never ranko peace'. President Johnson; of .the'. Ainer?caa; litigue, 'President'! Two Billion Dollars W?rth Ab sorbed in United States Since War Began. New York, Dec . - 2?;. -Approximate-1 ly $l,G0O,O.0O,O0O in oar value of Amer-j lean securities, foreign c" -ned when the war began, has beon nbsorbod in | th? united, Hiatos in tho last sixteen montti??, the financial experts estimate. This .together with thb ?'300,000.000 Anglo-French man, virtually absorb ed hero, , brings tho total of securities ' taken, from-, foreign : sources to at least $2,000,000,0.00. ; The ..Delaware ant] Hudson railroad annoaacod today that, statistics fur-: hished by 141 railroads'showed that j about $?00,?00.0?0 railroad necuritl^a ' alon? were transferred to Americana between Februaryfirst anti" tho end of. July t*rls year. '-1 ' K } tllilill wm. Heirs ot Law of Noted Publisher j ''.. Appeal to'the Courts.. ? j .-. New ;York;-; Dec. 2?.-Surrogate * Fowler today denied tho application' of-.tito, Heirs'- at law o? -Mr3,.- . Fraalf' Le?iV*'? husband !.ti>'.'set aside the .' decree adro i tiing i^r will -tn ? in .order td instituto ? contest. Mrs; LCBIIO"left ah lestato of about $2, 000,000 to HMS Suffrage movement. ; v ; 3V$$BC5*0wier .declared baseless"' the :,*h'a'.*llcgaUor.3 pf tho applicants' that '?tr?.. leslie:--Waa h. child. of C^nrl^a FelllQ of New Orleans aiid a negro ?iavi:*woman.. : ; j ?pHhl: Los??? l>ard?jirlSp8. -London, Imc; ^/r^Britlsh losa of : officers aud mea - in tim ? '.Partianelleo to December ll .were li'2,02t. Th?; ?isi .4a?ia?oi? nav??' casualties. The rJunibor killed' was; 25,27-av' ?n addition thft total casualties humber sidmltt?d So-:' hoapilala from ??incisa, .was MSr ?083', The wounded total ?5,i$li, OUlicra- aro missing. *' '.?W??&iht?**'- r'cc' X"<? '*i,C?artefc . W. i>p?H*ife publish^ * ! CV: of fab - ifOOia - U6p?2:liC?.bOr- :j?.?. ?w; ??m?? . ifeasoVbr ./?cr tthevjfe'?^ ?? Yor?: t?n?oa, Adotr^h S,; Gqbpr--..??f-. :/?f i bttbliahfiir^. ?tos??h?cd i?d!i v. - A lr Consent, Consented" Tener of the National league, and Garry ; Hermmnni.'ehrl?Tnan ot tho national commission, told newspaper men-there would he no peace with the Federals. President Gilmore of :>;.'the Federals J?st smiled. Thoa there was peace. RintlHfi. IU jlUSFZ. llljuriimj ill vvitubfc I And American a Were Ordered | Oui of the City for Their Safety. El Paso. GDcc. 23. -Unpaid Villa] soldiers rioting in Juarez, tonight] caused Americans to bo ordered out| ot tho city for their ; safety. ?' . Mr?. Thomas Edwards, wife of the Ameri can consul, who has been in charge of | tho consulate since . Edwards went .cast several days ago. was advised cross the border. General Pershing li ero ordered Amor ic? hs; to stay ?Ubis side of the border, but. later. Carran 2a officials in Juarez telephoned that quiet wan restored, .^'^^^ffig^^ lt. ls reported that Villa is trying to Join General Rodriguez, who, wH& thousand men, fe said to he mov ing from Casas Grandes towards Sinaloa. New York, bec. 2??-^Breitung,. an tler 'indictment with Robert Fay, -Dr. Herbert . Ktenzlu, Walt?i? Achola and Paul D/vmo or? chaises of'conspiracy lng, till;? country today' udmiKcd I through bia attornoy : he bought 350 poUndo of chlorate of potosh^for Fay,'j The admission waa made "when lirelt l'ng . asked for Acparato trial from fay,. AiiOrhey Htanch?eld Void 0r?i*'-; tung acted, on Fay's requcat, in good Ith. u?d.inn?ceht bf .any p'an* .io de?' r ship?. Decision on: tho* motion __ out over utHil January 3, when ?enisions ? ott/ shnllsr. motions by the two other /defendants will ^e.rendor m- . Iii? Si iiilllli , V/jshington. -' Dec. 23 .--^eretar^ -McAdooV resolution mnlfir.g public omeo, holders and (members,; ot pollti-. ci??; party comrojtt?^s ineligible for election, as ofilcora and dictara of ih'e Federal Reserve banks ^'aM-a^opt- j ^d anahroiously' by the reaerve btmr?; hera toJay.. ^ This acnon 'o.f.^ho board l? understood to have taken ???*pe rfut-fn^. thia election of. ?^lassl.C ulric*'; iden, but it 1? said it fra* "sot aimed jcrticulorly at any candidate, ; DEPENDENT ON CARROT SOUP SERVED BY GERMANS DESTITUTION IN THE CAPITAL Witness Saw Aged Person? Stand for Hours Waiting for Soup. Now York, Tte c. 23.-'Moro than 4, 000,000 of ino population ot Poland aro destitute dud entirely dependent upon tho pint of carrot soup daily' served by tho Gormans, according to' William Hamilton of the American Mercy and. Relief committee, who ? arrived from Europa today. i In. AVareaw alone, he said, 75, 000 wero destitute, and-he saw aged ! persons stand for hours in zero weath- J cr waiting for soup. Ho declared that f thc ?r?tU'a should relax tho blockade , to assist relief. Koenig and His Associates Charg-j ed With Conspiring to : > Dynamite Canal Nc<v/N.York, Doc. 23.-Indlctmeniij were returned today charging -. PanV Koenig, tho chief detective of tho Hamburg'-American lino andr.Ilflch ard Emil Lycndecker, an antique - ?in alor.. uiith . jnHBniyino tc . dynamite , the Welland canal. Edmund Justice, ? a. Hamburg-?moricau line watchman .was also Indlcted-^th Koenig charged with conspiring to aecufo military iii formation for tho German govern ment. ; The indictments against Koenig, and Loyendecker 'charged them with ?- con spiring "to set on foot in the Uuitod ^States a' military enterprise against the Dominion of Canada." It set forth that part of ; the alleged con spiracyWa3 td destroy with dynamite or other means, tho canal, loading from Pori Coloborne, oh lake Erie (to Port Dalhousie on Lake Ontario. Tho indlctmehtb allego that Koenig and Leyondecked planned to secure employment, for their ,agent3 in va rious factories and ,mills adjacent to : the canal. WOULD ABOLISH LAWS I OF DIVORCE 1M Atlanta, Dec; 23.-That tho state of j Qeorgia. should wlpo all its divorce laws-off thie Statute hooks for at least f ton.years arid al?ow* ?ho popalatlon to get a new start bi life, in declared by j i Judge J. T. Pendleton, of tho super-1 tor...court here;'':.. ! ''Our divorce record hore in Atlan ta ia nothing ?hort of shocking", do- j dared the iudge, "and I seo no-pros? peet tor be.^?? Meat except through a complete ?bontlon bf the divorce Jaws -for ? term bf years.. "Perhaps by that time li?sbatius would fiad out that It is hot auch a I d itricult' matter to live together, af ter., ali,' and might- become coavJnced of ,'^.h? .^viedom of settila^. .amorig' tbem-. solved disputes o.v honVo lifo, instead of pushing poll mel) Into thc divorce and alimony coarta." - Judge PftnjHeton Bays that divorce? are becoming more .numerous' ' .every, day all .over Georgia and .particularly ? in. AUanto. Kb sayB that by *>.e tinto ! tba present year clops* 1t will soow that morp^Xah eoo divorce cases haVe. gone through the local court. . . ; rWiU ?c?iTy Kepi?. - Washington. vDec. .23, -r-Ambo?sador Sharp, ot Paris notified the state de 'ij^rhneht that Prance ivou'd not re ply td . the American note prbtoatlhg . ?^atost the removal of Germana uad Austrians from American vessels on tho high seas by tho,,FrenCiv cruiser Descartes until tho 5 ^mmat!der.? rei port*. Tho.^Ve^m;^i???;r^.^y ing^o secuto a report. Big F?ro in LflW'OHy lake City, P^. :-??:-^8&t*;.<???Wi and doili**- ^^??M^:'i?x?^:.if^ iago "tton*.'^ TMJcn?^l^0Y?4 ? - ftstoyon : ??oter ? nearby ?rocaj'V,. .Tho-hotel ; vp?nt?.:.^)r*.:^ ..: -c %& S iii ii Vtv e GOVERNOR HANNA GOES^TO: THE SWEDISH CAP-; ITAL MISSION MET ?O RESPONSE Norwegian Newspaper^ DoubifoS if People Will Join Peace ..; '.' Movement. y'.y ?'r?'* Christiana, Deo. 24.-Henry Ford. . who has been 111 and unable to attend - thc. peace meetings', h?r?, ; leif t tuts morning for Stockholm, wftoro other a' cf the party will follow him, with tho exception Cot Governor Hanna ] o? North Dakota^ 'who went to Conon", hagen. Tho invitation to the Norwegians to Join In the' mission met no re sponso. Local nowapapora are doubt ful If any Norwegians' will take part. , io : tho proceedings,1 but praise- Mr. Ford for his ?o?d wiil ajtvd 'high ideal ism. ? . . ? HEi?ill?S ' OfflSliBWlS Chicago, Dec. 23.r-In ia. mj^?^mi .toi Jane/Addams-of Hull, House,' hero, Henry Ford- denies tho > reports of, dissension among <?o :men}ber3 of tho peaco party.7 Ho said the stories ori >rinaied willi Imaginativo Journalisms, Iger for copy ? Ith in tho suco.' as unshaken. mm Washington, Dec. 23.-Despite ilia economy pleas of party leader). Chairman Sparkman of tho house ?rivera abd foarhora committee plans to report a general waterways, bill. There is fjomo talk today, of tho Inten tion of the' house ? public buildings committee reporting; aa omnibus building bill. The rivers and Qiarbors commlttco moots in January to determino it;i course and! consider faTOwibie reports bf the war department <ia hew pro jects, aggregating '$120,090,00!.'. Among projects favorably : report ed'byviho w?r department aro: . South Carolina: Sonteo river, filO.OOO; Congareo river SlOO.OOOi Cooper river, $14,000; Charlea.ton har bor, S140.000; -, waterway . Columbia. arid Camden to Ch?rtlesion, $430,000; liicClolSnnville-Winyah Buy waterway, no estimate; : .Omngeburg-O^arloston waterway;"$35,000; Cnnria^?n-wa^aa1* hali waterway,. $100,000. i* ..; Georgia; Savannah harbor, $154, 000; Gor^ral'? ?i^t, - $1,000; 'iii a ck. rh--, or,. $5,00i>: Washington, lice.>. cas?-n of typhus f<?vor-^'v<rVo resorted ?? ttxy. Laredo, Texas, a?o -ihirt<en in-Nuevo'? 1 ,r.rodo, -across;*iie border, Via result Of an epidemic raging ' in '.. "SSxxlea,. which .Caused. ' Surgeon, .G??ar'cii: vpine, '?< of t!.ie public h^lth serWco to- ;brd,e? great precautions' against in^ibduc v. ?ion Of tho disease. ; Tbirtee??vfU??r- ; ic&ns and Bogil tf>. are"; ; reponed stricken " in Wenlee city. ----r-*-*-'. - Christmas Malia ?er*?&?tt*jr/ Washington, DecY> ; 23 ,-vPoStbfilc?: .^pairtraeai: r-?^eiv^oV'f?^orsa'.'V froi? every- seot?ori' of the yalt?d . .?tatea to the effect1*^ was heavier, thau'eyer J he?oV-j and'its being moved wlthoot Hie?a?f'-v 2 CAft AX?XH ['? ' %' r SLvracus&f. T^y!t&\^K?^^< . * ierur?an car; ru?atog'.wlldiat^/ <fc ;? ti?v- ,;the ':.Meto??'i?^^^'.-l#^?^i