The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, December 02, 1915, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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COL? WANT ADVERTISING KATE? Twenty-five worda or lean, Ono Time 26 cents. Three 'l'.v\< u CO cents, Six Times $1.00. All advertisement over twenty* Uv o wordo prorata for each Ad ditional wo.d. Rates on 1,000 words to be used In a month mode on application. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents, cash lu ad van co. If your name appears in tho telephone directory you can tele phono your want ad to '?'?I and a bill will be malled after itu In sertion for prompt payment. FOR SAKE-A Ono furm consisting of 200 ncrcn of good lund. Herminia pasture grazing for one hundred head ut. cuttle, lu tho Clemson milk circuit. Three miles from Seneca, public road, rural delivery, nix room dwelling, barn? undi stables, mill house and machinery for grist and flour, tlireo hundred horBc water power, 60 acrcB bot tom Jami, twenty-five native forest. A moot declrable location for a home. Terms and prices to Butt hard timos, address Oconee Devel opment Co., Box 166, Seneca, S. C. 12-1-lt. FOR SALE-040 Herta land Laurens county, red subsoil, wbtto oak tim ber original forest, 40 acres Ber muda meade*. $16.00 per acre. Box 12, ChuppellB, 8. C. ll-30-3tp FOU SALE-102 acros land Green wood county. 3 miles Ninoty Six, on "' public road, good neighborhood, ? school andi| churches near. $22.60 ? peracre a bargain.' AddresB A. M. Smith, Chappella, S. C? ' / ' ' ll-30-3tp. FOB BALE-Agricultural Lime. Ap ply now to your gardens at rate of ? from one to five tonB per acre-lt's cheap and there is not a garden in Anderson but that needs lime-lt . will correct blight and sweeten your sour soil and make your , fer : tlliziitlon readily available. " Phone - - '464, Furman Smith, Seedsman. FOR BALE-One Becond band two horso wagon. W. L. BrtsBey Lum . ; ber Co. . FOB'SALE-English Psna. Plant be . tween nov and the fifteenth; Alas Tea and ? Morning Star varieties. , Don't let this ideal planting season get away from you. Furman Smith. ? Secdtsman, Phone 4C4. FOR; RALE-Forty acreB of Jand in Hopewell Township, 3 room house, new two small houses on public } road. Land fairly level and IB of fered for one thousand dollars. W. N. Walker. FOR SALE-Everything in the line of fresh fruits that are in season; .: pears, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, lamons, cocoanut*, nuts cf ' aR kinds, and candles that make - your mouth water, and at prices that don't make you sick either. J. ; K. Mar:?5B. C??JDLE tho 'Gasoline''Man-'on the /corner of. Main..arid Earle Sta., vL'nntg his friends and patrons to Know that tho paving work does 7 hot Interfere with, his gasoline ,, business. Caudle needs the ' buBiness oiid->s on/tho Job nt hit times. ;?' FORR?OT ';..>. -~o i'Oii BE?iT-Furnlshod roora on tlrBt floor, close in. Apply S cure Intel ligencer. "--O--;*' VOCSf* MAN -with''college education v.unts ivositlon in /Atidoraoh as bookkeeper or salesman. Splendid references os to. energy and char ... actor.)Apply to "Workor". caro In? ,'. telllgencer. i2-l-3t. WANTED-Machinists for lathe, ml'l / / ling-machine and general work. A-i abop. Conditions, tho beat. Covington Machine Company, Cov ington; Virginia, ? ^.iv^/ll-ST-St.; ; WANTED FEAS-Wo wilt - pay you ;v f 'higheBt: market prices cash-or will exchange ; Agricultural'' Lime--you cor?niniy noe-d ?iio Lir. >r ior iiH joiir 'L Small grain crops.- Furman Smith,* [Yr./Seedsman, -Phone 464. 11-18-15L .J'','*' Ilil'l'lMUl ; ll l'l( 'I l^ll^lllMll I/IWI?III. Ill 'i lia W?EAT MEAL A breakfast food, / Health restoring. Ttscomrnendcd by. physicians. Made from native grain. Ilsa a fina flavor,- Serve as other c?rcalo. Burrlss Milling Co. .-,/-? IJ>- - - ;'i ' . i ' ? i, / 11 . . ?i?j.v,.y-t*v-. i --.-' . WAK?8B-X good farm for one ot ?ur .customers; If you have a larm :-for sale we will bo glad to consider lt. Linley& Wat?o?, (Jt?o/?Lih?ay-. W. H. Watson.) ..?T..,,. i ..iiy.^i i;,M ,,. .,i . .,i.,i. . . ,, ,h,. ?" TO ?ft'?ii/Xf?N'? TRADE-One oat Texas' uproot ^-Oats, car pure shorts, and alt kinda ot feed. SRO G. Ev Turner at P. A.N. Depot. I ni a?Qn Jill, NOTtOE-Unti) further; /notice, , -wei will not have a deiiveryii^an .?t our xv?rehouso or our ?p?owpVy Tfvare houao except oe Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please bs ?ov?rh?d ?ci oordlnyly. Anderson FertUhter Ccinpany 12-1-tf,1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. HENRY R. WELLS] DENTIST Office P. & tl. Building Oilico 627-Phones- Residence 66 Dr. C. Mack Sanders DENTIST O?llco 304-6-C Bleckloy Building. OUice I'lioue 429 Residence Thone 149. Chisholm, Trowbridge & Snag? DENTISTS Nsw Theatre BaMag W. Whitner Sft. C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect 405-406 Bleckfcy Banding Anderson* S. Ce We .Dry Clean Soiled Waists and make thom look as clean, fresh ] and neat as when new. i Waists mudo from lace, silk, velvet, lawn or any other material can be I cleaned and pressed so i Hey look and fit a? well aB they did whoa yob first wore them. This sorvlco makes a wonderful economy in dressing possible for overy woman. It costs a little and it staves a great deal. Try tho service--send us a waist th . is so soiled that you hesitate to wear it longer-and seo how we'll freshen it up. ANDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY ] Phone 7. Lily White Market b headqaartora for good thinga to eat. Try soase og car Old Tim? Pork Sausage, Nice Juicy Steak, Leah Pork Chopa, Fine Fat Ve?!? We are all ready getting oysters lo. If you can't doddle what yon Want phone 694 and wo w?3 help jr via *v? unmivt LljLY WHITE MARKET, J. W. lindsay? Proprietor. ailHS HONKA,: the ^beauty specialist ls now located iii I). G??Hberg's.,.firat Brr i : Plibfte 076 f0r appOIhtmeubs; ll-'J-Ctp. WE NOW HAVE the largest otocU ot] Pl?nds iu tho City. They wcro bought at right prices ?for ; cash, und we will allow no man to under sell us. Bee us before buylhg? Pat terson. Music House, West Benson StcorLUndcr Masonic Temple. li-30-at. TV PK Will T K lt HEPASRIXG-Beat ^eflbjpped' typewrite)? rebuilding In the south. Factory experts for, all makes machines, your old- machine can bo made as good as new for a ? small amount. C. C. Dargan, Hub-; f bard Building. 10-23-20t. COME TO Tho luncheonette T?hen I you are hungry.v Wo cook anything; I that is In season, and we cook it right- Ask tho: tt?aa who eau I:sro, ?hOrt ordeira served Quickly.' <Jya^ 'r tert aby style. Next d^vtfJCalon 1 Ptauon. ' ? I,.!,,.!... 'if ?, I / I L'l I.'.??.??.J*1?|M^ IN PLACING yonr flro insu^?M-lferi to?mber tb?t r: Frank St : p?tarap RaaUy Company represents only : glrong,old line'*?tf&o?:Xm? business will be appreciated. tO-T-tt ? ' ". . :~ ?:. ?4i WE ARK PAYING ?8 per ion for eot ; ton seed, selling hulls at $18;tylipeT? ton and will exchango 3 tous hulls for 1 ton seed and 1 ton of cotton seed meal foi ton ot seed; Martin -.;,;^b^ ^ ). CoaX/CO, the f 5 Coal Man baa yet go* ! ?5^'' *? burn; he doesn't llke?j?? 'xs^l^of^thev smoko - b^bverV' un?' S ?es* aooie one elsb bas'^eid'1 -, coal. . He anya however that ho lb still saving tn? people lotsvOf looney on their coal bills. Hta phono is 18*. RESUMPTION O BY BOATS ON HELPS CEA Merlin, Do?:. 1.-Tho reuumptton of steamboat trawl on the Danube lu an event' of much economic importance* for Germany and Austria-Hungary. That river IH III peace times, the.great highway for ?relght traille between rumania and Holgar?a on the one Hide mid the central power? on tho other; und bv far the greater purl of the foreign trade of the two little Danubian kingdoms lia? been with their big weatern neighbor?. Hut riv er traille ha? been entirely suspended sine? the war broke out-and thin for two causes. Not only did Ser bia put mine? Into the river, but t.;e Ilu^Vias raak several old Vesseh: in the narrow channel of the Iron Gate Juut lx?low the Hungarian front ier. This wholly stopped the export of grain from Bulgaria to Germany and tbs dual monarchy, and aleo greatly restricted shipments from Rumania, Indeed, but not only were the railroads quite inadequate for the traille offered, but the Rumanian gov ernment pursued a policy which ap peared to be dictated by thc wish to check sbipment?. - Tile government apparently be lieved that Germany and Its ally were placed in a position of dependence up on Rumania for grain supplies; hence lt was disposed to drive a hard bar gain with (bom. Not only ivcro es: port duties on grain Introduced, but special feen for placing freight cars at the disposai of shippers werq charged. In consequence of this policy f.J greater part of tho grain available for export from the 191 .; crop was left In tho country and la still there. Only recently-after the Serbian campaign was well advanc ed-did the Rumanian government see t.i'at Its syBtcni of squeezing the trade for all that could be got out of lt could no longer be maintained; and about a week before the Germans and Austrians effected a junction with tho Bulgarian troops the 'Bucharest au thorities began to relax thc onerous burdens upon tho exportation of grain and other agricultural products. In view of the harsh measures enforced by Rumania, (however, there is now a Btrong disposition in Germany and Austria to buy no Rumanian- grain at all, and to buy from Bulgaria in stead; but doubtless the trade will Women on the Trail. The women are getting ready to pester congreiB more aggressively then ever, for thlB time there will bo two sets of organised oodles-thc suffragists and the antlsuffragists. Both are to meet in Washington simultaneously. The National Wom an's ' Suffrage association will open headquarters at one location on De cember ll, and at the same-time the National Association Opposed to Wo man Suffrage will open at another place. Rival delegations will be trailing -the congressmen with a greater persistence than has been known since woman began to take a hand in the political game, hut with the. president matters aro going to be a little different. He has inti mated that he will give no audiences to thu womon, not out of a spirit, of disrespect, but because ho has said all ho thinks necessary for him to say at present and ' there are weigh-' tiorvthings. commanding hla time auld attention. ' The las;, "visiting delega tion" thought the president almost insulted them, and it is a fact that he did talk a little blt plaine? than in usual with him. But tho con gressmen,, end especially the commit tee chairmon, are defenceless, and. to use an ordinary expression, are "In for lt.'*-Charlotte Observer. Love Is Blind. Mr. 7i. Y. Taylor^'president1 of tho Southern Publie Utilities company, al ways a delightful iifter-dihner speak er, toid of. a certain ugly- girl, who .was-so ugly Fimt her fum? had spread abroad In tbe land. Her ugliness-was Unquestioned and absolute. Her de fects were raultitudious, But finally, oho lad fell In love with her and bowing oefbro? her sald^ "Miss ?lory. you are tho most beautiful girl In tho world." And the young lady went up to the privacy of h?r room : and thanked heaven''That love ls blind." ? .-: Katini Wisdom. Amid all tho twaddle bf comment about what effect the circumstance of having been horn n alave had on the lifo of Booker-T. Washington, it*wlll bo noted that he had . two valuable che racterlatlcs of th?: cltUen of color born in bondage: Ho knew how to get money out of a yankee and to laugh, with -him on perfect' social ehhaUty ; ouA he knew ai to keep Wa 9,wn place in tho-Sonia. Tho av erage ex-alave hhs a good deal more native wisdom than ho Is. credited ^Ith^-Raleigh Time?i ' . \ : Happy finding Wanted. A charming. ?uhufe-h?lr?d nurso tells the story. Shel bent over the faed bf one badly wouUded man and asked hint if bo wobhi Hice anything toread* The^bldibr ftie^ c humorous ey?'on i;:iof and said. "S?ss, C*A you get mo a hit* novel f Va Hke one,yaboUt ? gbld?n-feaired girt and a Wounded: aol-' dior, withVoi imppy ending." / After thia tho pretty nura?^loofca; down contemptuously on; civilian, com-, plimonts. --Philadelphia Public V Iw?d ger. Lnugbter Aid? Digestion. - laughter IH OIK of ?ho most hea!th jtoi .exertlpnn;. H is of great help to digesti?n^ A%ttn more effectual help ls ? dc.?? bf Chamberlain's Tablet-*. li you should be troubled wita indi gestion give thotu.a triet? . They only co<t a quarter. For. sal?, by ail deal ers/; .'." H HU >F TRAFFIC THE DANUBE 1TRAL POYJ?RS later come around to taking Ru man?an grain without objections as soon as it is offered on equal terms with Bulgarian. The supplies to be obtained from those two countries are very large-'. much larger, in faot, than Germany and her ally aro likely to need. Here in Germany, the fact has been es tablished through official Inquiry t'.;at tlie stock of grain In the country 1B ample for feeding the population; hence there is no need for .buying abroad for bread-making purposes. On the other hand a .big!" Addition to the grain supplies will Come in very acceptably, a3 it cap be,,fed .to livestock and thus increase the meat 3upply. Rumania produces about 0,500,000 tons of groin, bf which about ? ,000, OflO urns represent corn, 2.300,000 tons wheat, and the rest is chiefly bar ley. Nearly half . of the crop has hitherto been exported. The amount naw available for export, however, is believed to be at least 5,000,000 tonn, after about two-thirds of last year's exportable Burplus was left in the country through the government's re strictive measures. In Bulgaria, ac cording to ofliclal estimates, ibero will lie about 1,000,000 tons.of grain for export from this year's crop of which about 200,000 tons, represent corn and the rest chiefly wheat; and besides these amounts there, are about 400,000 tons of corn and barley left in the country from the 1914 crop. There ls thus a possible supply of nome 0,500,000 tons (or more than 225,000,000 bushels) In the two coun tries for Germany and Austria t<< draw from. Other food stuffs can also be ob tained from Bulgaria. Before its re cent period or wars began the counr try was exporting about $5,000,000 worth of animals and meats yearly; and It, is expected that considerable quantities of butter, and eggs will not be exported to Germany. The re sumption of traine on the Danube-, will also bring Germany into trade relations with Turkey again. The importance to Germany cf this conr ncctlon is evident from the fact thai Turkey's exports nf I raw raaterfcJs' amounted beforo : the war to nearly $lt0,0?0,000, and1 those of food pro ducts to about ?135.000,000. ?IETTINO GOOD FB03L JIANUKK Keep Manure in Dry: Stall UntU Spring:, Thea Apply. Lightly? Clemson College, Dpc. 1.-In view of tho present high prices of , com mercial sources ot potash, farmers Bhott?d take special pains io keep-and appl> their stable manure in such . a woy as to get -the - greatest benefit 'from this valuable product. Tho liquid manure, which is often permitted ,to go to waBte, is even more valuable fer plant' food than, the,;solid < and, farmers should be-careful to use goba bedding to save this part of;.the man ure. " I j Iii a : forthcoming bulletin On pot ash and Its sources; ^T^.-'Ev 5 Keltt, ' chemlBt of the SoUth^ Carolina Ex {p?riment Station at Clemson Col ! lego, says of methods/ of keeping and applying manure: C "Under ordinary- farm conditions 'it is not practicable to:habl;Out h/.'bfc 'ure every day and *b; a' field I that is soon to be planted. When 'manure is hauled oot.itis desirable to have it incorporated; with the abll i Immediately. Under present condi jtlon? ll - ls beat to conserve* manu ro umii' spring arid ?pp?y ?t io cotton land in very light applications. "The Lest way tor the'average far mer to handle his manure is to per-, mit it to accumulate inutile- stall be ing careful to keep th# stall dry 'arid well littered. The animal w?t ; 'pack tho mhuure by tramping^ it end ; lt keeps befit when packed; JTlit}"litter will absorb the liquldv^'annres "We should advise jts application to cotton' land in the drill' when itio laud 1B ."laid off." Applr^stibn^; niay^. he os light as. oh? to^c'w^'?br^.\?n.? ton of manure ruhnlug^?^'pej?' ???rit potash contains', us mm-hp.otauh as Z?0 pounds, ot kalnlt; i6r, th?^pbtaslt cbhteut bf 300 pounds of an 8-4-4 f?r tlliper." Ci?iera H-urcH"Full. "The vetorisary department of the Iowa station has co bplet?a a series of tests;on so-called hog^blh^ cibres," says the, current isstte^of"''^wh^^?ad. Fireside. ." nong the reniedieb tested wore: Cholera immune U. S.:' specific; American specific N0.': 2; Co-Yac-O? No. 544 curative"; NOV-imm nu iz irig; De Vahx Cholera Antitoxin j T>.\ D', W. Nolan's Anlt^o* phbl?ra. ?jneclfic (a ox In e. ) . . _. . '.. I "These'pr?du?ta.w'?rb exactly, aa reconuheudeati>y ibe mW??. facturers. hui in' eVbry.c?se all of ,t'he pjlgs died. - "In commenting on , thc remedie?, Dr. c. H. St?ns? says? 'Wpt ^ ihe present time' no prohibit ? has been found that will cure ho?s!i?S;ctfed withT cholera, abd tht?rohly^^?pb?t so fer Ss : known that will i It?aa unisu t he hog gainst cholera ta >im&W\&o\*r* s?r^?n: it is reau*e44n??thb present method of producing serum is very (?isp^ebelve, therefore. the experiment: Stai^on is not oppose dto a mbre sim ple ?nd ebonbnricbi 1 kiprt*hoid?rof- com bating hog cholera; brit}. suc& a method will be welcomed v when j lt appears. ' '.-.,'Tn Other -words, y^n^fcan't cure or prevent cholera Nvjth ,?'$*tei4 remedy. Serum is the safest un only; ?8$ cihlly recognized method.a . H ., i .i......'..1.. , .,, ? . / : f Bi^^e.%?|nr.;.' -;' Corporal (on r\tar|frt^;'rari^~^' told you to take a (ino sight yon tob; dent jots know what a ?fee sight isr^ .-'.- liaokle-"Sure! A -bofcunll ^of corpo rals 8l?k?ttg.?t^adBe, ; * SF DISH Copenhagen, Dec. 1.-Remarkable reports aro in, circulation here in tlie| Danish capital regarding the treat ment of the Danish population in the north of Sohleswlg-Holsteiu, the Ger man province which borders on Den mark and which was formerly Danish territory. There are still over a hun dred thousor.i inhabitant? of Danish, extraction and of Danish tongue, com- j monly known as South Jutlanders in this German territory over Blnce they came under Prussian rule there have been charges that the Danes suffered persecution, although for years before the outbreak of the European war the trouble had nearly ceased. It 1B now charged that the Danes are meet ing with nev/ affronts, which are bit terly resented since a great number of the Danes have fought with great braver)' and distinction as part of the German army ia the present war. It ! is said that German commanders have been drawing up certain black-lhua of tho Danish South Jutlanders, and thai these persons are being punished with a severity out of proportion to j the offences committed. "When war'began, South Jutland, or tho north of tho province of Schles wig-Holstein, was placed under a mil itary rule which superseded the au thority of the high bailiff. One of the first measures taken by this military command was td seud ?00 South Jut landers to prison. It ia charged that many of these per.. >ns were awakened in the middle of the night and rushed off to the Jail scantily clad. It is declared that the arrests were made on teniou3 and imaginative evidence, such as the fact that a large -number of fishermen who were arrested were put in prison because they possessed boats in which it was though that men eligible for military Bervice would try to escape. Many of three fisher men were over 70 years old, and one of these old men, who has four sons and three! sons-in-law serving In the i German army, complains that he waa ! kept for-six days in a prlsoh cell on most meagre prison fare. Most of the ! prisoners taken at thia time were kept j in Jail for a month. Danish newspapers ia tito province are subjected to the most rigid) cen sorship and one of these . papers. "Haindal" was suppressed for eight days because lt failed to mention the birthday of the German empress, ac cording to the editors, who rd dod that their protests that the empresa had expressed the desire tb pass tho day quietly did hot serve to move, the .au thorities from, their) stand In tho mat ter-. The censo ra work is also seen in.the fact that they deleted' an item in one ot the papers which referred to the* dtall?n crown prince's celebra tion of-his eleventh birthday. - ? . Innumerable reports of such cur tailment of privileges aro current'; in Copenhagen, some ' of them. < well 1 authenticated' ai?d others mere rumor, Jh t?ie latter category perhaps is the report there that practically^ all per sons formerly- rejected by the German army authorities'.on account of physi cal infirmity.Jhavo been accepted for military service,. even, th? rumor J goes, men with club, feet, others wmv are lame, crippled, and suffering from chronic illnesses of various sortis. . . Limited to Officers'. Corporal (to soldier reporting sick) -What's the matter with! iyouT Tommy Atkins--Pain in n\y habdo men. . Corporal-Habdomeh, bo 'anged. ? Stbmlck, you thean.'It's only, hoftcers'. as ' 'as haJj^omens'. -?Boston;' Trans Licommended far Crodp. Coughs, colds, - -, croup, hoarseness, j inflamed throat, bronchial troubles or abre: chest /aro relieved by *Pol?y*s Hy?.ey ?nd Tar1 wbIch opens stopped air passages;" soothes and : hea1s;vih-i flamed surfaces,', and' restores normal breathing.' W. VI Allen; Bossley, Mo., say' : ; "I have : raised a family w lour children 'and used Foley's, Honey and Tar with ail o^theni. o I find, it the- best cough and 'croup medicino I ?v?r n'a?d. I used' it 'for eight br ten years and -can' -'ricommend. it for croup."-Sold teverywhere. i Work, save, sleep, fixer-. - C?Sc, vnma^.?^^^?i??p your. mind and - blood clean, re ?:- sp?ttv?th^ be > diligent in your , business, ? wlt?chts^ the busine? of life, \:: th?ibi?iness of good thintrr . iiig> this business of ?ppre* ' cia^ii?g^t|r|^s vajue^jhe bits iness of, self jeriUcisfh. Our Dime Pocket Savings Bankii will help yon io become ? more self-respecting, if you. j ;' use it s^tem??icaUy, ; * ... ? Has Faith In R?^?dy Mrs. H. 8. ('sir Is ui J of Wakefield, Nebr,, fest I ii?; H i? the relief ptae experienced froni the use of Frultola and Traxo: "I used Frultola and Traxo with very .good result?, having passed almost a cupful of gall'?tnu?s . with; the drat bottle. My i kin is clear now, end I have a good appetite. I have lots of faith in Fr?ltola at?d Traxo." fruit oin is a powerful lubricant foi- the Intestinal organs, soft* euing the hardened particles that cause so much su?icvlng and ex* pelling thc congested waste Ia an easy, natural manner. A 'ingle dose ls ustuilh sufficient to clearly Indicate tts efficacy. Traxo ls ai splendid toulcalterutive (bat acts on the liver and kidneys, stim ulate* the How of gastric Juices to aid digestion and removes bile from the general circulation. Vcr the convenience of the public, arrangements have been made Iii supply Fraitola abd Tr?xo tliirodgb representative druggists In Anderson they eau ho obtained at Evans' Pharmacy, Three Stores. O'CONNOR'S VER8AMTY Irish Statesman Never Writes lils Speeches Beforehand. London, Dec. 1.-T. P. OtConncr, who, after SO years' representation of a Liverpool constituency in the House of Commons and the editorship of countless publications, is still one of tho most versatile, talkers and writ ers in public life, does not venture to prepare any addresses in advance. An Associated Press man, -knowing that he- was to address the house on a.certain day asked him if he hud a summary to take In with him. "My dear boy," said."T. P." "I never do that and if a grateful country would give mc a competence I would ogree never to write or speak another word in' public." "Then where would you go-to Liv erpool .or to Ireland?" asked the American. "To neither," replied "T. P." with a smile, "to Newport' of. course." Ones Her Oood Health to Chamber? lulu's Tablets. "I owe my'good health to Chamber- . Iain's Tablets,' 'writes Mrs. B. Qi. Neff, Crookston, Ohio. "Two years ago i was an invalid due to.stomach -.' trouble. I took three bottles of those Tablets and have since bc a in the' best of health." For salo by all deal ers, v FARM FOR R?NT . ; We have a splendid two horse . arm for rent five V miles from the city. See us. m s Anderson Real E?iai? & Inveslme?t Co. E. R. Horten, Pres. L. S. Horton, % JV , ? "VT.-TP. Marshall, Secy. iti iMilVi'i 'lil* rr- >.'-'. -.>:.; ?? ??^?^.\\> ill? Yesterday (MiDii^?y^?^oy. 22) owe received, a car los?t; pf-v Tennessee Mules and Horsey and horses. Not scrubs., This is all-fine stock and if, /interested nvgood farm mules ahd horses it will^piiy you to look tt?se oVeH ^ We haye just o? this famous make of farm wagon. Wherever sold, it stands, as the leader .:P?^U;fa'rin. wagons. It is vtruiy the wagon with the reputation. You will rn^- ?? mistake in buying this . wagon. Drop-in aridllet : us show them to you.