The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, December 02, 1915, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1 EAT BIG mttALSI NO SOUR. MHO STOMACH INDENTION QR GAS ?Papefs Diapepain"" is quickest, surest stomach relief known-Try it! Time lt. Papc'S Diapcpsm will di-: gest anything you oat and overcome a Konr, gassy or out-of-order Btomacli ourcly within live minute?. If your meals don't flt comfortably or what you eat lits like a lump ?>i lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a aien of Indlges-. lion. I Gel from your pharmacist a fifty cent caso of Papa's Dtupepsin and take a dose Just, nu soon na you can. Thcio will ??o no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, nb stomach gas or heart burn, fullness or heavy feeling in the utomuch, nausea, debilitating head aches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will nil go, und, besides, Ibero will bo no sour food left ?vor IQ thc stomach to poison your breath with. nauseous odors. Pape'? Diapepsin ls a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because '. it takes bold of your food and digests lt Just tho sumo au If your stomach j wasn't there. Ilolicf in five minutes from ?ll atom aeli misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large llfty-cent oases contain ? enough "Pape's Diapepsln" to keep i tho ontlro family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs in your home. DARKEN GRAY HAIR. LOOK YOONG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that No body can tell. Almost overyono knows that Sago T?a and Sulphur, properly compound ed, bringa back tho nntural color and lustre to the bair when faded, streak ed or gray; also endo dandruff, Itch ing scalp and stops falling hair. Years > ago L ie only way to get this mixturo V was to make lt at home, which ia mussy and troublesome. Nowadays wo simply ask at any drug storo for "Wyeth's .Sago and Sul phur Compound." You will get a large bottle for about 50 cents. Everybody UBOs this old, famous recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you , darkened your hair, as lt does lt so . naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft bruah with lt and draw this, through- your hair, ? taking - one . small strand at a time; by morning -thc - gray -bair-.disappears,,?and niter iL,. .. . . _. another application or two, your hair becomes ' beautifully dark, thick and I WHILE IT LASTS Roof Paint 30c a Gallon Anderson Paint & Color Co. 132 Nor th ^oin Street ?ho?<e 647. To cook with is the most Cwhveiiieni fuel to b ? had. And it ia the, cheaper, ; too when the least bit of though! fend attention is given it. ' try h ?or .awhile, and , you .will like it. There We many satisfied u?crs of goa in .'Ander? son. ItV just th? thing to heat the bath room with. ?as f n CHINESE WOMi MONARCHY WITH VEHl Peking, Dec. I.-Chinese women have entered lulu . the monarchal movement with a vehemence which would do credit to Mrs. Pankhurst and lier most aggressive followers. MiM An Shlang-snn and twenty-eight of her supporters, chiefly school mis tresses, Bet t o ball rolling ht Po K .iK by i'suing a manifest? urging thc women of (.'?lina lo participate in ti e movement to restore the monar chy. This manifest? Immediately called lor:ii a protest from a large body of women unli-sunrngeUcs, wno deplored tilt- eifort to involve women In the political movement. Th OHO protes tants not only denounced tin; attempt to enlim women in the political agi tation, but were harsh In their cri ticism of tito monarchical .movement. They declare that tho men who were attempting to restore tho monarchy "es pool to receive seme rich reward, audi as titles of nobility from the new government for their service?." Their protest then Inquired "What mo tive.* luvve actuated a section of our women to participate In this cam paign? Do they aspiro for a space In thc? new emperor's harem us con sorts or malds-of-honor?" These protesting wome:i urged thal the women of China have not tho in telligence necdJfjary to a proper dis cussion of tho affairs of state and that tho?- "''ould not interfere with politics L . . way. Tho views w. Misa An Shlang-sun and her followers are set forth in the following petition: "Since tho Chou An Hui made its appearance, tho cry,for a constitution al monarchy das echoed from 'the lips of every body' /and tho whole country bas responded, t?..t,le calf/. From mero theoretical study of tho question, thc movement has niatorallz ed into a practical campaign. People In every walk of life have raised their voices lu favor of a monarchy. But to bur great disappointment, not a single word baa been uttered b>' ,?ur women, nor ha3 there been a single ono among our 'slaters' who has fol lowed tho load of tho' men lu this movement. And thu mea(engaged In SICK MAMMA HELPED CAUSE Boy's Consumptive, mother Inspired lied Cross Seal Stile. The little boy said that be wanted 10 cents worth of Red Cross Christ-, mas seals. Tho rich woman was buy ing rt') centB* worth and the lad seem ed impatient. "JUBI a minute,"' counsel 'the'dork In charge. : ' . _ 1 "But I must get back to my mamma.. S^o's-alok,-but-bho. wants, the. seals just tho same," announced tho Ind with a show of spirit, j , /.The rich Avohmnfinrjfod io look at him'.'llb waVa^sweeti faced youngater. With sparkling eyes, who seemed not to mind tihat his suit watjjaot as warm as it .might .bo. ', > , . "You say your mamma ?B ill?" she asked. ' H -, "Yes," ho said in a tono that Indi cate dan acquaintance with suffering boyond his years. "She's got consump tion, but Bh9>Sf bl >ahevwas going to take n whack at lt'by buying the seals. How can she.takes a wuack at lt with tho aoals?'Y' ; "You had better give mo moro Be."'?? iMOlead .of diengei f^p .this five dollar hill." she said"io ?io'?ldrk.'Then to tba lad slid remarked: "Von toll yppr itassma that she has taken a bjggcr. whack at tuberculosis that! shh thought." ." ' There ls no-need tp.point tho moral. The seals are'orf*,?ale everywhore. fir,-r-^-..... ,i; Seals.Help Himself. A lad of ' aloyen entered the Antl-Tu-V berculOslfj'.society's headquarters yes terday; Ha^ hail'?elt>?chcol Some timo ago. Yesterday he saw Somo ot'the boys ahd-^rlii'Jwtibl had. bben in his scltoolroom carrying Christmas seals and ho' thought he'would like to helj> contribute to tbe'reliof 'of the tubercu lous p?tlonta.lnitho. clt.v. Ho got some seals^h^childron * sold n hundred .of, them." Enf?tis'cd^with. success ho thought ho'd try?td'6el? t?mo for himself. When ho reported .^headquarters tho nurse looked at"him ub? GM took him Into tho ellni?rthen^in-.session. An exami nation showed.marked signs of tuber culosis, and today little Tony ls in tho sanatorium at?rttngi,??fV?a''?lggor fight than ho's over bcd before-a fight for - health.' ' His hundred seals helped to give him his chanco for WO. A, lisb- tot* 'Thom. ', A Kew England houeowlfe ono af ternoon received a call.from a. boho to -.-? tu"* ^.?wi- -r.i^Jt : --- TT 11V I, i vu LAV uiviniii{,*?wv..|Kr.? : B1VCI1 some doughnuts. Th? knight the road doffed his ragged head piece and with great civ ility, addressed her? Giu*:i- ,\ -b "Madam,' this Worfijpi j^bjpave mft thr?o doughnuts.;y$v\JjdAlf >bo ask ing too much .to request a fourthT" "PH be glad to-give ? you another,* said the woman, as Shh prepared to wrap oho in h newspaper. ' ' "So you like Wt doughnuts,- (la-jong^^ ' 1 "it Isn't that,- madam," rplied the hob?.. "You beb, tonio friends of mine flown''in the meadow w|?h-to have a ;ame of quKs.'Vthechangb. ;,;'-':''''8troBg\-t?'?''-rT??-as .Fred Smith, 328 Main ISL, Green Bay, Wis,, says: "I Buffered ? long Ihne with a very weak back. Foley Kidney VPills .eompjtet^lj^iyrilwi?pd nib if all soreness and pain and ? now tm strong and well, as ever.'* winter tggravates sympt?me of kidney rouble; cold w^thorVmakt* aching ?bre bnfc?a rabie. * Foley1 Ktdnoy; Pills ieip\ Gib kidnoy?,elimln^-U' pain-caus Q?'^isons.^soia . j^erywhere. ; .">' i c'v-i'.i.: \. ^it^k^^'-?^ EN ENTER MOVEMENT ?MENT ENERGY tho campaign har? also omitted lo re mind the tvoroen of tho country of t'-.olr neglect of duty. Are not we wo men citizens also of this country? i)o men thin>j that we women ought to ho excluded from participating in ?ucli ii momentous movement us thc one thal in now loading un all to the foot of tito throne? .'According to tho constitutional compact, the iiovcreignty of tho coun try SH vested in l!:e people of tho whole country. 'Thc people of t!ie whole [country' naturally moans thc people of I holli sexes. Out of tile 400.000,000 people, half are women. Ii wo let the men ?ilene promote thl'J movement, nol only will tho movement he Incom plete but it will seem that men alone uro entitled to rights that belong equally to women. If our women do uot understand lie importance of this, it may bc due to sheer Ignorance, but if como of them understand, yet temain Inactive and indifferent to thc movement, they will bc guilty of neg lecting their duty to the country. "We admit that the intelligence of tho mass of our women is still at a very low standard, but they have tito Kamo interest in the country and have tho same desire for the safety of their person and property ar, the men. Why f hould we women remain passive without raising a hand to support the movement? Being women, wc aro of frail constitution and limited educa tion, yet we have beeb deeply con corned with the unsettled conditions of the country and cannot but express our anxiety for its welfare. It ia sin cerely hoped that tho 'two hundred million women' of this country will awaken to the Importance ot their duty and follow the lead of Ult? pat riotic mon by petitioning the govern ment for tlio restoration of a mon archy." Vernacular papers contain repots of associations of women organizing In various C.iinC3c cities, and there are repeated efforts of the rival or ganizations to discount each other's strength. Apparently there ?3 little fear of libel in tho Chinese papers, as communications aro printed which make direct attacks on tho personal character of women leaders. # * I + LEBANON HIGH SCHOOL * I*'- * * + +++*?++*?**+++**??+? The basket ball team of the Lebanon h|gh school had Its first game, last Wednesday afternoon. Last session Lebanon won two games from Seneca high sc;..oo 1. Seneca came this time with a.determination of winning bac* some of her lost honors.- Both teams played good ball. The game .wjas oloso from beginning to end. At the end of the first half the score stood 3. to 2. in Lebanon's favor. The sec ond ended 10 to ll, thus making tee score 13 to 13. The team? decided to break the tie and for ton minutes a ;hurd battlo was fought. Finally Seneca scored a field goal winning the game "13 to 15. The players were as follows: . Lebanon-Center, Ducworth; tfor-<, ward, Horton; Forward, Robbins; guards, McAiister, Thompson. "Deneen-Center, Bradberry; for wards,. Dalton, Moore; guards, Moore, Powel. Those scoring most points were Horton for Lebanon and Dalton for Seneca. Each player did himself credit and their teams should be proud of them. ' . On . . Wed???d?y owning before Thanksgiving the Improvement asso ciation served oysters in the new hall. Thoro was a large crowd pres ent. The amount taken in whlt?lt was $38'wUl go for school purposes. All seemed to have a good time even If thoy did. have to. stand around. Wo .will havo e.eats'. some day. TheHTliiink8siving program of the GoldoniRbd Literary society was very interesting. Quite a .number Of visi tors -were present. Among these was Mr. Felton. He gave the society a very nice Itttlo talk. Wo always wel come visitors. We want others to seo w?iat wo aro doing. ' As school turnod.out Wednesday, until Monday for holidays, most of tho teachers visited homo. Misa Shealy -wen*- to see her homefolks at Little Mountain.. M|ss Cooner want ed tb.see Greenwood and Mls3 Broyles wandered over to Townvlllo. How-' ever all got. back and are now down at good hard work. - The school month has ended; -The school ia progressing nicely with the addition of another teacher wo expect to accomplish great things this year. The .?honor roll for November stands as follows: First grade-Marshall Stone. i.ntA Leo "Williams, Thelma Smith. Hester richardson.. Second grade-Nancy McAiister. Isabel Casey, Nan Wallace, Vivian Williams, Miss Mabel Cooner teacher. .\?H!rd grade-Fred Owen .'.. Fourth grade-Mell Wolborn, Annis Dalyymplo. Miss Shealy, teacher.. Fifth grade-Ruth Hicks, Clifton Wallace. Sixth ' grade-Sarah . Richardson, Mary Welborn, Seventh 1 grade-Georgia? Welborn, Miss Saidee . Clarke, teacher. ghth grade-Ellen HapnicuttV Ninth grade-Floride Welborn, Guy Harris. Advanced tenth grade-Roy Craig. Max Welborn, Wade Robbins, Malcolm Duokorth, Cecil Copeland1, : ?Mary, Smith. . ';. .K First Recruit-what do yon-; thl?fc of- the mp^or, Bill? P^J& Second Recruit-He's a changeable kind Of.bloke. Last night X says to him, "Oo goes there?' an' lie sa: "Frl?nd;" an'_. today 'e ..'an?ly koo rab-PuricHT7^ ,? ". '"^"^^S^^^fflSBfl INDIA'S WAR PRINCE WOtlUY CROSS London, Dec. .1.-India's youngest war prince has just won tile military cross for marked gallantry. Ho is Second Mc ur. i am I^iia Jodi?a Jang Bahadur ot the 30th Carwal Rifles, grandson or the Maharajah of Nepal. Tho olllcinl account of his bravery says : "During a feint attack north of the La Basso Canal, he commanded a dou ble company with great. ability and conspicuous gallantry in face of a severe fire from rifle?, machine guns, an? grenades and bombs, ills brav ery was previously obserf?d\ pt) Sep tember 25, when he led his men with marked gallantry right up ta the Ger man wiro under heavy rifle ma chine gun fire," The prince ls now in a London hos pital recovering from two wounds re ceived in tho La Basse oncounter. He is something less than twenty-Ilvci years old. "I take my men into action armed wita kukris aa weil as rifles," he told an Interviewer at the hospital, "but we don't often got a chance to use tho knives. When we get near the enemy, they always surrender. They have ;hoard of our kukris. "In peace and wnr wc keep up our Bkill In tho use of the kukri. At our principal festival evory man has to use his knife. Wo have goats and buffaloes for victims. If a mun takes two strokes to dispatch his animal, in stead of doing It with ono clean stroke; he ?3 disgraced.." . . llesir This In Mind. ,"1 consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy by fur thc best medicine In tho market for colds and croup," .../..y;? Mrs. Albert Blosser, Lima, Ohio. Mnny others oro bf the same opinion. H or sale by nil dealers. OUR JITNEY OFFER-This and Sc DON'T MISS THJ.S.. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs.. colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In side and back, rheumatism, back ache, kidney abd (bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole somo an.i thoroughly cleansing cath artic, for constipation,' biliousness, headache and, sluggish bowels.-iSold Everywhere. ..' ' Makes Belfghtfol coffee at ' tho table. $3-00 ^ $3.50 SHOES Y?? CAW MONEY BY WEARING Wo L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED. For 32 years W. L.Lougiaw name bas stood for shoes of ths hiebest standard o? quality for the price. His name an J the price stomped on the bottom guarantees full vdue. They are the bess known shoes ib the world. VV. L. Douglas shoes err made of the moat carefully selected !eather?taf tex-file latest models, in awoll equipped factory at Brockton, Mru^., under the direction and per sonal inspection of e. vaozz perfect organization and the highestpaid3!d1?edchooraaker6;aUworkingv/ithanhoneat determination to make the best shoe? in the world? W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes are just ac good for style, ?r?fc and wear as other makes costing $4.00 to $5.00, the only perceptible differer, .-.e is the price None g enu:?c unless W.- L. Douglas name and thc retail price is stauiped on thc holton. il your local dealer cannot rupply you, write lor Illustrated Camion showing how to order byrcnil. W. L. DOUCLAS, i6'J .Snnrk .Street. Brockton. Man. &. BROS. W. E.. DOUGLAS WAG PUT TO WORK PEGGING SHOESATSEVEU YEARS OF ACE. HE BEGAN MAN UFACTURING IN 1870, AND 18 NOW THE LAR GEST MAKER OF S3, $3.50 ANO tC SHOES IN THE WORLD. t Boys' BlToea, \Beit ia tho World, $3.00 S2.G0 3.00 BEWARE _ SUBSTITUTER? . ANDERSON, S. C. WHEN TO ADVERTISE r life By E. E. Shively When the Field is All Yous Advertising is the best fortifica tion you can provide against a possible competitor. Keeping your name con tinually before the public gives you a precedence that's practically competi tor-proof. . >*. When? Never! Advertising j can be adapted with profit to any business; ill, no matter ho\v trifling or 'iiow serious. Ask Wanamaker or Marshall Field which day, week, or month of the year it is safe to lay back on their advertising. The answer js self-evident. Wheir Entering ? New -Field People won't flock into your estab lishment to inspect your stock until .they know you're in town.- Be sure ? that your goods are: ? th? best--then with confidence te.ll. people what you've got, You'll get there, in spite of com petition. ; , . ?xb> When Business is Slack An advertising tonic wi?l break up the most obstinate: case of commercial inertia and automatically plac? you on; that side of the street where: there's real activity. . If for no better reason, advertise to show your competitor that . you'veTtot'lost courage. . .. r> ; \. ' - V ' " '. . l% t *? T ?foi ? 1- >:,<' r^y. . ..' : ..\..v v..; ..-;;.). ;*-..?.'.> '?'. .; When Business is^Good You've the advantage Of a down hill pull so make tl^.^be^t, of the run ning whie it's good bjb^eeping:up your advertising. Insure yourself - against that coming slow season by making every season actlve '' ? . /' . . . . .. ..." v.??fc When Your Competitor ... Knocks You Keep up your advertising for "there are nov/ two advertising your business. . Every knock is just so much publicity in your favor-and. it's free. In this case you get double value for your ad vertising expenditure.. ix v?i;?*:~?''\ ? . '.*!.*".'.: .>..'.'',.,.....?* *....* ' ,. \ ... - : . ,. y . - >'-'l.-.?. . Represent the utmost service, safety, mileage and pleasure obtainable from an "Auto-Va<? cation trip. ; Oposite tne Pato??to N. Main I EPISCOPAL CHU RC Servie? Eteeiry^