The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, November 09, 1915, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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a Suit At a little price, say not over $22.50? We opened a dozen yesterday, mostly blues, that are splendid for style, quality and fit. No, they are not worth $30.00 nor $35.00 but you'll get all that's coming to you at our price. You know you are satisfied when you buy a garment and it measures up to your expectations. Ours always ;do and more. Stop in and look these ovzx today while your size is in stock*. ' i?ov iyi 8 H is s SSH "Vc3? ?o nc=J i uWhooa ON",EVERY DESK. Thon ytm wQl ba equip p c j to t!9 our but WMV " SH*'' ' JLoca anpi us ? V IN making your :^6v|?? plans, yoi * should be of you^ele|||one service, your telephone equipment, alterar new lot ?quate to take care of all your needs. Pr? for the desk of every employee. Arrange f????hber of lines sq that al! your calls, inconi can be handled without delay Complete 'mehi is the most economical equipment. No molter how many telephone remo' ifcceive, it ie our desire toi raake ; each cha way ?hat w?H beat please each auls< enroue n?ving YOUR equipment installed a location, suppose YOV let us, knpvf a? far i passible?f any removal YOU intend to mak Illili TELEP TELEGRAPH COM CANAL I)Ui:i)OI\U Muir mod WW lie Open In Large Meas ure by Ncc. 15. Panania, Nov. 8.-Dredging ia pro reeding 80 rapidly that lt ia virtually assured a channel one hundred feet wide and thirty feet deep will he cat through tin? canal by the middle of December. Ger ninny ls Sorry. Washington, Nov. 8.-Secretary Lansing announced that German mili tary authorities had expressed to American Minister Whitlock their regrets of published reporte should have made lt appear that be was leaving Hclglum ns a result of ob jections of the German government. Slill GOSH ."durchin:; On. (From Charity and Children.) Wo lind ourselves In agreement with The Charlotte Observer which says the New Jersey set-back is only a temporary halt to the suffrage pro cession. Tho renson Tho Observer assign-; may or may not be true, which ls that the women are mad with the president for golnp u court ing and desired to administer a re buke to him. Whatever the reason, tlie New Jersey defeat will oniy de lay fdr a lime the final triumph of thc cause which goos murching on. SAGE AND SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Thickness. Hair that loses Its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, ir, caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grnndmothor mado up a mixturo of iSage Tea nnd Sul phur to keep hor locks dark and beau tiful, and thouKands of. women and men who. value that oven color, that beautiful, dbrk shader nf hair which ls so. attractive, use only this old-time recipe. Nowadays wo got tills famous mix ture by asking at any drug storo for a 50 cent bottlo of "Wyeth's Sage end Sulphur. Compound," which darkens the huir so naturally, so evenly, that vcbody cr.,, possibly tell lt has beon applied, ll .'sides, lt takes off dandruff, stops sc-.ip itching and falling hair. VC?I Just dampen a sponge or'soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By 'morning tho gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur is that, besides beautifully dark ening the nair after a few applica tions, it also brings back the gloss and lustr?.and gives it an appearance' of abundance. BB--IIT mi.i.?.fi III 111 ? iii ?iii one ce in* first thought Make sure that zation will be ad* wide a telephone i for a sufficient ling ?and outgoing, t?ne equip?. gal; prier*, we' ngo promptly fe****'* -V-VZ?; n advance ts e. YU" ?.. . . -;.v 7,.'! A BEG TEMPERANCE !, BALLY HEXT SUNDAY ON BEHALF OF NATIONAL PROHIBITION-AT THE THEATRE GOOD SPEAKERS Hon. John G. Wooley Will De liver Principal Adp5 ress The Program. Plan? for tho biggest temperance rally lu the histnn>y--or Anderson will be inaile in the canoe of National pro hibition Sn inlay afternoon |in the An derson theatre. The meeting will bo held promptly at :t::tfl o'clock and tho principal 8pea3to'r will bo'Hon. .john (?. Wooley, (Considered tn be one of the best orator? and one of the most on? thusinstlc workers in hclmlf of pro hibition in the Untied tates. Of Mr. Wooley, another paper- ?aya: The Honorable'John (J. Wooley IM one of the colloBsal figures of tho tem perance reform';'' i^or more than ii ?coro of yearn ho has gone up and Mown the land Uko'a consuming fiann;, calling upon tho church ito throw off ita Indifference arid ma'.co War to the death on the legalized taloon. > For more than a quarter, of a cen tury hi:; eloquent voice :ai)d lien have been continuously employed in open ing the eyes of the nation tc? tho curse of tho drink trudie abd Hbo final achievement of national - prohibition (within tho next 'decade at the out side, we believe) Will be a triumph for no single individual, more than John G. Wooley. S n? Probably no man.dtnatbeen a larger factor In arousing ?the civic conscience; ot tho nation and- in preparing public t.enttment for tho . launching of the national prohibition .campaign that is now on. .;ii.. ? ,r At the great convention ; ul Colum bus, Ohio, in November,, 1913, which launched the campaign for m.Uoanl prohibition, .he mada.j,the.,,"key-note speech-The ,CnJ.l ? ?ol-, dm Knoch-an d' stirred that croat-?crqy/M to tho wild est enthusiasm. iv..- .. Again at Washington,-D: C., De cember 10, when.'.the.,'.-committee of 2,000 assembled, tr> potltl?rt congi0s3 for tho speedy submission, tb the B?HX?5; GI ins j r"?::;:;;;;::r:: ::".::*;:-*- - amendment.' he was. one of the mo? striking figures, and at tho-great matB meeting in Continental. hall Jtaovftd the audience to frenzy of applause by his flights or oratory? ... In his campaign? key-n?te speech, ho said: "In tho prohibition movement, for a hundred years,- wo h&y'o?bee? mak ing links, tough, drop'ffOttings,. but hard to couple together-'working 'in brilliant but stationary detachment. Birt tonight wc make a chain: ' That. Is tho primo significance of this Cdn ventton. The tested links, of flaw less loyalty to c?h?lryl.?&^to?hunl?n Ity, Open here to each ofhei' abd chi.-;o upon each other, in.-a.-bond-of. thc purest. patriotism eyerjj'fljl^cj? in tho republic. ' ?? . '... "It ls the beglnnfo?jOf the end of partyism. among christian mon. . It is the repudiation of mon ey i sm. It is tho Inauguration I ot .an<^epochv ' -It is t?i? c?nst?tutituiBi convention of the united churches of' America, in na tional action against tho crlmo v of crimes." . At the National Anti-Saloon League convention at Atlantic City, last July, Mr. Wbolloy. again deliver ed tho keynote speech.:Hm-theme was -."The Spirit of tho Road."xIt was a martel ?f oratory.!for more than an hour he bold tho great audience undor tho spell of lils impassioned ;elo-1 quenco. Tho fellowing tribute from ex-Oov ernor Glenn of North Carolina givee 1 an idea to the ability of Dr. Morrow, who will also Bpeak Sunday: Dear Mr. .Morrow I have worked Tor Hie Ahtl-'Saloon League in a great many staion and while 1 would not make any invid ious comparisons, I can truly state that tn no state aro temperance in terests so 8y8teuiatleally and vigor ously looked after as they are in yours. Your energy, the zeal that you throw Into your work the en thusiasm you create among all who hear you, peculiarly flt you . to be superintendent." j The ministers of Anderson nre plan ning to have another union meeting at ono of tho churches 1 tho evening. The meeting at the theatre will be for i men and boys, but it ls hoped that tho night meeting may bo arranged for tho ladles and girls aa well as tho mon. *? . Largo crowds aro expoctod at tho meotlngs, If tho second can be arrang ed, but tho ?poaKorB as well as tho ministers plead for a big meeting Sun day afternoon. "TH" FOR ?MM, SOREJP'FEFJ Good-bye Boro feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. I Goud-bye corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No moro oboe tight- j ness, no more limp ing with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ" is raagicul, acts Tight off. "TIZ" draws oub all the poisonoua exudations! which puff up tho feet. Use "TIZ" and for get your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now ab any druggist or department store.: Don'b Huffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feeb thai never swell, never hurt, never geb I tired. A year's foot comfort guaranteed or money refunded. To cook with is the most convenient fuel ?j t o tb e had. ; And it is the cheaper, too whey, the least bit of thought and attention is given iL ? Try it for awhile, and you wi?? like iL There ere assay ea&Bcd users of gas in ' Ander son. it's just the tiling to heat the bath room with. . ' Anderson Gas Co. SALTS IF KIDNEYS ?li OR BLADDER BOTHER Harmless to' flush Kidneys, and ,vvN neutralize irritating Kidney and Bladder weakness ye-', suit from uric a old,, say is a noted ?uV, thorlty. Thc kidneys filter thia acid, from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to ir ritate and Intlnme, causing n'burning, scalding sensation, or setting np ad irritation at tho nock of tim bladder, obliging, you to seek relief two.: or threo during tho night. The sufferer In constant dread, the water-passes sometimos - with a scalding sensation and. is very profuse; again, there ia difficulty in. avoiding it. 1 Bladder weakness, most folks call: it, because they ' can't ^control tirina-' tton. "While it .ls extremely annoying and sometimes1 very painful, this is^ really one ot tho most simple ailments to overcome. ; Gat- about fodr: ounces, ot ?ad..Salts from your pharmacist and take atablespoonful in a glass ot w^ter before breakfast, continue this ter two br,three days. .Tills will neu tralise the nelda lu tho urina no it no longer is e source of Irritation to tho madder, and uribary brgana whick then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmlessi and ia.made from v'ab aetda ot grap and lemon Juico, combined with lui and'Is used by thousandsbf folk* aro : kubject to urinary disorders cd by ?ric ?cid irritation. '. Jad is splendid for kidneya and ejfet??b; bad effecu whatovei", - Here yon have a pleasant efferves cent lltbla-water drink, which aulckly rollevcs bladder trouble. He Cati Laugh at the ThermomeW He ha?otiht??^W,;t^f:.^i, and Overcoat, and knows that ere Jack Frost comes slipping along,'He will Le prepared for the crimpy Weather. HOW ARE YOU FIXED? Can YOU laugh at the thermome ter? We are measuring some of the best dressers of Anderson daily now. Drop in tomorrow and let us fix you up. PRICES $15 TO $35 The Swellest Haberdashe^iniTown Smith, Garrett Barton '.'WUEDE QUALITY REIGNS" TT WE have been advocating your BUYING some land lor the" last two months, ns the timo ls ripe tb BUY. When everybody gets wild to speculate a little later, that will ho the time to SEJLL. ! Wo bought 30 acres of the Frank Hall land day before yesterday and sold It before night. But you must BUY befo'ro you caa make MONEY. Don't walt until prices nre out of sight. Tho Simpson place six milcR above town sold for $40.00 an acre on tho block Monday. We have a trdct'of 41 acres adjoining it, ho waste land on it at all, first rate I tenant house, now rented to good man paying us twelve per cont interest-on the Investment, Wo will sell on easy terms for $40.00 an aero. . s ' . ?.. E. It. Horton, Pr?s*. ?.. Iw 8< Horton? Y.' P*ir'TF. F. Marshall, Secy. . .. . y \: - 'IfTO We are far better prepared to s?|? you the buggy best suited to your needs tlmn any jolher dealer in *ortment cf STANDARD makes of Buggies. Look at these: "BABCOCK" "MOYER" "TYSON & JONES" "ROCK HILL" "NORMAN" S-./V, m ? :?? r ?J- ?? ?? STUDEBAkER** ^Ti^RNHILfc?^ "If ?TWT1 ?t?E* V? Cnn y ova beat thu list of High Grade Buggies and Wagons? In truth, you are bound to 'fess up that you cant We wc ?elt?ag ?scss'Vehicles for either Cas?i,' cv On Terms, or .we will trade them for Mules; ni fact we w?l trade any way that auhs yo?t> If you have, any mules yo>j want to trade or seB bring them in, we vrfi. buy them outright for thc Cash or wo v?tl truA-i buggies, ;. Wagons or Harness, etc., and treat you fair and square, too. Dealer? in Mules, Horse*, Wagons, and Harness.