The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, November 06, 1915, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Saturday is the Last Day of the C Next Month or Next Week Will ? fore ?.Q'clock if You" W?nFto! Lights Oui and Doon EVERY riANO IN rVrjHJK BE t DAY NIGHT. OPEN THIS EVENIN( 3 - wa.- fS^i, ?. jCTT;f y^tcrxPf anT ; lights wlllfbe turned out, the holt in our doc .yrti^to;"throSvn; ; ..and' the Greatest .Moneyis?v?ri'g .Piano- sate eyer hold'fn^Anderson*ivillvbe a.thing ot tho paaf. You only -Haye, today, therefore, you mu?t think fast and act quickly it you \vant'; to'laaVe. money in tho purchase of a i?no IMari? or an Organ. A clean sweep is what we want, no matter how. much lt's going to cost lia t? "Clean' House? ot every thing before Saturday night at 0 o'clock.'- . We haye shipped Pianos , arid . Or gSns lo/ne?rly every town.:within . a' distance of GO. iniles. ; .of. .Anderson siiicc tho Bale .started',' and we regret tb; say that wo run shor? : of %ul.iahlo Pianos for <.u>mo of Gie good people who wanto;)'io purchase at: tho cut priCCB. . ; '?.. '-?' , y , :,;'? i ?*?it. of Jb" largo. Btocf, 'we h?vo Or gans of tho highest grado of ali' well known makea, ranging in price from $12, $18, $82/JM2,. to $58, for oome of tho heat styles und makes,- . If. ?ou cannot i-ay cash at time of. purchase, we will give you reasonable . limo to pay balance lt will certainly pay m AVES mm?i . Best capped shop/m the cit. io'-eyi^ respect;'' . Barbers: C !i^eif,;.6r?.ce^lit Lig?n ^^l?^t?r^$??^:^;^ ; A^ccd Co.'z Closing Out Sale; I Not Do; You Most Get Here Be 5ave Monay. j Locked at 9 O'clock CLOSED OUT BY 9 O'CLOCK SATUK. ; UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK yea te ?et Lc rc; today: . Wo have a few. Pianos left": 2 "Kranich & Bach," 1 "Iyera & Pond" slightly used", I, "C. Reed", shop worn, In rich ''mahogany case,' ' I "Maxwell" upright -mahogany, 1 "Chickering Bros." Heh mahogany caf?, 1 "Brambach" Baby* *3ra??d, l "Clarendon", mahogany and 1 "Smith & ?Baruen" slightly used a bargain at 8198. Don't fail to seo the "Ivers;- & Pond," rich .mahogany case in fino condition, looks like' new, regular price $425- now only $2B3. On pay ments to suit yon. : Remomber. good people, ^ U?IH isl our LAST ADVERTISEMENT during I this-groat salo, abd wo hope y?? wllj ? decide' to he One bf tho luck; , buy-j ors beforo tho salo closps, ?Saturday [ night. ' Wt wish to sincerely thank - the good peopio of Anderson and ' South Carolin? for 'their. ' fcbnfldescc; '; and liberr' patronage durb^ this sale. C. A. KEElX Prient C. A, Reed Piano & Organ Co. ?li South 3fnin Street. j SOTS 10c y\ ; Strictly Sanitary* fl^jS??' ficieaV Work '.aeirjrse? idsay an? Rasof. 'ii to Railroad on North Main. s Mles Auna Ross Cunningham Isas I returned from a two weeks visit toi Mr?. Bohd'Anderson. Miss Lucy; Carpenter has returned toi her home .iq Washington after a delightful visit to Mrs. C. B. Earle,] on South MCDuffio street. * Mr.' Joe Major of Atlanta is here fdr.a few .days visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Major. Mn?; fLarnb. J Lanius of Yo'k.. P* ls here to spend the wlntor with hor daughter, Mrs." C. C. Sullivan. Miss Zachary is thc guest of Mrs. P. B; -Langston last night to seo the klrmess. Mrs, J. C. Cunningham has return ed from a visit to Greenville and Spartanhurg. Musical E7ciimg nt St. John's Metho* \ "? dist Church. On Sunday evening at St. John's Methodist church, the regular order of service, will be dispensed with and a musical program will be given. The choir will bo ably assisted by some Of tho best talent of' the city, and a beautiful and varied . program hao been arranged. With Mrs. Mac Donald end Miss Chapman iu charge, those' who attend aro assured of a musical treat. .Tho following ls tho program: Prelude-JFanf are-Dubois. Hymhr-rDay Is Dying in tho West. Prayer. Still. Still With Thee-Arth?r Foote^Mesdames MacDonald, Harr?B, Messrs. T-iee and RaBt. Gethsemane-Salier-Mr. Sam Orri Trlbblo. Forever ?With tho Ixjrd-Gounod Mesdames MacDonald. Coly. '7 Scripture Re?dlhg-Nlno'ty First j Psalm. ?'? i ' 'Offertory ^My Faith Ijooks Up to| .Th?e^L?chner-^-'Mrsi MacDonald anti Mr. Trlbblo.' " 'Singing ! in God's Acre-Brnckctt- 1 Mrs. Herbert HarrisL v I God ; Is Mv Guido-Siiubcrt-Me's- ' dames MacDonald, Harris, O'Dell,;: MtesV.Broyies.. ...- - i Hymn-All Hall, the Power of Jesus Name.' . ' " ; - ' / "? Benediction. ' , Posti?de^PftrCGssional March- j Parker. .1 Mrs. C R. ' MacDonald, choir di rector. . i ?Uss Annie Chapman,, organist. Scrv^tfs in the Churches of Anderson Tomorrow. ??rst Ba&tlst Church. 0:SQ-Teachers '.'prayer EPVICO. lO^Blblo^ooi-Dr. A. L. Sm?tb/ ers, superintendent, ; ll: ?J?^Pnb?lb.'worship-Sermon by the pastor, John1 E.- White. Subpect:. "Tho Death Stmg of Jesus." ; 4:00-Meeting . pt. ' th? Christian: Growth, club. 7:3?-%Fhb!lc worships-Sermon by the pastor, ' Subject: '?Tfae Mosf I.m-.| portant Fool,*.' second. sermon by,.Dr, ;John E. 'WhUe's Borles on "Fools of *fce Bible." ' ." ' "Wednesday,. & : .! r?-Teacher* meeting, ?.^PpfagMafl k ???oi^Pr?ye? and praise service, led .hythe pastor. - Friday. . ' 4; ?O-4-Me?tUig of 'lfc? parUamontarj' cl?s3. . Th? public la cordially - invited , lo bo pi:eaent arid wor'ship witU ^s at ?U iiioso/B?rvi?eh-. E?rct I'wsby?eriah Chnr?h; , The services ?t . the First -PTC* terkel^t?iimvforUom?rj* rwi?irri he'd ?VV tb^i^Ubwiogc hpurs: ' - ?&?; Hiibbath at ten o'clock,.Mr.. E-. W. '?rtnvb*-' iBuperiht?rident! ' ' . :p?Tstor will' preiocb.^t ? :30 and 7.H0'. A: very' cor^l?3mV?Eatiou is extended ..lo the p^abllcit? niag^.. ibis il&lr jrogiil?rv place ol. worship, >U sh ore will, mort1 strangers 'a ttho" door, l?toli^^^^v^^?*^?^**?!*^' th*m a b^nn:book..'. >iy?-V ; V : Vr&tn Chnrch. :'_ ^Rev. J. H. ?ibboney, rector, ph 'te^^'^el^-?i?f^? . r?ulty,' Novembi^P ^School. - t??y r';\E?cbarisi; Sor'tforU ,: :^r?day,^4?S& p.: m;-Evening pray er. ;. ,v!.f;.-Xv-.' ,Ser^??.^Knaie4. tegianih? Vwi?a'; tt^ttrl?'-- 3;?n day. in ,^dv?m:b^r^e^?y'? choral Even ?ung at Grace tihwrcfc w?l ? resum?-*. <; ; P?t??? loalmta. giving entire service .wlai music will , tue die Two Pleasant Parties. Two delightful' ' ' parties for the ;We?k have been' given by Mrs. F. G. Trlbble, in honor of her motlier, Mr?. H.. O-'. Cox, ein Tuesday afternoon and tho other on Thursday lu honor of her [Sister, Miss,' Annie Cox. Mrs, Cox and MIBS Annie COX oro planning to go to Fioridavhcxt. week to spend the .winter. These ?pbrtles were little farewell partiC-a and just a few frleuds wero' invited io to snead tho after noon, both of \yhich were particular ly pleasant; and 'enjoyable. It. E. Lee .Meeting. A delightfully .pleasant meeting of the. Robert E. Loo chapter waa hold yesterday afterncon at tho home. of Mrs. E. F.?. Horton, with Mrs. Hor ton,, Mrs. Willing ' McFall and Mrs. H. f*j ^yil8on as Joint liOBtesaeB. Tl'e atendauco wassplendid and the meet ing was au unusually pleasant one. A charming program bad rauged and whs. as. follows: Reading of tho poem. "Ll.ttlo Jacket of Grey" by Mrs. J. R.' Vnudiver. Song. Mrs. Fred 'Maxwell. . Rfcadiug. a aoltcaion. on tho Memorial at.Stono Mountain by Mrs, W. ..H.. Na/dln. Mrs. ..Smith, j the. attract UV? guest of Mrs. . R. S. Ligon ' deltg?ted the ladles with he's* plano and -banjo. selections. Mrs; Bonham ?cad an Intorc&ting selection. Which waa. followed, by a 'song 'by Mrs. Wm.. . Laughlin/ Miss Edna Broylcs pla ved a bright, plano telectlon . Mrs. W. H. .hardin sang r beauti ful solo,, after ?Uss Margarei Kvum. gaye an account of. thc rlans. the; Los . Angeles chapters'aro making for the general convention; which mown th?rc.' this year. Miss'Evans was tho del? galo . (rom the Robert .E. Lee chap ter but found it lmpo33iblo io remnln in Californid that long. Her account was most interesting. Dainty" ? re*, frcshr'ents ended t.hts pleasant .after;-, noon, and the guests, lingered. In a ?:harniin.? I?form?l ??dal session, loth to leave and thus break iii) the'meet.-" 'lng.. " ?* ;' Wi - ? '. V Tho:.!d?.l?gatba' (ppm' this chapter to tlio state, convention which meets ip Aiken aro Mrs. ?&ynioiul B0aty? the' president 'Und Mrs. . J1. R. V?ndivsr, and Mrs.. Minnie- Milford. ;. ? .>' ; Miss Mary Wicker^ who is clerking for' the Anderson Mercantile company' .?t;.^n'd?'ry?^,:,tg.;;ir?.'; ?poiit Thursday and Tli?nd?y;7?gh^ wjth in thtf ?ltyi: returning 'io. Anderson JFrl 'daV morning.-N'?wberry'l?oraid '?nd N?ws. ' ". r ' '. " Mr's. 0-mrge Liitnor of 'Augusta was hore ror:'tho production of tho .'Klr mcss .'iast'.: night and will remain .fea? days'with her parents, Dr. aw Mr?. J. O.vWilhlte. -;-Trr-*VT>----. Magnrflcant-Ketty*. Nunc Dimlttls-atainor form Spohr. ,M Credo- Stainer. V- Fiyma^Jerttsalom, My Happy Hoine.'i. .- , . > ' Hymn-r-Who Aro - These in Bright Arr^y. \ %l ?them-Tho ?earth is tho ; Lord's by Monk.' . y- : . Recessional-Hark! Tho Sound pf l^olj1 Voices.. Cer.iral PrcBo'rtcvfcin. . Sunday achool at ;10;l5 o'clock, > i 11:30 morh?cg service; Subject of sermon',-' "Tho Value bf : Cooperative Effort:?' : 7:30'evenliiK . service:'.'Subject , ct sermon, "Life and How tO-?Gi lt." Public cordially invited to ?ll ser vices. Tile PeaJ l?o J?o? 9??^^^^^[ (Loudon Observer.') * ANDERSON COLLEGE ' * * * The first annual meeting of. thc An derson College Alumnae asBoclatlqn, following Jts organization last MUy, wah held on October 23 with" Mts? Lucile Burrlss ut' her home In North Anderson, Tho following members were present: Miss Margaret Clink 8ce.lea_of Honea Path, '15 president of tho association; Miss Lucile B?rrigs Of-Anderson, 'X4f secretary and iiudc uror; Miss Jeannett Aiken, '14, ol Abbeville ? Miss Miriam Weeks, "li, of Aiken; Miss Elizabeth Lawrence, '15, oC Duluth, Minnesota; Miss ^Lcota George, .'li, of Bolton. Tho Lanier Literary society hus an nounced the first of a series of pro grams Bet apart to the study of French literature. The leading Hallowe'en festivity took the form of a Ghost Party which Wife given' on Katurduy evening by tin Labicr society. The guests of i tlie vivfciilng were Uio fucuity an? the mem bers of tho Estherl&p Literury society. On Friday evening, November Hon. William Jennings Bryan will de liver an address In thc auditorium of tho :COllege upon tho subject,- "The European War and Its LesBonB For 'President James P. Klnard has rc turned after a brief visit to. Colum bia. Miss Vivian Cox bf Helton was call ed home this week hy tho death of her slater< Mrs. Ernest Cox; . Miss Martha Pagerit of Anderson visited in the colleg?, last week aa tho guest of Miss Burton. ./'.' ANDERSON THEATRE , Tuesday, November 9th, i Ohe Solid Year iii New York. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 73c, SOc. Seals on Sale Thursday at Box Cured Boy. ef Croup. .. Nothing frightens-a mother moro.| than thomud. noars?, cough cf- croup The, labored breathing, strangling,1 choking and gasping for breath call fof instant action: Mrs;: T.'.N?ureucr, Eau' Chairo, : Wis., :,-jmys : "Foley's. Honey and Tar cured my boy ot a serious attack of . croup after other remedies had failed. .1 recommend it to'.; every one ns wc .-know from our ^nvbsgerlence;.. th ki H . * wonder ful;, ??nicqy .."for. coughs, colds, croup abd whooping'cough." It clears air passages, southe and heals. ' Bold everywhere. 0?HEB ! Yfllin 8HIL? illflliriii .-: " if tousse h csHS?e?, hreallj * had1 stQi^cKsonr,.clean liver' and bowels. dive- "California" Syrup of ^Fige^at on'ce~a teaspoonful today often saves a si??t "child "tomorrow. If your little one is otnVofr3orts, hajf-slok, hn\;t resting, ea Ung and actr lng naturally- took. Mother! seo. if coated-. Thia is a eyre;sign thajt Us : Httlo stomach., liver rind bowels ?re Clogged wlrH /wjiste. When cross.- .irritable, feverish, stomach ?bur, .breath bad or has; o?.Diaacti-acbo ohtrrhbea; .sore- throat, 'full of co SON THEATRF BRILLIANT PEOPLE IN GAST--300 SPECIAL 3 P.M. BARGAIN PRICES ss Reserved Seats now selling at/Op?ira House. Unnlel J. .Sullivan, RS T. Mogs Johns omi Gertrude Clemens a?"tio"ddIcs in tim World'? Fannie?? Farce, fA Pair of Sixes,? .Aldersea Theatrev Jiovi 0. mm tarais Street ?ear Ra?t?? ?ui Bsr Now Spouts Cias??i?se 't?fc?:lfeur G?r #j 'Now. Come and Bs Serpeo.. .-.>>?