The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, October 24, 1915, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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CLASSIFIED I COLUMN WANT ADVERTISING RATES Twenty-five words or less. One Time 25 cents. Three Times 60 cents, Six Times $L00. All advertisement over twenty five words prorata for each ad ditional word. Rates on 1,000 words to be used IA a month made on application. No advertisement taken for less than 25 cents, cash lu ad vance. If your came appears In the telephone directory you can tele phone your wont ad to 321 and a bill will be malled after its In sertlon for prompt payment. WANTS WANTED-Twenty-five men old or young, if you want to make $15 a day call nod Ber mo at No. C04 Murray Ave. A legitimate bUHlness proposition. WANTED-Thirty home loving peo plo to read our dally ads in this paper. Wo have something that you want, nud our proposition Is splendid. Linley & Watson, rhone 647. 10-24-tf WANTED TO RENT-4 or 6 room house, profers southern part of city. Address care Intelligencer. T. M. Unger. 10-23-3t TYPEWRITERS-300 now, rebuilt, shop-worn and second hand typo writors, all makes $10.00 up. Easy terms lt desired. Toil us what you want. J. E. Cray ton & Co., Charlotte, N. C. C. C. Dargan, Local Repre sentative. 10-7-18t WANTED-You know "Thore's a Dif ference" in our tablo meal. We uso Anderson County Corn, thoroughly scoured before grinding. Ask your grocer, or phono 580. DurriBS Mill ing Co. WANTED-A good farm for one ot our customers. If you havo a farm for sale wo will bo glad to consider lt. Linley & Watson, (Jno, Linley W. E. Watson.) WANTED-Every house keeper in An derson to try a loaf ot "Aunt Mary's Cream Bread." It'a made at home And your grocer keeps lt. Ander son Pure 7ood Co. 8-15-Dtf LOST o . LOST-Lout on circus day a lavllcre '? with diamond.sotting. $5.00 reward * If returned to'Tho Intelligencer. FOR SALE FOB SALE-A oho tl and pony, kind and gentle, well broken to buggy . and: saddle. Safe for children. W. L. Hombree care Hubensteins. 10-24-lt WILL ARRIVE about November 1st a ear of good mules; bent to bo had, prices and terms right Will pay you to see us if bi need of a mule. The Frotwell Co. 10-24-6U nx?i?rcycia presto tubes, . prices abc dollars each omifty, seven filled. Call phone 843. 10-2 3-at. BUICK AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE OR ??.?n?H?lc ?;??JCAI*-i'ne model . 81, 5-passenger Buick touring car, electric lights and hom, Stewart speedometer, mohair seat covers, ex tra casing and tube mounted on ex tra rim, in first class condition and appearance, driven lees than 12,000 miles. Will Bell cheap tor cash or on credit, or will exchange for real or personal property. Costa com plote $1.500.00. Apply to C. Gads den Sayro, 10-22-3t FC? ?SALE-A farm of 181 acres with Ju ona mile of Little River church, in Abbeville county. Has a good four room house-and new barn; 20 teres lu bottom Innd and 80 acres in good cotton land. Also, 98 8-4 ' aeres In another place with a houso and barn, 60 aeras in cultivation. Will s?ll either place for $20.00 aa aero on easy terms. Address W. W. Clinkscales, Bolton, S. C. ' ?"OR SALE-Forty acres of land la Hopewell Township, 3 room house, -new twa small houses on public , road. Land fairly level and la of fered for one thousand dollars. W. N. Walker. FOR SALE,TO MERCHANTS ONLY ; Flour, horse, stock, pou tn y aaa bog feeds of all kinds, including hay. V alfalfa abd cyclone feeding meal; Toi Ho, au d Rising Sun Self Rising flours, tod; and at prices to salt G. E. - Turner at P. ft N. Freight at* FOR SALE-Onion sets; White Pearl -, Bermuda, Prise Taker, Silver, Skin YoHow Danvers, and Multipliera. This hs plantiug -season. Fuman ^?jnt^;.Beed6man. FOB SALE-Everything tn tba lino of frosh fmita thai are in season: - 'petra, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, lemons, cocoanut*, ants of til kinds, and candles that make your mouth water, tad ; at price* that dont make you sick either. J, K. Monos. Dr. HENRY R. WELLS DENTIST Office F. & 91. Building Ofllco r?27-Phones-Residence C6 Dr. C. Mack Sanders DENTIST Ofllco 304-5-6 Bleckley Building. Ofllco Phone 429 Residence Phono 149. Dr. Lillian L. Carter Osteopath 212 Bleckley Bldg. Phone 168. Residence 318. Dr. L. Carl Sanders (Associated Vi Uh Dr. J. 0. Sanders) Office Bleckley Bldg. Phone 329. Residence Phone 141*. Dr. C. Singleton Breedin Office In St. Mary's Hospital North Anderson. Boorai 8 to 10. 13 to 8 and 6 to 0. Chub aim, Trowbridge & Suggs DENTISTS New Theatre Bnfldra? W. Wbitoesf Sk. C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect ^ 405-406 Bleckley Banding Anderson* S. C LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTORS SALE By virtue ot the authority vested In ia by tho last will and testament ot d rs. Emma J. McAdams, deceased, )ottcr known as Emma J. Selgler, we viii sell at Iva, S. C., on the 27th day sf October, 1915, at ll o'clock a. m., ho following described- real estate, to rit: ... .- ;& . ; 5 . .;./?*?"< All that cortaln lot of land situs's ti Iva, S. C., on Horton street, .coit al ni np; about ono-halt -.1-2) on acre, uoro or IOBS, i nd belnr, tho late rosl lonco of the said Emma J. McAdams, locoascd. AIBO, all that certain tract of land dtuato In Hall Township, Anderson, bounty, 8. C., containing eighty and mc-half (80 1-2) acres, more or less, joundod by lands of J. J. McBride, D. T. Simpson, W. W. -Burton and >thers. Terms: Ono-half cash, balance on i credit of thirty days. Purchaser to my extra for all necessary' stamps ind papers. Ernest T. ,Selgler, and ' J. E. Solgler, 10-lG-ltaw-Sw. Exors. FOR RENT FOB RENT-w-Three room, unfurnlsh eil-to couplo without children. Sec ond Hour ot house on West Franklin Btreot Address P. O. Box 426. . 10-24-3t.. POR BEIiT-six room houBO, with bath, and all modern conveniences. Samo houBO recently vacated by Dr. Levis Sanders on Calhoun street Apply to Wm. ll rle soy, caro Brlssey Lumber Co. FOB BENT-One furnished front room down stairs within block of tho pt.bile square. Will rent to one or two young men. Apply to Intelligencer Office.-10-8,-tf. . Mf?C?LL?NEOUS FOB BORE ETES^-We have the Dr. Harris prescription for sore eyes glVQS Instant relief. Owl Drug Co., Phono 03G. .10-2-lm. IN TL ACING your fire insurance, re member that Frank ft DeCamp Realty Company repr?senta only strong, old' line comp?nlos. ' .Your business will be appreciated. 10-7-tt COMB TO Tho Luncheonette when yon are hungry. We cook- anything that ls in 'seanon, and'wo cook lt right Ask the man who eats here. Short orders served quickly. Oys ters any style. Next door to - Union Station. WE AR? PATING $88 per ten tor cot ton seed andselllngbulisatfourteen dollars per ton; coal $4 to ?5 por ton. These prices at oar-;jarda. Martin Coal ft Wood Co. --!-t/r/7'x --li ?L N. W?kTt, tho SS.00 Coal Man ts still on the fob:v selling?;..'?? Block Coal for the least money, and giving full weight"and prompt de livery.. Th afc all yon cad ?ak. Phono 182. - ' : , V ATTACKS WILSON D?clares President Directly Re sponsible for Recognition of j Carranza, Who Has Persistent ly Persecuted Catholics. New Orleans, La., Oct. IC.-Tue Morning Star, "the ofllcial Catholic iiurnal of thc . Archdiocese of New orleans and tho Dioceso of Savan nah," and regarded as the mouth piece of tho Catholic clergy of the entire south, publishes in today's is Hiio an editorial which reads in part as follows: Venustlano Carranza, the bandit, the cut throat, the outlaw, the avow ed persecutor of tiiic Catholic church, til a robber and despoller of her souctunrles, schools, convents, and hospitals,. tho murderer of priests, tho leader of vandal hordes, whoso nameless outrages and indig nities to pure, consecrated nuns and defenseless women and children show tfhe vicious durkness ot his soul; Vcnustiano Carranza, whoso name must ever stand for all that ls black est and vilest and most degrading in tho pages of Mexican history, has been recognized by the''president of tho United States ns ruler of thc dis tracted Mexican republic. Wo say the president of tho United States because this recogni tion of Carranza ?B Mr. Wilson's di rect work. From tho moment of Cris assumption of tho reins of the gov ernment of this country it became plainly evldont to every CIOBO observ er of tho trend of ovohts that Car ranzn was Mr. Wilson's choice among the rebel bordes. Tho occu pation of Vera Cruz by American forces instead of the port where In sult was offered to tho American fla -wflilch occupation fncillatcd thc importation of arms to Carranza. The long drawn out policy o? "watchful waiting" and the aid thus materially and morally given by tho administration to tho vito man while priests and nuns wero murdered and outraged; defenseless women and children were violated. Catholic church property confiscated and tho very blood Hiiounds of hell let loose against the church, its sons and daughters-all this the administra tion nt Washington calmy contemp lated, "waiting, watching, wallira," without a word) of protest or Utting its hand to protect even American citizens thus dishonored and mal treated; and finally tlho withdrawal of the American troops from Vera Cruz, thus giving Csrran?n and his so-called constitutionalists a free hand to continuo their ruthleBB pers ecution of Catholics, .-make tup the history : of . tho two -hitter -years - In which tile 16,000,000 Catholics of thia country have patiently waited and pleaded with tho administration for Justice for their suffering breth ren. Mr. Wilson's recognition of Car ranza, tho avowed enemy of tho Catholic is an insult to the Catholics of this country. It is a direct challenge -to them, and we hope that not only Catholic hut ev ery truo lovter of religious, freedom, for which tho glorious flag of our country stands, will give ? Am such an open answer at tho pollB as will provo to him that no president of the United States can so flagrantly is"rc thc lawful and respectful re quest of 16,000,000 fellow" citizens wi the ut paying the penalty. This is the o.nly way open to Catholics in which .ttfey can take up the guantlct thrown down by tho president of tho United SCates. It is the only way in which a!! true lovers of religious freedom, Irrespective of creed, can show to thc administration at Wash ington how tfvey revere and are de termine dto upbuild this fundamental principle ot the American constitu tion. Meantime, wo do not hesitate to predict that long before that day comes tho utter weakness of Mr. Wilson's . administration especially as renard o his Mexican policy which has culmlnlted, os every one could seo lt would, In the recognition of Carranza-will, through that very account, bo exposed to tho world fdr tho utter ra Hack that it ls; for the veriest infant in statecraft should have Intelligence enough to see that such a man as Carranca can never restore peace and order and stability of government lo Mexico. . For tho past month rumors have been inalstent and press dispatches from Washington havo Indicated that tho Wilson administration was plan ning to recognize Carranza as the ruler ot Mexico. Protests poured in from tho American hierarchy, from e vip ry prominent Catholic organisa tion in the United States abd from the Catholic newspapers, voicing the sentiment ot nearly 20,000,000 Cath olics^ all nnlted ia the demand' that recognition- be not given to one who waa such an opea and bitter enemy of thc church and. so absolutely in capable of establishing religious lib erty in Mexico. The question weis put squarely be fore Mr. Wilson: there .'was no dodg ing it, and lie has given his. answer, which- la a direct i nc ult to every American Oathollo. Ho Ima openly, in defiance ot* every principle of right and Justice, ignored the wishes ot 16,000,000 Catholic fellow-citizens and given tho. protection of our. flog and the moral support of our con stitution (o A party that has no re spect for Oed or man, law or order and whose expressed determination to pers?cute ?"*. colics, is'stipulated in tho program for reconstruction Itt Mexico submitted by . Carranza and accepted by the so-called "dlnlomat io. conference" at Washington. In thia recognizing Carranza, a sworn enemy of the Catholic church. Mr. Wilson and repudiated all the prom ises made to Catholics hy tho state department. In Docember ..through Mr. Bryan. It is true thmnt another secretary of state succeeded Mr. Bryan, bat Catholics, expected the government to stand by its pledge and not recognize as ruler pf Mexi co a man who has forefcited every title, not only to recognition as leader of a people, but even to respect from decent man. We aro told that Carranza was recognized becauso "tho Carranza government was logically entitled to recognition." Docs Mr. Wilson, wCio used tho "Big Stick" In favor of Carranza over the heads of, confer ences and diplomats all through this Mexican question-does the president of this country, who, while "wntch fiully waiting," bent all lils energies and gave tao influence of his exalted and responsible omeo to tho raw of Carranza, accept as "logical titles to recognition," tho infamous acts of a bandit and outlaw, unparalleled in the history of civilization? Can he look upen a man with such a record us the possible savior of Mexico? Mr. Wilson stands at the our of this country and he must answer ic: his actions. He !has Ignored the voice of the greatest religious body in this country, which asked from his noth ing more than it had a right to de mand under the constitution of our republic. Has tho president, in this respect for or fear of Carranza, for gotten tho main prnc'plo of which this American republic was founded -the only principle on which any republic can find stability? CLEANSES YOUR HAIR MAKES IT BEAUTIFUL, THICULUSSY WAVY Try this! AU dandruff disappears and hair stops coming but. 8urely try a "Danderine- Hair Cleanse" If .you wish to Immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderiuo and draw it carefully through your hair, taking ono small strand at a timo this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil-in a few minutes you will be amazed. Your bair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beaut if y ir,s tho hair, one application ot Danderine dissolves every partido of dandruff; Invigorates; the scalp, stopping itching and fallin;: hair. Danderine ts to tho hair what fresh showers of rain and aunnhlnc aro to ycgotatlon. Il gueB right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. It<* exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro ducing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. - .9*1)^. jfiftlB^yj^^^ffyj1 soft, lustrous' ta^^WSrfmSrbj 'if, 'if you will Just net n 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug Btoro or toilet counter and try it ns directed. PIEDMONT ft NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY ANDERSON: Condensed Passenger Schedule. Effective Juno 6. 1815. Arrivals No. 81. .. .. 7:85 A, ri No. 83.. .. ,. .. .. .. .. 9:86 A. M No. 85. .. .. ..11:40 A. LL No." 87... .. .. .. 1:10 P. LT. No. 39. .. ". 8:40 P. M. No. 41. . .. .. 6:00 P. M. No. 43. .. .. 6:50 P. M. No. 45. .. .. ..10:20 P. M. Departure? No. 30. .. .. 6:25 A. IL No. 82. .. 8:25 A. H. No. 84.j.10:30 A. M. No. 86. . . ..12:10 P. M. No. 88. . V. .. 2:80 P. IL No. 40. .. .. .. 4:60 P. LL Nd. 42. 5:40 P. IL No. 44. V .. .... .. .. .. 9:15 P. IL Ct 8. ALLEN. Vrafilo Hana??*. Charleston & Western CarolingRaliway. Augusta, Ga. To and From the NORTH-SOUTH, E^T, WEST ' Leaves:. No. .22 . v 'J- i#:08 A. M. No. 6 . .7. 3:37 P. M. AiTiyesi No. 21 . ..11:15 A. M. Na 5 . 7 * 7 3:07 p..AIL information, Schedules, rates, etc,,: promptly given? A TREAT for OUR PATRONS ' ?wp" ANDERSON T HE? t RE Monday, T?esday~and Wednesday N. L, ROYSTER presents In Three Broadway Plays "UNDER THE BEARS PAW" ? Beautiful Romance in Three Thrilling Acts. Special Scenery and Electrical Effects. TUESDAY "PLAIN MOLLY" New York's Most Successful Comedy Drama.A Play That Will Ap peal to Every One. Complete in Four Big Acts; A Show for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Special Scenery and Electrical Effects. .*'\ . :. .*' i . ...:./ :-j' . ry-. .; :l ^/-^x^'^^h^: ''': V-V-' f. " ' r Absolutely the Cleanest and Best Show. A Guaranteed Attraction. Prices. Nights 15-25.-^3-5 cents Matinee "Wednesday, W???????i????ii? AUSTRALIA AND CONSCRIPTION Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 30. Agitation ovtor tho queBtidn whether the Australian Commonwealth should adopt consdptlon Las been caused by a manifesto issued, recently by the Universal Service- League. The League, which has but lately been formed, has established itself, in all the ut aten of the Commonwealth .and contemplates a vigor? is campaign In behalf of conscription. The League has. the support of many prominent Australians in every wc?k of life, but tho Federal govern ment has not thus far signified what ita position ls either toward "tho League or conscription.' It ls pre sumed that lt will avralt action by the, imperial government as respects com pulsory military service: ' It is thold that until England herself declares for conscription there ls no occasion for any of tho overseas, dominions do ing so. ';'''v'' DARKEN GRAY HAIR. - LOQinpG, PRETTY Sage Tea and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally thst No body can tell, ../v.*' ' . .-? ' . \ '? ' Almost evoryone knows 'that Sago Tea and-Sulphur, properly comp ound sd, brings back tho natur.-.l color and Iur.ti r to the hair'when faded,, streak ed or gray; alBo ends dandruff, Itch ing scalp and stops falling hair7. Years igo the only way to get thia mixture was to make It at hbmc, which' is mus ay and-troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any Jrug store for -iWyeta'a ,8age and Sul phur Compoahd."'You will get a largo bottle for pbout 50 cento. Everybody usos thia old, famous recipe, because ao one caa" possibly tell that j you darkened iyoor hair,' aa -3t/does lt so natu rally on d evenly. You .dampen a tponge or soft brush with it and t?raw mis througb-."your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning th? gray .hair disappears, and after another application or two, your -hair becomes beauufuliy .dork, tbicfe. and . Helpful Quotations. Never hold anyone L>y the button or the hand, m order to bo .heard out; ?or, if people are; unwilling to hear you, you had better hold your tquguo, than " th?m^Lord Chesterfield. AT THE BIJOU THEATRE EVERY WEDNESDAY. Va%?w n ? on the FORD trot not & Joke. A complete painting outfit condining every thing for painting your Ford or any car of similar size-quality the best. . ' ,'; .' %i The Job is ea3i?y done-pimple and inexpensive. Only a few ??oura work and three-days for the paint to dry. Follow directions given on each can ahd your esr h again ready for the road. It will be a dividend paying iaveatmcnt for you to Repaint Your ,Car Yian, get ais estta.year o? sex-vice or if yon ^?brr-. trade your car, repainting mareases ita selling value IS to 20 times the <*>? of painting. . .. Don't let tf?st eat ?q? yourc^r-rpaint tt now^-~it ^mly .take* Stf^ Contains everr?ihing for refinishing your Car '.Aja" feck?ng Top. Foll direction? on each For Sale By ' Anderson? Si C, ?rn m SK