The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, September 30, 1915, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Lillian L. Carter Osteopath 212 Bleckley Bldg. Phone 168. Residence 318. Dr. L. Carl Sanders (Associated Witta Dr. J. 0. Sanders) Office Bleckley Bldg. . y Phone 329. Residence Phone 149. Dr. C. Singleton Breedin v 0 Iii ec In St. Mary's Hospital North Anderson. Honrs: 8 to 10, IS to 3 and 8 to 9. C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect * 405-406 Blecfctey Building Anderson? S. C Chisholm, Trowbridge & 5uggs DENTISTS / New Theatre Bunding ia ! ' li . . W. Whitoer St. rn Savings The Seer :t of success. Aro yon saving your enrnlngB? Vitally important! You should. Interes1. compounded quarterly. Now accounts added daily. Give ?B a share ot your business. Start nowi Join ? thc army of savers. The Savings Depart ment of Thc Bank of Anderson The Strongest Bank in the County. Lily White Market is headquarters for good things to eat. Try some of our Old Time Pork Sausage, Nice Juicy Steak, Lean Pork Chops, Fine Pat Veal We are all ready getting oysters in. If you can't d?cide what yos want phone 694 rr;d we will help you to Quatta. LILY WHITE MARKET. J. W. Lindsay. 8?, ? " ? ? *?? tm B tm mt rroprsMor. ?-?I-_--LjU-?-'---. -= Decide the Question] next time yon suspect yourself of wondering if | it would pay to buy a GAS RANGE tackle the coal range all "day one of these Hot Days and cook for your wife. That will decide the question for you quickly Anderson Gas Co THE CLEMSON AUBURN GAME IS li CERTAINTY SEVENTY-FIVE NAMES NOW SIGNED TO THE GUAR ANTEE MUCH INTEREST Is Iking Manifested and Many People From Other Towns Will Come to Anderson. As fer as tho guarantee ls concern ed, it may be Btated that the Clem sun-Auburn football game will bc played in Anderson on October 16, two weeks from Saturday. The list of names on the guarantee now num bers exactly 70, but Mr. T. Prank Watkins, chairman of the committee who titas the arrangements in charge, stated yesterday that he had several people to seo whom he expectd to sign up all right. This game will bc played, rain or shine, at the Hernia Vista park. Thc hour hus not yet bee announced but it is eupposcd that it will bc about 4 o'clock. Mt-. Watkins stated last night that he was receiving word from all of tho adjoining towns from .people stating that they would bo In Anderson on October 16. to see tho gamo. Unusual local interest is always taken in tho Clemson-Auburn games because of tho fact that numbers of young men from Anderson and tho county attend both of these Institutions. Ofc'ier gamoB of Clemson ave at tracting much Interest this year In Anderson, especially 1 tho Davidson game vhlch ls to bc played Saturday afternoon at Clemson, when many from tills city will attend. Thc Clem son schedule from luis date on is as follows: Da vi (hum-Campus.Oct 2. Univ. Tenn.-Knoxville, Tenn. . ... . '.Oct. 9. Auburn-Anderson .. .. Oct. IC. Univ. S. C.,-Columbia.Oct. 28. Citadel-Char lesion.Oct. 30 (Probably) Univ. H. C.-Charlotte, N. C., Nov. 0. V. M. I.-Richmond. Va. ..Nov. 13 Univ. Ga.--Athens, Ga.Nov. 25. The Guarantee. The following ls the Wording of the guarantee signed by Anderson citi zens and firms: "We do hereby guarantee to the Clemson College Atb'"'ic association that bao gate recel*, i of tho football game to he playe t s Clemson and Auburn at Anderso.. DO October lGth, 1915, will amount to $700 and local advertising expenses, exclusive of tickets sold to Clemson cadets, facul ty and officers. "In ease of deficiency, each of us agree to nay our proportionate part of the same, not, however, exceeding the sum of 110 each. Tho share ot ea?ii is to be determined by dividing; the amount rf any such deficiency by the number of guarantors. In no event, however, shall any ot us bo liable for more than $10." Tho names appearing following the above are as follows: T. Frank Wat kins, W. P. Watkins, J. D. Hm meit, W. W. Sullivan, R. E. Llgni.? B. O. Evans? E. R. Horton, B. 5. Gosaett, G. D. Antonakas, T. L>. Ccly & Company, J. J. and 8. R. Trow- j bridge, J. P. Major. G. B. Crayton, W. B. Nicholson, W. E. Atkins, W.. E. Bray, Owl Drug company, W. H. Lyon, L. PJ. Lodbetter, C. R. Lagon, W. P. Marshall, W. Laughlin, M. W, I Sloan, Jas. WI. Tribbls, G. T. Mc- ! Gregor, J. F. Shumate, Planters Sup- ] ply company, Pat W. Major, Samuel : L: Princo, G. P."Hammett, S. D. Pearmau, D. L. Gray, C. J. De Camps A. H. Dagnall. Chas. A. Gam brill, Chas. M. Watkins, S. R. Park er, J. H. Godfrey. R. J. Ginn, Jas. T. Pearsan. Jno.' R. Anderson, Kurtz P. Smith, Bob King,. J. C. Pressley for St. James Hotel, Thos. P. HUI. C. C. Pr?vost, J. E. Cllnkscalcs, Jno. E. Sadler, J.K. Manos. A. L. Todd. P. P. Dickson, H. H. Watkins. G. B. Greene, Willett P. Sloan, Leon L. Rice, M. M. Mattlson, C. S. Pattison, A. 8. Farmer. W. L. Brlasey, H. A. Orr, G. W. Evans, L. 8. Harper, John W. Linley, W. B. Watson. J.I, Brownlee, B. A. Van di vcr, Walter S. Beaty, Harry Gelsbcrg, R. C. Mc Kinney, P. E. Cllnkscalcs, T). 8. McCully, R. M. Wilson. C. W. Causey. Geisberg'a Potcto Chips Fresh, and Crisp Deifr, Phone No. 733. "Til" GLADDENS SORE TIRED FEET "Tt?.n makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go th? ashes sud paine, the oom?, callouses, bl ls tera and bunions. ?"T1?M draws out the acids sud poisons that puff up your feet.. N> nutter how hard you work, bow long you dance, how far you walk, or how long you remain on ?rar feet, "T1Z" r MI g s restful foot comfort. "TIZ" ls won derful for tired, ichtag, swollen, smarting feet Tvur feet jj. st tingle for Joy j shoes never hurt ct fx?oi tight . . Get a 25. emt box of "TIZ" now from my dru-rsist or department store. Kn ' o?t tortore forever-wear smaller shoes 'coep your feet fresh, s-v?t suwi "happy. ? ? ? GLUCK MILLS * ? ? Rev. Marvin Tucker, preached at the hall Sunday morning. Mr. Henry Johnson, from Elbert county. Georgia, visited his friend, Mf. I. V. Cordell here for a while Sunday. Mr. Hubert Jordan has been on thc sick list for a few days. Mr. Sam Edwards is getting along nicely, he ?tas had the fever. Several from here went up to Oak wood Sunday to attend the singing convention. School at this place ls in a flour ishing condition. Parents send your children to school while they are young, don't wait until they get too old. Mr. Otla James, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ike James of Elbert county. Ga., Saturday night and Sun day. Tio young people here have orca nlzed a class meeting. They will meet at the home of Miss Ethel Hilts Friday night. All the young people are invited to attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tolllson, who uave been at Tucapau for a while, returned bock to the G?Uvh donday to stay. ? KEW ENTERPRISES w ? ? 1 Tho Automobile Owners' Protective , association of Greenville has boen [chartered with a capital of $500. The officers are: C. H. Speights, presi dent, d?cr?tai:' and treasurer anil M. E. Goldsmith, vice president und manager. [ Thc Planters Hank of Starr in An derson countv has been chartered wltij a capital of $10.000. Tho offi cers aro: E. P. Vandiver. president land C. C. Jones, vice president and cashier. The W. J. Drennan Show company of Charleston lias been commissioned with a capital or $10,000. Tho peti tioners are: W. J. Brennan, A. M. Stone and J. B. O'Brien. The South Side Grocery company of Anderson has been commissioned with a capital of $10,000. The .peti tions are: Charles C. Pr?vost, W. P. Sloan rmi J. W. Dickson. Tao Meacham Drug company ol Greenwood Las been commissioned with a capital of $10,000. The peti tioners are: A. Mc A. Singleton, Thos. B. Meacham and R. L. White. UNCLAIMED LETTERS Following ls the Hst of letters re maining uncalled for In the post office at Anderson, 8. C., for the week ending September 29, 1915. Per sons calling for these will please say that they were advertised. One cent due on all advertised matter. ?-Bell Armstrong, Cort Allen, Miss Susan Arnold. B-J?mese Bradford, Georg? Borogn, C. A. Bruce. C-Emma Carter, Grady Coats, Mra. ClinkBcales. D-George Davis. F-Miss Venice Poster, Mrs. Ear Floyd, E. L. Faulkner, Dr. Fred J; Felder. G-Fannie Gray. Miss Fosa Groves, Talmadge Glenn. H-Mra. Ella Hill. I-Mrs. Lue Ivestor, Mrs. V. L. Ivestor. K-Bri. Eesie Keel. L-Mrs. ,G. Lopard, Mrs. Leura Latlmer, V. Livingstone. M-Idcr Moore, Bessie Murphy, Marie Moore, Mrs. J. S. Merrill, Miss Corrie Morten, Mrs. Alice McAlister. P-.Vance Parker, C. Wi. Pilgrim. R-Brideon Roach. Miss Eula May Rou tin, Sumpter Reed. S-W. T. Simpson, Mrs. Minnie Sauls, Joe Stukes, Mc Smlt?. , T-Mrs'. Anna Trayham, Evie Ty son, rodolph Turner. W-Miss Alice Wright. D. H. West, Clans Wilson, Mrs. Dollie Wilson, G. L. Webb, Mrs. L. E. Wilson, C. -W. Wilson. A Pearl Among Women?, "My husband has. found ? way by which ho says I am of tho greatest hoip to him In bis literary work." "How nice that must be for you, m - dear But how are you able to do it?" "As soon as I see him at his desk I go into a'noher room and heep per fectly quiet until he has finished." New York Globe. Sage and Sulphur Darkens Gray Hair IVs Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Glossy mad Thickness. . . . i, . ,. Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when, it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother mada up a mixture of Sage Ted and Sul phur to keep her leeka dark and hean? tlful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which Is so attractive,, use only thia old-time recipe. Nowadays we get thia famous mix ture by asking at any drug atora for a CO cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage end Sulphur Compound,** which darkens the hair eo naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell lt baa been applied. Besides, lt takes off dandruff, stops scalp Itching and ..tailing hair. Yon jost dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur, ia that besides beautifully dark ening the hair after a lew applica tions. It also bringa beak tho gloss and lustre, und give? it an appearance ot abundance. SOUTHSIDE GROCERY CO. COMMISSIONED LARGE NEW BUILDING WILL BE BUILT IN A FEW DAYS CAPITAL $10,0001 Messrs. Chas. C. Pr?vost, Willett P. Sloan and John W. Dick son Made Application. Tho Southside Grocery company of Anderson bas been comm is ?done 1 by the secretary of state with a capital of $10,000. the petitioners being dins. C. Provost, W. P. Sloan and J. W. DieVson. It is judemicou thai plans are under (o3t for a new building to be *-rcv.i?d for Gie Southside Grocery company In Anderson which will ac comodate its fastly growing trade. The building will, be erected just across the street in front of thc sto o's present location and work is'tcd to commence as soon as the organization is completed. " Thc Southside Grocery company be gan business a little over a year ago under the ownership and manage ment of Mr. Charlie Pr?vost. In tbs beginning he employed only one ciork besides himself, bot11 of theso tuen doing the work around thc store mid delivering the gooda. Now six or more clerks aro employed and on Sat- , unlays five delivery wagons arc put into ororatlon. The business is grow ing aa is attested to by thc above K? at'.-nient. DEATHS MB. E. M. SHARI"-: Died In Donalds at Age of 78 Years. BelatlTes Here. Mr. E. M. Sbarpb lied at Donalds yesterday morning at 11:30 at the ago of 78 years. He is the last of ten brothers and is an uncle of Mrs. M. M. Mattison ?ind Mrs. lt. E. Al len of this city. Mrs. Mattison will attend the funeral services this after noon at 3 o'clock IL m. in Donalds. Hiram Lodge, A. F M. There will be a special meeting of Hiram Lodge, A. F. M. tonight at 8 o'clock When George T. Bryan, grand master, will bo present and Work will be done In the third degree. A large gathering ls_expocte'd and all ot tho Masons 4n ?be. city,, arp. Invited. W. H. Frayser. T Prank Watkins; . Secretary. Worshipful Master. Impeachment Trial it? Terre liante. Terre Haute, Ind., Sept. 29.-The impeachment trial of Mayor James M. GosBon began in tho city council last night. Six witnesses wcro examined. Most of the evidence ls concerned with tho raising, of money for tho de fense of Mayor Donn M. Roberts, con victed of election frauds. New Lord-Major Fleeted. London, Sept. 29.-Slr Charles Wakefield has been, elected lord-ma yor of London by council. Ho suc ceeds Sir Cl>? .-los Johnston, whoso term ext/'.rzz in November. $i:>,00(?,0!)0 For Soldiers* Tobacco. Paris, Sept. 29.-A budget Item pre sented yesterday was 915,000,000. for free tobacco for the army. An Important First Step. (Baltimore American.) Even the most pacific Americans aro beginning to see that we must invest a large amount of money in self-protection, aad a majority of us would rather spend millions tor de fense now than many more millions later in the tribute that a foreign power, might levy on our t?.dpplng and our half-defended coasts. Tho. expert advice ' which, the navy de partment and congress can obtain from civilian and naval Scientists may materially lessen the cost ol pr?paration, and will certainly guar antee . the adoption of defonslve in strumentalities that will bc worth th ; money paid for them, when DAey arc put to the test. Many persons believe that wo have delayed to long already In inaugura ting this larger, naval program. Cer tainly we cannot J delay any longer without exposing ourselves to very serious national danger. Secretary Daniels shows that he realizes this in calling to his aid all the expert talent f iat ls. willing to serve the government.. Ho has made a good beginning in this direction, and he should devtolop his plane with all possible promptness and energy. The International sltutaion warns ns that we must put our house in order as quickly as may be .possible. rp-le-Dste. Tiie man-Lemme gol I'm all right, I can swim.. The ? girl-I don't care. I'm going to save yon l want a medal. Newspaper Man Keeomsseaes lt. R. R. Wentworth of the St. James, *Mo.) News, writes: Two months ago I took a severe cold which settled In my lungs and I had such pains in my lungs I feared pneumonia. ? got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and lt straightened me up Immediately. I caa recommend lt to . be a genuine cough and lung medicine." Many moth ers write this reliable medicine cured their children of croup. Hay (ever and asthma sufferers say lt gives quick relief. Sold everywhere. 6. A. R. VETERANS IN PRESIDENTIAL REVIEW Same Line of March as That Taken Fifty Years Ago for Pres. Andrew Johnson. Washington. Sept. 29.-Historic Pennsylvania avenue, up which the union unny, a hundred and sixty thousand strong, murched fifty years ago tor review by President Andrew Johnson, was Hued with thousands wbo saw the remnant of tito legion mareil from Ute capitol to thc White House to bo rovlewed by Prosiden*. Wileon. Tie weather was ideal. An estimate placed the veterans in linc from twenty to thirty thousand. The event was tito crowning feature of thc Grand Army encampment. Lieutenant General Nelson A. Miles, with distinguished army and navy olllcurs as aides, headed the parade. NEW YORK ON SOUTH AMERICAN FINANCES Washington, Sept. 28.-A now pub lien', lou hus hist been issued by tho bureau of foreign and domestic com merce, department of commerce, which should be of r. high degree of interest to all who aro giving atten tion to tho problem of the extension of our trade abroad, lt is entitled "Financial Developments In South American Countries," and reviews In about forty pageB of a very clear and forcible style the situation as regards the currency, the money market, the principal banks, and thc general con dition of business in Argentina. Boli via, Brazil, Chile. Peru and Uruguay, during the laat two or three years. Especial emphasis ls placed on the results of the European war and the j measures taken by tho various nov ernmcnts, financial Institutions, ami commercial committees to meet thc situation thus created. The author of this publication ls Mr. William H. Lougf.\ vico presi dent of the Alexander Hamilton In stitute, who has recently made a trip through thc countries treated. Bankers, manufacturers and expor ters who wish to obtain definite and up-to-date information with regard to tho present state of affairs in South America as to credit extension, gov ernment finances, currency con\ar alon, emergency measures and pros pective changes and reforms should by all means acquaint themselves with the content sof this book. It is to bc had from the superintendent of documents, government printing of fice. Washington, D. C., for the price of 5 cents. New Giant Submarine Tested. Pro vin co town, Mass., Sept. 29. Navy representatives are gratified at the satisfactory test of the new glam submarine M-l built by tho Fore Riv er Shipbuilding company at Quincy. Preliminary trials were made yester day. It is larger, it is said, titan the famous German U-boats. Eogene Schmitz Defeated. San Frr.uclaco, Sopt. 29.-James P.olfo. Jr., won over ISugeno E. Schmitz In the mayoral I ty election yesterday. Schmitz waa ousted when convicted of conspiracy and trJed ta come back. His conviction was set asido by t&e supremo court. Butch Protest Against The Use of Their Air. The Hague, Sept. 29.-Tho Dutch government has made a protest to Germany concerrnlng tho passago of German airships ovor Dutca territory. mm? " AT THE BIJOU EVERY /THURSDAY PIANO SACRIFICE Wa hare HIM pleas In . boroo near Anderson To .?To eoct of returning wo o If cr lrci?uond??m dinmont .nd moat I i (?ru I ww to Birt who tJOUaa, tflichtlr uaod bat lit prrfoct condition: eood UMV. Ills tarma? andvplcndldquahtjr. Addrvaa 1. ?. ITCTA1T. la 197. MUST*. BA. "Yes You are tn better shape than you thought. Paint ap plied to your house will pro tect it from snow and rum that will soon bo hal?. We carry the largest and best stock of paint in the Piedmont to select from. Before you buy Anderson Paint & Color Co. 132 North Mem Struct. Phone 647. Style is tke expression of personality ty attire and clotlies tliat we tailor to your order reflect refined in dividuality at a moderate price See our New Autumn and Winter V^/oolens and nave us measure you today *SXfc guarantee satisfaction? Suits or Overcoats $15 to $40 T.L. GEL Y CO. On the Square SCARCELY And For Tire? Ssmmen Mr*. Vin cent Wu Unable to Attend to kaj of Her Homework. Pleasant Hin, N. C.--"I Buffered for three summers," writes Mrs. Walter Vincent, of thia town, "ind the third and last time, waa my worst. I bad dreadful nervous headaches sud prostration, and was scarcely able to walk about. Could not do any ot my housework. I abo had dreadful pains It my back and sides and whe?; one of those weak, sinking spells would come on me, I would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainty la a dreadful state ol health, whee 1 finally decided to try Cardia, the woman's tonic, and 1 firmly believe I would have died ff I hadn't taken ft After I began taking Cardui, I was greatly helped, sad S3 three bottles re lieved me entii ely. I fattened up, and grew so much stronger tn three months, I felt like an-. other person altogether." Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle acting. Its Ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes f?r Increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, sallow cheeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than r. million weak women, during the tv"i SO years, lt will surely do for you, what lt bas done for them. Try Cardui today. I Writs tot Chattanooga MMkra* Co.. Ladt?' AS. vlsory Dept.. Chattanooga. Tnt., fer fSMCI'l hi I ftmciiom on your casa mm? St mmum Soak, "Moma I TraaUBtat fer Wowan." aaa? ta alain wrapper. J*?l mm], MMM? Reach Fall and Winter Sporting Goods Unequaled in quality, and absolutely guar anteed against defects in material or work manship. Reach Goods Satisfy rr Sullivan Hardware Company