STANLY’S HOTEL, (Sigm^At PmtmtUo,) DARLINGTON, C. H., S. C. M. B. STANLY, Proprietrr, Is grateful for past favors, and hopes to merit a continuance. March 19 3 tf MANSION HOUSE, Camden, South Carolina. E. 0. ROBINSON, Proprietor. THE best accommodations and attention to Travellers. Stables Large and Roomy. June 11 15 ly PEE DEE LODGE, No. 12. I. 0. 0. F. THE regular weekly meeting of this I .edge, will lie held at Odd Fellow’s Hall on Monday next, at 7 o’clock, P. 51. By order VVM. R. HUNTER, Sectnj. IV. J. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARLINGTON, S. C. WILL Practice in the Courts of Dar- linton, Marion, Horry and Malborough. March 12 2 tf T. B. A L. L. FRASER, Attorneys at Law. Will Practice in the Courts of Sumter Darlington, Kershaw and Richland. OFFICE A T SUMTER VILLE, S. C. A NEW SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE! ESCOVKAOZ HOME TALSKT AMD UDVSTKT! TIE Illustrated Family Friend, A SEW Aim E LEG ART PAPER, PUBLISHED AT COLUMBIA, 8. C. • AMD EDITED BT 8. A. G0DNAN, Solicits Examinatior ard Challerges COMPARISON, WITH ART RORTHERR PAPER. It is a large sheet, magnificentlyprinted upon splendid paper, contains Original Tales, Sketches, News, Poetry, Agricultu ral Articles, and what ever else that will interest an intelligent community; besi des, four elegant engravings each week. Terms, $2 per annum; address, S. A. GODMAN & J. J. LYONS, Columbia, S. C. South Carolina, Darlirgtor District. Ordinary. WHEREAS, William Watkip*, ; hath made suit to me, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of Jesse Pearce. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and Creditors, of the said Jesse Pearce deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Ordinary, to be held at Darlington, C. H., on Monday the 28th November next, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon to shew cause if any they have, why (lie said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, the 13th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, and in the seventy-fifth year of American Independence. I). S. LAW, O. D. D. Nov 20 38 2t Warranted Pianos, &c. On TRIAL. PIANOS of beet Makers. Rosewood Pearl, Mahogany, Ac. in any desired style Notice. THE subscriber respectfully announces to those interested that he will open at Darlington Village, a MALE SCHOOL, i commencing on the 2d Monday in Novem- j of finish—or other Musical Instniments, ber. furnished fret- of charge, or obligation to 'Hie scholastic year will be divided into ! keep, unless entirely suited on trial. Af- two sessions of five months each. lpr sufficient test, may be bought, exchan- Terms—Classical per session, £20 00 ! Red, hired or returned, on terms lower Advanced English Branches, - 15 00 I than obtainable elsewhere, cash or credit. Land for Sale. In Distress we Succor. A tract of (and lying on the north side HAVING accented the agency for the of Lake Swamp, consisting of one hun- .j orl b Carolina Mutual Life Insurance dred and ninety acres. Said land is boun- t ^ om P ,n y. I will take pleasure in forw ard- ded south bv bv tha run of Lake Swamp. ; '"«»"> applications which may be made It has an Island of twenty acres, which is i for membership. Persons msurineareent:- as good land as can be found in this coun- I tied to share in the profits ot the Company. Elementary, - School room former female near Presbyterian Church. W. J. KENNEDY. Oct 30 35 - - 10 00 academy If LOGAN & GLEN, FASHIONABLE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT No. #•! King street one door North of W. R. Babcock’s Book Store (Charleston, 8. C. Has constantly on hand a full and com plete assortment of Mens', Boys’, and Children’* Cl/JTIHNG, made in the most Fashionable style, to which they would respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic. Charleston, Sept. 25th, 1851. 30,6m [9*Editor Darlirgtor Flag: Please announce Maj. WILLIAM H. WINGATE as a Candidate for SHERIFF, of Darling ton District, and oblige the Voters of Mt. Elor. DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! The subscriber keeps constantly on h«nd an extensive assortment of fresh genuine Medicines. Dte-stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Brush es, Surgical Ikstuments, Pf.rfumery, Soaps, Hair Dyes. Mantle and Toilet Ornaments, Toys and Fancy Goods in great variety. These, with every article belonging to the drug business, will be sold very low. Persons desirous of ob taining bargains and fine articles, are in vited to give us a call before purchawng elsewhere. FRANCIS L. ZEMP, 32-tf Camden, S. C. Many references to families in different States, and districts of this State, quite land has on it a competent to judge where Instruments houses, all new. have been tested and bought and now speak for themselves. Specimens seen by inquiring of Mrs. ANN H. HART, Teacher of Music, Camden, S. C. try. The balance is about 80 acres cleared, good land, 50 acres ot which lias been un der cultivation four years. This tract of dwelling. Gin an other Persons wishing to look at said land will do well to call on the sub scriber as early as possible, JOHN L. ROLLINS. Oct. 30 3* 3t profits ol the Compa up-land, with slaves may be insured on ac- This is also very ! commodating terms. J. H. NORWOOD. May 21 12 tf June 4 14 If Dr. Rogers’ Liverworth and Tar. A full and fresh supply of the above Fresh Sarsaparilla, R. & R. M. ROLLINS. July 30 22 tf Charleston and Georgetown Steam Packets. Steamer “Nina,” Arthur Magee master, Steamer “Charleston,” Chan, Relyeo Mas er, THE aliove Stea mers will commence their regular trips oti| Monday the 3d November, and continue to run regularly throughout the season. One Boat will leave Charleston on Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings at half jiast 7 o’clock, and one will also leave Georgetown on the same days at 7 ©clock. A. M. Robertson & Blacklock, Agents at Charleston, Henning & Shackleford, Agents at Georgetown, Nov. 6 35 2m3 ngnee’s Sale. Anderson Needham, } vs. > Co. 8a. Abram Gilbert. J On the first Monday in December next, I will sell at Darlington C. H., all the de fendants right title and interest in and to a Negro woman named Mary, and her three Children to wit: Anthony (a mulat- | to,) Jim and Louisa, and on the Wednes day following at the defendants residence 1 will sell the remaining portion of his pro perty Assigned me; consisting of Corn, ! Cotto otton, Hogs, Fodder, one bay Horse, At Cheraw Tannery and Shoe FACTORY. onnn PAIR PREMIUM PEGGED OUUU BROGANS AND SHOES, Revitted Bauds at New York prices, to gether with, a general assortment of Lea thers. The subscriber respectfully asks the at tention of purchasers to his Premium Brogans, for Plantations, confident his facilities enable him to serve the interest of buyers. Liberal discount made on wholesales. Orders solicited, planters mea sures fitted with care. Good Hides and Skins received in ex change. F. LYNCH. Mr. W. C. Bruce of Society Hill, w ill receive measures for the above Brogans. Sept 25 30 tf RUSSELL’S BOARDING HOUSE. Situated on Maim Artel, first brick block centre building, between A. M. Hunt's Hotel, and the Slate H/use. Is now prepared to accomodate Day Boarders, Families, and Travellers. by Rail Road or their own conveyance, with their horses. Columbia, S. C., Aug., 1851 24 3t Situation Wanted. As Teacher by a young man, a native of Darlington District, who has hnd one year’s experience in the business. He will undertake to prepare boys for College, and to teach the usual branches taught in Academies and Common Schools. Satis factory testimonials as to competency and character can be given if desired. For further particulars apply at this office. Oct. 30 31 tf Proclamation. House-hold and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Terms made known on day of sale. W. H. WINGATE, Assignee. Nov 20 38 2t Sale of Land, Stock, sion, Ac. Will be soil by the subscrilier at his re- ! sidenre near Effingham, on FRIDAY the 5th day of December, his Stock of Cattle tnd Hogs, and two Horses. Also, Corn : and Fodder, die. He also offers for sale | the tract of land on which he resides i consisting of 673'acres. There is a new gin house and screw on the place, with other necessary buildings. JOHN LANGSTON. Nov 20 38 3t Darlington Academy. The Exercises of this institution w ill ; commence on MONDAY next, the 24th hist. Circulars, setting forth, terms, sys- containing one hundred and seventy-two i t el „ of instruction and other particulars. Notice. J. M. Hunter continues to keep a Pub- ! lie House, at his old stand, near the Post Office. He also acts as General Agent, and having two Wagons will haul Goods to any part of the country. PrOVi-‘ Camden, S.C., Oct. 16 33 ft Valuable Land for Sale. Will lie sold by the subscriber at Dar lington Court House, on the first .M*i .day- iii December next,the valuable plantation and tract of laud, on which Wiley Cha|>- inan resided at the time of his decease— acres. The purchaser will receive good, titles, and be allowed a credit of twelve nioutlis, with interest from day of sale, a bond and approved personal security and a mortgage of the premises, will be requir ed to secure the payment of the purchase money. JAMES P. WILSON, Ext’r. of W. Chapman. Nov 6 35 tf will bv issued at an early date. J. W. SMITH, Principal. Nov 20 38 (T S£ ?F’S SALES. Tho State of South Carolina DARUNGTON DISTRICT. ^ Office Court of General Se- ) ssious and Common Pleas. \ I, E. B. Brunson, Clerk of said Court in pursuance of the directions of the act of the legislature, in such case made and mu < the Court nouse door, of Darlhigton Dis trict, on the first Monday in December next, and (he Tuesday following at the usual time, the following property via: Tile defendants tract of land on jvhich he resides, at the suit of John D. Murray vs. Hymbrick Barnes, the defendants tract of land oo which he resides, at the suit of Jane Campbell vs. Lewis MclAidon one hundred acres of land, bounded west by Timothy Lee, north by Jesee Keith and south by George Carter’s land, at Hie suit of John DuBoso ads. Daniel K. Doy al, the tract of land on which the defendant re side*, at the suit of the executor of Bur rell Segars vs. David Johnson. J. H. HUGGINS, 8. D. D. Nov 6 1851. 35 St BY virtue of sundry Writs, of Fieri-, ~ .■ Facias to >m directed, will be sold before provided, do hereby give public notic- that an election tor Clerk ot the Court ot General Sessions and Common Pleas and also for Ordinary for Darlington District, w ill be held on the second Monday of January next., at the usual places of elec tion throughout the said District. CABINET SHOP. HAVING employed a Cabinet Maker, we are prepared to execute all orders for new work or repairing in the above line. HUNTER & MuEACHKN. MARTIN A BRYAN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILL make advances on cotton and other produce, and give strict attention to the selection of all a.ticles ordered through them. JAMES MARTIN. THOS. A. BRYAN. April 23 8 ly^ LBS PRIME BACON SIDES. For sale by ROBT. LATTA. Camden, S. C. 6000 FOR SALE. ON Sale day in December next, (if not disposed of before then,) w ill tmoffered for sale before the Court IMlse, HARRIET, a prime negro 35 years of age. a good cook, washed and ironer, indeed she is serviciablu in almost any capacity. Also, her child a tine mu latto boy 18 months old, said negroes to be sold on condition of their not being carri ed out of Uiu District. Conditions Cash, purchaser to pay for bill of sale. JOHN W. LEE, Ag’t. Nov. 13 37 3t House this 10th day A. I).. 1851. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c r. &. a. s. Nov 20 38 td Late Arrivals. The undersigned have juat received a part of their fall and winter stock of ma terial, and will endeavor to keep on hand a good assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Bridle-bits, Martingale, Sirsinglee, Whips, Valices, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Stirrups and Leathers. Also, Carriage, Buggy and Waggon Harness, Collars and Haines. Repairing in their line of busi- new done at the shortest notice, in good order and cheap, for Cash. THOMAS & TARRH. Got 26 34 tf 2,000 lb«. Mountain Butter, The best ever brought to this place. Also, a prime lot of Bacon and Lar d, for. sale by A. W. SEXTON, Nov. 6 Sept 25 30 tf The State of South Carolna DARUNGTON DISTRICT, fn Common IMeas. Geo. W. Dargun, ) Declaration in Foreign vs. / Attachment, in A*- Wm. Y. Layton. ) sumptiL THE Plaintiff in the above stated case liaving this day, filed his Declaration in my office, and the Defendant (as it appears,) is absent from and without the limits of the State aforesaid, and hav ing neither wife, nor attorney, residing within the same, upon whom a copy of WHEREAS it is at all times propet for a people to hupible themselves before , Almighty God, t6 express their depen dence upon Him and to acknowledge tlieir gratitude to Him tor His numberless mercies. Now he it known that I, JOHN II. ‘ MKAJiS Governor in and over the State of South-Carolina, do issue this my proc lamation setting apart FRIDAY, the 21ht of November next as a day of Thanks, giving Humilnlion and Prayer—on which day I earnestly request that all secular businessbe suspended, and cordially in vite all religious denominations through out the Slate to assemble at their respec tive placet, of worship, to render thanks to Almighty God for the many undeser ved blessings he has bestowed upon us 1 and to implore his continuance of the | same—to humble ourselves before him on account of our manifold sins as a peo ple; and in view of the dangers w hich j threaten our institutions fervently to pray that our nilers may lie inspired by wis dom trom on high so that their counsels may be lirected in that course which j will redound to His glory and the good of our beloved State. Given under my hand and the seal of i the State, this 27th day of October, in the year of our I/ird one thousand eight hun- I dred and fifty-one. J. H. MEANS. By the Governor: Benjamin Pekky, Secretary of State. Nov 5 35 3t Saddles, Harness, &c. THE subscriber continues to carry on the above business at his reeidence near St. Pauls Uhurch, Darlington District, and respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. His motto is “ let the work show for itself,” he expects to keep constantly on hand, Ready made Harness of his own manufacture. £3^“ Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. JAMES NEWBERY. March 26 4 ly Attention Darlington Hussars! You are hereby ordered to be and ap pear at Darlington Court Houre on the Second Saturday 13th, in December next, armed and equipped as the law directs. Defaulters beware. By orderofCapt. Samuel Ervin: J. R. ERVIN, O. S. Oct. 14, 33 tl MILLINERY. Receiving daily, a splendid assortment of .MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, ol the latest Parisian Styles, among which, may be found dresses of every discretion, Satin and Straw Bonnets,Ribbons, Riding Hats, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gloves, Cravats, Linen and Silk Pocket Hand kerchief, superior to anything ever offer ed in this market, Jewelry, Perfumery, i Toilet Soaps, &e., &c., &c. M rs. M„ has taken great pains to select such goods as will suit the wants of the ladies generally. Thankful for past favors, she solicits a continuance of the same. W. S. Murphy is authorized to attend to my business. MARY A. MURPHY. Sept. 23 30 tf COMMITTED. Taken up and committed to the Jail ol | Darlington District, on tho 21lh inst., a Negro Woman, aged about twenty years, four feet eleven and one half inches high, 1 black complexion, her back and arms i considerably scared. She says that she belong to Mr. Dick Singleton of Sumter District, and that her name is Christia, and that the Overseer’s name on the plantation she left is Levenham, and the Drivers name is July, and the Plantation is called Deer pond Plantation. The Owner is requested to come for ward, prove his property, pay charges and take her awav. this 23rd Aug. 1851. G. D. G.* HUGGINS. J. D. D. Aug 28 26 tf Notice. Ml | dicine for Coughs, Colds and affections, direct from the house of Scovill A Mead, New Orleans. Just received at Z. J. DeHAY’S. valuable M Pulmonary do. do. Witness my hand at Darlington Court _ R of November! this Declaration could be served, on mo tion of J. A. A C. A. Dargan PlaintitTs Attorneys; It is ordered that the said Defendant do Plead, or demur to trie said .Declaration within a year and a day from Son* of Temperance. Members of Darlington Division No. 24, Sons of Temperance, are hereby notified that business of a most Urgent and Im portant character will engage the atten tion of the Division on THURSDAY EVENING the 20th inst. Punctual at tendance ot) Ifre part of the members is most earnestly reqweated. . * By order of tlie Divirnn. F. F. WARLEY, R. S. Nov IS 37 St For Sale- , Wash-Stands, me. Bedsteads, For naleby hunTkr Oct. 30 A McKACHEKN. 30 tf Assigned Property for Sale. Will be aold on Thursday the 4th of De cember next, at the residence of Caleb H, Nettles, all the Goods, Chattels, Ac., ren dered in on schedule, and assigned over to me, by the said Caleb H. Nettles for the benefit of hi* creditors Terms for all sums of and under Two dollars cash, over two dollars, on a credit of ninety days with interest from day of sale,, with note and approved security. Sale to commence si 11 o’clock, A. M. S. WILDS DuBOSE, Assignee. Nov 6 35 Tooth and Hair Broshes, French, English and American. A twawtifnl assortment may I* found *t Z J. DrHAVS the publication of this order; and in default trust D. J. TAYLOR, General Agent and Commit eion Merchant. Kings Wharf, Georgetown, S. C. Deems it appropriate to notify his friends and the public generally, that he has ren ted the commodious,/ire proof ware rooms and wharf of Mr. Benjamin King, where he has removed; besides the extensive wharf of the estate of Myers, and is pre pared to conduct the General Agency and Commission Business in all its branches, and he hopes, to the satisfaction of those who mav commit their business to his Office Wilmington A Manchester l R.R. Co., Marion C. H., Sept. 8th, \ The stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company, are hereby notified that the ELEVENTH Instalment ot Five Dollars per share on tlieir subscription is required to be paid on the 1st October, 1851, and the twelfth I Instalment of Five Dollars per share on the 1st January, 1852. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN McRAE, jr., Tre’r. Sept 11 28 1m ; REMOVAL. The subscriber begs leage to inform his I friends and the public generally, that he has Removed to the Store formerli/occu pied bv Thomas Bond A Co., one door j below Zemp’s Drug Store, where he will continue to keep a large and choice assort ment of Fresh and Desirable Goods, of all qualities and descriptions, suitable to the trade of this market, consisting of Dry-Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Glass- ( 1 Ware and Crockery, Hats, Caps, Cloth- ! ing, Ac. Which lie offers on reasonable ! terms, and to which he invites the atten- 1 tion of the public. S. D. HALLFORD. Oct 2 31 tf UiMeof, final and absolute judgment will j^lr*n, «nd awarded against said Defen- It i» •iso ordered, that a copy of Aids order oe published twice, every t%ee months, for the space of a year and a day, Georgetown, Sept. 4, 27 4t Notice. The undersigned having made arrange ments with a responsible House m Char leston, for the prompt sale in Charleston, from the date of this order, in the Darling- of all Cotton or other produce consigned on Flag. to him, by Planters and for the faithful Clerks office at Darlington Court House, execution on very accommodating terms, j South Carolina, the 18th day of March, of all their plantation and family supplies Anno Domini 1861. 1 **■“ ™—*— - •>... Bounty Land. THE Subscriber will act as the Agent and forward all applications for Bounty l>and. for all persons entitled under the “Act of the 28th September, 1850. He will attend punctually to the whole busi ness connected with the application. All R ns who served in the war declared e United States against Great Britain on the 18th June, 1812, or of any of the Indian wars since 1790, tlieir survivng widows or minor children, are entitled to draw under the act.” Those who have lost tlieir certificate of discharge need not fear to apply. S. WILDS DuBOSE, Darlington, March 12,1851. 2 tf (Signed) E. March 19 BRUNSON, c. c. r. 3 32m REFERENCES. Col. N. A. Pey, Eli Harrison, Esq., Fair- field. Col E. B. C. Cash, Alex. McQueen, COACH AND CABINET MAKING. THE subscriber begs leave to inform Esq., Chesterfield. David Milling, Mai. the public that he has established a shop w. II. Wingate, Darlington. John B. for carrying on the above business, at Ef- DuSaussure, Charleston, 8. C. Oct 30 35 4m ur. Marion Star, Cheraw Gazette, Black River Watchman, and Fairfield Herald, copy weekly lor 4 months and forward bills to Charleston, Preserves, Brandy Peaches, &c., &c., &c., E . I. Ging.rP.werv-. W. i cotton 0««Uim, SdTicii, Der. sure Charleston, S, C. Brandy Peaches and other brandy Fruits, invites the attentioh of Planters to the same. For further information address NEW FALL GOODS. KETCHUM & TAYLOR, \\ OULD respectfully inform their coun try friends, and the public generally, that they are now in receipt of tlieir fall stock of Dry Goods, comprising one of tho best assorted stock of goods they have ev- ' er had the pleasure of offering for their inspection. Their stock consists in part as follows: WORSTED DRESS GOODS, j Superb printed French Caalimeres, “ “ “ Mas!hi Del,lines. Medium and low priced do. do. Plain col’d Fr. Cashmeres and Delains, “ “ “ Merinos, •, “ black “ do, “ eol’dand black Parametias, English and French black Bombazines, SILK DRESS GOODS. ‘24, ‘215, 2H, BO. .‘12,34 and 3(1 inch black (iro di Rhine Silks, Superb bl k Watered and Brocade Silks Rie plainh ('hainelion Rich colored Brocade Rich Scotch and Tartan Plaid do. White and eol’d Persian Marccline and Black Silk s. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. Plain ami einbroi’d white Crape Shawls, “ “ “ and col’il Cash- mere Shawls, Rich and figured Brocba Shawls, Super black (iro di Rhine Silk Shan If, Colored plain worsted do. Plain colored Cashmere do. Plain aterloo and Bay State do. Bl'k and col’d Silk Mantillas, ( wadded “ “ Waterloo do., ) and pl’ii LACE GOODS, Ac. Embr’d Lace and Muslin Capes, Col lars and ('himisetts, Embr’d Lace and MdsIH)under Slot ves, Valencia and Thread Lace Collars anil Cuffs, Embrol’d Swiss Muslin and Cambric Edgings and Insertiugs, Plain and figured Bobinet Lace, Super “ Brussels do. Lace Berthas and Muslin Bands, Infants’ Embroidered Waists. HOSIERY, GLOVES AND HAND KERCHIEFS. Ladies’ white and black Silk Host', “ “ raw Silk do. “ white, bl’k and col’d Cotton do. “ “ “ “ worsted do “ black Alpacca and Cashmere do. 1 “ col’d, white anil black Kid Gloves. “ Embr’d scol. and plain Silk Hitkfs, “ black and col’d Silk Neck Ties, Gents’ white and bl'k Silk Half Hose', “ “ and col’d Merino do. do. “ bro, white and mixed Cotton do do. “ col’d white and bl’k Silk Gloves, “ “ “ “ Kid 0b do. “ col’d, bor’d and white Silk iidkfs, “ “ white an Silk do. “ black and col’d Silk Cravats. DAMASK TABLING, &e. 8,0, 10 1-4 brown and white Table Damask, 6,7, 8, 10 and 12 1-4 white and brown Table Cloths, ; White and col’d Damask Davies, “ “ Napkins, French, col’d and hord'd Linen Towels Binl eye and huckaback Diaper do. Russia, German, Scotch and Bird Eye Diapers, 0-8 and 1-4 Pillow Case Liileit*, , 10 and 12 1-4 Linen Shirting, Fine medium ant! heavy Shirting Linens Colored, cotton and worsted Table Covers, Cloth Piano and Table Covers. DOMESTICS, ed and plaid Homespun, fingham in Darlington Dietrict. He re turn* bis thank* for past patronage and desires to inform the citizens of the Dis trict, that he ha* received a fresh supply of Paint*, Varnish, &c„ die., and is fully preftared to do any work in the above line of business. Any pereon favoring him with job* wiH h*ve their work done neatly and with as much dispatch as practicable. R. / ANDREWS. P. S.—He ako receives toll or Cross ing Lawrence’s Bridge’s, persons going over will please call at the sign and pay their ferriage. R. J. A. M.ay 7 10 tf Curacoa Maiaschins and Cordials, (assor ted.) Maderia. Sherry, Port and N. C. Black Berry Wines, Scotch Ale and Lon don Porter, pints and quarts. HEID8EICH CHA MPA IGNE. Gauva Jelly, Catsups and Sauces, Rose water, Chocolate and Cocoa, Prunes, Citrons, Currants and Raisins, English, French and American Mustard, do. — do. Pickles, do. and Goshen Cheese, Macaroni (Italian.) Sur Constantly on Hand FRESH Soda Water and 1 Symn, by Soda Water and Lemon R.fcR M.R0LUNS Sale of Assigned Property. I & u perior Hyson and Black Teas, old Will be sold on Thursday the 27ih nfNo- Java Coffee, English WalnutS, Brazil Fit vember next, at the residence of Dr. W. ■ berts. Shell Jlarks, and soft shelled Al- S. Murphy, all the Goods and Chatties, monds. tic., of trie said W. S. Murphy, mentioned ( also, in his schedule and assigned over to me, : .Smoked Beef Tongues, Piekied Salmon, for the benefit of hi* creditors. , Mackerel (kegs and barrels,) Prime Leal Terms—AH sums of and under Two Lard, (in bbls. and kegs,) Sugar cured dollars cash and ail over on a credit of Hams, Bologna Sam-age, Soda, >V ine, ninety days, with interest from day of Lemon, Water and Butter Crackers, approved security. rims, Apron Checks, Air., Together with a large nssortineut of Cloths, CassimeroB, Satinetts, Plains. Kerseys, white, Saxony and W elcb I Flannels, Plain and Twilled Red Flan nel, Lindsays, Bath, Whitney, Macki naw and London Duffil Blankets, die., Ate., to which they invitethu attention of their friends and the publiiy At^, wholesale and retail, at * NO. 243 KING STWRET. Terms cash, or city acceptance. All orders promptly and faithfully executed CharMaton, Oct 4’51 82-tldJ S. D. HALLFORD, GENERAL agent, CAMDEN, S. C. March 19 3 tf hale, with note and Sale to cmuincnce at 10 o’clock, A. M. S. WINKS DuBOSE. Assignee, i Ot? 80 35 4t Srpt 25 Choice and Favourite Brands of Segars.! By Robert Ealta. Camden 30 H.C. tf Landreth’s WARRANTED Garflen Seed, nsw’’ crop, for sale by V R. A ft. M. ROLLINS