The Darlington flag (Lydia, SC) 1851-1852, November 06, 1851, Image 3

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0 2,000 lbs. Mountain Butter, The beat ev«<» btwight to this place. Mho, a prime lot of Bacon and Lird. for Nov. 6 A. VV. SEXTON, Assigned Property for Sale. Will be eold on Thursday the 4th of De cember next, at the residence of Caleb H. Nettles, all the Goods, Chattels, die., ren dered in on schedule, and assigned over to me, by the said Caleb II. Nettles, for the benefit of his creditors. Terms for all sums of and under Two dollars cash, over two dollars, on a credit of ninety days with interest from day of sale, with nob' and approved security. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock, A. M. S. WILDS DtrBOSE, Assignee. Nov 6 tf The Darlington Academy. The Trustees take pleasure in announ cing that they have secured the services of Mr. J. W. Smith, Lady, and Daughter as teachers for the remainder of the pre sent, and the ensuing year. The experi ence and unquestionable qualification of the Teachers, induce the Board to expect the prompt support and patronage of the Public. The exercises of the Academy will be commenced at an early day; of which public notice will ho given. J. A. DA It GAN, President. Nov 0 35 tf Land for Sale. A tract of (and lying on the north side of lake Swamp, consisting of one hun dred and ninety acres, Said laud is boun ded south by by thurun of Lake Swamp. It has an Island of twenty acres, which is as good land as can be found in this coun try. The balance is up-land, with about 80 acres cleared. Tins is also very good land, 50 acres ot which has been un der cultivation four years. This tract of land has on it a dwelling, Gin an other houses, all new. Persons wishing to look at said land will do well to call on the sub scriber as early as possible, JOHN L ROLLINS. Oct. 30 35 3t REMOVAL. The subset liter begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has Removed to the Store formerly occu pied by Thomas Bonel & (Jo., one door below Zemp’s Drug Store, where he w ill continue to keep a large ami choice assort ment of Fresh and Desirable Goods, of all qualities and descriptions, suitable to the trade of this market, consisting of Dry-Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Glass- Ware and Crockery, Hats, Caps.' Cloth ing, &c. Which he nlfers on reasonable terms, and to which he invites the atten tion of the public. S. D. IIALLFORD. Oct 2 31 tf Notice. The undersigned hayng made arrange ments with a responsible House in Char leston, for the prompt sale in Charleston, of all Cotton or other produce consigned to him, by Planters and for the faithful , E. I. Ginger Preserves, W. I. do. (ass’led) execution on very accommodating terms, ( Brandy Peaches and other brandy Fruits, of all their plantation and family supplies j Curacna Maiaschins and Cordials, (assor- iovites the attention of Planters to the | ted.) Maderia. .Sherry. Port and N. C. Preserves, Srandy Peaches, &c., &c., &c. house of 8cov ill A Just received at Mead, Z. J. New Orleans. DeIIAV.S. Proclamation. same. For further information address W. B. McCreight, care of John B. DeSaus- surc Charleston, N, C. REFERENCES. Col. N. A. Peav, Eli Hanison, Esq., Fair- field. Col. E. B. C. Cash, Alex. McQueen, Esq.. Chesterfield. David Milling, Maj. IF. II. Wingate, Darlington. John B. DeMaussure, Charleston, S. C. Oct 30 35 4m Marion Star, Che raw Gazette, Black River Watchman, and Fairfield Herald, copy weekly for 4 months forward bills to Charleston, Black Berry Wines, Scotch Ale and Lon don Porter, pints and quarts. HEID8EIC/I CIIA MPA 1G SE. Gauva Jelly, Catsups ami Sauces, Rose w ater. Chocolate and Cocoa, Prunes, Citrons, Currants and Raisins, English, French and American Mustard, do. — do. Pickles, do. and Goshen Cheese, Macaroni (Italian.) Superior Hyson and Black Teas, old new FALL goods. D r , Rogers’ Liverworth and KETCHUM & TAYLOB, Tar. WOULD reH|iectfully inform their conn- . A full and tresh supply of the aUne try friends, and the public generally, that valuable Mi divine for Coughs, Colds and they are now in receipt of tlieir fall stock Pulmonary affections, duvet from the of Dry Goods, comprising one of the ~ e best assorted stock of goods they have ev er had the pleasure of offering for their inspection. Their stock consists in part as follows: WORSTED DRESS GOODS. Superb printed French Cashmeres, “ “ “ Muslin Delaines, Medium and low priced do. do. Plain col’d Fr. Cashmeres and Detains. “ “ “ Merinos, “ black “ do, “ col’d and black Parametins, English and French black Bombazines, SILK DRESS GOODS. 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,34 and 36 inch black Gro di Rhine Silks, Superb bl’k Watered and Brocade Silks Ric plainh Chamclion do. i Rich colored Brocade do. | Rich Scotch and Tartan Plaid do. | White and pol’d Persian Marcelitte and Black "Silks. Throuhg Faro from Charles ton to New York, $20. The gttwr^lai! ronte frijm ('htn h slon S. C I.i: \vivi the wharf at the liiot of Lnurensf street, daily, affer tin i arrival of the Southern Cars, via \Sll- MINGTON and WELDON, V c . PE TERSBURG. RICHMOND. FREDE UNPRECEDENTED ARBI RK’KSBURG, to WASHINGTON, BAI- The undersigned takes pleasure, in in- T1MORK. PHILADELPHIA, aml^EW forming his friends and the public gener- ! YORK. ally that he is now receiving, and will | The public ie res|iectifully informed that continue to receive to the 1st October, his the steamers of this line, are in first rate Fall and Winter Stock of Heavy and condition, and are navigated by well Fancy Groceries, consisting in part as fol- , known and experienced comtnnmlers, lows: Brown, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, Rn, Java and Cuba Coffee, Lard, Bacon, Flour and Corn, Muscovado and N. O. Molasses, Rice, Cheese and Mnccaroni, and the Railroads are in line order, (the Wilmington and Weldon Road having recently been relaid with Iteavy T rail) thereby securing Ixith safety and des patch. A THROUGH TICKET having already lieen in operation will In' continu ed as a permanent arrangement from Java Coffee. English Walnuts, Brazil Fil- riofl SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS. Plain amiemhrni’d white (’rape Shawls, “ “ “ and col’d Cash- mere Shawls, Rich and figured Brocha Shawls, Siqier black Grndi Rhine Silk Shawls, travellers may reach New-York on the 'third day during Imisiness hours. On • and after the first day of July next. Bag- | gage will be ticketed from the point of departure to Washington City, under the charge of a t/erial Ai'fiil or Bnug'iife Mosler. At Washington the same will bo i transferred to the care of similar agents, WHEREAS it is at all times pr« por for a people to humble themselves before Almiohtv God, to express their depen dence upon Him and to acknowledge their gratitude to Him for His numberless mercies. Now lie it known that I, JOHN H. MEANS Governor hi and over the State of South-Carolina, doissue this my proc lamation setting apart FRIDAY, the 21st of November next as a day of Thanks- giri/cg Ilu mi lot ion anil Prayer—on which day fearnestly request that all secular business be suspended, apd cordially in- vile all religious denominations through out the State to assemble at their respec tive places of worship, to render thanks t) Alwiohty God for the many undeser ved blessings he lias bestowed upon us and to implore his continuance of the same—to humble ourselves Is fore him on account of our manifold sins as a peo ple; ami in tk'W of the dangers which threaten our inslitutionf fervently to pray that our rulers may be inspired by w is- dom Irom on high so that their counsels may lie directed in that course which w ill redound to His glory and the good of our beloved State. Given under my hand and the seal of th i8uU'. this 27th day of October, in Uk year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-one. J. II. MEANS. By the Governor: Benjamin Pekry, Secretary of State. Nov 5 35 3t Sale of Assigned Property. Will be sold on Thursday the 27th of No vember next, at the residence of Dr. W. S. Murphy, all the Goods and Chatties, &c.. of the said W. S. Murphy, mentioned in his schedule and assigned over to me, for the benefit of his creditors. Terms—All sums of and under Two dollars cash and all over on a credit of ninety days, with interest from day of sale, with note and approved security. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. S. WILDS Du BOSE, As.-ighee. Oct 30 35 4t , i, ... I, n |— , — . .. . .. i Colored plain worsted and j bertis. Shell Barks, and suit shelled Al- 1 — : inonds. ALSO, RUSSELL’S BOARDING HOUSE. Situated on Main-Urtet, first hrick block centre building, between A. M. Hunt's Hotel, and the Stale House. Is now prepared to accomodate Day Hoarders, Families, and Travellers. by Rail Road or their own conveyance, with their horses. Columbia, 8. C., Aug., 1651 24 3t Notice of Assignee. All (stsooh indebted to James E. Hall- ford by note or account are notified that payment must be mode on or before the 1st of January next, and all persona hold ing discounts against him are notified to hand them in according to law. S. WILDS DcBOSE, Assignee. Oct.!*, 1851 33 tf Notice. J. M. Hunter continues to keep a Pub lic House, at bis old stand, near the Post Office. He also acts as General Agent, and having two Wagons will haul Goods to am part of the country. Camden, S. C., Oct. 16 33 tt Smoked Beef Tongues, Pickled Salmon, Mackerel (kegs and barrels.) Prime Is af Lard, (in bbls. and kegs.) Sugar cured Hams, Bologna Sausage, Soda. Wine, liPmou, Water and Butter Crackers. Choice and Favourite Brands of Segars. By Itobcrl l.ndii, Camden S. C. Sept 25 30 tf COACH AND CABINET MAKING. THE subscrilier begs leave to inform the public that he has established a shop fur carrying on the above business, at Ef fingham in Darlington District. He re turns his thanks for past patronage and desires to inform the citizens of the Dis trict, that he has received a fresh supply of Paints. Varnish, dte,, die., and is fully prepared to do any work in the above line of business. Any person favoring him with jobs will haw their work done neatly and with os much disbsu’u as practicable. R. J. ANDREWS. P. S.—He also receives toll or Cross ing Lawrence’s Bridge’s, persons going over will please call at the sign and pay their ferriage. R. J. A. M.ay 7 10 tf do. do. do. wadded and pl’u CABINET SHOP. HAYING employed a Cabinet Maker, we* are prepared to execute all orders tor new work or repairing in the above hue. HUNTER & McEACHKN. Constantly on Hand FRESH Soda Water and l<cnion Syrup, by R. &. R. M. ROLLINS. Plain colored Cashmere Plain Waterloo and Bay State Bl k andcol’d Silk Mantillas, / “ “ Waterloo do., \ LACE GOODS, \c. Embr’d Lace and Mmlin Capes, Col- lars and Chimisetts, Embr’d Lace and Muslin under Sleeves, Valencia and Thread Lace Collars and Cuff's, Emhroi'd Swiss Muslin aud Cambric Edgings and Insertings, Plain and figured Bohiuet Lace, Super “ tt Brussels do. Lace Berthas and Muslin Bands, Infants’ Embroidered Waists. HOSIERY, GLOVES AND HAND KERCHIEFS. Ladies' white and black Silk Hose, “ “ raw Silk do. “ white, bl'k and col’d Cotton do. “ “ “ “ worsted do “ black Alpacca and Cashmere do. “ ced’d, white and black Kid Gloves. “ Kmbr’d scol. and plain .''ilk lldkl's, “ black and col’d Silk Neck Ties, Gents’ wliite and bl'k Silk Half H ose, “ “ and col’d Merino do. do. “ bro, white and mixed Cniton do do. “ col’d wliite ami bl'k Silk Gloves, “ “ “ “ Kid do. “ col d, bor’d and white Silk Hdkfs, “ “ white an Silk do. “ black and col'd Silk Cravats. BeefTutigues, Dried Beef and Buck- ( harf\-ton to New \ ,rk. By this routi wheat. No. 1 and 2, Mackerel m half aud whole Kits, No. 2 and 3, Mackerel, in half Barrels, Sperm, Adamantine,Patent and Tallow Candles, Bar and “Excelcior” “P” Soap, Godard 1805 Brandy, Claret, Madeira,GingerandPort Wines, ■ "ho will accompany it to New York,and the like arrangements will be pursued m returning South. Through Tickets can alone be had from E. WINLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens street, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply : and to Charleston, at the Oltire of the New Jersey Railroad aud Transporta tion Company, New York. July 16 20 tf Heidsick and Anchor Brands Cham- paigne, Porter, Ale and Champaign*' Cider, Old Rye and double rectified Whiskey, Preserves, Pickles, Catsups, and N'auccs. Jams aud Jellies, Brandy fruits of all kin served Apples, r 1 1. Preserved Peaches. Apnbots and I Nutmegs,Mace, Cloves, Spice and Ginger, Raisins Almonds. Currants, Figs, and Prunes, Filberts, Pecan, Brazil and Eng lish Walnuts, Wine, Butter, Soda, Isnnoii and Water Crackers. Hy son, Black, Green and Gunpowder Tea. Crockery and Glass Ware. Powder, Shot and Is ad. Oranges. Apples and lannons in si a.-on, Candies of every description. The finest Brands of Cigars aud To bacco, with all other articles usually found in a well selected, Heavy and Fancy Gro- cerv S*nre. and will l»e sold upon the most reasonable terms. Strict attention given to orders from the country. W. C. MOORE, Opjrosite the Post office, Camden. S. ('. Sept 4 27 4in The friends of Maj. M W. Ht mi.r beg leave to announce him as a candidate ; for the office of Ordinary of Darlington District at ihecneuing election. Mr. Editor : Please announce Maj. W. II. Wingate as a candidate lor Sheriff of Darlington District. One Voter. ^ iVu ar«* aulliori/.i «l to announce (’apt. JAMES W. WARD. a Candidate tor Tax Collector of !>ai- lingtou District at the ensuing election. DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! The MUbscri'.rer keeps constantly on hand an extensive assortment of fresh genuine MeDKtnf.*. Dye-stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Window Glass, Brumi- MARTIN A BRYAN, FACTORS AM) ( OMMISSIOA MERCHANTS. CHARLESTON’, S. C. WILL make advances on cotton and Surgical Irstuments, Perfi'MERV, ollR ' r product;, and give strict attention KS, Soaps, Hair Dyes, Mantle and Toilet O*sawents, Toys anti Fancy Goods in great variety. These, with every article belonging to the drug business, will be sold very low. Persons desirous of ob taining bargains and fine articles, are in vited to give ns a call before purcliatmg elsewhere. FRANCIS L. ZEMP. 32-tf Camden, S. C. to the selection through them. JAMES MARTIN*. April 23 of all a.Tides ordered THOS. A. HR YAK. 8 ly 0000 Sept 25 LBS PRIME BACON SIDES. For sale by ROBT. LATTA. Camden, S. C. 30 tf Late Arrivals. The undersigned have just received a part of their fall and w inter stock of ma terial, and will endeavor to keep on hand a good assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Bridle-bits, Martingale, Sir-ingles, Whips, Valiees, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Stirrups end Lathers. Also, Carriage. Buggy ami Waggon Harness, Collars and I lames. Repairing in their line of busi ness done at the gliiortest notice, in good order and cheap, for Cash. THOMAS & TARRIJ. Oat 26 34 tf For Sale. Bedsteads. Wash-Stands, &c. For salebv HUNGER & McEACHERN. Oct- 30 30 If Situation Wanted. As Teacher by a young man, a native of Dwrlington District, who lias had one year’s experience in the business. He w ill undertake to prepare Itoys for College, aud toteachthe usual branches taught in Academies and Common Schools. Satis factory teathnonials as to coni|ietency and character can be given if desired. For further particulars apply at this office. Oct. 30 3t tf Notice. THE subscrilter respectfully announces to those interested that he will ope* at Darlington Village, a MALE SC IIOOL, S licing on the 2d Monday iiiNovem- ‘cholastic year will lie divided into sions of five mouths each. Terms—Classical per session, $20 00 Advanced English Branches, - 15 <81 Elementary, - - - . 10 00 School room former female academy near Presbyterian Church. W. J. KENNEDY. Oct 30 35 tf At Cheraw Tannery and Shoe FACTORY, onnil I,AIR premium pegged OUUU BROGANS AND .SHOES, Revitted Bands at New York prices, to gether w ilh, a general assortment of L'.i- thers. The sultscriber respectfully asks the at* tentiou of purchasers to his Premium Brogans, for Plantations, confident his facilities enable him to serve the interest of buyers. liberal discount made on wholesales. Orders solicited, planters mea sures fitted with care. Good Hides aud Skins received in ex change. F. LYNCH. Mr. \V. C. Bruce of Society Hill, will receive measures for the above Brogans. Sept 25 J10 tf The State of Sonth Carolna. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In Common Flras. Geo. W. Dargan, J Declaration in Foreign vs. / Attachment, in As- Wm. Y. Lay ton. ) tumpsit. THE Plaintiff m the above stated case having this day, filed his Declaration ip my office, and the Defendant (as it appears,) is absent from and without the limits of tlie State aforesaid, and hav ing neither wife, nor attorney, residing within the saute, upon whom a copy of tliis Declaration could be served, on mo- tmn of J. A. & C. A. Dargan Plaintiff’s AtUirneys; It is ordered that the said Defendant do I*lead, or demur to the said Declaration w ithin a year and a day from the publication of this order; and in defoult thereof, final and absolute judgment will S iren, and awarded against said Defen- ant It is also ordered, that a copy of this order be published twice, euory three mouths. fu%lhe s|iace of a year amt a day, from the date of this order, in the Darling ton Flag. Clerks office at Darlington Court House, South Carolina, the 18th day of March, Warranted Pianos, &c. On TRIAL. PIANOS of best Makers, Rosewood Pearl. Mahogany.&c. in any desired style of finish—or other Musical Instruments, furnished free of charge, or obligation to keep, unless entirely suited on trial. Af ter sufficient test, may lx- bought, exchan ged, hired or returned, on terms lower than obtainable elsewhere, cash or credit. Many references to families in different States, and districts of this State, quite competent to judge where Instruments have been tested and bought and now speak for themselves. Specimens seen by inquiring of Mas. ANN IL HART. Teacher of Music, Camden, S. C. June 4 14 tf Fresh Sarsaparilla, R. & R. M. ROLLINS. July 30 22 tf PLANTATION FOR SALE. The subscrilx-r offers for sale the Plan tation on which he lives, containing 328 acres of land. It is bounded on the North by Thomas Williamson’s lands on the East by Williamson’s and James S. McCall's. South and West by Dr. Smith’s. On the place is a neat comfortable dwel ling and all necessary out buildings. It is situated 71 miles above Darlington, C. H., on the road that leads to Society Hill. For further particulars apply in tny ab sence to Sanders McCall. JOHN J. CANNON. July 16 20 tf DAMASK TABLING, Ac. 8, 9, 10 1-4 brown and white Table Damask, (i, 7, 8, 10 and 12 1-4 white and brown Table Cloths, White and col’d Damask Davies, , “ “ Napkins, French, col'd and hord’d Linen Towels Bin! eye and huckaback Diaper do. Russia, German, Scotch and Bird Eye Dia|iers, 9-8 and 1-4 Pillow Case Linens, 10 nnd 12 1-4 Linen Shirting, Fine medium and heavy Shit ting Linens Colored, cotton and worsted Table Covers, Cloth Piano nnd Table Covers. DOMESTICS, Ac. 3-4, 7-8 nnd 4-4 bleached Shirting aud Long Cloth, 6,8, 10, 11 nnd 12 1-4 brown and bleached Shirting, Brown nnd white Canton Flannels, Brown and w hite Colton Drilling, Blue striped and plaid Homespun, Cotton Osnaburgs, Bed Tick, Blue Der- rims, Apron Checks, Ac., Together with a large assortment of Cloths, CaiHineres, Satinetts, Plains. Kerseys, white, Saxony and Welch Flannels, Plain and Twilled Ueu Flan nel, Lindsays, Bath. Whitney, Mneki- naw nnd Ixmdon Duffil Blankets, Ac., Ac., to which they invite the attention of their friends anti the public. At wholesale and retail, at NO. 2*13 KING STREET. Terms cash, or city acceptance. All orders promptly and faithfully executed Charleston, Oct 4 ’51 32-tldJ Mr. Editor: Please announce A. .1. Houle, as a catidiilale for tlie office ot Ordinary, tor Darlington Di-trict, anil Oblige, Many Voters. Aug. 11 21 tf Mr. Editor: Please announce HAR DY M. PARROTT as a candidate for ] etantly on hand a general as.-Hirtmciit of Sheriff of Darlington Dii suing election, and oblige ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to Jons L. Du x- sox, by .Note or account, are notified that payment must tie made before the 2t)th •September next. And all j > r- ons hold ing discounts against him, are nititied to hand them in according to Law, S. WILDS DuBo.SK. .Wnee. June 25 17 tf Darlington Hotel. DA RLI XG TO X < I)I IIT-HOI SE. THE above Hone" having been purclia-ed and fitted up anew by Johk Doten, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the want- and comforts ofguet-tH will be giv en, aud no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may favor the estab lishment with a visit, shall lv spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford will lie found upon the table. Comfortable rooms, for families or in dividual*. are prepared. The Stable* will Ik 1 attended by care ful and attentive hostlers. Droves can Is- well aeeommadtvled, a* any number of horse* and mules can be kept in the stables and lots ex pres-ly pre pared for them. March 12,1851. ly Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. THE subscriber inform* the ciikcutis ot Darlington District, that he keeps con strict, at the eu- M a.ny Voters. Hardware, Mr. Editor: You will please announce THOMAS ATKINSON, a* a candidate for the suffrage of his fellow citizens, for the office of Tax Collector, of this Dis trict at the ensuing election, and oblige Many Voters. Aug 21 25 tf Mr. Editor: Please announce K. 31. Itoilins as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of Darlington District, at the ensu ing Election, ami oblige Many Friends. Tlie Irit'iiriN of NtimiiK'l J. WILSON, beg leave to announce him a candidate for the Office of Ordinary for Darlington District. Dry Goods, Groceries and which he will sell low for cash. S. I>. HALLFORD. Camden, March 19 3 tf Bounty Land. THE subscrilter w ill attend to forward ing to the proper Department the rlaiiim of iiersoue, entitled to land under the late Act of Congress, granting Bounty La ml to certain officers and soldiers, who I rave i been engaged in the military n rvice of tic United States; ail persons who served in the war of 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790. are entitled to Bounty j Land. J. II. NORWOOD. March 5 I tf Charleston Prices. R. A R. M. ROLLINS, having met ! up with nien who were determined to sell i out, have purchased a beautiful stock of farjlic Friends of Captain REU- Fancv a||(j Dry Goods atn very low- pr„ !• 1 _. J * •»! i. _ _ i T . it . ^ BEN BEASLEY, announce him as a can-1 didate for Ordinary of Darlington Disliist, at the ensuing election. Many Voters. Sept 25 30 tf Mr. Editor: Please announce J. IL KIKVtGN, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector, for Darlington District, and oblige Many Voter*. Southern Made Plantation BROGANS. ' House Servant's Shoes, Ac., at Whole- j ’•lock o|W‘n on the enstimg Saturday, sale and Retail, No. 30 East Bay, Charles- Pleas, call and examine for yourselve . ton. S. c. Oct p: :t:t tr The subscriber. Agent for the South j Carolina Shoe Factory, at Charleston. S. Dry Goods for Fall Trade in and will be able to sell goods as low if not on U'lter terms ihan they can be pur chased in this market. They have moved tin i. groceri. * out iioin the house former ly occupied by them, and have had it fitted up expressly for a fancy store.— Persons wishing to purchase any artirlii usually found here, will do well to exam ine our block before they buy 11-where. We have a few Watcfiee, Finger and Ring*, at very fair price*. Also H’atih Keys, and Chains or Guards, of all sorts and sizes. We will have thi-s For Sale. A prime lot of Cnee*" and Bacon, by Anno Domini the aiibseriber. A. W. KENTON. (Signed) B. B. BRUNSON, c. <\ t 9 W tf Murcti PJ c. r. 32m Saddles, Harness, &c. THE subscriber continues to carry on the above business at hi* reeulenee near St. Paul* Church. Darlington District, and resjiectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. His motto is “ let the w ork show for itself,” lie expects to keep constantly on hand. Ready made Harness of hi* own manufacture. lit nairiiig done with neatness aud dispatch. JAMES NEWBERY. March 26 4 ly 1). J. TAYLOR, General Agent and Coin mis- 4 trion Merchant. King* Wharf, Georgetown, S. C. Deem* it appropriate to notify his friends and the public generally, that he has ren ted the comm xlious fire prooj w are rooms ami wharf of Mr. Benjamin King, w here | he lias removed, besides the extensive wharf of the estate of Myers, and is pre pared to conduct the General Agency and Commission Business in all its branches, and he ho|x-e, to the satisfaction of those who may commit their business to his trust. Gecrg* town. Sept. 4, 27 It Notice. Office Wilmington A Manchester R.R. Co., Marion C*. IL, Sept. 8lh, j The stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Kail Road Company, are hereby notified that the ELEVENTH Instalment ol Five Dollars per share on their subscription is required to be paid on tlie lot October, 1851, aud the twelfth Instalment of Five Ddffara per share on the 1st January, 1852. Bv order of the Board of Dirt>ctor*. JOHN McllAE, jr., Tre’r. Sept 11 28 lin C., and the Cheraw Factory, at Cheraw, S. CU will offer for sale in this market hy tlie first September, a large supply of Sou thern made Plantation Brogans aud House Servants Shoes, together with a general assortment of Boot* and Shoes, which will he sold at the lowest market price* for goods of similar quality. R. A. PRINGLE, Dealer in Brogans. Boots and Shot's, No. 30 East Bay. Aug 14 24 _ 4«n W. H. STANLEY. DEAFER AND TAIL0E. RESPECTFULLY notifies hi* friends i and customers and the public geuerallv. | that he has removed to the shop nealy Charleston, W. G. BANCROFT, 253 and 255 King »t. (one door below W enlworth. We would again respectfully invite ihe attention of our friends and customers in the country, to our Extensive Stock of Dry Goods, when they visit our city. Alwaxs on hand .Sihthurn Manci ac- Tl'RED Goods: consisting of Georgia Plain- aud Kerseys, Alabama da, plain and striped Usiiaburgs, Bleached aud Brown Domestic*. Suiter DafiH Blankets, Direct Importa tion. We would also particularly invite at tention (b our liTijtortations, of Silks and opposite the old Post office, where he is ! Dress Goods being one ot^ the Largest prepared to carry on the Tailoring Bust- stocks in the Southern Country. \N •• prepared new* ir Fancv ness in all its department*. Blurk and are aluo prepared to furnish every article md Trim- in the Dry Good line, viz: Hosiery,Gloves. Attention Darlington Hussars! You are hereby ordered to be and ap pear at Darlington Court Houro on tlie Second Saturday 13th. in December next, armed and equipped a* the law directs. Defaulter* beware. By order of Capt. Samuel Ervin: J. R. ERVIN. O. S. Oct. 14, p tt mutgs hand. Cassimers Ve*ting** aud Trim- of all kinds kept constantly on t*r He ha* just received the Spring and Summer report* of Fashion* from l4mdon, Paris aud Philadelphia for 1851. March 12 2 ly Tooth and Hair Brushes, French, English aud American, beautiful assortment may be found at 7. J.DkHAV’N Dry i Lit men*. Flannels, Cloth* Camtiteere*, Bombazines, alpacas, Merinos, M' de l^tr- ue*. Plaids, Jaconet and Swaas Muslins. Purmilure Dimitv, Prints, Gingham.-, Shawls, Lactw, Edging*, Uibbotta* Trim mings, &.c., Ac., Ac. Sept 18 29 fin Landreth’s WARRANTED Garden Seed, new crop, for aale by K A R. M HOLLOW