»f SILL LATEI FROM Gt'Bl. CArrimB and Execution of Gkn. Lopes Confirmed.—By the stenm packet Cspt King, we hare received the Savannah Morning News of the Btli, from which we copy the following important intelligence; Moxtoomery, Ala., 1 P. M. The melancholy news from Cuba, brought by the Cherokee is confirmed and may be relied on. The Cherokee arrived at the Levee this morning at 13 O’clock. The expedition under General Lo pes has entirely failed, General Lopez waa taken prisoner on the 29th, and was taken to Havana, where he was executed by garote on the 1st in stant After the battle with Gen. Enna, Gen. Lopez's force was reduced to the last extremity, his ammunition being entirely exhausted. After remaining sixty hours without food, the men pre pared to disband, and each shift for himself. General Lo|>ez was hunted and ta ken by blood-hounds, One hundred and fifty prisoners mostly Americans, were taken by the Spanish all of whom were condemned for life to the Spanish mines and arc to be sent immediately to Spain. In the battle of the 17th, in which General Enna was killed, they are said to have fought like demons, kil ling seven hundred Spaniards. The insurgents are still in the moun tains, near Principe, some seven bun dred strong, commanded by a Hunga rian officer, Gen. Lopez, previous to his execu tion declared the motives which had actuated him in making war upon the Spanish Government His sole object was to promote Uie advance and happi ness of the peopie of Cuba. He intima ted that he had been deceived. His dying words were: “Adieu, devii Cuba. Lopes had no aid or countenance from the Creoles! MISSISSIPPI* ELECTIONS. The following are the reported official returns, so far as received: The compromisers have carried following counties; Adams, Amite Choctaw, Claiborne, Hinds, Holmes Lowndes, Madison, Monroe, Noxubee, Pontotoc, Rankin, Tishamingo, Talla hatchie, Warren, Washington, Walkin- son, Yallobusha, Yazoo. The following counties have voted Against acquiescence: Copiah, Oktib beha, Scott, Simpson, Smith. Attala and Winston counties have elected one of each party. The returns will show a falling off of about 15,000 in the popular vole —Mississippian, 5th inst. MANSION HOUSE, Camden, South Carolina. E. 6. ROBINSON, Proprietor. THE beet accommodations and attention to Travellers. pfT” Stables l^rge and Roomy. June 11 15 ly MARTIN & BRYAN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILL make advances on cotton and other produce, and give etrict attention to the selection of all articles ordered through them. JAMES MARTI*. THOS. A. BRYAN. April 23 8 ly Notice. The annual election of officers of the Darlington Academical Society, will be held in the Court House on Thursday 18th inst., at 12 o’clock, M. Members are requested to be puctual in their atten dance. W. H. WINGATE, Sec’ry. Sept 11 28 2t RUSSELL’S BOARDING HOUSE. SUuatetl on Main-street, first brick block, centre building, between A. M. Hunt's Hotel, and the State House. Is now prepared to accomodate Day Boarders, Families, and Travellers, by Rail Road or their own conveyance, with their huraes. Columbia, S. C., Aug., 1851 24 3t ” TEMPERANCE HOTEL^ COR.NEK OF BROAD AND DE KALB STS., CAMDEN, S. C., J. B. F. BOON E, Proprietor. May 21 12 tf SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtue of sundry Writs, of Fieri- Facias to me directed, will be sold before the Court House door, of Darlington Dis trict, on the first Monday in October next, and the Tuesday following at the same time, the following property viz: The tract of Land on which Beniamin Jeffries resides, containing about Eighty acres, at the suit of the State and others vs. George W. Moye. The tract of Land on which the defen dant now resides, at the suit of John F. Wilson & Co. vs. Kinion McLendon. One hundred acres of Land on the juth side of Sparrow Swamp, known as of the Miles Land at the suit of DuBose vs. Daniel K. Doyal. J. H. HUGGINS, S. D. D. Sept 11, 1851. 28 3t Notice. un- the HYMENEAL. Married—On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Brown, Mr. John Heath, to Miss Margarettk Muldkow, both of Darling ton District. . , '-J 1' I J. - ! 1 - - - - cahbs. GLOVERS & DAVIS, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Central Wharf, Charleston, S. C. Aug. 28 26 ly Wm. M. LAWTON A Co., FAC'WRS AND COMMISSION AGENTS, No. 13 Southern Whahf, Chm'l&ston, S. C. Wm. M. Lawton, I Wm. M. Taylor, R. W. Bacot, J Joseph T. Dill. Aug 21 25 6t D. J. TAYLOR, General Agent and Commis sion Merchant. Kings Wharf Georgetown, S. C. Deems it appropriate to notify his friends and the public generally, that he has ren ted the commodious fire proof ware rooms and wharf of Mr. Benjamin King, where he has removed; besides the extensive wharf of the estate of Myers, and is pre pared to conduct the General Agency and . Commission Business in all its branches, and he hopes, to the satisfaction of those who may commit their business to his trust Georgetown, Sept. 4, 27 4t FEE DEE LODGE, No. 12. I. 0. 0. F. "'I'Asvs THE regular weekly meeting of this Lodge, will be held at Odd Fellow’s Hall on Monday next, at 8 o’clock, P. M. By order WM. R. HUNTER, Secfry. S. D. HALLFORD, GENERAL AGENT, CAMDEN, S. C. ' March 19 3 tf pan mn W. J. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARLINGTON, S. C. WILL Practice in the Courts of Dar- linton, Marion, Horry and Malborough. March 12 2 tf T. B. & L. L. FRASER, Attorneyg at Law. Will Practice in the Courts of Sumter Darlington, Kershaw and Richland. OFFICE A T SUMTER VILLE, 8. C. "STANLY’S HOTEL, (Sign of the Palmetto,) DARLINGTON, C. II., S. C. m. B. STANLY, Proprieter, Is grateful for past favors, and liopes to merit a continuance. March 19 3 tf IN LAW AND EaUTTY. The undersigned have formed a Co-part nership, for the practice ofLaw and Equity in Darlington District. Their Office is on Pearl street, one door above R. & R. M. Hollis's Store. W. W. HARLLEE, J. H. NORWOOD. March 5 1 + WM. K. RYAN, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Wild make liberal advances on Cotton, and other Produce, and will give strict attention to the selection of all ar ticles ordered through him. July 16 20 tf liOBERTLATTA^r GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, CAMDEN, S. C July 23 * 21 tf Situation Wanted. The Subscriber who has been engaged for the last ten years as an Orcrseer de sires employment for the next year. He respectfully refers to Hon. Judge Dargan, and Mr. W. Lide Esq., as to his qualifica tions Sic. JAMES E. McLENDON. Darlington C. H. Sept 11. 28 4 Negroes Wanted. The subscriber wishes to purchase 18 or 20 young negroes from 12 to 25 years old, field hands, for which he will pay a fair market price in Cash. Any person having such to dispose of will please address. W. J, BARNES. Mt. Elon, P. O. Darlington Dist., S. C. Sept 11 28 tf State of South Carolina. THOMAS BONNELL, Factor mad CoMumlMlou Mfer- cfcant. No. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, , (back or THK roar office.) CHARLESTON, 8. C. Will also attend to Receiving and For ward mg Goods, and Executing all orders for Planters. March 1 tf AN ORDINANCE, To prevent the running of Horace, dpc., within the Corporate limits of the Town of Darlington. Be it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens of the Town of Darlington, in Council Assembled, that from and after this second day of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifty-one, it shall not be lawfull for any E rson or persons to run any Horse, are, Mule, or colt within the corparate limits of the Town of Darlington, and for each and every such offence, the offender shall be bound and liable to pay a fine of five dollars, to the Marshal or any of the members of the said Town Council. And be it further ordained by authori ty of the same, that if any person or per sons, shall drive any Horses, Mares, Mu les or colts, about the public square or alongany of the streets or roads, of the said Town in a gate faster than a trot, in any Buggy, Carriage, Wagon, Cart or any other two or four wheel vehicle, shall be hound and liable to pay to any of the members of the said Town Council or Marsltal of the said Town a fine of five dollars, for each and every such ottence. Done and ratified in Council at Dar lington the dav and year above written. (Signed,) e: w. Charles, in’dant S. Wilds DuBose, Clerk. Sept 4 27 tf Mr. Editor : You will please announce THOMAS ATKINSON, as a candidate for the suffrage of his fellow citizens, for the office of Tax Collectob, of this Dis trict at the ensuing election, and oblige Many Voters. Aug 21 25 tf S^T' C. W. Dudley of Marlboro’, and Hon. John P. Zimmerman of Darlington, are hereby nominated as the candidates of this Congressional District, for our Re presentatives in the proeed Southern Congress. Co-Operation. Aug 21 25 tf Mr. Editor: Please announce U. in. It olli ns, as a candidate for Clerk of the Court of Darlington District, at the ensu ing Election, and oblige Many Friends. Executive Departmelt. By His Excellency John H. Means, Governor and Commander-in Chief in and over South-Carolika. WHEREAS, information has reached me that an attrocious murder was com mitted upon Wm. Cloud, of Edgefield District, by Philip P. Goode, and that the said Goode has escaped. Now, in order that the offender may be brought to trial, I, John H. Means, Governor in and over the State, do issue this my proclamation, offering a reward of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for the apprehension and delivery of the said fugitive to the jailor of Edgefield District. The said Philips P. Goode is about thirty-three years of age, 6 feet 3 or 4 inches high, lean and sinewy, ruddy complexion, hazle or grey eyes, dark hair and quick spoken, with a marked decay between his front teeth. Given under my liand and the seal of the State, the 20th day of Au- S it, in the year of our Lord, one usand eight hundred and fifty one. By die Governor. JOHN H. MEANS. W. F. Artur, Deputy Sec’ry of State. Aept 11 28 4 1 i R.R. Co., Marion C. H., Sept. 8th, y The stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company, are hereby notified that the ELEVENTH Instalment of Five Dollars per share on their subscription is required to be paid on the 1st October, 1851, and the twelfth Instalment of Five Dollars per share on the 1st January, 1852. By order of the Board of Directors. JOHN McRAE, jr., Tre’r. Sept 11 28 1m Male and Female Teachers. Are invited to take charge of the Dar lington Academies for one or more years. The compensation for their services, will be the tuition received which it is be lieved will well pay competent instructor, in all the languages, such being wanted. Propositions will be considered up to the 6th October next, and it is desirable that the school should be opened as soon thereafter, as is possible. Address Secretary Darlington Acade mical Society, Darlington, C. H., post-paid. Wm. H. WINGATE, Sec’ry. Sept 11 28 3t irp Charleston Courier, copy 3 times. $35 REWARD, Runaway from the subscriber, his Boy CALVIN. He is about five and a half feet high, moves nimbly, speaks quick, and grins when spoken to. 1 will give $20 dollars for his delivery in Darlington Jail, or $35 dollars for his delivery, and proof sufficient to convict any white per son of harbouring him. JOSEPH L. HARRELL. 28ih Aug., 1851 27 5t COLORED DAGUERREOTY PES. The subscriber would resp< ctfully an nounce to the citizens of Darlington, and vicinity, that he has taken rooms at the Office, formerly occupied by Dr. J. E. Muse, for a few days only, for the purpose of taking Daguerreotype Likenesses. His experience and skill in the art, enables him to lake likenesses equal to those taken in any city. Citizens whether wish ing likenesses or not, are invited to call and examine his specimens. By a supe rior chemical of his own invention, he is enabled to take likenesses of children in a few seconds. N. B.—AH likenesses taken by him are warranted not to fade. Sept. 4 27 tf UNPRECEDENTED ARRI VALS. The undersigned takes pleasure, in in forming his friends and the public gener ally that he is now receiving, and will continue to receive to the 1st October, his Fall and Winter Stock of Heavy and Fancy Groceries, consisting in part as fol lows: Brown, Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, Rio, Java and Cuba Coffee, Lard, Bacon, Flour and Corn, Muscovado and N. O. Molasses, Rice, Cheese and Maccaroni, Beef Tungues, Dried Beef and Buck wheat,' No. 1 and 2, Mackerel in half and whole Kits, No. 2 and 3, Mackerel, in half Barrels, Sperm, Adamantine,Patent and Tallow Candles, Bar and “Excelcior” “P” Soap, Godard 1805 Brandy, Claret, Madeira, Ginger and Port Wines, Heidsick and Anchor Brands Cham- paigne, Porter, Ale and Champaigns Cider, Old Rye and double rectified Whiskey, Preserves, Pickles, Catsups, and Sauces. Jams and Jellies, Brandy fruits of all kinds, Preserved Peaches, Apricots and Pine Apples, Nutmegs,Mace, Cloves,SpiceandGinger, Raisins Almonds, Currants, Figs, and Prunes, Filberts, Pecan, Brazil and Eng lish Walnuts. Wine, Butter, Soda, Lemon and Water Crackers. Hyson, Black, Green and Gunpowder Tea. * Crockery and Glass Ware. Powder, Shot and Lead. Oranges, Apples and I/emons in season Candies of every description. The finest Brands of Cigars and To bacco, with all other articles usually found in a well selected, Heavy and Fancy Gro cery Store, and will be sold upon the most reasonable terms. Strict attention given to orders from the country. W. C. MOORE, Opposite the Post office, Camden, S. C. Sept 4 27 4m J-*/" The friend* of Samuel J. WILSON, beg leave to announce him a candidate for the Office of Ordinary for Darlington District Brigade Encampment. The undersigned will attend the Encamp ment of the 7th Brigade, well prepared to entertain all who may favor hun with their patronage. Caretul Hostlers, and good servants for the Table. JOHN DOTEN. Aug. 14 24 td PLANTATION FOR SALE. The subscriber otl'ers for sale the Plan- i tation on which he lives, containing 328 acres of land. It is bounded on the North bv Thomas Williamson’s lands, on the Hast by Williamson’s and James S. McCall’s, South and West by Dr. Smith’s. On the place is a neat comfortable dwel ling and all necessary out buildings. It is situated 7$ miles above Darlington. C. H., on the road that leads to Society Hill. For further particulars apply in niy ab sence to Sanders McCall. JOHN J. CANNON. July 16 20 tt Tooth and Hair Brushes, French, English and American. A beautiful assortment may be found at _ Z. J. DeHAY’S. Mr. Editor: Please announce HAR DY M. PARROTT as a candidate for ' Sheriff of Darlington District, at the en suing election, and oblige Many Voters. FOR SALE. A Negro MAN, about 27 years of age, able bodied and healthy, will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to CHAS. A. DARGAN. July 30 22_ Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, &c. The undersigned is now receiv ing his Fall and Winter supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Ma- dicines. Paints, Oils, Dye .Stuffs, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes and Fancy Articles. All of which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms, and to which he invites the attention of his friends ami customers. Z. J. DeIIAY. IW Mr. Editor: Please announce! J. E. KIKVEN, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector, for Darlington District, and oblige Many Voters. M.ay 7 10 tf We a re aiifhorrs.ed to announce Capt. JAMES W. WARD, as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Dar lington District at the ensuing election. Mr. Editor: Please announce A. J. Iloole, as a candidate for the office of Ordinary, for Darlington District, and Oblige, Many Voters. Aug. 14 24 tf The State of South Carolina, Executive Department. To ALL AND SINGULAR THE MANAGERS OF the General Elections, for the se veral Districts of the State of i South Carolina: WHEREAS the Legislature of South Carolina, at its late session, did pass an Act to provide for the election of members TAILORING THE Suusckiber respect fully informs the citizens of Darlington village, and the surrounding country, that he has located himself iu this place, for the purpose of carrying on the TAILOR ING BUSINESS. 1 ’erson wishing work done on short notice can be accommodated. He warrants his work to give entire satisfaction. J. F. JONES. j March 12 2 tf Warranted Pianos, &c. On TRIAL. PIANOS of best Makers, Rosewood Pearl, Mahogany,&c. in any desired style I of finish—-or other Musical Instruments, 1 furnished free of charge, or obligation to 1 keep, unless entirely suited on trial. At- I ter sufficient test, may lie bought, exchan- | ged, hired or returned, on terms lower than obtainable elsewhere, cash or eredit. Many references to families in different States, and districts of this State, quite | competent to judge where Instruments have been tested and bought ami now speak for themselves. Specimens seen 1 by inquiring of Mrs. ANN H. HART. Teacher of Music, Camden, S. (’. June 4 14 tf OILS, OILS. THE subscriber has now in store a lull and ’ll C/I III* I IIIO l /• fW I CM J l fs - , n 4 , ..r, ’ supply of Solar, Sperm, Linseed and ( as- to a outher.1 Congress. And Whereas, f,,,‘will dispose of on the Dr. Rogers’ Liverworth Tar. A full and fresh supply of the above valuable Medicine for Coughs, Colds and Pulmonary affections, direct from the house of Scovill & Mead, New Orleans- Just received at Z. J. DeHAY’S. Sands’ Sarsaparilla, Harrison’s Grays’s and McAlister’s Ointments, Wistar’s Balsam, Jayne’s Ex pectorant, Aver’s,Cherry Pectorial, Perry’s Dead Shot. Falmestook’s Vermifuge, Jew David’s Plaster, Sic., Sic. Always on hand at Z. J. DeHAY’h. Fresh Caster Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Train Oil, Epsom Salts, Sup Carb. Soda, Saleratus, &c., &c. Just received at Z. J. DeHAY’S, Camden, S. C., Sept 4, tf “TAILORING. The subscriber takes this method of in- said Act requires the Executive Author) ty to issue Writs of Election to the Man agers of Elections: I do hereby require you, and each of you, after giving legal notice and being duly qualified, to proceed to hold an election on the 2nd Monday of October next, and day following, for two Deputies to represent your respective Congressional Districts; and after having determined on persons duly elected, you will certify the same according to law, to the Governor for the time being. Given under my hand and the seal of the tor Oil, which he wi most reasonable terms. Srtf“ Plantation Castor Oil at $1,50 per gallon. SUPERIOR UURNING FLUID. Z. J. DeIIAY June 18 10 Millinery and Mantua, Making. MRS. MARY A. MURPHY. RESPECTFULLY' tenders her servi State, in Columbia, this 1st day of June, res, in her line of business, to the citizens in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. J. H. MEANS, Governor and Commander-in-Chief W. F. Arthur, Deputy ec’y. of tate. June 25 17 16t Encampment! The undersigned having been charged by the Brigadier General of the 7th Bri gade, S. C. M., “ with the selection and preparation of a suitable place for the En- Have selected campment. place j forming the inhabitants of Bishopville, known as “Sextons old field,” in Chester- and neighbouring country, that he has located himself in Bishopville, and is pre pared to make up all garments in his line at the shortest notice, and in the latest style. SAMUEL E. W. CI.ARKSON Bishopville, Aug. 20, 1851. 26 3m Election of Teachers. An Election will be held on the First Monday 1 in October next, to fill the follow ing Offices in the Bradford,, Springs Fe male Institute, viz: A Male Assistant, to be a married man and fully competent to teach all the bran ches of an English and Classical Educa tion, with a salary of $700, and board of himself, wife, and alt children under se ven; all children over seven to be entered and charged as regular pupils for board and tuition—boys over twelve years ex cepted, as they are not to remain in the Institution. A Teacher of French and Music, with salary of four hundred and fifty dollars and board; one that can teach on both Piano and Guitar will be preferred. An Assistant Teacher of Music on Pia no and Guitar, Ornamental Needle Work, and Shell and Wax Work, with a salary of three hundred and fifty dollars and board. A second Assistant Teacher of Music or Piano and Guitar, with Drawing and Painting in Crayon, Oil and Water Colors, with a salary of three hundred and fifty dollars and bo; rd. An Assistant Female Teacher in the Literary Department, with a salary of three hundred and fifty dollars and board* Of the Teachers will be expected such duties, generally, as may from time to time, be directed by the board of Trustees and the Principal. By order of the Board, D. B. McLAURIN, Sec’ry. Sumterville, Aug 5, 1851. 24 tf Kaddipah Dragoons ATTENTION! Your Commissioned Officers and Ser geants, are hereby required to encamp “full five days,” at or near Society Hil|, beginning at 12 o’clock on Monday the 29th September next. The members of the company, are or dered to assemble at this place on the fitSt Saturday (6th day) in September next, for drill, inspection of arms, and the transac tion of impurlasU business. Applications fof membership may be left with Major Nettles. By order of Capt WINGATE, D. H. Thomas, O. S. Mt Eton. Aug. 4, 23 tf field District, about H miles from Col. Williams’ Factory. Captains of Companies, throughout the Brigade, are hereby notified, to have all the Pioneers, residing in their Company Beats, warned to meet at the said field, on Monday the 15th of September next, with necessary implements for putting it in order. THOMAS C. LAW, Col. 29th Regiment, S. C. M. E. B. C. CASH. Col. 28th Regiment, S. C. M. Aug 28 26 3t 29th Regiment of Infantry, S. C M. Hartsville, Aug. 8, 1851. Order—In obedience to orders from General Blakenf.y, commanding the 7th Brigade, S. C. M., the Officers and Ser geants of the 29th Regiment, S. C. M., are hereby ordered to assemble near Society Hill on Monday the 29th day of Sentcm- ber next, and fencamn “ full five days,” commencing at 12 o’clock, M of Darlington and vicinity. All orders with which she may be favored, will be punctually attended to, and executed in the most fashionable style. She will keep constantly on hand, a large variety of Fancy Goods, embracing Ladies’ Dresses, Bonnets of the latest and most approved Styles, Ribbons, Trim mings of every description, &c., &. The public are respectfully solicited to call and judge for themselves. W. S. MuKFirv is authorized to attend to my business. March 19 3 tf COMMITTED. Taken up and committed to the Jail of Darlington District, on the 24th inst., a Negro Woman, aged about twenty years, four feet eleven and one half inches high, black complexion, her back and arms considerably scared. Hhe says that she belong to Mr. Dick Singleton of Sumter Ihstrict, and that her name is Christia, and that the Overseer’s name on the plantation she left is Lcvenham, and the Drivers name is July, and the Plantation is called Deer pond Plantation. The Owner is requested to come for ward, prove his property, pay charges and take her away, tins 23rd Aug. 1851. G. D. C. HUGGINS, J. D. 1). Aug 28 26 tf CO-PARTNERSHIP. J. E. Muse and T. W. Bacot, having this day formed a Go- j3 partnership in DENTISTRY^ under the name of MUSE Si BAUOT, would respectfully offer their services to A complete return of the Strength of the citizens of Darlington,and the adjoin- tzxsvtmAirxt id rixrtiiirzisi f’a nf n itHS min. ' ..I the Regiment is required. Captains com manding Companies, are hereby ordered to make returns of the strength of their respective Companies, by the Encamp ment. By order of Col. T. C. I .aw, J. H. NORWOOD, Adj’t. 29th Regiment. Aug. 14 24 tf Southern Made Plantation BROGANS. House Servant's Shoes, Sic., at Whole sale and Retail, No. 30 East Bay, Charles ton, S. C. The subscriber, Agent for the South Carolina Shoe Factory, at Charleston, S. C., and the Cheraw Factory, at Clieraw, S. C., will offer for sale in this market by the first September, a large supply of Sou thern made Plantation Brogans and House Servants Shoes, together with a general assortment of Boots and Shoes, which will be sold at the lowest market ririces for goods of similar quality. R. A. PRINGLE, Dealer in Brogans, Boots and Shoes, No. 30 East Bay. Aug 14 24 4m ing Districts. They feel themselves fully competent to practice in every depart ment of Dental Surgery, and will snare no pains iu giving satisfaction in an its departments. N. B.—One or both of them will be al ways at their office, from 8 o’clock, A. M. to 6 P. M., to wait on any who may wish their services. July 1, 1851. 20 tf Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac. THE subscriber informs the citizens ot Darlington District, that he keeps con stantly ory hand a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, which he will sell low for cash. S. D. HALIJDRD. Camden, March 19 3 tf Notice. Gentlemen having BOOKS belonging to me, will please return the same forth with. A. SPENCER. Aug. 14 24 tf ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to John L Dick son, by Note or account, are notified that payment must be made before the 20th September next. And all persons hold ing discounts against hint, are nitified to hand them in according to Law. S. WILDS DuBOSE, At* nee. June 25 17 tf Notice. The undersigned takes this method of informing his former patrons, and the public in general that he will be prepared, to accommodate both man and home, dur ing the brigade encampment, to he held near Society Hill, commencing 29th of September next. HIRAM H. RUGG. Aug. 6 23 tf