■ proves either incidentally or directly, our contemplated action. This is co-opera tion already attained, and it may be the only co-operation we will have, anterior to action. Our choice in between accept ing this earnest from friends and South erners, as a sufficient surety of the policy of our onward course, or cringing before the alarums and threats of our foes and oppressors, even to the extent of sub mission. Who can hesitate which to choose? That the veil of uncertainty hangs, at last, between us and our future, no one denies. That there is room for doubt as well as hope, we do not gainsay. But the facte, so far, give the preponder ance to hope. Looking calmly and im partially upon the probabilities of suc rose or defeat, let us continually bear in mind the wholesome truth, thar our doubts 4>ut too often u prove traitors And make us looee the good we oft might win By fearing to attempt.” [Edgefield Advertiser. T. B. & L. Li. FRASER, * Attorneys at Law. Will Practice in the Courts of Sumter Darlington, Kershaw and Richland. OFFICE AT SUMTERVILLE, S. C. HYMENEAL. Married—on Wednesday evening, the 9th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Beck, Mr. Jes ses Bryant to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Erasmus Bryant, all of Darlington District. OBITUARY. IN LAW AND EQUITY. The undersigned have formed a Co-part nership, for the practice of I .aw and Equity in Darlington District. Their Office is on Pearl street, one door above R. &- R. M. Rolmn’s Store. W. W. HARI.I.EE, J. H. NORWOOD. March 5 1 f TEMPERANCE HOTEL, CORNER OF BROAD AND DE KALB STS., CAMDEN, 8. C., J. B. F. BOONE, Proprietor. May 21 12 tf FEE DEE LODGE, No. 12. I. 0. O. F. THE regular weekly meeting of this Lodge, will be held at Odd Fellow’s Hall on Monday next, at 8 o’clock, P. M. By order WM. R. HUNTER, Sect'ry. Died, at her residence, in Lowndes coun ty, Miss., Mrs. Mary Ann Cannon, con sort of Rasha Cannon, deceased, in the 61st year of her age. She was a native of Darlington district, 8. C. At sixteen years of ago she professed religion and joined the Baptist Church, called duringtpihe revolutionary war, Welch-neck, now Society Hill. In 1836 she moved and settled in this county.— Sho has left a large family of children and domestics to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother and kind mistress.— She has left also numerous friends and acquaintances who loved her much, and will long cherish her memory for her no ble qualities. 8he has been taken from her children to whom she was devoted. They were all present but one, and she was soon expected to complete the fami ly circle, long broken by her absence.— But the mother is gone—the old home stead is deserted—its doors and windows closed, and a few old faithful servants left to guard that once cherished home. In a shady grove neat by she now sleeps in the dust, by the side of her husband’s almost newly made grave, having prece ded her only last June. Her calm and gentle spirit, tempered tike the winds of the Heaven, glided smoothly on as the unrippled sea, through life's checkered way, none ever bearing its heavy trials or rude disappointments ; with more Christian submission; none more grateful for its joyous sunshines and blessings. She lived on till the evening of her life a true and faithful Christian, and when the night of death was shad owing her departing spirit, she pointed her children to her Blessed Redeemer, with a countenance full of hope and con fidence that she had treasures laid up in Heaven. And now it is religion that gives consolation to her heart-stricken children, that the world knows nothing oti to think as they gazed on that pensive brow for the last time on earth, that their sweet mother is far happier now in her Heavenly home. MARTIN & BRYAN, FACTORS A!W COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILL make advances on cotton and other produce, and give strict attention to the selection of all articles ordered through them. JAMES MARTIN. THOS. A. BRYAN. April 23 8 ly STANLY’S HOTEL, (Sign of the Palmetto,) DARLINGTON, C. II., S. C. TI. B. STAMLY, Proprietcr, Is grateful for past favors, and hopes to merit a continuance. March 19 3 tf JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DISCRETION EXECU TED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THIS OFFICE. S. D HALLFORD, CiFftTERAL AUKNT, CAMDEN, 8. C. Slarch 19 3 tf Darlington Priuos Current. CORRECTED weekly for the flag. Cotton, - - per lb. $ 00 a 00 Coffee—Cuba, - “ 16 a 16 Rio, - 154a 16t Java, - “ 17 a 18 Molasses—Cuba, per gal. 374a 40 N. Oleans “ 45 a 50 Beef, - - per lb. 6 a 6 Hams, - - - “ 14 a 15 Bacon, “ 12 a 124 Fodder, - - - “ 1 00 a 1 25 Corn, - - per bush. 1 00 a 1 124 Peas, - - “ 1 00 a 1 124 Flour, - - per bbl. 7 00 a 7 50 Salt, ... per sk. 2 00 a 2 50 Nails, - - per keg, 64« 7 Caudles, Tallow, per lb. 20 a 25 Sperm, “ 45 a 50 Adamantine," 374a 40 Lard, - - “ 11 a 124 Iron, - - - “ 5 <1 7 Bagging—Hemp, per yd. 00 a 00 Gunny, “ 00 a 00 R»pe, - - per lb. 00 a 00 BUSIN1SS GARBS. WM. K. RYAN, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Will make liberal advances on Cotton, and other Produce, and will give strict attention to the selection of all ar ticles ordered through him. July 16 20 tf MANSION HOUSE, Camdon, South Carolma. E. G. ROBINSON, Proprietor. THE best accommodations and attention to Travellers. >y To the Commissioners of Pub lic Buildings. A Meeting of the Commissioners of Public Buildings, will lie held at Darling ton Court House ou Saturday the 19th inst., at 11 o’clock, A. M. The punctual attendance of the members of tnc board is particularly requested. T. B. HaYNSWOKTH, Ch’man. July 10,1851. 20 It The State of South Carolina. DARIJNGTON DISTRICT. In the common picas. James Bell, 2 vs. > Ca. Sa. A. W. Moye. ) A. W. Moye, who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Darlington District by vir.^ tue of a writ of capias ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of James Bell, having filed in my office, together with a schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered that the said James Bell, and all others the creditors to whom the said A. W. Moye, is in any wise indebted, lie and they are hereby summoned and have •lotice to appear before the said Court at Darlington Court House, on the third Monday ofOctober n&t, to shew cause if any they can why the prayer of the pe- tioner aforesaid should not lie granted. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c. r. Office of Common Pleas, Darlington ) District, July 15th, 1851. \ The State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. William G. Lane, vs. W. S. Murphy, !• Ca. So. W. H. Wingate, W. J. Floyd. W. S. Murphy who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Darlington District, by virtue of a writ, of capias ad satisfacien dum, at the suit of William G. Lane, hav ing filed in my office, together with a schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered that the said Wil liam G. I«ane, and all others the creditors to whem the said W. S. Murphy is in any wise indebted, be and they are hereby summoned and have notice to be and ap pear before the said Court at Darlington Court House, on the third Monday ofOc tober next to shew cause if any they can why the prayer of the petitioner aforesaid should not be granted. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c. r. Office of Common Pleas, Darlington ) District, July 15th, 1851. j The State of South Carolina’ DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Common pleas. Mary F. Leger, 1 vs. > Ca. Sa., Daniel Doyal. y DANIEL DOYAL, who is in the cus tody of the Sheriff ol Darlington District, by virtue of a writ of capias ad satisfacien dum at the suit of MARY F. LEG HR, having filed in my office, together with a schedule on oath of his estate and effects. Notice. fe are prompted to eall upon our friends and patrons for a settlement by a dun from Charleston. They will there fore confer a favor and one that we will not forget by calling for and settling Thu friends of Samuel M, beg leave to announce him a candidate for the Office of Ordinary for Darlington District. }-f*' TI WILSON, l LyT Mr. Epitor: Please announce TAILORING. THE Subscruiek respect fully informs the ditizens of Darlington village, and the surrounding country, that he has located himself in this their accounts. If you have not money | K-MIRVEN, asacandidato for place, for the purpose of i-iii Kmn- if 1 reflection to the office of Tax Collector, your notes will bring it. We are Very Res’fufly. R. & R. M. ROLLINS. July 9 19 tf Wiatars Halsam, Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral, for Darlington District, and oblige Many Voters. M.ay 7 10 tf IjjT’ arc aulliorixed to j announce Capt. JAMES W. WARD, as Peerv’a Dead Shot, a Candidate for Tax ColledTor of Dai- FAMILY #EDICINES. Grecian Vanchero- iffan, Drops, Hasting’s Syrup of Jew Davids Plaster, Naptha, Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient, Murray’s Fluid Magnesia, lington District at the ensuing election. Wo nro nntliorixod to announce RICHARD D. F. ROLLINGS, a candidate for Tax Collector, for Dar lington District, at the ensuing election. April 16 7 tf Fahnestock’s tnifuge, Ver- Rogers Liverworth and Tar, Sands Sarsaparilla, Janes Expectorant, C'T WTT'V “ Alterative, \V . II. SIANJjILI. Rnwand’s Tonic DRAPER AND TA ILOR, Mixture, RESPECTFULLY notifies his friends Are a few of the Many Valuable and customers and the public generally, Family Medicines, that may always bo that he has removed to the shop nealy found at Z. J. DeIIAY’S, * opposite the old Post office where he is ^ i < prepared to carry on the 1 adoring Husi- _ ._ ... ’ ' ness in all its departments. Black and June 18 $30 REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber on the “26th of May, a negro man named GEOR GE, hired by me from A. W. Move. The said negro is about 25 years of age—he is a mulatto about 5 feet five or six inches high rather pot-gutted than otherwise—has a quick black lively eye. I will give ten dollars for him, delivered to me or lodged in Darlington jail, or thirty dollars for proof sufficient to convict any white per son of harboring him. ROBT. R. CANNON. Merchants Bluff. S. C.. June 11th 1851. ASSNIGEE’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to John L. Dick son, by Note or account, are notified that payment must be made before the 20th September next. And all persons bold ing discounts against him, are nitified to hand them in according to Law. S. WILDS DuBOSE, Ass’nee. June 25 17 tf Lynches Creek Land for Sale. The subscriber offers his valuable Plan tation for Sale, containing about 2177 acres, lying on Lynches Creek. On the place is a fine too story dwelling House, a Gin House mid Screw, with all neces sary out buildings, the land is in a fine state of cultivation, and the range is good for cattle or hogs; the Creek swamp abounds in canc and acorns, and the pine land in grass &c., for further information apply to Elias I). Law, Esq., and Dr. J. E. Bvril, or to the subscriber at his residence. STEPHEN DANIELS. July 9 1851. 19 4t ness in all us department Fancy Cas-irners Vestings, and Trim mings of all kinds kept constantly on hand. He has just received the Spring and Summer reports of Fashions from laindon, Paris and Philadelphia for 1861. March 12 2 ly The State of South Carolina, carrying on the TAIMIR ING BUSINESS. Personse wishing work done ou short notice can be accommodated. He warrants his -It'orK to give entire satisfaction. J. F. JONES. March 12 2 tf EDUCATIONAL NOTICE Thu Krndford Springs FEMALE INSTITUTE, THE second session for the present year, will liegin on Tuesday the 8th of July. This Seminary is situated on the range of the High Hills of Santee, c lebra- ted for salubrity of climate, purity of water, and beauty of scenery. The company have spared neither labor nor expense in providing every thing necessary lor the comfort ami progress of the pupils. They have had the good fortune to secure the services of aide and competent teachers. In the well established reputation of the Prin- | cipal, (the Rev. Envvia Cater) for high literary attainments and moral worth, they have the guarantee that his siipervii-r n must impart to every one as c < iated writ him ill his work, as well ns the pupils un der his charge, the beneficial influence of his piety and learning. Strict and paren- ! tal attention paid to the manners and mo rals of the young ladies. Religions ser vice in connection with Sabbath School . exercises, held every Sunday in theChapyl for the benefit of trio pupils. We have i an excellent and well selected Philesophi* | cal and Chemical apparatus ami giv< a finished education at moderate charges. 1). B. McLAURIN, Secretary and Treasurer. July 9 19 tt his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, ’narlinp+on Agricultural So- praying that he may be admitted to the "Arlington jigTxcuuurai do benefit of the Acts of the General Assein- 1 ClCty. This tS'ociuty will hold its anniversary t meeting at tlie Mineral Spring, on Tues- i day the 12th August next, when an ad dress will he delivered by R. G. Edwards Esq. It is hoped that committees will •fit of the Acts of the General Assein My madt for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. It is ordered that the said Mary F. Leger, and all other the creditors, to whom the said Daniel Doyal, is in anywise indebted be and they are hereby summon- Executive Department. To ALL AND SINGULAR THE MANAGERS OF the General Elections, for the se veral Districts of the State of Smith Carolina: WHEREAS the Legislature of South Caroling, at its late session, did pass an Act teproi ide for the election of members to a Southern Gongress. And Whereas, said Act requires the Executive Authori ty to issue Writs of Election to the Man agers of Elections: I do hereby require you, and each of you, after giving legal notice and being duly qualified, to proceed to hold an election on the 2nd Monday of October next, and day following, lor two Deputies to represent your respective Congressional Districts: and after having determined on persons duly elected, you will certify the same according to law, to the Governor for the time being. Given under my hand and the seal of the State, in Columbia this 1st day of Jum- in tlie year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. J. H. MEANS, Governof-and Commander-in-C'hiof. W. F. Arthur, Deputy Sec’y. of StRte. June 25 17 Hit Allll MliKMENT. ed and have notice to ar before the then be apnei said Court at Darlington Court House, on Stables Large and Roomy. June 11 15 ^ \#J.KENNEDY, J^TOBNEY AT LAW, 'mD ARLINGTON, 8. C. Wild, Practice in the Courts of Dar- linton, Marion, Horfy and Malborough. March 19 9 tf THOMASBONNELL, Factor aa4 Cowataaloa IWor- chant. No. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, (back or the roar office.) * RLESTON, S. C. nd to Receiving and For ward ingGoode, and Executing all ordera for Planters. March 1 tf inst by an Oration and Dinner. The Oration w ill be delivered by Bro ther T. C. Evans, in Odd Fellows Hall. Members of the Order in regular stand ing are fraternally invited to unite with us on the occasion. W. R. HUNTER, Sec’ry. July 16 20 tf PLANTATION FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale the Plan tation on which he lives, containing 328 acres of land. It is bounded on tlie North by Thomas Williamson’s lands, on the East by Williamson’s and James S. McCall’s, South and West by Dr. Smith’s. On the place is a neat comfortable dwel ling and all necessary out buildings. It is situated 7| miles above Darlington, C. H., on the road that leads to Society Hill. For further particulars apply in my ab sence to Sanders McCall. JOHN J, CANNON. July 16 20 tf CO-PARTNERSHIPr J. E. Muse and T. W. Bacot, having this day formed a /NhjRfe- partnership in DENTISTRY M ~‘-t^HLP under the name of MUSE &, BACOT, would respectfully offer their services to the citizens of Darlington, and the adjoin ing Districts. They feel themselves fully competent to practice in every depart ment of Dental Surgery, and will spare no pains in giving satisfaction in aft its departments. N. B.—One or both of them will be al ways at their office, from 8 o’clock, A. M. to 6 P. M., to wait on any w ho may wish their services. July 1, 1851. 20 tf Henry Grantham, A free man of color for whom I acted as guardian, died, leaving a small amount due him, which will be collected this fall. Letters from his heirs post paid, and none other, will receive attention from W. H. WINGATE, July 16 20 3t Notice. Will be let to the lowest bidder, on Satur day 19 July next, 4 o’clock, at Effingham, the building of a HALL for the Effing ham Division, Sons of Temperance, at the above named place. A plan of the build ing will be shewn, and may be seen at any time by calling on the Chairman of the Building Committee, at his store. Jno. M.jJTimmons, Ch’n,' 8. H. MtLler, S. Coward, J. W. Ward, H. Smith, / June 24th, 1851 18 tf I. 0. 0. F. j the third Monday in Octol>er next, to • PEE DEE LODGE No. 12, will Cele- show cause if any they can why the pra- brate its Fifth Anniversary on the 25th ycr 0 f tlie petitioner, aforesaid should not be granted. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c. r. Office of Common Piers, Darlington ) District, 15th day of July, 1851. ) July 16 20 3m Through Fare from Charles ton to New York, $20. The great Mail route from Charleston S. C. Leaving the wharf at the foot of Laurens street, daily, after the arrival of the Southern Cars, via \V 11 -- MINGTON and WELDON. N. C.. PE TERSBURG. RICHMOND, FREDE RICKSBURG, to WASHINGTON, BAL TIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, and NEW YORK. The public is respectifully informed that the steamers of this line, are in first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders, and the Railroads are in tine order, (the Wilmington Weldon Road having recently beehM^laid w ith heavy T rail) thereby securing both safety and des patch. A THROUGH TICKET having already been in operation will be continu ed as a permanent arrangement from Charleston to New York. By this route travellers may reach New-York on the third day during blindness hours. On and after tlie first day of July next. Bag gage will be ticketed from the point of departure to Washington City, under the charge of a special Agent or Baggage Master. At Washington the same will be transferred to the care of similar agents, who will accompany itfo New York, and the like arrangements will be pursued in returning South. Through Tickets can alone be had from E. WINLC prepared te By order T. to submit repo P. L1DE, Se 19 rts. cry. 2t July 9 For Sale. A fine two horse ROCKAWAY with harness—will be sold cheap for cash or approved paper. Apply at Stanley’s Hotel. July 9 19 2t The subscriber has constantly on hand Medicines—such as Perry Davis’s Pain killer, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Collier's Remedy for Horses, Castor Oil, Spts. Camphor, Gray’s Ointment, Thompson's No. 6. Seidlitz Fowdcrs, Writing Ink, &c. A. W. SEXTON. May 14 11 tf Executive Department WATEREE HOUSE, (Late Planters’ Hotel,) CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber having pur chased this extensive and well know n Establishment,and hav ing added largely to its conven ience and comfort, bv a new ; iddiiion of Furniture and thorough and complete re pairs, begs leave to inform the Public, that lie is prepared to Entertain all who may favor him with a call, in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camden. He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only so far as to say that his Ta ble will be supplied daily as well as any in the State; attended l>y polite and atten tive servants. His Stables, will be boTntifully sup plied with Provender and attended by the celub , ated verv best Hostlers, POST OFFll AT DARLINGTON, C. It., S. C. DAILY MAIL. The Northern mail via. t'le rnw and Society Hill, Due Daily at 6 P. M. Clores daily at 9 P. M. The Southern from Charleston, via Camden, Bishopville, Mount'Elen a^l Swift Creek, Due daily at 4, A. M. Closes daily at u P. M. GEORGETOWN MAIL. V The Georgetown, mail via: (hina Grove, Black Mingo. Johnsonville, Lyn- chc’s Creek, Flintville, Jeffries Ur> • k. Mars Bluff and Merchants Bluffy Die Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday^arT2 M.. and Closes Sunday. Tnc day and Thnrsday-^t 9 P. M. rlNEVILLE MAIL. The Pineville, mail via: .Murry’s Ferry. Kingstree Camp Ridge, L)nrlie%l.aki. and Effingham, Due Thursday 10 P. M Closes Sunday at 9 P. M. c>L MTERYILLE MAI 1.. The Sumterville mail, via: Lulibar, Mount Clio, Willow Grove, Cartels', die, and Pleasant View, Due Wednesday at 8 o’clock, I*. M., close snmeAiiglit at 9 o’clock, P. M. N. B.—The PoetOffice will lie opt u oh .Sundays for the delivery of letters and Papers, for one hour after tho ariri al of the Southern mail, and one hour cm Sun day Evening after the arrival of the Nofth- ern mail if necessity requires it. M. A. HUGGINS, P. M. Darlington, C. II.. July 9th, 1851. JAMES M BROWN, DEALER in Fruit, Segars and Confec tionary, opposite M. Hunter’s, Dar lington, C. II., S. C., naving added a complete anil fresh assortment of articles in his line, is now prepared to furnish every tiling usually found in a 11 fur nished establishment. The fine-7 ekr.ni refined Candies Fresh and J 1 urred Fruits, English Sattci s and Ketchups Salmon, lobsters and Sardines, Fresh Garden Seeds, fine Hegars and Tobacco of Various Brands, Wines, Cq|^ils, Lon don Porter, Chainpagiu CidhteWnd Un- french Bitters, v.ii al- K t . .... ... . . ways be found ready for those v.h^may No pains will be spared to keep a quiet th , m I1( . r^.n st shared the and orderly House. By his Excellency J. 11. MEANS, Gov ernor and Comm andf.r-in-Chief in and over the State of South Carolina: WHEREAS information has readied me that an atrocious murder was commit ted u|K>u John McDaniel, of Barnwell, by six young men, among whom were Sea born E. Farmer and Wm. G. Tobin; and H. HOLLEYMAN. Camden June 18 16 3m CAMDEN HOTEL, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRAVELLING pcnLic m IT is an excellent Rniff'om modious building, new and well • fitted up, and lately put In a state of complete repair. The, *m. no request a public patronage. March 19 3 whereas the aforesaid Farmer and Tobin have made their escape: Now bo it known, in order that they may be brought to trial, I, John H. Means, Governor in and over the State of .South Carolina, do issue this rooms are large, open and airy; fine fami- parlors well TI iy IN LOW, Ag ent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens street, Charleston, S. C., to whom please apply; and to Charleston, at the Office of the New Jersey Railroad and Transporta tion Company, New York. July 16 20 tf Cutlery. Scythe Blades, Straw Blades, Steel Hoes, Socket Spades, Scrub Hoes, long handled Forks, Long handled Shovels, Collins’s Axes, Drawing Knives. Jack Planes, &c. For sale by A. W. SEXTON, May 7 tf 10 arlors well furnished. 'he Table will be supplied with every thing which an excellent country market will afford, and attended by the best ser vants. , . _ . , , The BAR will be supplied with the my proclamation, offering a reward of choicest Wines and Liquors 7Vo Hundred DolUirs lor the delivery of Th( . STABLES are well fitted both, or One Hundred Dollars for the de livery of either of them, to the Jailor of Bounty Land. THE subscriber will attend to forwaid- ing to the proper Department the claims of persons, entitled to land under the late Act of Congress, granting Bounty Land to certain officers and -qkhert, trap have been engaged In the mM United States; all persons^ the war of 1812. or in snv'tmris imlian wars since 1790, are entitled to Bounty Land. J. II. NORWOOD. March 5 I tf srvie at- Barnwell district. Farmer is about 25 or 28 years old, 5 yea feet 8 inches high, well made, fair com plexion, blue eves, light hair, two of his front teeth slightly broken off. He has a scar on his cheek about an inch and a half long, made by the cut of a knife. Tobin is 18 or 19 years old, 5 feet 11 inches, fair complexion, very little beard Build. Com. 20,000 fine Spanish Cigars, *—— ‘jj^a- 20,000 May 7 American Ct| A. tf rs, for sale by SEXTON. 10 OILS, OILS. THE subscriber has now in store a full supply of Solar, Sperm, Linseed and Cas tor Oil, which he will dispose of on the most reasonable terms. Plantation Castor Oil at $1,60 per lion. Al SUPERIOR BURNING FLUID- Z. J. DrHAY June 18 16 it dm light hair, white and is badly shoulder. , Given under my hand and l. a. > tlie seal of the State, this fifth ' day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousana eight. hundred and fifty-one. J. il/ MEANS. W. F. Arthur, Dep.« Secretary State. July 16 20 4t up: tended by caretul and experienced Host lers, and well supplied with Provender. Also, Lots prepared for the accommo dation of Drovers, with excellent water conveniences. There will at all times, be an Omnibus in attendance to convey passengers to and from the Depot. The subscriUr having had several years experience in the above business, feds confident in saying that he will be ith,th.ck lips, well made, gj V( , satisfaction to all, who may on the right arm and f avor him with their patronage, as he is determined to use every exertion on his part to please. H. J. WILSON. Camden, June 18 16 1m COACH AND CABINET MAKING. THE sulr-criber begs leave to inform the public that he hasMstablished a shop for carrying on the above huMungj-—* *■’* fiiigham in Darlington I > imt. 1 turns his thanks for past desires to inform the citize trict, that he haw received of Paints, Varnish, &.c„ A-c., and is fully prepared to do any w rttrk in the above line of business. Any person favoring him with jolie will have their work done neatly and with aw much dispatch as practicable. R. I. ANDREWS. P. S.—He also receives toll or Cross ing I-awrenee’s Bridge's, persoiMRoing over will please call at the sign end pay their ferriage. R- J- ^ A | ~ " • Variety’s the Spice of Life. CANDY, Nutmegs, Almonds, Brazil, Pekin and Butter Nuts, Pickles, Brandy Cherries,Tobqcco, Spanish and American Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac. THE subecriher informs the citizens ol Darlington District, that he keeps con- uuui>», amia re prej stautly on hand a general assortment of tiling in their line as low as thag can be pur- Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, chased elsewhere. which he wilt sell low for cash. The stock Is cornpto*e in all its S. D. HAIJJ*>RP. I branches^ Camden, March 19 3 tf 1 April A. M. & R. KENNEDY, CAMDEN, S. C. 1 WOULD inform their friends and Cus- j turners in Darlington, that they have re- 1’ipew, ceived their usual supply of SPUING Nail.Bruyhea, Razor^ strops,, Percussion GOOD®, anda re prepared to sell every Caps, Steel Pens, Lamp Oil. lobsters, Sardines, Sauces, Guava Jejfy, Sugar, Butter, §