The Darlington flag (Lydia, SC) 1851-1852, July 09, 1851, Image 3

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Thk Washington Nkwsppkk Phess I'he Southern Press published at Wash ington, boasts of hav ing the largest circulation of any newspaper in that city. The National Era, the abolition organ, has the largest circulation, and the other old journals have about endeii their day of usefulness, being of no ac count These facts show that the Southern Press, devoted alone to the views and desires of the South, and desires of the South, and the Era to the insane determination of aggression on the part of the North will be the representatives of the next controversy which will be a bitter sectional one the consequences of which may be fatal to the hopes of every good and honest man. A dark day may be before ns N. Y. Herald. Thb Weather, Crops ano Health.—For die last week, (says the Georgetown Republican, of the 2d inst,) we have had little or no rain, un til yesterday, when there were a few passing and refreshing showers, which were very acceptable. The crops are good. The Rice though a little back ward is very prom ising. The upland crop, though it suf fered much from the drought, is gener ally prptty good, and in some instances remarkably fine. The health of the town and its vicin ity, at this season of the year, was nev er better. Heart-rending Accident.—On the 11th instant, as a number of men engaged at hay-making upon the farm of Mr. Daniel Schneider, near Reh- rersburg the youngest daughter of Mr. Schneider sprang forward unobserved, from iiehind, and was pierced to the heart by her brother’s scythe. She lived only fifteen minutes after the sad occurrence. The grief of her parents and brother in particular, by whose hand was she saw thus suddenly de prived of life, was deep and heart-ren ding. The child was in the fourth year of her age.—Reading (Pa.) Gazette of Saturday. HYMINIAXc. Darlington Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY FOE THE FLAO. Cotton, - - per lb. 8 00 a 00 CbFFEE—Cuba, - “ 16 a 16 Rio, - \b\a 161 Java, - “ 17 a 18 Molasses—Cuba, per gpl. 374o 40 N. Cleans “ 45 a 50 Beef, - - per lb. 5 a 6 Hams, • - - “ 14 a 15 Bacon, - “ 12 a 12* Fodder, - - “ I 00 a 1 25 Corn, - - per bush. 1 00 a 1 12* Peas, “ 1 00 a 1 12* Flour, - - per bbl. 7 00 a 7 50 Salt. - - - persk. 2 00 a 2 50 Nails, - - per keg. 6Ja 7 Cakdles, Tallow, per lb. 20 a 25 Sperm, “ 45 a 50 Adamantine," 37 to 40 I.ard, - - “ 11 a 12* Iron, - - - “ 5 a 7 Bagging—Hemp, per yd 00 a 00 Gunny, “ 00 a 00 Rope, - - per lb 00 a 00 BTJSIKISS CAHDS. MANSION HOUSE, Camden,, South Carolina. E. G. ROBINSON, Proprietor. THE best accommodations and attention to Travellers. 22F“ Stables Large and Roomy. June 11 15 ly W. J. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DARLINGTON, S. C. WILL Practice in the Courts of Dar- linton, Marion, Horry and Malborough. March 12 2 tf T. B. & L. L. FRASER, Attorneys at Eaw. Will Practice in the Courts of Sumter Darlington, Kershaw and Richland. OFFICE A T SUMTER VILLE, S. C. Mabried—On Thursday the 3rd iust, by S. Wilds DuBose, Esq., Mr. William Collins, to Miss Sarah Lundy, daughter of William Lundy, all of Darlington. In Georgetown, on the 26th ult., by the Rev. James Stacey, Mr. Thomas C. Coe, to Miss Georgia Ann Calhoun, all of that place. my EaUTTY. IN LAW AND The undersigned have formed a Co-part nership, for the practice of Law and Equity in Darlington District. Their Office is on Pearl street, one door above R. & R. M. Rollin’s Store. W. W. HARLLEE, J. H. NORWOOD. March 5 1 ICE, ICE, ICE, AT R. &i R. M. ROLLINS S July 9 19 tf The State of South Carolina. DARIJNGTON DISTRICT. CALEB H. NETTI-ES. who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Darlington Dis trict, by virtue of a writ of capias ad satis faciendum at the suit of P. Turner, having filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, of his estate and effects, his peti tion to the Court of Common Pleas, pray ing that lie may be admitted to the benefit of the Act of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, that the said F. Turner, and all others the creditors to whom the said Caleb H. Nettles, is in any wise indebted, be and they are hereby summoned and have notice to appear, before the said t’ourt at Darlington Court House, on Wednesday the 22d day ot October next, to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid, should not be granted. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c. r. Office of Common Pleas, Darlington > District, 7th July, 1851. ) Lynches Creek Land for Sale. The subscriber offers his valuable Plan tation for Sale, containing about 2177 acres, lying on Lynches Creek. On the place is a fine too story dwelling House, a Gin House and Screw, with all neces sary out buildings, the land is in a tine state of cultivation, and the range is good for cattle or hogs; the Creek swamp abounds in cane and acorns, and the pine land in grass &c. for further information apply to Elias D. Law, Esq., and Dr. J. E. Byrd, or to the subscriber at his residence. STEPHEN DANIELS. July 9 1851. 19 4t Darlington Agricultural So ciety. This Society will hold its anniversary meeting at the Mineral Spring, on Tues day the 12th August next, when an ad dress will be delivered by R. G. Edwards Esq. It is hoped that committees will then be prepared to submit reports. By order T. P. LIDE, Sec'ry. July 9 19 ' 2t Mr. Editor: Please announce M. E. KIR VEM, as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector, for Darlington District, and oblige ” Many Voters. © M.ay 7 10 tf J-**‘ Wo nre uulliorizod *«» announce Capt. JAMES W. WARD, as a Candidate for Tax Collector of Dai- lington District at the ensuing election. ff?" Wo are aiittaorizod to announce RICHARD D. F. ROLLINGS, a candidate for Tax Collector, for Dar lington District, at the ensuing election. April 16 7 tf TAILORING. THE Subscriber respect fully informs the citizens of ^ Darlington village, and the surrounding country, that he has located himself in this place, for the purpose of carrying on the TAILOR ING BUSINESS. Persons, wishing work done on short notice can lx 1 accommodated. He warrants his work to give entire satisfaction. J. F. JONES. March 12 2 tf W. H. STANLEYS DRAPER AND TAILOR, RESPECTFULLY notifies his friends candidate forlhe Office of Ordinary for j ^ r^Jomers and the public generally, r,..,: . tv i that he has removed to the shop nealy jpy* Th<* friend* of Samuel J. WIIiSON, beg leave to announce him a Temperance Notice. BLACK Creek. Division, No. 82, sfiMj of TEMPER UdCK, will hold th- ir first •nnivemary on the 11th of July, at An tioch Chinch, at 11 o’clock, A. M. Mem bers of other Divisions, and the public are invited to attend on the occasion. P. E.CAMPBELL,R. S. June 25 1851 18 tf Notice. WILL be let to the lowest bidder, on Saturday next, 4 o’clock, at Effingham, the building of a I1AI.E for the Effing ham Division, iSons of Temperance, at tlm above napted place. A plan of the build ing will be shewn, and may be 8te§ at any time by calling on the Chairman of the Building Committee, at hi* stor**. Darlington District. Notice. are prompted We are prompted to call upon our , friends and patrons for a settlement by a dun from Charleston. They will there fore confer a favor and one that we will not forget by calling for and settling their accounts. If you have not money your notes w ill bring it. We are Very Res’fullv. R. & TR. M. ROLLINS. _19 tf opposite the old Post office, where he is prepared to carry on the Tailoring Bu.-i- j ness in nil its departments. Black and Fancy Cassimers Vestings, and Trim mings of all kinds kept constantly on j hand. Jh?” He has just received the Spring and Summer reports of Fashions from London, Paris and Philadelphia for 1851. Match 12 2 ly June Jnu. M. Timmohs, Ch’n, 1 S. H. Miller, S. Coward, J. W. Ward, H. Smith, 24th, 1851 18 Huild. Cam. tf July 9 SC. The State of South Carolina, i ^ t NOTICE. Nathan I^nnbert, Hugh Lambert, Wm. I<a[nbcrt, Zachariah Oates and Jeremiah Oates, persons who (as it is said) former ly resided in Darlington District, S. C., or tlie heirs at law of the individuals above named, will receive information which may be of great value to them by apply ing to T. B. Haynsworth Esq., at Darling ton Court House. July 9,19 It EDUCATIONAL NOTICE The Bradford Spring* FEMALE INSTITUTE, THE second session for the present J ear, will begin on Tuesday the 8;h of uly. This Seminary is situated on the range of the High Hills of Santee, celebra ted for salubrity of climate, purity of water, and beaufy of scenery. The company have spared neither labor nor expense in providmg every tiling necessary lor the comfort and progress of the pupils. They have had the good fortune to secure the services of able and competent teachers. In the well established reputation of the Prin cipal, (the Rev. Edwin Cater) for high literary attainments and moral worth, they have the guarantee that his supervision must impart to every one associated with him in his work, as well as the pupils un der his charge, the beneficial influence of his piety and learning. Strict and paren tal attention paid to the manners and mo rals of the young ladies. Religious ser vice in connection with Sabbath School exercises, held every Sunday in the Chapel for the benefit of the pupils. We have » excellent and well selected Philosophi- and Chemical apparatus and give a finished education"at moderate charges. D. B. McLAURDJ, Secretary and TreacMfer. July 9 19 tf POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT, AT DARLINGTON, C. H., S. C. DAILY MAIL. The Northern mail vis. Cheraw and Society Hill, Due Daily at 6 P. M. Closes daily at 9 P. M. The Southern from Charleston, via Camden,iAishopville, Mount Eton and Swift Creek, Due daily at 4, A. M. Closes daily at 4+ P. M. GEORGETOWN MAIL. The Georgetown, mail via: China Grove, Black Mingo, Johnsonville, Lyn- che’s Creek, Flintville, Jeffries Creek, Mare Bluff and Merchants Bluff. Due Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 12 M., and Closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, at 9 P. M. A FINEVILLE MAIL. *rte Pineville, mail via: Murry’s Ferry, KUptree Camp Ridge, Lynches I^ike, ana Effingham, Duo Thursday 10 P. M. Closes Sunday at 9 P. M. 8UMTERVILLE MAIL The Sumterville mail, via: I/ulibar, Mount Clio, Willow Grove, Cartersvilka and Pleasant View, Due Wednesday ar 8 o'clock, P. M., close same night at 9 o’clock, P. M. N. B.—The Post Office will be open on •"tantaljrs for the delivery of letters and Papeia, fowone hour a/ter the arrival of the Souttimf mail, and one hour on Sun day Evening after the arrival of the North ern mail if necessity requires it. M. A. HUGGINS, P. M. Darlington, C. H., July 9th, 1851. THOMAS BONNELL, Factor and Coininis^ioii itfer- rtiaat. No. 13 EXCHANGE STREET, (hack of thk post office.) CHARLESTON, S. C. Will also attend to Receiving and For ward ing Goods, and Executing all orders for Planters. March 1 tf TEMPERANCE HOTEL, COKXF.K OF BHOAD AXD DK KALB STS., CAMDEN, S. C., J. B. F. BOON K, Proprietor. May 21 12 tf PEE DEE LODGE, No. 12. I. 0. 0. F. v\U THE regular weekly meeting of this i.odge, will be held at Odd Fellow’s Hall on Monday next, at 8 o’clock, T*. 51. Bv order ' WM. R. HUNTER, Secfry. MARTIN & BRYAN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. CHARLESTON, S. C. WILL make advances on cotton and other produce, and give strict attention to the selection of all articles ordered through them. JAMES MARTIN. THOS. A. BRYAN. April 23 8 ly The State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. In the Comiuou Pica*. John Jones, J vs. > Ca. Sa., Joseph Garland, y The State of South Carolina, J vs. > Ca. Sa., Joseph Garland. j Joseph Garland, who is the custody of March 19 the Sheriff of Darlingtion District, by vir- '" , tiieofa writ of capias ad satisfaciendum at , n ' ° the separate suits of John Jones and the State of South Carolina, having filed in my office,together with a schedule on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying tha’ he ^y ru P> "y Office Wit.. & Man. R. R. Co., J Marion,C.H.,S.C., June 11. y THE Stockholders of the Wilmington 1 and Manchester Rail Road Company, are i | hereby notified, that the TENTH Instal ment of five Dollais per share on their subscription, is required to be paid on the first day of July 1851. By order of the Board of Directors, JOHN McRAE, Jn. Trea’s W. and JUR. R. Co. JAMES M. BROWN,. DEALER in Fruit, Segars and Confec tionary, opposite M. W. Hunter’s, Dar lington. C. 11.. S. C., having added a complete and fresh assortment of articles in his line, is now prepared to furnish every thing usually found in a well fur nished establishment. The finest steam refined Candies Fresh and preserved Fruits, English Sauces and Ketchups, Salmon, Lobsters and Sardines, Fresli Garden Seeds, fine Segars and Tobacco of Various Brands, Wines, Cordials, lam- don Porter, Champagne Cider and Du rands celebrated french Bitters, will al ways be found ready for those who may desire them. He request a share of the If Constantly on Hand FRESH Soda Water and Lemon may be admitted to the benefit of the Acts of the General Assembly made for the re lief of insolvent debtors. It is order d that the said John Jones and the State of ■South Carolina, and all other, the cre ditors to whom the said Joseph Garland is in anywise indebted, be and they are hereby summoned, and have notice to np- pe,ar before the said Court at Darlington Court House on the third Monday of October next to show cause why the pra yer of the petition aforesaid should not lie granted. E. B. BRUNSON, c. c. p. Office of common Pleas Darlington ) District, 4th day of July, 1851. S The State of South Carolina- DARLINGTON DISTRICT, lit the Common plea*. Needham Anderson,) vs. > Ca. Sa., Abraham Gilbert. } Abraham Gilbert, who is in the cus tody of the Sheriff ol Darlington District, by virtue of a writ of capias ad satisfacien dum at the suit of Needham Anderson, having filed in my office, together with a schedule on oath of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, R. & R. M. ROLLINS. NOTICE, 60 do7. bottles I/ondun Porter, Sherry Wine. Malaga Wine. For sale by A. W. SEXTON. May 14 11 | Variety’s the Spice of Life. CANDY, Nutmeg.-, AlniJiids, Brazil, Pekin and Butter Nute, Pickles, Brandy Cherries,Tobacco, Spanish and American Cigars, Maccaboy Snuff. Table Salt, Pep per, Spice, Ginger, Powder and Shot, Pipes, Marbles, Matches, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. Razor strops. Percussion ! Caps, Steel Pens, Lamp Oil, I/fosters, Sardines, Sauces, Guava Jelly, Sugar, i Butter, Soda and Lemon Crackers and | Soap of all kinds, for sale bv R. & R. M. ROLLINS. - March 5 1 tf A. M. & R. KENNEDY, CAMDEN, S. C. WOULD inform their friends and Cus tomers in Darlington, that they have re ceived their usual supply of SPRING GOODS, anda re prepared to sell every praying that he may be admitted to the thingiiilheirlineaslowastheycanbepur- benefit of the Acts of the General Assein- chased elsewhere. frYf* The stock is complete in all its -• -> - • — • r - Executive I)e ■ a u t be n t. Tl) ALL AND SINGULAR THE MANAGERS OF the General Elections, for thf. se veral Districts of thf. State of South Carolina: WHE&EAN the le gislature of South Carolina, at its late session, did pass an Act to provide for the election of members to a Southern Congress. And Whereas, said Act requires the Executive Authori ty to issue Writs of Election to the Man agers of Elections: Ido hereby require you, and each of you, after givii g legal notice and being duly qualified, to proc ed to hold an election on the 2nd Monday ol' October next, and day following, for two Deputies to represent your respective Congressional Districts; and after having determined on persons duly elected, you will certify the same according to law, to the Governor for the time living. Given under my hand and the si al of the Slate, in Columbia, iliis 1M day of June, in the year of our l/ird one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. J. H. MEANS, Governor and Coniinander-in-Chief. W. F. Arthur, Deputy Sec’y. of State, j June 25 i7 Hit WATEREE HOUSE, (Late Planters’ Hotel,) CAMDEN, S. C. THE subscriber having pur- 1 chased this extensive and well known Establishment,and hav ing added largely to its conven ience and comfort, by a new addition of Furniture and thorough and complete re pairs. begs leave to inform the Public, that he is prepared to Entertain all who may favor him with a call, in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camden. He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only so far as to say that his Ta ble will be supplied daily as well asuny in the State; attended by polite and atten- 1 live sen ants. His, will lie bountifully siiji- 1 jjJied with Provender arid attended by the - very best Hostlers. No pains will be spared to keep a quiet. and orderly House. H. HOLLEYMAN. Camden June 18 16 3m HU! fur account and Partition. 300 llis. best Refined Candy. 10 doi. Jars assorted Pickles. 3 doz. Lime Juice. Blark, Hyson and Gun Powder Tea. Nut Meg,Spice, Pepper,Cinnamon. Soda, Saleratus, Epsom Salts. Powder, Shot and Lead. For sale by A. W. SEXTON. May 14 ' n tf The State of South Carolina. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. Sn Chancery. In the matter of the - ' , cause of Mary Lat- 1 ta, Robert Latta ami others, | W. H nry and wife, u and others. i Kobi ri Latta, Albert" Latta, and others, lit. William Henry and others, heirs of Ann Henry, and the heirs of Edith R. Woods and Mary K. Woods, and others. THE heirs of Ann Henry, and the heirs of Edith R. Woods and Mary E. Woods, parties defendant to this case, be ing absent from, and residing without the limits of this State, on motion of J. A. Dargan, Solicitor for Petitioners, it i^ or dered that they do plead, answer or de mur to this petition, within three months from the publication of this ordat* and that in default thereof the saint- will be taken against them a confessed. It is also ordered that a copCbf tin order be published in the Darlington Flag twice a month, for the space ol three months. THOS. C. EVANS, Commiwi’r. Commissioner's Office, at Darlington, S. C., 31st May, A. D. 1861. 14 2tn3m Petition for Part lion and Relief STANLY’S HOTEL, (Sign of the Palmetto,) DARLINGTON, C. If., S. C. M. B. STANLY, Proprieler, branches. April 23 6t bly madi for the relief of Insol vant Debtors. It is ordered that the said Needham Ander- , son, and all other the creditors, to whom the said Abraham Gilbert is in anywise indebted be and they are hereby summon- , ed and have notice to appear before the said Court at Darlington Court House, on the third Monday in October next, to d* »■ ju * • jt ■ ^ , . | tni nr !!!!!* ,aVOrf ’ :Uld h0pP8 t0 yer of the'pe'titioner, wforesaid fhouW^ot j Haeting’s Syrup of Jew Davids Plaster, j be granted. K. B. BRUNSON, c. c.r. Office of Common Piece, Darlington ) District, 4th dav of July, 1851. f July 9 19 3m FAMILY MEDICINES. Wistars Balsam, Peerv’s Dead Shot, Ayer’s Cherry Pee- Grecian Fanchcro- torai, ! nian. Drops, merit a continuance. March 19 3 tf JOB PRINTING, OF EVERY DISCRETION EXECU TED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT THIS OFFICE. S. D. HALLFORD, OENF.BAL AGENT, CAMDEN, S. C. March 19 3 tf Millinery and Mantua, Making. MRS. MARY A. MURPHY. RESPECTFULLY tender* hW sem- The subscriber has constantly on hand Medicines—such as Perry Davis’s Pain killer, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Collier’s Remedy for Horses, Castor Oil, Spts. Camphor, Gray’s Ointment, Thompson’s No. 6, Seidlitz Powders, Writing Ink, &c. A. W. SEXTON. May 14 11 tf OILS, OILS. THE subscriber has now hi store a full supply of S ilar. Sperm, Linseed and Cas- Naptha, Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient, Murray's Fluid Magnesia, Fahnestock’s Ver mifuge, Rogers Liverworth and Tar, Sands Sarsaparilla, Janes Expectorant, “ Alterative, Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, Are a few of the Many Valuable Family -Medicines, that may always be found at Z. J. DeHAY’S, Camden, S. C. June 18 10 2m $30 REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the n.r,oi .cur.., .. c . *~... ■ ju ‘in 26th of May, a negro man named GEOR- ces, in her line of business, to the citizens ter 08, whwfc he »i I dispose of on the G g hin>d by rne from A w Moyk. The of Darlington and vicinity. All orders moet reasonable terma. » -- with winch she may be favored, will be punctually attended" to, and executed in the most fashionable style. She will keep constantly on hand, a large variety of Fancy Goods, embracing Ladiea’ Dresses, Bonnets of the latest and most approved Styles, Ribbons, Trim mings of every description, Ac., St . The public are respectfully solicited to all and judge for themselves. W. S. Murphy is authorized to attend to my business. March 19 3 tf iST Plantation Castor Oil at $1,50 per r aid , . w * r0 “ about 35 years of age-hu ' f gallon. also, SUPERIOR BURNING FLUID. Z. J. DeHAY June 18 16 2m For Sale. A fine two horse ROCKAWAY with harness—will be sold cheap for cash or j approved paper. Apply at Stanley’s Hotel. July 9 19 * Musical Instruments. Violins, from $1,50 a 45 Dollars, also a variety of Accordeons for Sale by R. & R. M. ROLLINS. April 9. C. tf. Cutlery. Scythe Blades, Straw Blades, Steel Hoes, Socket Spades, Scrub Hdda, long handled Forks, a mulatto about 5 feet five or six inches ! high rather jwf-g-utterfthan otherwise—has a quick black livef9*Vyp. I will give ten dollars for him, delivered to me or lodged in Darling ton jail, or thirty dollars for proof sutneient to convict any white per son of harboring him. ROBT. R. CANNON. Merchants Bluff. S. C., June 11th 1851. Bounty Land. THE subscriber w ill attend to forward ing to the proper Dcpartiucid the claims of persons, entitled to land under the late Act of Congress, granting Bounty Land to certain officers and soldiers, toho have been engaged in tlie military service of the United States; all persons who served in the war of 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790, are entitled to Bounty I-and. J. II. NORWOOD. March 5 1 tf. COACH AND CABINET MAKING. THE subscriber U-gs leave to inform ! the public that he has eslablislwd a shoo 1 for carrying on the above business, al Et- tinghani in Darlington District. He re turns his thanks for past patronage and 1 desires to inform the citizens of the Dio- trict, that he has received a fresh supply of Paints, Vnrt)i.-h, &c„ Ac., and is fully prepared to do any work in the above lino of business. Any person iavoi ing him w itli jobs will have their work done neatly » and with as much dispatch aa practicable. R. J. ANDREWS. P. S.—He also receives toll or Cross ing Lawrence’s Bridge’s, persons going over will please call at the sign aiuf pay their ( nIt ge. R. J. A. In Distress wo Succor. HAVING accented the agency for the North 'Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. I will take pleasure in forward ing any apfneations which may be made for membership. Persons insuring artqpnti- tlcd to share in the profits of the Company. The lives of slaves may In insured oft ac commodating terms. J. H. NORWOOD.. M 21 12 i-' DARLINGTON CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. THE umlerMgned, thankful for the very liberal patronage they have received take this m“fce*ptt before the people,” that they ai”# prepared at all times to make, or repair Farriug*-*, l>n$|ries Wugonv Cart*, &c.. wfptl' neatness and despatch, on reasonalde terms. - ■ All u«-\t Work Ware;:i#l On Hand, Coach 1 jees, iwiTis.”"Dr CAMDEN HOTEL, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRA YELLING PUBLIC. IT is an excellent and com modious building, new- and well fitted up, and lately put in a |J}jJ state of complete repair. Thc^soi 1 rooms are large, open and airy; tine fauii- | ly parlors well furnished. The Table will be supplied with every j thmg which an excellent country market will afford, and attended by the best ser- j vants. Tiie BAR will be supplied with the j choicest Wines and Liquors. The STABLES are well fitted up; at- j tended by careful-and experienced Host lers, and well supplied with Provender. Also, Lots prepared for the accommo dation of Drover.-, w ith excellent water i 1 conveniences. There will at all limes, lie an Omnibus ; in attendance to convey passengers to 1 and from the Depot. The subscriber having had several years experience in the above business, feels confident in saying that he will be able to give .satisfaction to all, who may ^ F.olienne, Black, Blue, and Drab favor him with their patronage, as he is determined to use every exertion on his part to please. H. J. Camden, June 18 WILSON. 16 1m •" aW l LD8Dv*> SK .A»Vo. May 1 tf ASSNIGEE’S NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to Johs L Dick- soh, by Note ^^ccount, are notified that E yment mu«®$e made before the 20th ptember next. Alld all persons hold- Long bandied Shovele, CoUiim’e Axes, ing discount* again* him, are nitified to m (he,,, j n m Law. * ». V • June 25 SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. THE undersigned having located themselves in this place, for the purpose of car ry ittnon the above business at ttw old stand of C. Tarkh, are prepared to do anything in that line/ Tiny will sell work Cheap for Cash. REPAIRING done with nuatngpR and dispatch. THOMAS St TARRH. March 5 - 1 tf Enamel, Top, Dash, Flap, Skirt, Bridle and Harness LEATTER. Patent Can vass, Oil Carpet, Axels, Springs, Bauds, Dash-frames, Extra Boxes, wrencheF, and other Castings; Carriage Bolts, ex tra Pad-ftook* and Terrill.*. Lanms, Harness, Collars, Whips, Grass Mats -Sc. Funerals furnished at any hour ol the day or night. HU .TKR &- MgKACIIERN. Darlington, March 19th, 1851. 3tl" Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. THE subscriber informs tip- citizens ot Darlington District, that he keeps con stantly on ba^dj^n^nl assortment of are. Ro£eiv*d. j. n, tf Just Rd$eiv$d. SUGAR COFFEE, MOLASSES and RICE. For sale bv ” . . A. W SEXTJp. Spanish- t?c»n | “ ,Aui 'hys Mav 7*" - 10