/ I ' . i COLLETON BITTERS. rpiIF.SK justly celebrated R1TTERS are purely a vegX ctahle compound, and will be found a safe and sovereign remedy lor Dyspepsia, Nervous Weakness, and General Debility. They have been triumphantly tested, not only by the most respectable families and physicians in the South, who have furnished ample testimony rs to ?i ?: l_ l !!.?*?#? . V>nlirt rt*/\iiriatnr who UKir ueciucu cmciiciM, uUt hicu UiV |#>wK. , for ten years sudwrcd ail the gloom incident to that stubborn an.l distressing disease. tpr the satisfaction of those who may not otherwise feel "dispose*' to try this valnab e compound, reference is made by permission, to the following highly respectable gentlemen : Rev. THOS.YOUNG, 1 WM. YATES. 111. D., I D.T.CAaN.M.D., } ALEX, ROBINSON, Esq., 1 V?OL. F. LANCE. J Dr. T. M CURTIS, Johns Island. Gov. W. B.SEABROOK, > F. T i , H. F. BAILEY. Esq., S Is'and. CHAS. G- CAPERS, Esa.. Beaufort. Rev. J. B SEABROOK, Bluffion. Sole agents for the South, haviland, harral&co.. No 2 Ilavne-st.. and 25 King-sU, Charleston. Retail price, 7 cts* per bottle W^-ere th? article can be bad bv the gross dozen, or .single bottle. E. A. JENKINS. March 15 , 22 nOlE TESTfilHOXY. OF THE COLLETON DITTERS, " purely a vegetable Compound, and, which, from the confidence I have in the character and integrity of the maker and proprietor thereof, I verily believe to be true, I entertain the most favorable opinion* Several of mv personal friends and acquaintances, long afflicted with Dyspepsia, have assured me that they have found these Hitters better than any other medicine they ever tried for that distressing disease. And I take pleasure further to state that I have witnessed the excellency of these Hitters in Nausia, m ' ' Sick Head Ache, and Bowell Complaints, in the latter, I have seen the Colleton repeatedly and successfully tested among the children of my own household. No family ought to be without this invaluable medicine. Signed, REV. A. WOODWARD, Pastor of St. Luke's Church, Hilton Head, S. C. For sale by HAVILAND, HARRAL & CO, 2C King and 25 Hayne-st.. Wholesale and Retail Agents. Z. J. DEHAY, Agent Camden S. C. 9 March 15 "?l WATBBS1 H09SS, (tatc Plautcr's Hotel Camden, S. C.) rpnK subscriber having purchased this extensive and X well known Establishment, and having added largely to its convenience and comfort, by a new addition of FURNITURE, and thorough and complete REPAIRS, begs leave to inform the public that ho is prepared to entertain all who may favor him with a call in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camden. He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only o far as to say that his Table will be supplid daily as WELL AS ANY IN THE STATE; attendecf by polite and attentive servants. His Stables will be bountifully supplied with Provender, and attended by the VE11Y .RE'jST Hostlers. No pains will bo spared to Vep a quiet and orderly House. H. HOLLEYMAN. Camdon, June 4, 1851. 45 tf MANSION HOUSE. THE undersigned begs leave to return his grateful thanks tohis friends, and the travelling Public, for the liberal support which he has received since he has been opened, (four months) and has entered upon his duties for 1851, with renewed energy to endeavor to please all thai ioay call upon him, both rich and jwor. His House will be round one of the most desirable, situated, and best furnished Hotels in Camden. His servants also will lie found respectful and attentive, and the table will be supplied with the best the market affords. His Stables and Carriage Houses are roomy and always fully supplied with Proveuder, and an experienced Hostler. An Omnibus calls at the House every morning for passengers for the Railroad. Give tne a call and kfiUfiTfTBCTTlT"' As you find me, 8nr0pnmmf?nrl ROBINSON. 1 Proprietor. Camden, February 7th, 181. 11 tf 4S8E1BZ&&& " corner op RICHARDSOH AND BLANDING STREETS, COLUMBIA, S. C. BOATWRIGHT k JANNEY, I WiT. D. HARRIS, proprietors. | assistant. pjg'O'Hanlon's Omnibus will be ready at the RailRoad stations to cany Passengers to this House, (or to any point desired,) where they will find good accommodations and kind attention. December 3. 91 tf MMffiSf S3 HOm, Darlington Court Hoii?c. THE above House having been purchased and fitted up anew by John Dotkn, is again opened for tho accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of his guests will bo given, and no effort, calculated to merit tho patronago of all who may ^ favor the establishment with a visit, shall be spared. AlHhat tho market and surrounding country afford WUi oe iouna upon uie jl uuie. fcWComfortablo Rooms, for Families or individuals, (are prepared. Tho Stables will bo attended by careful and attentive Hostlers. DROVERS can be well accommodated, as any numtber of Horses and Mules can bo kept in the Stables and Lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1850. 86 tf To Travellers. rFH[E subscriber Living recently purchased that large A and commodious Building in the town of Camden, S, C., known as McKAINS HOTEL, and recently occupied by Mr. J. B. F. Booxe, is prepared to receive ? and nccomdate TRAVELERS and BOARDERS, and !will tlwnk the traveling portion-of tho country to givo him a call. JOHN INGRAM. Camden, S. C.January 21, 1852. 8 tf ARPETING, Printed Druggets, Rugs and Haze, at A. HI. & R. KENNEDY'S Dry-Goods, Groceries, Crockery &c. * npiIE subscriber continues to keep on hand acorn* A plcto assortment of Domestic Dry Goods, Groccl ries, Crockery, 4a, which ho will sell very low for CASn. His stock of Groceries consists, in part, of Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Clieese, Ar. &c. A mm)!/ his Drv Goods will bo found a crood artielo o In pure Irish Linen, which he will warrant to bo genuine, 9 and sell as cheap or cheaper than it can bo bought in this market. B Purchasers would do well to give him a call. P- .Tan. 2. J. CIIARLESWORTII. 1 Constantly on. Haml, | /"CEMENT wAlcined Pla^r of Paris, for building fc L \J jw???gos; Gypsum or Land riaster, for agriculMP*"" """tuniTpurposes, and Stono Lime, nil of good quality and in quantities to suit purchasers. Bp A very superior article of "White Limo for whitewash ? iug. C. L. CHATTEN. gg March 9. 20 tf WK* W L'VPU TCV-l ,! TJoTwU-i,r/-.V.;nf\j fVUInrei fnwl TTr,_ II i 1VU11V1L If VI avu tlUilV4l\VlVlilVl VVHIU 'I ? "?? VIIJL dersleeves, just opened at UONNKY'S. April 20. 32 tf ~ PATENT METALIO BURIAL CASES. TFIE subscriber is prepared to fill orders for tho Metalic Cases. ALso, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut and other plain articles in the line, with mountings, and engraved, if desired. Maroh 22. * -CiFOR SAFE. -w"W"T" \ n A\T Dmillna ftf mvr r\\trr\ _ tmmi AViVll ivuvw, *?v ?'??uiwmru, OllU YV warranted to last as long as two of Northern innko. Also, * Traco chains of various qualities for salo low for ? cash. J- OAKS. ' 9 ft MEDICINES, WINDOW GLASS, &c. fTMlE subscriber is receiving and keeps constantly on .JL hand,alarge assortment oC-the Purest Medicines, Chemicals, and I)ye-Stnfls. Also, an extensive variety of lite very best Hair, Tooth, and Paint Brushes, Grainers ami Blenders. Always on hand Window Glass of all sizes, Paint Oil, Lamp Oils, Turpentine, Trusses, Suryiral Instruments, Patent Medicines of every kind. Here may bo had, all the delightful Extracts of Lubin for the handkerchief. Oils, Ox Marrows, and Eau Lustrals for the hair. Hair l)yes for gentlemen wlio have become prematurely urcy. colognes 01 an Hits, uuu m the very finest quality. Shaving Creams and Soaps in great variety Transparent Ralls. Tooth Pastes and Powders. Pens, Ink and I'u|>er. Besides China Vases r?l other ornaments for the Centre Table and Mantle ? nd such a lot of Toys!!! All who desire imjre and honest articles al low rates, would do well to give us a call. FRANCIS L. ZEMP. opt. 1G IS I. 73 tf T IcESX'II nil ANDY, Madeira Wine and old L PORT WINE, for medical purposes. Just received and for sale by F. L. ZEMP. Tliompsoiiian Medicines. A] UMBER SIX. Composition, Lobelia, Cum Myrrh, 1\ Alcohol, Cayenne Pepper, Nerve Powder, Hemlock, Spiced Bitters, Golden -Seal, Kaybcrry Powder, Bitter Root, Cholera Syrup. Third Preparation. Fresh and for sale by FRANCIS L. ZEMP. Mils, Burning:,Fluid. 1 9 A GALLONS of Lamp Oil at 88 cents pergallon 1 &\J 40gallons Burning Fluid, at 88 cents pergallon Just received and for sale uy F. L. ZEM1 Spices, Gelatine. BLACK Pepper, Red Pepper, Cinnamon, Nutmegs. Mace, Allspice, Ginger, White Ginger, Cooper's Gelaline, French Gelatine, Isinglass, Black Mustard Seed, White Mustard Seed, Cooking Soda, Washing Soda. Just received and forsnleby f. L. ZF.MP. New Family Grocery & Provision Store | liii ftUUftUHWJ IK JUI?* o.l??4 IIV?? V|/V.?.*nb ?*. i complete assortment of GItOCERlES, Consisting in part as follows : Preserves, Brandy Fruits and Pickles, Olives,Capers and Pepper Saure, Tomato, Walnut and Mttshroon Catsups, John Bull, Harvey mid Reading Sauco. Essence of Anchovies, Extract* of Rose, Lemon, Nutmeg and Vanilla, Citron, Juittpe Paste and Gunva Jelly, Lobsters. Salmon and Sardines. Prunes. Raisins and Almonds Brazil Nuts and Naples Walnuts Table Salt, in bags and boxes Candles, Soap and Starch Soda, Wine and Butter Crackers Brcma and Corn Stnrcdi American and London Mustard Cinnamon. Cloves.and Nutmegs Pepper,Spice, Oiriger, Coperas and Saltpetre Powder, Shot and Lead Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugar Brown Sugar, Rio and Java Coflee, Iiice, Ilour and Lard Aants and Bacon Sides Superior Segars and Tobacco A full and comple assortment of 1 Wiitcs and Liquors. ? ALSO Crockery and glass ware. will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. . R. W. ABBOTT, Opposite McICaia's Drug "Store. Oct. 6. 79 f IflflWKT DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THE MOST POPULAR ] FAMILY MEDICINE ! OP THE AGE: , , Used by riiysieians of High Standing. Thoso BITTERS remoro nil morbid secretion*, purify \ tbo blood, give great tone and vigor to the digestive uiguuo, iuiui. n.v n, ..en d^uiuai u?. * 1 u uinsiwb, vum bu taken with safety, at no time debilitating the patient ' ?beir,~ V&tcful to the most delicato stomach, and re- 1 markubio for their cheering, invigorating, strengthen- ' rng, and rectorativo properties, and an invaluablo and lure remedy for DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, Costivonoss, Faintnoss, Disorders of the Skin and Liver, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of tho Heart, Sinking and Fullness of Weight at the Stomach, and all other diseAoa caused by au iraparo state of tho blood, liver, etc., which tend to debilitate and weaken the system. F EMALES Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition will find this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In *?. cases of GENERAL pEBILITY, this Medicine ACTS LIKE A CHARM! . THOUSANDS Have tested its eflicacy, and thousands more are now un der treatment j and not ono solitary case of failure has yet been reported. Volumes could bo filled with cortiflaatcs of those who have bccu permanently cured. Coll on (be Agent, and get n PAMPHLET, Containing the Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the high estimation in which this Mcdicino rs hold by tha Publio Press?can bo had of tho Agents, free. Sold by all the Genuine Mcdicino Depots to the United States and Canada. , Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle. I Principal Office, 122 FULTON ST., N Y., up stair*. r For sale l?y THOMAS. J. WORKMAN, t Camden, Oct. 17, 1851. 1 I7I.0 [Jit and Lard. For ?tlc by X O , 1 tf R. W. AHBOTT i< SADDLE iV HARNESS MAKING. IK undersized continues his business at tlio old ] .1. Btaml, return*lii.s thanks for past favors and hopes t for a continuance of patronage. All work in his lino ^ will be done with punctuality, ami where the cash is i paid, at tin; time of delivery, a discount of ten per cent will be made. Jan 0, [2-1 y] P. J. OAKS. 1 FRESH GROCERIES^ ? ST. CROIX SUO A It; XKW ORLEANS SUGAR; 1 Stewart's Crashed I>(>. New Orleans MOLASSES, RIO G'OFKKE; a few pockets super, old Crovernment JAVA COFFKK, for family use. Received and forsalo by Mcdowell & cooper. t 19 AAA LBS. choice now OX CON SIDES. i 1 M *' M.'l ' Received and lor sale by March 2.1 SI I AW .t AUSTIN. | 1 ( W I X?- 1 L!:af /i-l/.V). (X-nv.) " 1 l?)\Mf Ri ccivcdand lbr saleby t Marcii 2, 1302. SII AAV & AUSTIN / THE GREAT SUMMER MEDICINE! DR. GUYSOTTS IMPROVED EXTRACT OF Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, "TIOD il_ _ - r .It 1: _ j'*-uv me cure ui an uisensesui uiouiuciogcnc-i rated by impure blood. Its great success justly entitles it to the name of the Great American specific. So far as it is known it is universally appreciated, and many eminent physicians use it daily in their practice with the most happy effects, and certify that it is the best extract in existence, and the only one that stands the test of time. Every year adds to its great popularity, and multiplies its astounding cures. The victim of Hereditary Scrofula, with supporting glands, honey-combed flesh, and caries eating into his bones, finds Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla balm for his affliction. His horrible torments are assuaged, and his malady not only relieved, but perfectly cured. It may be safely asserted, from the results of past experience, that "Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," is, beyond all comparison, the most wonderful remedy on earth for the following diseases, and all others proceeding from vitiated blood: Scrofula, or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the face, Blotches, Boils, Chrouic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pains of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Lumbago, and Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mercury, Acites or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Liver Complaint, Ague and Fever, Intermitting Fever, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Plethora of Blood in the Ilead, Piles, Pains in the Lack, Sides, Breast or Loins, and all forms of Muscular, Glandular, and Skin diseases. It is a sovereign specific for General Debility, and the best renovater for a Broken Constitution. It braces and reinvigorates every organ, promotes actictity and regularity in every function, and produces that condition of the whole physical system which is the best security for long life. Let all who wish to purge the blood from the impurities contracted from too free indulgence of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare the system to resist summer epidemics, resort now to " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparillo," which is proving itself an antidote for many of the most malignant diseases that flesh is heir to, and they will never be disappointed, for in this remedy the public iaith has never wavered? never can waver; for it is founded on experience, just as their want of faith in other and spurious compounds is also founded in experience. They fly from mineral nostrums to seek hope, life, and vigor from this purely vegetable remedy. Therefore, however broken down in health and spirits, however loathesome to himself and others, let no one despair of recovery; let the patient only understand that this hope of physical restoration lies only in " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," and persuade him for his life's ?akc to try it, and we have no hesitation in predicting his speedy restoration to health. As a means of r&plating all the functions ol woman's delicate organization, it lias no equal in materia tnedica, and at that ciitical period of life when the first stage of her decline commences, ts cordial and invigorating properties will enable lier to pass the crisis safely.. ill? None genuine nnlesjyput up in large bottles :o;itai11 i11g|ajt"n.Vt.'gfni name of the .Syrup blown JlJlKTgftiss,with the written signature S. F. Ben:iett on the outside wrapper. Price 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85. Sold by SCOVII, & M K A D, 113 Chartres street, New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Sold by Z. J. D-TTay, and at Workman's Drug Store. Hamden. S. C., Hall A Unpest, Winnxboro', S. C., A. fitch. Columbia, S. C., IJcacli & Eluicy, Orangeburg. 8. 0., llaviland Ilarrall A Co., and P. M Cohen's, Cliarles:on,S. C. Dr. Bogers' Liverwort and Tar, 4 SAFE and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, LjL Croup, Asthma, Consumption of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and ill Pulmonary AlFections. A Lovely Young Lady cured of Consumption. ID" The following is from the pen of Wm. II. Leviscn, Esq., the distinguished editor of the U 3. Military and Naval Argus, under date New fork, January 20, 1850. What could be more inclusive ? " It is seldom we permit ourselves to occupy 1 space in these columns to speak in praise of any irticlo in the patent mebiciue way; but when we see the life of a fellow-creature saved by the use of any medicine whatever, we consider it as our right, if not our duty, to give a simple statement if facts, that others may, in like manner, be benefitted. The case which has induced us to pen lliis article was that of a young lady ofour acquainlance, who by frequent exposure to the night air, aontracted a Cold which settled on the Lungs beFore its ravages could be 3tayed. (This occurred iwo years ago this winter) Various remedies iverc'used, but with very little effect or benefit.? The Cough grew worse, with copious expectoration, and the sunken eye, and pale, hollow cheeks, told plainly that pulmonary disease was doing its ivorst on her delicate frame. The family physician was consulted, and although he would not adnit to the young lady that she really had the Consumption, yet he would give no encouragement as o a cure. At this crisis her mother was persualed to make use of a bottle of Dr. Rogers Compound Syrup of Liverwort and Tar, and we are iappy to stato she was perfectly cured in less than j hreo months by this medicine alone, alter v. n i lope was destroyed. It is useless to comment m | such a case as this, for the simple truth will reach | ,vhere polished fiction never can. If any douht ; he authenticity of this statement, let them call at ' his office.?V. S. Military and Naval Argus, No. 19 Chatham street, N. Y. Testimonies of tho N. Y. Press. From the New York Courier, Aug. 13, 1850. Da. Rogers' Syrut of Liverwort and Tar.? iVe have heard of several important cures recent* y eflected by this excellent medicinal preparation, tnd in one instance that came under our obscivaion, we can speak confidently. One ofouremiloyees, who had suffered severely from a long itanding cold, during the past week commenced lie use of this medicine, and his Cold has entirely iisappeared. From the New York Mirror, Sep. 2, 1850. Liverwort and Tar.?Of the virtues of Dr. i logers1 Cough Medicines prepared from the above irticles, tt is needless now to speak ; its efficacy in speedily curing Coughs, C'ohis, and other lung mmplaints, which too frequently, if neglected, re. suit in Consumption, is too well established in pubic confidence to need eulogy now. OJ* The genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, on he steel plate engraved wrapper around each hot- j It-, and is sold wholesale and retail l>y SCOV1L &. MEAD, 113 Chartrcs st., New Orleans, Solo general agents for the States, to whom all >rdersand applications for agencies must bo adIrcsscd. Sold ill Workman's Drug Store. Camden, S. 0.; Hall & InjN-M. Winnshoro'. S. 0.; Hcacli cans, Iuo and Cui a. ^Sardines in oil in whole, half Tkas. \ and quarter boxes, Choice of all-kinds. Lobstere in 1 and 2 lb. cans, ? . . $ Roast Beef, Anchovies 48 D r?n p iro Oysters, Fresh Cove Bait M Muscovado -anti Porto Rico,> > ' . 3 N. Orleans and W.Indies. C8rdiaJ8? i| _ .1 jCuracoa, Manschine ?i| xv Candles. Unnisette, Noyau f ,g0 Wax, white nncf colored Gii er Brandy. i fl Adamantine, v \ ? ?. . - * Sperm and Stearin j 1 wnm -H nr^it Salmon, 7 j b Smoked Herring, Figs and Raisins, . " . ?? b ' > Provisions. ^/3?S 't ib'uear Cured Hams and J? Allspice, Nutmftg & Cloves,! A _iJe_ ' 5f Cinnamon,(^nger&Pepj?r,L efTo ^8&Dric(jRef|.t -r; London aud FrencKMusta >!pacon gjde8 and Shoulders, Cf Curne 1 owder. ^ IGoshen, English and Pine ^ Pickles. 1 Apple Cheese.' ' English and Domestic of all. Wine8 and Liqnors. hinds- sBrandy, Hennessey Exr. fine , JCctchnps and Sauces. >, do- otard,DupryandCo Walnut, Mushroom,Tomato,! do. Pallevoisin's Reading Sauce, iWhiskey, Scotch and Itirti Harvy do. \ do. Bourbon. Mononua'lA jo'inDii.. ao. 5 do. Funk's Old Rye ? Warwickshire do. sWines, South side Madeira Worcestershire do. do Huff Gordon Sherry iaoli Vinegar, < d0j p0rt on draugnt 4 ^ -.Iv4 Essence of Anchovies, s do do. for Med.purposes, ' Anchovy Paste, > do. Sparkling Bock Potted Bloaters. do. Tenetlfte, and S. -?> Preserves. fKirshwasser, Absynthe, "f* Citron, Oranges, Limes, pUBch Essence. --4 Pine Apple and Ginger. taeidseiok, Express, Cardina 7. Brandy Fruits* \ and Victoria Champagnes '}!< Peaches, Cherries, iAleand Potter. Limes and Pine Apple. Choice Segars and Toban < - Jellies and Jams. ?co of all kinds, all of which* Red & Black Currant Jelly,;\vill be sold low for cash. Oct. 10,1851. \ 80 tf CHEAP GROCERIES. X H'H'DS. SUGAR; 50 sacks RIO COFFE; mat U JAVA COFFEE; 10 sacks CUBA DO. 20 barrels Now Orleans MOLASSES ? hogs "West India DO -v\ 30 barrels New Orleans WllISKEY ..^j 10 do Monongchela DO ? casks old Rye DO 10 yeara old 3 1-8 casks FRENCH BRANDY 5 barrels best LEAF LARD 10 barrels MACKAREL 25 barels Baltimore FLOUR >4w 50 boxes English Dairy CHEESE - * 10 kits MACKAREL No. 1 ALSO, 10 baskets HEIDSICK CnAMPAIGNE 10 cases CLARET WINE, for Table use 10 do MADEIRA DO 5 do PORT DO 20 dozen "JBYASS' LONDON" PORTER ALSO, Ginger, Peach, Plum aud Chow Chow PRESERVES 200 quarter and half boxes SARDINES 50 cases SALMON and LOBSTERS :; \ With many other articles too numerous to mention. For sale low for cash, or to punctual customers on the usual time. W. C. MOORE, Red Flag. WORKMAN & BOONE, T -- Manufacturers, Wholesale & Retail DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS. HAVE now on hand and will continue to receive the fullest and most complete Stock of all the ar> tides usually kept in their line, that has ever been kept in this market. I laving purchased from tho best manufacturers abroad and entirely for cash, in addition to their own manufactures. They feel well assured that they can supply any quantity or quality of Goods in their line, and upon as favorable terms as tho can be bought at any wholesale establishment in this State. Merchants and otborsaro respectfully invited to oxamine their stock, before purchasing, under tho assurance that it shall bo to their interest to do so. Sept. 23. 75 tf_ ^ Preserves, Brandy Peaches, &c. "1 ^ I. Ginger Preserves, "W. I. do. (assorted,) Brandy Peaches, Lemon Syrup Curacoa, Maraschino, and other Cordials, Maderia, Sherry, and Port Wines, Claret, and N. C. Blackberry do. i rip rn c*c* mrr sjtt \ i rn i twirr* ?iirjiAJtDm Ksii K/u. -111 JM.. ur-TXr? Gaura Jelly, Catsups and Sauces, Roso Water, Chocolate, Prunes and Raisins, English, French, and American Mustard, do. do. do. Pickles, Imitation English Cheese, Macaroni, 4c. ALSO. Englis Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Shell Barks and Soft Shelled Almonds. ROBT. LATTA. July 1, 1851. 52 tf V ' G HASHED SUGAR.?10 Bbls. Stuart's Superior Crashed Sugar. For sale by W. C. MOORa A* NEW ARRIVALS AT TIIE CAMDEN BAZAAR, The subscribers liavo just received their new assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which consists partly of Ualieoes, Ginghams, plain ana ciuoroiaerea .uawns, Fancy Muslins, ?t all prices, Linen Cambric, nssortod colors, Cambrics and Muslins, plain and checked, . Crapes, Bareges, Clmllys, DeLaines, Tissue Silks, and ' a great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies' " .: Dresses. 4.LSO. A large assortment of Linen Cambric H'dkfs., Nee- i die-worked Collars and Cuffs, Chomisetts and Cape, Muslin and I-nco Sleeves, Capes and Mantillas, Lace and Muslin Edging and Inserting, Bonnets and Ribbons, of the nowest stylos, Ivory Black arid Feather Fans, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a great variety of ^ other Fancy Articles, to numerous to name. They recommend their stock of bleached and brown jd Shirting, aluo and striped Homespuns, Cotton and Linen Oznaburgs, Bed Tick, and every kind of Towel- I ling and Table Linen. A very largo assortment of | Hosiery of every description, Linen, Thread Laco and j Silk Gloves, Mitts, Sc. Ac. U They invite their friends'o call at their Store, fooling . Mm certain to he ablo to satisfy in every way, as M1 well in the price as in the assortment of the Goods. m ,I April 1853. M. DRUCKEIt & CO. f J Novels, Periodicals, &c. fwn HARPER'S Monthly Magazine for May; Interna- I tionnl Magazine for April; Madeleine; a Tale of J , jH Auvernc; xeuowpiusn i'apers, by lhackaray; swamp Stood, or Pays of Marion and his Merry Men; Love in If /JH High Lifo; Woodrovo Manor, or Six Months in Town; j' j Story without a Name, by James; Bleak IIouso, No. 1, j r mM Dickens; Self-Deception, No. 2; Warcus Warland, j j, jBj or tho Moss Spring, a Talo of the South; Dan Marble; / ;\jFl Simon Suggs; Twenty-Fifth May Day, School for Hua- I !&yi bands; Quintin Matsys; Margaret Cecil; Regulators, / a Romance of Kentucky; Wild Western Scenes, 4c. I j May H. A. YOUNG. I , Cigars! Cigars!! / .*^fl A Lot of tho most choice Brauds. For salo by '< \ H W. CI MOORE. 0*1 May 1. 38 tf