1 ^TDR. GUYSOrrs" IMPROVED EXTRACT of YKLi.ow Dock and Saksacakiu.a put up in the largest sine bottles, contains more of the pure Honduras Sarsnpariila .han any other preparation extant, wliioh is chemically combined with the Extract of Yellow Dock, and the Extract of Wild Cherry, thus making the remedy more thoroughly ejjki-nt than any other Sarsaparilla before the public. At the same time it is ' pi r/trthj free from all miner),I poiion*! Mercury, Iron. Quinine. Potash, Iodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and manv j other mineral and metallic poisons enter into and form ' the active basis of tnost of the Sarsaparilhis and Panaceas of the day. (Joy soft's Compound Extract of Yellow Dock and S/irsaparilUi does not contain one particle of these substances; as any one can ascertain by applying the necessary tests. Let all poisonous preparations of Sarcaparilla alonei and use Guysotl'r Improved Kxtraet of Yellow Dock and Sarsnparlila, wliicli is thoroughly ejScacivn>. p< n\elhj horvdex-s and purely vegetable. All kinds of disease yield to its genial influence. It can be obtained at Z. J. Del lay's and Thomas J. Workman's Drag .Store. .Camen S. and if it u?>es not help them, nothing will. Sec advertisement in another column. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. ISti'OKTAST TO Di'SPKrTICs?. Dr. .T. S. HOUGHTON'S PL PS IN*, run Titt'K pigestive pirm. orOAPTitic juice, prepared from It MX N KT, or the FOURTH STOMACH OK TIIK OX. after dircer I, ? tx-kN- Tll.-nUl +1.? l>l.c?i?l,?ri,.nl T10I1S OI D.HHM Uir.uiw, ...v ?.v?.. , ? Chemist, by J. .S. IIOUGHTON. if. P.. Philadelphia. Tins is truiv wonderful romodv for IXDIi; KSTIOX, P YSPICPSI A, J A UNPICK, , J IVKlt COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and PKI'ILITY. curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRIC JUICF. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evidence of its value, furnished by agents gratis. See notice among the medical advertisements. Mr. Editor: l ieuse am ounce the fo lowing gentlemen as suitable persons to represent this District in the next Legislature: KOU SENATOR, CV1. JAMES CHESXCT, Jr. FO It itEP?F.SEXT.V11VEP, Col. JAMES C. IIAILE, Capt. TLIOMAS E. SHAXXOX, The above nainotl citizens will no doubt receive the cordial supi?rt of a majority of the voters of KEKSILYW DISTillCT. Estray. ^T^OLLKD before mc, a3 an Estray. a BAY HORSE, .1. about eight years old. and fourteen and a half hands high. The said horse has only the following descriptive marks about him, to-wit: A small portion ol" White hail* on tncuismeoi lilt' ngiiii m:w u-jf ue.ir the hoof, a star in the forehead, and a snn.ll patch o white hair nearly between the nostrils; also, slight marks of harness 011 the forcslioulders. and marks of his buek having been once badly injured by thes:..l He. The said Horse has been valued by sworn appraisers at the sum of Filly Hollars, and can be seen at the Stable of Mr. Jt:o. Higgins, eleven miles from Camden, on the Main Columbia (Telegraph wire) Roml. The owner can get him from Mr. Hipgins by proving property, and complying with tlio other requisitions of t ieLaw in such eases provided. C. S. WEST. Magi.-tnile. Camden. May 21. 1852. 41?lihim Warranted to stand the Southern Climate. $1,000,009 Saved Ye.ti Sy: LEAD! READ! HEAD! MARK THIS* FACT! Silver's Plastic Mineral Paint. Will stand any climate without cracking or i>li>n ling! SCEPTICS! read lids evidence from the President of the Reading Rail Road Company: Oflico of the Philadelphia Rail Road Co.. No. T.USFront St. cor. Willi tig's Alley. I'liila. .\ ay 1S52J. P. Silver Es-j.?Dear Sir: We have used your rhi-lic Hunts' for more than a year, and l'w give 1: a ptilbrtnec ever all others we have tried for such puipi-.-cs. Yours respectlullv. JOHN" TUCKER. Fresidei.t. The above is one of the many certificates we have iv./..vvm1 (mm t ho L-entk-meii of our citv. wlio have' used Silver's Mineral Faints. Colors?T\*c have twcu different color-. \1/: two! browns. two chocolates. black and yellow, and by combination makcs'cvorv variety ami shade of cult. Ikon*.?To iron they furnish a |)vrl- t pr >r.otlo:i ! rrrnicst rust, for they < ntain no metal, whir h, hke | white lead, acts destructively cn irses. Tne mot i<,ihi paint makes iron doubly valuable for buildlngpurposis. j Brick WoitK?They give to house wails a much j heavier coating than any other paints, and il'suml Is rerequired, nothing holds so 'irmly or lini.-i.o so v.el villi it. i >1.11 Hoofs?Give us $i roof never so o!r Militia and l'atrol duty in tiie TTpjwr battalion is I hereby ordered to be held at Flat ltook on Saturday, | the 19th of Juno next, to convene at 10 o'clock. A. M. j The Court will eoutist of M?j. Kirkland, President, ! Copts. R. Jones. .1. L. Jonos, Miller and Sil], Members; ; Lieuts. Cauthen, Owens and M.cLure Supernumeraries. , A Court Martini tor the trial of a'l defaulter.- lor Mili tia and Patrol duty in the Lower Battalion is. hereby j ordered to be held in Camden, on Saturday, the 2Gthof j June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Court will consist | of Lieut. Col. Kershaw, President: Capts. .Moffat. Bel- j vin, Robertson and Workman, Members; Lieuts. liar-! ris. Robinson and Gerald, Supernumeraries. Captains of Companies are required t have the de- j faulters in their respective Beats warned, and furnish ! the Court with evidence of such warning. By order of COL. TAYLOR. Tito. J. WaKKKN*. Adj't. ' A CARD. Messrs. g e Kennedy, of chester ami .tames M. 11PK.ST, formerly one of the proprietors ot the Planter's Hotel, Charlc-steu, l.ave leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public a portion of their patronage. We pledge ourselves that the guests of the Uotel will receive accommodations unsurnassed Lv anv in the citv. KENNEDY & IIURST. | Charleston May 17. 40 Cm j STRAYED?A small MILCH COW, color Mark with white spots. She lias with her a Calf, about six months old. j Any person finding her and reporting to this office will be liberally rewarded. May 17?3t Fanning Mills. rpiTK subscriber has just finished a few of the above ! I Machines for cleaning Wheat, Rice, Oats, Corn, i Peas, Ac. Made aiul warranted by May 17?2mw " R- J. -McCRKK'.IIT. Ou?? to Four Dollar* a Window. BEFORE purchasing call and examine tho subscri-1 hers assortment of Transparent WINDOW ! m SIIADL5, which comprises manv luto and handsome P . c^ras ' *C. L. CHATTEX j Furniture for Sale. rpHR subscriber offers his HOL'SKHOLD FURNIL TURK for sale, consisting in part of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Mahogany Wardrobes,-Dressing Tables an 1 Bureau's, Bedsteads, Mahogany Chairs and Sofas, Divans and Ottomans; Pier and Centre Tables with Marble tops; Looking Classes. Cbandclabres. ** * v? i c. .. T\*. ? ril 11.. ^ ?i A 1 DooK-u&sc, ciae-i3oaru. r>eu vmiug i auie.-, ;i iinu ioucu Piano. cf approved Manufacturer; Rocking Chairs, Card Tables. Astral Lumps, Work Tables. Glass Ware aad Chins; Cordial and Table Castors. With Household articles of every kind, which will bo offered at ITivate Sale until the first Monday in June, when they will be offered at Public Auction. Tonus liberal. * II. LEVY. J. W. P. McKAGAN. Auctioneer. May 7th, 1852. 37-tf Valuable Family of Negroes. \ be sold on the lirst Monday in .Tune, at my t t residence, a WOMAN of unexceptionable character, and a good house servant, with her three children. Also, a Xcgro FELLOW, a good gardener. Conditions liberal. If. LEVY. May 17. 40 ts Novels, Periodicals, &e. HARPERS Monthly Magazine for May; International Magazine for April; Madeleine; a Tale of Auvorne; Ycllowplush Papers, hy'fhaekaray; Swamp Steed, or Days of Marion and his Merry Men; Love in High Life: Woodrcvc Manor, or Six Months in Town: Story without a Xu:ne, by .fame.*::.E'en': Mouse. Xo. 1. Dickens: Self- Dost met ion, Xo. 2: Warcus Wnrland. or the Moss Spring, a Tale of the South . Dan Marble: Simon Suggs; Twenty-Fifth May Day; School far Husbands: Quintal Mat.-y>: Margaret Cecil: Regulators, a Romance of Kentucky: Wild Western Scenes. Ac. May 14. ' A. YOUNG. Livery and Sale Stnbks. rPiJU subscriber, late of Abbeville S. C.. begs leave I :.A ,.c f..i,rt,.. generally, that he has become proprietor of John ('. O'Hatilon's well known Livery and .Sale Stables, llis Omnibus and Carriages will run from tlio Antcrican Hotel to the several Railroad Depot.-, mid to any part of the city. The subs'Tiber lias added largely to the tine supply of Carriages. Unties and Horses bought ' by hint of Mr. OTIanlon; and lie is satisfied! '.- will be able to afford accommodations in his line of business ' unsurpassed by any similar establisment in the .State.? 1 He lias been at great pains to employ the most experienced and careful coachmen, so that families may feci , perfectly safe in his vehicles. The subscriber has also tiim lots with abundance of good water lor stock, and ( drovers will find it greatly to their interest to give him a call. Orders left at the American Hotel, so favorably known, under the management of Messrs. Doatwright & Junney will be promptly attended to. \V. E AROJIKK, i'repriptor. May 14. .. of? 3m t Camden Barber Shop. rrMlE undersigned have taken the liuuse next above L Masonic Hall, where they will be happy to re- ' ceivi the,calls of the public. SIIAVIXO, HAIR 1 CTTTIXU and ClI AMI'OtMXti done in the most ap- . proved Style, oi*. moderate terms. Tliev resjieetfullv solicit a share of public patronage. . i^-Ti te Shop will be kept open lor the aeeomino- | datioa, ci customers till 0 o'clock. 1*. M. RICHARD CIIK>XHT. KDWARD P. JoXKS. , Mav 11. ::?J SODA WATER. ^JODA W'ATKIt tre.di from the fountain will be kept ' ^ ' through the season.?with an abundance of 1C 1*3 , and a varietv of pleasant SYl'Ul'S. bv . *F. L. ZKMI\ Selling Off at Cost. rI^IIK subscriber desirous of closing his business in ? in Camden bv llie lir.~t ol .JCXI5 XKXT, will sell at X-w York Cost. Iiispres nt stock of Goods, consist- ' in;.' oftlie following articles. viz: Jv>:tf, (.'rushed :it:d i'.iw.'eivd Sugars, St. Croix :t;i',l Vurto Kieo ; do. .lava and lJio Coin e, Cttiiiiv Cloth and 1 hiudcc Bagging, 1 Hah' i?oj'0 jtiul Twine, t !! lnluck Lent iter, Slnx.* Thread, tfc a , 1 '.-tints, Oil, and "Vinduw ( '!:; <, ( Hardware, Iron, Nails and Casting* iMnostie 1 ?ry <;? ?;?!-, Saddien. ji:.\ Candles. Su:i?< and Starch. > A .dioiee assortinenl of l.l'jt 1 >KS, \i/.: I>r.iiitiv. Wine, Whi4.ey. lWter and A!-'. ' Together witi: a large stock of SALT AX If MoLASSLS. Those desirous of pan basing for Cn.-h. or bankable paper on short time, would do well to e.dl and examine tie- eoud-. JO.HX W. IIKADLHY. !'... goods renmiuiuir unsold on 4!?.* FlltST Nh )XDAY in .11*.nK, will be disposed :si* at 1'nblie Auuio:: * on tliat dav. and tiicuavs following until all are solJ. i Camden* May 11. I >r'2. US-tf J. \V. J!. e REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. f XTFXDIXG to remove from the State, the suuvrl- ' 1 o'T otit is his large and commodious Dwelling House on broad Street. There is every convenience attached, a line Flower Garden, and a variety of Fruit trees. A .anall I louse uIjohhug. ami a Lawyer's (Mice LiAhe roar of the Court House. ALSO The large Stores occupied by II. Levy k Son, ami L. Armstrong?the upper part used as the Odd Fellow's Hall. " A LSI.? The Stores aiel Dwelling House occupied by W. C. ( Moore ami T. lla^kiu', Ksaying at least la percent, on value. A long credit will be given it' desired. Apply ' to 11. LKYY. May 6, 1852. 37 _ tf < NEW SPRING GOODS. 1 VM. k K. KENNEDY tire now opening a choice selection ol'Goods, suitable tor I he season. For Ladies' Wear. TISSUES. IIAh'A GES and MUSLISS WOKE COLLA US V Sit Eli SLEEVES CAMMlIC JIASDKERCIIIEES HOSIERY and CIA) YES For Gentlemen's Wear. I J) RAP If ETA CASIIMERETS ( SUMMER CLOTHS ( PLATS end FASCY LISES DRILLS { VESTJXGS A l:ir>ro assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHIN'i.r, FUR, PANAMA and STRAW HATS, llleaehed and llrown SHIRTINGS, lilue DENIMS, Checked and Striped DOMESTICS, 14 and 12-1 Linen SHEETINGS All of which will be sold on the most favorable terms. March 12. U ALT, SALT.?500 Sacks Liverpool Salt. Just . O received by W. C. MOORE. V LAV R A ISIi\S?50 quarter boxes RAISINS. JL i Reeeivod at MOOltK'S. rpOBACCO?A small lot of CHEWING TOP AC' 1 1 (JO. Just received ami for sale by W. 0. MOO UK, Sign of tiio ltod'Flag. Bacon Sides and Shoulders. ** / w \ A LBS. lirst quality of Bacon Sides ami M 'U Shoulders, for sale by W. C. MOORK. ( HARM S S. WEST, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN, 0. C. .fflSSS, ?fS2?j JTTTI -g^Sfe ON and after 15 til inst.the Aeeomniodation'MidDay Trip, between Gamdcn and the Junctiou, will bo discontinued. 7.!i<5 Train will continue-to run ( through to Columbia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, as heretofore. 1 Slock will be received for shipment on Mondays, 1 "Wednesdays and Fridays only. Stock will leave lu re 1 on the above days, at 11.30 A. if., and be left at the , Camden Junction to be taken down by the regular night Kxpress Train from Columbia. Time Table for Camden Passenger Train. DOWN. Leave Camden - - - fi 15 a. in. Leave Uovkin's - - 6.4f? a. nt. .. Leave Claremoiu - - 7.la a.m. Leave Middlcton - - - 7.40 a. ni. Leave Maneliostcr Junction 7.45 a.m. Arrive at Camden Junction - fc.'JO a. m. |' UP. j Leave Camden Junction - 2.1.7 p.m. | - ?i .- /? ... Leave .Manetiesior junction z.ou p.m. Leave Middle ton - - i'.OO p. in Leave Claremont - .''.So p. in i Leave Boykin's - *1.00 p. m Arrive at Camden - - 4.30 p. m Accommodation Train between Junction and Co lumbia on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. DOWN. * ' Leave Columbia - - 12.30 p.m. I.eavc Woodland - - 12.4a p. in. i Leave Hopkins - - - 1.05 p. in. | Leave Gadsden ... ].:<0 p. m. Arrive at Camden Junetion - 1.45 p.m. UP. Leave Camden Junetion - 8.30 a. m. Leave Gadsden - - S.-13 a. m. Leave Hopkins - 0.10 a. m Leave Woodland - - * 0.4" , a. m. Arrive at Columbia - 10.05 a. in. X. 1\ BAXLKY, Agent. . Poenrv l'l t.f ** (~\ BHis. No. 1! Mnekarcl. Received ami for sale bv )U March 12, 1332. SHAW k AUSTIN. ' SUPERIOR AHEAD CUILW For sale bv 0 March 22. " E. W. BONN FY. i XUTICE. '[THE subscriber have thLs day fiirmeda Co-parlncr.L ship,. under the name and linn of HOOT A IXIRAM. fv-tha purpose of carryingoj: the General luclionccriug business. F. HOOT, JOIIN INGRAM. j Camdkn*. Jan. 23. ' 7 tf iIHICK? FOR S1LM. I'M IE subscriber has on hand a large quantity ol . GOOD BRICK, which may be had on upnlication. January 2.1. J. F. SUTHERLAND. ^l'1'KHIOR brown Sugars, put up in barrels fol J family use. Just received at EONNEY'S. IT TELL Wheels, Steelyards, Brocd Axes. Anvils T? and Vices. For sale by E. W. UoXXEY. MiiAiL AVU <*K3T.S?Ahvavson hand, at \ . MOORE'S. Red Flag. ( p AGREES! CANDLES?20 boxes Sperm ' \ and Adainautino CANDLES. For sale cheap by January 23. W. (.'. MOORE. (~m)OI'KR"S best shredded Isinglass, and a variety of J Extracts, fresh Currants ami Citron. Raisins. Alnonds, bronia. Caocolafi'. Mustard. Cheese, seed 1'ota ws, Ac. Just received by E. W IJONNEY. Cod Liver Oil. J 1 HAVE just received a few giJIons of pure CO!) ? 1. LiYKH OIL, which will be sDl.i in quantities to; icit purchasers, ami at reduced prices. March 30. Z. J. Dull AY. ! A Suit to suit the Times! j. \\r ISIIIXG to close out the balance of my stock o j i 7 Winter Rearlv-Made Clothing, 1 v.iii dis- | use of iny stock of Coats. (Ivor Coals and Vests at ost prices. a i.so. , Hroad Cloths. French ('.issiiucTcs ami Costings. AllIVool J-'weeds, Satinets. Kentucky Jeans unci Negro .'lot lis. at greatly reduced pnoc:". , Jjun.av 23 oAMico WILSON". < Barry's Triccpherous. ] !"*J! 1*1 scl'Sarilry J..-.;: just vivc-J a su:..ll invoice of the above valuable prepaid! io;i for diseases <-t the t in nix 1 Hair. It mods but a trial to convince every I use of its valuable qualities. For sale at i Z. J. PtjHAY S. I Marcb 30. tf I .Bll-.t Sleeeivi'd, VN aiMifioual supply uf I i roeot ios. .eon-iNling of j , New Or) t.Voiv crushed and clariliod j ' *ti_'o:*- ()ri *:iiis ami Wi'St fnilia Molasses J Spick j in-t ' iiiiijiotvil' i* Toa.;; ll'o and Java f'oU'eo: New Ha- | on; l'ickloo S.iitiiou ; 1'rio t Hod and Ma- karcl I ish "Iiet.se Ac. Aiso. one barrel line I'Juba Honey, and a ew kegs Malaga tirupes, all of which will ne s>?M low "or cash. l?v JAMl'itj McEWKX. , marl2 * 2i If { I N PI A M AT I I N't S. just received ami Ibr sale low, j " . bv R V.". 1I0N*X KY. April 20. 32 tf 1^11 FN OH Worked Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Un- ] . dersleeves. just opened at .BOXXFY'S. April 20. 22 tf j ITMtKXClI China Tea tsett^. Cliina and Glass Fru* j1 Pishes. Tureens, Ac, Also. Housekeeping Arti j' les in great varietv. For sale bv. March "J, l$&2. " E. W. BOXXEY. (* PACK ACES (40 lbs. each) Jennv I.ind Tit/LI CC." l> J Hot-received by U. V. ABBOTT. t ?v note or payment, else I shall ilaco them, in the hands of an Attorney for iinnicdiato jollcetion. W.'c. MOOUK. May 7?37tf i;OK SAIjSj.?A first rate One Horse WAG OX. 1 Apply t.? \V. C. MOOHK. I HKIDSICK CHAMPAIOJfE.?10 Bas- 1 . kets, low for Cash. W. C. MOOUK. Jewelry, Watches, &c. ( \ OJ.I> and Sixer LEV Kit U'.l TCIIL'S, yf the now- , est patterns and warranted tune-keepers, Hold | "liaius. Seals ami Keys, Iliads.- Bins and Karriu^s, Jold juid Silver Spectacles, Geld Belts and Pencils, Joral Xocklaccs. FISH 1'LATHI) ir.l/i'A' Castors, Baskets and Canllcsticks, tiilt China Vases. FISH (IUTLHHY?Razors, Knives and Scissors. ' HA SCI' (;0U1/S, tlr. A. YOUXG. j Writing Inks. rIMIK subscriber has just received a lanro and va ! 1 ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red j IXKS, of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5 j ( to 50 oent3 each. also. , j1 Harrison's, Tarrant's. Wrijrht's l>avi(is anu Him* | IX1>KLU?LH INKS, for marking on cotton, lincuand j i -ilk, with and.without Preparation. March 20. Z. J. Dull AY. NEW til'KHti ?OOI?i. MDltUCKElt .t CO. have just rceoivad their now supply of Spring and Similiter Clotliiujj, to which they would invite the attention of the public at the same time they would recommend their Stock o OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts. Collars, (Ta- , vats. Undergarments, Hoserv, Gloves. Suspenders, ,Vc. April1852.?U' , A Beautiful Assortment OF Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil LAMPS, for the Mautle, Centre Table, and Stand. Hanging Lamp?, {Oil and Burning Fluid.) for the use jC Stores. Webb's PATENT OIL LAMP, for Stor.s or Centre Tall:-.' [This Lainp gives a light eq'ta! to that of theCanipliene without the danger attending the use of the latter.] also. llall and Hand Lanterns, Friction Matches, Might Taners, Lamp Wicks, C'hitr.nevs, Globes, Ac. For sale by _ THOMAS J. WORK MAX. "VTEW LARD, of superior quality. Also, Sugar .Li House Svrup, Rock and -Table Salt. Jt'st received by " _ E. W. BOXXEY. Fresh Sperm Oil, COLAR OIL. LAUD OIL. the finest BURXirXO IO FLUID, and CAM I'llKXK. at the lowest market l-rice. may be had at WORKMAN'S Drug Store. ^fOTTXTAIX Butter, Fine Cheese. Fresh Maeciro * 1. ni, Corn Starch, Brouia, Chocolate and Citron. For sale by E. W. BOX KEY. KEGS spieetl Trip.-, in Vinegar. Received and t) for. sale L-v SHAW t AUSTIX. i SETT of CMini ACE HAIfXESS. of Johnson's i L inukc. For sale by K, \\*. BOJS'XFV. PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family .Hams and Bacon Side?. Also, Lard and Canal Flour. Just received at BONN FY'S. C*UMMKR HATS, of ail qualities and descriptions O Jyst received at BONN FY'S. O'i'll'F.?rl hereby forbid all persons giving credit \ or cnjjdoynieut to any negro in my employ without mv perinission, alter this date. J. F.SUTHERLAND. Aril 12, 1852. _ "0 if Youth's and Men's Dress Shirts. JUST received an invoice of Ui& 3>j0ii Id' tiie latest styles, well made and warranted to lit. i . "?t n- r?_ ? \r c- r> vvvrvbrw -\jini _'i.?si j\. ai. a. n. Charleston Prices. H" A It X ESS. Saddlery, Trunks, Military Work,.-kv: . manufactured to order, and warranted, at Churles;on prices. ?^"Ten per cent, discount for cash within 30 days. LUKE ARMSTRONG. Camden, April23. 23 sw2twtf. J ADIES Superior White- and Colored Kid Cloves. I J Also. Tull'ata Silk Gloves, Kid finish, just-received it BONXEYS. April 20. 32 tf Cigars! Cigars!! Vl.ot of the most choice Brands. For sale by W. C. MOO It E. May 7. 33 tf ICE! ICE! ICET H'AVIXG made arrangements for a regular supply . of ICE through the summer season, I will be dad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinity vith this luxury. Quantities under lifty pounds three rent?: over fifty pounds two and a hall' cents. CASH or ICE without anv exception. F. L. ZEMF. May 7 s7 tf j MORE Brown Homespun at four cents a yard/just . opened at BOXXKY'S. V<9TTICJG :=.i erchy given, that thrrc months af. x tor date, application will l>o made lor a rcr.cwal of Qriilicate Xo. 1137. for Four .Shares Stock in the Bank >f Camden. S. ('., in fav0r ot Win. I .vies oi coiumotn, \ L'.. dated J.">th of Jun r of "W'm.o original of which lias been lost or mislaid.1813. Hi April 3.?28w3iu. NEW ARRIVALS AT THIS CA.TJCK* BAZAAR. flie subscribers have just received their no ? .'.-.sort mentof Spring and Summer Goods, ivhich.consists puniy of CalLcoes. Ginghams, plain and embroidered Lawns, Fancy Muslins, at all prices. Linen Cambric, assorted olors. Cambrics and Muslins, plain and checked, 'rapes. Bareges, Challys. lleJaiiiies. Tissue Silks, and i great variety of other articles suitable lbr Ladies' Dresses. ,\ t.so. A Inrg? assortment of Linen Cambric ll'dkfs., Xeelle-worked Col'ars a.al Cutis, Chcniisotts and Caps, Muslin and Lace.Sleeves, .Capes .and Mantillas, Lace uid Mus'liu lodging and Insetting, Bonnets and liibioiis. of the newest styles, Ivory BinCs and Feather Fans. Ibm' rdins and Parasols, and a great variety of jth'T Fancy Articles, to numerous to name. They recommend their stock of bleached and brown ;hirti;ig, olue and striped Homespuns, Cotton and Linen U/.tuibargs. Itcd l ick, and every kind of Toweling and. Table Linen. A very largo assortment of 11 o-i'-ry if every do eripliwi, Linen, Thread Lace and silk Gloves. Mitts, Av. Ac. They invite their friends to call at their Store, feeling . crtnin to bo able to snti.-ly them in every way, as ivell in the price as in the assortment of the Goods. April 183:.'. M. DltUCKlilt A CO. NEW ARRIVALS." MlilH'CKIilt A- Li), have jnst recoived a largo selection of the newest patterns of Main and fancy BEHAVES. DELA1XE8, CIIALLYS, TSS> ST.C &/LKS. JIL'SMXS and G1XUHAM&, and otli r articles for LADIiia' DHKSSKS, to which they in it,> tho attention of the Ladies and the public goner illv. .March 2.'!. Final Notice. VtL person* having demands against the Estate of .Miss Riiikcca J'kJ.kuv, are hereby notified that hoy must render in their dcniandj .pro]>.er!y attested, in or before the lirst day ofJuno next, otherwise this S'oticc will be plead in bar of pavment. ii. LEVY, Adm'r. April 2. 27 tf BEKNADOTTIi ?>. BROASOS. OPPOSITE THE I'OtfT OKFiQr., Camtlcia, S. C. CtONTiXI'E.S lho manntiu'ture of 7V.Y- MM Ii?, ? and Rooting Houses, putting ip and making Stove 1'ipe, and ^-REPAIRS KVKKY AKUCI.K IX IHSUXI:. Old P.owter, Lead, Copper and Brass taken in ex hange Tor Tin-Ware. ?3$"Thankful for past fivers, ho solicits a rontinuuieo of the same, at the old Stand, opposite the Post Mice. Mai eh 10 22 . tf Fishing Tackle. ^I'PKRloR Silk. Cotton. Flax and Hair Lines; LimO erick and Kirby Nooks, of every size and variety; looks mi Silk and t.imp (loops; Cork Floats, Bait Juekotr.; Dip Ni ts and Handles; Furnished Silk and flax Line;- ready for tlx.*; Walking Cane Rods; Trout i'uds. with Tips and Guide Rings; Brass lteuls; Hast India Fishing Poles, &s. A. YOlTX(l. Selling; Balance cf Dry Gc-ods and Groceries much below Cost. '|"MIK subscribers, positively intending to close their I business, will sell as alcove. Tliev desire all those either indebted to II. Levy, or II. Levy A Son, to come forward aiul settle their accounts. II. levy & SOX. May Ctli, 1852. 37 tf FOIl SALE. A ATAOOX Bridles. ?f my own nianulhcture. ono t T warranted to last as long as two of Northern make. Also, Trace chains of various qualities for sale low for casik d. oaks. Sheriff's Sales, 1)Y virtuo of sundry writs of fieri facias to me diy rected, I will soli before the Court House door in : Camden on the first Monday arid Tuesday in June next, being tiie Ttlr and Sth days of said month, the following property, vis: One lot of Books and Stationary; levied upon and to bo sold its tin: property of the Defendant, Join X GameweiJ, at the suit of A. L. Dennis. AI.SO. Two Mhlcr, .ohe Wagon, one Bureau, one Cow and j Calf; levied upon and to bo sold as the property of Dan| iel Iienuford iit the suit of James J. ltunlap and others. The Cow and Calf and Bureau to bo sold on the second, dr. v of sale at the defendant's residence. Term's Cash JOHN INGRAM, S. K. J). May Id. do. . _t* SELLING OFF! i r piIK.su!vcribcMnter.dirg t<> close business in Cami den oilers at greatly reduced prices for C'ndi, his entire stock rf,Groceries and it vy Goad.i consisting in part of Sugars. Ue.Tee, Molasses, i'ltruf, Suit. Bagging. Rope. Iron. Hollow-Ware, Suddlee, Bridles, Whips, Negro Clothesatrd Bliuikvts,-Brown and Bleached llomespun, Checks, Tickings'; If;?,?, Caps, i;c, Knives ami Forks, Trace Chains, kc. ??A small lot of XAILS. For sale very low to close out the lot, by W. C. MOORE. " Bbls Kennedv's. Butter Crackers. Received and U for salo by " SHAW & AUSTIN Doe. 23. Idol. New Books. I TJOMANOE of Natural History; Life.of,Lo_rd Jef! IV frcy; Dream of Life; Rifle Rangers; Lyttdo Weiss; I The Milliner nud the Millionaire; Smollct's Select Works; Little Tales lor Children; Lincoln's Botany, new edition; Gunn's Domestic Medicine; Webster's Dictionary, new edition; Presbyterian Hymns, largo tvpo: Testaments, large tvpe; a new SupplV of School Books. A, YOUNG. JTHRE SCREEN PRINTS, of various patterns, with . Flowers. Landscapes, Views of Cities. &e. Borders to suit each pattern. Just received. May