m??> ?? .?TT'vr'Y'***? fiT \'1?' ftr. . , iile.-e-ihpt '-"?jociri\,?j .mi kfi>.>- ("it-Utiiiiy on . . . oi l. iUr?ea ?nnn>n>?c ;li< Purest Medicines, | ' iPmn nisi and Dye-stuff*. vtso.au extensive -p. of itic v y linir. T'tnlli. and Paint Brushes, mi,; -rs atki llhndeiv. \lwir.s on hand \\ indow Glars A all 'izw. I'uiiit ".Ml. L imp < ,'il.x. Turpentine. Trusses, Surgical Instruments. Patrol !Mc.ti?"iit?*v of every kind. llore may he !?ad. all tin* Jclt^-iiful Evtracix "f L.ubin for tt e hanJkerehief. Oil*, Ox Marrow*. and Enn Lustrals for the Hair. Hair Dyes for gentlemen who have become prematurely Grey. Colognes of all sizes, and of the very finest quality. Shaving Creams and Soaps in Sreat variety Transparent Balls. Tootli Pastes and owders. Pens, Ink and Paper. Besides China Vases other ornaments for the Centre Table and Mantle ? its' such a lot of Toys!!! All who desire fcre and honest articles at t.ow rates, 'Vould do well to give us a call. FRANCIS L. ZEMP. Jept. 16, 1831. 73 tf TJTUSIfCH BR ANDY,"Madeira Wine and old * PORT \VINE. for medical purposes. Just received and for sale by K. I.. ZF.MP. Thompsonian Medicines. NUMBER SlX,Com|x>sition, Lobelia, Gum Myrrh, Atco'iol, Cayenne Pepper, Nerve Powder. Ilein lock. Spiced Bitters. Golden Neal, Ravbe.-ry Powder. ' Bitter Root, Cholera Syrup. Third Preparation. Fresh | and (brsale bv 1 FRANCIS L ZP.MP. j Oils, Burning Fluid. 1 OA GALLONS 0i Lamp Oil at 8S cents per gallon 1 /?>\j 40gallons Burning Fluid, at <88 cents per gallon Just received and for sale by F. I/. ZF.MI Spices, Gelatine. BLACK Pepper, Red Pepper. Cinnamon, Nutmegs. Mace, Allspice. Ginger, White Ginger. Cooper's Gelatine, French Gelatine. Isinglass, Black Mustard Seed, White Mustard Seed, Cooking Soda, Washing Soda. Just received and for sale by r. L ZE.MP. Paints Oils, dec. Jnst Received. 4000 LBS. Pure White Lead, 400 44 Fire Proof Paint, 50 " Chrome Green, lOO Gal?'. Linseed Oil, 75 44 Spirits Turpentine, 300 Lbs. Sal Cratus, 100 44 Collates Starch, 14 fioz. Fresh Congress Water, 5? Lbs. Fresh Hops, lOO Baby Rattles. For sale, with every article usually kept in a Drugstore. * FRANCIS L. "7. KM P. Aug- 8 H2 tf Fresh Family Medicines. PT1HE subscriber having received hi* Kail and Winter I Stock of Drug*, Chemicals, Patent Medicines Ac liaa on hand & full and fresh supply of the following, viz : I Jayne's Expectorant; ; Jay tie's Alterative; Tarrant's Cordial Elixir of| " Carminaiive ; Turkey Rhubarb, ! " Tonic Vermifuge; Tarrant's Seltaer Aperient; j Loudon's Female Elixir; Rowand's Tonic Mixture: j " Indian Expector'nt Moffat's Phoenix Bitten,; j " Comp. Alierarive: Radway's Ready Relief; [ " Carminative BalRoger's Liverwort and T&r;! sam ; AyeFs Cherry Pectoral; ! " Tonic Vermifuge Epping's Sarsaparilla andjjavne's Sanative Pills ; Queen's Delight: j " Fever and Ague Pills Dr. Allen's Compound; !Moffat's Life ' Guysott's Yellow Dock andlLeidy's Blood " Sarsaparilla : j " Female monthly" Wistar's Balsam; [Brandreth's " Davis'Pain Killer; [Lee's and Spencer's " Sand's Sarsaparilla; [Cray's Ointment; McAllister's Ointment, ICod Liver Oil, 4kc., Harrison's do 1 With almost every article usually kept in a Drug .Vtore. and to which lie invites the a'tentioi of his friends and customers and the pnhhc generally. Z. Dull AY. Oct. 21 ._ 83 i f_ Nursery and Toilet ..oaps. LOWS Brown Windsor S?ap, genuine; Transparent Wash Balls, large and small ; Lady' a Tt rtue*)mvo??t u. Yfciy proAlyjltfjolo ; I Poncine Soap, Superior Altnond, Savon tie .l/outpellier, Savon do Guimeure, or Ma a: mallow Soap, an excellent article; Savon Amanotine; Savon a la Rose, Paim Soao, Omnibus do., Italian Medicated Soap, Circassian do, Nymph Soap 4-c,, &c. For sale by TllOS. J. WORKMAN. oct24 84 tf Solar and Lard Oil. nnHE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a full " o..i i i ??.i on JL and tresn *uppiy 01 ..... superior quality, which wili be sold as low as such articles can be, consistently with uniformity oI prices. Burning Fluid, LTnps, GloVcs, Chimnies Wicks Matches, Tapers ct-c. &c. Oct 31 tf, Z. J. Df.HAY. $300 Reward. ESCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, S. C.,on Monday 14th cf July last, Mr. Samuel J. Love, who was convicted of the murder of Mr. Robert J. Lester at Spring term, 1851.? Said Love is about 6 feet 2 inches high, and about 2Qor 21 years of age, rather dark hair and of a sallow complexion, and has rather a down cast look, with rather dark grey eyes, with some of his front teeth rather decayed, said Love is a carpenter by trade. I will give the above reward to any person who will appehend the t aid Love and lodge him in anv jail in this State, or one hundred and fifty dollars | for his safe confinement in any jail in the United States, so that I can get him. JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D. Aug. 12, 64 if Notice. ALL persons having demands of any dcwrip tion against Rev. Elias U'Fraser, late ol ? - ?1 ?1 ? Lancaster District, deceased,are notineu ami rc- | quested to present the same, regularly attested, to the undersigned, on or he.'ore t ie 2d .lun , 1*52, anJ hi default the eot, this notice will he plead in bar, to any deuiHiid subsequent I v presented jami:.s m. indium. Qualified Dxecutor. Oct. 20th, I Hoi. *7 tf Iluriluai'o. THE subscribers oiler to tl.c public, 'lie ino-r compete assorlu'Ciit of Hardware in ilio back country, as it has Uen neurit all bought from first hands, they can soil (on the same terms) m Charleston prices. Th?se wanting Builders, i iardw ,.e, (' por ter*!, or Smith's Tools. M Iron-, t ru** . n 'I Saws, Axes. Iron or Sine.. w.iu.u ;h. > < them a rail. McDOW.ti. A. CUHi'K>%. or. f M New Pall ti'id Wif:!tT i;!iii(jv mi IK - tlijo < . .r -|| o r I. II c?* I which wi!! ho t ort much reduced, ilid in \ inn friend:- ami 11... rulitie rieVini'l ' I."'!' ' ,>i. Dili > Kiik ? it Oct. 7. A[iL-w?n>l and <{ t>ri)?i Plain" ami K?"v-' ? ' m l rolorril H'nakets, all ?iz"' ami pn,i-f I' .jii- 'o-v i A M .v k kfvojio > Fall V/iuit?r Gocu?. TflE -uliirrili f - arc n M|ii-niM/ ' -ir I Writer ?u;>; Iv ?f L>ry r.'oo'ls, ilurtiwn- , ?inl Jrocerie*, w' ic'i on ft u i.i i'mm ! < <: t.-iv , well selwteil ami eh< :if?. Oct.9, 1851. ?0 if McUOWaLLa U1MMM-.U Corn I Corn ! I T"^nTMw Wiii c C'or.i, ' .? -.iiv ;,v ] Oct. 21,1351. 83 tf vV. ANDiKSiO.v:. HEAD THIS ! J U.ST ilecei.-eJ a targe and well selected Stoc in pare, as loiiows : London DuiRl Blankets, vaiions weights and size Colored Blankets very heavy, Wool Hats, ?also? Kerseys and Linseys, a heavy stock, Sutinetts, Cassimeres,Tweeds &. Kentucky Jean Red and white Flannels, .. up. Biaek Sarin and olher Vestinga, Gents Merino Under shirts and Urawers. ? AL80? Bales of J, 4-4, and 10-4 Shirtings t& Sheeting ".Hardware. Carpenter's Tools, Knives and Forks, Shovels and Spades, Straight and Twsted Trace chains, Rlwell's lloes, No. 1, 2, 3. and 4, I'lanicr's Hoes, (Paten:) No. 2 &. 3, Nails, assorted sizes, 20 doz. Collins Axes, Narrow and Wide Jron. Bagging. I'lindee and Gunny Bagging, 3-8 and 1-2 in Bale Rope, ''wine, Groceries. Hlids. Muscovado Sugar, do. St. Croix do. very choice, Bbl.s. Crashed do. Bags choice Rio 0'olFee, do. Old Gov. Java do. Molasses, 500 sacks Salt, Ruck Salt. ?also? Bbls. Sup. Northern and N. C. Flour, 1000 bushels Best White Corn. -? AN D? Baskets Heidseick and Versenez Champaignc, Very sup. Old Port Wine, lihls. Along, ami uiu itye \> uisney, do. N. O. Rec.tilied do. do. Byass' London Porter, ?and? Choice Segars, of various brands. Call upon ub before buying elsewhere, and" w will guarantee our prices and terms will suit. H. LEVY &. SON. Oct. 17,1851. 83 I9t crMIE Subscriber* will sell tlie remainder o L then Stock of Dry Woods, left over troi last season, at extreme low prices, consisting i part of: Sup. and common Cloths, Cassinier, Saltinetts, and Kentucky Jeans, White and Red Flannels, Bombazine, .Werino, and Ai icca, White and cob-red cotton Cambric, Swiss, Book and mull .l/uslins, Muslin Edgings and Insertings, Fur, Dirn'ty, fur Fringes, Rugs and Carpeting, Ladies black silk Host Ladies bl'k and lead col'd cotton Hose, White and colored half Hose, Gentlemen and Ladies silk Gloves, " white &. col'd kid " " bl'k and col'd Cravats*. II. LEVY fc'SON. Oct. 17, 1851. 83 19t CORN. ~ tAAA BUSHELS while Breaii CORN, fi 1UUU sale by 11. LEVY & SON. Oct. 17 8.T 19t .\egro shoes. I A AAA PAIRRwwwl an.) pegged NEGRO SHOE lV/jV/V/v/ ?f various qualities, ni.silv ut our on luaiiuiiK turn, fur sale by ALUEN A; MURRAY. SHAVING Soaps end rushes of every kin and to suit evcrv fancy. For sale bv * THOS. J. WOHKMAN. ociti4 84 tf SOLAR LAMPS* THE subscriber lias just, received and opened lew pairs ol handsome Solsir (Oil) L:iuip< which he will dispose of on very reasonable ternu and to which be invites the attention of those i want of such articles. Z. J. DeHAY. Nov. 4ih. 87 tf Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, and Larc A Splendid Lot of New Orleans, Muscovado, and St. Croix Sugar Rio, Cul?a. and Java Coffee, Ihi quality oacon cuurs, 1st do. I?eaf [jtrd, N. O. nd Muscovado Molasses. Just received at MOORE'S, Camden, Oct. 3, I85I Sign of ihe Fi.ao. 4 CASES Saddles, Bridles, Whips, est Hemlock Leather 20 hales Oznaburgs, "I-aurcl Falls" 20 do Yarn, assorted do do of very sup ior quality, received on consignment, and for sale on tl owest terms by J. W. BRADLEY. Notice. A I?L persons aving demands against the E il tate of J. Doby, doe'd will present the properly attested, and those indebted will mal payment to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. Jan. BO. tf White Flannel at 121-2 Cents A FEW 1'ieces of White Flannel, at the above Is J!x. prices. Also, a full assortment of White find Red Flannels, of various qualities, equally low, for sale by Oct. 3, 1851, 78 tf W. ANDERSON. FLOl'R and Lard. For sale by Oct. 10,80 tf R. \V. ABBOTT Leather! Leal her! HARNESS, Band and Upper Leather Also?K Calf and Lining Skins, for sale by ! Oct. 3. ALDEN & MURRAY : ~ r\ Knjt rmalitv Mails. Wide and Narrr oU Icon, Sp.des, Shovels and Axep, just opei i by ~ B. w. BONNEY. In Equity?Lancaster District. I Robert Hauler et al. vs Wm. M eMail up and \v and others?Partition Ileal Estate of Abram Hauler, dee'd. IT appearing to mv satisfaction that J. J. Fu derbnrU and wife, Lucinda, defendants in abo : cas" reside without tlin limits of this .State. It ordered on motion ofClinton and llanna dorr <* !:. aid .In ' Fu:: It rhmk and w ' ; i. it.-. ; 1 me. i: .! :atir to the Hill t r ' r- ?h - It : mi-r, IS. ::? .' et:!.'!!. "ii pro coi'it t i .-.ill !. 'ordt r t. . 'it III !l WIV!ii'.itnPoON, c. e. l. d. t'ommi-si.niefs Office, Lancaster . H., **ept. II), 1851. 75 13tw LEATHER BANDS,' i' -.>r Malls, JLc. MADE liY It. J McCREKJHT Notice. I L'. persons having demands against theF.sts > 1 Kirkland, ilocM., will priwnt tin };rc?in'riv aii'-steil, and ilioap iik 1 <-I>t I, will inn {?:!vwi- 'tf '> JOHN KIKKLANI), Adm'r i may Kl. 18:il I'.S it i 1,1. tlinsn j.'Tson? ui.I .. tin: i-.-tatf i V Miss Ui h< rr.< )i I, mako |>.Hin?* lf? iI:? --uhstTili'T . *irj?l li! 'In wim li.iv : any <1 11111:1;:-, \* ii! ri'Mtk-i llit'in 1 uv m\ r<-ij. II. i.E'VV, Av. l '?i t f Dry Goods in Charleston, S. C., k AT THK CHEAP CASH STOKE, Corner of King and Iiiberty Streets, opposite s the Merchant's Hotel. fTMfE subscribers would respectfully call the atJL tent ion of their friends, and tlie public in general from the upper country, in visiting the 8 city, to all and examiie their entire new stock of roreifju and Domestic I>rv Ooods, which have been purchased for cash, and will be disposed of at a very small advmcc upon cost. 3 Our slock consists in part of Ladies' Dress Goods ofall kinds, Negro Cloths, Blankets, Broadcloths, Cassiniores, Vesting?, Irish Linens, warranted all pure Fbv. French Embroideries in every variety, Ladies', Misses', and Gentlemen's Hosiery, Bonnet Ribbons, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk and Merino Vests, Domestic Goods of every description; together with every oilier artie'e usually kept in a well-selected sto< k of Dry Goods. All articles wan anted to prove as represented, and no abatement in prices. SOLOMON & POLOCK. Judah B. Polock, late t?f Columbia, S. C. A. L Solomon, formerly with II. Levy & Son, of Camden, S. C. sept*. 30, 77 tf Saddlery and Harness Manufactory, THE underpinned begs leave to inform his friends, customers, and tne public, in general, that he is now receiving, the largest and best assortment of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Whips, Bridles, Bills, And every artic le usually found in a well assorted Stock of Saddlery, &c. He is determined to dispose of his (Joods at the lowest possible prices for Cash, or on'the usual credit to good paying customers. He continues to manufacture Harness, Saddles and Briddles of every description, style and quality, and feels no hesitation in warranting every article as being of the best material and workmanship. His articles and prices cannot fail to give entire satisfaction to those who may c he disposed to give liirn a call at his Old Stand, one door below H. Levy & Son. C. M. WIENGES. Oct. 6,1801. 79 tf - M ANSI ON HOUSE. ? css^miso II ^THIE undersigned l?cgs leave to return his grateful X tlmnks to his friends, and the travelling Public, for the liberal support which he has received since he has been opened; (four months) and has entered upon his duties for 1851, with renewed energy to endeavor to plestse all that may call upon him. both rich and poor. His House will he found one oft lis most desirable, situated, and best furnished Hotels in Camden. His servants also will be found respectful arid attentive, and the table will be supplied with the best the market aHorJs. His Stables and Carriage Houses are roomy and always fullysnpplied with Provender.and an experienced Hostler. An Omnibus calls at the Houseevery morning forpas" sengers for the Railroad. Give me a call and test my motto. As you (lud me. So recommend me. E. G. ROBINSON. Proprietor. Camden, February Tlh, 1851. 11 tf "watereeiiouseT {LATE PLANTERS' HOTEL,) ? CAMDEN. S. C. THE Subscriber having purchased this X tensive and v\ ell known Establishment, and having added largely to its convenience and corn ^ fort, by a new addition of Furniture and thorough and cotnttletc e pairs. hogs leave to inform the 1'iihli", that ? - prepared to Entertain ail who may favor bin; - ith a call, in a manner hitherto (i unknown in the town of Camden. lie deem - , io necessary to make any pledges, onlv so far as to sav that Ins Table wilt be supplied daily as well as any in the State ; attended hy polite and attentive Servants. a | His Stables, will be bountifully supplied with I n?.??,?lorai,il nKMidnd hv the verv I.est Ilopilers. n' No pains will be spared to keep a quiet and or derlv House. II. IIOI.LEVAIAN. Camden, Jin e 4. 1S51. 45 tl" V EG ETA B L E' - DYSPEPSIA BITTERS, THE MOST rorULAn FAMILY MEDICINE OF THE AGE! U?ed by Tbysicians of High Standing. These BITTEKS remove all morbid secretions, ptirify jp, the blood, give great tone and vigor to the digestive organs, fortify tho system against all futuro disease, can be taken with safety, at no time debilitating the patient ?being grateful to the most delicate stomach, and r?t,w markablo for their cheering, invigorating, strengthenei' rng, and restorative properties, and an invaluablo and sure remedy for DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. iff Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, f'ostivoness, Faintness, Disorders of tho Skin and Liver, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, I). Palpitation of the Heart Sinking and Fullness of Weight Vi- at the Stomach, and all other diseases caused by an imjs pare state of tho blood, liver, etc., which tend to dehili! j, tate and weaken the system. if- F EJIALES | V. ho sutler from a morbid and unnatural condition will ''' find this Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In u.l cat* of GENERAL DEBILITY', this MeAicint ACTS LIKE A ClIARM! THOUSANDS Have tested its efficacy,and thousands more are now tin der treatment; and not one solitary case of faiiuto htu yet been reported. Volumes could be filled with ccrtiii eates of those who have been permanently cured. Call on Ihe Apent, and pet a PAJIPHLET, Containing tho Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the I to high estimation in which this .Medicine h held by the Ifl Public Press -can be had of the Agents, free, kf Sold by all the Oenuino Medicine Depots in the United Itates and Canada. V&- Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle. Principal Office. I'M Ft''.TON ST., N V., up stairs. of For sale by THOMAS. J. WORKMAN, nt Camden, Oct. 17, 1851. " / v Ilill.N sup. tine Virginia Flour j?}% ' til) !I ves Kngltwli Dairy f'lit' s?? in."' ro 1 cr ved, and stlc by JOHN W. URADLKV. COURTENAY & WIENGES, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS - AND DEALERS IN CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. CnARIiESTOX, g. C. Opposite the I'osl Office. Agents for the best Green and Black Teas, ani Patent Medicines. b. a. COURTENAY. O. W. WIENGES. rice nuLiN, factor and commission merchant, CENTRAL WHARF, CHARLES TON, s! C. May 2. 35 tt_ Z. J. DEHAY, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Camdkit, S. C, * mm Fashionable Boot IVIaker. CAMDEN, S. C. C. M A Til ESON, HANK AGENT. At his oi,t> stand opitsite Davis's Hotri B, W. CHAMBERS, Receiving and Forwarding merchant, AND Bayer of Cotton nnd other Country Produce CAMDEN, S. C. - WILLIAM C. MOORE, BANK AGENT, And Receiving: and Forwarding Merchanl CAMDEN, S. C. Refrrencks?WV*E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSaussure. T. J. ^^adjfcJEsq. A. G. BASKIN7 CAMDBN, S. C. A. G. BASKIN, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Equity, Office in Rear of Court House, Camden, S. C. Will practice in the Courts of Kershaw am adjoining Districts^ j7,S. B. KERSHAW, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Eqnity CAM DEN, S. C. Will attpnd the < ourts of Kershaw, Sumtei Fairfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. wTil . ll Woil KM A N , Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Equity CAMDEN. S. C. . itALLFORD, Dry Goodn, Groceries, Crockery, &c AND GENERAL AGENT, Camden, S. C. C. jS. wie\?ES, SADDLE A YD IIAFHVESS 31 A N U r A C T U R E R , CAMDEN, S. C. R J. McCREIGHT, COTTON GIN MAKER. Rutledge St., one door east of M. Drucker & Co Camden. 8. C. Fashionable Tailor, Camden, S. C. Charles A. McDonald, FASHION ABLE TAILOR Camden. S. C. Gilberts & Chapin, ATANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS II 1YJL CARRIAGES and HARNESS At N cf- J. GILBERTS' Old Stand No.35an 40 Wcntworth street, bef.vcen King andMcetin Stccts, Charleston, S. C. July 25 58 tf_ PAVILION HOtEL. (BY H. L. BUTTERFIELD.) Corner of Meeting and Hasell Street and in the immediate vicinity' of IIayne an King Streets, Charleston, S. C. ROBERT LATTA'S" fiDftrCBV AMD DRfiVICiftM CTflDl UllUUbll 3 nnv i nw iviwn w i win C A SID EX, S. C. French Confectionary. A LARGE invoice, and the greatest varietj just received, and for sale by TIIOS. J. 'WORKMAN. oct24 84 tf ROBERT COJiCH- >11*1 KEll, Oai Broad Street, near Ilie J'ost Office BUILDS and repairs Vehicles ot all descrip tions, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons. Wheel barrows &c. Camden, Oct. 23. 85 J. W. BRADLEY, Dry-Goods, Groceries and llardwar Purchaser of Cotton and other Produce. CAMDEN, S. C. Tint Received. 1 A 11,& 12-4 Marseilles Quilts, I';. 1(1, 11, & 12-4 Lancaster do. Alexamfer's White Kid (Doves, White ,1/oreeii lor Ladies' skirts, French Embroideries for Flouncing, Clear Lawn and Linen cambric Handkerchiefs, Colored Flannels for Ladies' sacks, Very rich Dress silks, White crape shawls, Household Linens, Bamsbv Diaper, Sic. E. W. BOXNKY. To Kent. THAT House on ftioad-strcet. recently occupied b A. Massabeau. For particulars, apply to Sept. 12. JAMES McEWEN. 1 NOTICE. JM. HUNTER cominue8 to keep a Public House at his old stand, near the Post Office, i Ho also acts as general Agent, and having two Wagons, will haul Goode to any part of the country. arndenS. C., Oct. 8th, 185J 80 tF 1 ? Dr. Rogers' Liverwort aaiLTar. A SAFE and certain cure for consumption of the Lungs. Spitting of Blood^coughs, colds, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Bronchitis, Hodping Cough, and all Pulmonary affections. EXTRACTS FROM CERTIFICATES. Which can be seen in full wr calling on the Agent and getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris. Assistant, Surgeon U. S. Navy Hos pital. New York', says:?Dr. jogers'Liverwort and Tar cured a rase of the most distrefcing Asthma of twenty-six years standing, j ' ? [Signed] jg ADAM HARRIS, {ty GABRiEiJ^iiiTEiiEAD, Esq.,of Cincinnati,sayB I had the ConsuTHfttjon:!! attended with the most dwires1 sing cough, and discharged several quarts of blood from the Lungs, and all my fnends and physicians gave me up to die. yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar . restored me to perfect health 1! ' GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of November, 1846. HENRy.E. SPENCER, Mayor cf Cincinnati. cy Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says:?I had the pulmonary Con ^ . ' sumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced mc to a mere skeleton, and although under th?. M care of ait able physician [Prof. Harrison] I continued to grow worse, and gave up all hopes of recovery!! At this ' crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lunea and restored me to , perfect health, by the use of a few bottles. [Signed] ANN CHILD. ay Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says.? Although it may soem unprofessional, 1 (eel constrained to state that I used Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar in the rase of Charles Wade, who was quite low with PULMOl NARY CONSl'MP I ION, with the happiest effect, after * ^ the usual remedies had failed. [Signed] WM. RICHARDS, M. D. | JTT The following is written from Klizabeth'own, Ky : Your Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar gives great satisfaction in this place. Dr. Howard prescribes it> and pronounces it one of the best medicines in use. E.H. HAYC .IAKT, Druggist. CJ- Rev. IIenry Wiseman, of Patriot, Gallia eountv, O., writes:?Dr. Rogers' Liverwotfand Tar has been the means of snatching my wife from a premature grave!! [Signed] HENRY WISE3IAN. OT Mr. Merbiweatiiir, of Denmark, Tenn , writes: ?Dr. Uogere' Liverwort and Tar has met with great success. A young man of this place, supposed by eveiy one to be in the last stage of Consnmption!! was entirely cured by its use!! [SignedJ D. MERR1WEATHER, Druggist. ^ Dy Mr. II. E. DRAKE, Druggist,of Xenia, O.,states : A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was apparently in the Inst stage of consumption !! was restored to perfect health by the use of Dr. Rogers' Liverwortand Tar. The cur' w as a most extraordinary one. 1 ay Dr. Wilson, (an Old School Physician of high standing.) of Patriot. O., writes 1 have be ntht family physician of Mrs Wiseman for twelve years, and during that tim" she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into Pulmonary consumption!!! She was entirely cured by the use of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar! II. R. WILSON. ALE. > IT IS POSITIVELY A FACT! That wherever Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort ami Tar has been introduced, it is superseding every other cough Medicine before the public. This is wholly owing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtnes. BE WARNED IN SEASON. An