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Ol)e Chesterfield ^Advertiser I VOLUME 85?NO 33 CHF8TERFIEL.D, S. O. NOVEMBER 2, 1910 $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ' # fr wmmmmm?mamm?mammmarnm I THE CH I Chesterfield | To Tickle Your Funn R j A splendid array of attractions and joy maki I simply drive "dull care" and the "gloom bug" ITop-notchers only are found at this gatherii an hour of pleasure! Every hour a heap of h THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY Chesterfield, S. C., Nov. 1| We Want You To ( and visit this great exposition of local and foi products. You will learn a lot of new wrink money to ycu in short cuts to longer profits, come and hear the band play?mix in the mil and you'll return home healthy, hearty and THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY Chesterfield, S. C., Nov. The CI 1| Chesterfield, S. With every cash purchase amounting to titty cents, We Will Give You Coupon Worth 10 Cei Ill We give these coupons with the chase of any kind ot goods we i|| even if it is ice and gasoline. The B| conditions are that the purchase i Jpf be not less than 50 cents and it 1 be a cash transaction, and you get Jll pons in propotion to the amoun the purchase. For instance, a five lar purchase will get you ten couj These coiinnn<i arp crr?r?H r ?? _ , iu U1V.II 1 Cite VcllUC purchase of any i rticle of jewelry in cur Novelty *.ase, which we invite you to inspect. These cc cost you absolutely nothing as we sell the goods same price whether you take them or not. Odom Bros. C Take Your Meals at The 1 Busy Bee Cafe k|1 The Bert Rertaurant in Town Everything We Cook is Glean, Fresh H A _ J -L. D - -I * i !nnu me ue.n on me iviarket. The Oyster Season IS NOW OPEN And We Will Have Them Every Day Also We Keep Nice Line of Home-Made and Factory Cam P. J. Zounis, Prop. ESTEI i, S. C. n ly ouritJ ng stunts that will with b to the tall ti .iber. ! for th? lg.. Every minute They'l appinesss! BEST FAIR 8, 9, 10, 11, 1916 Cheste Dome eign progress and in actu les that will mean ried ex We want you to Count] th and merriment can't b happy. along i FAIR 8, 9, 10, 11, 1916 Cheste L /> ft 4- /v < L1CMCJ . .c ==il NEXT WEEK IS' | F A Next Wednesday the gatt big Chesterfield County F swing open to the public days of fun and frolic. ' more interest being taken ? County Fair this year than tore and reports from all county are to the effect ths pur- breaking crowds will att fourth annual Fair in Chi SGI I next week. ? 1 A force of carpenters are i only at the hair grounds puttin thing in ship-shape. The li nust and cattle buildings have be hauled. The kitchen departi nust been enl irged. A new pump put down to furnish water; cou- convenient accesories to t , grounds have been put in phi t Of The large brick cotton w it of the Chesterlield Warehot -CIUI- pany has been leased and grounds fence has been ext )OIlS# take in this building. The w in the w'" USL'(' house the Fa its, the household art departr Show boys' corn and pig clubs, t tupons canning club exhibits and t at the mobile show. Also the Co Fair exhibits. A great many farmers county are preparing to eon the handsome cash prizes foi O dividual farm display; and t ^ Community Fairs that are b< in the county this week v n place an exhibit to compete | fl - T* I v/iminiunny r air prizes. _____________ It is confidently believed agricultural exhibits that w display at the County Fair n ,"\\\\ will equal, if not exceed, \i any other county fair in Sou Jvj-? lina this year, and will be sec j to the furnous agricultural |^j at the State fair, flj) While the County Fair ' Primarily to exploit the agi resources of Chesterfield Coi M HONOR ROLLS Kjrj The Advertiser would like lish the honor roll of every ||Jfj the county. Teachers are ii send these lists of honor pur fiyi larly together with any oth< AFft or community news they sec I 'j We suggest that the teac BP courage the pupils in origins sition by having them col 1* wQ ncws happenings of the cor lipc jVw writing them as best they Ivffl submitting them to the teac shall arrange and send sami JTi Advertiser for publicatior ____ jlvi name of the school and class ing this news letter should b< IFIELD C( If You Are Afflicted tonehead association, the gout or a grouch?take a hik i Big Fair. See and enjoy the new and clever attractions 1 all be here in one classy cluster?the MOST of th for your amusement to be found anywhere. THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY FAIR rfield, S. C., Nov. 8, 9, 10, 11, 191< It Will Pay You lal dollars and cents to come and view the many and va hibits and learn of the progress and products of this grea r. Besides this, there's mirth and music galore. Yoi egin to imagine the treat that's n store for you?so com< yvth your frends. THE CHESTERFIELD COUNTY FAIR rfield, S. C., Nov. 8, 9, 10, 11, 191( rtield C< mMBvmas* COUNTY FAIR WEEK corrbsp OR CHFSTFRFIFin milNTV ......""" ua?k luui/ VV/U11 1 1 " "umui'r oi psi came out Thursda; . plete the arrangei s to the management appreciates the fact that .. f . ... . . ': , . munity fair, air will at this season of the year, the harvest . . , , , . - A short prograi for four time, the people are looktnp for rec- ,. , . . , , . the pupils, six ol there is reation and amusement; and, in re- , , . ... ,, , . . . > helping with a sor in the sponse to this feeling, they have con- .. . , . , , ? ... llunlev gave a vt ever be- tracted with the Dorman and Krause . , e "i 1 , . , . , helpful address \\ over the Carnival Company to bring their solid . . . .. , . ? .T , joyed by all prose it record train of fourteen cars, fifteen shows r , .... , . , ? , ius form an organi end the and riding devices to the Countv rair. ., , . . . ? , , _, , I munity fair and tr esterlicld 1 hese shows are the best of their kind , . . .11 uwt . , ,v r-- i were elected: Mr. and include a Water and Diving Curl , .. . , . ... ... ... . ... .. Mr. I- O. Johnso low busy Show, A Circus Side Show, "Dog . . ,, ,, . ' 0, ,, kir, tI ? Alma G. Perry, sei g every- and Pony Show, Crazy Housee, ,, , .... ? .. , . .. Messrs. 1 learn si ve stock "Musicsil Beers, Plantation, , . , ,, , ..... ... .... .. .... c-, short talks compl en over- "World in Motion, Human Silo- ., ,. . . .. ......... ... munity on their m ment has drome, Ten-in - One, "rerris . . , has been , Wheel," "Circle Swing" and $10,00 has begun for tb ; and all four-abreast "Merry-go-Round, and bcttcrmer|t of the ,he r air .the "Whip, the latest sensation in i ... , . Are vou and y< ice. a riding device. e 0 , . r, , i. fair Saturday aft? arehouse An aeronaut will make a balloon _ . ...... Doors open at o ise Com- ascension one mile into the air each . ... . .... .... . . i ing by Mr. w. \ the rair day from the rair grounds, and make ., , , J ? , . Kdith l'arrott, or ended to | a parachute drop from this great , ... .. .. . sentativcs. arehouse height. 1 his is a real thriller and is u i ... ........ , 1 he young pe lr exhib- offered by the Fair Association at a . Al .ili ' . .. . .. . working on their nent, the heavy cost to themselves as a free at- , , ,, ,, . . , . - , I / . .. ., furvy. Somethi he girls traction to the public. . l . ... . .... .... itenorl. he auto- Another tree attraction will be l>il- , , ..... ., , . I.- r A new piano h mmunity ly Klein, th?? champion high diver of . 11 u 11 I I I for ?ur 8ch?ol Ohi the world, who will each day dive ... . . e .e . .. - by the pupils in t of the from the top of a UP foot ladder into e , . - . . cises. Have you l ipete for a tank of water only .?1 inches deep. . ., ,,, , ... . tion? 1'Iease <lor best in- I he ofhcers and superintendnts of - .. ,, , .. , ? .. . . . come for it. Pay he three the rail* will each wear a bad ere so . ... , . , , ... ... , , . , , postolnce when di nng held the public will know who to ask for . ii . . , .. , , n.. Miss Georgiana vill each any information desired. I he super- , , , . leston, the primar for the intendants of the various departments ,, , , ,, Saturday evening, are as follows: .. ... . ? . . .. ^ ... Mr- Claude K. ( that the Household Art Department?Mrs. .. ,, ... , , ?. Mr. Itowe in the ill be on J. W. Ilanna. ,, , e ... ... . .... . McBce for a few ext week Home Demonstration and Kitchen 0 . . . ., , - . .... ? ,, ... Several from In those of Department?Miss Stella Minis. . . , lust week ith Caro- General Farm Department, W. J. , t,. . Mr. \\. I.. Sim ondjonly Odom. . . . . 7t, .. ? .... ,,, , moved to Limona exhibits Hoys Corn Clubs W. J. Tiller. ... . ,, . .. .. _ , .... will make their h? Live Stock, Cattle and Swine De- ,, . I, ...... .. 'he Ho is held partment?r. W. Itivers. , ,, , ,. , 1 _ , _ . ,, file school s ho; 'icultural Poultry Department?J. W. Ilannu. .. ,, f ., ' , _ . . . ., lor the month of unty, the Ruling and Driving?P. A. Murray. |( vs????2,j Grade -Ophi . VAUGHN SCHOOL HOUSE Hoffman, Malone I O ? ^ i to pub-1 oowing grain ana cater digging are |ll)W('. school in or('er the day and 'possum 3d Grade?Elsi , I hunting is the order of the night. Johnson, May Bel rwi t( o School will commence here Nov. (>. 4th Grade?Cai >ils regu- Mrs. Holland, of McP'arland, comes as ?r,th Grade?Cre jr school | principal, to the delight of her many Neither absent i ' fit. friends. The patrons are requested ,f Howe, Pearlie \ hers en- to meet at the school Saturday, Nov. B. Shehane, Gar; 1 compo- lf and clean off the grounds. Johnson. lect the Mr. and Mrs. Mulcom Campbell, of nmunity, the Snow Hill section, were visiting PAT can und in our community Sunday. Rev. B. D. Tha her, who Mr. Mark Morris was a guest in Columbia Friday, e to The our community Sunday. Rev. A. W. Whi i. The Mrs. I nzzie Rivers, of the Kbenezer I ppointment Sund furnish- section, spent Saturday night and JaptiAt church. 6 given. Sunday at Mr. 0. H. Campbell's. Dr/C. A. Jones, Ill IIIIIIIIIIIMBMWBHBBMM OUNT Nov. < Get B of the happy hilarity, cf ' we have lined up for y e tractions?the interestin vels of machinery and everywhere. 5 THE CHES1 Chesterfield S C ?, <W.f Yes, Yc t COME OUT AND VISIT THE i the blues and see sorrow > are clean and thrilling? its clever and instructive THE CHEST J Chesterfield, S. C., junty Nov, an interesting tail; VJLl church Sunday nijrh NDORF was 0<'u,-:il't)n- The crowd out to hear hir itrons of our school Tlu>re wiI, ,)(. a , y afternoon to com- farmurs of this comm nents for our com- Thurs(lay> xovomber ize a Farmers' Lo; ii was rendered by ?on K , Watson wi f the older neonle ... " , assist in the organizat ig. Attorney C. L. . . . . . . , are interested are re< ry interesting and , , . . .. , . , . , , at Patrick at 8 o'clock hicn was much n- f ,, , . . . . ? , . . . ??f the above date. 1 nt. He also helped p..,.,,,, ? 1 aimer to come out f?n ouV'"m- Watson. Ynu will ,? following oHiccrs pointC(1 J. B. Sims, pros.; Mrs s , G||| n, vice-prci Miss . , , , . ' (jillespie returned ho c y?treas. , . , ter spending several ind Cro,g also gave s H aml Colunlbil| i men ting the com- ,)p_ ,mi| Mps , ?w building and en- . . . , ... dren returned from co-operation which mi t .. ..... . Monday, where they le up-building and (j.iys community. our family for the Charles Ingraham 1 moon? a v's'1 in N?rth Carol ne o'clock. Speak- Mr" T- H- Rowan, o V. Long and Miss TueS(,ay in Patrick, one of their repreBenefils derived f ople are steadily ings: We pay 4 b pei play, "Miss '1 opsy months or longer. C, mg new for Midas been purchased SNOW H d is much enjoyed Mrs. John Oason heir morning exer- Miss Kutht of chostol >aid your subscrip- wtJek.entI ht.rt. with i't wait for us to frj,.m|s Miss Rowe in the ,, K> Mr. ihomas Rivers vi' e m hospital last week foi Wagoner, of < har- . ' ... . u i has returned home a y teacher, arrived . nicely. 'nnnon is relieving ^r* Ceorge Rivers, S. A. L. depot at JhiP sta'<-ion, was ovei days. ??ea i or ireaimc i're attended court f,<' is doing as well pected. He will reti s and family have u'bcn w<> hope for h . Fla., where they ' r'P>me. Mrs. Elizabeth (lull nor Roll of the late Mr. James nor roll in spelling braled her X2d birth October is as fol- hist Saturday. Many and friends were pre elia Johnson, Willie joyed the day. Mr. ,1 Hoffman, Margaret present and made a (Jriggs is in his 80th ie Johnson, Snndy good health. Mrs. 0 I Johnson. recipient of many hai rrie Alexander. on this occasion. Dii te Sims. on a table that if s lor tardy?Margar- brought .$:br>0. This lay Shehane, Willie the legs alone, to say y Johnson, Roddie was on top of the ta Vaughn rendered son Mrs. Bettie Boswe R iriC \t itt? Yf i n rt in a f \ mes returned from spending n few week of Mrs. J. W. Gulled) tc filled his regular Mr. A. J. Smiti ay morning at the county farmers' uni last Saturday. Mr. i of Columbia, made one on hand but him Y FAIR II 3,9.10. 11 I 9 m Your Share I leerful chatter and up-to-snuff fun stuff ^ ou. Come and see the new, novel at- $5 I g and instructive exhibitions?the mar- H mechanism. The welcome signs hang I TERFIELD COUNTY FAIR 'gj I Nov. 8, 9, 10, 11, 1916 I )u Are Invited. I H ONE SPOT where you can quickly shake || r assassinated. The many amusements f | HH -the fun is fast and furious?the exhib- p'4 H You'll be sorry if you don't come. H ERFIELD COUNTY FAIR fj V Nov RQIOIl^oso - ? * * vj i if ifio RJ Fair I .8,9,10,11 I at the Baptist ************ t. His subject * * re was a large * COMMUNITY FAIR DATES n. * meeting of the * MACEDONIA, November 2 * unity at Patrick * MT. CROGHAN, November 3 * 9th, to organ- ? MIDDENDORF, November 4 * in Association. * * ill be present to ************ ion, and all who lucsted to meet . in the morning BETHEL CHURCH iYe want every Rev. W. V. Jerman filled his regu iimi near air. lar appointment at Bethel Sunday not he disap- evening, where he delivered a very interesting sermon from the 15th : and Miss Nina Psalm. me Monday of- Mrs. Frank Funderburk and little weeks at (jlenn Christene have returned home from L their visit to Pageland, Monroe and RulT and ehil- Ruby. North Carolina ,, , ?, t,. ... . . Mr. and Mrs. \Y. 1. Davis spent spent si\t_ru Saturday and^Sunday in Mt. Croghan with relatives. t ft Tuesday foi ^ j ^ Davis has been quite sick '* , for the past few weeks but we are f Hamlet, spent , , . . u glad to report him improving. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Davis, of Cheraw, were the guests of Mr. J. A. rom your Sav- Davis last Sur.duy. *'* We have a progressive Sunday angum, school at Bethel, which has been runCashier. njnK ovcr three years without a break. This is the result of having ILL nnrtnl.. ?N iu>ii|;i) n uuac varilt'SL and daughter desire js {,> kot*p the interests of the rfield, spent the community advancing for we are livrelatives and jnj, jn an aj,e when man cannot sit down and wait, was sent to the Miss Ola Davis spent the week-end treatment. He with her parents. t nd i> gi tun. on High hoots anil short skirts seep!>e the order of the day with the iaof the F riend-' |jt>St while the men are wearing the at the hospital ! si1((,.s. nt for <i i.iih i r. , -\jr Thomas Campbell, Jr., was the as <ou i a < x , ((f ^jr Frank Funderburk f.unjrn again soon, . , day evening, im a success! ul Mr. J. A. Davis has installed a , , , telephone, edge, the widow i Gulledge, eele- ^onie on 4, with your g >od day anniversary roa(,s proposition. The boys aro mil of her relatives Bet^el are expecting it from the ' ay sent and all en- ,ht>y an> purchasing bicycles, lohn Griggs was Let's everybody boost our Cou .ly tine talk. Mr. | Fair, if we expect it to be good, year and enjoys j Mr. Johnnie Deas was the pleas at ulledge was the | caller at the home of Miss Li?.1 e ndsome presents ; Campbell last Sundav evenimr. riner was served Sunday school at Bethel every Si 1old wou111 have , (jay evenjng 3 o'clock. is the value of 1 ? , .. , ... , . . Preaching at Bethel the seer * nothing of what . . VT . . ? ,, , , ,, . . Sunday evening in November at 7* (? ; ble. Mr. David ... / ? o clock, le fine music. 11 and daughter, iVadesboro, are Dr- H- Smith. Eye-Sight Specialist, s here the guest w'" ^e at Chesterfield ell of Feir l^e> week. 34 attended the * on at Wevford It will cost you nothing to attend Imith reports 110 > the County Fair if you pay for your^^R^WJ iself. I County paper on* year in a