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I ? 3V i*. ')I V 1 ^ . y v' r-v For W eather 0Sd? i9J?huv/l Let's get together while the weather is warm and prepare for the coldness of winter. We have Heaters for coal I or wood, Grates, open or E ' closed, Franklins o{ both ^ varieties, Firedogs, heavy ) and light and in fact everything that will keep 5 you warm during the win| ter months. Call, write or phone us I your wants. ni iiiiictuAiai uwdicV/U. H. B. ALLEN & CO. WADESBORO, N. C. \A7p Kotm 4t?M 1J v- now, iuiu yuu wc cuuiu save you money on all your Clothing, Overcoats, Hats and Shoes. Post yourself and come to see us and you will be cgnvinced. We Sell Ralston Shoes for 14,00 Black and Tan, Button and Lace We Sell Fellow-Craft Shoes for S3.50 Black and Tan, Button and Lace V/e have Shoes to fit and please everybody, and for I every kind of wear. We Save You from 25 cents to S1.00 on every pair of Shoes you buy of us. We bought our Shoes before the rise and had same shipped to us in May. Our Clcthing, Overcoats, Hats and everything for Men and Boys to wear is complete, and we can fit every P.1an large or small in a Suit or Overcoat, sizes from 32 to 50, Prices from $7.50 to &25.0G IT/1Ar...,n, T In!/.- ? T - *" uu^.1 Kjmvii ctuu iwo-jriece ouits, sizes to fit anybody. Hats, all the new styles, in John R. Stetson and No Name, Prices from S1.00 to &5.00 Always remember we sell everything for Men ?and Boys to wear and Shoes for every member of the family and everything the best?nothing else?satisfaction guaranteed. We are Overall Headquarters, ; Carharts and H< adlights, hlue, $1.13, Union Made German Dye, Blue, $1.00 ' , H. B. ALLEN & Co. V 1 Wadesboro, N. C. * ' 1'^-/',; * *' -'Jj {WEDNESDAY'S COTTON MARKET IN CHESTERFIELD * * .. Cottpu, 19% Cents * ? Seed, 92% c??L Mrs. T. D. Durant, of Elliott, S. C., is visiting Mrs. S. A. Hanna. The Rev. J. R. Millard wilt proach next Sunday morning at II c.'clock. Shot guns mid ammunition at LijA. Campbell's Hardware. , Mr. A. W. McCall was in Charlotte last week booking special pictures for ILI1U mUVlfB. Dr. H. Smith, Eye-Sight Specialist, will be at Chesterfield all of Fair week. 34 A boxing match between a man and a woman is a side attraction at the movies to-night. The main show being the Diamond from the Sky. The South Carolina Conference M. E. Church, South, will convene at Florence, Nov. 29th. Bishop James Atkins will preside. Get a Fair Ticket free by doing your duty by your county paper. The members of the Woman's Mis! sionary Society, of St. Paul's Church are requested to attend a special meeting Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the church. $15 buys a good spring wagon; $20 buys a good buggy.? B. J. Douglass. Next Sunday will be a busy day for the Rev. J. L. Tyler. He will I preach at Shiloh at 11 a.m., Zoar at 3 p.m. and St. Paul at 7:30 p.m. II. B. Allen & Co., of Wadesboro, N. C., say they will prove to you that they can save you money if you will come to see them. Roar! their adv. I to-day. A crowded house saw the new Blue Bird feature last Saturday night. Another one is billed for next Saturday. "The Wrong I)oor" in five acts, will make an excellent entertainment. Genuine Red Rust-Proof Seed Oats at Hurst-Streater Co., at 70 cents the bushel. Misses Annie and Linna Gull edge Iwill take up their duties next Monday in the Lewis and Catt's Pond Schools. This progressive community j will soon erect a fine school building | about midway between these schools i and on consolidation, these young la| dies will have charge of same. I Grates, bricks, stoves, heaters, I ctove pipes and everything else that _____ ' you need to keep away winter's chilli ing blasts is to be found at L. A. Campbell's Hardware Store. The fourth quarterly conference 3 for the Chesterfield charge will be S held at St. Paul Friday, Nov. 3d at fi 11 a.m. Rev. Peter Stokes, presiding 9 elder of the Florence District, will ? preside. This will be an important J meeting for the Chesterfield Meth odists, as the work of the year will be K reviewed and plans outlined for the 9 next year, and all the church officials who are to serve for another year 1 will be expected to attend, g While attend ing the Fair at Chester _v.< v minci jruur eye*. ur. n. ! , Smith, Lye-sight Specialist, will be Si | there to examine your eyes and fit ^ you with glasses. 34 4 In response to a request from Secrotary C. L. Hunley, of the Chester? field Fair Association, the ChesterB field & Lancaster Railroad has agreed gj I to operate special trains from Pagejj ! land to Chesterfield and return each 1M ' day of the County Fair. The truin : will leave Pageland each morning at 8:30 and returning, leave Chesterfield at 5 p.m. Mr. Charles B. Ryan, Genj oral Passenger Agent of the Soabord Air Line, has agreed to sell round trip tickets each day of the County Fair from McBee, Middendorf and | Patrick at reduced rates. Genuine Red Rust Proof Seed Oat* ! at 70 cents the bushel at Hurst i Streater Co. We give it for what it is worth, the '/ ' reader to appraise its value. We $ would liked to have interviewed them P* 1 ^ ; separately, hut did not succeed in doll* 1 ing this. "How many deer did you Si; ' get?" "Only two," said Mr. Craig, y He then looked at Mr. Welsh, who ? | added, "A buck and a doe, weighing rj about 17."? and 140 pounds respectiveB ly. A fine pair of antlers and beauties ful hides." (They failed to say where fci the hides were hidden.) "Seventeen B turkeys," added Craig. "Twentythree ducks," added Welsh. (We i think he added them). "Squirrels too ! numerous to mention," they said in ' unison. Huaa ns Shoots Boan As the result of a shooting affair I in the Middendorf neighborhood on last Thursday, Mr. "Pink" Huggins , is in the county jail awaiting the results of injuries received by E. A. ("Bud") Bonn, who is in a Hospital at llumlet. Mr. Huggins claimes that Mr. Boan's hogs were in his corn and that. ! when he notified Mr. Boan of this i fact the latter came to his premises and attacked him with an axe, whereupon he, Huggins opened fire on Boar< with a pistol. I As Boan's wound was in the back, : it is claimed by Huggins that this resulted from the swing of Boan's body uh he wielded the axe in a very energetic manner. i Boan's version of the affair could not be learned at time of going to , presa. Though seriously wounded, he was, at last report, doing wall. / / .r.trx? J ..jtf Ijfm | fferscimlJteks j | Dr. fa. J. Peryy "\vas"amfing ttjc j 8 State Fair visitors on WedneJHay. | - Mrs, P. A. Murray, Jr., a?d little daughterv'Sarah Page, are vi|iting i?i B Choraw. j| Hon. J. Wv,.Devore, of Edgefield, s the preddjng judge of this s&sion < f ^ CO*rt,.y/ y p 9 Dr. B. L. Gardner is remodelling h s wj newly-purchased home of Mai Street. ? flj Mr. and Mss. B. F. Roberson we^e h the guests of Mrs. D. M. Barentine $ Wednesday. ; '> Mr. W. D. Craig, who has been ill a for several weeks, is now greatly im- Bj proved and is able to be out again. Miss Mildred Wells, of Cheraw, and jg Representative Josiah Evans, of Marl- H boro County, were in Chesterfield ^ Wednesday. t Messrs. W. A. Douglass, J. W. | Hanna, Dr. D. T. Teal and Lonnie * Campbell are among those who arc t attending the State Fair this week. ^ Mrs. D. H. Laney spent one day | this week in Columbia attending the j State Fair and visiting her daughter, Miss Mildred, who is attending Co- D lumbia College. The advance agent for Dorman & n Krause Carnival Company was in H town this week arranging the adver- W tising for the 8 big shows at the com- El ing County Fair. h Master Fay Hursey, son of Mr. J. B G. Hursey, was sent to the hospital y at Columbia last Saturday, but returned the same day, his ailment 1 I proving to be less serious than was at I I first thought. . Mr. F. F. Covington, of Marion, S. 5, C., well-known in Chesterfield, is serv- B ing as court stenographer this week in the place of Mr. Kilgore, who has pfl been detained in Columbia on account xj of the State Fair. h BIRTHS i Mr. and Mrs. John Griggs, of the u Wexford community, announce the | B birth of r boy on Sunday morningv--'j E "He who spends all Tie mattes can- J K not long hope to make all he spends." | isj Why not deposit your money in The j p People's Bank? We carry fire and | b burglar insurance. C. P. Mangum, I gj Cashier. n CORRESPONDENCE | MIDDENDORF 1 All exhibits for the Community ? Fair should be brought in the first of n next week, not later than Thursday, X'ov. 2d. ^ Mr. Clarence Brown is assisting Miss Perry until the arrival of the R primary teacher. H "Miss Topsy Turvey" will be given |fl by the young people of Middendorf H soon. Watch for the date. Miss Alma Perry is attending the ft State Fair at Columbia this week. Mr. Claude R. Cannon spent a few E days in Hamlet last week. Several from here attended the 1 shows in Darlington and Camden last i week. Miss Ellon Ammon is spend in*? a C few days with Mrs. Perry. Mr. J. B. Sims attended the Bap- fl ist Association at Zion last week. I PATRICK Mr. W. J. Tiller passed through (j ?atrick Thursday on his way to Co- ?1 umbia to prepare the Chesterfield 3 County exhibit at the State Fair. j& Messrs. J. C. Baker nnd B. D. g Thames attended the Baptist associa- i| tion Thursday and Friday, at West- 3 field Creek. !? Mr. J. P. Poison left Friday night ? for Columbia. He will undergo treatment at the Baptist hospital. Mr. C. H. Campbell, of Hartsville, ' spent Sunday at his father's home. j Mrs. Ella Ingraham spent Monday i S(,tl at McBee. | wo Rev. B. D. Thames left Monday for j ' Columbia, where he will attend the *>a| State Fair. j m8 Messrs. I). M. Williams and J. M. J ; Hendrich spent Tuesday at the State 1 Fair. ' ^Ul Mr. J. G. Copeland is spending a few days at Newberry. The ladies of the Rural School Im- * r| provcment Association will sell oys- ' ters at the school house Friday night, wt" the proceeds to be used to pay on ihe school piano. Everybody come out wt> and have a good time. ^L>,1 I the SNOW HILL | d Mr. L. C. Rivers, of Mt. Croghan, J spent Thursday night in our com- Tui munity. bus Mr. C. S. Cason attended the Ma- C son's sermon preached last Sunday at rap Chesterfield by the Rev. J. L. Tyler. Che Masters Pierce Melton and Ot Privett spent Saturday nnd Sunday ^ in Wadesboro. CO The Baptist Association, which was held at the Westfield Creek church *'r| last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, was as good a8 any jn it? history. It was well-attended, all of the churches being represented in the association Lut one, and four new churches made a application for membership and were admitted. I Mr. R. E. Rivers, of Chesterfield, fl was elected moderator and Mr. Fun- ^ dcrburk, of Pageland, secretary; Mr. J. F. Crawley, of Ruby, treasurer. The next association will meet at tk* Elisabeth. Cou ^ . 1 LA General Our ai(tv;?&it<H<etep ir mind jjhli^as^iiy of shopping at the very e Now we.jsay tiiis for ouf^'pg 1 Phased our'present stock 6efo giving our customers the bt lh id slSs iflds prices- /lii factV we wo ferent lines for future shiptnei are offering you to-day. We are not taking advant* making long profits on our st we carry have advanced 2 boughtWe are strictly observing 1 cm -ii x uc wise ouupper win not until the Chesterfield Dry Go and its prices learnedLadies' Suits We are showing Ladies Suits in all the new models in fine quality pure wool 1 poplins, gabardines and serges. Prices range from j $12.00 to $20.00. Ladies Waists Crepe Dechine waist $1.98 to $6-00. Specially good models in white, flesh and maize Dress Goods We are showing new materials and shades in silk and wool mixed poplins, taffetas, charmeuse satin etc. Also a dandy line of chiffons and crepe for \a aists and trimmingsOur stock of serges and staple dress goods is also complete. Chesterfield Com] BEAR CREEK GOOD NEWS FROI \s the McBee correspondent was , , MT. C. luiring about us last week, we will -? j/ 77 " i , i * ,L i In an i*ttjerest;ng id in a few items to let them know . _ , . . .... . .. . - - .. .. . tor ?> The Advertis< are still in the land of the living/ ti n ^ D I Mf r? 1 ^ herrell, secretary i Jur pastor, Rev. J. W. Quick, i/f ... . . i a ?n j u- i _I the Croghan < Ireland, filled his regular appoirft- .l . . 0 . . 1 Association, says thi nt here Sunday evening. M. ^ . ... ... ? . >. ??t. Croghan Fair diss Mattie Hunter was the gue|t , ., . ... D .. j * . i- ? V rapidly and that "we Misses Bertha and Ardelia Uoseoe u...? ? , - . have a good fair and it , y c -.a n\- * ... ., Dr. Daniels, of ( Messrs. Smith Oliver and W. F. . ... . . . ... , . "as Just written then te made a business trip here last ,.< l. K of his engagement .',Uy o- r> tt u i Croghan on Noveml Mrs. Simon P. Hawes, who under- , G.clock> This , , nt a very sorious operation in the K., , ?M.t Hrtanif III of n. l..^u:_ bU WOFth ? tr'P from , nvverai county, A.(i(l to thnl eks ago, is on an extended visit to munity fair> 8Uch M sister, Mrs. L. E. Hurst. pUt Up un(j yOU j,uve Vliss Mollie Poston, of McBee, was Th(. hea(Jg of (,epf week-enc guest of her sister, Mrs. fair are a8 foIlows: M. Pate. Farming Departmi Vlessrs. Henry Clark and I. C. Live Stock Departl rnage spent Friday in Cheraw on jCy linens. Poultry Departmei )ur new school building is going up Fancy Work Depai idly with Mr. Aaron Sellers, of jje \jc(^au jsterficld, as contractor. Kitchen' Departm. ______ Hendrick and Miss I fou mull L-arn the lasson of Athletics, E. G. Ed nomy. Bring us your Savings; Thcrrell. put them to work for you. We The judges are: Ft ry fire and burglar insurance. ^ Watt Lowrey, J. L C. P. Mangum, Cashier. ?L Tiller. Ladies' Departmc JND?A package containing shoes Minis. Mi*. I. S. I nd vinegar was left at the City Moore, larket about three weeks ago. iwner may have same by paying DEATH OF MR. f or this adv. and identifying the Mr. M. C. Coker, oods. field County's old anc +- citizens, died at tb I will cost you nothing to attaitl daughter, Mrs. R. K. ] County Fair If 70U pay for your 14th. Mr. Coker ha< nty paper one year In adranee. A hi* usual good health ?^4r j hv*\ fUlilq|Kk) (1J IK'S Reminder 1 2 ?)\ iK?Mi?^#iH).) t; il A !? tifil I ??>)offl *^ll repressed upon'yotlr" I doing your winter >1 arliestdate possible.^1 lf~\ ' ?; ?! .! . ti. ' -il l :,J p->l('10jlh(ll Ltrons.v interest- We pur^ ,Vc;i it : S.-V ft t "' 1 <"' - ' S'- *jU *1 re prices advanced and are- B r<* r I* tf'! ' (*i |--w..lJ/ 1jJ ?' T* '.' ? ?'( 1 * - tC I" I .tit ot a Well Selected blocks J uld be glad; to,b,hy ouri.djfc'" vj it at the same pricks '^e ; I ige ot the opportunity of I i ock iust because all lines i r i.. f o B d 10 du per cent since we H :he Golden Rule- | buy anything any where I ods Co. has been visited 1 Ladies' Coats | Ladies' Coats in wool ve- w lour, plaids and smart mix- 1 tures in the sport and the g new three-fourth lengths. 1 Prices $3-95 to $15-C0- | Underwear g We have underwear in | union and two-piece suits I in light, medium and heavy ? weights for every member ? ^ r * r* - ^ - ol the tamilv trom 25 cents I to $2 00. I Wool caps, scarfs, sacks | and sweaters. | Shoes Shoes in all leathers to J fit all shapes and sizes of feet for less money than we \ can put them in the house today- i Millinery a specialty. | Dry Goods J pany J M night in from! spirits. He was found ^ ROGHAN FAIR, dead in bed the next morning- Heart failure was said to be the cause of his letter to the cdi: death. He had suffered slight attacks ?r, Mr. Perry M. this trouble previously. ?nd treasurer of Coker's wife had died four community hair years previously and soon after her it interest in the death, he divided-up the estate among is growing very ^ia children and went to live with his are expecting to daughter. a good timeA 'r. Ue was a veteran of the Ciyil War, Jenison College, having served three years, from 1802 n in confirmation Hie end of the struggle. He was to speak at Mt. years of age at the time of enter>er dd, at about j,ig the army and died at the age of ure alone would 73 anywhere in the The funeral service was conducted ' a roa' ''Vl> com- at the grave side in the family cemeMt. ( roghan can tery jn the Wexford community, a sure winner. The deceased is survived by six irtments for this ?hii<-lr<>n ti,? children are: Messrs. D. W., H. C., ;nt, J. C. Rivers. and j. M< g. Coker; Mesdames H. A. ncnt, I. D. Hunt- pittman, S. J. Welsh and S. Q. Smith. It, J. H. Ratliff. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, -tment, Miss Sal- COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD. By M. J. Hough, Probate Judge: ?nt, Miss Lucy Whereas Henry H. Sowell made .ounett Huntley, suit to me to grant him Letters of wards and P. M Administration of the Estate and effects of J. E. Sowell, irm Department, These are, therefore, to cite and . Stancil and W. admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the sajd J. E. Sowell, nt, Miss Stelln deceased, that they be and appear be''underburk and fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Chesterfield on the 9th day e-y of November, next, after publication d. UCOltEk n hereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, J one of Chester- to show cause, if any they have, why ' 1 most respected the said Administration should not be i e home of his granted. Pittman, on Oct. Given under my hand this 24th day 1 ten enjoying ?' October, Anno Domini 1916. t j retired that M- HOUGH, Probate Judge. ML rill V AtfYaifl ir 'fakifr' '