The Chesterfield advertiser. [volume] (Chesterfield C.H., S.C.) 1884-1978, October 26, 1916, Image 3

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ppplpf South Carolina Egual Suffrage League h Holds Third Annual Convention in Charloston Oct. 18th and 19th. / "2^ " The third annual convention of the South Carolina Equal Suffrage League was held in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium at Cherleston. Mrs. Harriett P. Lynch, of Cheraw, president of the State League, presided. Two prominent features of the occasion were the addresses by the Rev. K. G. Finley, of Columbia, and Dr. Josiah Morse, professor of psychology and philosophy at the University w of South Carolina. DrTFiriley, who has been an ardent supporter of the suffrage movement since its organization in this State is one of South Carolina's ablest speakers. "The time has come when we don't have to apologize in speaking of equal suffrage," said Dr. Finley in his opening remarks. He then told why he was individually in favor of the movement, recalling time when the f authority of a people, or tribe, rested upon the judgment and word of one man, and the gradual, but steady progress of democracy throughout the different countries of the world. "Can we claim we're a democracy when one half of our people are not allowed to vote?" the speaker asked He declared that the supposition that women were not capable of voting competently was rediculous, as in any of the high schools there are a greater number of girls than boys in the higher grades. He maintained that as women read more extensively they were broader in their general education than men in general. He likened those adherents of equal suffrage who seek noteriety to the foam which sometimes gathers in a stream, but which has no real part in moving the current forward. That the real strength of the movement lay not in the woman who seeks notoriety, but in the woman who wants to be allowed to do her part toward bettering the conditions of the rising generations and of helping the oppressed. Dr. Morse's address on the subject of "The Psychology of the Woman's Movement" was unique and scholarly. He said the woman's movement is cither a meer temporary occurrence soon past and forgotten, or it is a genuine step forward in the progress of the human race?something sound and logical, profound in its truth and meaning. In history was found every evidence of a Divine Intelligence which leads mankind slowly but surely forward with a guiding hand. Now there have always been differences of opinion concerning the great movements in the world, as in the case of the Reformation or the French Revolution; and so with the woman's movement there are many who believe it wrong and harmful, yet it is logical to suppose that it is a genuine evolution?part of a Divine plan. Dr. Morse stated that there is an analogy betwen the Renaissace and the woman's movement. For countless centuries woman has been dormant; she has lived in a condition of subjection. Her faith has been blind and unreasoning like that of man in the dark ages. She has lived in drud gery without leisure for reflection about big problems of any kind. She has accepted without question the doctrine ihat there were certain timehonored duties and functions for her to perform and that she had no A in goodness and Ill pi^C od LloldULlUI1 is all we or its enth astic friends ever cl for it! It answers every or any other man cool and fragrant L smokeappetite thai V it in a mighty shor * Will you invest 5c so on the national. A. J. REYNOLDS TO JT? v ' *1* i ?f * if jfuS /'A... ..-'tit itL- - Auctioi 15,0 Stock o f Watches, Diamonds, SALE BE< Wednesday Nov 7:30 F After this dat< 2:30 and 7:30 < continue until th is sold. We are positively going to sel gold jewelry, watches, diamond: musical instruments, toilet and n etc., at auction to the highest biddc We Are Going C and everything must be sold. ?: Christmas presents now at your c been wanting a good watch for a ised your wife a nice set of china your sweetheart something nice : You can satisfy your every w own price- You can't afford to le is an opportunity that has never c< County before and may never con Within the next sixty days yo that can be found only in a jew< here and now and make a really i Cash in on this, for it will me all is told, if you will. Strike whil always be glad you did. Remember the date: SALE STAR BER 1ST AND CONTINUES UN AND YOU WILL GO AWAY HA1 S. W. PR CHERAW other place in the affairs of the of world. But as Peter the Hermit er roused the man, so in the last hun- 01 dred years the introduction of machinery has awakened the woman. It has come into the home and Riven her the leisure she never had before. And Si she has become aware of her mental bl powers and begun to think things out for herself. To man's surprise 1 she has entered his colleges and held m her own in every line of human reasIoning. And so with the discovery of h; her mental nowers she has become in- o< terested in the outisde problems. hi The speaker declared that there is b< need for the woman elemnt in our m government, because though her view \v may not be beter than man's it is dif- pi ferent. W The speaker declared that at pres- ft ent woman does and must think on a tc larger scale than her ^rand-mother ? did. J "While the Chinese bound the feet g * ??????????? JjNw Prince s m o \ delig ^ % ?its flav< ( I ?you" cai W. I O as hard a iuruit, w& 1 jp - | Jp comeback ^ Albert packs IyaP That means %/ J ,ti ; . ^ joyment. Pi 8old withou WMBtSl / prefer to gh ink Albe the joy smoke ?' ^JTOWL.!. hnti a cheery howdy-do on tm + matte how much of a a tranter you are i nock f the wood9 you drop into. For. P. Aloert is rifiht them ? at the hrat place pam** that sella tobacco! The fopp. bn/l sella for a nickel and the tid. tin for a dime. then there'm the I morn** pound and halfpoun US\- j humidors and the p cryatal-Alaaa humidor aimed btcca in bmn^-up smoke desire you ever had! It is so : and appealing to your t you will get chummy with t time I or 10c to prove out our sayjoy smoke? BACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. G ; ' ' v *'> * .' f ' %4 ?' '%" ' i . . i Sale >00 Jewelry , Silverware, etc., SINS ember 1st at ?. M. 3 sales begin at Jaily and will e entire stock 1 our entire stock of fine solid *, silverware, optical goods, lanicure sets, fountain pens, jr FOR CASH. tut of Business save money by buying your >\vn price. Maybe you have long time, or you have promor silver, or you want to buy for her personal adornment. ant here and do it your own t this opportunity pass for it >me to the people of Chesterle again. u are going to buy something 2lry store. Be wise. But it vorth-while saving. an cash in your pocket when e the iron is hot and you may TS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMTIL ALL IS SOLD. COME 3PY. ESLAR , S. C. their women," declared the speak, "we have bound the intellects of ir women." Mr- W. G. Templeton, of tatesvillc, is in Texas on a .isiness trip and he writes to is home paper, The Landakes cotton now in the boll op of cotton. The boll weevil as destroyed it. I saw ten :res of cotton stalks ten feet itfh that will not make one ale of cotton. The land that lakes cotto nonw in the boll eevil infested country, is the oor red land heavily fertilized ith potash and planted in six >ot rows and double distance > allow plenty of sunshine." 'OLEY CATHARTIC TABLET en) Stomach Sweet -Liver Active -Bowels RtrfAlbert gives kers such ht, because ?r is so different and so ly good; bite vour tonrae: parch your throat; n smoke it as long and s you like without any but real tobacco haprerse side ot every Prince age you will read: 'ROCCSG PATENTED JULY 30th, 1907" i to you a lot of tobacco enrince Albert has always been t coupons or premiums. We re quality 1 rRT r '?* J r.\ .... .ay tl w ' TOBACCO IS PREPARED d tin FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE * ounrf PROCESS DISCOVERED IM -r top MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO uct, PRODUCE ,TH E MOST D?i trim ft I U6HTFUL AND WHOLE- ft i i^Rocisn53S553Si' TKU U tk? rtvivM aide ml lfc? Princ* Albert tidr red tie. Reed tbk " Pateeted Preeeaa" aaeaaege>a yoe and realise what II Beta! la ?ableg Pi tec a Ait ae mmmtk NfwIUt. " .J Three to fifty pc the speed rep< all over the c And 20 to 25 m the economy A corking good Nearly Everybody Knows Saxon HAS V Nearly everybody knows tl car for less than $1,000. Owners, of course, were the ity. But it did not long remaii knowledge. For from them, thousands c came reports of its speed, its smo< tion. Saxon F < now a complete anci nnisnea detail. No car at any pirce carri New style body; bigger, r comfortable. Electric starter ant Wagner. There's none better to Demountable rims with 30-ii New style top with Grecian carrier. Speedometer, stadnard carburetor, which gives greater PRICE, $495, F.C i John T. Chesterfiel MASTER'S SALE < STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, < COUNTY OF CHESTERFILED. i Pursuant to a decree heretofore I granted in the case of J. C. Williams, 1 plaintiff, against H. M. Johnson, et i al, I will offer for sale before the J Court House door in Chesterfield, S. j C., on the first Monday in November I (same being the 6th) within the le- ( gal hours of sale, to the highest bid- c der for cash, the following real estate, t to wit: all that piece, parcel or tract r of land, in Chesterfield County, State 1 of South Carolina, and in Cole Hill 1 Township, containing one hundred 1 and twenty-five (125) acres, more or I less, bounded north by land of Elisha Boan; east by Elisha B*an; south by land of J. N. Boan, and on the west I by lands of G. W. Boan; the same be- i ing the land conveyed to J. R. Boan I by Elihsa Boan. P. A. MURRAY, Jr., < Master for Chesterfield County. NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ( COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD. We, the undersigned, heirs at law of Alliene Parker, being all of the s heirs at law, desiring to partition the ( land among ourselves, hereby offer r for 3ale at public auction, before the j Court House door in Chesterfield, S. tL, on the first Monday in November, (same being the 6th), within the le- 1 I gal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate t to wit: all that tract of land in the t County and State above written, and in Cole Hill Township, containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres, 51 more or less, bounded on the north < by Bear Creek, east by lands of R. D. ) Teal; south and west by lands form- ; erly of L. C. Parker. t Same beinj? the estate lands of Al- ( liene Parker, deceased, and we aj?ree j to jjive the purchaser or purchasers at said sale a jjood and sufficient deed * to the premises. ] J. R. ABBOTT, C. C. PARKER, < C. M. PARKER, ANNIE PARKER SANDERS. MASTER'S SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, < COUNTY OF CHESTERFIELD Pursuant to a decree heretofore , granted in the case of W. E. Rogers, ilaintiff, against J. N. Boan, J. W. ' Poison, defendants, I will offer for ale before the Court House door in ' - ?r T=a?s housanc 5r hour on high?that's Drt we get from owners ountry. iles per gallon of gas is report. car? RIVERS AUTO C Phone No. 18 Chesterl The Willys-Overland C " Made In i the Tremendous Success "Six" /ON d lat Saxon "Six" is the finest first to find out this superiorn merely a matter of owner )f them, all over this country, Dthness, its power, its acceleraRoadster automobile to the very latest es more conveniences. uunuei- ?11m more completely :1 lighting?two unit system by i be had. ich x .'1-inch Goodyear tires, rear bow. Electric horn- Tire equipment. New design of efficiency and easier starting. i.B. DETROIT. , Hurst d, s. c. Chesterfield, S. C., on the first Monday in November, same being the 6th, vithin the lagal hours of sale, to the lighest bidder for cash, the following eal estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest of f. N. Boan in and to that certain )iece, parcel or tract of land, lying, >eing and situate in the County of Chesterfield, State of South Carolina, ;ontaining three hundred (300) teres, more or less, bounded on the iorth by lands of H. M. Johnson; east >y lands of Pressly Boan, and west I ? ,wl o rst f TV- I> : 1 * .j uuuo ui vi. it . ijuuii, aniu iraci 01 and being estate lands of Elisha 3oan, deceased. P. A. MURRAY, Jr. Master of Chesterfiold County. THEY ALL DEMAND IT Chesterfield, Like Every City and Town in the Union, Receive* It. People with kindey ills want to be ured. When one suffers the tortures )f an aching back, relief is eagerly lought for. There are many remelies to-day that relieve, but not pernanently. Doan's Kidney Pills have jrought lasting results to thousands, lore is proof of merit from this virinity. Mrs. C. F. Tillman, Third St., Che- j "aw, S. C., says: "My back ached all he time and I was so sore and lame n the morning that I could hardly ' itraighten up. My head ached, I had lizzy spells and my sight blurred. The i cidney secretions passed irregularly ; ind whenever I caught cold, it seti.,.i I.:J ?.1 vu UII HIJ Miincys, iilHKing 1111' SllI'it worse. Poan's Kidney Pills cured ne of all signs of kidney trouble." Price 60 c at all dealers. Don't 1 limply ask for a kidney remedy?get Joan's Kidney Pills?the same that VI rs. Tillman had. Foster-M ilhurn !Jo., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. ST. PAUL INSTITUTE St. Paul Institute opened Tuesday, Oct. 3d. Instruction thorough, competent faculty; terms moderate; healthful location. Make application at ance. For further information write ' Rev. J. A. Little, Prir , Chesterfield, i S. C. 4t, i jr- Y\ ?T'? Is Behin A price that makes it t on the face of the ea That combination has thousands of cars weeks and weeks. But we're getting ther Better see us about yo OMPANY, Dealer field, S. C. 'Phone No. 1 lompany, Toledo, Ohio > U. S. A." TAX N The Tax Books will be open for tl lay of October until the 31st day of De Tax Levy for the State Ordinary County Constitutional School County Road Total Levy SPECIAL Cheraw Graded School Marburg Pee Dee Pine Grove Vaughn Juniper DihIIpv Mangum Wallace Pat's Branch Stafford Bethel Center Point Wamble Hill Center Wexford : Buffalo Plains Friendship Long Branch Green Hill Middendorf Sandy Run Bay Springs School Lewis Black Creek Center Grove Cat Pond Cash's Bear Croek Zion BetheBda Harris Creek Snow Hill Patrick Parker Pageland Ousley Palmetto White Oak Orange Hill Spencer Cross Roads New Hope Jefferson McBee Union Mt. Croghan Chesterfield Shilnh Ruby Cheraw Township (Outside) . Winzo Mt. Croghan (Outside) Five Forks Old Store (Outside) Alligator (Outside) iioad Bonds, Alligator Township . . . Hoad Bond: Jefferson Township . . [toad Bonds, Cheraw Township I will be at the following places 01 Pageland, Monday, Oct. 16;Jeffer >esday, Oct. 18; McBee, Thursday, Oc heraw, Monday, Oct. 30; Cheraw, Tu '.; .'.4iddendorf. Mondav. Nov. 13: Mt Wednesday, Nov. 15; Dudley, 2 to 5 Mov. 17. Sept. 15th, 191f? B. J. DOUGLASS \NYONK desiring to buy, sell or exchange town or country property can get better prices by listing it with me. Reasonable commission charged. I have some farms for sale now. &Mi3-MY-TISM| Will cure your IlheumatiKm Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains. Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally and externally. Price 25c. I 31 % I \\ s power I ] 635 I 1 Roadster 5620 I l.i w. Til?4i I ' l I B he greatest value j kept the factory | uciiinu tsaics ior n in right along. lits today. 8 OTICE he collection of Taxes from the 15th cember, 1916. . 6 V4 mills 7Vi " 3 Vfe M 17V6 mills LOCAL Local School |Bonds 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 2% | ^ ; 4 5 I 4 4 4 5 . 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 6 5 5H .4.. 6 r. ~7 1 7 7 . 8 8 8 8 . 8 4 8 4V4 8 8 4 8V* 3 10 j 10 f 4fcj 2 | . 2 2 2 2 ? I2 i 7 mills 6 mills mills i dates piven below: sort, Tuesday, Oct. 17; AnReluB, Wed t. 19th; Ousleydale, Friday, Oct. 20; lesday, Oct. 31; Patrick, Friday, No*. Crm*h*n Tnniilau i a . d..i , Thursday, Nov. 16; Plains, Friday, W. A. DOUGLASS, County Treasurer. No. 3 >6 Thi> ii prescription prepared t. r .'rv for f.V i Af.IA or CH'LLS &. FL1V.? < i\ dotes will break nny err ' id ''"it ait n ton;c the Fever in * ' acta on tire liver S Calm- ,.nd does not <U'Pr e"I tell you a farm is the only place to bring up i boy. I was brought up on a farm myself." "But you left it the very first chance you got." "That's just it. Living on a farm gives a boy a nincentive to get out and hustle for some* thing easier," A tMm, . ~Jli