XJ^J3o VluCTSJlxl .tl |/fl^|- ? li^;:^, Ck: ^ ?.vV A X^A^Vt .-. **/?n
r .o..o?,o?he ^htsterrielo ^c\overii5er
vnri/r aiv ti t s/*yv *3\ir A vw i ii\jf 1 * .- !??? r^-. ?; - - ! - :"',ikfn" v,"mM' !-!"
Y.^yliiPS?l i lU e ? >1 V Af, ? I?. 8 3 ?? | i;??,t?.-, *r?i , -.n . . -:h.ii j '?<>* >o ?g..?"t;Q vll < < h-m i.r .,VI^ 4 , T;yiMM^ mi<. | : . .
VOLUME 86-NO 88, K? H0 ,,f ' $1.00 A YEAK IN ADVANCE
?? ???; * . .; | '. . -..I - - ! - ! ?| ' ?'uj? " ' " ' i.". ?*
for the best exhibits at the C
but same must be placed eitl
Twenty-Five Doll
will be paid to the individual farmer who n
exhibit of the products raised on his farm 1
second prize of Fifteen Dollars; a third prize <
and a fourth prize of Five Dollars. Are you
er??then prove it by earning some of this goc
' - - 1 i j ? y " 1 -? .'i "1 1 a
?1. .1 CJ I 1 1VI * ? <l"y morning in the interest
Illgn ocnool Liotes Lyceum course, which Chcstt
to have this winter. Thirty*
Seventy-five books for the school P''s have already expressed 1
library came last week. The pupils tention of buying tickets, and
are finding them interesting and in- lieved that at least one hunt
i i. nils will trot Vi<>?< Unlnto
on uvvivci i iic aLiiuui nut <ii y una auu- * n-v ?.v?v v'vnwo.
scribed for The Review of Reviews,
Collier's Weekly and other magazines.
Mr. A. R. Poston spent Monday in *
Columbia attending the State Fair. * COMMUNITY FAIR DA
The first program of the Literary *
Society was successfully carried out * MACEDONIA, Novembc
last Friday afternoon. It was voted * MT. CROGHAN, Novemb
that the Society be named "The Wade * MIDDENDORF, Novemb
Hampton Literary Society." *
Dr. Trotti visited the school Tues- ** *******
With every cash purchase
amounting to titty cents,
We Will Give You ,
Coupon ?r rth 10 Cenl
We give these coupons with the pi
chase of any kind ot goods we s(
even if it is ice and gasoline. The or
conditions are that the purchase mi
be not less than 50 cents and it mi
be a cash transaction, and you get cc
| pons in propotion to the amount
I I the purchase. For instance, a five.d
J lar purchase will get you ten coupoi
These coupons are good fo. their face value in
purchase of any article of jewelry in cur Novelty Sf
^.ase, which we invite you to inspect. These coup
cost you absolutely nothing as we sell the goods at
same price whether you take them or not.
Oclom Bros. Cc
L? i ?
1*^ Take Your Meals at The
Busy Bee Cafe
The Best Restaurant in l*own
Everything We Cook is Clean, Fresh
And the Bert on the Market.
The Oyster Season
Hare Them Every Day
K Also We Keep Nice Line of
V 1 Home-Made and Factory Candi<
yr P. J. Zounis, Prop.
mM,^ Km, ^a.'Ur, .. jadi
iava ItiL
ounty Fair. Remembe
her Monday or Tuesday
ars Woma
hakes the best Fifteen Dollars (
There will be a makes the best dispk
of Ten Dollars; and third prizes of T<
a good Farm- lv. Numerous othei
missions on the sale of a tract of tim- young
ber land in this county below Cheraw. grand
Suit was begun for the five thousand of thi
dollars and an attachment levied, grand
Defendants' attorneys secured an or- first t
1 der from the then Circuit Judge, R. everyl
C. Watts, dismissing the attachment. A v
Watson's attorneys appealed to the consid
Supreme Court and Judge Watts' or- ficers
der was over-ruled and attachment buildii
was allowed to stand. ing do
The case then came on for trial be- groun
aJJ fore the late Judge Ernest Cary, who, Ow
* after plaintiff's testimony was all in, for ex
11V granted a non-suit. Watson's attor- the IT
neys again appealed to the Supreme has li
ist j Court and that Court over-ruled the wareh
trial judge and sent the case back for cause
JSt I a th rd trial before a jury. The case ing.
{ was tried again and this time resulted groun
)U- i 'n a verdict in Watson's favor for the v
! the full amount claimed, $5,000 and house
OI 1 interest, a total of $8,200. The at- ?nd v
dtorneys for Paschal and Gresham filed house
an appeal to the Supreme Court and The
on some ground or other, secured a munie
US, new trial. The case was then tried Farm
again and resulted in a jury verdict in their
1 favor of Watson for $5,000. Upon The S
lOW motion, however, Judge Frank B. has al
CHS | Cary set the verdict of the jury aside, exhibi
aU- j watsons attorneys appealed to the I Aut
c Supreme Court but this Court sus- questc
tained the trial judge and ordered the rious
case for trial again. tomob
This celebrated case was set for the nn^ nt
^ present term for another triul and distirn
^ was to have been started Wednesday One
morning, when a compromise was lines j
reached, to the great relief of every- ^ omm
?body concerned, including the presid- the th
^ ing judge, the bar and last, but not he hel
least, the tax payers of Chesterfield Maced
""connty. ; dorf.
Watson's claim to date with inter- being
est, exceeds $ 10,000 and it is under- i the h
stood in the compromise he received 1 here
about forty per cent, of this amount. ^or *h
Watson lives in California and The
^5 four times he has traveled across the which
||| continent and back again, for this ^or th
Ajtfx case has ben heard four times before ' numbf
ftRjH circuit judges and four times by the j Chestc
IS Supreme Court of South Carolina. It ' ^ ^ai
|lf\j is reported in the following volumes ! furni8
|/ of South Carolina reports: 73d S. C.; i 'n ^ov
jg 83d S. C., 93d S. C., and 100 S. C. 1 tion 01
WW It is believed that the Supreme Court j tr?ctic
also will sigh with relief when they tion w
hear the glad news that this case is ' ^un f?
13 ended and they will not have to pass little
|* on another appeal on the same old j w'" I1'
I case. But;
It is estimated that each side has ' ^'e ur
ji spent over one thousand dollars I y?ur8<
jj fighting this case, while the cost bill ^ ou w
| will go into a third thousand.
fj Benefit* derived from your Sev- will b
jij ingai We pay 4H per ent. if left six Thur*?
$ month* or longer. C. P. Mtngum, tober I
~ Cashier, ay**
Da H^ VS
>< : I^M-.'J: '> jl
ER 8, 9, 10, 11
ie Cash
r the dates, Nc
/ before the Fa
in's Departme
xi cash money. culinary art.
C. L. HU1
rfieifMs Watson-Pascal Case 0p(
their In- Settled at Last. F
it is be
Irod pu- A sigh of relief was heard from all
over the court room yesterday when ^Wl
attorneys in the celebrated case of ness t
Watson vs. Paschal and others an-/ annua
* * nounced that they had compromised^ c^esti
their differences and that the case ^over
TES * could now be marked "ended."
* Thi3 case has been fought over ^hi
r 2 * back and forth from Supreme court ever h
cr 3 * | to lower court for a matter of ten secom
r 4 * years and judge, jury and attorneys you C]
were looking forward to a very hard . .,
, , , , , ^ in the
* * * and disagreeable struggle when court
opened yesterday morning. ex'
About ten years ago a Mr. Watson And e
|| was a lumber broker and claimed that one h
II Messrs. Paschal and . Gresham were Fair i
II rllin Kirv* fitfn tUnnenn/1 /lr\llo??n ?n
:ash will be paid to the \
iv of canned goods; there
en Dollai s and Five Dollar!
: prizes to the ladies for san
VLEY, Seci
;ning Date of Big I
air Two Weeks Off
a weeks from to-day will withe
grand opening of the fourth
1 Chesterfield County Fair at , q
erfield. Remember the dates, d
nber 8, 9, 10, 11. o
s will be by ffiVfhe best Fair a
eld in this county and, we think, '
1 to none in the State. There g
an see everything worth seeing
county, for everybody is going o
libit his very best possessions.
very day will be enjoyable and ~
ing to be remembered. This
s destined to make history for
jrfield County. In after years
folks will sit beside their
parents and listen to the story
is Fair, and, mayhap, to how
father met grandmother for the
ime at the Fair, for, you know
jody meets everybody here.
risit to the Fair grounds shows
erable activity by the Fair ofin
getting the grounds and
rigs in shape. Everything is beine
that can be to place the Fair
ds in first-class condition,
ing to the need of more room
hibit purposes, the president of
ur Association, I)r. L. II. Trotti,
eased the large brick cotton
uusi-, wnicn is now empty, l>eof
the fine price cotton is bringThe
fence around the Fair
ds is being extended to take in
warehouse. The cotton wareis
one hundred feet each way
brill furnish abundant room to
all exhibits.
i Fair officers are now in comation
with the Pedigree Seed
at Hartsville and trying to get j
splendid exhibit placed here. |
tate Department of Agriculture I
so been requested to send their
t to the County Fair,
o dealers are going to be re d
to make an exhibit of the vamodels
they handle. An auile
show will be something new
>vel for the County and will add
:tion to it.
of the features along exhibit
it the County Fair will be the
unity Fair exhibits placed by
ree Community Fairs that will
Id in this county this year by
Ionia, Mi. Croghan and MiddenA
special prize of $'25.00 is
offered by the County Fair for
est Community Fair exhibit.
will be a second prize of $10 ,
e second best.
Dorman and Krause shows,
will furnish the amusements
e County Fair, are fifteen in
r and they will come direct to
rfield from the Marlboro Counr
at Bennettsville, where they
h the atractions the first week
rember. This carnival aggregaily
has high-class shows and at>ns
of every kind and descripill
be furnished. There will be
ir grandfather, father, son and
Willie and Mary. Every body
we a good time.
, "The half has not been told."
e leaving it for you to see for
If when you attend the Fair,
ill be missed if you don't come.
H. Smith, Eye Sight Specialist,
e in Chesterfield three days,
lay, Friday and Saturday, Oc26th,
27th and 28th. Have your
xamined and fitted. 32 '
L, 1916
i Prizes
)vember 8, 9, 10, 11.
lir opens.
voman who Have yOl
are second illustrated pi
3, respective- plete inform;
-f lU-:- 1
ipica ui uicir cash prizes c
> J* _j C a. from maj
. roceedings or Liourt inK of or,
Of Common Pleas board?Ai
jheavy di
Court of Common Pleas convened the Cour
londay morning with Judge J. W. j the plain
>o Vore, of Edgefield, presiding and j of the cl
Jerk of Court I. P. Mangum at his years ag<
esk. Sheriff Douglass was absent, when the
wing to sickness, being confined in put in a <
hospital in Columbia. In the ab- tracks a
jnce of the Sheriff, James T. Grant Court mr
jok his place and was assisted by the cross:
aliffs Davis and Gripgs. The fii
By agreement among the members Wodnesd:
f the bar Monday and Tuesday were chal et al
tken up in the disposal of appeals promised
liii m ? ?
ipf Has been cut into be
lip ^arc
S Sold to 1
| Tuesday,
There ill be 40
Main ht., easy waJ
churches. The bala
1^ of 30 to 45 acres, mc
II on R?,od. r-ads; . .
1 nis land incluc
Chesterfield County.
There is no more he;
|yT> farthest point is not 1
||P Courthouse.
Sale includes the heautifu
on Main St., and the store huildii
Chesterfield DrujJ Co. These hi
constructed, have the best locatio
Property will be sold as i
cyT doubtedly the greatest opportune
fifor many years.
Blue prints showing roadj
ProspeCtive buyers gladly shown
TERMS: One-third down;
y" A. M. and
A deposit of S10 on lots an^
, . 1 -
I1T p A T|\
All exhibits admitted free
Premium List
i seen a copy of the handsome,
*emium list which rnves mm
ition as to the hundreds of
)ffered? If not; write for one
ajistrate's courts, and obtain- of Moore & Grant, of Ilartsville, vs.
iers from the judge. W. L. McCoy, of McBee.
lits by employees of the Sea- . This case involves a noto given for
r Line Railroad Co., all for boot in a mule swap. As the mule
images, were dismissed by died, Mr. McCoy is contesting the
t for lack of prosecution by note.
tiffs. These suits grew out j The court calendar is badly conlispute
(near war) several gested and a number of cases are
) between the two railroads , set for trial. One of the most im
Coast Line was trying to portant is that of Mr. H. H. Wallace
^rossinrr ncrnca t W... ? ?' 1 - *' "
? . 1.1 tv; ucduuiini j vs. uie Hank of Ruby and Mt. Crogt
Cheraw. The Supreme j han. Mr. Wallace, through his atule
the Coast Line take out j torneys, Messrs. Hanna and Ilunley,
ing. j is asking for ten thousand dollars
rst jury ease was set for , damages against the bank, alleging
ly, that of Watson vs. Pas- I that they not only refused to cash a
I., and after same was com- check given him by Rivers Bros., but
the first case tried was that also confiscated his check.
A rorcm
-TTL Jl^ ?3 U
autiful dwelling lots and small $??
as and will be 1111
Highest Bidder
November 14
1 dwelling lots 100x210 feet, on c|||
king distance to school and
,nce is divided into srrtall farms
)stly on public highwav, all
ies some of the richest soil in $||
Natural drainage is perfect, ||||
althful spot any where. The |j|||
more than ] 1.4 miles from the ^?1
1 residence properly of the late E. N. Redfearn
nj}s now occupied by the Redlearn Co. and the
isiness lots are 25X125 feet. 1 he buildings, well ^
n in town. r
ndicated and offered as two farms. Tl.is is unty
offered in Chesterfield County for investment dvv?
? and .streets are in the hands of Z. T. Redfearn.
over property. WW3
balance in one and two-year payments. <j|||
Z. T. Redfearn g
d 125 on farms will he required at time of sale.