CHESTE Count} November 8, 9 A WOMAN pH jH ACDAMAIIT Ixrtvl nwvtinv 1 H ASCENSIONS EACH DAY IN A BALLOON AT THE ^8^ \x5Sl COUNTY FAIR Balloon Asce 96 - Foot 1 An expert high diver \ of his art each day. He v toot ladder into a tank onl water. Dorman $ E FOR AMUSEMENT THE FAIR ED WITH DORMAN & KRAUS' HI TRACTIONS AND RIDING DEVIC CARNIVAL COMPANY BEARS a CLEAN SHOWS. THERE WILL BE CHILDREN AND A UNIFORMED SPIRING MUSIC. You can't begin to imagine the ti along and bring your friendsCash ] MJK AUK1CULTU All exhibits will be Admitted to placed before the Fair opens. For P* to the Secretary, Chesterfield, S. C. DO YOU PROTECT YOUR ALLIES? ! Clemson College, S. C., Oct. 16? M If all the insects in this country were Jl 1 to club together and present their j expense accounts at the end of tho 1 year, the enormous sum of one bil- | lion dollars would scarcely cover the Qol-i* C amount of damages. The chinch-bug A lit I alone would demand $100,000,000 w* and the Hessiun fly would not be sat- |i| isfied with less than $200,000,000. Likewise, if all the weeds would present their bill for a single year's damages it would amount to at least $300,000,000. Without anv nntiiml onnrmna til W l i prey upon the insects and weeds, I Low Kound doubtless man would huve great dif- - .. ?. fieulty in ekeing out an existence. All KOlju But both of these enemies of man have enemies of their own. Birds are their common and perhaps their LiJ most formidable enemy; and, because of this, the insect and weedseed eating birds are the natural allies of T7" i . / .bight Ire But is man the ally of the birds? PHI No. Does he afford them any protection? As a rule he does not. Many HOTSG T3 a farmer allows the bobwhites and doves on his place to be killed ruth- Qciys. lessly; and the same bobwhites and t_-? i n doves, every day that they are al- * OOlDclll lowed to live, are cleaning the farm 1 _ ~ ^ , of insects and weed seeds. A bob- GHlaUIl white has been known to eat 1,200 (jlTGcltCSt chinch-bugs in a day; another one ate . 6,000 Hessian flies in a day. Both SGmDlGCl 111 the bobwl.ite and the dove will eat 6,000 to 10,000 weed seed in a day. v^OrOHcltl Can anyone doubt, then, that they are y J helpful, or that they should be pro- 1'lUHUdy CV tected? Street d3 It would be worth millions of dol- w lars to South Carolina if, for just one Firework season, thchunters would forsweur x t r . the pleasure of shooting birds. W 1*116 tO ??; ? , ,KI?? merce toda There le more Catarrh In this section Of the country than all other diseases Int put together, and for years It was sup- L-JUIl I ID I posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by constant- __ ly falling to cure with local treatment, m a pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh Is a gv #- gv local disease, greatly Influenced by con- ? jl I I stltuttonal conditions and therefore re- M quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is a constitutional remedy. Is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any case a that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure. f I IJ TY sad for circulars and testimonials. va a a V. J. CHENET * CO., Toledo, Ohio. old by Druggists, 71a C. Haifa Vasal ly PIUs for constipation. * I RFIELD T Fair , 10, 11, 1916 she will make fq a double mmjb& parachute drop when one mile 1vff/ IN THE AIR* w// this attraction will be free nsions Daily 3igli Dive vill give a free exhibition fill dive from a ninety-six y fifty-four inches deep in .rails Snows association has contractgh class shows. these at:es number fifteen, this \ reputation for havinp. A MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR THE BRASS BAND TO RENDER IN*eat that's in store for you, so come Prizes 1RAL EXHIBITS the County Fair free, but must be emium List and information, write Time In Carolina air and Harvest Jubilee will e Held in Columbia October 23 to 27. I Trip Rates Have Been Granted on rays and 150,000 Visitors are Lpected During the Week e acts on Main Street. ncerts mornings and evenings. lccs at State fair grounds three games, including the Carolinaime agricultural displays ever asthe South. on of Ollppn nnrl att^nrlonfc ? - ^ 1-% ft M UtWV/llUMIl l?j ening. mcing and skating carnival. ;s display at State fair grounds, the Columbia Chamber of Comy to have your room reserved, get the dates. air and Harvest Jubilee ibia October 23 to 27 olic Time in Carolina. . , -, ^ 1 ?1 m 1 *795 Model 85-4 f.o.b.To I S Its possession lives of e The freedom made po many tin The price is bj and fine a Big?the whee Sw.v*-, i Lbssb NOTICE OF COURT Court of Common Pleas, Fall Term, will convene on Monday, October 23d, 1916. Petit jurors and witnesses take notice. Grand Jurors need not attend. I. P. MANGUM, Oct. 9, 1916. Clerk of Court. B. J. DOUGLASS ANYONE desiring to buy, sell or exchange town or country property can get better prices by listing it with me. Reasonable commission charged. I have some farms for sale now. RUiB-ftlY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Btc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally and externally. Price 25c. ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedy for horses and mules in poor condition and in need of a tonic. Builds solici i muscle and fat; cleanses the sys tem, thereby producing a smooth glossy coat of hair. Packed iq dotts. 25c. box. Sold by D. H. LANEY We Are Still at The Old Star ^ Paying The Top < Cotton e You rememher ton yard, they would r you drove first to us. still driving to us, for most for what they ha' you goods, quality cor house in town?Dry Gi ons, anything kept in a A GAR LOAD OF cheap as you can buy 1 as long as you will. hURST-STREAl Don't Forget Your Subs The Ad jQtg. You Ought tc will enrich your life and the very member of your family. and wider range of activity ssible by such a car are worth les its price. r far the lowest at which so big nd comfortable a car ever sold. :lbase is 112 inches. RIVERS AUT< 'Phone No. 18 Chestei The Willye-Overland "Mad* I List of Jurors The following is the list of jurors j drawn to serve the Fall term of the Court of Common Pleas. Court convenes in Chesterfield Monday, October, 23d. First Week Cheraw?W. A. Rice, J. C. Parker, T. M. Knight, J. T. Gainey, J. F. Hunter. Courthouse?J. G. Privett, J. L. Smith, C. W. Rollings, Albert Rivers, P. F. Robeson, S. L. Sellers, E. J. White. Mt. Croffhan?W. E. Green, S. J. Smtih, J. G. Steen, Clayton Atkinson, J. T. Gulledge. Old St4>r??M. D. Deese, T. W. Gregory, J. S. West, J. L. Courtney, R. M. Fundarburk. Jefferson?Sam Boatwright, E. E. Baker, A. J. Kirkley, D. A. Clark. Alliga tor?J. B. Ammins, W. L. Crow, J. B. Newsom. Cole Hill?W. C. Oliver, M. W. Shaw, T. H. Douglass, J. C. Cassidy. Steer Pen?J. D. Polsin, Archie Perdue, Jesse Keith. Second Week Cheraw?D. W. Evans, W. E. Kirkley, H. P. Duvall, Jr., Alex. Johnson, T. R. White. Courthouse?William T. White, J. H. Gardner, W. G. Tucker, J. L. Ed dins, J. S. Rivers, T. L. Melton. Mt. Croghan?Lester Rivers, W. H. Moore, C. C. Bureh, J. T. Hendricks, L. A. Watson. Old Store?E. A. Brewer, K. P. Stewart, R. W. Jenkins, G. W. Sanders, M. C. Hicks. Jefferson?G. S. Johnson, G. W. Hilton, J. D. Middleton, A. D. Miles, J. Q. Manjfum. Alligator?K. C. Johnson, W. J. Gardner, W. R. Horton. , Cole Hill?John W. Boan, J. B. Hunter, E. D. Jones, W. F. Sanderson. Steer Pen?J. W. Alexander, E. C. Chapman, G. H. Wilkes. id >f The Market for ind Seed here was a rented cot lot bid on your cotton if Well, the people are they know who pays ve to sell, and will sell isidered, cheap as any oods, Groceries, WagGeneral Store. Have a il/nf^nnn ^ liirKtiSS SHIINULbi the pine, and they last fER COMPANY cription to Ivertiser 'Nough Said _ . . .. . ?- . ' - ' ' - ' Own This C Fine?it's a beautifully fini: Comfortable?it has cant 4-inch tires. Model 85-6, 35-40 horsep motor, 116-inch wheel Come in today?we can't j we sell them?so orde J COMPANY, Dealer | rfield, S. C. Phone No. 1 Company, Toledo, Ohio In U. S. A.** TAX N The Tax Books will be open for i day of October until the 31st day of D Tax Levy for the State Ordinary County Constitutional School County Road Total Levy SPECIAL Cheraw Graded School Marburc ... Pee Dee Pine Grove Vaughn Juniper t # Dudley Mangum Wallace Pat's Branch Stafford Bethel Center Point Wamble Hill Center Wexford Buffalo ....!! Plains Friendship Long Branch Green Hill Middendorf Sandy Run Bay Springs School Lewis Black Creek center urove Cat Pond Cash's Boar Creek Zion Bethesda Harris Creek Snow Hill Patrick Parker Pageland Ousley Palmetto White Oak Orange Hill Spencer Cross Roads New Hope Jefferson M c Bee Union Mt. Crojjhan Chesterfield Shiloh Ruby Cheraw Township (Outside) . Winzo Mt. Croghan (Outside) Five Forks Old Store (Outside) Alliprator (Outside) Road Bonds, Alligator Township . . . Koad Bonds, .Jefferson Township . . Road Bonds, Cheraw Township I will be at the following places 01 Pageland, Monday, Oct. 16; Jeffer nesday, Oct. 18; McBee, Thursday, 0< Cheraw, Monday, Oct. 30; Cheraw, Ti 3; Middendorf, Monday, Nov. 13; Mt Wednesday, Nov. 15; Dudley, 2 to 5 Nov. 17. Sept. 15th, 1916 TRY IT! SUBSTITUTE FOR NASTY CALOMEL Starts Your Liver Without Making You Sick and Cannot Salivate. Every druggist in town?your druggist and everybody's durggist ?has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all give the , same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is perfectly safe and gives better results," said a prominent local druggist. Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50 *795 Model 85-4 f. o. b. Toledo I ar I shed, luxurious car. 1 ilever springs and | ower six cylinder | ibase?$925. | yet them as fast as ! x yours right away. [ BRTCTOtof2IK?'iL?,i IOTICE the collection of Taxes from the 15th ecember, 1916. 6 % mills 7 % " 3 % " 17% mills ,LOCAL Local School | Bonds ! Q I A I " I I 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 2% I 4 !!.. 4 4 5 4 4 . . . 4 4 4 4 5 . 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 Yn .4.. 6 6 7 i 1 | 7 . 8 8 j 8 8 . 8 4 8 4^4 8 * 4 8 Mi I 3 10 j 110 4 >4 ! 2 I j :::::::::::::::: J j 2 2 ;:::i2 i mills 6 mills * ' mills i dates given below: son, Tuesday, Oct. 17; Angelus, Wed t. l'Jth; Ousleydale, Friday, Oct. 20; esday, Oct. 31; Patrick, Friday, Nov. .. Crojrhan, Tuesday, Nov. 14; Ruby. , Thursday, Nov. 16; Plains, Friday, W. A. DOLoLASS, County Treasurer. cents, and if it fails to give easy relief in every case of liver alucrRish* ness and cfin<itino?inn i<?- ? ? , liftvi- uniy to ask for your money back. Oodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine; no biliousness, sick headache, acid stomach or consti* pated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all the next day like violent calomel. Take a dose of calomel to-day and to-morrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Take Dodson's L}ver Tone inttead end feel fins, j