P. A. MURRAY, /r.
|f. Attorney and Counsellor
At Taw
;Offlce in Courthouse
Jt< K. Hanna C L? Hunle.v
Chesterfield, S. C.
Office in Peoples Bank Building
Dfflee open every Sutnrdnv and the
tlr*l Monday of each month. 11<
^We 1
You Will Prof
at This
It is an easy ma
other person to save
chases. It can only b
ever, by trading at a
still maintains popular p
A. F. Davi
Persons who are
the ir lot seldom bett
Be ambitious!. D<
thing better a i
woman. Forge a!
Begin an accour
every nerve to add
contented with a sm
Cut out every exper
ery dollar you save
that much richer?1
R. E. Rivers, Pres., P. I
..J. > . .. .. !
f m i mm$* i
IBank of
Oldest Bank I
IA/e Solicit Your Bi
We Invite Yc
Inilt* Patronage w
% small Bothrec
J Our Motto: st
K R. E. Rivers, Pres. C
\ M.J. Hough, V. Pres. t
Insure the
Happiness of.
Your Little C
Any parent charged with neglect <
Come indignant. Still there are some ]
neglect to provide for their welfare.
The little ones must be protected,
a bank account.
If You Haven't an Accc
For the Child
Malaria or uliills & Fever t
Prescription No. 666 ia prepared especially 1
rive or aix dose* will break any caae, and *'i
if taken then aa a tonic the Fever wiU not
return. It acta on the liver better than i\
Csln wl a?t|4aee ?t gripe acstehea. tte C?
f ' A % %
! ' I II II
Office over Bank of Chesterfield,
ill visit Pageland every Tuesday;
Other days in Chesterfield.
Prices reasonable. All work guariteed.
Dental Surgeon
Chesterfield, S. 0.
Office on second floor in Ross
AH who desire my services will
ease see me at Chesterfield, as 1
jve discontinued iny visits to othei
nL:?r. 1
it by Trading
.tter for you or any
money on your purie
accomplished, howfirst-class
store that
is Market
contented with
er that lot.
nire to be some-icher
man or
tead and forge
it here. Strain
to it.. Don't be
all account here.
i*e possible. Evhere
makes you
:hat much better
Branch at RUBY, S. C.
M. Therrell, Cashier.
i m* iinn > n
isiness. Pay Interests j
iu <0 Visit Vs
anted, whether large or
elve courteous attention. ;
rength Security.
C. Douglass ( ashier j
). L. Smith, Asst. Cashier. l
mnm** t mtmm t m*mm*
)f his children naturally will beparents
who, through carelessness.
There is no better protection than
>unt Open One Today
ren's Sake
lo. 666
'hi* in a prescription prepared esprciallr
ve or six cloaes will break any cn*<* rm
1W^ then us a ton'c the Fever will no
.in. It acta on the liver better that,
dome! and does not (ripe or aickon 25c
Notice of Election
State of South Carolina,
County of Chesterfield.
Notice is hereby given that the
General Election for Presidential and
Vicc-Presidertial Electors and Representatives
in Congress will be held at
the voting precincts fixed by law in
County of Chesterfield on Tuesday,
November 7, 1916, said day being
i Tuesday following the first Monday,
as prescribed by the State ConstituI
r The qualifications for suffrage are
as follows:
Residence in State for two years,
. in the County one year, in the polling
precinct in which the elector offers
to vote, four months, and the
payment six months before any election
of any poll tax then due and payable.
Provided, That ministers in
charge of an organized church and
teachers of public schools shall be
entitled to vote after six months' residence
in the State, otherwise qualified.
Registration.?Payment of all taxes,
including poll tax, assessed and
collectible diirinc the nrevinus vonr
j The production of a certificate of the
officer authorized to collect such taxes
shall be conclusive proof of the payment
Before the hour fixed for opening
the polls Managers and Clerks must
take and subscribe to the Constitutional
oath. Th Chairman of the
Board of Managers can administer j
the oath to the other Managers and
the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer
the oath to Chairman. The
Managers elect their Chairman and
Polls at each voting place must be
opened at 7 o'clock a.m., and closed
- at 4 o'clock p.m., except in the City
of Charleston, where they shall be
opened at 7 o'clock a.m., and closed
at 6 o'clock p.m.
The Managers have the power to
fill a vacancy; and if none of the
Managers attend, the citizens can appoint,
from among the qualified voters,
the Managers, who, after being
sworn, can conduct the election.
At the close of the election, the
Managers and Clerk must proceed
publicly to open the ballot box and
count the ballots therein, and con
tinue without adjournment until the
same is completed, and make a statement
of the result for each office, and
sign the same. Within three days
thereafter, the Chairman of the
Board, or someone designated by the
Board, must deliver to the Commissioners
of Election the poll list, the
box containing the ballots and written
statements of the result of the
Managers of Election?The following
Managers of Election have been
appointed to hold the election at the
various precincts in the said County:
I Cheraw?I. S. Huntley, G. A. Malloy
and C. A. Lynch.
" Bethel?J. F. Powe, J. R. Burn and
J. T. Chapman.
~ Pee Dee?D. G. Mcintosh, D. F.
Jamison and J. H. Wallace.
[ Brock's Mill?A. J. Parker, D. A.
White and J. E. Short.
Patrick?J. C. Baker, H. B. Poison,
| and J. M. Hendricks.
Middendorf?W. It. Johnson, E. T.
' McManus and Boykin Wilkes.
McBee?T. A. Horton, J. D. Sexton
and G. T. Horton.
Cat Pond?C. It. Sumner, J. A.
Williams and J. W. Winburn.
Grant's Mill?W. T. McBride, J. N.
f Johnson and W. F. Turnage.
Snow Hill?W. E. Cason, W. B.
Duncan and A .1 Smitli
Odom'i Mill?J. D. Odom, A. L.
Johnson and J. T. RatlifT.
Douglass Mill?B. C. Wadesworth,
J. R. Sutton and D. A. Douglass.
Wexford ? P. M. Gullcdge, Henry
Lisenby and Andrew Moore,
fc Ruby?M. I,. Raley, T. (1. Griggs,
I and A. P. Smith.
t Cross Roads?S. J. Fincher, J. L.
Staneill and G. K. Sowoll.
' Mt. Croghan?J. II. Rivers. VV. H.
Hendricks and W. C. Baker.
Winzo?J. P. Anderson, G. F. Evans
and Lester Rivers.
Pagelarid?S. II. I.aney, W. J. Blakeney
and J. A. Turner.
Plains?W. J. Hicks, G. W. Hinson,
and W. B. Evans.
Dudley?W. C. Jenkins, O. B.
Jones and II. I. Funderburk.
Jefferson?L. E. Gardner, E. C.
Clark and J. A. Parker.
Catarrh?('. C. Horton, G. II. Middleton
and J. G. Sowell.
Angelus?W. F. Young, J. E. Lee,
D. A. Clark.
Ousleydale?F. J. Johnson, W.
J. Teal, Cordy Winburn.
Court House?L. L. Spencer, A.
W. Hursey and J. D. Smith.
The Managers at each precinct
named above are requested to delegate
one of their number to secure
the box and blanks for the election.
Box and instructions should be called
for not later than November 4th.
nnL _ ? ...
i nt'sc nre in tne keeping of Mr. JtrfT
Hanna, clerk, at the Court House.
Commissioners of Federal Election
for Chesterfield County, S. C.
October 16, 1916.
Notice of Election
State of South Carolina
County of Chesterfield.
Notice is hereby given that the
General Election for State and
County officers will be held at the
voting precincts prescribed by law in
said county, on Tuesday, November 7, j
1916, said day beiny Tuesday follow-1
? i
' ' lv I, .j |
ing the first Monday in November, as j
prescribed by the State Constitution.!'
The qualification for suffrage:
Managers of election shall require
of every elector offering to vote at
any election, before allowing him to
vote, the production of his registration
certificate and proof of the payment
of all taxes, including poll tax,
assessed against him and colectible
during the previous year. The production
of a certificate or of the receipt
of the officer authorized to collect
such taxes, shall be conclusive
proof of the payment thereof.
Section 237, Code of 1912, as
amended by Act No. 6, special session
of 1914.
Section 237. There shall be three
separate and distinct ballots, as follows:
One ballot for United States
| Senator, Representatives in Congress
j and Presidential electors; and one
ballot for Governor, Lieutenant Governor,
State officers, Circut Solicitors,
members of the House of Representatives,
State Senator, county officers,
and one ballot for all Constitutional
amendments and special questions,
each of three said boxes to be appropriately
labelled; which ballots shall
~r ?i- ? ? ? I
uk m piiim win it.- paper ana 01 sucn
width and length as to contain the
names wf the officer or officers and
question or questions to be voted for
or upon, clear and even cut, without
ornament, designation, mutilation,1
symbol or mark of any kind whatsoever,
except the name or names of
the person or persons voted for and
the office to which such person or
prsons are intended to be chosen, and
all special questions which name or
names, office or offices, question or
questions shall be written or printed
or partly written or partly printed
thereon and such ballot shall be so
folded as to conceal the name or
names, question or questions thereon,
and so folded, shall be deposited
in a box to be constructed, kept and
disposed of as herein provided by
law, and no ballot of any other description
found in either of said boxes
shall be counted.
On all special questions the ballot
shall state the question, or questions,
and shall thereafter have the words
"Yes" and "No" inserted so that the
voter may indicate his vote by striking
out one or the other of such
words on said ballot, the word not so
stricken out to be counted.
Before the hour fixed for opening
the polls, Managers and Clerks must
take and subscribe the Constitutional
oath. The Chairman of the Board of
Managers can administer the oath to
the other members and to the Clerk ;
a Notary Public must administer the
oath til thi> P.hnirtvion TU.. Vf
v..HU.IIUIII nit- mann^i'ia
J elect their Chairman and Clerk.
Polls at each voting place must be
opened at 7 o'clock a.m. and closed
at 4 o'clock p.m., except in the City of
Charleston, where they shall he opened
at 7 a.m. and closed at 6 n.m.
The managers have the power to
fill a vacancy, and if nore of the Managers
attend, the citizens can appoint
from among the qualified voters, the
Managers, who, after being sworn,
can conduct the election.
At the close of the election, the
Managers and Clerk must proceed
publicly to open the ballot boxes and
count the ballots therein, and continue
without adjournment until the
same is completed, and make a statement
of the result for each (lice and
sign the same. Within three days
thereafter, the Chairman of the
Board, or some one designated by the
Board, must deliver to the Commis
mwiiiTH ui r.iecnon the poll list, the
boxes containing the ballots and written
statements of the results of the
At the said election qualified electors
will vote upon the adoption or rejection
of amendments to the State
Constitution, as provided in the following
Joint Resolutions:
A Joint Resolution to Amend Section
7, Article VIII of the Constitution,
Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness,
by Adding a Proviso
Thereto, Relating to School District
No. 1, of Kershaw County.
A Joint Resolution Proposing to
Amend Article X of the Constitution
by Adding Thereto Section 15,
to Empower the Town of Mullins
to Assess Abutting Property for
Permanent Improvement.
A Joint Resolution to Amend Article
X of the Constitution so as to Authorize
the Town of Clinton and
the City of Easley to Assess Abutting
Property for Permanent Improvements.
A Joint Resoultion Proposing an
/im?tuimem to Article XII, Section
2 of the Constitution, by Striking
Out the Whole of Said Section 2,
Article XII, and Substituting
Therefor a New Seetion Providing
for the Appointment of a Board of
Regents for Institutions Maintained
for the Care of the Insane, for
the Appointment of a Superintendent
Therefor and Defining the
A Joint Resolution to Amend Section
5, Article XI of the Constitution,
Relating to School Districts, by
Adding a Special Proviso as to
Spartanburg County.
Election Manager*
The following Managers of Election
have been appointed to nold tne
e'eci on at the va.-ous precincts in
the Haid County:
Cheraw?J. A. McCreight, I). L.
Tillman, G. W. Guinn.
Bethel?D. S. Matheson, E. C. Ellerbee,
P. E. Treacy.
Pee Dee?Wm. S. Toler, H. K. Linton,
John R. Chapman.
Brock'a Mill?J. Calvin BrocV,
Landy J. Rivers, William A. Peguoa.
Patrick?Joel Leven Baker, John
G. Copeland, I. C. Turnage.
Middendorf?D. M. Rowe, K. C.
Johnson, J. R. Sims.
McBm?T. M. Beattie, W. L. McCoy,
G. E. King.
Grant's Mill?N. P. Evans, W. T.
Rivers, Tyler C. Teal.
Snow Hill?John T. Campbell, Carroll
W. Davis, D. L. Cason.
Odom's Mill?E. W. Sowell, J. W.
Roscoe, Miles Watson.
Douglass Mill?John C. Smith, W.
P. Oliver, A. A. Douglass, Sr.
Wexford?E. J. Moore, J. T. Davidson,
A. B. Smith.
Ruby?D. H. McGregor, S. J. Sellers,
J. F. Crowley.
Cross Roads?V. B. Waddell, J. D.
Woodward, Stonewall Douglass.
Mt.Croghan?W. W. Lowry, W. H.
Gibson, R. B. Redfeam.
Winxo?H. Z. Outin, W. T. Jordan,
C. W. Maples.
Pageland?W. C. Courtney, T. W.
Turner, J. L. Cato. >
Plains?John A. Hitks, U. A. McManus,
T. J. Rogers.
Dudley?T. D. Funderburk, W. C.
.Jenkins, H. J. Funderburk.
Jefferson?L. S. Horton, C. A. Baker,
M. A. Vick.
Catarrh?B. E. Funderburk, W. L.
Jordan, W. H. Middleton.
Angelua?Charlie S Johnson, J. C. )
Jowers, Wm. L. Horton.
Ousleydale?J. W. Ousley, Jesse L. i
Johnson, John A. Clark. 1
Court House?C. J. Hunley, Irvin ]
lMelton, F. W. Rivers.
Cat Pond?W. .T. Ruthven, Jesse
Chisholm, P. E. Chapman.
The Managers at each precinct
named above arc requested to deleKate
one of their number to secure
boxes and blanks for the election by
Nov. 4th from J. W. Hanna, at Probate
Judge's office.
Conimi^ioners of State and County
Elecffbns for Chesterfield County,
S. S.
October 16, 1916.
Court Roster
Monday and Tuesday, October 23d
and 24th, Riven to equity cases.
Wednesday, Oct. 25th
Issues out of Probate Court, Spencer
v. Porucs.
E. T. Watson v. Paschall & Co.
C. A. Martin v. A. C. L. R. R. Co.
et al.
R. H. Price v. A. C. L. R. R. Co.,
of si 1
I F. W. Thompson v. A. C. L. R. R.
Co., et al.
W. A. Stewart v. A. C. L. R. R.
Co., et al.
R. E. Morgan v. A. C. L. R. R. Co.,
et al.
Moore & Gray v. W. L. McCoy.
Thursday, Oct. 26th
F. M. Hasty, et al v. Bud Graves.
H. J. SMlers Co. v. C. D. McLain.
Puffer Mfg. Co. v. D. H. Laney.
T. S. Gregory v. J. F. Powe.
Hurst-Streater Co. v. B. R. Teal.
Friday, Oct. 27th.
H. H. Wallace v. Bank of Ruby &
Mt. Croghan.
Harriet Vann, et al v. J. P. Morrison.
K. T. & E. M. Estridge v. S. B.
B. F Peguea, trustee, v. Fred Wilhelm,
et al
Saturday, Oct. 28th
J. D. & E. G. Ingram v. A. C. L. R.R.
Malloy & Co., v. C. Kirkley.
J. A. Taylor v. W. T. Steen & Co.
J. T. Gulledge v. John Hanroek
Monday, Oct. 30th.
Gulledge Live Stock Co., v. C. W.
Teal et al.
M. B. Smith v. A. F. Teal.
I. B. Merriman v. W. A. & W. M.
Ray field.
Peoples Bank of Chesterfield v. J.
W. Atkinson.
VV. T. Edgeworth v. J. W. Atkinson
Fairfax Refining Co., v. D. H.
J. C. Hancock v. D. L. Lisenby.
C. A. Collins v. W. J. Smith.
J. W. Outlaw v. McBee Supply Co.
et al.
Wednesday, November 1.
Hurst-Streater Co. v. P. A. Melton.
Mamie Donahue v. John W. Wallace.
Edwin Malloy v. D. A. Douglass.
J. M. Miles v. Cleveland Bird.
Thursday, Nov. 2d.
D. L. Lisenby v. Margaret Lisenby.
R. B. Laney v. A.C.L. R.R. Co.
Pi trplnnH
? .. ...sifcanuie iyo v. Adeline
Kuius Powe v. M. & F. Bank.
Moton Rainwater v. M. & F. Rank.
Julius L. Johnson v. M. & F. Bank.
Leak & Marshall v. A. L. Gulledge,
William Gulledge v. A. L. Gulledge,
Saturday, Nov. 4th.
Roland Buggy Co. v. A. L. Gul|
ledge, administrator.
Heath Morrow Co. v. W. G. Sutton,
McBee Supply Co. v. Floyd Blackwell.
McBee Supply Co. v. Chris Black- 1
McBee Suplly Co. v. Lunn Black- 1
well. 1
McBee Supply Co. v. Kisler Black- '
well. ? (
Pocamoke Guano Co. v. J. F. Al- '
exander. '
IFire Insi
We are in position
Fire Insurance promp
ton will be corered tl
(et your message or 1
"Old Line C<
Policies forwarded
We also write all ot
surance, real estate ?
Write or 'phone us
Office Phone 192
| Guaranty Loan
Q J. Wilton Malloy, Mannj
| She SeepU
Capital Stocl
1 R. B. LANEY, Pres. <
2 Vice Pres- & Atty.
J We want your business a
5 When you come to Chesterfield
J pay interest on saving deposit:
per anum.
'Chesterfield,- ,
"We Thought Mother
Would Not Recover."
DauffKnr Sftvt tk?
_ , - _ r |
pcned and Talis of Wonderful t (
Change Brought About. I ^
How Tanlac had driven away all ,
signs of pellagra, which her mother ]
had so badly that the bones of her
hands showed through the sores, and 1
how the same medicine had given her
great relief for different troubles, s
was described in a very remarkable ]
endorsement of Tanlac, given by Mrs.
Belle Hopper, of No. 9 Drayton Ave.,
Drayton, S. C., a suburb of Spartanburg.
"I suffered from headaches and felt
very badly," declared Mrs. #Hopper,
in her statement. "My system was .
in a badly run down condition and I
was very weak. Tanlac had helped
my mother so much that I decided to
take it, and the Tanlac gave me a
greeat^ppetite and 1 began to want
to work all the time, though I had
been too weak to work. The medicine
got me in good shape in every
"My mother, whose home is at
Chesnee, S. C., suffered from a very
I b^ifl (?f npllftflpro on/I oK? V?o.l
iyl-.. ? ^ * ? Mliv? onv unvi ut 111 i
in bud for two years before She begun '
taking Tanlac and she had been al- 1
most helpless for a year or two bofore
she had to stay in bed all the 1
time. Her system was in a very much
run down condition, and her hands 1
and face and feet were a solid mass 1
of sores. She had no appetite at ull
and she had lost a lot of weight.
"Really, my mother was in a ter- '
rible condition. The doctors told her
she had the worst case they ever saw, 1
and the bones of her hands showed '
through the sores. She had taken a '
lot of medicine?almost every kind 1
of tonic she ever heard of?and had 1
several doctors, but she says Tanlac 1
did her more good than all of the 1
other medicine she took. 1
"The Tanlac really guve my mother *
wonderful relief. The sores left her and
huve not come back, though before
she took Tanlac we thought she
would never get over this disease.
She was in an awful condition, really,
but she looks like another woman
now and it is all due to Tanlac.
"She has a good appetite now and
has gained a lot of weight. She
gained three pounds on the first bottle.
We have never seen anything
like it. It is hard to believe any
medicine could do as much, but Tanlac
sure did give her the most wonderful
"I am glad to recommend Tanalc
because it just broke up the case of
pellagra my mother had?at least, the
seres were driven away and have not
come back?and because it proved in
my case a remarkably good medicine, i
My mother has not a single symptom
of pellagra now, so far as I can tell."
Sold by Chesterfield Drug Co.,
Chesterfield, S. C.; T. E. Wannamaker
& Son, Cheraw; Mt. Croghan Drug
Co., Mt. Croghan, S. C.; McBeo Dug
Co., McBee, S. C.; Pageland Drug
Co., Pageland, F/. C.; J. T. Jowers <&
Sons, Jefferaon^S. C.
irance j
tljr. Your cot- u
i* i*m* day we x
letter. We rep- 0
same day as ]i[
her kinds of in- X
ind loans. V
your needs. Q
Residence 19 and 55 O
& Trust Co. |
[?r, Cheraw, S. C. Q
ifyank I
D IN 1911 \
k $25,000 S
C. P. MANGUM, Cashier.
Assistant Casbeir
nd will treat you right. *
I, come in to see us. We *
3 at the rate of 4? per cent *
tfoutk 'Carolina :
Come to Hundred* of Chesterfield
There are days of dizziness:
Spells of headache, languor, back- ^
Sometimes rheumatic pains;
Often urinary disorders.
Doan's Kidney Pills are especially
ror kidney ills.
Endorsed by residents of this vi:inity.
W. T. Barnhill, retired farmer, #>f
Fleet St., Bennettsville, S. C., says:
'My kidneys were out of order and I
suffered from pains across my loins.
My head ached and I had dizzy spells.
The kidney secretions annoyed me by
inssing too frequently. Doan's Kidley
pill relieved me of the trouble."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
limply ask for a kidney remedy?get
Doan's Kidney Pills?the- same that
Mr. Barnhill had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv.
The following story comes from
V'ork Harbor, Maine: "Say, yer know
U - A- IJA.X
. ft mterrary chap thet hed the Furness
cottage up on the hill two years
igo last summer?Mark Twain, I b'ieve
they called 'im. Gee! ye'd never
think ter look at 'im thet he could
write books!
"Wall, he uster come over ter my
louse an' st fer hours to a time while
I spun yarns an' told 'im about York
["oiks an' things. Seemed ter be real
tociable like?liked ter smoke an' talk
in' joke with an old fool like me.
"Wal, one day he come ter me
lookin' kind o' worried like, an' his
hair was all ruffled up like he'd been
*out in a stiff nor'easter, an' he sez, ^
Cap'n Brooks, can you tell me if I
there is an osteoputh at the Harbor?'
Wal,' sez 1, 'the mebbe, but I ain't V
lever ketched one on 'em an' I've
been fishin' here nigh onter forty
/ears.' He looked at me kind o'
jueer, an' then sed he guessed he'd
to up ter the drug-store an' enquire.
"I went home an' told the old wornin
about it, an' she says, 'You big
fool, Jed Brooks, 'tain't no fish; 'tis a
:>ird.' So then I went inter the best
oom an' took down the cyclopedium
ny boy Steve hed when he was ter
Harvard College, an' I'll be durned if
t WAn'f n"
..on nil, nor no bird
leither, but u new-fangled kind of a
Rubbing Eases Pain
Rubbing sends the liniment
tingling through the flesh and
quickly Stops pain. Demand a
liniment that you can rub with.
The beft rubbing liniment is
Good for the Ailments of |J I
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. II
Good for your oum Aches,' |{ WM
Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains,
Cuts, Burns, Etc. jl
_ 25c. 50c. $1. At all Diiliis j!
I ? y j