^ Ol>e (Lfyesterfield .Advertiser
Be * r'ADDBODr^vnuvric i shiloh ? ' ? ' ? -
There has been some fine weather
for the past few weeks for saving hay
and it seems as if farmers have made 0
good use of it. There has been a *'
fine lot of hay saved in this community.
, Little Master Dewy Adams; 13- E
year-old son of Mr. P. W. C. Adams,
of tho Vaughan section, prepared his ti
acre for clover last week and ^lajor
W. J. Tiller sowed it for him last Fri- y
day in clover. This is a good start
for little Dewy. Ci
iJ}L, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Melton spent (j
last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Rivers, of Mt. Croghan. g
Glad to report Miss Olivia Cason g
Mr. N. P. Allen reports he has al- v
ready cooked 1,806 gallons of syrup c
this season.
Miss Maryellen Sellers, of Marsbluff,
spent a pait of the week here .
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sel- 11
lers. n
Our community was shocked very
much last Saturday when the sad
news was received that Mr. M. C.
Coker, of the Wexford community,
had been found dead in his bed Satur- ^
day morning. Mr. Coker had many
friends in this communtiy.
Mr. P. W. C. Adams, of the ?
Vaughan section, made 70^ gallons
of fine syrup from about one and one
half acres of land.
Don't forget the dates that Di. H.
U Smith, Eye Sight Specialist, will be in ^
Chesterfield?Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, October 26th, 27th and
9??K *?*? "
? - b
Mrs. R. F. Funderburk and little
daughter, Christene, are visiting y
I friends and relatives at Pageland and
Ruby this week. ^
Messrs. Lee and Clyde Davis visit- ^
ed their grandmother near Mt. Crog- t|
han Saturday and Sunday. ^
Miss Rillie Campbell, who has been
visiting hfer sister, Mrs. Bennie Davis, p
near Chesterfield, has returned home.
Mr. J. A. Davis has been quite
sick, but we are glad to report he is
much better.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis visited
the latter's parents Sunday.
r e
Mr. Leonard and Miss Rena Camp- w
bell visited their parents Saturday
p C!
and Sunday.
Messrs. Jesse Rivers and Minor
Gaskins visited at Mr. W. J. Campbell's
Sunday evening.
A large number of people attended
the preaching services at Bethel Sun
day afternoon. A very interesting n
sermon was preached. fj
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell visited
the former's parents Sunday.
Preaching at Bethel next Sunday at p
4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boan and chil- *
dren visited at the home of Mr. J. P.
Wilks Sunday afternoon. - ^
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Whitman vis- r
ited at the home of Mr. W. II. Clark p
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. R. E. Bryant, from Columbia, ^
visited at the home of Mr. W. W.
jpf Colby Sunday.
f Mr. G. G. Boan is still cooking mo- y
lasses. ,
/ One of our good old church members,
Mr. W. W.. Collie, had a party ^
at his home one night recently. {
A Church and the Church
PAUL T. WOOD, Pastor
East Chesterfield Charge, M. E. v
f*.Vtnr/?h ftnutV* ?
l . 1 Busy B<
W Everything We Goo
I* fj The Oystc
V |j Home-Made and
The Shiloh school is progressing
Mr. Preston Hurst was the guest of
Tiss Bessie Clanton Sunday afteroon.
Miss Ella Johnson and Gussie
lurch spent Sunday with Miss Biansh
Mr. Paul Sellers was the pleasant
aller of Miss Pauline Middleton Sunay
Mr. Clinton Davis and Mr. Moncc
'eal were the pleasant callers of Miss
llanche Teal Sunday evening.
Mr. John Rivers visited in this secion
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Icy Watson spent Sunday with
liss Nettie Rivers.
Mr. Jesse Rivers was the pleasant
aller of Miss Viola Campbell Sunay
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Sellers spent
unday at the home of Mr. A. J.
Mi3S Maggie Guy, of Alabama, is
isiting relatives and friends in this
Benefits derived from your Savlgs:
We pay 4}^ per ent. if left six
lOnths or longer. C. P Manmim
" Cashier.
The Shiloh school opened for the
ear's work Monday, October 9th.
'rof. E. O. Greene, of Spartanburg,
i principal, and Miss Pearl Melton,
f Chesterfield, assistant.
Mrs. W. H. Middleton has returned
fter spending a week with her son
lr. S. Owens Middleton, of near Darngton.
Messrs. John W. Merriman and
'ed C. Melton were in Hartsville last
Master Hildreth Middleton has
een confined has been confined to his
ed for several days, but we are glad
3 report he is able to be out again.
Mrs. A. L. Johnson and children
pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.
lorton Davis.
Mr. Frank D. Coward and family
ave moved to Mt. Croghan, which
'c regret very much, but hope for
hem much pleasure in their new
Miss Idell Sellers visited Misses
auline and Dora Middleton lust Satrday
and Sunday.
M is;Q rlnm W'lfcrtr* loci \\r !
esday niirht with Miss I.illie Rivers.
You must learn the lesson of
conomy. Bring us your Savings;
'e put them to work for you. We
arry fire and burglar insurance.
C. P. Mangum, Cashier.
Good health and yjood weather are
wo things to he proud of.
We haven't attended a better picic
than was at Palmetto last Saturay.
Many from this Route attended
nd enjoyed it to the fullest extent.
Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Clanton, of this
toute, spent Saturday and Sunday in
he Palmetto section.
Miss Janie Smith, of Shiloh sectio|?yi
? spending a few days at G. N. Clanon's.
Mr. S. T. Atkinson is building a
ouse for Mr. Hnrdic Tiner, near Patiek.
We regret that Mr. Tiner is.ffonp
to leave us.
Messrs. J. W. Odom and G. N.
llanton made a business trip near
inyelus Monday.
Mrs. J. C. Dalrymple and family
isited at the home of .Mr. W. D.
>dnm Sunday.
One fellaw said that he heard Guss
llanton betrj?inj? his mamma for cake
or someone else :?t fhe
If we are all up to (late in prepardness
we have a fall garden planted.
Its about time for some of us to
rade our fishing tackle for a shot
:un and pay the difference.
Come on, Route 2 Patrick writer,
fou ouprht to have lots of news this
Mr. Dock Cassidy and his sister
'isited in the Cross Roads section
leals at The
iz Cafe
irant in Town |
k is Clean, Fresh
i the Market.
jr Season jw
And We Will H
Every Day
Nice Line of
Factory Candies j/j
is, Prop
Hioh School fNotes 4
Mr. Coker has received word that ?
the books for the library have been wt
shipped. We are anxiously awaiting fl
thir arrival. y
Jerome Douglass has been absent ^
from the elevnth grade for several $
days on account of illness.
Mr. Poston took his Physical Ge- ?
ography class to Thompson Creek on
an interesting field trip one day last ??
week. S
Thursday and Friday of last week M
were spent in standing the monthly S
tests. The reports from this work &
were given out Tuesday. ?
We are glad to have Miss Ann
Lucas with us again. She was absent ?
several dafs last week on account of
illness. Hi r nlnrn a'aa filial li?
Pearl Lucas.
Rudolph Hursey, Dan Laney, Carl eg
White, Oscar Sellers, Jack Douglass, G
J. B. Buchanan and Bert Ilurst went i m
around the county Tuesday to help U ,
boost for the Fair.
The literary society, which \wh or- E
panized in the high school about a Jg
week ayo, elected the followiny of- B
ficers: H
Mr. A. R. Poston, president; Je- H
rome Douylass, vice-president; Leon- fg '
nrd Campbell, secretary. Sarah B
Campbell MaudeJ(Rm.CIlURCUxSS I
Moore, Mapgie Lucas and Violet I
Welsh were appointed to draw up B
the constitution for the society.
The followiny program will be car- . 5
ried out Friday: * [ W
Recitations? Violet Welsh, Nell i n
Readings?Garland Douglass, Ethel 8
Johnson, Frank Jackson.
Essays?Jennie Humphries, Lila w i
Teal, Doris Laney. B ^
Debate: Resolved; That the advant- C
ages of a country life are greater m *
than those of town life. K
?? ^ 1 --
...I.uiaunt:. oryan uiiom, Kirby | 2 ]
I Melton. Negatife: Sarah Moore, Ed- I
mund Gullcdge.
Of the Chesterfield High School, For 9
The Month Lading October 1.
11th Grade?Sarah Moore, 95; Do- B
cia Thsentt, 94% ; Maggie Lucas, 90.
10th Grade?Leonard Campbell; i 5j
94%; Kirby Melton, 90. R '
9th Grade?Gladys Kuyfield, 93; g
Jack Doiii lass, 1 ->; Myrtle Ray- H ;
field, 9'2\ Hall Odom, 91.
7th Grade?Johnnie Dafis, Ruth a?
Hurst, Annie V. MacRae, Sallie Mae kj
Tim-alt, Flora Belle Rivers.
6th Grade?Eugene Abbott, Lavinia
Coker, F.lhel Davis, Bessie Hur- ! H
sey, Henry Dean Lucas, Maude Gar- ; 9
land Welsh.
4th Grade?Frances llursey, Sarah gj
Teal, Kvelyn Odom, Margaret 'irotti, j B
William Hough.
3d Grade?Gladys Johnson, Annie h
Belle Streater, Erma Rivers, Jack j g
Trotti, Lera Ilddins, Ross I'orter, M
Gladys Myers, Hester Griggs.
2d Grade?Helen llursey, Elsie H
I Miimrom I I ..l* ? r.' l .
...... mvwiqi unvnouiii CiVUiyil ?
Gaddy, Dora Iluneycutt, Francis ~
Avanced 1st?Evelyn Gulledge. . .
The girl was born to crime. Iler m:u
father was in prison, serving a long ')'"1
term sentence; her mother died when nv
the husband and father was caught j 11 '
red-handed stealing to obtain money I ft,;"
. for medicine, that the mother might I 'M
live a few ilays itiore. Left to the ; P
tender mercies of fate and a boon ^,a
companion of the criminal father, the Sin
girl was given a post-graduate course r\
in pocket-picking. boo
She was arrested and brought into <jay
the police station just at the moment aflt
that George Devereaux, the District
Attorney, had called to claim the first Mrs
criminal he could lay his hands on as ,j<,h
a subject for an experiment in crimi- Lul
nology. I)av
Devereaux claimed that he could, C
by proper education and the bent <it tab]
of improved surroundings, save from
a life of crime any child that had s r\
been born and bred in a criminal at- wor
| mosphcre. And so the girl's future rati
I was directed into pleasant places, the thci
child to be schooled for her final bet- be s
torment and well-being. A
This is the digest of the story con- t on
| stituting the basis of "The Great I in i
Problem," to be the attraction at the * itn
Amus-U Theatre next Saturday night, bet\
with Violet Mcrscreau playing the Her
stellar role. Lionel Adams is her are
leading man, and they present a grip- uset
ping story in fast moving1 scenes of I vs
exceptional interest. van
Just how the "experiment" works croj
out might better be left for the ob- fl ml
server to witness first hand, for it is * jpj
i sure to detract from the interest of a bac<
film story if given complete. How- B
ever, there can be no great harm done b<u):
in declaring here that the author finds a.IV
a happy ending and in spitb of the c> pt
sodden and crime-soaked start, the b. t\
play soon works into pleasanter M
scenes, leaving a happy impression at the
the close. is nr
Remember the Date |
Cf The |
Redieara Estate Sale |
Tuesday I
November 14th. |
gaatgggt t^gflafrr* AixuPnMt
We will make it pay you and pay you well, to take a jh
Jay off, and coinc to see us. We have every tKin^J for Men, n
toun^j Men and Boys to wear, and shoes for every member E
A the family.
We bought our Clothing, I hits anil Shoes, eaily, and R
lad same shipped to us in Mav an I June to protect ourselv- n
js against the rapid advances, and we are in a position to U
sell you your Sho< s at about the same prices as last year. j|
We buy.our Shoes direct from the Shoe M inufacturers, P
mil from the best Shoe Manufactories in America, and S
they are made of solid leather, and as near waterproof as E
an be made of leather. We have a size for every body
)nd for any and every kind of wear, siz-s fr uu o to l."?
Our Clothing-is .nail" by St rouse- & Rros ami Mart
SchalVner & Marx. We have a Suit to lit every man, i
Young Man and Hoy, Largo or Small, a Style to suit yon j!
and at prices to plea?e you. Men's si/."S from d'J to f)<>. ai
Hoys sizes fioni 'J years to !>( ; knee pants
lleie is the kind of Merchandsse we sell?the very g
best nothing else?and satisfaction guaranteed.
li. IS. ALLEM to. |
The Home of Good Clothing \
vv autouuiu. i^i. v^.
imiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111111 i 111 ~ii ii i" i iiiiii i i n ii mm &
I* i j I these sterling old men wulkc.i
DOO.itCr 13tlOi3lC 'straightsr than th" average boy a
enjoyed the trip as much as litti
V. W. Spencer, one of the most t n- ^
. . What about the fellows who wei
siastic boosters, was the oldest , , .
' ' so anxious about the dinner that th
i on the trip, being M his lati st ] . Mcl'ce lifteea minutes a! *ad ? '
hday. Mr. Spencer, as will be re- tin. > an ! arrived at Macedonia <
abered, represented Ch ...trfkid ? ' .1 vie..- run : > fas a
he Legislature a Rood many ydara lbrJllk ono ?f the leg* "r their F<
. . oeftire reaching Macedonia.
. and it is interesting to hear nun ; .
J ! :ie boosters four,.! cotton - !!
. of tiu- changes that have tal.ei . , s ( ,,,(s ;t, .J,.f\%.r?.,n
e wiihin the past t verity-! ve V n fuse to j?ire his name lice. .
rs in the* "best county in the v ' beiieve that he was not entir.
Li? ? re ponsiblc. Hating Macedo:
. . "later" pie is somewhat like drink;
he feminine contingent of the , , . ,, .. . . , .
,,, , n- cob-weo Iturbon. It cheers, thou i
sters came into ( hesterlield lues- . i , i . . ,
, , .. . i do.* not inebriate, but it also ma1
evening dusty but undismayed, ,
eaUl.o oil's to 1( - '.omovvhnl i\f ,! jnr.
r a very enjoyable Uy. Among- fion an(, jn the fullnosH of hj,
,e in the crowd were Mrs. Bntton, ,u.art s;jy what h<j thjnks Qiui of
' Lonniu Campbell, Mrs Henry the S]>oaker8 was thus elTtH.u>tI nn<1
nson, Mrs. Sandy Campbell and m;ulu lhf, stat(>mont ,h.lt thoU}rh ,
e Miss Lois Campbell, Miss Laura ho|K>(, ^ ^ ^ wjn out)iw. him>
is and Miss Rcna Campbell. ghc m|j?ht not Rnd jf sh<> dw no
?ne of the most expense dm.ng I :, wo, ian vlu, niJ. ,
les in the worl.l was v.ewed while tha, UtaU.r? pit> mi(jht as wt,M makl,
Macedonia, and the repast was U|> her mim, to it> ?e wouldn't gh <
red on this, table. The legs.are her Hny ^ t|n ^ marrit.(1 hini
th approximately $1,000 and the Am, w<j he wag not (o 1)]nim.
ons on the table wt re easily worth
r weight in gold if gold should
is valuable as diamonds. Dr. H. Smith, Eye Sight Specialist,
l striking example of the nilini- will be in Chesterfield three days,
sof war which are being prepared Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Ocuur
light on the boll weevil is tober 26th, 27th and 28th. Have your
kVii on the farm of Mr. Campbell eyes examined * nd fitted. .12
veen Campbell's Mill and Patrick.
e, Within the space of 100 yards LOST?Between Monroe, N. C.. and
three 42-centimetre guns to be Bennetlsville, one Cadillac tire and
1 against the army of General Hm Reward if returned to W. ,VI.
truction that accompanies the ad- Ha|ner Bennett.villc, S. C.
co of Mr. Boll Weevil. A fine
? of rice in the process of curing,
<ed by a fine patch of ribbon cane, W'LL SLLL at ??ftion all kinds of
ported by the background of to- ^operty; C.ty Property cut into
o barns Lots; big Farms cut into small
y the way, did any of the other 6 p?r c'nt- cotr-tni*tiopters
n< Eice that the frost had not Wrtto Sims m. Carter, Chester, S. C,
cted any part of _he county ex- ~ ??
. a small section on the highway HORSE FOR SALE
veen Cheraw and Patrick? An excellent driving horso, eigh<
Ir. Spcntfer was only a few years years old, at a bargain. Or would
oldest booster, as Mr. T. P. Craig trade for a Ford roadster. See
lighty close to his age. Boih of J. K. UAIii.
| One Hundred Enthu:
Boosters En
Chesterfield County's big County y
Fair Booster trip swung round its b
ninety-mile circle Tuesday on sched- tl
ule time.
It was a joyous and enthusiastic s:
crowd of nearly 100 boosters that f<
pulled out from the county seat a h
few minutes past 8 a.m. and dived in- b
to the dust of Chesterfield's high- c?
ways. They breathed dust; they ate
dust; they accumulted it in their eyes (,1
anu ears; but their enthusiasm was ni
not smothered nor suffocated. A more r
| loyal abrogation of royal boosters
1 never burned up the public highways j:
! than this bedusted group of Chesterfield
County citizens. jj
Getting away a few minutes late, n,
the stay at Cheraw was necessarily w
short, but from that on the trip was jn
made on schedule time, or better. s,
Speeches were made at all of the til
stops save one, there being fairly st
good-sized crowds on hand to welcome
the boosters. tli
The principal speakers were Secro- at
tary Hunley, Hon. W. P. Odom, Mes- al
srs. I. P. Mangum, B. J. Douglass, F. ct
W. Kivers and D. H. Laney. to
The sneakers all stressed the fact ti
that the Fair is a County Fair and
not a coutt iiousc town affair, that it th
was run by public-spirited men in the fo
interest of Chesterfield county as a g!
whole, seeking to favor no one section
above another. b<
The fact was brought out again at
that this Fair Association is unique in
that no dividends will ever be de- .lt
elared on the stock. Those who took ' ar
stock in this association did so know- , ce
ing that it was not to be a money- (th
>, vtbiiui'iii,. ah ]?rt?fits go
into the irenera! treasury of the asso- m
eiation for expenses, improvements lu
and the awardin.tr of prizes. There to
is hardly another county fair in the 111
State giving as many and as large
cash prizes as tin.' Chesterfield County pi
Fair. ca
Mr. Odom's quips and Mr. Man- ft
gum's jokes never failed to provoke j
laughter. | le
Mr. F. \Y. Rivers, "one of the best II
farmers in the t unity," had a special CI
na sage for his hearers. It was a I?
ehn.icit.ire to contest for that big $-"> ft
prize for the best general display A
fro.a any one farm. Mr. Rite: has 11
taken this prize twice in succession H
and he told his hearers that he would 01
continue to take it until some ore ' \
beat him to it. lie threw down ;l o >'
gauntlet and said, in effect, that the
prize is there for you, now get it if 01
you can. 1 won't begrudge you if P
The entertainment given in the i:
school auditorium last Friday even- ( b
ing v.as a grand success. A beautifill
wi'll-nrrnntrnil tirn-WMnt umc v"
tiered by the pupils. It consisted of music,
readings and recitations, in
which a large number of pupils par- S
tieipated and re fit vied credit 0:1 those ('
. who trained them. The next public
exoivi-.es of this nature will be he' 1 tr
Thursday afternoon, Oct. UGth, in- p
stead of Friday, as was previously an- 1*
nounccd. Mr. Hunley front Chester- s.
. Held, will speak. Kveryln dy come. C
Miss Nolle Powe, of Col er College,
sp< st thi week-etui at her horn here, v
Messrs. 0. M. Ro*ve and 11. C. Wil- ; h
! !:it are recent purchas . s of Chev- :*
(oriel cais.
j !' : 't I'mi'/i i the Community Fair. '
No'.. r. if i. Bring lite best of ev- i p
cryraised on your farm, or ; i
t):.< e in the home. Talk it. Tell C
j ur neighbors ami friends. c
Mis; Stella Mima and Miss Card- b
tier, of Chesterfield, spent one day I'
last week in Patrick.
Rev. C. L. Stoncy left Friday night "
for his home at Hardecville.
Mrs. D. S.,Brown returned Saturday
night from a week's visit with i ~
relatives in Liberty, N. C.
iu'v. ic. i>. i nanu s and t'rol. >"
Murray spent Saturday in Chcraw.
Miss Elsie Idles returned to her
home in Choraw Sunday, after spend- 0
i: .. a week with her sister, Mrs. YV. \'. ''
Mr. J. YV. Winburn, of Hnnilct, N*.
('., s|? nt Sunday in Patrick. '
Pursuant to a decree heretofore t<
granted in the ease of ,1. ('. Williams, C
plaintiff, against II. M. Johnson, et '
al, I will offer for sale before the li
Court House door in Chesterfield, S. n
C., on the first Monday in November
(same being the f>th) within the le- 1
gal hours of sale, t<> (he highest bid- (>
der for cash, the following real estate,
to wit: all that piece, parcel or tract
of land, in Chesterfield County, State '
of South Carolina, and in Cole Hill :1
Township, containing one hundred
and twenty-five (125) acres, more or
less, bounded north by land of Elisha
Boan; east by Tvishn Bonn; south by
land of J. N. Boan, and on the west |
circle The County
ou boat mo, but you will have to
oat me to get it. I am going to be
lore. Are you?
At McBoe, owing to a misunderinding,
the procession pulled ^ut a
;w minutes too early. The school
ad turned out to meet the boosters,
ut they left as the children were
>ming out.
It was a dusty and hungry crowd
lat rolled into Macedonia a few <
linutes ahead of the schedule time
>r dinner.
It is right here that the writer feels
ke giving up in despair of doing the
ibject justice. All those people who
:ive ever partaken of a picnic dinsr
at Macedonia know what
e mean. It would take a gifted pen
ideed to do justice to the handsome
read the good ladies placed before
is hungry aggregation, one hundred
Consider first the table on which
io dinner was spread. It was estimed
that the legs alone were worth
out $1,000, being made of 18Mi
r.t cotton in bales. The food on
p was estimated to be worth many
mes as much.
When this crowd was well-filled
ere remained enough untouched
iod to satisfy another such an ag egation.
Macedonia made a hit with the
>osters, who hope they left as good
i impression as they received.
On the remainder of the trip, at
'fferson, Pagcland, Mt. Croghan
id Ruby the travelers were well reived
and did their best to show
eir appreciation.
Hilly Collins, the irrepressible Billy,
et the boosters at Macedonia, where
played and ate, but his car refused
keep up with the procession the reainder
of the way.
The Fair Association wishes to e\'v?s
its sincere appreciation to the
ir owners who furnished their cars
<: ih" trip Among them are:
Messrs. G. P. Spencer, Jim Crawy.
\Y. A. Douglass, C. C. Douglass,
enry Douglass, J. T. Hurst, L. M.
tanley, W. P. Odom, I. P. Mangurn,
. M. Therrell, J. X. Davis, I.. B.
avis, C. It. White, 1,. A. Campbell,
. I.. Griggs, K. Armfield, J. C. Baker,
. F. King, M. S. Watson, A. W.
ur-ey. Henry Johnson and J. C. Riv}.ii.'.-srs.
C. L. Melton and R. C.
tkinson accompanied the boosters
< ji. .V i-lk'i' to Jefferson.
' 'ne management will furnish seas>
tii ' ts to these car owners, in aprcciation
of their kindness.
> lands of G. W. Boan; the same heir,
the land conveyed to J. R. Boan
y Klihsa Boan.
Master for Chesterfield County.
Pursuant to a decree heretofore
ranted in the case of \Y. E. Rogers,
luintilf. against J. N. Roan, J. W.
olson, defendants, I will offer for
i!i- 1 ef< re the Court House door in
he rficLl, S. on the first Mon\
in November, same being the 6th,
1 the lagal hours of sale, to the
i:'host bidder for cash, the following
! i to, t > wit:
All the right, title and interest of
X P.'-iti in and to that certain
. parcel <>r tract of land, lying,
and siiuate in the County of
hi tor.it ! i,t,State of South Carolina,
ur.iairtin;* three hundred (1100)
ctvs, more or less, bounded on the
orlh by lands of 11. M. Johnson; east
y lands of Pre; sly Roan, and west
y lards of G. \Y. Roan, said tract of
md being estate lands of Elisha
loan, deceased.
I'. A. MURRAY, .lr.
Master of ('hostorlield County.
W<\ the undersigned, heirs at law
f Allicne Parker, being pII of the
at law, desiring to partition the
!.d among ours ca, hereby offer
r sale at public auction, before the
ourt House door in Chesterfield, S.
on the first Monday in November,
same being the fith), within the leu
hour of sale, to the highest bidt
r for cash, the following real estate
? wit: all that tract of land in the
ounty ami State above written, and
i Col liiil Township, containing one
unified and twenty (1120) acres,
lore or less, bounded on the north
y Rear Creek, east hy lands of R. I).
in:; sunn and west l>y lands formrly
of L. C. Parker.
Same beinjr the estate lands of Alene
Parker, deceased, and we a^ree
> j*ive the purchaser or purchasers
t said sale a prood and sufficient deed
> the premises.
v . ' ' ... AiM
i s