/ tt?*?*?/?^W?fcr M?/?rM/M/*/M \ I TIip Hnnmnliilp I JL tlV EAU|/IIIVM1IV Asfes No Odds By actual performance, the Hupmobile answers claims of multi-cylinder advantages in its own price-field. And by performance we moan the power and flexibility of the motor; comfort; riding ease?every element that contributes to motor car satisfaction. By means of proved and definite Charlotte records of operating and up keep economy the Hupmobile establishes for itself higher quality than rules its class. It goes still further by offering a free-coupon service that no car less worthy could support. We are pleased at all times to demonstrate the Hupmobile, with the clear understanding that the recipient of the demonstration is placed under no obligation whatever. < McGregor-Raley Auto Co. RUBY, SOUTH CAROLINA i 1MUN5KIS MUINIil Dr. Messinger Mutisey?and it happens this is his true name?laid by for old age. He didn't care to spend his old age practicing medicine. lie wanted a period in his life when hi could rest all day and sleep all night. So he saved money. He selected the fireplace of his sitting room for his treasury. He olaced his bank-notes and cash un der the stone. Upon his return from a budden call he found the maid had built a warm fire on the hearth. Need we say more about Munsey's Money? The one, sure, safe, solid place to keep YOUR money is in an account with us. Money out of a Bank Account is like a fish out of water?it doesn't last long. BANK OF RUBY AND MT. CROGHAN M. CROHAN, S. O. Branch at RUBY, S. O. R. E. Rivers, Pres., P. M. Therrell, Trcas. I Bank nf C*hc*^t(*rfif*iH I ? __ ? JC a w ? M M W H S Oldest Bank In Chesterfield ? J li/e Solicit Your Business. Fay Interests | I "On TIME DEPOSITS. V If We Invite You I 11 SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES | II I mil* Patronagc wanted, whether large or f i X UII I. sman Both receive courteous attention. ? l| Olir MOttO: Strength Security. I R. E. Rivers, Pres. C. C. Douglass Cashier t 2 M. j. Hough, V. Pres. D. L. Smith, Asst. Cashier. m l" Caii on Us When in need of anything that is kept in an up-to date Grocery 3tore. H * Phone us your orders and they will he delivered } to your home. Phone 79. H * Mr. 11. T. Redfearn is now with us and will be } H* pleased to have his friends call and let him 9erve them. J Yours to please, I* vtrr* nr"i\r?r? a mt |j lilt KtltfLAKIN LU j I The Peoples, Bank ^"utZ I CHESTERFIELD, S. C. Ic. P. MANGUM. MACK DAVIS. I PRESIDENT CASHIER I We solicit yoai business, and cordially invite you to call on ns when you ar? in our town. [The Peoples Bank I'llHUSIIKI) EVERY THURSnAY Subscription. 91.00 a year. Advertising rates furnished on application. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at Chesterfield, South Carolina. PAUL H. HEARN Editor f ad Publisher. KICKING OVER THE MILK PAIL In Chicago they have been having strikes for years but here is a new one. It comes from the dairy farmers who have been supplying Chicago with milk. The farmers want a slight advance in price of the lacteal fluid. They don't claim that it is on account of the war, that handy excuse for any old thing, but they say the city milk dealer is getting all the profit. Their fiirhfc is on t.hf* mnn but all Chicago is kicking like Mrs. O'Leary's famous cow that kicked over the lamp that set Chicago on tire. One of the strik ing farmers explains "the milk in the cocoanut" as follows: "At present we deliver about a million quarts of milk daily, on an average, in Chicago. We get, on an average, two cents a quart for this milk. The dealers receive eight cents, and in pint bottles ten cents, a quart for this milk." The demand was for an increase of about one-sixth, 16H per cent; that is, the the farmers getting two cents a quart asked for seven cents, instead of six cents, for three quarts. From this distance it looks like the farmers' demand is yery . modest and the Chicago people had better let the cows do the . kicking. Sawtell, California, is to have a woman Mayor. Do tell! The river aud harbor appropriation bill, carryiug $-10,000,000 has passed the lower House of Congress*. One of the largest appropriations is that of Norfolk to Beaufort, $1,000,000. At a convention of Dentists out west it was stated that paiuless dentistry will soon be an ac l: _ 3 3 r ? a ? . uwliipiisneu lucl. vvn euuor who has had experience says that will not happen until the toothless age arrives. A notable death was that of Miss Mary Risinger, near Leesville, South Carolina. She lacked less than two mouths of being 9b years old and up to five years ago had lived all of her life in the house where she was born. West Virginia has determined that prohition shall prohibit iu that state. Officers captured a big load of whiskey coming into the State on a wagon drawn by two mules. They not only confiscated the whiskey but the wagon and the mules. Statistics as to last year's cotton crop and the crop being planted this year have been published. According to this report every cotton state shows a slight i n/M'Qb CrO rn ol/inof o *-* " ?* xut^uov uiuiiiu^ aw ntcia^c 111crease of 6 per cent. The figures for South Carolina are: 2,399,000 acres for 1915; 2,507,000 acres for 1910. The reduction in use of fertilizers this year is about 10 per cent. Notice to Creditors District Court of the United States, Eastern District o t South Carotins. In the matter of Mt Croghan Mercantile Company, Bank rupt?Chesterfield County. To the Creditors of the above named Bankrupt; Take notice that on the 17ih day of Match 1910, the above named bankrupt filed his petition in eaid Court praying the confirmation of the composition ] heretofore offered and accepted, and that a hearing was t.hprmm Ion ordered and will be had upon said petition on the 8th day ot j May 1910, before said Court, at Charleston, in said District, at j 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place all known | creditors and other persons in ' interest may appear and show j cause, if any they have, why the ? prayer of said petition should j not be granted. ?j Richard W. Outson, Cleric. . G- K. Laney, I Atty. for Plaintiff. j OPPORT By John J, t1 V Master of Human Desti Fame, love and fortune Cities and fields I walk; Deserts and seas remote Hovel and mart and pal I knock unbidden once s If sleeping wake?if feas I turn away. It is the 1 And they who follow m Mortals desire, and con* Save death; but those w Condemned to failure, p Seek me in vain and us* I answer not, and I reu DR. R. L. MoMANUS Dentin! Office over Hank of Chesterfield. Will visit Pageland every TV.esdav. Other days in Chet>- j tertield. Prices reasonable. All work i guaranteed. 1 BANNA & HUNL.EY ?ATTOltN K Y 8? R. E, Hanna C Ij Huule< OheRterfield, S. 0. Office it Peoples Bank Building orvic ok DR. 0. A. GLOVER Physician and Surgeon Calls answered day or night. Office at Chesterfield Drug Company We are Studd Wagons And every In our complete line of mere Live and Let SPECIAL?We are formerly used in t at remarkably lo1 Also rooms to rei HORST-STREAI - y\j 4h0Bw / >SB5E$' /? >R L H TROTTI I Dental Surgeon l> Chesterfield, S. C. s Office 011 second floor in Ross l' Building. V All who desiro my services will V ilease see me at Chesterfield, as 1 T lave discontinued my visits to other u ;own? C OKFICK OF | ^ UOUNTY SUPERINTENDE"] (v OF EDUCATION v K. A. ltoUSE J Office open every Xnlnr "n$ nud (lie V first ^Monday of eneh month. V ( Geese and Hens Wanted. J 500 lions, 100 geese wanted h Highest market prices paid. I .1 VV 1 I u n 11 a I selling < baker ; Cheap thing else and up-to-date ji :handise at * Live Prices i selling the Furniture ' he Commercial Hotel [ ?v prices. \ [R COMPANY I r j A the Receiv- \ < Window! v c a week. F5 t one today. J C f that you'll add to it. J K 'I th# Loss of Position or a Your Bank Book J ur Support !} :rs' bank j, ; j ? . P c ?5^)cS)5^)cS)CS)(t) r ice See Us Sj t and and H y ds of Insurance Q " >aa Manager. J.|? ?e?e$3>?S8> ?SS)hn Palson. poor 6.00 rs. Nanny Skipper, gang - 16.60 . H. Laney, medicine 100.00 . A. Rouse, salary J00.00 dom Bros. Co.. gang 5.10 ulledge Rros., Jail 1-8* . I). Duvall. gang 168.36 . M. Barentine, clerk 25.00 . L. Cassidy. gang 20.00 . P. Evans, magistrate 20.83 ,'alkor. Evans & Cogswell, stationery 12.00 .'alker. Evans & Cogswell, stationery 2.81 1"). Robeson, gang 10.50 W. Robeson, gang 1-30 lieraw Chronicle, advertising 29.50 I T. Atkinson, coroner and post mortem 47.80 I. D. Player, outside aid 3.00 barles Evans, poor 3.00 k'. A. Evans, magistrate 20.83 '. C. McLaurin, rural police 76.50 . R. Aabbott, rural police 3.00 t'. A. Odom. poor 3.00 V. J. Tiller, farm demonstrator 75.00 'hestcriield Telephone and Telegraph Co., phone rent.. 6.00 E. Agerton. commutation and special 58.23 II - - Lt 11a. Melton, outside aid 5 00 ). T. Teal, physician 16.00 t. L. Gardner, lunacy 5.00 V. A. Douglass, salary 36.11 \ W. Eddins, salary 72.22 '. 11. Redfearn. poor 12.00 '. E. Poison, right of way 5.00 Llvln Blaktiey, janitor 16.00 ^ j I). Robeson, bond and election expense 1.10 j| ?. P. Douglass, salary 125.00 ^ J >. A. Stafford, poor 5.00 Id. Quick, jail 3.75 ). H. Menus, insurance, court house 47.50 \ Ji L. Railroad, freight 40.95 October and Novembre 1 4,325.13 DECEMBER 6T1I *916. Dvin Blnkney, janitor ? 16.00 ). ,'vt. Barentine, clerk 12.50 i. P. Davis, gang 20.99 i. C. Brown, O. 11. Wood 21.93 L Sullivan, poor house 52.55 )dom Bros. ( o., gang 23.30 !. A. Rouse, salary 100.00 Iheraw Hardware & Supply Co., gang 191.03 Aerett Waddy Co.. stationery 18.52 Valker, Evans & Cogswell, stationery 3.28 ohn Palson, poor 6.00 Valker, Evans & Cogswell. stationery 10.83 Valker, Evans & Cogswell, stationery 46.93 Valker. Evans & Cogswell, stationery 3.09 'hesfertield Telephone Co., phone rent 6.00 hesterfield Mercantile Co., gang 39.24 , B. Davis, bond election 1.60 I. T. Atkinson, salary 20.83 I. T. Redfearn, gang 7.20 '.edfearn Co., gang 18.25 'eal Jones Co.. jail 5.60 I I). Player, poor 3.00 lank of Chesterfipld, R. R. Coupons 150.00 S. Funderburk, special levey and B. & R 190.21 s. I). Craig, light rent and cement 53.15 'oter Zeomis,, feeding jurors 21.00 lank of Chesterfield. Chesterfield school bonds Not allowed V. A. Evans, masistrate 20.83 V. N. Leo, magistrate 33.32 talker, Evans & Cogswell, office furniture 80.00 ). F. Ilrock, magistrate 16.66 'heraw Sash, Door & Lumber Co., It. & B 27.00 V. A. Gantt, lunacy 10.00 L. L. Gardner, lunac y 5.00 \ A. Nicholson, It. & B..\ .. 4.80 . W. i'ascoe. magistrate 12.50 . T. Campbell. It. & B 12.52 he Jeffersonlan, printing 38.50 s. ,f. Evans, magistrate 16.66 . T. Grant, rural police 75.00 'ageland Journal, printing 40.88 ^ \bbott, rural police 75.00 * '. C. McLauriu. rural police 78.30 V. A. Odom, poor 5.00 Irs J. M. Laney, poor 10 [. F. King, salary and expenses 109.37 has. Moore, gang 25.00 ohn Knight, gang 50.00 7. M. Belle. It. & R 41.61 hesterfield Advertiser, printing 26.01 ell a Melton, poor 5.00 . It. Rodgers, magistrate 16.66 , K. Sowell, special 'evy 406.00 harlest Evuns, poor..\ 3.00 1 . f; Sanders, salary 12.00 !. VV. Moore, rurul police 79.20 '. \V. Eddins, salary 37.11 /. J. Teller, farm demonstrator 33.33 rmfield Hardware Co., gang 28.25 F. M. Odom, coal for C. H 102.13 hesterfield Drug Co., C. II. and gang 13.06 . A. Stafford, poor 6.00 'alter Terrell Co., gang 64.84 H. Hardin, lunacy 5.00 R. Abbott, jail expense 4.65 !\ Douglass, expense 81.00 . V. Douglass, salary 125.00 JT . & L. Railroad freight * 3.83 . & L. Railroad, freight 6.62 I ank of Chesterfield gang 23.60^ I7.253 5M DECKMBER 21, 1915, . L Douglass, gang . C.. Burr, poor house 25.65 * . T. Teal. R. & II 68 54 ^ S. Helig, dlsenfeetant 87.00 E. Wilson, gang.. 4.30 \ M. Teal. R. & B 8.66 nil (h Atlantic Fns. Co., premium on office bond 98.50 >o. W. Knight, gang 51.94 T. Tarker, gang t 30.00 tias. Moore, gang 26.00 . P. King, salary and' expenses 110.09 A. Murray, Jr., expanses 20.00 igeland Journal, printing 14.13 T. Orant, rural policel 75.00 alker, Evans & Cogsirell. stationery 7.39 alker, Evans & Coga?cll. stationery 61.26 P. Brock, marlatratel .. .. -- ... -- 1? ?fl