t Ofye (Ttyesterfield ^Advertiser VOLUME 35?NO. c. CHESTERFIELD, S. O., APRIL 27, 1916 ' ji no a vwaptm *nv?nnk i L Chesterfield Club B Elects Delegates F Last Saturday, April 22d, ^ was eefc as the day for the L meeting and re-organizing of the fl' various Democratic Clubs of the counties of the State. For the most part these meetmz. ing were held on schedule time and the business before them ^ transacted. There is a call pub- : lished in this issue of the Adver- . '* m ^ tiser for those clubs of the couu- j ty which failed to meet to do so f next Saturday April 20th. I Courthouse Club met at the ( courthouse and elected the fol- J lowing officers: R. K. Rivers, ( pres.; George K. Laney, vice- j pres.; W. P. Odom, sec'y and t treas. i In the election of delegates to r the county convention, to be c held here on May 1st, each club h is allowed one delegate for each t 25 votes cast in precinct of said club in the first primary of 1914. On this count Courthouse Club ] is allowed 18 delegates. The following men were nominated as delegates to the county convection: M. J. Hough, W. P. Odom, R. E. Rivers, G. K. Laney, A. W. a i llursey, John A. Welsh. C. L. e Huniey, L. L. Spencer, Ervin d Melton, P. A. Murray, Jr., F. a W, Rivers, D. P. Douglass, I. P. t P^L.. Matigum, J. H. White, 11. J. . mitted to the County Conven S tion. t * On motion of P. A. Murray, 1 Jr., seconded by A. W. Hursey, C the club endorsed the Anti-com- ^ ' plpt Act, known as the LaneyOtrom Hill. d At>. the county conventibn, t held here Monday, May 1st, del $ egates will be elected to the State convention to he held May o 18 in the hall of the house of e representatives. One o f the 7^^ important matters will he the v electing of delegates to the na- c V tional convention. Tiie county 1 [ to county canvass will probably } be among the principal things considered. t a Ruby Democratic Club t Ruby Democratic Club met t (Saturday, April 22d am] passed the following resolutions : e .First, Resolved that this club * goes on record as endorsing the p administration of President t Woodrow Wilson and commend- t ing his course of action as head d of the affairs of this nation. Second; Whereas, at the recent session of the General Asrembly, Senator Laney and Rep- 5 resentative Odnm were the joint I authors of what is called the c Lauey-Odem or Anti-compact c |a ' Bill which precludes the Ike insurance companies from illegally 1 combining for the purpose of Hx- e ^ ing insurance rates and whereas ? 1^^ in oar opinion this law is of in-1 , estimable value to the people of J :f >- Booth Carolina, and in our opin- i Announcements For Supervisor We are authorized to announce Mr. N. M. Johnson as a candi date for County Supervisor subject to the action of the Democratic primary. We are authorized to anuounee Mr P H. Arant as candidate for County Supervisor,, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. on is a piece of great construc>ive legislation, we, the mem :>ers of the Rubv Democratic Dlub, in meeting assembled, do lereby endorse the action of lelegates Laney and Odom in )a88ing said law and commend ihem for their allegiance to the nterests of the people and comnend any and all other members if the General Assembly who dded or assisted them in the >ussage of this act. J. Sidney Smith, President. G. Griggs, Secretary. Jefferson Democratic Club The Democrats of Jefferson at meetiag last Saturday endorsd the administration of Presient Woodrow Wilson. They ISO expressed a preference fur he county-to-county campaign, 'he following officers were eleced: President?M. M. Johnson, Vice President?W. G. Sutton. Secretary?C. H. Lowry. Executive Committeeman?M. 1, Johnson. Delegates to the county conention at Chesterfield, Monday, lay 1: R Ii Garland. James Iriffth, Edward Miller, HeyFard Milier, R A Grilf'fch, J W filler, L K Raley, W R Holms, G W Threatt. M M Johnsn, Ur W ? Grant. Tom F MacNalley was selectd as the speaker ft?r county-toounty campaign?an issue that ril! be most energetically disussed throughout the state. he Interdenominational Sunday School Convention The South Carolina Interdeominational District Sunday Ichool Convention met in Ches?rfield Baptist Church Sunday, Lpnl 23, 1913. The convention was well atended, there being full delegaions from all the Chesterfield | Jhurches, from theCheraw Bapist, Methodist, and Biesbyterian iinday Schools, Hopewell Bapist, Lower Macedonia Baptist, 'ine Grove Bantist. Westfield Jreek Baptist, and Mt. Olivet iethodist Sunday Schools. The meetiug was called to orer by the president, Hon. W. \ Stevenson. The Itev, A. H i IcArn led in prayer. Reports were heaid from many f the Sunday schools representd. Short and interesting talks /ere made by the Hon. W. F. Itevenson and the Revs. B. S. i'underburg, A. H. McArn and 5. F. Lang. Most of the schools represen ed pledged themselves to make n effort to send delegations to ne state uonvenlion n. Charleson. A collection to defray current xpenses netted $1(5.05 A deep interest in Snndav chool work was manifested by I he delegates and the inspira-l ion aroused is calculated to proluce good results in the future. Obituary. Willie Boatwright, the s?ven'ear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. ... Boatwright. of near Jefferson, lied at the home of his parents >n Sunday, April 10th. Throughout his short life Wilie had been an invalid but in ipite of.his sufferings, he possesled a sunny disposition. The Ynempry of hie cheerful 'ace will bJ a blessing to all rho know aim. PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII0 ggg 9 sss I = INSURANCE?FIRE, LIFE. ACCIDENT, HEALTH M S / We Represent the Str. ngest and Best :E= Old-Liue Insurance Companies =? in the World. : j s= *jtm;sTJfiKFlELD LOAN & INSURANCE CO. ^ EE Perry M. Therrell, Manager == EE Mt. Crogban. = HllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII? n| iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin m | Insecticides | -EE Protect your chickens from lice, mites and fleas. ~ == We have the remedy. = | Condition Powders | -i For Poultry and Stocfc ?2 ==j We have the well-known and reliable kind, Pratt's =E EE Southern, Black Draught and Ashcraft's. {Ej | "Sal Vet" For Stock 1 EE Not a cure all, but a specific for diseases of stock EE ? rpe;ii 1 f i II or from ur/ifmn -- 1 ; ?1 : ' ? a -uiius auu mtu^esuon. a new prepa- :=? == tion wiih pure salt as a base tliat descjr >ys worms iu the == alimentary svsteiu att'i cur^s iniijfe-tion Ninety per =? == c-nt. of all stock lo ses is clue to these two troubles. == | TRY "SAL VET." ' | | The Chesterfeld Drug Co. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ?1 I Look Here! 1 !Have you ever been to the City Market? a They keep only stall fed Meats. Stop and see ? ]x)ok at the sau-ttary conveniences t hey have installed. { Meats always kept in a sanitary condition and sweet 4 and tender. If you are not our customer we want #r you for one. V Give us a trial on your next month's business. ? The Qity Market I ?NE mm Fine Young Mules I F^or prices and terms call at stables 1; We also handle first ftrade ^ buggies and Harness 1 | flrmfield-Porter Co. | Keep 'Em On. At The Movies | Now this all I have to say? Keep 'era on. The "Perils of Pauline" are To early spring fall not a prey, over so far aB Chesterfield pi Keep'era on. ture lovers are concerned. The j Think not1. hArmiap miM ^? " ...... v.????|TiiiMuvu^uweii was satisfactoriblow I ly disposed of by drowning. That we are done with sleet and j Next Tuesday May 2d, begins snow. | a new series, "Who Pays?" It's quite a jump to June, yon This is a high class picture know. and should prove a better drawKeep 'em on. ing card than the one just finish6(1 Let others foolish be, but you T, . . , , , ? , Ihe first episode has to do Keep em on. ... . . . .T .. . . . . . i with a musician who neglects No matter what your neighbors do . .... . * , wife and child in response to the Keep 'em on. .. # j . . ... . , call of fame. 11 need not come right out,. 1 , he ?tory ,, ,ruedi8o keep 'em on. greed. Second Week of'Court The Court of Common Pleas is now in it3 second week. When it adjourns at the end of this week it is said that it will have accomplished more business than any other term of the Court of Common Pleas within the past four vears. The case of PufTer Manufactur ing Co. vs D. H. Laney was decided by jury in favor of the defendant. Notice of motion for new trial was given. The case of Ustis. cashier of the Bank of Hartsville, vs M. B. Smith, of Oheraw. was decided by jury in favor of Ustis, verdict for about $400. A number of rases were either settled or continued on Monday. In several cases consent verdicts weie taken. Among others was a verdict for $300 in favor of tlursey Bros. Co. against J. L. Douglass. In the case of Isaiah Brewer, a negro, against Threatt Bros., of Jeirerson, the Court directed a verdict in favor of Brewer for $325. The case of J. N. Stricklin, of Cheraw against Dr. J. D. Ingram, J K McCoy, WL McCoy, FE Kerr took up all day Tuesday and Dart of Wednesday. The jury found for J N Stricklin in sum of $313.29 acrAinsf. .1 r> i?? gram and F E Kerr. The court is now engaged in the case Lee Mercantile Co. vs. Knight and others. The important case of Whitman vs. Seaboard Air Line Ky. has been set for Friday. Whitman was hit bv a Seabord train some time ago near Koilocks, and is suing the railroad for $oOOD.OO damages. Town Council Meets The second meeting of the new town council was held Tuesday evening. There was a full attendance and some important business was transacted. Mr. J. II. Abbott was appointed policeman. An ordinance governing the parking of cars on Main street was passed. Hereafter cars mav be parked on the south side of Main street between Odom Bros, store and the county jail and from the City Market as far west as is needful; on the north side of Main street they may be parked west from the post office and between the store of Mr. B. 0. Moore and the courthouse. Cars are to be turned head-in toward sidewalk and not parallel thereto. The council has officially set the week of May 1st as cleanup week. The missionary societies of the various churches have appointed committees to wait on the mayor and council and to as. sist in any way possible. There is no use talking, Chesterfield may as well make up her mind to the fact that she is going to be cleaned up. A ntnmntkilo A nttlUt'lll The third accident on the streets of Chesterfield within a month came near being a serious one. Mr. L. K. Haley and Mr. Smith Oliver wore in collision and both escaped injuary by a narrow margin. The mules hitched to a wagon of the Standard Oil Co., escaped damaged by tho quick exercise of their mulish intelligence. They sidestepped with alacrity. The streets of Chesterfield are becoming too crowded with cars for the further continuance of haphazard methods of traffic control without serious risk of life and property. This fact is fully realized by the new city council and they propose to enact ordinacen governing traffic; especially on Main street, and to see that th< y are obeyed. Wanted?500 Hens and BHH) Fryers and Broilers. Best prices paid. J. W. Hanjfa. CORRESPONDENCE FRIENDSHIP Most of our farmers are about through planting, and the Pee Dee fisheries seems to be a popular "health resort." Rev. Paul T. Wood filled his regular appointment at Friendship Sunday morning with the | best sermon he has ever preaened for us.. His subject being parallel with the occasion. Mr. Wood is fust winning for himself the deserving title of a competent pulpit orator. Mr. T. C. Moore, of near Wadesboro, sDent Kunduv in this community. Miss Bessie Rivers, of Mt. Croghau, spent part of last week here, the guest of her niece Miss Mary V. Sowell. Quito a number from here at- | tended services at Vaughndale Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. F. Campbell delivered a splendid sermon. Rev. Mr. Wood and mother and Mrs. Margarett Perkins and Miss Grace V)avis spent the noon 1 hour Sunday at the home )f Mt. and Mrs. .J. Li. Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Teal, of Chesterfield, visited at the home Mr. II. A. Watson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Griggs of Chesterfield were visitors in our community Sunday. PATRICK Miss Burlie J. Griggs, who I has been t-.ef.eW..it* ~ f -- OV.UUHI fi. ( I Middeudorf, stopped over in Patrick a few days with Mrs. 8. L. Gillespie, on her way to her home at Ruby. Mrs. M. H. Greer, of GreensI boro. N. G. and Mrs. .J. D. Gur tis, of Ilatulet, are visiting their sister, Mrs. 1). 8. Brown. Rev. B. I). Thames preached an excellent sermon in the Rap tist Ghurch Sunday on the Risen Ghist. Mr. and Mrs. T. Goodale, of Hartsville, spent Sunday in Patrick with the former's parents. i We regret that Rev. A. W. White wiU not be able to till his appointment in Patrick on the 1 fifth Sunday. Miss Stella Minis and Mrs. G. * S. Britton and children of Ghestertield were in Patrick Tuesday. Rev. B. 1). Thames and fa mi- t ly are spending the week in Columbia. I Rev. J. Grant spent Monday ( in McBee. Miss Stella Minis, Home Dem- . Our firiitr ^tnrk V M* A/K U?wil Complete ( We are equipj ped to meet any h^jRVv demand for l^hk drags, proprie^?KE|^4%a tary medicine.; a n d sickroom k^7V. 'n 'ot water, m '/ j ~P* M?? absorocnt cot* SH.,.,- lj ^on? surgeon's 1 W&\>i1 and all articles! ^L^-- \&.Vi p 1 e n i s h the ^ **l^h^P'~94 home medicine m chest and for I ?Lr8^ a^d to the U. ??. I iniured work* man. We Carry the Unsurpassed Rexall Line 01 Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, And Stationery. Scfuare Deal I Drug Go. onstration Agent, will be in Pa* trick Monday May 1st. and will give a demonstration of the fireless cooker at the school houso in the afternoon. All the ladie3 of i'atriek and surronding community are invited to attend. SNOW HILL. Mr. J. I'ierce Melton attended the school breaking at Ruby last Friday night and report a nice time. Mrs. M. Croflord has been quite sick, but glad to say she is some better at this writing. Tne schools' combined picnic at Westfield Oreek was in every respect a success, lion. W. F Stevenson, of Cheraw, was thero and made an excellent address. 1 M- ?.. air, auu iurs. YV. YV , IJaVlS'-I the Ebt;i?escer section spent Saturday and Sunday here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis. The electon for school bonds for Snow Hill was 11 to 17 iu favor of the levy. This means a new school building for Snow Hill in the near future School closed at 8n >w Hill last Thursday. Farmers are about through planting and going to picnics seems to be 1 lie order of the day now. t 8o.neone in this community seems to think st tt ing tire to the woods is fun but it is just mean- I noss of some unknown person. I Mc I. EE I M-s. J. W. Maynard and chil- I dren of Cheraw spent Faster I with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I i? u i/. ? ? XV* U* H Mrs. Nancy King anil daugh- H ter of llartsville spent the week H end with Mrs. II. B. King. H Mrs. William Steen and chil- H llaitsviile spent the H week-end with relativ :s here. Mi Nina Johns of Columbia ari ed 8u nrd \y to visit her sister Mrs. 11, C. Atkinson, Nfl Mrs. Henderson Watkins of Bjfl the Timrod section is visiting rcdatives in town. Mrs. Marie I). Williams of WM Da as t he gu *st of |H friends here last week. Mrs. Parrotte of llartsville ?pent Easier with her sister Mrs. W. J. Cardner. |B SheritF Douglass of Chesterield was in town Saturday. Mr. Grafton Guy of Chesterield was the guest of his brothjr Mr. Luther Guy Saturday. I Mr. Joe Hough of Bethune wa3 ?| n town fS.iturtl < j^B W'AMiiLK 111LL H Tilt re was a llug raising at Hj Wamble lhll Friday given by he .Junior Order* f Chesterfield. I'hore was a aig : crowd present^H uid all report a pleasant time. HJ Mr. M. C. Coker recently visi-HB .ed his son Mr. 11. C. Coker. M The Sunday school of Ehencz-^H r is growing some. Ever} body ^H is invited come every Sunday at^Bj 10 o'clock. SB Bonnie Bruntiy who has been HB j ore sick is a'de to he out Hj igain. IB The little people of Ebenezer BE i*ii HiIav w #?!..??. I t?>n I- > * " ^v%l, k+j ww. "', iiivi c* w till? i It 1111 l' man Sat unlay morning for an E-.st >r e,<*g hunt. B Mrs. (> I. Pittman has been B quite ill fur the past few days, Bj but is fcome better at this writ- B ing. 8 Mrs. W. W. Davis and chil- B dren spent the week-end with B her parent s Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. B B Mrs. Mary Douglass celebra- B ted her 80th birthday April 18. I Most all the farmers of this B section are through planting. 9 Miss Grace Coker was the B guest of Miss Lexie Pittman re oenlly. h^;s for Sale:?My Ancotias are K excellent layers. That's why R we keep chickens. Improve E your egg production. Will s111 fl settings of Ancona eggs for* I $1 00 if called for: $1.25 if I mai>ed or expressed. j <*E Vance Tylet. IE M