The Chesterfield advertiser. [volume] (Chesterfield C.H., S.C.) 1884-1978, March 23, 1916, Image 1

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Ofye (TfyesterfieU* "^V&vertiser 1 VOLUME 85? NO. 1. CHESTERFIELD, S. 0., MARCH 23, 1916 $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE H ___________________ _ I Weekly Review Of The Great War The Teutonic attack on Ver-( \ dun began with an advance of the German centfer directly north of the town. This was carried k as far as Fort Don an moot, five I miles from Verdun. This was A followed by a swing of the left which brought the German line to Fort Vaux, five miles to !,he east. i'he third movement is ' )) - advance of t he ri-ht wing on ^Bhe west bank uf the Mease. . evident intention is to ei.^Hrcle close'y the fortress on < ^^ ree eidPo when every part of it i |<ri mo a? Mimi as ' ct their big guns es i >ii these new positions. J is accomplished the < of the fort is inevit- I ided, if course, that h do not launch a so- i itor-offensive and that j us do not run short of \ amunition before ac- 1 ig i heir purpose. t e question of how long r us can all'ord to keep t isive on such a gigan- \ lere is rootn for wide g ) of opinion. From the a le ( we bear that the ,re every day suffering losses, lhafc they have Bed up two-thirds of l 0 men engaged, and a assaults are growing r weaker. ther hand reports from ' im that the German prdun amount 10 only land. Uespatrhes indicate IrmaiiB are still able Brriflic blows, though B-laim to continue to B very small gains at to the invaders, ^way be the outcome ^B which has been weeks this furious ^ he Germans upon ^^Birtress of Kiance of the most im or the war. , u C c e i ^^^^RHflSHRvcn') tail they their 11 s prestige RB^NHHRImRI in n^BUHHthe ii'lred ^^f^H^HflpHBRrLitied ( little he lesson alis possible! HH^HHHHHof any nBKSHMiruuH, so WHHBMrixi'ii. HBR^HRHB',U" HR^^^H^^BHt-ibaiely be HRM|^R|^^^fl^Ri V a ( hey mBHRnfflBct FlanDn^HHKn^ } ) t- u. High School Notes ^ The students of Chesterfield High School are taking great, interest in getting ready for the District I/igh School Meet to be v held in Cherasv on March 81st.. a Every afternoon there is prac- e ttce for the athletic events at ' the County Pair Field. Many of ( :he boys are making good rec- j nrds in these events, and they p expic to make a good showing r when the meet takes place. o On Friday evening at eight ' }'clock a contest will he held at 11 the AmubU Theatre to select v ;he representatives of the school c _ J - 1 a _ * .... ? ii ueciamation ana recitation a Several young ladies and young lien will enter this coutest- The r public is invited. ft On Tuesday morning Miss Par- * ot, State Home Demonstration 8 \gent, addressed the pupils and r latrons of the school. Miss ^ *arr >t's address was in the in erest of home economics and tonato club work. She wae very ;iit husiastic in explaining this tl vork, and no doubt much iuter st was inspired in the pupils P dong this line. ai Mrs. Lavisa Gardner S Mrs. Lavisa Gardner ail aged ady of the Shiloh section died ^ .t her home on Sunday after-' toon, and was bmried at Mt ^ >livet Methodist Uhurch on Tuesday morning. The funeral 1( ervices were conducted 'by her c lastor, liev. J. L. Tyler, assisted ? >y liev. Paul T. Wood. Mrs. Gardner was the wife ot j he late John (Gardner, who died ^ hot ten years ago. She is surived l?y the following children, ^ f. A. and C. B. Gardner, who ^ ive near Chesterfield; Calvin aardner of Lydia; li. Clifton .nd Wade Gardner of Charlotte, si *1. C. Furinan Gardner, of ni iVadeeboro, N. C.; W. P. Gard- di ler, of Pokomo, Miss ; Mrs. Cal- st 'in Sellers, and Sandy l'urvis of al Chesterfield; and Mrs. J. W. hi ingtnan, of Rockingham, N. O. r< For several years Mrs. Gardner tl las been almost totally blindS n nid in her aflliction she exhihi- d ed a beautiful Christian spirit, Hid leaves an influence which vili count in the coming years,J When in need of Fancy or t' I^.. /i- i? u 11 - l?. maty uiurenes, rreMimoat or 1 Janned Goods, see A. F. Davis or the best on the market. L (j Citation. u Phe State of South (Carolina, p bounty of Chesterfield. 1 By M. J. Hough, Probate ( rudge: L Whereas, A. J. Parker C nude suit to me to grant him (f .eiters of Administration of the ^ C^tate and effects of Mrs Eula (. *ai ker. deceased. (j These are, therefore, to cite ,nd admonish all and singular rj HU|^red and creditors of the HB^B^BMrth^^rkerdeceas- ( ViWa Surrounded 1 But Not Captured Francisco Villa has been driv'ii into a trap by tr;e rapid advance of the American troops, according to information reeeivsd today in wireless lispatches < rom the front and in telegraphic i lispatches to Gen. Gavira, the i )arranza commander at Jaurez. Everything Reenis now to de- < >end on the ability of the Car- ' anza garrisons to hold their { f the net. On three sides of I he bandit chief he is hemmed 1 n by strong carranza columns, rhile on the fourth the A.mori- ( ans are driving foward with < mazing speed. 1 Villa was reported in the, Bah- 1 ocora lake region a few nights t go on the ranch of Mrs. Phoebe learst, which he has ravaged i everal times in the past. Bab- t icora ia about 55 miles south of < laleana, where one section of c he American expeditionary >rco has arrived and is pushing 1 irward at the rate of 33 miles a * ay. A few miles to the east of he bandit's position ia Namiqui- t a, which is held by a powerful arranza garrison. On the west re the frowning barriers of the ' ierra Madre mountains barring r le way to Sonora. Gen. Luis u 'uiterrez, Oarranza's field chief, v eclares that he holds all the * asses to Bonora. I'he concensus of military opin- ^ >n seems to be that if Villa lects 10 hold his men to ^ ther and olFer fight his capture certain. Hut it is more likely ( mt he will hide. Should he do ' lis the search would resemble | lat of trying to find a needle in hay stack. We might Icok for im for years in those moun ^ kins. d ^ Town politics are beginning to miner if not to boil. Various [j nines are mentioned, in eonlience, for ditferc nt offices. Hut i far as can bo learned just now II the candidates are dark orses. 1 1> is~vvell once more to ?mind the pioepectiva voter lat a registration certificate is ecessarj before that patriotic iity c*n be performed. tatement of The Condition of ? The Peoples Bank ocated at Chesterfield, 8. 0 ?t | ieclo6e of business March 7th, ? i>16. E Resources. ; loans and discount 78,648 62 ? verdrafts 1,468 04 S onds and Stocks owned by the Bank, 00 ? urniture & Fixtures 1,601 04 ? tanking House 6,078 66 J \ ther real estate owned 7,492 10 ? ?ue from Banks and Bankers 8,286 21 = urrency 5*J9 00 \ old 166 00 E ilver and other minor coins 488 16 \ hecks and (.'ash Items 784 02 E ther Resouicett v.z: 128 48 s II - - -- k otal $105,898 20 " Liabilities . I apital Stock Paid in 25,000 00 urplus Fund 2,600 00 Jded Profits current expenses taxes paid 618 01 > Bks and Bkrs, 897 60 nds Unpaid 00 iual deposits sub* to check 89,878 82 Certificates iposit ' 7,217 25 >r's checks 149 78 and Bi)l* ^^Bieconnted 5,000 00 H^Bayable includt ilKMtCS jj^B borrowed 24,186 80 HI 105,808 */r, BjH>' South Carolina I A' of <)hesterfield ^^Be me came C. P. Mangum, ^Br of the above named ^B who oeing duly sworn, H^nmt the above and foregoB Btement is a true condition ba .k, as shown by the l^^aof said bank i). P. Mangum Cathier. j^^Brn to and subscribed beH^Be this 21st day of March fl I. P. Mangum, Clerk of Court. Attest lUverr, H K. Lancy. Direct010. B ( j Bad Negro Uses Shovel While working on the New Morven Road at Abram's Creek dill two negroes came together who were not on friendly terms. Result : One is hiding in the woods, the nther is at the Florence Hospital in a critical condition, if alive &t all. Itfrs^ems that some time ago L'harles Pegues and J. Streater were doing time on the chaingang and Streater claimed that legues caused him to get a whipping. O* * i 1 a. oiicoirr tnreaienea 10 got ev- j ?n at the first opportunity. This; Dportunity was offered when! both negroes were working the poad recently in the same vicinity . On last Tuesday without warnr>g, Slreater is said to have > truck I'egues a terrific blow on ihe head with a scoop shovel ;rushing the latter's skull. Pegues was hurried to the lospital at Florence by the , sheriff. At last report Streater was still it large. Speaking of old age there is Jylvia Flowers, of Ruby, who elebrated her 1081 birth-day nniversary on March 19ch. 8yl ia is one of the original old- 1 ime darkies. She was born in \ rsiit and belonged to the old Mc- ' ''arland estate. I am now ready to repair your rVatch?up-to-date. Plenty of < Material on hand at all times, ^uick work, satisfaction guaran- 1 eed. We also carry a high class * ine of Jewelry and Watches, We will try and give our cus- ' omers something every Satur- ' lay. Don't forget it. Tlje City Market. iiiiiiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini | Springtime Is E Don't plan to go throuj E with those dark, dingy and d E ceilings. E Go to work now on that E new again. | Paint and Varnii 5: The most efficient sanitati E paint and varnish throughout t = goods the best is always cheap* | HEATH-MILLI The Best to be bad ?For | STAG VARNISl Ready Mixed?I Alabastine?Col Also Turpentine ai | The Ghesterfe I !!!l!l!!li!!!!l!l!!!!!!! !!!!!!l!!lll!l!!!l!l!ll!!! NOW FOS Spring and S We Represent STRAUSS B One of the strongest tailorin So if you want a good snit n it from oar catalogue of STR They guarantee a fit or n Oxfords for Mc We now have in our di and neatest line of Men's ai shown in Chesterfield AT PI We also have one lot of at your own price. They m Spring is here and it is buying your Oxfords?so i they are picked over. See us before yon. buy. A. W. HU] i i ^ Flag Raising at Center Point The Junior Order United American Machanics will conduct a Hag raising exercise at Center Point school on Apiil 6th. These exercises are always worth while and this one bids fair to be extru, goo-J. With a combi nation fish-fry and dinner on the ground added to the intellectual treat in store for those who attend a large crowd is expected. THE PROGRAM Mastor of Ceremonies, W. R. Wnnnrnnff *-? UI1VJ VUW( Song by the school, "America." Prayer, by Rev. J. L. Tyler. Address of Welcome, by B. R. RiveiB. Response, by O. P. Mangum. Address: "Virtue," B. J. Douglass. Address: "Liberty" Rev. Paul T. Wood. Address: "Patriotism," P. A. Murray, Jr. Address: "The Good of the Order," W. F. Stevenson. Song: "The Star Sprangled Ban ner." The Chesterfield Council of " the Junior Order will have :harge of these exercises and begs to extend to all members 1 if the Order an invitation to join them in the lish-fry and picnic dinner to follow the address 58. Let all the Juniors attend, < bring their families and well fill }<1 baskets. W. R. Huneycutt, B. J. Dougass, J. L. Tyler, W. A. Lucas, E. J. Morris, Fred Rivers, VV. J. Streater, W. R. Burr. Committee. : i llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllijfl Paint-Time | jh the summer environed EE i epressing walls," tloors and EE i old furniture and make it EES sfi Rill Germs |j 1 ion for the home is a coat of E: he house. In buvini) these ~ . i at. WE HAVE THE BEST. '= < GAN PAINT | Both Inside and Out = ] and STAINS IJ Easy to Apply d Water Paint |? [ nd Linseed Oil. == ( Id Drug Co. | !!!!I!!!!!!!!!!III!I!II!III|HI!!IIIIIIIIIIIII? < t YOUR ! ummer Suit > i BROTHERS i g companies in the world. t nade right?cut to lit?get 1 ASS BROS. loney refunded. ] sn and Women j splay window the grandest ? id Women's Oxfords ever tICES TO SUIT YOU. ( ! Children's Oxfords going ust be sold at some price, high time for you to be why not buy them before jjj ?annrr At The Movies The Perils of Pauline continue to hold the interest of amusement lovers. It seems that at last Harry's suspicions ot the desperate and villianous Owen are aroused but in spite of this, traps continue to be laid in the endeavor to do away with the beautiful and daring herinp, while the ingenuity and wit of the handsome Harry are taxed to the utmost to save his excitmc nt-lov ing sweetheart from death. These pictures are now being shown twice a week?Tuesdays and Saturdays. Those who saw last Tuesday's show will be sure to ^witness the one next Saturday night. A greater thill than ever is pro.uisd when a racing auto containing the heroine ia made to turn turtle. f These pictures are not made without peril to the actors as may be judged by the spectators. Spnatni" Tr?lin T. un^in State ware-house commissioner, is prepared to take care of all tire insurance that may be cancelled by the companies on account of recent legislation. Those whose insurance has been cancelled are advised to write Senator McLaurin. CORRESPONDENCE The following letters were received for last were necessalily held over for this week. SNOW HILL. Master Bart Gulledge of near Kuby was visiting in this com munity a few days ago. Miss Irene Gardner has been quite ill for the past week, but is reported to be some better at this writtiug. This writer accompanied by Prof. Richard McGeehee attended services at Friendship Sunlay afternoon and enjoyed a fine sermon by Rev. Paul T. Wood. Under the supervision of Mr. Vaughn they have a fine Sftnday school. Miss Mary V. Sowell rendered some tine music at the irgan. There will be a Missionary rally day at Westfield Creek diurch next Sunday at 2 o'clock. Everybody cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sellers, >f City Point, Virginia, has been spending some time here the ?uest of his brother Mr. Charlie Sellers. Mr. Andrew Smith and daughters, Misses Carrie and Fannie spent Sunday in the Cross Roads sommunity with Mr. and Mrs. lames Fincker. FRIENDSHIP Quite a goodly number attended services at Friendship sunday to hear Rey. Paul T. Wood preach a special sermon to ien. Ladies, however, were admitted. The W. fl. M. 8. were entertained by Mrs. H. A. Watson Saturday afternoon. After the business session, delighful refreshments were served. The lext meeting will be at Friend ihip church on Saturday afternoon April. 15th. Mr. W. B. Davis of Fine Grove ipent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Teal. Messrs. W. II. Funderburk and Fineher of Dudley, 8. O. visited it the home of Mr. J.SH. Gardner last week. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Streater spent Sunday at the home of Rev. J. W. Griggs of Sandy [Mains. Mrs. Walter Teal, of Chesterfield, vipited relatives in this community Sunday. Mr. Q. R. Morris and sister, Miss Wlrginia aisifcod In the Kbene/.e* comn^Hfcy Saturday, J . Teal an/ |B|| Chesterfield County I Annual Field Day I The preliminary contests for H Chesterfield County Field Day fl will be held on March 80th. 81st fl H and April 1st. i The county is divided into three parts for these contests of I which Cheraw, McBee and Page- I land will be the respective cen- I The Oheraw contest will be on I March 80th; 1'ugeland, March I 31st and McBee on April 1st. Winners in these contests will meet at Chesterfield < n April 8th when field contests will be made for cash prizes ? these prizes to go to the school of which the winners are members. A program of these event.6 was i. # : -1 _ l an ? ? - not iurnisnea rne Advertiser, nor could one be f >und by the management last week. For further information get in touch with the chairman of your district. These are L. S. Stillwell; Cheraw; G. B. Dukes, Pageland and L. E. Ogburn, MeBee, Spring has come and the baseball boys are no longer content to sit around and swap stories over what happened last year. Already they are having the grounds prepared and real practice will soon start if this balmy weather continues. Mrs. R. A. Melton and children visited at the home of Mrs. Lonnie Grave, Sunday. The many friends of Mrs. Margaret. Perkins were delighted to see her able to attend church Sunday afternoon. BE AR CREEK Mrs. Andrew Adams and children of Chesterfield spent Saturday night, and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Loan Mr. L P. I'olson made a lljing trip to Kershaw one day this week on business. Sunday school was recently organized at this place. There will be Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at II o'clock. Let everybody come and help make it a grand success. Mr. Luther Grooms of Patrfok spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). Uoscoe. The' box supper given Saturday night at the school home was a grand success. A neat little sum was raised for the benefit of the school. Mi. Sidney Clark spent Saturday at Cash on bussiness. Mr. Pill Odom died at his home near here Friday March 11th, after an illness of several months. He is survived by his wife and several children. To the bereaved loved ones we ext, ml sympathy. Glad to report ivlr. John Hendrix and family improving after several weeks illness of grip and pneumonia. Mr. Charlie Johnson of near Patrick visited the family of Mr. James Boan Sunday. LUCKISV1LLE. Little Catheleeno Sumner has been quite sick for the past week. Hope for her a speedy recovery. Mr. W. L. Starlin has been on the sick list for some time. We 9 wish hiin a speedy recovery. I Mr (1. E. Parker is attending court this week at Bennettsville 8 as a w itness. 8j Sunday school at Mt. Olivet I under the supervision of Mr, 9 David Barefoot, the new super- S intendent, is progressing nicely. H Mr. O. R. Suuy^r spent the J day at Lie reports JBHSBUgm 'time