B j 9ers*iat Jtenut <
r ! Hon. J. <jj. River, of Mt. Crop:'
han was in/town Monday.
r Dr. J. Ti Buff and little son, of
Patrick, yrere in town Monday.
Mrs. D. |H. Laney, who has
been quifte ill of the grip, is
Mr. Smith, attorney of Higl
Point, was in town one day this
Mr. and Mrs. Welborn Pussei
have moved into their new hoim
on Green St.
Mr. Rufus, of Monroe, will b<
the guest fof Mr. Kinsley Arm
field this week.
Mr. J. C. Baker has mover
from Green St., to the Strattoi
place on Main St.
Mrs. A. L. Griggs spent par
of last week with her father ii
the Pine Grove section.
Miss Evans of Washington, IJ
C. has been the guest of Mis
Mary Walsh during the holidays
Mr. J. A. Arant, well knowi
business man and progressiv
farmer of Pageland, was in towi
1 Mr. L L. Parker, cashier o
M the Bank of Pageland, wa
T among Chesterfield's visitor
/ Monday.
I Mr. A. B,''Goodale and Mis
I Bessie Adams were recentl,
I married, Mr. J. D. Smith per
I forming the ceremony.
M Mr. R. M. Armstrong, of Page
I land. Miss Jaunita Armstrong
I of Columbia, have been visitiuj
I Mrs. W. C. West.
' The Ladies Missionary Societ
of St. 'Paul will meet at th
church at 3:30 Friday afternoor
Jan. 14tn,
There was a surprise party a
trie nome of Mr. Ervin Melto
last Friday night, at which th
young people had a fine time.
Mr. Lonnie A. Campbell ha
bought the hardware departmc
of the old Chesterfield Mercar
tile Co. lie will do business a
the old stand.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gaskin
and daughters Louise and Madg
spent the holidays with friend
and relatives at Marsliville an
Wadeboro, N. C.
, J M isses Leealla and Atlielen
Gaskin have returned home al
ter visiting for a week with tliei
sister Mrs. L. E. Ogburn of JeJ
Rev. and Mrs. T. B. Owen lef
last week for Mr. Owen's no\
charge, the Liberty Circuil
They will make their home a
Mars Buff.
Miss Mary Pusser gave a par
ty Saturday night to a goodly
crowd of her young friends
There were games and a ver;
pleasant time for all
On last Sunday evening Rev
Paul T. Wood, pastor of East
Chesterfield Circuit, preachec
an excellnt New Year's serraor
at St. Paul Methodist Church.
Appointments for Chesterfield
Circuit for Sunday Jan. Oth arc
as follows: St. Paul, 10 a. m,
Sunday school, 7 p. m. Missionary
services; Shiloh, 10 a. m.
Sunday school, 11a m. preaching;
Zoar, 10 a. rn. Sunday
school. The first meeting of the
Board of Stewards for the year
will be held at St. Paul Church
next Saturnday Jan. nth at 2
p. m.
H. M. Odom
T^e^^ntere^t ;
Mr. and Mrs. B. Thurman
Teal and Mr. Hoy Davis of Piue
Grove, spent the holidays with
their sister Mrs. A. M. Gardner
o t\ ?1_!? *i
I yji. ucguuuc! Oa V* lUUKlIlg 111(3
trip in an automoble.
The Chesterfield Cotillion
1 Club gave a dance ou last New
, Years eve. It is said they turkey
trotted, hesitated and fox
trotted till the end of the old
The law firth of Hanna and
Hunlcy continues to climb upward.
They have this week
moved from the ground floor
rear to the top floor front of the
' People Bank building.
It is said Mr. J S. Bishop, ex^
pert accounant, will make his
final report to the February
(Jrand Jury. His claim for services
of $1,183, lias been filed,
' $700 of which was allowed Mous
Mr. J A. Sellers who is building
the handsome new school
house in Montrose, was in town
yesterday. This building is only
one of the many evidences of
^ Chesterfield's educational ads
Bill Smith, why do you mope?"
"Cause I'm out of Wonder
S Soap."
^ " Your wants are not hard to fill?
*5^/1 Af- T7i A IT a
uugu uuu lvi r. rj. .rv. XiariSeil.
He sells the soap that'll 'cure
your mope."
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Cleveland
Jenkins, son of Mr. John
Jenkins, married Miss Arie Jenkins
of J'ageland, Kev. R. W.
Catoe performing the ceremony.
This popular couple is now receiving
the congratulations ot
i their many friends.
There will be a meeting at
Shiloh school house on Saturday
night Jan. 7th at 7:30 o'clock for
s the purpose of reorganizing ade11
bating societ*7. All debaters and
l~ all interested in debating are
urged to be there.
While returning from a call
s in his car the other evening and
e passing Grant's Mill, Dr. II. E.
s Vaughan encountered a full^
sized wild cat. The cat evident
ly not relishing the head-lights
e on the doctor's car, leaped into
* the pond.
Mr. C. J, Hunley, one of Chesterfield's
wide-awake insurance
writers, has moved his office to
t the top lloor of the People Hank
v Building beside the law firm of
Hanna and Hunley. "Onward
t and upward" seems to be the
motto of these citizens.
Read Mr, W. W. Spencer's
V account of his experience with i
Tanlac as published in the adver-l
? t?sement of the Chesterfield
Drug Co., on the first page of
. i this issue. This remoday is proi
ducing remarkably results wher- i
I ever used. Ask about it at the!
1 store.
Rev. J. K. Hair will preach at {
: Hopewell Church, next Sunday
; at 11 o'clock. The attendance of;
, every member of the Church is i
urgently requested, as a matter
of vital interest to the congregation
is to be considered. Mr.
Hair has .recently been called to
this field and a full attendance
on this account is also expected.
His field is made up of Hopewell,
Pine Grove, South Chesterfield
and Brock's Mill.
^ent of the New Year v
e are carrying over ver
d summer stocks absoli
hoes and Gents' Furnis
ihes for a Happy New
Mr. 8. E. Goodson of JefFeraoo 1
ras in town Monday. ^
Miss Jaunita Sowell of Monroe
r the guest of relatives here
his week.
Miss Mollie Kaley of Jefferson ^
tpent Sunday night with Misses '
Vlyrtle and Mable lialey.
Mr. D. M. Pate and children 8
Patrick are visiting her sister
Miss Mollie PoRton.
On New Year's kfternoon Miss
SI. B. Hanna entertained her *
lieces at her home on West
Main St. Amon^ those present i
were Misses Ann Lucas, Cora t
Oraig, Pearl Lucas, and Mesdames
Phelix Cannon, R. E. f
Hanna, L. H. Trotti, C. K. Cur- I
tis, C. L. Hunley and Miss Margaret
Craig Hunley. ,
Mrs. R. E. Hanna entertained
for Miss Mildred Laney Tuesday
afternoon. Progressive Rook
was played. Miss Violet Welsh
winning the prize. Among those
present were Misses Mildred
Laney, Bernice Swinnie, Pearl
Melton, Sallie Berry Douglass
Vera Melton, Esther Teal, Annie
Gulledge, Sarah Moore, Ruth
Hanna and Violet Welsh.
This week is being observed
by the members of Chesterfield
Circuit as the week of prayer
and self-denial. Special services
were '"conducted at St. Paul
Tuesday and Wednesday even
ing. Another special service
I will be held Friday night. The
Layman's monthly missionary
meeting is scheduled for Sunjday
evening at 7 o'clock. The
offering made during this week
of prayer and self denial will go
as a special contribution to missionary
work of the Methodist
Chrietmas passed off very
quietly here.
1 ir /i ?? ? -
miss iviary uirey uooertson oi
McBee was the guest of the
Misses Rowe during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Stricklin
of Ilamlet spent Xmas with the
latters parents here.
Miss EUa Cox of Hartsville
spent the week end with Misses
I Bertha and Letha Alexander.
| M iss Nelle Rowe and Claude
j Cannon spent part of last week
in Hamlet visiting relatives.
Mr. Otis Sims who has been
spending the holidays with his
parents here returned back to
school Monday.
Mr. Daniel Brown rural car
rier on route No., 1 has pur
chased a new Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. McManus
and children spent the week end
at Bethune wirh relatives.
Miss Bertha Alexander spent
last Friday in Columbia shopping.
Married Sunday January 2nd,
at the home of the offi< iating \
ministir, Rev. W. V. Jerman, i
Mr. John Brown to Miss Maie
Clanton, we wish for them a long
and happy life.
McfcEE "
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. C.
F. Cauthe are sorry to hear of
the death of the latters father,
Rev. J. C. Coward, which occured
Sunday night at his homo in
Messrs. A. W. and li. C. Atkinson
spent Sunday in Hamlet.
Miss Mamie Hough of Camden' i
is the guest of Miss Agnes
Evans. i
Dr. J. II. Lawrence has loea- 1
ted at Ljwndesville and his fain- I
ily leave Monday for their-new <
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Burch
and children of Ruby were the i
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Mid- 1
dleton here Sunday. It
ft. % m
ield U
/e are opening an ent
y little but the name a
utely new. New good
things of fine quality tl
Year, we are yours to
Mr. J. O. Blackwtll of Pag - (
land was in town lust week.
* t
Sheriff Douglass of Chesfcei- ,
field was in town Friday. ,
Cliristmas has now come and
gone, passing ofF very quietly
iiurrah for the New Year.
Mr. Will Griggs has just finished
a new barn and stalls and is
now building a garage with in*
tention of purchasing a new machine.
The infant of Mr. and Mrs
Grover Griggs has been qufte
sick but we are glad to report
it improving.
Mr. .John A. Williams is build
itig an addition to his dwelling
which adds to the appearance.
Miss Carrie Wilks is visiting
her sister Mrs. Charlie Grigg6
near Bethune.
Mr. D. H. Sumner is visiting
relatives at Sanon and Martin, )
N. (\, during Xmas. holidays.
Mr. C, L. King from near Society
Hill visited his daughter
Mrs. T. J. Sumner during Christmas.
Mr. E. B. King is moving from
our community to Sprii gville in
Darlington County.
Little Gladice Crawley is on
the sick list this week. Hope
she will soon be well.
Mrs. M. M. Norman has returned
to her home at Driggs,
Idaho, after spending two weeks
with her mother Mrs. J. H. Wallace.
Christmas passed o(F quietly
in tJiis section and everybody
seemed to enjoy the day.
Mifter V. Uaddy and sisters
Misses KBtelle, Dadie# and Eula
all 8ppnt part of the holidays
visiting in Grant's Mill section.
Born to Mr. and Mre. M.
Campbell, a girl.
Misses Catherene and Mary
Belle Sellers spent last week at
Patrick visiting friends and relatives.
Mr. 0. W. Winifree has been
quite sick for the past week, but
glad to say he is much better at
this writing.
We welcome Mr. and Mrs.
Carey Davis in our community
to make their home.
Mr. R. R. Winifree spent a
part of the past week in Wadesboro
with relatives and friends.
Mr, C. S. Cason spent part of
last week in Uuby with retatives
The Sunday school was reorganized
at Snow Hill Sunday
with Mr. Albert Rivers as super
intendent and Mr. Willie Sellers
as secretary. (
Sunday school at Westfield |
Creek was reorganized Sunday J
with Mr. I. R, Melton superin- 1
tendent. and Mr. Budy White
Sunday school next Sunday a'
Westfield Creek at 10:80] a. m..
ind at Snow IJill at 15:80 p. m
fiverybudy is cordially invited
-o attend these services.
ing New but the
ry Gt
irely new business?n
nd the reputation for I
s arriving daily. In ?
lat will be offered at a
onior Oijder Presents
Flag and Bitle
On last Tuesday ?l noon the
funior Order United American
dachatiics presented to the
'hesterfield High School a Bible
md flag.
Very impressive exercises
narkel the presentation. Members
of the Order met at the hal
?nd marched in a body to the
school building, where seats
(vere provided. The children of
i he school turned out to greet
rhe Juniors and stood in ranks
ituring the ceremony.
"America" and The "Star
Strangled Banner" were sung
hy the children.
Prayer was made by Rev. BS.
Funaerburg. Speeches were
made by Messrs. W. R. Uunnicutt,
S A. Porter, G. K. Laney,
I I TrUr I> A r?
i/ XJ. x J iV/i anu LV IWJUSe*
The keynote" of this order is
patriotism and this presentation
>>f flag and bible is strictly in
keeping with that lofty sentiment.
The exercises were beautifully
arried out and all the addresses
were to the point and calculated
to inspire the young people with
a love of the bible and a high
regard for the flag of their country.
Jones ?Melton
On Wednesday evening, Dec.
29th, Mr. N. C. Jones and Miss
Lana Melton both of the Hopewell
section were quietly married
at the home of the latter's
parents by Rev. J. D. Purvis.
Mr. Jones is a highly xespected
farmer and Mrs. Jones is the
charming daughter of Mr. J. P.
On last Wednesday evening
Rev. J. D. Purvis, a well-known
and highly respected minister of
this county, was married to Miss
Beulak River?, daughter of Mr.
F. W. Rivers. Mrs. Purvis is
one of the most popular young
women of this section.
McCall carries in stock from
the dollar Ingersoll to the very
best standard makes of watches.
They are going at bargains.
A meeting of stockholders of
The People's Bank, will be held
in their bankiug office January
8th, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the
purpose of electing officers for
the ensuing year.
C. P. Mangum, Pres.
Notice to Creditors
Ail persons due the Chesterfield
Mercantile Co. will please
make settlement to Ilursey
Bros. Co. at once.
Hursey Bros Co.
Land Posted
Hauling wood and all other
trespassing forbidden under penalty
of the law.
4?3p C. W. Rollins
Six-Year Old Had Croup.
"I have a little girl six years
>ld who has a great deal of
trouble with croup," writes W.
K Curry of Evansville, Iud., "1
liave used Foley's Honey and
Tar, obtaining instant relief for
nor. My wife and I also use it
<nd will say it is the best cure
or a had cold, cough, throat
rouble and croup that X have
verBAW." Those terrible coughs
hat seem to tear one to pieces
^ield to Fole>'s IJoney and Tar.
Square Deal Drug Store. Name
iew firm and new gc
fair dealing?these wi
t short time we will 1
ttractive prices.
- ?
General Assembly
Meets Next Week
The second session of the 71st
General Assemby of South Carolina
will convene in Columbia
on Tuesday, January 11, at noon.
Both houses are organized and
the prelimaries should consume
very little time. The House will
be called to order by Speaker
James A. Hoyt and the Senate
by Lieut. Governor, Andrew J
Bet ha or, in his absence, by
Senator Legrand Walker, ol
Georgetown, tho president p o
tem. The Lieutenant Governor
went to Europe with Henry
Ford's pacification expedition,
and he may not get back until
after the opening day of the ses|
The annual message of Governor
Richard I. Manning will
probably be read in both branches
on tho opening day. The referring
of this message to the
proper committees will likely be
all that is accomplished at the
initial meeting.
The most interesting election
to be held by the General As
sembly will be that of warehouse
commissioner. John L. MeLau
rin is the present commissionei
and he will be opposed for re
election by John J McMahan, ol
Columbia, at present a tnembei
of the delegation froin Richland
County. This fight is beginning
to attract attention and may
take on considerable of a political
significance before ic is
Recommendations to strength
en and perfect the State ware
house system, education, rura
credits, diversified farming atn
economy will be among the man
points in fhe Governor's mr-s
sage. He will devote a gooc
deal of his remarks to the pub
lip Annronrintinno
~ *??v?v/uo.
Children's Diseaeses
Very Harmfu
Measles and whooping cough
the former a precursor of bron
cho pneumonia and tuberculosi
and the latter the cause of mam
deaths among children unde
two years of age, continued thei
usual prevalency in South Caro
hna during the year. Then
were four deaths from measle
and l(.)i3 from whooping cough uj
to October ill
"The tasks of letting parent
know that children do not Imvi
to have measles and whoopinj
cough in ord- r to develop infN
men and women," says Jame
A. Hayne, M. D-, State healtl
olficer, in his annual report, "i;
one that seems wellnigh hope
less, but we will continue to pre
I sent to the parents the fact tha
I whooping cough kills annually
i lore children under two yeari
of age than any other disease
measles undermines the coneti
tution of the child, makes i
subject to broncho pnenmouh
and tuberculosis and does mucl
towards making the mortality o
infancy ro high."
A youngster in a Sur.da]
school class, on being assure!
I that God was omnipotent, askec
after some hesitation :
"Teacher, can He make t
stone so heavy that lie can't lift
And the teacher had "Yes'
ready for the answer before she
saw the point.
>ods. Having bougl
11 be carefully perpeti
lave a complete line (
>.j. iHwrtfi <Wj-i
The first episode of the Perils
f't Pauline will be started at the
picture show scon. Watch for
the date in this papacr.
llotton Market
Cotton 12:25. Seed GO cents.
Pq/Ii t C!" C J *
| jl vviigi oou ij OC(;U
I have about fifty bushels of
pedigreed long staple cotton 6eed
for sale at $2.50 per bushel. Ap- $
ply at once. \V. B. BKOYVN
Middendorf, S. (J., It. 1. p44
R. E. iiamia C Ij Huuley
Chesterfield, IS. O. A
Office it Peoples Bank Building
Physician and Surgeon ?
Calls answered day or night.
Otllce at. Chesterfield Drug Company
, li. A. Kl.USK
Olflce open every Sntnrdny nud (ho
firnt Monthly of end) iiionth.
f Dental Surgeon
Chesterfield, S. C,
1 Office on second floor in Ross
f Building.
Ai! who desire my services will
Elease see me at Chesterfield, as 1
ave discontinued my visits to other
. towns
famr.y /.voids v i
:i s:r:jui sickness |
1 B7 Being Constantly Supplied Witli
Thedford's Black-Draught.
McDuff, Va.?"I suffered for several
years," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, of M
I (his place, "with sick headache, and Ej
stomach trouble.
,, Ten years ago a friend told me tib try
. Thedlord's Black-Draught, which 1 did,
' and I found it to be the best family ntedi-1
cine for young and old. r' *
I keep Black-Draught on hand all the
I time now, and when my children feel a
V ; little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it
r does them more good than any medicine
they ever tried.
r We never have a long spell of sick
ness in our family, since we commenced
v using Black-Draught."
Thedford's Black-Draught Is purely
s vegetable, and has been found to regu3
late weak stomachs, aid digestion, relieve
indigestion, colic, wind, nausea,
headache, sick stomach, and similar
s symptoms.
It lias been in constant use for more
i 1 than 70 years, and has benefited more
y ; than a million people. r
J Your druggist sells and recommends
Black-Draught. Price only 25c. Get a
b package to-day. N. c. 12a
?Condition Powders I
' A high-class remedy for horses
and mules in poor condition and
k'in need of a tonic. Builds solid
J muscle and fat; cleanses the systen\,
thereby producing a smooth,
t glossy coat of hair. Packed in
' doses. 25c. box. bold by
S. M. Jackson 1
ny J
T '
it the Chesterfield
)( brand new Dry
,11 |- 1
11 *r " *?<?* *! H
/ '