Mr. J. L. Craig of Oheraw was
Hf n town Sunday.
H Mr. Jno. A. Welch and family
f f motored to Jefferson Manuay.
Rev. B. S. Funderburg spent
the week-end at Monroe.
% Attorney Love, of the Mon^
roe bar, was in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Lncas and
boys are here for a visit with
Miss Addie Stuckey, of Hartsville,.
is this week the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Davis,
g ^ Misses Ivy and Pauline ltatlilT
" of Anson county, were the guests
! last week of the Misses Jackson.
I Mrs. B. F. Timmons and son,
Hfe^ohn, of Patrick, spent Monday,
of relatives.
Mrs. Sallie Thomason, of 1
^^ Shelby, N. 0., spent a few days
town last week with relatives.
BB Mr. C. F. Parker, of the Zoar 1
B aection, paid us a call this week
HH and had his name added to our
^B Court convener next Monday ;
and Tlie Advertiser latch string '
H is on the outside to all our
The Missionary sevicess at
^B St. rani's phurcli Sunday even- >
ing were interesting and largely
H attended*
Misses Odessa and Lizzie Evans '
I of Pagela'nd, were the guest last
I week of their aunt, Mrs. J. ?.
Meelian, i
Sheriff D. P. Douglass, C. C. j
B Osborne and J. O. Taylor at- (
tended court at Newton, N. 0.,
last week. I
m Uncle Anderson Lucas, the ?
polite old Janitor at the Oourt
House, is very sick with typhoid
fever. j
^B| ~ hisses Salliw Pierce and Sarah
WK Humphries, of Gamden are the
guest this week of their aunt,
Mrs. G. K. Laoev.
VVe are very glad indeed to
learn that Mr. H. F. King is
rapidly recovering after an illness
of several weeks.
1 The Misses Jacksons entertain
W ed very delightfully last Friday
evening, in honor of their guests!
the Misses RatlifF's. I
> Miss Annie Barentine. return-1
fed home, last Thursday, after a J
delightful stay of two weeks atfl
Wrightsville Beech. M
Miss Alma Barentine has rqfl
1 turned to her home at Society
m t Hill after a visit of several day6
to Miss Nan Laney.
The Junior Order will meet ir.
call session Monday, night, July
261k for installation. All mem
bers are urged to attend. (
Messrs W. A. Rivers, W. T I
Lucas, A. F. Davis, JoeCulbertJ
son and Dr. H. E. Vaughn !
J motored to Charlotte Monday. \
I Mrs. O. L. Yates, has returned
F to her home at Charlotte, after a
visit in our town, the guest of
I her aunt, Mrs. D. M. Barentine. j
I Mr. and Mrs. Watt Katliff of 1
H Anson County, spent Sunday at 1
the home of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gulledge. |
r^'ICIIU I-'. A. 17UU glllDo ail'l
Mr. James T. Grant are attending
the South Carolina Sheriffs'
I Association at Greenville this
The Baptist Sunday School
Convention meets with the
West Field Greek Baptist
Church tomorrow (Friday) morn
ing at 10 o'clock.
I and Mrs. J. Ooit Redfearn
I ^nd^TfhiWv^iir 'of Wadesboro,
i/spent the wsek end in our city,
J the guests of the former sister,
| Mrs. S. M. Jackson.
I I ^everal Obesterfieldians at|
j tflnded |be Educational Rally
[ fy at^Nomdlhip last Friday they all
if report a fine time and one of the
\' the beat dinners they have had
j aince the panic struck them last
| j f?u. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Hanna
If cameO'er from North Carolina;
if last 'Thursday to be here for a
j j while. Mr. Hanna has been
ft electen principal of the High
J School at Whitmire, S. 0,, frr
the 1bext session.
h' IMM! Wp A preparatory sehc
Wr an<* e<>u'Pr
of students special
A full foi
M HW Wlh i
Christian char a
. AUUoticrround
For haa
* ** *<
Mr. W. A. Joliiiaoii, of Ruby
Rout* 1, was a pleasant caller g
at this office on Wednesday. (
Rural Policeman, J. Abbott
wishes to notify all fox hunters J
that it is against the game lawt
to run foxes until Sept. 15th.
Mr. W. M. I'errv, of Wingate.
and daughter, Mrs. Charles Bed
denfield and children, of Raleigh ^
were the guests this week of Dr. e
ind Mrs. W. J. Perry. f
Miss Franke Lnsesne, of Sil 'j*
ver, Clarendon county, is visit- j,
ing at tKe home of Rev. and c
Mrs. 1 . d. Cannon. a
Chesterfield and ftonroe, N. [1
C., crossed bats in a gumo oi %
I 11 /ft\ l a a ^
nan y[j last weeK. uur team li
won by the score of well wt '
forgot?we promised the Monroe *
boy8 if they wouldn't tell we
3urely wouldn't. ^
If you want a long time loan ^
->n improved farm land apply to
Chesterfield Loan & Ins. Co.
FOR SALE: We have some of ^
the Choice Look Out Mountain q
Seed Irish Potatoes, come while
lere. The Uedfearn Company. ^
No. 066
This is n proscription prepared especially
Hive or six doses will break any case, and
iken then as a tonic the Fever will no
rt.'urn It acts on the liver better thai L!
Calomel and docs not gripe or sicken. 25< p
I will be in town every morn- ^
;ng from 7 to 9 delivering milk. ^
iny one wishing milk will please ^
eave order with Mr. H. M. Odom
.f rv r\~ li
ro inv^ wuvovvi it" ivt ivi uv>u.
Hereafter I will make two de
iveriea on Satmdaye, morninp ^
ind afternoon. a
I TU rii?iid?>i L
The Military College of Soutl t
Carolina. Announced >is- :
tinguished Military Col ' bj
U. S. War Departmei . Full
course in Civil Engineering, Science,
English and Modern Lan
guages. Confers B. S. and O E.
degrees. All expenses pay ca
dets from South Carolina, $282 e
year. A scholarship worth liKX*
% year is vacant from Chester
field county, and will be filled
by competitive examination at
the county seat on 18th day oi
August 1913. For necessary information
and blanks apply to
Uol. O. J. Bond, The Citadel,
Charleston S. C. 1
I g 11
Womans College I
Greenville, S. C. $
Affords complete advantage* for |
a broad, liberal education. Trains 1
I its student* for lives of fullest I
Al. - j it.?n. .* m
SHIUUII.J maa iciponiioiiliV, I
Equipment, faculty, course a of
study, and cultural influences are
entirely in harmony with present*
day requirements.
Administration, Instruction and dormitory
buildings equipped along the
most modern lines, for conrenlent,
comfortable life and efficient work.
latraaea rurii waiali spea 14-aalt lasts. I
High stsndsrd courses leading to B. A.. j
B. L. and M. A. degrees. Literature.
Languages, Sciences. Practical training
In Domestic Bclenoe. BsMaassCewsa,
leading to diploma. I
Thorough conraes leading to diplomas
in Csassrislsry at Marie, departments
of Art. fsprswlia. PkyricalCsSafs, Kiaris reartea.
Kernel Tialatag Caere*.
This institution alms to afford tha
best educations 1 sd vantages obtainable
at a minimum cost. Pec faislsgns sMrss
flrsearUlc, t. C.
>olfor boys and young men. Utilises the ma
nent of Furman University. Offers to a I
traininfi *nd etronp preparation for oolltff
ir-yssr high school oourse. Small class as. clos?
Instruction Influeooe and discipline ooaduclvs
etar and -r or thy aspirations.
S, sal Saw .t/aaaaslmai. foot ban. basket ball, ML taanle
Mating sad pnblle speaking aoetaota. Pleasant, MiklS
an HeSth record ereellonf, cl ImoU oasiwpamelj|H|| i
I Sssaaety Ittastmtod sntatog, address
Sor^/?Tr??n SreaawLa|S^^B
9 i
Master's Sate.
State of 8onth Carolina,
bounty of Chesterfield.
In Common Pleas.
L. Little 4; Co.
fcrrie Evans, et al,
In obedience to an order of
Jourt granted in the above staid
case by His Honor, I. W.
u :.1 t..j t ?in
lun iubii, x loniuiiiKouugti, x win J
n the first Monday of August,
915 within the legal hours, offer
or sale to the highest bidder for
ash before the Court House door
t Chesterfield, that tract of
and in Chesterfield Ocunty,
iouth Carolina, Containing 17
cres, more or less, bounded by
ands of Wesley Streater, Willam
Privett, Andrew McBride
nd possibly others.
Purchaser or purchers to
ay for all necessary papers.
P. A. Murry, Jr.
[aster Chesterfield County,
July, 6th, 1915?
Master's Sale. ^
tate of South Carolina, 4
lounty of Chesterfield.
In Common Pleas. <
lank of Chesterfield
Plaintiff t
i. V. Boilings, et al,|
fin obedience to an order made
i) the above stated case by His
? t ur I) 13
lunor, x. t? duwiiibm, x resiu- M
ng Judge, I will offer for sale ~
o the highest bidder for cash
efore the Court House door at
'hesterfield, on the first Monay
in August, 1916, within the
2gal hours, that trace of land
n Chesterfield County, South f'
larolina, described as follows: v
Bounded North by lands of fl
William B. Sellers, on the East,
nd South by estate lande of
Villiam Oliver and West by 8
?nds of James W. Crowley, conaining
70 acresf more or less."
'he courses and distances of this r
and may be seen in the record 1
f the above case on file in the
yierks offic \
Pi rchaser or Purchasers c
o pay for all necessary papers.
P. A. Murry, Jr.,
Master Chesterfield County. |
July, 6:h, 1915. (
To make room for young stock
[ will sell 15 nice S. 0. R. 1. Red"
iens at a bargain.
J. W. llanna.
J. O. Jones
Jnly 5th, 1916.
Condition Powders
A high-class remedy for horses
ind mules in poor condition and
n need of a tonic. Builds solid
nuscle and fat; cleanses the sysera,
thereby producing a smooth,
{lossy coat of hair. Packed in
Vmm 9Kfy K?. C-1J 1?
2) H Laney.
r\f\v Greenville,ti
pnificent build*
imitod number
b work and for
i peraonnl .
to AMBiy
jjgjP j|
Whe Kntvzs Have
; \
Our Big 1
Sfregan XOt
i?\ i _ _ ?
rteaa mis tnrougn, ai
:ised prices. Every art
is advertised. Posit
DpeningDate, Wednes
? Study the f
We have an immense stock of Clothing 5
or Men and Boys, and if knifing the prices C
fill move it, it's going to hustle, for we (
ure have put the cutting to it. 1
Men's Suits go at?$8.48, 4.88, 5.48, 7.48 1
.48, 10.48, and $12.48. "3
We have a small let, .if Kvfra Fine Tailnr ^
nade Suits, regular price .$18.00 to $25.00, ?
vill go in sale at $14 48.
Big Reduction on Palm Beach Suits.
All Boys' Suits knifed to the quick?
some and see them.
All $1.00 Pants reduced to 79c ^
kll other grades suffer the fianie reduction.
Boys' Pants 19c 89c 59c 79c 98 and $1.19
Overalls 19 and 39c *
Hickory and Headlight $1-00 Overalls 79c
Work and Dress Shirts for Men and Boys
19 and 39c
Celebrated Paris Shirts only 79c
?- ,c
Big Line Sample Shirts,1
Underwear and Neck-!
wear. }
All $1.00 Goods in Samples 69c *
All 50c Goods in Samdles 84c
All 25o Goods in Samples 17c
This is an opportunity to buy New, this
reason's Goods at about half the Regular
All B. V. D. Union Suits 79c 2
All 50c Underwear - -29c *
All 25c 44 ? 19c 1
Hats and Caps. ?
All 25c Hats and Caps Reduced to 19c *
All 50c Hats ana Caps 44 to 39c 1
All $1.00 flats and Caps 44 to 79c ^
Alt $1.26 Hats reduced to _98c
All $1 50 44 4* 44 $l.l9c |
All $2.00 44 44 44 -.$1 69c
All $3 00 4 $U9c
All $8 50 44 44 M $2.79c <
All $4.00 44 44 44 $8 16c
All $3.00 .Sample Hats going at...$l 48c
All $2.00 41 44 44 44 ... 98c
All $1.50 44 4* '' 44 ... 79c i
Straw Hats at prices that will pot a i
move on them. i
???????????????????? i
Our Entire Stock Of Millinery and Mil- (
Uinery Goods Will Be Sold Without \
Regard To Former Sell ng Price (
Or Original Cost. $
All Trunks, Suit Cas
Watches, in fact every
will hA kniffid unmftri
k Jk
( I I
In Earnest Jit
0- Day CIcj
zdnesday >i. V)
i Saturday Night,
nd come prepared t<
icle in the house rec
! ? r 1 < * A. L? ! ? ? ? ? ? ? - -
ivisiy iiuming reser
sday, July 21st. Let 1
>rices, It Means Mo
Staple Domestics
i,000 Yards Cham bray, Apron and Drei
Jinghams, Fast Colors?Sale Price 6c Yar
lood Quality Yard-Wide Sheeting 6
Best Quality Yard-Wide Sea Island...51tiverside
Plaids to go at 5 1-2
fard-Wide Blleching 6c 6 1-2 and 8
)ur entire stock of Standard Prints to g
,t 41-2cYan
0c Hickory Shirting and Cheviots to go i
aie at the Yard 7 1*2
)ne Big Lot Prints in all Colors to go i
^ only the Yard 8 1-2
)ue Big Lot Celebrated Kindergarten
31oth to be closed out at?the Yard ...10
12-inch l^ancashire Cloth, 20c value to g
u sale at?the Yard 12 1-2
Wash Goods
16-inch Lace Cloth, 25c value going at It
16-inch Plain and Seeeded Voile, 25c at 1
56 inch Crepe de Chine, 25c value going a
10-inch Organdy, 26c value going at 1?
[5-inch Organdy, 50c i4 44 *4 3?
2 1-2 Dimity Check?Sale Price 01-2
5c 44 44 ?Sale ,4 111-2
0c Pajama Checks 7 1-2
0c Shirt Waist Linen 7 1-2
2 12c 44 44 44 9 1-2
2 l-2c Dundee 44 9 1-2
2 l-2c Shirt Madras 8 1-2
5c 44 4* 11-1
0c Shirt Wais 44 15
5c 44 44 44 19
'ixie Grenadine, 25c value 19
0 and 12 l-2c Oolord Lawn to go at?th
: ard 7 15
5c 4 4 44 to go at 10
0c Windsor Crepe to go at?the Yard 15
\ l-l <?-i l. _ I ? /"I 3 - i. .1 e
sue lot curiam uuuub iu go at u
Ml 16c Curtain Goods to go at 111-2
111 20c 44 44 to go at 16
111 26c 44 44 to go at n
dig Reduction In Pric<
on All Woolen Dres
Ml 25c Woolen Goods at?the Yard It
HI 50c 44 44 at?the Yard St
Ml 75c *4 44 at?the Yard 6t
Ml $1 00 44 44 at?the Yard 71
Jne lot 50o Woolen Dress Goods, 86 inch*
vide, to go at only?the Yard 21
)ne lot Silk Ratine, in Bine and Browi
U.00 value, to go at only- the Yard 41
?- ? 1 I O I I w
ounai o, cuojjci
single article in out
cifully during this i
ofit-Demolishing Ss
The Cutting Starts
. -
Sale |
U Mh 21
July 31
:> buy goods at adverluced.
Everything sold
ved. Don't forget the
"iothing keep you away
ney to YOU.
. " >
is Oar Store is chock fall of good Shoes end /
d Oxfords for Men, Women ?Ld Children,
c bought from the best manufacturers in the
2 business, bat the knife goes into the price
c of every iingle pair.
e All 25c Shoes and Oxfords going at 19c
o All 50c 44 44 14 at 89c
il All $1.00 44 44 V at 79c
n All $1.25 44 44 44 at 68c
c All $1.59 44 44 44 at $1.19c
n All $2.00 44 44 44 at$1.69c
c All $2.50 44 44 44 at $1.98c
n All $8.00 44 44 44 at $2.88c
c All $8 . 50 4 4 4 4 44 at $2.79c
o All $4.00 44 4* 44 at $3.29c
c All $4.50 44 44 44 at $8.69o
- All $5.00 *4 44 44 at $8.98c
$1.00 American Beantj Corsets going at 69c
0 Oar Entire Stock Of Messaline, Taffeta
^ All Fancy Wash Silks To Go At A
>c Big Sacrifieoe.
:c Notions
c 100 Dozen Ladies* and Men's Hose, 10c
c value, to go in Big Sale at only 60 Pr.
,c All 16c Hose to go at only lie
2 AH 25c 44 to go at 44 10c
c All 50c 44 to go at 44 80c
c A11 $1. 44 to go at 44 7<k
c All 11.50 44 to go at 44 11.00
e Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at lc, 2 1-2,
c 8 1-2, 4 and 7 1-23
,c Towels 4c 8c lie 10 and 88c
c Ladies' Qauze Vests 5o 7 1-2 10 and 10c
? Ready.To-Wear
Children's 50c Qinghamt and Percal
^ Dresses 88c .
* Children's 50c White Dresses 88c
Ladies' $1.00 Gingham and Percal's 60c
Misses Middy and Balkan Blouses 89c
Children's Rompers, Dombey and Oliver ^
>c Suits?Sale Price 10 and 80c
)c One lot $1.00 Wash Skirts at 09c 9
*c One big lot Shirt Waist, $1.00 value at 40c * \
r \
)c Now Is The Time To Save Money On y
a Tfthla In/) I Ini iia. *
| ...w.v ?** MWM AM.UV4 4UVillV>l A
)c I Hint To The Wiee Is Sufficient.
iders, Belts, Jewelry,
* Mammoth Stock Will
mighty Price-Cutti ng,
/ '
' in ' I" .r
^ nH
mM^L. .- - - *