University of South Carolina Libraries
phh fr llbc Hbvetttef? ft t iii i?? P' H. Hxabn, Prop. On the lTth of Jane the owner hip of The Ohesterfield Advertiser frassed from Mr. 1). M. Berth tine to IIP. Paul II. Hearn. Owing to previously existing engagements, the latter was not in position immediately to assame active oharge of the paper. He is expected in Ohesterfield next week, when he will take fall responsibility as editor and publisher of The Advertiser. Mr- Hearn is a Southern man. born of an old Kentucky family. His father, Mr. J.|T Hearn, is a newspaper man well known throughout the South, and now residing in Oarroll County, Qa., So Mr. llearu's lore for journalism is natural rather than acquir si, For seyeral years past he has been engaged in newspaper work in New York City. He tells us he "never made his home in New York; only lived there." His home has always been where his heart was, in the dear old South. He will speak to you next week. Our Neighbors What They are doing and Saying. u. n i U.rv iJ _ i?J air* v. j, nvuuiiRiu, m leauing ( citizen of Dillon, died of typhoid fever. He was in his 59th year. Hie mother, his wife and four ' children survive Jrim. A petition is being circulated. 1 and is being signed by some of the voters of Jefferson township asking that the result of the recent election be called off or set aside. The Marion Star is 70 years young and seems to be getting younger?It has celebrated its 70th birthday anniversary by getting oat an attractive edition full of good reading matter and some handsome illustrations. The Fageland Journal says Mr. p. Jj. Gulledge has nine acres in tobacco and that it is doing well. Tobacco is a good money crop Europe as well as America will use all the tobacco chat can be raised here. Walker White, who, it ia alleged on the 11th of laat May, hot and fatally wounded the late Policeman Jas. E. Holcombe died at the Oity Hospital in Greenville, as a result of the wound inflicted upon him by Sergeant Oookssy. Brother Bryan, before he re* signed ought to have repeated to the Kaiser, the Osar and the | other fighters these lines of good old Dr. Watts.?slightly altered Let dogs delight-to bark and fight for tis their nature to. But human rulers and their serfs 1 Should all such strife eschew. ? Lewis W. Parker, of Greenville, has bought the proyerty ol the Enoree Manufacturing Co The property consists of 720 acre* of land lying in Spartanburg and Laurens counties, the mill with its mechanical rquipment, and the mill dwellinsrs *nd cnmn?nt RHt Spartanburg. Mr. ParkIght the property for I. I. Brill end other creditors. I J. Frank Gardner, Jr., I his home in Kershaw, It short illness, fie was 180 years of age and was Iftershaw' most enterprise liness men. He was a son, of the late Samnel Gardner. Hit wife was lliss Katherine Blackmoti, who survives him with two little boys, Robert and Steve. ^HH( WALK-OVERSHOES ) Ladies we have some styish low cuts in WALKOVERS that you can buy for $2.50. we are making this price in order to close out our stock in Ladies' Low. Cuts. These shoes are beau, ties, and will give you ease and elegance. We have oth er grades that we sell for correspondingly low prices. If you want a high class shoe for a low price, see us. ODOfl BROS COMPANY The Peoples Bank <5ku?!oS CHESTERFIELD, S. C. C. P. MANGHM. MACK DAVIS. PRESIDENT CASHIE solicit your business, and cordially invite you to call on us when you are in our town. nr** i ne peoples Bam jjiight on The Job"! See A. F. Davis For Staple and Fancy Groceries Up-to-Date Market, Phone-6 Z1? ^ S a. f, oavis J ft? m ?* ^ The Bank of Cheraw Gheraw, S. C. I Designated as United States Depository 1 oLpesr, LHReest: hnd ^CROjsee&r BHJMK XJS I rr>e coaprcY 4 PER CENT COMPOUNDED QVARTERLV PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. $100 STARTS AN ACCOUNT,. T I *mamm mmmmmmmmmmmdk mmmmikmmmmmmmmmmmmk mmmmmmmmmmL mrnm ? S For Insurance See Us B We represent tie Strongest and and Best Old-Line H INSURANCE Companys' in the World. m See us for all kinds of Insurance I Chesterfield Loan livs Co J W. J. Douglass, Manager* IS. | No?SlxSlxty-Si ffanralgia, Headaches. Cramps, .ThU la a pravcriptloa praparad aap?ci? ^lie, Sprains, Braises, Cuts and fef MALARIA ofCHiLLn a. rievi "".OMSo Bllngforii-jcu 5'3^ , Etc. A nasspho A sail used in- ratara. a It acta oa tka Hvav batiar.l tonally and externally. P tried 25c. | Cetoewleed doet aot |4WMkke^i Important Notice flj All who wish to register preparatory to H the prohibition election to be held in V September will please be at Chester field on the first Monday in August; 1 1915, as the registration books of the * l county will close 30 days before the 1 election, and it is important and to be desired that every person entitled under the law to register before the County Registration Board- _^-j -?> T*- T"* T* vir? . ?? - - ? -- * f PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE C. , I Superb New Science Hall. Library anil Gymnasium. Mod?rn S.icntiTic equipH rnent. Up-to-date Dormitorieswith all conveniences. Ranks amonx the best class i- | |j cal Colleges of the Southeast. Student body doubled in three years. Expense* j moderate. Excellent health record; 800 ft. elevation. Rett moral and religious f influences. Athletic facilities extensive. Write for catalogue to DAVISON M. DOUGLAS. D. P.., CLINTON. 5. C. j ^ I A Life Insurance Policy I . I Your promisary note, fully secured Payable to | ? wife and children when they will need it most. I ^ I The Company will do the paying. | I Cary J. Hunlcy, I All K inds of Insurance D ! I Bank of Qhesterfield I I Oldest Bank In Chesterfield H H \A/c Solicit Your Business. Pay Interests H ** On TIME DEPOSITS. g| I We Invite You to Visit Vs | I c 1111* Patronage wanted, whether large or g| J- pvJ ilL sma jj B0th receive courteous attention, jg : I Our Motto: Strength Security. g ?i | K. it# Kivcrs, Pres. C. C. Douglass Cashier fi nrl g ' M. J. Hough. V. Pre#. P. M. Therrel, Asst. Cashier. ? 11 Egypt Roller Mills I |l Bennettsville, S. C. | f I Are prepared to handle I = I wheat Day and Night. I S1 Majhersoiv, Manager. 1 ?Atlantic Coast Line | Standard Railroad of the South. J Ramifies the Nations Garden Spots through the * t States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, 1 \ Georgia, Alabama and Florida. ! [TOUR J? AMOUS TRAINS?New York and Flori H da Special, Florida and West Indian Limited, (January J to April), Palmetto Limited, Coast Line Florida Mail. I Dining Oars?a la carte service. All year round I through car service from New York to both Port Tam I pa and Knights Key, connecting with steamships to and g 9 from Havanna. J DFor beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of the "Purple Folder'? address I m W.J.CRAIG, T.C.WHITE I X Traffic Pass. Manager Gen. Pass Agent I 11 Wilmington, N. C. j CfflCCm COLLEGE FOR WOMEN j A ftminrft CoUigt of Rrfhtrmrnt, Biefinrttan and Qtyarartrr j 4 Christian Influences. 4 Home-like Surroundings. SBll 9 Select Student-body. j 4 College of Liberal Arts end Sciences. H Conservatory of Music. 4 Schools of Art, Expression end y II M Mil Business. 10, 11 11 Ueal College for Women 4 F?rCatalogue end Information U||^|fH|^lH|9s j Address | RBV.S. C. BYRD, D. D., f iH^HbH^KD^^SK] Columbia, S. C. ;R i, . .. I w. xj- xmillions, l. White W. M Belkl 1 : County Board of Registration. % | I^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllH Y | Chesterfield Drug Co. | f = * Has a most complete line of those goods you ex- S I = pect to find at a first-class drug store. : Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, =? I Drugs, Stationery and Sundries | = are a credit to stores in much larger places, and you ?? ^ =1 will be surprised at our stock, pleased with our prices |? H and delighted with our prompt service. == E? Our Fountain drinks are = == Clean?Pure?Sanitary H and you will greatly enjoy them, = S We will be delighted to attend to your wants. E5 | Chesterfield Drug Co. -J- j i = Our Prescription Department is in charge of a i H competent Pharmacist, and we soliat your prescrip- = J = ion work. = 1 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmif^. The Best Form of Investment JTf a sayings account ^TTW A 'n an institution like <?953) Ij I |((1|I f'l r^-| this, where you not only //S\\ ^AAIrl 1 OT get "get your money ffl' back," but with it the m ^ xlJ*^ accumulation of interest ^ ri l r^ie l?n?er y?u leave it I f /^C^^yS with us the longer you'll V 5Tb A il/ f f ^ 'n the end, the $(\ I'iVwjILl/ inore you'll appreciate VI1 ^ie advantage letting 1 f \ 1 tjf l~J j your money work for liir/oy you as hard as you work ed for it. Fuller inforl"/CjCS'V mation on request. The Farmers Bank X/? I -o ** I i | v?nesiemeia, o. L. | j 1>inncuneement 1 The Directors of the Ruby Roller Mills wish t< gfe state to the public, that they have an UP to-date RollerB j Mill installed and will be ready for grinding after JulyB j We will grind under following terms' MBMI 10 Bushels or more for one eighth toll. Less than 10-BB^fl bushels will give exchange for flour and bran. | Customers coming from a distance may exchange wheatB^^^B 'for flour and bran, if they wish. ? We are always in the market for wheat or corn, anyB mM B amounts at best market price. B Mm M Realizing the uect ssity of wheat growing in Chester I ^B lipid County, we have installed this machinery for tloB V benefit of the farmer, and shall gladly guarantee our work B B I j. if, fflctfregcr, President. | 1 NOTICE. M* Write me and I will explain how I was cured in 4 d??/a r,t on. vere case of Piles of 40 years, standing without pain, knife or detention from business. No one need suffer from this disease when ^ this ha main cure can be had right here in South Carolina. H^l. JOSEY,