The Chesterfield advertiser. [volume] (Chesterfield C.H., S.C.) 1884-1978, July 15, 1915, SUPPLEMENT TO THE CHESTERFIELD ADVERTISER, Image 5

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V / \J i - /'V . Second Quarterly Report of County Supervisor For 1915 Of Claims Audited and Approved. April S, 1916 Borah Brown Ontoide Aid ......2.50 tf.w D Bo an " 44 2.50 dam McFarland 44 " 5.00 W H Smith 44 " ....'. 6.00 Catherine jBakec.... 44 44 3.00 Cynthia Catoe 44 44 .... 2.50 John Gfo&dwin 44 44 2.50 D A Wilkereon.. 44 44 2.50 Martha Leary 44 44 2.50 W N Brantley 44 44 2.50 Y A Purrie 44 44 2.50 Carolina Patrick 44 44 2.50 Nancy Sullivan 44 44 3.00 W E Johnson 4 4 4 4 3.00 William Miles 4 4 44 3.00 * Gradille Mills 44 44 2.50 Eliza Axum . 44 44 2.50 Louisa Melton 44 44 2.50 M J Davis 44 44 2.50 Allice Huggins 44 44 2.50 L D Robinson 44 44 2.50 Eliza Ann Brown 44 44 2.50 Elmira Welsh 44 44 5.00 J O Edwards 44 44 2.50 Alfred McRae 44 44 2.50 Lewis 'Johnson 44 44 2.50 Amanda Sulton 44 44 2.50 Hulda Rodgers 44 44 2.50 Bettie Rollings 44 44 2.50 Mary Jaekxson 44 44 2.50 Randall Ilammons 44 44 2.50 Mary Brown 4 4 4 4 2.50 -Catherine Talbert 44 44 2.50 Hannah Grant 44 44 2.50 Rilla Melton 44 44 5.00 aiansey .Jordan 44 " . 2.50 M E McQuarig 44 44 2.50 Harrett Stanley 44 44 2.00 Mary Goodwin 44 44 2.50 Henry Steen 44 44 5.00 Thorsday Brewer 44 44 2.50 Nancy McFarland 44 2.50 Nancy Caasidy 44 44 2.75 Nelson Johnson 44 44 2.75 Adline Gainey .. 44 44 2.50 John Palson 44 44 6.00 Charles Levatt 44 44 2.50 Harriett McFarland 44 ' 44 r.2.50 Eliza Welsh " 44 6.00 W P Tucker*.. 44 44 *. 2.50 M D Johnson 44 44 5.00 Sohia Sellers 44 44 ...2.50 J D Grooms.... 44 44 2.50 Isaac Gibson " 44 .... 2.00 Corend Streata 44 44 2.50 Charles Evans 44 44 3.00 W A Adam 4 4 44 5.00 Eliza Harp 44 44 2.50 D M Barentine .Clerk s 12.50 R E Rivers R&B Special 16.50 J A Davis Chaingang 1.00 s J E Agerton R&B Special 17.5* Walker Evans Cogswells >.. 3.43 A G Caston & co 6.75 Gulf & Atlantic Ins. Co 83.50 The Jeffersonian Printing 14.23 W J Tiller Farm Demonstration .... 100.00 A B Cassidy Chaingang.. 20.00 r->\ 4.?ij -\r n. * viifBtrniciu i'leru, v>o.. . . . tV^nningailg . I2J1.4? Hugh Bales Chaingang v 35.00 W H Hilton Chaingang ' 30.00 P C McLaurin Rural Police 78.50 H F King Salary 100.000 II F King Stamps 1.80 C L Gulledge Special Constable 5.00 John W Knight Chaingang 50.50 MtCroghan Merc. Co Chaingang 78.00 Jesse Gaddy R & B Special 5.00 C W Hancock Chaingang 34.00 F W Rivers Commutation 484.00 A M Moore Chainang .... 24.03 W J Odim Chaingang .. .. 11.50 Polly Simpson Poor 2.50 . T W Edding Board of Equalization.. 196.70 R A Rouse Salary 100.00 T W Eddins Salarr k orem on hrwtid 87 99. S B Rodger* Magistrate 33.32 IT W Passer Chsingang 12.91 D P Douglass Jail report 60.10 D P Douglass Salary 125.00 D P Douglass Adrertisinglbc y. 67.31 J R Abbatt ,....Salary 75.00 J R Abbatt .Expense 2.10 E U Moore R Poliee 75.00 J S Ponderburk R k B Special 45.91 J J S Pnnderbnrk Physician 15.00 * r C M Hunt Poor 2L60 W M Red fearn Poor 22.50 A C Burr Wood..../ 17.50 , T C Melton Wood 20.00 i n A Malloy - 19083 Dr H Richards ... . SMf 8UPPLHMHNT TO THB GHBSTBR FIELD ADVBBTI8BB, JULY 15, 1915 ' , 11 ' -rr J S Mcdregor .* Chaingang 31.72 P P Evans . Magistrate... 20.83 J E Agerton Commutation 100.00 Bank of Chesterfield RR Coupons 12.00 Dr R L Qardner Lunacy 5.00 Champion Supply Co Chaingang 43.52 Harry Bros. Co R & B Special 1613.00 Armfield Hflw. Co Ordinary 12.70 D F Brock Magistrate... .. .. 16.66 W M Belk R 4 B Special S35.74 a...L T? i ^ " " icmrau iwugvra ITUUiae Aid 5.00 | i Teal Jonea Co Chaingang 3.25 I W T Steen Co Chaingang 13.08 I W J Odom - R it B Special 24.97 I Chesterfield Tel it Tel Co 6.00 A Sullivan Poor Honse 66.25 W N Lee Magistrate 33.32 I P Mangram Salary & expense 146.05 J W Rascoe Magistrate .... 16.66 W R Evans...' Magistrate 26.83 A F Davis Chaingang 7.70 H T Atkins Coroner 28.03 J W Onsley Magistrate 50.00 Odom Bros Co Chaingang 33.70 T C Melton Commntation 138.00 Retail Hdw Co Chaingang 18.20 Dr W A Oantt Chaingang 9.00 I S Funderburk.. Commutation 382.00 J T Grant Rnral Police 75.00 W A Douglass Salary 824.99 Anderson Lucas Salary 16.00 Jessp Rivers . .Toil 1 van A.rM 9 J C Stafford Outside Aid 5.00 O A Sherill Secial 500.00 George McNair Outside Aid 2.50 S J Evaus Magistrate 33.32 Sarah L Swinnie Gravil Pitt 15.00 May 3, 1915 D M Barintine Clerk 12.50 Eliza Welsh Outside Aid 6.00 Charlie Evans Outside (Aid 3.00 W A Odora Outside Aid 5.00 Pohn Palson Outside Aid 6.00 Walker Evans C<gswell Co Stationary 10.00 C F Sellers Chaingang 3.75 S B Rodgers Magistrate ?... 16.33 T B Watson Salary 5100 T B Watson Conveying Prisoner 7.50 F P Evans Magistrate 20.83 D F Brock Magistrate 16.6ft T T Grant Rural PAlino in nn - - - - - - ...... ?? v??vv f U.UV S J Evans Magistrate 16.66 John W Knight Chaingang 50.00 W H Davis. BIB Social. 1730 E W Moore Rural Police 50.85 W H Hilton Chaingang ^0.00 A B Casidy Chaingang 20.00 Hugh Bales Chaingang 35.00 Gulledge Bros Chaingang 8.40 Lee Griggs. . Chaingang 16.75 H F King .... Salary 100.00 H F King Expense 16.22 Teal Jones Co Chaingang 5.50 Peter Parker R&B Secial 4.00 Peter Zounis Feeding Jury 5.00 T B Watson R&B Secial 38.95 Jr R Abbatt Rural Police 79.50 P A Nicholson Commutation 224.00 J R Abbatt Jail reort 48.50 D P Douglass Exense 43.75 D P Douglass Salary 125.00 C L Melton Hauling 1.00 Carolina Snly Co Chaingang 27.44 {II T Atkinson Coroner 24.43 T\ r\ ? rs i i i ^ . i/r u n r unaerourK rost Mortem 5.00 Dr H N King Post Mortem 5.00 A Sullivan Poor House 73.18 Dr I E Bull Physician. . 10.00 Florence Infirmary Treatmenut of Convict.. 45.00 Walker EvansCogswell Co Stationary 40.51 J W Raacoe Magistrate 16.66 W D Craig Light rent 42.50 G W Rivers Chaingang '.. 2.50 O A Sherill Secial Levy 1500.00 R A Rouse Salary 100.00 W R Evans Magistrate 20.83 J A Davis Chaingang 7.39 W J Odom R&B Special 7 59 J A Welsh Phone Rent 6.00 J W Parker Chaingang 32.15 D H McGregor R & B Special 9.00 A F Davis Chaingang 41.84 Neil Summer Poor 18.50 Odom Bros Co Chaingang... 54.14 P A Murray Master 21.00 Good Roads Machinery Co R A B Special 410.40 j Town of Oheraw Laobr 600.00 Town of Cher aw Labor 316.65 R n Mnrik 1 .. w Mm-wm wm t f ? * I U*I?U^ irt.otf . Arm field FTdw Co Otng 20.70 W J Tiller Farm demonatartiona 88.8:1 Anderson Lncaa...... Jaaitor 1&00 D A Stafford ;?oor 5.00 . Dr D T Teal Foot Home 42.75 ? | J H Gardner . .1. .Cltaingaaf 87.07 Fed Darin ..Ontaida Aid 15.00 < Thoaa Voftaloekkovea. . QnUide Aid *00 , T W Eddina jM% rf 88.11 ' , Rilla Mel tea M Vber.... 1.00 1 I r C MeLaaria ^ ...Rami Poliee 85.70 Baitl Oliver 18.40 OALRROo.... .... ... 8.80 i * i: V Jtuie 7. 1915 Walker Bran* Cogswell Co Salary 12.50 t ?r a ?? - u a. urr onoe vjo ...Stationary 20.40 D M Barentine Chaingang 9.00 Walker Brans Cogswell Co Stationary 43.57 Anderson Lucas (Janitor 16.00 Good Roads Machinery R & B Social 647.40 DrR M Newaon Lunacy 5.00 P P Erans Magistrate 20.83 F P Brans Magistrate 20.83 Lee Rirers Wood 3.00 Hugh Bales Gan7 - 35.00 J W Knight Gang 56.60 May Daris Gang 28.00 A B Cassidy Gang 20.00 H F King Salary 100.00 R D Marsh Printing 70.50 Chesterfield Adrertiser Printing 22.50 H J Sellers Gasoline 2.00 J W Rascoe Magistrate 16.66 H T Atkinson Corner 20.83 J wr ^ ~ vucsioruoia mere. UO (JBQg 107.91 Teal Jones Co " 9.75 W A Douglasss Int. on Alligator Bonds.. 2.100.00 W R Brans Magistratat 20.83 D P Brock " 16.00 J R Snlton Election Exense 5.10 Chesterfield Dry Goods Co Gang 12.50 A Sulivan Poor House 73.65 W J Tillei Parm demonstrater 33.33 ft A Korsc .Salary 100.00 Jolm\alson Poor 6.00 Ar.'iiHdd TTdw Co Gang 23.15 Chesterfield Tel Co Rent 6.00 Odem Bros Co Poor 10.00 Odera Bros Co Gang 44.88 A W Hunsey Election Exenses 3.60 Cordy Winburn Commutation 64.00 Charlie Evans Poor 3.00 w A ? I u vuvui .II. .... f oor .?? i ... 5.00 Cordy Winburn Election Exense 7.10 W P Pollock R&B Special 97.50 Cheraw Chronicle Printing 54.65 f A P Davis Gang 174.01 j M D Player Poor 3.00 I Gulledge Bros Gacg 5.65 *j P C McLaurin Rural Police 86.60 I W N Lee Magistrate 33.32 E W Moore Rural Police 86.08 The Jeffersonian Printing 32.75 J C Rivers Gang 48.00 S B Rodgers Magistrate 16.33 Rilla Melton Poor 5.00 J T Grant Rural Police 75.00 Pagland Joentud Printing 11.50 j it Aooan.r Rural Polics 75.00 T W Eddin8.>%-| Salary 37,11 J C Stafford.. Poor 5.00 Win McBude Poor 2.50 W A Selers Material for road 10.00 S J Evans Magistrate 16.66 >y*-' D P Douglaas Expense 16.30 D P Douglass Salary 125.00 Respectfully submitted H. F. KING, Supervisor July 5th 1915 WAI NOW IS SEVEN HELLS Travel 1b much easier than It used to be. This does not include climbing British Tommies Toll Norse IViy Have Mount Mitchell. Horrors of Poisooous Gas . An American woman woh is serving Antl_typhold vacclnfttioa lg no longthe American ambulance with :li - . fish anuv In France wwrites home: er ln the experimental stage, and it "The gas warfare Is having a dread-1080 t>e "hown b* miotics that It haa ful effect on the nerves of the men. So saved tens of thousands of lives. The little can Ik? done In defense. No cnur- wise thing to do at this season when / age no splendid enthusiasm, can sta id the dread disease is so prevalent is to 4 aK take the treatment 1 came down from the north of EugI* - * land with a compartmeut full of soldiers who had bhbeen Invalided home ^be /Jwtl-tjphold campaigns are wounded In the winter. They were all falrl* ' booming, conducted most so row fully returning to their re- Jointly by the state and the five giineut*. It seemed so unlike what we counties are gaining every week wish to think of fighters that I tried to ^ number of persons taking the tlml the real son. . . . . , . , treatment and ln a wholesome la. "It was soon given for everyone talks . . ^ . . . _ _ . " .. ? . .. teres t. The first two weks of the In these troubled times. Home of the boys unMushlngfy said, 'War was hell cmmpal?n wl?lch ended July 4 ahow any way tiefore the use of gas; now It atotal of 17,383 people are Is seven hells. None of them was so taking the treatment particularly afarald of being killed, but ? The five counties In which the the effects of gas had gripped their im- DOW om agination." .. _ ' ea tne rouowing numbw of people ? - < * treated the first tw onreeks: Wake, MODBBN WABFAIB. 7^88; Northhampton, 4,7783; Camber- ( land, 1,898; Buncombe, 1,486, and \ "Lawete, that ain't nothtn'," aneerad Henderson, 1,280. Waif Oouoty, \. *daree etpaeddo np jo usepjsd pejofooo loads with 8,208 orer Northba aipton, S "Da Germane, day kin hit yen tt day th* ta H?* Bnnoombe during lean hae your ad drma. arer 100 par eant ef new people to trail i Bpfcrala's gamllha warn the aeoood week bad an leer ease of all the allien. "Man** aaaieand he. uhaa yen baa id >080 tbaaa al Ileal When a bead to elected to become fWy> fed a fen Wat fctn hH yen tt bald, tt dfeeent like abide by the reKfa ttntf-ttm mttm e?" aolta, but oaa't well belt. _____________ * TW Mi?Mm Amy mIn nr Thorn* wfco mw 4* aaytktef mm dfttoat ml uMtNMtm, m4 moIMIbh akty ou not mwrtiti Ihht |Mj A Kfcoot ? ?hM MHn trA. fmt? to t? (W< u4 to try U* do |Ml