The Chesterfield advertiser. [volume] (Chesterfield C.H., S.C.) 1884-1978, July 15, 1915, Image 3
HH^npp it
Attorneys' Prince and Feguee;
T of Gherafr were hereyau business
7s*" V Monday.!
Mr. JaVes U. Rogers, visited
friends and relatives at Morven,
Miss Tolia Griggs is the gneBt
- this week of Mios Fannie Griggs,
of Morven.
Messrs. L. L. Parker and H. N.
A&kins, of Pageland were in the
city last Friday.
Mrs. S. M. Breeden and son,
y'lngh are the guests of relatives
n town this week.
Mr. James W. Griggs and
amily, spent Sunday at Morven,
he .guest of relatives.
Miss Alma Barentine, of
Society Hill, is this week the
r guest, of Miss Nan Laney.
Hon. W. F. Stevenson, of Cheraw,
was among the bnsiness
visitors in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Spencer,
spent Sunday in Florence the
guests of relatives and friends.
Mr. Sidney T. Knight, one of
Catarrhs' most prosperous farm- .
era, was in town Monday.
, Mr. John R. Burns of Gashes,
6pent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Robeson.
Mr. David Woodberry, of
fJohtisonville, S. C. spent the
week-end in town with friends.
I Miss Mary Pusser, delightfuly
entertained last Thursday evening,
in honor of Miss. Galloway.
Unless you read the advertising
in the Advertiser columns you
fail to get full value from your
j^H Mr. OarlGt Hedge and mother,
Wm. Gulledge, spent Snnday,
in Anson county, the guest
of relatives.
Miss Sallie B. Teal of Wadesnfi
Knrn cnpnt tdopIt-piiH in nnr
city the guest c f her sister, Mrs.
Carl Gulledge.
ft Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Teal, spent
I Sunday at the heme of Mrs. Teals
R parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0.
Griggs, of Anson county.
h It is a faithful saying and worthy
of the acceptation of every
Cbeeterfieldian?that we should
all be boosters for our town.
Mrs. J. H. Johnson has be6n
quite sick for a number of days,
I but her many friends are pleased
r to learn she is now improving.
Miss Bertha West, left Monday,
for White Blurf, Lancaster
I county, whete she goes to accept
r > a school for the summer months.
b The Teachers, of Chesterfield
county, who attended the Pee
mm Dee Summer School at Harts
|Hl ville all report a grand good time
HA Messrs. E. C. Clark, 8. F. Sullivan,
I. P. Simpson and W. J.
H Miles of Jefferson, Route 4, were
business visitors in town MonMrs
M. E. Cason and daughter,
^^^B Miss Ruth, of Lakeland, Fla.,
B are visiting at the home of the
formers' daughter, Mrs. T. W.
Miss Mary Belle Burgess ha
returned to her home at Laki
HjH City, after a visit of severa
^^B weeks at the home of Mr. an<
|HB Mrs. Jno. A. Welch.
MR Mesarc. T. R. Eddins, Walte
Campbell, Carl Douglass Missel
BH Estell Catoe, Claudia Sullivai
B and Edith Vick motored t
H Jackson Springs Sunday.
Little Miss Mary Foid Robesoi
BB who has been spending som
BB time with her aunt, Mrs. Charh
B^^^_J^i'own, of Florence returne
HBB|f7.e last Monday.
HH|^^B!r8. J. W. Chapman and chih
fl ?, and Mrs. Chapmans mothei
Ii. Carter, of Florence are thi
bt thi & week of Mr. and Mrs
P. Douglass.
here will be an Ice crean
per at Friendship on Thurs?
I nignt July 22nd, for the
Lefit of the church, the public
|>rdially invited to attend,
p last Saturday afternoon,
I G. W. 8pencer celeb^ed
182nd birthday by eo**rtainKa
few of her oid friends,
Ing Ice creai* c*keIs.
0. A. Alexander and lit
laughter, Mary Charles, have
ned to their home at JonesI
S. O., after a visit of two
fti in town the guest of reinBand
nooga, Tenn, "
to her sister, Mrs^PJ^P^na.
Messrs. R. D.- Marsh, R. M. a
Nowsom, Roy MOore, and Misses e
Rnth Hanna, Grace Hurst motor- a
ed to Marshville, Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. H. E. Vaughn, who e
for the past few weeks has been
quite ill, is much improved to
the gratfieation of her many ^
friends. c
FOR SALE: We have some of
the Choice Look Out Mountain e
Seed Irish Potatoes, come while v
here. The Redfearn Company, ii
If you want a long time loan
on improved farm land apply to e
us. ^
Chesterfield Loan <fc Ins. Co.
Mr Ira /V I?nil f on r 11 wkn Itaro
of late has learned to be very
much of a Songster has (changed)
the wording of "when I woke up I
this morning she was gone." He t
now wakes up singing when 1
woke up this morning (he was b
gone.) h
Just before you enter the Chesterfield
Drug Co. Look up to the a
right and there you can get the g
correct time. Mr. A. W. McCall A
has presented the city with a
large regulator and will keep j,
correct time there all the time, B
which will be highly appreciated ^
by Chesterfieldians.
The Chesterfield County Bar
Association met in the office of
Mr. M. J. Hough, on Monday and j
arranged the roster of the cases ^
for the Common Pleas term of t
court which opens on Monday, 0
July 2Gtli. Mr. W. F. Stevenson ^
was elected Chairman and Mr. c
O. L. Prince, Secretary. a
tinpt House has secured the 1
services of Mies Edith Parrott, a
Mrs. Dora Dee Walker and Miss t
Grace Huffington, of the State I
Department Home Demonstra- C
tion work, to hold three insti- o
tutcs in the county begining t
Aug. 15th. Definate announce- C
ments will be made later. 1
Mr. John G. Jones has retired
from the firm of Teal-Jones Go.,
and Mr. B. F. Teal is now sole
owner of the business. Mr Jones
made many friends while here,
and everyone wishes him much I
success wherever he decides to h
locate. Mr. Teal will continue
the business and the Advertiser
wishesa him large degree of sue-1
Rural Policeman J. R. Abbott
did & nice piece of detective
work in trailing Leroy Janice, a
negro who broke into Mr. Will
B ions' house nearThllespicssiding
and stole a suit of clothes.
Mr. Abbott followed the trail all
day Friday and finally landed
him that night at McBee. Mr.
Abbott brought James to 0he6terfielcTearly
Saturday morning
and he is now in jail awaiting
d^^^^BTG. Sugar*,
made suit tolr^^F'' him Letters
i of Administifi?!1 J?e Estate and
effects of JoB(vJj^Far8'
Y cite and adfibt*'1 a11 And singular
the kindred ^Creditors of the said
John W. H"fi? deceased, that thej*
_ be and appflfiHtore ,nfl in the Court
x>f Probate tS*neld at Chesterfield,
. S. C., on tlfi*"* day ?* J?ly next
after publi<9?n heroof, at 11 o'clock
g in the forfi*11, to show cause, if
any they lifi*why the said Admin*
istration sBM1 not he granted.
GIVEN fcH" ?iy baud tliis <jth,
day of Jul* !"&
f M.J. Hough,
m Probate Judge
8 ?> ? ~
Mister's Sale.
i- State of fifth Carolina,
t Oounty mChesterfield.
p(bmmon L'leas.
^ M V8
I Carrie Eflns* et al,
_ I f Dfifpndftnt.a
Several of the farmers througl
ur community are about througl
'laying by."
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Qarduer
ttended the Children's day ex
rciaes at ?benezera Satnrda;
nd report a nice service.
Mrs. W. J. Streater entertain
d the W. H. M. S. Saturday aft
Miss Eva Gardner, is visitinj
ier brother, Mr. K. L. Gardner
>f Grants Mill this week.
Mrs. Margaret Perkins return
d home Sunday after a week
isit with friends and relative
n Zoar community.
Miss Edna J. Gardner, return
d Sunday, from a weeks visit a
m j at . to 1
loryen ana mcrnrian.
Misses. Eala and Minnie Strea
er entertained very pleasant!;
iaturday night.
Misses Eva Griggs and Eunic
)uncan. spent Saturday nigh
he guest of the Misses Streaters
Mr. D. G. Sowell of Spartan
inrg, is on a visit to his oh
ome hereMr.
and Mrs. Norman Allei
nd children, of Vaughndule
pent Sunday at the home of Mr
1. A. Sowell.
Next Friday July 10 is th
Educational Rally Day at Friend
hip. A large crowd is hoped t
le seen on this occasion. M.
Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given tha
. 0. Jones has retired from th
irm of Teal-Jones Company, am
hat S. F. Teal, is now owne
f the interest which he had ii
he firm and the said firm is t
ontinne with B. F. Teal as it
ole owner under the name q
'eal-Jones Company; and tha
11 debts due the said Teal-Jone
)ompany; must he settled wit
1. F. Teal, uauiug as Teal-Joue
lompany, who is now sole owne
f the same and all the liabili
ies of the said firm of Teal-Jone
Company is assumed by B. *
B. F. Teal
J. O. Jonea
July 5th, 1015.
To make room for young sto^l
will sell 15 nice S. O. K. 1.
iens at a bargain.
J. W. Ilannq|
B'' ''ill ^
|r r "
Schools of Medic
Owned and Conti
Kighty-seventh session begins
ne new three-story building it
I. Laboratories of Chemestry, I
Inical Pathology, Pharmacolo
w, modern equipment.
The Roper Hospital, one of th<
Is in the South contains 218 be<
t service, offers unsurpassed
Practical work in dispensary i
Two years graduated service i
ents each year.
Department of Physiology and
tiarieston Museum*
Teu full-time teachers in laboi
For Catalog address: OSO;
Box 11
ol for boyn and younjr men. Utilizes the
lent of Funnan University. Offers t<
(rur'niiia and atrong preparation for CO
rn.. bich x*hool eouri*. Hmsll rImmi
nrtTaction. Influence and dlaclpUn* condu
1 yoOl loapMAInc eontxf. PIMMBI, ffnll
ICmowOHI.Hull "S
,to??F?Uwl OfcffcV>r. kddraM
- 7 LW.COU^NIY M.A;.!
% I IrMSNMi w*
? In obCience to order of
Oourt?>,,tied in the above stated
cm? by Honor, I. W.
r Bowii?.Presiding Judge, I will
^ on thffiflt Monday of August,
1915 #ilJin the legal hours, offer
tl for sgfct0 the highest bidder for
c<ishl?/,re the Court House door
,f at ^Jtffterfield, that tract of
' lamtti" Chesterfield County,
SouA Carolina, Containing 17
acr^,more or less, bounded by
lan<ftsof Wesley Streater, Will "
ianjFffiy^tt, Andrew McBride
? aixfpossibly others.
I. f Purchaser or purchers to
pa^for all necessary papers.
P. A. Murry, Jr.
mAiW Chesterfield Gonntv.
*1 Soly, 6th, 1915.
r Master's Sale.
n !&te of South Carolina,
0 (^oanty of Chesterfield.
8 i. In Common Pleas.
f Bisk of Chesterfield
1 r Plaintiff
S jj V8.
h ii. V. Boilings, et al,
H|T Defendants.
r j|, In obedience to an order made
i-iinthe above stated case by His
ggHonor, 1. W. Bowman, PresidrJ
ing Judge, I will offer for sale
I Mo the highest bidder for cash
before the Court House door at
Chesterfield, on the first Mondiy
in August, 1915, within the
legal hours, that trace of land
[/ in Chesterfield County, South
' Carolina, described as follows:
k "Bounded North by lands of
d William B. Sellere. on the Past,
nnd South by estate Iande of
William Oliver and West by
lands of James W. Crowiev. con
taining 70 acres, more or less."
The courses and distances of this
land may be seen in the record
of the above case on file in the
Clerks office.
Purchaser or Purchasers
to pay for all necessary papers.
P. A. Murry, Jr.,
Master Chesterfield County.
July, 0th, 1915.
f the State of S. C.
3T0N, S. C.
ine and Pharmacy
roled by the State
October 1, 1915?Ends June 1,1916
nmediately opposite Roper Hospi
bacteriology, Anatomy, Physiolog3
>gy and Pharmacy provided wit!
3 largest and best equipped hospi
ds, and with an extensive out-pati
clinical advantages.
for pharmaceutical students.
in Roper hospital with six appoint
Embryology in affiliation with th
ratory branches.
Mi W. 8CHLEETER, Registar,
Greenville^ ?
I KJxJJU South Carolina.^,
1 magnificent build- [
) a limited number
illefe work and for ^
clot* peraoaal fc. _
civ# to mtnly
?Mll, tMMtMll.
naf? moderate BL
^ -jyw
Special Notices r
If yon want a few S. 0. R. I.
Red hens cheap to breed ' from
see me at one. None over two
years old.
J. W. Hanna.
We represent the oldest, largest
and best Steam Laundry in the
South?The Charlotte Steam
Laundry, who make a specialty
of good dying cleaning and press
ing of all kinds of fabrics. Basket
leaves Tuesday's and returns
Saturday's? Teal-Jcnks
I will be in town every morning
from 7 to 9 delivering milk,
any one wishing milk will please
leave order with Mr. H. M. Odom
at the Chesterfield Drug Co.
If it is a sewing machine you
need buy a Singer the best
made. Oil, needles and other
parts carried in stock. See me
at Advertiser office.
T W TT.nn*
All persons are hereby forbidden
to fish or bant with gun or
dogs night or day on any of my
lands either closed or uninclosed
or trespass in any way.
E.N. Kedfearn.
Two Young Jersey Milch Cows
for information see me.
w. W. Patterson, Ruby, 8. O.
R. E, Hanna . CL Hunley
Chesterfield, 8. C.
Office in Peoples Bank Building
Dental 8nrgeon
Chesterfield, 8. C.
Office on second floor In Ross
All who desire my services will
E lease see me at Chesterfield, as 1
ave discontinued my visits to other
Office of
W ~ /NI Ikivu Cl U" P*, ?
open every Saturday and the
first Monday of each month.
Civil Enotkrkr?Is making a
specialty of town and farm maps.
University of South Carolina
Entrance examinations to the
the University of South Carolina
will be held by the County Supt.
of Education at the county court
house hriday, July 9th, 1915.
The University offers varied
courses of study in science, literature,
history, law and business.
The expenses are moderate
and many opportunities for
self-support are offered, A large
number of scholarships are available.
Graduates of colleges in
this State receive frae tuition in
all courses except in the School
of Law. For full particulars
write to The President University
of 8cuth Carolina. Columbia.
8. C. jun24w51
The Citadel
The Military College of South
Carolina. Announced as "Distinguished
Military College" by
U. S. War Department. Full
course in Civil Engineering, Science,
English and Modern Languages.
Confers B. 8. and O E.
degrees. All expenses pay cadets
from South Carolina, $282 a
year. A ?./?iolnrship worth $5100
a year is vacant from Chesterfield
county, and will be filled
. by competitive examination at
j the county seat on 13th day of
! August 1918. For necessary information
and blanks apply to
Col. O. J. Bond, The Citadel,
* Charleston S. C.
Condition Powder!
A high-class remedy for horse
and mules in poor condition am
in need of a tonic. Builds soli'
muscle and fat; cleanses the sy?
tern, thereby producing a smooth
glossy coat of hair. Packed 1
doses. 25c. box. Sold by
^ 2) Ht Laney.
Ladies we have some sty- ,j
lish low cuts in WALK- J
OVERS that you can buy for 1
$2.50. we are making this
price in order to close outr
our stock in Ladies' Low.
Cuts. These shoes are beau.
ties, and will give you ease
and elegance. We have other
grades that we sell for
correspondingly low prices.
If you want a high class shoe
for a low price, see us.
? dfl
The Peoples BankgffSSX
We solicit your business, and cordially invite you to
call on us when you are in our town.
The Peoples Bank
flight on The Jobj
See A. F. Davis For
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Up-to-Date Market, Phone-6
^ a. f. d a v i s ^
The Bank of Cheraw
1 Cheraw, S. G. [
J Designated as United States Depository ,
^ rtr nc&r rao^ccr awn II
Ivm ? v/v/ivunvv/uv /Jipi/ ||
CRojseesx: bhjmk xn ii
zr>e coarrcT U
IL ==3
if* For Insurance See Us ^
n We represent the Strongest and and Best Old-Line H
S INSURANCE Companys'in the World. H
See us for all kinds of Insurance u
I Chesterfield Loaiv & Irvs Co I
1 J? W. J. Douglass, Manager. B
i -
5 Patronize Chesterfield Cannery
d ? j +;$$$
[ banning done for Public
rnccs "?m