Suluiduy, July oO, JlDUS * i gf^nlnB ^ Mrss Georgiana Busby No> York City is visiting at the. hom of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Busby of Columbia, S. .C. A par ty was given i* honor of Mis Busby last Wednesday, night b; Mrs. S. ^trown and Mrsr D. Dea of Lykesland and Columbia. Miss Grace K. Blackwell lef Sunday for her work in Heatl Springs, ?. C., where she ha ? charge of the fouith grade am music. Mi's. Mattie Garrett Simons an< sons of Washington, D. C., are ii the city) spending their vacatior with Mrs. Simons' parents, Prof and Mrs. C. G. Garrett. We wist them a pleasant stay. Mr^ Marion T.-Garrett-and sot of .New York City are in the city for an indqfinite stay the guost: of Mr. Grrrett's parents, Piuf. anc Mrs. C. G. Garrett, On K. Ladj o f Miss Alice Haigldr "is coiifinec to bed in Columbia hospital. Hei fiiends wish her a speedy recovery Wants Position Teucher, graduate Allen uhiver ?ity wants position; fall term Box 305, Georgetown, S. C. THE WARD ONE WILLING WORKERS CLUB The Ward One Willing Workers club met at the home of Miss Llucy Jornes, 419 Sumjter street, , Tuesday night, July 2G. The meet ing was called to order by the Ma dani President, presiding, Miss ' Lucy Jon^s and opened with the club song Miss Nancy Sims. Pray by Miss Luey Jones; ?JJible verse recited by all of the members, then Mrs. Eva Mae Moss led another _ sorng. The minutes were read, motioned by Miss Lottie Sims, second by Mr. Silas Smith thev were adopted. The roll was called. The members responded briefly. Then the njeet* ing was closed. Mrs. Cr^osie Thompson led the .closing song. Mr. Silas 'Smith dismissed us by giving the closing ode. THE TWELVE STAR SOCIAL CLUB - The weekly meeting of the club was held at-the home of Mrs. Ida Mae Williams-.Tuesday, Jufy 26. The meeting wa8 called to order by the President, Mr. Freddie Ferguson. Mr?. Sallic May Roof chaplain conducted the devotions. A brief discussion of business in eluded plans for entertainments. Watch thi? column ncxt week foi full information concerning a dance. we enjoyto a program c/t songs and poems, which entled with in ?fm4ng?remarks?from?the?mem' , ' bers. We had with us Mr., Lee Outen, who expressed himself as having enjoyed the meeting and spoke woVds of efricourgalement towards the progress of the cjub. We will meet ot 2121 Pendleton street, Tucaday, August 'J. LUCKY BHtfUS ?eU\l. CLUB -i Lucky Bird Soc.ial club met at the home orf Mr. and Mrs. Allen West at 9 o'clock. Meeting was opened by song by Mrs. Kennedy. er by Mrs. Boyce. Second song by Mrs. Hattie Johnson. This song 0 brought our devotional service to a-elosev Then the-presrrhrnt took charge, calling for the minutes of last meeting which w?re omited. The sick committte made his report which was none. Mr. Kennedv madp his renort nn nrocram. He reported on tickets and bills. The president made report on left over tickets. The unfinished busi ness wag discussed briefly. The new business was takerv up and discussed. Mrs. Pollock was elected-assis tant on tho aick committee. . Mr Able elected assistant recording secretary. The roll was called by Secretary Mrs. Kennedy. Members present fc. We were dismissed by Mrs Florence Boyce. We were served a delicious courgo-of^tomato salad _on lettuce chicken, rolls, cake and plinch. Meet us at Dunbar's Lake, Monday night, August 1. Mr. Sam Williams, president Miss Birdie Brown, reporter SUBSCRIBE FOR THE "LEADER' Colored Beauticians Hold Successful Session . Spartanburg.?The Colored Bear ticians of the State of South Carolina held their convention Tues< day and Wednesday in this city, _ The convention ud. Columbia registered 12; Spartanburg and Greenvrlle also regis v tered large numbers. Other coun(i* til1-- ii'i.i'-- 11 - - ? I---- 'oigcij- represented. Beautician??fromthe State ol North Carolina came over and s heartily joined with us. Various y I problems that confront the col^rcti n Beauticiuns were discussed and. a committee was als0 formed . t c J meet the State Board Aug. ioth. t- The Convention will meet i 11 h Greenville next yean, the third s J Tuesday and Wednesday in July. -Ij If you are not a member of the J Colored Beauticians Convention, rtJOIXi und let y_'.u. vote euuill 111 * thrashing out the problems that 1 hinder us most. Let us as a race 1 get together, because divided we *" stand and together we fall. 1 ?? VACATIONING SOUTH r Mr. and Mrs. L. O.- Duffis of ' New York City were visiting rel5 atives and friends of this city and * Congaree, S. C. Mrs. Duff is r the former Miss Ada Wright, a graduate of Allen university, class - uf 1D30, and th6 daughter Mrs. ' Ida Gregg who for man,, years resided at 2312 Pendleton street, ber fore, making, her home *fn - the _ country. Mr. Duffis is the son of Mrs. Jane Duffis of South America where Mr. und Mrs. Duffis will sail for a second honeymoon * in the early fall. ' The many fiiends of the couple made their slay a ni?.st pleasant one with parties and dinners ineluding a most elegant dinner at the home of Mr. and.Mrs. I. Mc" Kcnzie, who Expressed' a wish of a prolonged visit but due to Mr. Duffis urgent business, they were compelled to leave on Saturday, juiy ?/, our. tney expressed many thanks to everyone for their un forgotten kindness, and especially ; to Mrs. McKenzie a cl^se friend of Mrs. Dutfis and the former Miss Ella Shiver. LES DBMOSSELLBS ?. Misses Hattre Counts and Mary . Alice Sanders delightfully entertained the members and their guest Tuesday-evening, July 19th ' at the latter's home on East Wash i ington street. L The hostess verier! tmini to wulad, fried chicken, olives and hot rolls and ice tea. ; Tickets are on sale now* for a f ride and dance to be given Monday, August 1st at Taylor's Tavern. Admission 25c. Cars will leave Harden and Taylor streets at 8 o'clock. THE WAVERLY SILVER STARS The Waverly.Silver Stars met at the home of Miss Inez Collins. The devotional- exercises were ren - ilered by the metnbers.?The opening song was In The Garden, followed by prayer led by Miss Inez. Hawkins. Secon- Mttbdato. and contact addrwa* 1 j ] | ? , ?..,,,iv Stj-oet, Col'tmMa, So v???0?4 *?o a ?6o?4?4>* ?*?ce J.B.?What must I do about th< ' property of my father, which is jr , Virginia? ' Ans. About the only thing yoy can do in to arrange to Bell it hi that you can clear up the indebt, edness, Have it appraised and ii , yofj like, pu]t ft- into the hands ol i some good rettable Rear Estate A ^-gencj' down there, j T.M.H.?For the past 5 years ' I Jmve been outi of wink. and nil ' of my friends seem to have forgotten me, even my boy friend that [ once seemed to care enough t c marry me. i stay w?med all the time and I want to know what to d? ? ; ? : , Ans: Find employment and do I this within the next thirty' days, j There isn't any reason for you he Ing without work five years; this alone is enough to make your friends feel a little disgusted with you. When you do get something to do that will occupy your mind you wHI get over your nervousness A.V.R.^-I h^ave tried for nine years tb have" something and ? I am now thoroughly tired and dis gusted. Would it help any if I packed my bags and- "lit ;ut" for the city I have in mind? Ans: A sensible idea. You have , worried continuously for the past few years about making your home in Philadelphia and I honestly feel that vou would be using good judg ment to carry out this plan you have in mind. A.B.?Is there any way' that I | : I were received and adopted.?? I New and unfinished business was discussed. Our silver tea to be given by the club Sunday past. A nice time was. had. Nine visitors were present. Mr. J. Reed, ' Mr. L. Outen,- Mr. R. Jackson, Mr. K. Hailey, Mr. \V Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Jenkins, Mrs. Ir^ne Charley, Mr. Raymond Thompson, Mr. Eugene Jenkins, Mr. J. Burton and his quartet rendered music. ! Mf\ R. Thompson with his mix quartet also rendered music for us. Mr. Jack Hartzog, Mr. J. Burton, Mr.. E. Brown, and Mr. G. McDaniel are trying every way-to ... 1..1. ? nuiiw, (jtii * v.iuu acuuuu lu nunc:. t fc ? - V New Books By Negro Poets Henry Harrison, Poetry Publish it, of _ .70 Fourth Avenue, New Y_,4k. announces for publication (?iv August 1st two books of verse by Negm poets: Joseph S. Cotter, ville, Ky.. and Lucy Mae Turner, 11118 Bond Avenue, East St. Louis. 111. Mr. Cotter's book is entitled "CV1 lotted Poems" and Miss Turner's "Bout Cullud Folkses." Mr.' Cotter, a product of th e Louisville. Public Schools, has recently been elected as teacher and rneipel for the fiftieth year. He is at nvcsent principal of the S. Coleridsr.e^Taylcr Colored School. Of fgrorcl), Trfoh, English, Imfhm and Negro blood. Mr. Cotter was born in Nelson County, Ky., o n Feb, 2nd, 1801. He is listed^ i n "Who's Who in America,'" ^Who's Who Among North American Authors," and "The Authors' League "f America." He is the author of "A," "Links of 'Fnends hil>,'' "Caleb, the Degenerate," "A White Sojig and a Black One" "Ne^ro Tales," etc.-, and the following songs: "I'm Wondering," "Without Jesus," and "Gorng to OoorEriir."~Xyf~hisr play, "Caleb-,- the Degenerate," the late Alfred Austin, Poet Laprer.te of England, wrote: Tt affords further evidence of the latent capacity g. f vour long-maltreated race." From the great English atffress,. Mrs. I.angtry, came "The play is interesting and ought to find a place worthv of ita merits omnni/ the I works on Negro literature." I.ucy Mae Turner was born in Zanesville, Ohio. Her father, Gilbert Turner, v.-as the son of Nat Turner, a slave whi rarsed a rebellion against slavery in Virginia ih 1931. Her mother was the daughter of Rev. Isaac Jones who built the first colored Baptist church in Putnam Ohio. Miss Turner is a graduate of WTtberfofce University and holds a B. S. decree from Ohio State UniversityShe is at present a public school teacher in Ea?t St. Louis, 111. The Harrison firm-also announces an extc*nr,ion of time in which Negro poets may contribute t_o "New Negro Voices." which is he insr edited by Beatrice M. Murphy of 1414 Q St.. N. W., Washington, I>. C. Miss Murphy reports that gratifying: progress is being mad? on thts anthology, and that among: the recent well-kn^wn contributors is Langstotl Hughes who recently railed for, Europe to attend a wri a Tfifc IVvLaIETTO L-iu.JEK we= ^ ^ rered in this paper ONLY when < ;lo??xl in your letter;?For private- J od a toli-addreaaed, aUmped an < t Raediny, and rccaiva by nturn J queationa. Sign your full nam? J to ail let tan. Addraac ail mail < { arolini 1 llwi VRitmnw. J i can change him as he doesn't can 1 for church, picture sh^vs. dancinj or any kind of entertainment? i' Ans: Not a possible chance o > changing him and don't cntot^-maJ . riage with the thought that vol " can make him like the kind of lijf< f that you do. He is a quiet typ< 1 the fashion you desire. ~ 1 L.S.?There is an attachment I run fin my .oar for -i hill af ^ husband's but understand the cai ; is in my name. Will I be able tc , get it back? Ans: Laws in different states , vary; the thing for you to do is consult a good lawyer and take hls-iwKdce-tm the matter. I di think that some adjustment will u?..*r *.. u.. 1 _ _ 1 - -I . . ! ui auiu|?uy lerminaioo due to the weather's inclemency. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.-^ Carpcnitcr. I Mr:..and Mrs. Homer Gray and I Mrs, Carpenter erf Tatum motored "to SumtiM last ueuk [0 visit oTS-" tives and friends. They reported a lovely trip. ' Mr. Jones of New Jersey, Misses Stroble, Reese and Mitchell of Carolina are the new teachers assisting Prof. LeiSeine at present. They have entered the second week of the summer term with a very creditable cnrollnrent. * Mr. and Mrs. "Dolphus" McRae were host and hostess at a din ne rparty in honor of the Corpen ters and Grays on Saturday evening Rev. J. R. I,. "Xllen and family an.1 Rev. Mrs. Crawford who is conducting thi< peek's vevival foi Rev. Allen at Fair Plain, were the dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. D Jones on Sunday. ~ The revival, service at Beaver Dam closed last week end with six converts to its credit. * Rev. Jona3 W, Wright, assisted. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Melon is were the recipients of a visit from the Misses Welch, sisters of Mrs. McInnis, last Friday. Mrs. Emma Leach c/f Dillon is visiting' her mother Mrs." Ardelia Fields. - . ?Mrtr Mary McNeil and sons Donnie and Tommie were visited hy-M+v-and Mrs. Wm, Pearson and noic<\, Miss Catlin of Bennetts ynie, sunnay evening. Mr: W: L. Jackson received iT short visit from his sister who lives in Hamlet and a brother from ' Philadelphia, last wepk. MY. Jas. R. Ashe was a brief visitor at the homo of his aunt, Mrs. P. Pipkin last Monday" Mrs. Sam Jones was a week end visitor in the citv for the past week. She, with ner husband re turned to?Durham, NY C.~ Sunday evening. The reporter wishes to thank th? - new subscribers for their tn, tereftt and trust they will help- to ncouragg others to sttboerlbe-also. uaic iu uc inaue annul me Dill ' before you are able to got your car J- M.M.?-I do want your opinion about my farm as 1 feel that you i. will help me if possible? Aits: Put it up for sale and If you are offered a nice margin of profit then sell; otherwise hold it for awhile. .You.really do not wish to go back there to live and if you , can't get -something worthwhile from it. then do ? matter, form or length. The closing date for ms. has been extended to Sept. 1st. The book will be published in late Fall. NEW BETHEL NEWS Rev. A. IX Duncan, I'astor Woodruff, So. Carolina, July 24 Our Sunday school was good yesterday -altho! -a -gentle rain fell most of the day many were present. Three joined. Our Daily Bible class closed Friday with a ren attended the class. Delegates were [veiwr.t front Tyger. rivtr church school convention, Sunday, which"was hold at Mt. Sinai Bap-, -tist church, Glendale, S. C. Their seports were good. One of the bestsession's held in years were reported. Woodruff Junior high school be gan its summer term this'week ami a pleasant session Is locked forwfitd toi *" McCOLL NEWS l_ The past week continued rainy. Quite a few activities were either I nnCtrtVtnr.,1 -X*- ? A " 1 : FOUND! THE SECI 1 LOOKING HAIR I tmrii so different lor the woman whe this ' 'secret"?the easy way to make, at hsir youthful looking. Vi'hatescrits con?J whether drab, lifeless, off-color, or streak gray ? s single application of Godefroy's I trous, natural, youthful-kppearing color. ? log. No disappointments. Choice <^JH , Results must satisfy you or dealer will |p your money. Don't wait ? get a bottle of J > today. GODIHtOW'I^ If your dealer Mf Jv , does not have_ It, send $i,25 f direct to . _ I ? . . . *?v uwm-n' > GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPAN' '.Mr. Edd Roper Cel'Jebrates Birthday 1 Atlantic Beach, S. C.--Mr. Kdd ? Roper, _f Chai lotto, N. C., cole ' b:atcd hi< 48th bi it Inlay Friday niHht, July 2 J ml at thc:?Smith's Patio, with a host of frii'ndsr Those, attending were Mrs: Rosa ' Ia.'c Hart, Mr. Georire House and Mr. .Geuifre Raft, of Columbia. S, ' C.; Miss Beatrice Crowdor, Winston Salcin, N. C.; Miss Helen 1. Brown, Hai tsville. S C.; Miss Ver1 nella E. Brown, Julia Mae Chavis, ' Millie H Rlvofji, Mr. Ervin Lattf more, of Spartanbui tr, S. ('.; Miss ' .Tosio Duncan Memphis, Ten-n.; 1 Mr. Johnny Walker, Mis. Lucy Summers Georgia McCoy, Wetna f June's and Miss Oralo RemicO. of 1 Charlotte, N'.' C\: Miss Marthena Bessellieu, Oppetta Parker, Annie Belle ^(leather's, Mr. Johnio Brown Rnnifimin ^10M \ii- . .* .Vv i?ivv?ni .-5. Ali/J'I l and Levi Brown of Georgetown; - Mr..ami Mrs. Alex Moore, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Frazor of Conway; Mrss Mari_u Burgess of Florida; Mr. -f-R:?^ Coleman, of .Marion; Miss Mildied Naznne, Mr. Matthew Wil lianison of Florence; Mr. and Mrs. | J. B. Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Spain, Mr and Mrs. Ben Williams Mr. and Mj-s. Willie King, Mr. and Mrs. May./ .Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fitzgerald and Mr.' Frank Thomas, of Myrtle Beach; Mr. Lein Brown, of Sumter; Mrs. Cora L. Jannings of Warrenton, X. C.; Mrs. Nana Dreetr of Birmingham, Ala. The menu was artifically planned by Mr, and Mrs.! W. K. Sipith, hostess UPu mana-' gc^y which consisted of ginger ale julep, sandwiches, potato .chipsJ. pickles, nuts, mints, cake , and i punch. I Mrs. J. B. Owens^assisted thehostess by receiving thet guests and gifts, and- introducing _ t h e gliest of honor Mr. Roper. The toast masters Mr. Bon Wil]Jams, l Mr. C. C.. Frazei. Mr, W.K Smith! "entertained" the guests with his wonderful magical work. f. AN FOR |) <;RO\R liOTrTN-ESS CHI RCH .Sunday school was omitted Sunday and the oth^r devotional*.'oil Sunday and night, because of the su-ray school ni-ntli ar.nuarcflnv' vontion under the leadership af Bishop U. p. Bookard, held at Mt. Holly, X. C., Saturday and Sunday. "7 ** Delegates f oin Woodruff were Bishop U. I). Rookard, car owiror an.: driver; Rev. W. M. Higgius, Rev. J. II. and Missionary -Carrie Higgius. ?-? lows': I/rnf^.d Grove, Woodruff, $10.50; Gieunville, $2.50; Mt. Holly. N. '$5.00; Charlotte, N. C.. $0.00; Penny otfeiijig $2.30. Total $::u.30.. - y PAGKLAND N+>W?? Miss Golda MeCoiv.b is spe:jding the week-end. in .Jefferson. Blackcney of Charlotte, visited Mr. -and Mrs. Hoy Tyson Friday night. A party was given for the little eh lid ron Wednesday-eveytrng by .Miss Ia/uisc Dlakeir y. v Lincoln. Vivia'n and Hobby Blake nty of Charlotte are visiting Mrs. Roy Tyson. The Band G. club .met at the home of Mi. ?v:d Mis Biil Blake1- " ney, .Tucs'ay evening. The topic ' ise^Tssi-ci was "W hat can we do to Make a Better Community". Miss Ethel Brewer is spending] -oiiv-timi in ChUrlotle. Mr.?Mitohel?Brewer?and Ab-? Eula 3lake ney of Washington, D. and Mr. Ben Bhtkcney of Wrnston-Sal ni were I'^ent Vis|t l>l* in?;'. a ".? U 11 TTTT?rf~ thesv an- (jiaf days'.'. Hain! Rain! Main! and more rath!! * "'? Sit\ it- s were pood as usual at .lit. .Tulnip .>F?H: church ftuntlay moinirff the? the wcath'-r was very inclement' with' >h')Wei -, ? few lanhiul hruved TT He v. Hidilea ton preached a forceful gospel .-el iii'ijii. afrer which a little LaUcT was baptized. A put no ha< been , u ;. . u^-. . i.... i ji in incr enure n ui><1 pastor I an ; mcmbor.v aie elated over?it. I ili ^ ' move Rflr "|-'''''-'I fesi rues Ar.'rrie at d Pearl- Kd wards. Under the wis- council of Rev. !Iiddk-stuii tru- church is moving . or; nicely. [ Miss Saia A. MeCulIough and Mis,* Hel'n Jonkir* worshiped at .Mt. Tabor M K. chuich Sunday moinin". All evening .services rained out Sunday. The Revs. Chahibers, were the Sunday dinner truest*, of Mr. and Mrs. r BittLe. Revival tn'rting .will?begin?at-" Gin ?rl View Presbyterian church ,Sunday and continue to the first Sut day in August.' You and .your family und friends are invited to attend each evening at 8:."0 o'clock. Rev. J. H. Toatloy, pastor. Mrs. M, L._F. Johnson is attending summer school at Darlingtor., >S. C. A community club -of children has been uigamz'-cl by Mrs. R. B. Toatley. I my'- -c.-ri Th..)sd?y= afternoon at Grand Vied*. The children are eager to cio something. Mrs.? Toatley knows how i to deal with children. You will h?*tr more about them lat'-r. "Roost Your church, Roo.'i \rou.?pi cacher, "?? Ar.d don't forget Thfc Palmetto Rentier". Only tive cents a week. Please pay up. Messrs Robt. Foster, Jchn G. Jenkins, Larry Foster, Misses Cecelia M. ar.d Rosa A. motored to Cheraw Sunday afternoon. The members and friends rtmembeicd Rev. ar.d Mrs. lliddle^u>n with ver\ appetiziiTgrpouiais" la.-t Wednesday They are still mindful of their pastor. ... .1 a*.....: 1.. -l - luniMj cin.: mey are very Ti a ,e.' til for kimhi,-* -h-ow-ir-them. = ?(.'o'.innc Jackson wa^the Rafter KUestw if _Mrs. Annie Ed-' varus. Sunday. Mr. and Mis. T. J. Hai'dPon. enTei tain d las* We iiWsday at din- ; ncr, Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Hiddie- ; ston ??)d --dutrftrr-and Mrs:' Edwajd.-'. They all ?njoyed a boun i' leuu'^ feast; plenty tfuo.i things to I . t at and everybody \va. Ii.v<. lv and .1 plellsiirU ? This is revival season, nuetintfsL everywhere. Get riyht with ( MT. MOU1AH BAI'T. CHI KCH \\ Kev. H. Pickett. Pastor, j Soneth11burg -Thrr-Snmiiiy school11 opened at the usual hour with .our Supt. and teachers at- their post of duty. The lesson' was interestingly discussed. 1 AT rT a.nT Rev. J. - \V Sullivan '| of Cine/nnati. Qhi_. txroachetf?aninspiring sermon front the therrre:( God's Greatest Prpmise to Man. i The text leintr Exodus 33:14. !, --- - >n.>. ouiuvun was enroute to Greenville to conduct a revival for ' l is father. The Rev. and Mrs. L."' C. Patterson of Cinc-inhati, aceomi lninit'd him?ll^j?Pattoinm a? gospel singer anil she held .tho au-: "hrrrrv 1'?( 11 bound on Sunday ' morning as she sang two beautiful numbers. We hope that Mrs. Patterson will live a long time, and continue t.. sing GoT* prnimn wherever she 'goes. ' The>e was a Silver Tea at the parsonage on Sunday afternoon from. 4 to G o'clock. A . splendid program was rendered. Remarks wrrt^ nrade by Revr^ftulhmrrt. also j Rev. nnd Mrs. Patterson. The pastor Rev. C. II. Pickett made re- J marks which were very rncouraging I The ETU met at 5:30. At 8:00 p.m., the pastor came forth with' a great message from the thenio: Panting Desires. The text Luke i 11:1. This sernton was well dcliv- i erod to a splendid audience. A- j mon/ the visitors present was ] Aliss AluiiLay of Charlotte. N.C.'l Miss Gracie M. Edwards is here ( fi om Washington. ~D. C\, visiting < TT7T7. ?J e~: ? J AMOS & SON t: FUNERAL HOME I Ambulance Services Day or Night .& license Embalming Qur Service is Your Service Our Home is For Your Service Let I'd Serve One Another ~ Phone 79-J t 123 RAILROAD AVE. JOHNSTON. 9. C. ! * ' - ; ~ I'a-y i ~ Gray Hair * Oi-t Kid of Jt Thiff Quick I'.asv Way r ' _ . . yuten'--\n:i iJau J? . mak..- ' * dull, faded. To contact prospects for Amorca's most'significant Negro book NEGROES AND THE LAW. by ? Fitjhugh Lee Stylos. A B., LL B The book sells itself. Liberal com 200 W. Columbia Avenue, PHilalelphir.. Pa. Students and others, tere is a chance to earn liberal rnmmjssions arid, win JlOP- fi^st arize. " .* USE HAIRLONGER A wonderful 44?ir GrowTjj " ' Wake* the hair grow Long, Ftrfl ind Luxuriant. A fair trial *IH ? fjrove" ftF~wond*-Pi,l wnrTh~??? riairlonger Grower 25c dressing Oil _ 25c 3oetage k(Vc *? ALSIE 1'. WYNNE ? Box 24', Clio, S. C. BAXLEY'S DAIRY Grade "A" Milk PHONE 2-1116 5339 Elm wood Ave.. Columbia. S.C. Fan-O-Lin System ... In Beauty Culture Gii'e FAN-0 I.1N HATK. Scalp Danruff and Toilet Preparations ft Trial Their worth has been ftroverr. ?Have and a^er-pro wing ~ Hair on ?ald Heads and Bare 3pots when directions are follow sd. Will promote a full growth >f Hair. L Box Hair Grower . 35c L Box Special llai^Aliujvvei , ? 40c 1 Box Scalp Soab 20c 1 Box Pressing Oil _ 45? 10 cent* extra for postage Registe-ed in U.- S. Patent Office. Agents Wanted. Write for Terme Made By Mmer-FANNIK L. CAROLINA 102# High Market Street Georgetown, S. G SUBSCRIBE FOR '