Mrss Georgiana Busby i,f Now , York City is visiting at the home' of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.| Busby of Columbia, S.^ ,C. A party was given i? honor of Miss Busby last Wednesdav night by! Mrs. S. Brown and Mrs. D. Dean of Lykesland and Columbia. Miss -Grace K. Blackwell left Sunday for her work in Heath1 Springs, S. C., where she hasj charge of the fouith grade andL music. ? ?r Mrs. Mattie Garrett Simons and sons of Washington, D. C., are in with Mrs. Simons' parenla, -Btof. and Mrs. C. G. Garrett. We wish them a pleasant stay. Mr. Marion T. Garrett and son of New York City are in the city YoF an indefinite stay the guests of Mr. Garrett's parents, Piuf. and Mrs. C. G. Garrett, on E. Lady street. Miss Alice HaTgler is eorlfined to bed in Columbia hospital. Her fiiends wish her a speedy recovery Wants Position Teacher, graduate Allen univer sity wants position; fall term. a. o ??Saturday t-July d6,--? wa uvu, ^eiuwii( O. TIlU WARD ONE WILLING WORKERS CLUB The Ward Onp Willing Workers club met. at the home of Miss. Llucy Jornes, 419 Sumjter street, Tuesday night, July 26. The meeting was called to order by the Ma dai]^- President, presiding, Miss Lucy Jon^s and opened with the club song led by Miss Nancy. Sims. -Pray by Miss?Lucy Jones? Bible verse recited by air of thd nien;^~" hera fVton TVTvq TTttq Moa led another scmg. The minutes were read, motioned by Miss Lottie Sims, second bv Mr. Silas . ?flmitli?they?were adopted. TOT " roll was called. The members responded briefly. Then the meet Ing was closed. Mrs. Cr^osie Thompson led the closing song. Mr. Silas 'Smith dismissed ns hy giving the closing ode. THE TWELVE STAR SOCIAfc ?. CLUB The weekly meeting of the club was held at the home of Mrs. Ida Mae Will rams .Tuesday, July 26. " The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. tfYeddie Ferguson. Mrs. Sallie Mae Roof chaplain conducted the devotions. A biief discussion of btr^iness in ~ eluded plans for entertainments. Watch this column next Week foi full infm-,-.,at; " a dance. We enjoyed a program of songs and poems, which ended with inspiring remarks from the members. We had with us Mr. Lee Outen, who expressed himself as having enjoyed the meeting and spoke woVds of c+icourgatement towards the progress of the club. ?We wit] -meet otr1J121 Pendtetf?thaColored Beauticians Convention, I JOIN; and let youu vote count in thrashing out the problems that hinder us most? Let us as a race get together, because divided we stand and together we fall. ?VACATIONING SOUTH | Mr. and Mrs. L. O. DuflFis of. New York City?were visiting reD"~ atives and friends of thi3 city and Congaree, S. C. Mrs. Duff^u is the former Miss Ada Wright, a graduate of Allen univoraity, class of 1980, and the daughter ^f Mrs. Ida Gregg who-for man,; years re-, sided at 2312 Pendleton street, be-1 fore making her home in the country. Mr. DuflFis is the son" of Mrs. Jane DuflFis of South America where Mr. uiul Mrs. DuflFis' will sail for a second honeymoon in the early fall. The many fiiends of the couple mudc their stay a nt?.st pleasant one with' parties-and dinners including a most elegant dinner at the'home Of Mr. and Mrs. I. McKenzie, who expressed a wish of a prolonged visit but due to Mr. DufYis urgent business, they were compelled to leavfc on Saturday, July 9, but they expressed many thanks to everyone for their unforgotten kindness, and- esneciallv to Mrs. McKenzie a friend of Mrs. Duffis and the former Miss Ella Shiver. - - *. l1ss demosselles } Misses Hatti-e Counts and Mary Alice Sanders delightfully entertained the members and their guest Tuesday evening, July 19th at the latter's home on East' Wash ington nti'ooti . ' r The hostess served tomato salad, fried chicken, olives and hot rolls and ice tea. Tickets are on sale now for a ride and dance to be given Monday, August 1st at Taylor's Tav-' ein.?Admission? Cars?will t leave Harden and Taylor streets at 8 .o'clock. THE WAVERLY SILVER STAR? The Waverly Silver Stars met at the home of Miss Inez Collins." The devotional exercises were rendered by" thP" nurmbers. The open- " iiig song was In The Garden, followed by prayer led by Miss Inez Hawkins, Second song Where He Leads B^e.? The president took -harge Tif the mectrngmrddiseu ss ed business briefly. The "Stars" " \re planning "Sport Ball" Monday right, August 8, 1938. Put on vour old grey * bonnets with the blue ribbon on it and be in full swing. Surely everyone will have \ grand time. LANTERN PARADE narade.under the direction of MissWaitcis will be hold at the (71 d Huward playgroun.i,?Friday, July 29th at 8 o'clock. The publitt is the Inany beautiful lanterns .made on the playground by the children. , HAYNES-TIfOMAS WEDDING Fort Motte. S. C., Juiy 25, 1938 ?Miss Father Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Haynes of Fort Motte, S. C., and Mr. Jesse Thomas of Columbia, S. C., were quietly married at the home s.f the bride's parents at 8 o'clock, July 23, 1938. Rev. Wine officiating. , card of thanks ?wish to thank-our many friends"both white and colored for their many kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our foher and husband Mr. William (Rill) Alexander. Mrs. Britie Mae Alexander, wife Messrs Walter and Luther Alexander Mis. Daisy Coleman Mrs. Geneva Drummond, children. EVENING STAR SOCIAL CLUB The Evening Star So.cial club held its regular meeting Wednesday night, July 19th at the usual he iff""STMvs. Bertha Williams residence, 1002 Gates street. MeetHf?*was called to order by the President, Mr. G. W. McDaniel. A-fter devotion the meeting was opened for business. The tfpinutps wpie called for. Motion made by Mr. Jerome Burton, seconded by jcpO ( the & t a 1 BV oT^i^g < i NOTJC: Your question an?wi J |. * clioping of thie column is end < "reply, aend * quarter (tbc) en < i veiope, for my New Aetrolof.v J | rneil free, advice an thee (8) Ans:r A sensible idea. You have worried continuously for the past few years about making your home in Philadelphia and I honestly feelthat you would be using good judg iivuv iu iauj uui uiis pmn yyu have in mind. A.B.?Is there any way, that I . were received and adopted. New and unfinished business was discussed. Our silver tea to ! be given by the club Sunday past. A nice time was-had. Nine visitors were present. Mr. J. Reed, M-P-.-L. Outen, Mi! R. Jaiksun, MfF1 R. Bailey, ^r. W Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Jenkins, Mrs. Irene Charley, Mr. Raymond Thompson, Mr. Eugene Jenkins, Mr. J. Burton and his quartet rendered nnin Lr-- - - >n(i it m ncioun \-/uunuyf rvy.t u u Fob. 2nd, 1861. He -is listed i n "Who's Who in America,,J "Who's "Who Among North American Authors," and "The Authors' League "f America." He is the author of "A Rhyming," "Links of Friendship," "Caleb, the Degenerate.", "A White Song and a Black One'.', "Negro Tales," etc., and the following isongte-;?1L?ihw Wondering," "Without Jesus," and "Going to Georgia." Of his pl^y, "Caleb, the Degenerate," the late Alfred Austin, Poet Laureate of "England, wrote: "It affords further evidence of the latent capacity -z. f, your long-maltreated race." From the great English actress, : Mrs,_ Langtry, came "The play is interesting 'trnrl ought to^finda place worthy of its merits among the work's on Negro literature." Lucy Mae Turner was born in Zanesville, Ohio. Her father, Gilbert Turner, was the son of Nat Turner, a slave whs, rarscd a rebellion against slavery in Virginia in 1931. Her mother was the daughter of Rev. Isaac Jone3 who built the first colored Baptist church in Putnam Ohio. Miss Turner is a graduate of Wilberforce University and holds a B. S. degree from Ohio State University. She is at present a public school learner in r^asi Ot. L.OU1S, III. . The Harrison firm also announces an^oxtension of trmrr in which Nefjro poets may contribute t o "New Negro Voices," which is bcinbt edited by Beatrice M. Murphy of 1414 Q St., N. W., Washington, II. C. Miss Murphy reports that gratifying progress is being made on this anthology, and that among the recent well-kn^wn contributors, ia Langston ffugfrcs^who^recently mailed for Europe to attend a wri-, ter?' q9ngr?g". ? 7 < * THE i'AliiljiiTO ered in this paper CJNL.Y whan | oMd ia your latter. For private J; d a ??lf-addressed, stamped an- ,? Reading, and receive by return !' tuaationa. Sign yo?ur full name. J; to all letters. Addraas ail mail ,, Ut Carolina. "~r?7 o can-change him as he doesn't care J for church, picture sh^vs. dancing or any kind of entertainment? I Ans: Not^ajossible chance of"j changing him and don't enter mar riage with the thought that yoti1 can make him like the kind of life that you "do; He is a ciutet type ami will never be able to frolic in the fashion you desire. L.S.?There is an attachment run on my car for a bill ^f - my husband'?} but understand the car is 111 my name. Will I be able to get it back ? t Ans: Laws in different states vary; the thing for you to do is -consult a goud lawyer and take his advice on^the matter. T do think- lhat some adjustment ?will have to be made about the bill before you are able to get your car M.M.?I do want your opinion about my farm as I fc?el that you will help me if possible? Anss Put it up for sale and if you are offered a nice margin of profit then sell; otherwise hold it for awhile. You really do not wish to go hack there to live and if you can't get something worthwhile from" it, then do so. 7 E.S.?Please tell me-why my peo pie pick at ma and what really is \ my trouble? . ' |, Ans: You have a swell disposi-1 ; tion and they Just take advantage of it to try to arouse your "bad j points." The less you have to do , with them the happier you will be. Make friends among the people j who do not live near you. I Poets who have not ycT contri- , baited to "New Negro Voices" are | urged to send their best poems di- ' rectly to Miss Murphy, acc^mpan- i ied by a self-addressed, stamped j envelo;K> envelope for. the return j ?unacceptable miitm-i-d. There--j TTPe no restrretions us to subject matter, form or length. The clos- | ing date for ms. has been extend-1. od to Sept. 1st. The book will be | ^ published in late Fall. * t NEW nCTIIEL NEWS 1 Rev. A. D. Duncan,' I'astor Woodruff, So. Caroliiia, July 24 j Our Sunday school was good yesterday altho' a gentle rain fell most of the day many were present. Three joined. Out*'Daily -j Bible class closed Friday with' a < ,'iirri-wwful week-:?Near 100 Child" ~< ren attended the class. Delegates w*? noo-? week. She, with Tier husband returned to Durham, N. C., Sunday evening:. The rcporter^jyishes to thank- the new subscribers for their interest ai;d trust they will help to encourage othew ta subscribe al8o.~~i : FOUND! THE SECR I# A I 'V BBS. I Luuninu HA1K. Life is so different for the woman who I this " secret"? the easy way to make, and hair youthful looking. \X'hatever its condit whether drab, lifeless, off-Color, or streakei gray? a single application ol Godefroy s La Hair Coloring will make your butt one eve trous, natural, youthful-appearing color. Nc log. No disappointments. Choice ol 18 c Results must satisfy you or dealer will i your money. Don't wiit?get a bottle of La today. OODIIBOfi/ | If your dealer f does not have ' | It, send $1.25 direct to. ,'V"^ GODEFROY MANUFACTURING COMPANY Mr. Edd Ropef Celebrates Birthday Atlantic Beach, S. C.?Mr. K J. B. Owims, Mr, and Mrs. Eddie 1 Spain, Mr and Mrs. Ben Williams r Mr. and Mrs. Willie King, Mr. 1 *nd Mrs. Mayo Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fitzgerald and Mr.'1 Frank Thomas, of Myrtle Beach; t Mr. Lem Brown, of Sumter; Mrs, Cora L. Jannings of Warrenton, } N. C.; Mrs. Nana Dregg" of Bir- ' rilnghani, Ala. The menu was ar- 11 tifically planned by Mr. and Mrs.!c W. K. Smith, hostess and* mana-'1 ftr, which consisted of ginger ale'1 iulep, sandwiches, potato chips.:'1 Iihnh^an^ | Mrs. J. B.c Owens assisted the ^ lostess by receiving the guests *" uul gifts, and introducing the juest of honor Mr. Roner. The oast masters Mr. Ben Willmms, j Vlr. jC. C. Frn/ri Mr \V K Smith?, Mitertained the juests with his ' vonderful magical work. i t f.ANK (JRt?VE ' "" HOLINESS CHl'HCH "? Sunday school was omitted Sun- a tay~fflui the dTh^r devotionals on a Mindav nu'd-nikrht >w..^n.-n ,,f tl-,,. i' Sun'ay school ninth annual contention' under the "leadership o-f rJ 3:shop U. I), llookard, held at Mt.. ? dolly, N. C., Saturday and Sunlav. _P('legates f::m? Woodruff were 11 bishop U. I). Rtxikaiil, car owner s Tin.! driver; Rev. W. M. Higgins. E !iev. J: H. Jones uiul Mis s i o n ary ll 'arrie IIiggir.?. li The eh niches report were as fol- i' tiws: Ira rifled Grove, Woodruff, >10.50; Gieenville, $2.50; Mt. Hoi- < y. N. C., $5.00'; Charlotte, .V C., ~ >0.00; Pinny offering $3.30. Total >30:30. PAGI^I.aS'P AK\Vs o *' ! * ' C Miss Golda MeComb is spending d> he Week-end in .Jefferson. ii Mosdame,. Maggie and Harriett dlaclivney of Churlot-'te. visited Mr. (, ind Mrs. Roy Tyson Friday nig]it. jr ? A- party-was given for the lit-?^ le children, Wedriesday^e.vening by j Hi-s Louise Blakeivy. Lincoln, Vivian and Bobby Blake ^ it-y of Charlotte are visiting Mrs. a. 'ioy Tyson. : - . ^ The Rand G. club met at the mine ot .Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Blakeley, Toes'ay evening. The topic : iscussed was "What can we do to Make a Better Community". Miss Ethel Brewer is spending L oiv.i time in' Charlotte. Mr, Mitchel Brewer and ML a Flu la Blakeney of Washington, D. v J., and Mr. Ben Blakeney of Wiilston-Sal.. ni were recent visitors 0 lPl'H * A surprise birthday patty was P jiven at the home of.Mr. and Mrs w r. F. Brewer,* Monday eve: ir.g hon- " ning thai: daiiehter'. M.s< 'Alice _ii Brewer and son. Coleman Brewer. rhey received many beautiful and >' jseful gifts. Mr. Thomas Rushing and Mr. P Rictus Hubbard ?pcnf Saturday in a Charlotte, N. C. I' Mrs. N. O. Brewer spent the. J. ,veek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Law*- e r"?nce Smith of Angelas. n Rev. Edward Lowery of Con- N ord and Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Lowu-y were the (Miner guests of Mr. f and Mrs. T. F. Brewer Thursdav. h MEM OKI AM . 1 In lovinjj memory of our husband ar?d fat hop. Mr. Josiah Sumter. who left us July 5, 1937. Our family circle is severed ~ > Our hearts are made sad by your ' departure, We loved you but Jesus loves you more; * So we hope to meet again, i > ' , ?A; R; Sumter, vv'lfe E. R. Sumtpr, daughter W. J. Sumter. ?on -op*, s. C. I, :et to youthful iduw) f* ion? ' HA1R COLORING ? 3510 OLIVE ST. ST. LOUIS, MO. I'll EST ERF IK L I) X E W S S. A. .McCiillouyh Will sumc-nt please tell me these are dtrjj days?- Rain! Rail Rain! and more rain!! .Services were L'ood as usual i Mt. Tabor M. K. church Sunda tno.mii.K tho' the'weath* r wai ver inclement- with -howeis, a fe faithful ]>raved k. Rev. Hidih 3 ton?pieuelnLM a lorec-l ul gosp ve--vv6s-spor.s/>red by Mamts Annie aid I'earl Edward innier^ xntr wisr~ council of~'Rei llid.dleston tnc church is movin >!, nicely. Miss Sara A. McCuilough an Miss llol'n Jcnkiru worshiped a Ml. Tabor M?K. church Sunda nornin". All evening services were rain :tl out Sunday. The?. Keys. Chambers, were th quests of Mr. an M?s. Levander Kittle. KoyiyaL- meeting will begin a jta id View Presbyterian?chine >unday and continue to the firs sunday?in August. You and you Amily and -friends are invited t itten<4 each evening at 8:30 o'clocl tev. J. H. Tuatley, pastor. Mrs. M.~ L. F. Johnson is at ending sumnu-r school at Darling on, 'S. C. A community club of childre ias been piganizvd by Mrs. R. E ['oatley. * It. meets each Thursda ifteinoon at Grand View. Th hildren are eager to do some hifig. Mrs. Toatley knows ho\ (/ ileal with children. You wil .ar more_ about" them laf-r. Roust?\ our . oliut ch, ~ * loo,st your preacher, t.vd don't forget Th|| Palmetti Leader". Only five cents a week. Pleas ay up. Messrs Robt. Foster. John G enkins, Larry Foster, Misses Ce clia M. and Rosa A. motored t< ! he raw Sunday afternoon. The members and friends re lemb.e!ed Rev. ar.d Mrs. Hiddle lon ~WTCh very appetizing pouial 1st Wednesday 'veni.ig. Thej re "sti.ll mindful of tkeir pasto, nd lamily and they are verj n '.hir'.ei, ihtrrn Mrs. C'orinno Jackson wj^ th< hui-sl hi .>irs. Annie h-d arils. Sunday. . M". a pi Mrs. T. J. Hardison, en L-rtaintil las* We In^sday at din ei, Rev. and Mrs. IV C." Middle tun and Junior and Mis. idwaids. They all ? njo.vcd a bout oii< -feast; plenty good "thfrrgTTT at and everybody \vas lovtly am leasai.t'. This i< revival season, meeting; very where. (let right with God -ur wrnL- :~~=~ Mr. MORIA1I RAI'T. CHl'RCR Rev. C. II. Pickett, Pastor Spartanburg?The Sunday sehoo penod at the usual hour with ou upt, and teachers at their pos f duty. The lesson was interest tgly discussed. At 11 a.m. Rev. J. \V Sullivai t Lmeninati. Ohi_, preached ai ispi-ring senwon froro the thorn*, lod's Greatest Promise to Man lie text being Exodus 33:14. -Rr-w?t^ntHvan was eh route ti reenville to conduct a revival fo is father. The Rev. and Mrs. L . Patterson of Cincinnati, ar.on allied him. 'Mrs. Patterson -is i ospel singer and she held the au ionoe spell . bound * on Sunda; lorning as she sang two beauti uk "numbers. We hope that Mrs 'attcrson will live a long tinu ml continue to sing God's praise herever she goes. There was a Silver Tea at th r.rsonngc on Sunday afternooi rom 4 to f> o'clock. A splendi< was rendered. Remark ere made hv Rev. Sullivan, alsi lev. and Mrs. Patterson. The pas >r Rev. C. H. Pickett, made?re larks which were very cncourag igT The ETU rjte't at 5:30. At 8:0 .m., the pastor , oame forth wit! great message from the theme 'anting Desires. The text Luk 1:1. This sermon was well dcliv red to a splendid audience. A ion/ the visitors present wa Tlss Murray of Charlotte. N.C Mis? Grnric M. Edwards is her torn Washington. D. C., visitin er mother and frjends. A M-OS & SON FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Services Day 01 & License Emhalminj Our Service 7s Tour Service Our Home is For Your Service Let I s Serve One Another Phone 79-J 123 RAILROAD AVE. JOHNSTON, S, C. : i> - Gray Hair Bet Kid of It This' Quick ^ Eas> Way! Oueeir-Ann Hair J)yt- makes dull, faded. ?rray haii, soft, jet black and, i Ou look . y.vars younger Easily, quickly HH'lied at home. One application lasts for weeks" and weeks. ? Mine; - Christine?IE.v. y 1E New" Jerse,, Beauty ( o n. rrr issi. ner, ~ raises Queen-Aan hiehlv. Hundreds of Beauticians a; j. "psiTiff~ it _i dully?^?i?I ? , Pfl\' Iif.jl o.i.n / - . 1-. ? 1 - I - 1^'^hicui \*nIV c 1 piU8 pOS', taye when he delivers your order. n> Money Hack (guarantee?-If y?u _ tie uuL vumplewly sarii-tied, your money will be gladly refunded with -in five days. Older today?write w Ol'EEN-ANN m k, to. .. 20 Richmond St. Newark, X. J. el LXpt. 17. n m a ii J >r i b ti rcTjPi M risipnrffsm t I I g^aJL W1Vfl SsbSteJvi^S..-. .. j SMm REPRESENTATIVES WANTED To contact prosneqts for Amer-' " ica's must significant Negno bonk - NEGROES AND THE LAW, l> ' Fitzhugh Lee Styles.) A H, LL_B ' I The book gel la ilaeiL- - Lrhyval cc. t ;; j ALSIE P. WYNNE s Box 24, Clio, a. ? ? . i i; BAXLEY'S DAIRY V Grade "A" Milk n / ^ PHONE 2-1116 0 2339 Elmwood Ave., Columbia. S.d ? i Fan-O-Lin System y | In Beauty Culture i:| Giye FAN'-O-LIN HAIR, Scalp e Danruft and Toilet Pi epil ations - a Trial. The;r worth has been - proven. Have and are "growing s Hair on ?ald Heads and Bare '?1 Spots when directions are follow6 ed. Will promote a full growth " ' K xrf HlriT I 1 Box Hair Grower _ 35c ? 1 Box -Special Hair Grower 40o -1 Box Scalp Soap 2?? (1 Box Pressing Oil 45? |- 10 cents extra for postage r iRegiste-ed in U." S. Patent Office. _ Agents Wanted. Write for Termt _ z ?? Made By M;\?e. FANNIE L. CAROLINA 1029 High Market, Street Georgetown, S. G SUBSCRIBE FOH^ , - THE "LEADER" : "> 8