The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, November 28, 1936, Page Page 2, Image 2

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I . t ~ " J Page 2 . ; "THE OLD GRAYi | ii ' ?AND? li ::THE NEW RIDER"!! ; i X KEV. E. I'lilLLlL ELLIS Long before the hour appoint. J for the closing servicp of the A. M. E.' Conferonce at St. George . last Sunday morning, Rethui's church auditorium was crowded to its capacity with lum.i.eds standing on the outside. Rev. J. E. Thomas, 1). I), presided during the conference Sunday school, and th. les>on text -was.reviewed by. theP?wwi;?v. !>:.:? ?... - .-wo.u..iK iTOJiiptiy- at il o'clock the ordination services began. Bishop J. flip per, of Atlanta,?trar, do hvtn I'd' the?SH "nuuT " for the occasion. IIc spoke from Isaiah 3:8, "And a highway shali be there, etc." In -peaking of Isaiah the bishop said in his opinion he was the givalc.-t of all the mayor prophets. "It was lie", said the bishop, "who prophesied . the captivity oS Israel." lb* is also call* ed the great go*pe[ prophet. And . if the books of biogrjap-'-y .in the New Testament' written- by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Were destroyed, alu of them w aid he reproduce^ from the . book of tinprophet, Isaiah. His propheci*'.-' were a serious emblement againstthe chosen, ami lu- h.-iniself was solely effected by the-impending doom that awaited him, ami those of whom he* wa.- identified No man in slave c-i..1d speak. ously. The book eutai'-s a serious, acu-ation follower by words oi consolation. Speaking of' I>ra 1 as an inditdutil the- l.'roplrt said the head is s:ek, / nnd . th whole heart is- faint. From the sue <?i the to- l evet. u-,t" the lu-ad. there is "110 suun :in it;- biK. wounds, and brui os and putrifyiru sores. Hut-iti the -10th chapter of the book he wa-v cMumande . t-'. comfort- the people,-. .After giving ' a beautiful alii eriytion of theJltulo. _ way in the text, the bi>h? p appealed to the n i'toisU-r-* in his con, ,, r , elusion to walk upon it-. it in-; would success oh their charge*' this conference year. ... Tho-e. ?u dained deacon- were:-Benjamin -I Butler, WiLTiani Barnhili. Klijak. , Grant, Janios. McDonald, Fatrvu' Jenkins. Caczar 1 ha milt n. a v. Captain Brown, elders, Rev. Wiiliarri'Kely, U. v. Ai .ahaa: -J<< ;i?r Thomas,. Rev. Da.ah V. jllinm B " neit ar.d llev. Isaac, .M > Edist'i 'ii-t! is".: ! w < ! y I>r. E Ruflr. Nifrhois,' !-<l a!! .-f the d:,;-' trids' i:. E?i ' ' ' ' over whi.-h L'r. ,J .- E; P.'ard presided yante sv n.V And the Beaufort d;st; h , II. W . " Wrhurn* . !".& '! a -v.*incr. Bishop J. S. EE: . r. .-? i "thanks to pastors,- and a ..e<: \ > . vey the .-a; u; . gTCR-atior. lor. J. E. ,, tor of En.ur.u- i chus* Charie tor. was appointed-, p'resi ir.% elder of Mt. Pleasant .. - * i i -1 .ir. th-' Pa:? mpltn H.v.V-iv < ,? ;; i: I I " 1.' L Brogdon forms rlv *We-f>r<--? **": hr ' . dor of that di-triet vya.s as'-i^r.c ' the pastorate of Emanuel. Other appointments ware A Harris, of Charleston, Shuts Supci intend!- nt of Sunday sExmE \r.^ \' Mabel L. Green, (fcr t.ce I Branch pi .ir'i.- M I" A f. 11 to-den, president of KdUto , district; ?v Mrs. A. C. Mays, president of Charleston district,' and Mrs. '/.A- 1 ^ fort district. "* j Mrs. J. S. Flipper Never in the history i>f the A. M. E. church, and 1%1'eol. vi-iti in "ny ? Tng no other Metho d i dei oinina ? tion, has a bjsh p wife gave tinMissionary women of an Kpiseo pni! district a program t<t raise money to help improve ar.d repair needy church buildings in her h band's divcese including those? i-':. the rural districts. The suggestion was such a shocking surprise. and the simple way in which such a great worR can be accomplished that every person hearing her wa. flooded tX'ith joy, both, ministers ; and Missionary women. Nothj: g ... has occured to equal it during the i entire existance of our church. Mrs. Flipper, is going to personally supervise this wonderful move jnent, and there is not a chil ir Carc/ina to say nothing of the me?. women that would not | subscribe w. h(.ai toclly to the I proposition of t?. Chop's wife. It will place her anion* ^ at_ est women of this Christia.. . . lization. While I dare not mention here bishop's wife programs before" she states, it, I can truthly say that there is not a 'injy'e person who pleads guilty t of good sense would register a c single objection. Think of a bis J hop's wife launching a.program to i repair broken window lights, build steps, put in better >eats, and heating systems in n^e-A' church- ^ es, in towns and in the country It's a new thing under -the sun The people have long looked and prayed for somebody to tome a tnong them who would give to them as we I) as to receive from them. And the coining of Bishop and Mrs! J. S. Flipper, is an answw to prayer. And we give notice now, that we will not only be pub iicity agent for every, movement ir the state, but the Mrs. Flipper's plans as well!. (To be continued.> Memphis Everybody All who heard. Dr. !s. S. "Morris address at the South Carolina cor"ttcttcv said" It would pity bite "to attend the susquicentenihl celebration at Memphis, Tenn. ' Next June just to hear him speak. He 'is. one:of the most gifted orators in the.A. M. E. church, and the race as w? B. Dr. Morris made the hit i iii.> Ot. IttSt WL'UK and its the talk of the state .'resident Abram L, Simpson, o .vjldn university was extra fine or. .'acational nite. Dr. D. ./Ward Nichols, of; New York, son of the . en'.in.blo Dr; I,. It. Nichoi.s electriied tile eonferenee with his el-v jitenee, as did Dr. Eugene H. teard, of Washington, D. C. spn o'. i >r. Jes\e E. Heard. The lattm wo divines do not only _ reflect Vedit upon tlieir cultured mother.ind fathers but the entire state >f South Carolina. While attend t:g the conference I was guest 01 Rev. Kichar.s. and 'wife, who were d i friends'of mine, I fieve.r en.oyed a better entertainment m riy life, lie is one of the leading past'is in the Methodist Episcopal church, and the mother chuficb oeds to be proud of this son -of her-. Rev. H. ifr*"6ray, was . on* i-soeiate. and we- had a most pleasant, tiim;. Rev. Gray, is one oi >;;r best preachers. Rev. N. A. IJeUwa, host pastor and wife im 'o;la.i/.e. th' inselves in caring .'or this 'Conference. Any conjrre nation is blessed to have Rev. ietlu-a. as its ,pa-tor and his wife -tws how to pre-ide in a parsionijre.. The bishop and.' conference . .vili vvor remember them. Our New Superintendent We. o rrgrrntula'te Prof. John A 'larris of Charleston, who receive.] is upp intment. Sunday to sue ed 1'.: f. G'eorire W. Howard, 01 Jeof-retoxvr.. as State- Kupt. of S lay sch.k<>. The state will look forward t". a trreat future un vr n>' leadership of Bro.. Harris V-'-. :1> at*onding the Conference at G'oifre,?he organized a laynier ornmittee for the welfare of layrembers wh will attend the bio;."> i - - ?nvi! in Charleston?next'__ February. ThisVioup made hiir idert. and Mrs. Jessie'' :'V .-ith the ur.derstandinp hat *r.<- tr'-a-urer is to be chosoi fi-orn -he Kirtf.-tree district. I)r?. Thomas and Broaden r.-.e Mt. PYasnr.t dist-fict min - r.-. and lay workers will find in -F K. Th :r:>- th.-i,- r./.u- ? -.direr elder a corhpanionabl.. . . -other and frjer.d. I was one o,' -ii- pastor.-? in the- Abbeville dis 'net, ami ho really stood by hipasiors. lie -eeks eveLfr "opportunity to - promoto?thenr. N*evo <>no time has he stood in the way ?f any minister. When h1' p'''si iM over me. He woul'd always magnify his pastors before their connotation. And. I have every reason to -believe that the pastors of hf* Mt. Pleasant district will find that all I have said here to he the truth. In my opinion Dr. It. E i.rojjden, who succeed^ Dr. Thomas as pastor of Emanuel church. -Charleston, has the Hirst appointment he has ever received in his iifc. EmanuuJ is onu of the best hunches in our denomination, and Or. Brog en is one of the best preachers in our racial group. Al- i HVTy Tuj nu nibers are talking ahout their great leader on everv treet, and-.J liespeak. great things i f<r I)r. Itrogden at Emanuel | church. A Great Inception As I understand, Tuesday nite, December 1, the Free and Accepted Masons of Columbia will eritor ain Bishop J: K. Flipper at the Masonic Tempfo on Washington treet. Almost tho entire staff of grand officers will be present and masons from all over the Juris iction are planning to attend. A Wonderful Sermon Bishop J. S. Flipper stirred the low country seeming'y as never before in his ordination sermon " junday morning at St. George. "?rvie? had all of the appear ances oi . . . , oae revivals in gone by days. I w?TR .. ^ werybo(,7 * ^ 4 ;hat the bishop preached. All that rould be heard in the church yard, mJ. 6n the way back to- Chan'eston was, "didn't the old mart preach. Assignments Beaufort district?-I. \V. Wil- i born, presiding elder; St. Mark Station, M. T. Tolbert; Mt. Zion. S. W. Wolf; Walterboro Circuit. L. A. Logan; Green Pond, S. W._ Gillerson; East Cumbhhee, J. O. Johnson; White Hab', A. L. Brown: . Hcndersonville, T. D. Tingman. St. John, J. 11. Nero; Shelton, J. A. Jenkins; Beaufort, J. R. Stevenson; Bluffton, S. J. Gillerson: Ilardeeville, Win. E. McBrown: St. Luke, S. B. Burgess; Port ltoya.' Mission, R. J. Minis; Jlitton Head.j^ Frank Alston;. Smoaks, II. P.* Brown; Branson. A. B. Coleman; Mt. Pleasant,. Win. Kelly; Salein and Walterboro. Win. Green; Lees, J. J; John-onrBrunscm, It. I.; Dor ~ tor; Dale, T. W. Bow eh. E.'isto. District, L. It. Niche's, presiding elder; Charleston, Emanlel, R. E. Brogdon; Macedonia, T. B. Mitchell; Mount Caitmel. Adam Brown; Shiloh, 11. R. Uugh;! r>u:ii:?,. 'r> n ... n'iJ oi, i v. * VcfI'VI' '* ciuiiiaaw, J. J. Jau'lrn: South Johns Island, W. D. Williams; North Johns Island, T. B. Clark; Kdisto. to bo supplied; St. Paul, S. Parker; lacksonboro. A. E.. Squire; A binRun, J. Jaimh; MaryviKe. G". W Baxter; Wclton, 1). S". Chisohmi. St. Andrews, E. E. Washington; ' Embry. R. M. Turner; Sugar Hill \V. A. Maxwell; Qiiigloy. S. W. M.. Bennett;. Mt. Pisgah, A. A. Wash- 1 ir.gton; Hughes, S. A. . Air.eiis; District Missionary, James Mi;- ' ch'qftl. Charleston district. J. E. Beard, pre iding. elder; Charleston. Mount 7,ion. R. S. Lawrence; Trinity'. W. ' I). Km.?; Aiken. J. W. Mt'VphuJ Unity, P. C. Lisbon; St. George N. A. Bethea; Sunimorville, V. A.. y lanerette; Goose Creek, Paul 11 ; Wells Holi'y Hill, L. L; Farmer; ) LincolnviKe, E. W. Giaham. r>:.i t o \ ,. ? i > illi. j *3. %r>. s\. vji <ii:iv r?i?. Paid, George II. Adams; Granite- ' vi!le; B. J. Hutchinson; Ebenezer. David 11ilI; - f Denmark. M. G. 1 Gowdy; St. James, I.. \V. Whiti : : Aiken C.ircuit, Hay ward Holland. ! Shiloh. W 111. Mosley; Salem. J. S. j R>iwar$}s; Providence. J. ('. "Mack.: ; Eutawville, J. P. rujnminjrs.-. h I . JOHNSTON N HWS . Sunday sell el at M*. ' 7<t> :: P en - 1 | fist church. was opened at th i al. hour. A very fit.e Vs-o. . taujrht. in the Bible ck:-- \ r .pastor. IP'v, H. T. Sears. Prof. K. N. Smith, Mrs. < <>.. Mcintosh, Mis'?i', llelyir V. Go Pri-cil!a Eaple-. Lillian Ga y ' Sarah O. -Simians. ir.?-mU-; r !' :h-! Kd?tdWd .('out ty -s. !> ... ! aiu-n eo me n.-acners .Mi-itiir: in Edpefuld or. Saturday, ylau^-Mrs.i Annie Kpatln and* Mr. .! ?? pi. : Mouiv of the. MtrPL'u-at.t jaduij ! Miss Kva M i" I tit " > k, a nicml? j' of the Fruit Hill- "ii djlty -pent f |"' ?veejy-cnd wiilj Mrs.'C. (). Me 111- I tosh on Bland St. Miss Sarah ()'. Sin.kin- spent .} weck-er.d in (!iei nwood with h-'r mother an.d other relatives. ' We are very pad to know tha' 1 little Evelyn Wikianis is ?1 <>i:>t* tine, after a tonsil nerathM The E ye field. County Trainirp school is holdiiip a Community]. Fair at the school house Monday aiai Tiie-(lny 11" thi- v ....1,? ?There will he a IVw Ilally pi v.;. at Mt. Zion Hajvtist chur.cli Sunday > nite at 7:.'!0. Everyone i.-- eoidi- i ally invited.?-? M" The Sunshine Club was entertain". fd at the lioine of Mr. and Mis. Xoah Amo> on l'?land St. The. o.'- j fleers are as follows: Mis. Am,os, | I'res^; Mrs. Ed ye- Hooper. Vice | Pres.; Miss Sarah (). Finikin*,] Sec.; Miss Priscilla Eaplcs, Asst. Sec.; Mi s Lillian Gary, Trejts.; and Mjss Helen Y. Guim, Report ion TVirof Q.-<? ..1. . ... ^ iii<?i.iiin>i ior i)!.:' things for the future. The club : wifll be entertained of Their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Annie Spann, by Profs. .Joseph A | Moore and Robert N. Smith. Mrs. Bertha I.e\vis Prin. of the? Fruit Hill school spent the weekend wth Mrs. Annie Spann. on Aiken Ave. The Home Kconomics Department under the direction of Mrs, C. O. Mcintosh gave an evening of entcitainrfient- at the school house on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Anros at- ' tended the -football game at Book- i er T. Washington, Columbia, S. C. On Thursday. Mr. Noah Amos, Mrs. Hassi.*} Valentine and Mrs. S. A. Wat-mTi motored .to Augusta, Ga. on Sun- I day. Misses Lula, Catherine Brooks j and little Anrie Gladys Byan.- ! spent Sun 'ay in Monetta, S. C. j as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- ! thew Brooks. Those who are not taking the Palmetto Leader start to^ay ? THE PAUVtETTOj-EADER I1LTTIS ACADEMY NEWS Reva Holmes, Reporter Everyone enjoye I the I'rc-Thanks jiving "lay hen* Friday 'night, given by the Elementary pupil, spo; sored by .Mrs. Essie Hotmes, teacher of the Elementary department. .. .Mi-ses Delia and Gussie Ghent, and Annie Blocker and Mary Thomas were dinner guests and spent a pleasant afternoon with Miss Thontasena Holmes at her home in the community, Sunday. Something new for the season, the Sophomore giris in a game of basketball with the freshmen gii's, Mon ay night, November 30, 1P30 ?Come and enjoy it. ' 1 lie 2nd high elass is planning an' An 1 ateur ju nu ram Friday nite. December 4, at 7:0(1 p. m. Prizes will bo given to the winner. Admission for students 5e ami 10c , >md for adults Inc. Mr. and Mrs! II. B. Blass&gale oft id >nn and Mr. Joseph Carter, vifite* his parents Sunday afternoon,-at Sprirgliu'd. S. C. Mr. McCain, Th in, of the Eleni^n tary department/ Mi.s-es Cum: Mings, J. 15. Brown, and Callie Hatcher attended teachers meet, ing at Edgefield, S. (\ Saturday, November 21, Jl'36. The next meeting will be December 18, lfi.'ifi. Mr. Ahdren'a (Jin.blip and Mr. I.croy-. Mei chem acer mpanied Miss s J. B. Brown ;in.. .('. M. Ihitchri :<> the Thanksgiving Festival, at schofield schjn i", Friday night, .vhich Was; enjoyed very much. '.Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Worthy; and . Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Newten y were ani<>-ng -th41-' ~ Sunday ~ juests here. Miss itcva I Inline* spent- the I veek-erd at her home in Aiken and ill en <ed he TluiuksftivinK f^sli- j i'al at Srhnfiel i Friday evening. Mis. dulia MeCain (Jarrett visit- (. d relatives and friends here last .veek. " . :' \V< rk has he. t- begun on mil new aead''niie hue ding under tdm ii:-pices ?.:i the- l'WA. niirTtrf ileaslrg news t all of us. Mar (Ilee club at beared on a ' [ nigrum at the liidge* Spring < ??1-1 led t.i.h -ch- ! Fri ay 'evening ; f 'which time a testimonial ie- j el"'was t' id'.'eii to Mr. Hut hi.. ::. the do : r of the Cab- j' : J.ihraiy the! '. 1 alt . !.. ('aid oi and .Mis Floyd : .-'it < :' New berry were guest* >:' AI.-m s .Mai y. ("aldwell stnd Lys i'Myd Snn'ay. h .'if. ' i,?i!<- Fair of Spartahburu 1 "v:t o'-'ul l" >>ur faculty, has !!; ti rvi?-iin secretary and :. ; i a?.u>r continental ,-ubjoct.s ' , r ie'.i of M:js Ruth Menifee who Ui$ "iobtsun d a KiUe of absence 1 :o do NA A work at Camp l'e-wil- j n:i w ..Uviuie. (>i anjiibui g. jTuesday evening. M>'. McCain 1 i l f , .h glade, ejiterliljlled j t iargr u-'o'.p at a Radio party in ii:.? t i i ; !ie rally. Mis. i',. it .1.. Nichhl <>n, Ih.ei | ilaaynter.. !; .by. and. others moKtr'; (! to Aik? u Sunday and visited tl'.c (ieoiir-. \|(.acluuns. fi " ik app'-ai- in-~rt' i'-.ii'1'i.t *^n;;ii'r~ InnvF,"" (bt-nv.- .-i!. , n fhe evening of Do nhi r I. in interest of^oUr rally. - ' ' . 1' 1 * I:,i' r 11 lr.-; .\lis>es Cum" iRti/fi', O. C. Rrown, Mr. D'its.-v: gale and a large group f atfn id t hr?H(.' I i "" - Scii'nh id i'Potball game in Aik: 1-ii .ay. Scou??*i;5-i2 in favor oj li< 11i.Special feature: Robert he- Waikiilf several yards for .a touchdown. ,,Vr. J and Miss Thomasin:i i lolntos who arc teachM.s in j Aik.-n c . nty, sp'-nt the week-end v.ith I la ir parents. Mr. and M.f- I ti> .. i s df this community. Mr. lioin it Pea a, Rett is Mf., 1 pri:.111liti i.i tin* at Wagen- I it. sj i nt '.iii? week-end on the campus. Pre-idet.I. Nicholson, Profs. Ru- 1 Iri.s and .li.ncs jin J_Mis:scs Ruff iiTiTTlT I'.iown attended the Aiken f un'.V teachers, meeting on Sat urday. '1 hf l'ir-t High classenjoyed a l>!' a-ai t November Birthday paily ! riday afternoon. Honorets. Ruth Rohinson an. J Lafayette Nieh Nnh of that class and little I'hoebe Rubins of third grade. Sponsors: .Mrs. Collins and Mis. Singleton. Special guest-, Mrs. E. I.. Nicholson and members of senior class. I'unch, cakes and candy \v?'re served. L.ttle Miss Phoebe Rubens, laughter of prof, and Mrs. C. Al l)f*rt Rubens. celebrated her sixth bi'thiav Saturday. She was the rtcipient of beautiful and useful mm Mrs. K. I,. Nicholson. Mrs. Collins II. A. BlasscnHalc, .Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Blassengale and others. -f RIDGE SPRING NEWS Sunday was a beautiful day for all church goers, and many wore found in the various service. Immediately after Sunday school prayer services were carried on for about thirty minutes, then Rev. John Watson preacheJ a wonderful sermon.. Rev. Jones being absent, Sunday night, Rev. Watson preached another1 sermon, which was very good, and seemed to have been enjoyed by each, The .attendance at both services were very good. Mr. Orlando Williams, a student at Allen university spent the week en< at home. Miss Christine Broadr ax, a teacher at Moredoek, 3. 3., spent the week-end at hom<; also Miss Sallie I,, Ilaiford, a teach or at Bland Baptist. We "were all"vcPy sorry to hearabout Miss Katie Broadnax, y member of the seventh grade at the Ridge Hill Hi. school as being in the Aiken Hospital to under go .an operation for the appendix. Mi's. West Boston left Wednesuy i'ior New York. Mr. Clifton Williams left for Jacksonville, Fla. Friday. Mr. M. W. Hammond has returned home after spending some time in. West Palm Beach, Fla. Prof, ami Mrs. Wilson of Wards, S. C. were vistiors in town SundayMr.'Samuel Hammond, a student at Bet t is Academy spent the week-end at home. Mr. Alex Harris was the weekn ? guest of his wife, Mrs. Linn . Haimis- and-children - School News. A meriean rouscr.vatiutv.week wa> observed at our school. A short talk was given explaining the name at Chapel hour Wednesday by the pn'ricipaLand in keeping with the program the Agriculture boys were seen planting find trans planting trees on the grounds Friday. A large audience witnessed th< first. Founder's celebration of out Faith Cabin flibrary. This celc* brat ion was -,|:on?mTr(F1)y^Ttle" oT~" en minded I'd 11 rare eluh Tim address was iriven by Prof. N. L. Uush, Piin. Batesburg Hi. school. Ilis address was very good and enjoyed by all. Other features won talks by Mi's. K. B, Wat? on Prol. Rhubers, Prof."* Simpkins . Mr?. Bush, solo, Reading--Thelnia Kllison, Marion ilamnion... Music by Bettis and Ridge Hill Glee.clubs We are grateful to. Bettis . Acad 1'iny and' other out of. town par-* thjpanls as well as t.ur own home folk for the splendid cooperation given. Mr. Buffinyton (The Foun tier) was with us accompanied by his wife and her brother and sis ter. After the program the guests dijoyt Aa repass of hot cocoa .an ham sandwiches, prepared and served by the ladies of the club i: the Library": The gifts were num* er>' us and useful. The Health officials are busy in our community. Tlie T. B. Clinic* wash. Id Monday and Dr. Clarrin made a splentd trip to vaccinate against smallpox fast week. Listen for the Xmas Seal Sale, Uoy-~and girls to rap on your door. Help stamp out this dreadif.d disease. BKAITOUT <01NTY TRAINING SCHOOL Thanksgiving program under the direction of Miss Edith Jackson, wag presented Sunday evening in the chapel during the Yefcpti hour. The student-body and the community at large are happily anticipating the musical comedy which will be given in the seheool auditorium Tuesday evening, November ?-l. ?This progranr is given under" the auspices of the 'Musical De- I partment and promises an evening I <>f keen fun and rare entertain- J ment. Those responsible for the | play are as follows: Miss T. B. Grayson, costumes; Miss Victona j Krazief, costumes; Miss Edith Jackson". Dramatic Art; Misses 0tto Allen and Thelma Shanklin; Publicity Agents; Prof. Joseph Shanklin, Jr., Stage manager: Miss, Helen E. Nance, pianist; Miss J.J 15. iiilliard, directress. ,j+ !' IVr#. Shanklin. Sr.. and a bunch of teachers motored to St. George* i to attend the A.M.E. conference.! .Mr.'Joseph Shanklin, Jr., Miss-i es Thelma Shanklin and Otto Allen motored to Orangeburg Saturday to attend the game between South Carolina State college and Yir- ' ginia State college. 7TII EDUCATION A I. BROADCAST i\asnvuio, ifnn;?(G)?Defects : of the double standard educational system in the South were pointed j out by Df. Bruce It. Payne in an j address on the seventh annual broadcast program on the educa-| tion of Negroes, as sponsored by j the Office of Education pf the U. j S. Department of the Interior. Dr. ! Ambrose Caliver, specialist of the Office, was master of oeremonies. I I [ im:n*i:ttsvii.i.k news rh member* . of t ho Hop coiltost nia?l* -a siart in building beautiful moat stoiajre. Mr. H. Kee.-o jin-t built a boautil'ul meat, storage. Rev. A. J. Wrieht will a|.p inl tho judyes for. the hoy ontost 11. xt wick. i am sure the nidges will !ui*'e a ,i"b this cinie. Wat ill ou r oohnim and see who will be the winners. The A. M. E. Z. conference closid Sunday c'veninj; at Evans chafiel A. M. E. Z.' ch.ure!i. i'.ishop j. W. .Martin, pi\sidiny. A full, ac-.our.t. will appear next week. Bishop Mai tin' left Tuesday Tot Uni n, S. C., where he will preside over the conference. The Hev. Hat wood is the pastor. i Mrs. Marion M. Hllcrbo and son left last week-md to spend a few itay.s- in Sumtei\ Ms.. C'., with parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Muiray. They will remain for T.hairksyivi"k'. 1 Mrs. Euyeiie Robinson of Hock llill, ; r*r..li7ow ol "(iie-nvilie spent 11 fcw hours in the <,it.v Sunday. She visited her sister .Mis. Hn4iimie R. Kinj;. Mr. T. Deas and Mr. Tilmon of t'her.Tw were-in the city Sunday. Hundreds'and hundreds of people attended the Zion conference every day from Wtdtr.sday morninfr thrmiirii Sunday niyht. Nearly all of our Small schools open ,d last week, Mis. Brixtow and Mrs. L. Stubbs, Mrs. S. Henakin and airs. Emma Ilatina, Mrs. u. .\i i o;n:m and -Mrs. E. (J. McCollum. Our unions., In the county witl take place this wick. Ttye Marl-. It TO i iiion"and th. I'ee Dee union I'lic I'rv Dco_unioh will convene at St. liculah church,'. Hev. \V. F ' .Mc.( oy, pastor; Itcv. A. J. Wright moderator, ' ' ' "The service . at Shi? o'h church was v. ry inter* sting; Sunday a.m. "ReV, .1. (". TlufUer -of Lancaster pre--ached "the morning sermon. Sub. iect " A -Trouble:-- hie I'. ' t in a l'ioublesome World." After this Rev. Wright.went into the service f the Lord's Supper. W are. looking forward to a special Thanksgiving service at Shih h church. Kev. Jones, pastor i St. .Mi-had church will preach he Thanksgiving; senium. Dr. Locket It .ese and wife of t Netv York were in the city ii few j lays last week on account of the death of hi^ father Deacon J. S. Itee e. Mr. It. 1.. Itecso was 'home a. Tow'days-ago", to see his sick fath' r. Mr. llccse. We r?.jrri*t that our news al out he Cure.; days of institute me. tnjr was left out last week. We wv n>kiii<r that the publisher alow rpacV . for it thi^ we k ps Mis-' M. K. Graham worked very hard o. make it a success and it was. j Mr. Kisle.e Moore worshipped j vith .us Sunday morning mid assisted with the service. I Miss Vera Stnbhs spent the week 1 nd home" fiopv State eo'l -ire. I Mrs. F.v.v Mrs. C. , CoKnion, Mrs. M. Hampton, Mr W. li-Mtiptcn. M-r. .lost) M(> e e Mrs-I M. Uirh-anlsoVi. .1. S^te -e! Mis ) HoWa.vl and daughter, Mrs. P.! ( ri niy. Mrs. Camphll are oil the1 siek list. j Mrs; Hlanchc Gpvingt'n Grant of Suin.di'oi'd. Conn., made a sur prise tVip to home to see her datives last week.; She was fhc lidpC- rinst. of Mr. and Mrs. IOu- j . v..> i w-tumiun i n i\m;r slri*ct Also .Mr. and Mrs. " Cuyihirton. I Mr. ami Mrs. 11. K. Ctivirmton. | Mrs. Rebecca Covington, Mrs. Morris-. ("s.vinaton arr rparici Mrs. 1*1 a who C. (J i a n t Tlutis-lay to i!o. kinjr! am. X. C. wh-iv they. -*t r the h<>uso jrursts of M;'-- 1 j set volr" own 1 EASY TERMS Heplace old. inferior >'rf'g Silvsrtown, the iY/vJftyliTji -mi??tir'.'R \rrrn rff-'lis Life'^aver (iohlon I'ly IJlow-Oul I' and vAy sir pay as you ride. - I ..... 7 , '' AS LOW AS'"jQjV" I'cr Week ; COLUMBIA VULCANIZING WORKS, INC. 1100 HAMPTON* ST. I COLUMBIA, S. C. . _ . __ ? j Open All Niirht?2t hour Service Save yoi-r niekles ami dimes and come uj) to see us sometime j While'in Columbia vinit the Lenox Beer Parlor j tor. CEliVAIS & HARDEN STS. I.I NCI I ICS All ALL TIM ES 11AIIRY MURRAY. Prop. I H O I L K Y A Ft'NKRAI !169 Sonatr St., (Ci\r. House and AMBt'LANC! Ol'lt PHONE NEVER SLEEPS 1 "he OoHey Ftmrnrt?f1npuls at I | PHONE a IK M(ITTI): "PRfiMPT AM jl A Service in Keeping 17 YEARS OF F.FFH r A ' * Saturday, November 28, 1936 Covington and family. She made many pop calls while in the South . land. Quite a number will leave U this w'ek-end to attend the big Thanksgiving games in Columbia. Sumter and Orangeburg. Mr. Rodgers of McCall, S. C., was in the city Monday evening arranging some program matters for the Marlboro union which convenes in Ilillon, S. C. Rev. Ware, pastor and moderator. We trust them much success. v Miss J. McConner of Sumter teaching in the graded school at Heath Springs^ Prof. Shaw, prin- \ cipal spent the week-end in the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. Zin-. mon. i CHESTERFIELD NEWS "Let us all give thanks unto the Lord." ' ? I ATic; r..i . -- ?"?nvii ->TTTtinsun ana Mrs. " Margaret Watiou. -teachors-in the t Chesterfield school spent the week end at their homes- in Cheraw. Mrs. Reesa Ciaig, (Mother /' Craig) was a Sunday afternoon -X visitor atf Miss Margurite Jenkins. .? Miss Oneda McFadi..en and Mr. Floyd Dasty were pleasant ca?!ers on Miss Sara A. McCullough Sunday evening. A three year old child o-f Mr. & Mrs. Fred Watts was burner to * death la t Monday evening. Miss Flizabeth P. Johnson left Friday evening for her-* ^home aT~~v lrnvh, and visited the* Presbyterian ministers meeting .in Columbia Sunday. ' ( A few members and friends of '? Grand View Presbyterian church nTotoicif to Columbia Sunday for the ministers meeting. Rev. and Mrs. .1 II. Toatley-, Mrs. M. L. Fos ter,. -aid Gerard. Miss Johnetta Toatley, Messrs.. James River.?,. ! rank AlcCoy. They report a lovely attendance. ^ . 3 Subscribe For r The Leader ^ JOIN NOW! Personality Club Get a monthly letter on "How t0 Improve Your I.ife Situations." Rend $1 for yearly membership; to coyer 12 letters?an answer to I your questions once a month. \ PERSONALITY STUDIO 139 W. 12'th St.. New York. N. Y. - 1 S50fTHi:UN RAILWAY SYSTKMAvf.\:? 1' :unl I inparuirt' >>f I'asseiiutf < IV.iilis i .p<T:iI< <1 liv tin- Snuthorn Riill- ' v.:iy System at the Union Station, Co- M lu* S C.. e li\ w ,lun?-_i. lit'Jo Traill L? uvea No. Columbia,' . ! *.??r --? r?.?<0 A M.?< ')!< stey. Rock Hill. < 'liar nt:c. 'J 8:i(l A. M.?S|iartatiburg. Ashe* . vibe. Knoxviile. < 12 G 10 A.M. ? St. Mattbers, Oranpeburg. Charleston. l.i ti :.0A. M:?N wherry. Greenwood, Anilersoii, Greenville. A t lai.tjiHI . x 3d A. M. ? Augusta, Aiken. -At- ? lanla. t IT. '? "'.A, M. I'.!a<kyjlle.' Barnwell. 1/ Savannah i i J 11 :_'o A. M.--i 'aiik!eii, LaUf'tTster. Rook H Ht.' Shelby. 27 12:lni'. M.?Spartanburg, Asheville.t 'i neiniiatl, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Chicago. 2S _ i r.'J I'. M.--St. Matthews. - Orangeburg, Charleston. .12 :V'?i P. M. eier. Rock Hill. ' Cbarintti'. Greensl> to, Washington, Rallini .re, RhMndel- ^ phia. New York City. yl .7 ft Tib ! M.i- N wbi rry.. Green- ' Wood, Anderson, Atlanta. 2.1 la-c'i i>. m.?Si.\ ar.nah, Jacksonville. >. Train Arrives _ * No. s'?iiuuiIda From 21 4 .10 A .M.- .laeksonvtito till it. 18 f.::'OA. M.?At'anta. Anderson, Urwhwrnitir New- . berry. :tl 8 2?A M ?New York, Washing- 1 ton. charlotte. '1 117 12:2.7 I', M.?Slli by U Tlilt, \ Lancaster, Camden. 1 27 12.3!) P. M.?Char est on, umi<ge- i - burB, St. Matthews. " 28 4:40 P.M.?Chicago, St. Louli, J Cincinnati, Ashovllle, , | Oreenville, Spartan- . burg (.AtlantaJ. U 22 4 :45 I'. ,M\?Augusta. ' A t k e "IT, ~r* -Batesburg A 10 9 :00 P. M.?Ashj-vt'1.1. Spartan- ' burg. Greenville At- ^ *j la n t a. ' U >1 '.?-.25 I' M.?Charleston. Orangeburg, St Matthews. 4K 23. 9:10 ! Chariotte. Hock Hill, 1 I'hes'cr, Wlnnsboro. I 16 9:50 IV M.?Oreenville, Anderson, Or. enwnod. N e wt'crry. 'JO 4:20 P.M.?Siiv.innah, Barnwell, Hlhcln-Mlft i'i'v !'; kt't iKYicc I Ticket Office 5 ? I.'"- Sun let- St.. Sii(itIt Mtiili St. \ I Tc!o. 636<i Tele. 6023 V sL -TV* ~ IttHB) N I) SONS , HOME i I Senate Sta.) Columbia. S. C. 5 SERVICE v r ?For Direct Connection with .1 . ! 17 ad-?l en ami Kastover. S. C. 7998 V' I) COI RTFOI'S SERVICE." Jh With Every Purse. SI ~1KNT SERVICE. ?ai