Saturday, November 0, TO.'>5 r -- EMMANUEL A. M. F. Ctll'ftrir Rev. A. A. Ifughey, Pastor Sunday school was opored ; t 10:00 a.^ni. with the Sept.. .Mr. M. hetnlrtifully by .'ll' c'l'a-si''/1 ' VlVi-' r'view by the pastor \vj sjinc at. ! ujoyed by all. Morning-service lu v.nn at 11:"0 a. m. wtTTi an?apprt'ciaii w?a?'ience. The choir rendered excellent jnusic. 1 he pastors text .was 1\ u <1 Roni'ir 8:.'!o. 1I(. used Tor a sjubrf' jget "Christian Rejrai dn'oss." Tli ~ sermon was filled with the spirit.' Many beautiful points \v r, blot out. . At 3:110 P. M. Rev. Yo;.nj.r of' June* Chapel A. ..M. K. /,. Church pleached a "wondui Tul - .seiMiioii which wo" all enjoyed. At G p. in. the A. C. lv. I. -ii' ;?mot with a lary'e a'.i.i ilyeu 7 Nijrht- service, bey. n* at T:.'50, p.. m. Alter the usual pi .din. nanes If the pastor preaeivd a s?,ui sl'orinj? sermon to the delight of II vho were present. The Hole Con* munio'n wa; admjnistere I at-both jp services. Alonday uite. at S'p. in. k 'Con*erence was sponsor 1 y the in inkers v.hich waif vm v ami.l. \ l vier..e?a ill in. Mr; gi itt ^ " Washinston" teachers in Ji-nkinville and Et-'stovor rcsp' ctiy'oly,spent the week-end with relutiv.s and friends. ^ ST. .IAMKS A. V.. K. ('Ill Rdt Key. R. W. Ransom, Raster -Sunday reh ol -\vtr* rnHrrt-tTf~Trrv^^der 1ft': up a. nV.. with thv. ? pt., - Mr. R'.Riiss.d! in chtn-vr. AfH'r ???? tin- study ?>r the 1'v..:d:: t-rstiTp?I. -I'is3 The pastor l>r. {U'llt'd mm I'n! summon from, the suh' e.i, "t'loiVit jgf . inn responsibility." Monday ni"'!d he preached another Von! 'stif-riiur fkrmon t"iout Rev; T:.l I. At i> '.! .services a Jito:t*e nmher ei/iwinimed. Monday night an t .dnlt eorcoit \V!\ >: s'lilllWiil'. i' 1?\- 1 14 r? I'! . 1. - ? ? . -crs.- which wnt?-eni?ve..l :i;n! a neat ] . sum was -v;< li'/ed. ^ On Oct. 28th Sti wards jt.-aul W' 1 mot at tin- home if. Mr-. .VMir _\V*illiams oir-Tobacco St. with the, Bros.. Mrs.- M. .M. Yoiirjr. IV. s. presidinir. This Board i- proyr sr . :?iny )>>; leaps an.! Im- inl-.^?\nv;'i"' .j till' loyal iuomb is . re: Mrs. !.! '. Checks "Mrs. Addio Williams.. M? M. W. Lrn;j, Mis. Kila. .lark: on. Mrs. Annie .Tanc; ct1.. Mi'-. II 1' Washiix.'ton. Mrs. liattio W.'b Mrs Lytlia Vol-p. Mrs. I Ian a ll Rhodes,Mrs. K-l'.a Beiilniy: t. i > Mrs. Aynos'.Ion s. 'Alter the ' t: i ^ ness part was ov< r the hn-less " I * ved a delirious repast.- Mr. Wil* 11. Biatt'Ui an! Mr-, Hester Si kin tii'e still on the sick.' list. We hop* lot", them a sji. t dy reeov? ry. Many visitors wer.- p > er.t Sunways w. Iron i.e. { " ? 'd y. Come ayain, vi? iters are alace ee ac c e Of iteitu!!. a: m. e. t in u< ii i -r Mm A. ( .?V 1. a ?4?s?d? Sunday. Nov..'5id; with. Mr. M rtiii pre-id'inir. - Our. topic for discussion "What ("hoist nu aits to us."- lis-v. liennie Saait.r wave an interesting talk tn " 1 *.? the You: n Projrtp?NvH .Ferns?" All?f- ??.*? program w?- ek-vole-ll ihv 1?-lance{*' of ori tinil* t<> a p-W rally ill f lVad be-on on l or .i fe'tv Tvrt-B;Tl;.;m. W (He'rv*.w 'wiet-'t ;-. lul .imlmnging sixty In. p r-- n? to Christ. as .well a- st;\ lurth 'uiiiir those aire dv in the e-horeh ? We wish for hnn a iMiitiv ual in1;*. 1'nl life, among those who' wi'li accept the truth. Sunday morning th" pastor was at his best. His tt xt was taken from the Jeremih 8:. "The Harvest is past anil summer is < ,v!e i and you are vet xav? d." Our hearts $ were made t r burn. The evening _ liU'S.affe \yas delivered by his as~ sistant P1 Conversion is wry .important.' but we can't stop Hirrc.~ Our eon-??? verts must-be trained. We are hoi) ing to have a Thu-rih training class beginning next We-r a# lav at (1:00 o'lock. We hope 11t new joiners will take advantage -of t'?i ^"'/opportunity to learn about lit M Bible and the modern ehuich pro? gram. This^fnsfitute will he head f ed Uy the religious director of * Zio?j Church although other noted Af-ruwill lecture'. Come i-nd bring $3u/' note books and pencils. . W-e are beginning our ?">.00 Vdrive for the month of Nov. Let W every member have more brsde his name/then a zero, k We ask all students who do not M have a church home worship with i us. I , m UKTIII.U V H7TT. CHURCH Rev. >' . H. I a-wis. Pastor - Sunday school opened ait 10:00 o'clock with tin superintendent at his post. classes- assoiiihliaL Jul' jhl lll.'t'lls I |'i pt \!ln' lesson wluch.. w'.^s cTTils iisl?a-r+Himl t-htrdestinction of the ll'oly City. A file i ward tin lesson hail been ia.'iihi l>y the teach' rs the classes ?> -'inl'ltii to listen to the reView that V.ilS noirll. In- ill niia'.iiN Thi% past in- preatdied a soul stir i in>v s' rmon at the morning ser> ici - which set evuyone to thinking. lie brought out many biuutr t'ul and pM eth-al?point*. The IP-ague service was largely attend d. At'tti* the program and uisussion the pew rally was lull an?l tin monoy was turned ovtJr i) Kov. Lewis for his? conference We : if -'lad to know w> wt n't the top in- help wig the pastor with his > oti'i'oi err.- { iaiii.s. Livei yui.c?is.n;? iu-d tr> attend- the rt'onl'ercjic.i' this week and also 'the League he-\t Wiek. Our principal speak: r will l>. Pi ni". i\ eale of Allen i'niversily. The topic tor d.iscusi(;i.) is "What \Vurs Do to the .jVorl..." t'oiue . nd bring a fri/.Mid. i n ion baptist ciirnai L. ('. Jenkins-. "Pastor On Sunday ..ftyinoon, Jan. 10th \\\ will observe Memorial Day by ii.:r late pastor. Ki v. T.\ M. Hoy;vui w 1 m I? will iia lml'' the hanj?inj? of hi? picture. ? i in' cl.tfn'li sr!.iitil i.i l :u Hi:00 A. Ai. The, officers ttnd n.pi!? we're ii. their placis.The lessor!" was,, tr iuyh't beautifully and discussed interestingly. The pas,tor|. Jlilh * the i osti utn >im lay nun uuIk ana br; uyht to dj#h;s li-tyuers a highly inspir/ io'.al ni.ssH.irr. T< Young A4et> Bible Class 'Ah Iv l.-'c." :.d . the Young Wo m'trr Bibb" class ,TiDTbl)<)Ta" are .ontinunlly increasing, in nunibei ship by tlii'se who feel th.y reed I . solving ability ef tin1 problems that '\\ill .confront you vii: Jji'e. . The B. V. I'. U. is'.woikiiig to develop ("hi istipn. le dorsHip.* When you -are. spiritually huny.try in?n i a pii it n..l" l\ ail?i i it n;ir iiii.-Wf I; pray* r-mooutu mi Wednesday nipht. CpiHe out' ami worship with us., y?>u a! alvvvs wi ieonie. ? ST. 1.1 IvK. A. M. ! :. ( II I K( !! IJeV. I;. Philip F.llis. Pastor "TTTTi" .S'l.i, :>y mornTni;' so. vie > -h'.jran ! < ti-oal with, prayer mcei; in:r . m. Sunday school ;m;judiil' I?i 1 >T< class 1?:.'ii) a. hi. Preach :nvs H:l."> A. M. ami K:ir> P. M. " M.alav was a pTorious dav in oar n nd'eur pastor riHly preach d both si mums. S in lav?morn? inir his text .was taken from thi Ihiok ?>T Job I't'i chapter ai d 2"?tl' use, and at ri'.dit he preached from th" iirst l'suim. first verse i limn- i i- C ; ! i n ('ompe.ri n.' n. -t; i is_-Lilted ils l!)L_ i.M'-'s h st and on Sunday ho really strut hi stutV. And the eju reh ui St. I.uke weiv made to re juice. Tiuvv wei tsaying, our pas-. in a pru'.tp ? a'-niil and Ire Holy ( inarm ?r,?r?'?mi" i i.itm . 1 to . thoin. They wore 11 di. se.I in uniforms :h 1 Yi v M-aliy mar d to tlv. usiv. So let tin- entire church '.toe .il? in so If lo'.otli. r and march to the music And the . irnrrt!?pr~fain to o:s ily yfrnVt r. S\%' s .n ( :ir livi__ Win. Writs lit. Reporter W-VYM \\ A. M. K. ( III R< II , I'OjV. \V. Y. Ott'i-ns, Castor Winnsi'oro, S. i'. TIh1 Sunday oliool V* s Will att i it'll despite ini-'hn iif Weatlvr. The l'evit'W was yiv> 11 hy Mrs. Kiiza Mil r.s. CJnss No. 1 received the hnjiner . .oil ront'ril) ition. This I d a very. site-es-Tul year's work in tin' S.-'S. with a Christian' -dipt. ijtI Stall* of teachers. ST- vie s tn?rrrru). Om pastor i siiil as' the morning incsrev "The hor-n and His Rider." AH SuHay night "It is won."" '<< i 111 i'ii of the p :stc r.'turn ?if Mrs. Owens. TSie Twelve T'ihcs of Isf-al made hei-r timd Mrs. Lucy Si-.- r cei'.ijv; the first prize ai-r ! Sl-.H'; I.. P. Canfpbill $; L. V. Owens $1 O.OO; Cora Vol.: g Sldflti; \I\jn Trapp $1.(58; Ren i Richard $"..17; Lui Cason $1.70; Fanai; Smart $(>.112 H> rtha Campbell $1.70, Laura Rookman .s."i>4; L. I laltiwanger $1.(5(5,; Mi W'oodard $.1.80; total $1 11.50. Thi* Vn ls a very peaceful -anti successful year at Way man and otlnr Karnes were pV-yed, aft'T which the different- coy pies were ailed, re.eeiv (1 their boxes and ate) | while tin radio furnished music to suit the occasion. The WayTTT~n \Va: i iois Club lias j dont gnat work thi* year under the h adersjiin of Mrs. K. M. Ow ens and the cooperation of t>: mcln" hers, a piano. was paid for and th? church vi s helped along1 many lines'. These were very toucniitg sermons. Among the visitors pre*> ent were Mrs. Mamie ' Harmon, Mother Edward, Prof. W. A. Ross, Mrs. R. J. Mcintosh, Mr. Eddie Lyles and Mi;. Eddie Wade, 1 Iking chapel a.m.e. church Rev. A. Guiden, Pastor Pendleton, ,K. C.?Sunday wt:s a day at K i 11 Lr ("hand A. M. M. T huich. Sunday school opened a>t . iLlu Usual linn I , kjss?i.u..>vas briefly discussed by the classes. Presiding Elder brought to us some very interesting remarks. We ure al-1 tCnVs fh'l rr> (v ! : V? i i-.1- i> iv t s: it,...,, pivaehcd to ux a noble s< rmon, which' wus-onjoyed by-all. Un Sunday alternouh Rev' Clark nl' Crtlhoun S. C.~ pi cached a soul stirring. .Many of our co-workers worshiped with us. We always hold our doors open to them and arc u'kul to have them with us. Those who contributed in the public collection are: Presiding; Elder, J. S. Bonn 50c; the following names, paid 25c: llev. A. Guidon", Mr, Abe He' .w, himon Robinson, Quincy Brown, W. (j. Thompson, A. W. O. ntt, A. W. Gilliard, James Reese Joseph Thompson, 11. V. Thompson Mrs. R."J. Clark, M. L. Hainbui^', Miss K. Dutfic, Eloise .Vance, Mrs. Pauline Thompson, Christene John son, Lizzie-Sullivan, -Miss Peppers Mrs. R. G. Reese, C. P. Rcid, M. J. Crawford, M. Towns, E N. Fish er. 1). R..,,Thompson, R-. B#>Thompsoii, M, Winston, E. Mcller. RIDGE BRANCH BAPTIST Clll KCtt Kev. .\. I . rorier, t asior Ridge Spring, S. C., November 3rd?Sunday being our- regular meeting day, the Sunday School opened with each teacher at their post of duty. Fifty-nine students present. Collection $1.00. Prayer meeting vegan immediately after which our morning lesson was found in I Cor. 13:1-13. The pastor then awarded Bro.,Alphpnso Erving, his license*. The Trustor preached an excellent servant from which he preached a heart-felt gospel message. The doors of the church were opened for the-admission of sinners. Collection, was irood. We well' pi <7ud To see Mrs. Florence Watson out today from Philadelphia, Pa., looking like the pic tun- of health. She is the mot he/, of .Mr. C. \V. anil Miss Julia L^tt. Our floors are always ajar tQ. visitors. ?1?1?; ? ??? MO UK IS I1UOWN A. .M. E. Cll L UC11 Uev. JosseE.* 'Board, Pastor Charleston, S. C., November 4th :?Services- at our church .were Avell attended last Sunday. The Holy Sacrament, was administered at the services mornings and eVeing. The pastor spoke to the little church advising tlum to learn some Jcssofis from the Ant and repeat them next Sunday. M-rnu.n?prom-hod?by L)r lions' fith chapter and 14th verse A splendid s- rmotv based upon the theme: "The Cross of the Lord" was enjoyed by the congregation. At 7:.'?0 P. M. Dr. J. S, Movant preached from 1st Kings 18th chapter, 21st verse. "Following the !. 1 light?Oodlt- was the thone from which the speaker proved how Eli-' ial\ ennvinped the prophets of Raul. Our church eagerly awaits the appointment of a new pastor, and wo are-eonteftted that Bishop Williams will do What is right in the matter. We. do not know who the next pastor will be, therefore we "assume the attitude of "watchful waiting." Whoever comes to old Morris Brown will find as loyal a group of poo pie as can be found anywhere. Our attention is now turned to C., in December, n?85, when the choice of South Carolina as a Standard Bearer will he elected. Morris Brown will be represented at Lin/ mcoiiug, uy nor ministerial and lay delegates. T.Viii-iftvAc'iJK UAiT. ciiritrfi Rev. w.M. Watson, Raster C.r^enyille. ,S. ('.November ttrd; I'.i.ia ?We, tlu' members and 'Yionds of the Tabernacle Baptist Church do rejoice with the R?\\ i nil Mrs. Watson and their daughter; in the improvement of R v Watson. And we also believe that when he return, he will be a well -man. fftrr prayers will follow him. Sunday .school opened at 0:.K). Vft r di'V^tirdfis, the lesson was taught. Two'visitors, Rev. Terry uul Rev. Cluvk. B1 ck-hoaid ex11 rcises were taught l>y Miss Pan. . line Turner. Mr. W.'J. Harris ass:stant superintend1 nt n rhnrg" Mis" Ueorgiana Garlington, reporter. Morning services. Rev. Watson spoke from St.. MtttheW 2t>:27. text "And Jesus took the cup and gave tharks, even in the shadow of tlui?Cross." A very touching l number by Mrs. E. L. Walton."Does Jesus care?" One member joined, Miss Ruth Alurcrumbia. > Sunday afternoon, t'-e Rev. Cheek,. spoke for the Piogressivc Club. Subjeet "Time will bring you down." Sunday night, * Rev. Watson, spoke from pa.rt second of Sunday morning. Ouity A crow witnessed the service. The Lord's Supper was taken. looted. ' All clubs are growing. We arc sttlf running the Blue Bird Press ing Club, -117 Calhoun St. A. B. Byrd, Prop. Rev. J., II. Hilton preached a won devful sermon for ux Sunday eve-* ning. " ~ On Friday night the members and friends of WaymVn Church met at the parsonage and had a j box banquet. I THE PALMErro EEADER MILLER CHAPEL A. M. E. !< III KC H g * Nt'wbirrv, S. C.?At the usual IhUll', SlliHlilV sclld.'I tC,s called l?y ' S apt. Kloyd. Afu-r study iverud " the Ic?.Sun was very impressively levicwed by Mrs, J. E. .Mclvenscy, llie teaeh> r fur tin ^irls btginr.c:i> class.' She is .1 tcaelter ri 'sni. The pastor spekv of the happiness he had working iii the League. , Fur evening woiship- the final message Was selected fruin Dun. 12:.'} and II Tim. 4:8 subject "Will th?'ie be any stars in 'my erown? Be-fore the sermon Mr. K. W. Allen, Si. led in singing "We shall . w-Ur the Crown." Miss Ann ; L. W.i.-hiii'V'ton sant?~sWeetly "1 shall not pass this way again." Mtisie was furnished by the Sen ior i.-nd Junior Choirs. The pastor spoke of the sph ndid eeepeiatiot in- received from the no fhiier ami friends the coufereiice 1 he harvest Homo articles wer auetior.ed off last Monday nilc In brother M. L. Ixsane .as'-isted.J>> brother ,U. S. Ilallnriv and llenr\ Morltgeniery. A neat little, slim 'was realized. Tufsday night was the the season. When the Doll t'o: test sponsored bv Mrs. II I . White came to ?an end. .The sun of nearly seventy tfolLa^ was r ( /.kit. iiimi.' v ain^iiiii' .tl !V l\ llll won tlu Dull \ViUuthe-*tmT-oT^(?. ."it). LittltT"Julia (Jill 1 nui 11 rieeivi '.i pi' ctv of money for the seen arize; her amount was $15.00. " proaram?con- i t'vl?r>f -dialo-.:" loll drill, pl.'yhts, stt]os, etc. an i large ero\vd witnessed tin piodyam. Mrs. White wishes to thank al who ln-1 p.-il in any nay?4^ . iri'i'fs.- iif tlu? C.en4-f" 1 Gilder. Carrie BuiAon. II. Ak Yoiui'jr Y. .7. Galltmm. Fanny Jones, Mary Williams. Much en Jit is due ti these splendi 1 ladi's and othrj's for putting the. program over. Pi of. Thomas Brown e nd Mi:. Wt iirht of Camden' were, callerat the parsdhatre Tiie-day . ri? Mr. Brown call-, d t> s.?. 'ny 'v*as a h;"h dav . snivn,- .f-?7t as Home (' ~~ ,i,,v An.l w<- \vef" "Tad to seal! the nipmbi rs far aryl n "> < imr to their home church one more f?me, Re''. Davi 1 .was-at his bed 1 * h" t ]!,. preached' a sorl stirring sermon and eve"said in thei?- Iv rt I am so cl:-4 1 here. .. *Mr. ami Mrs. \V. I. > Peck wore with lis in the morirnir i "Tiros, and he crave us a won derful talk rn th? l PJ.OO.'?Wo mis " or) Si30:74. Thop tfio nastor. Rov. . T/. C. David thanki d th" m'?rh?\r; | ' for doing- - n - nic'lv. TTT e ???? 1 ' sang "T/ot the chrreh roll on " , ( t'-s. Mamie Win^trm ont rtnTiv d Miss F.dith .DufTio. Mr. Mrs. Too Thompson. Mrs. Olmsteno. Johnson, Miss Viola Taylor for din t nor rit hor homo Sunday. < We ai'c fiflad to havo Mr. Kn>l t M6rso from Now York homo fcr i while.. - Miss Belle Bright spoilt'1 ihe day in town Saturday. j.l I ? .?? . _ . u ST. JAMEJ S A.M.K. CHURCH Rev, Hale B. Thompson. Pastor Asheville. N LL. II inter'" clear .skits large crowds ol both old and young people found their way L,o : worship in the Sunday school and 1 chm eh. Tin.' clfort among If h.e youth" in the Sunday school depart- .i ment for their conference budget * assessment wt^s very splendid. The lesson was interestingly conducted ; and at the close of the class study the review was made by bur pastor. -The entire Sunday school, is looking. forward to the motorcade and picnic on< Friday. The morning.service began at 11 o'clock?with a large cloWd in .at- " tendance as usual. The subject-: "The immutability or Unchangeableness of Crhrist," -taken - 4'ronv R'aul's Kpistlo to the Hebrews.The message commanded prol'uunit^aT- ^ tentioh throughout and the clinjax in the closing brought, great, outbursts, of spiritual fervor. Many viAit< rs '-shared in the. morning'sworship anion^ whom were: Miss Flnise Turmaw Mis. Mary F. Willinms ot'Greinwiiotl. C,. Miss. Annie?Hampton, I.aulum,??Cr- Mrs. Bowens, New York i"ity, Mr. Jacobs,^Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. Williams of Flat Rock. } Visitors Arc always made to' feel perfectly at home by our pastor and church. At M :.*'><) o'clock, I)r." M. Lv Breed ii.g^vith his tfhoii; and a large gUMt? of his people gave a service undue the auspices of the Columbia Busy Bee Club .of which Mrs. ,1 .liniinr this.' _ service.- A most -liberal oll'cring was received. The senium for the evening was delivered by onr pastor from, the subject: "The Putter and tin-flay" From the beginning ta the end rapt attention was -given and a.^ tion God's presence among th> people._ Our visitors were numerous. at evening worship among whom was Mrs. Sarah' RobinsoiJ, Bethel church, Columbia, S. C. The three hoards of stewardesses wen beautifully, garbed for the com- ~ m'union service- both - morning ' and night. The members of-the*conference claims co_mmittee, boards and conference claims. Our pastor will' be having on Tuesday After the " third Sunday in tlds "ly^rth. The Jrive is direetetf' now toward the , achievcimnt of the local church | buget on the third Sunday nite-of ibis month in order that checks ' rmg-M?1>? nh-nvd in payment of-ati d bills due for the month of Xovenv . bur hcfoiv the pastor leaves for conference. Boards, clubs and cir- , clc leaders' are reporting'on ,tho 1 third Sunday nite, to the rvalization of this end. ROCK HILL NEWS. =- Tho upper division o4-- the Baptir-t Sandy River Association closed Sunday night. It was held at Rev. \V. ('. MeOks church fur Boyd Hill I.'rof, and .Mrs. John Pickett why, have been living; on \V. Black St.. ! have moven tm Allen street. .Miss Ruth Wright, one of the teachers at West jind,' spent the week-i nd in Spartadburg with her motlur .Mrs. M. K. Wright. Mr Ilenry Perry and Mr. Henry Drake who are working here spent the week-end at their homes in Spartanburg ,' i Mrs. Alice B. Seals is somewhat indisposed at'" her home on 11 agin ' street. | Mrs. I.orine Daniel Pinscpi ' un- t ifei-w. nt an "ope ration" rif W. "Philip- -2 M. ifey h.: spital." ^ Mrs. An pa Ltd I Jacob of Pbila- , nhia, Mr. Lucius Hall and Mr. Rob n i t Hall were dinner guests at the tone of Mrs. Ethel Colbert. ? Mrs. Mannie Ervin spent tho p iveek-end at her*~hoine on Hagin -I St. Mr?,' Ervin is on the faculty v it Heath Springs. 'I Miss' Reta Hardin who underwent o in operation at St. Philip's Mercy '! 10-niRd is able to be* out apain. Mrs. Hattie E. Ware of Green- I ivood has been visiting her dauph- ? :er Mrs. Ila F. Maddux fo,> the ast two weeks. Mrs. Ware left "or her home last Ifriday ^j;>The Local Talents program and Pro-Halloween dinner givert by ho rypt* of m. Prospoct Baptist" hureh was enioved bv all and es- ! wially the grand dinner. Communion service was" held at i he Mt. Prospect Baptist church Sunday nite, with Rev. R. L. Brat on, officiting. A very inspiring ser non was delivered with a Very arge attendance. ? {"I ' , J ' i:m;\r:zr:i{ \. v.. i:. < m r< ii 1 Kcv. I.'. It. Murk. I'aslor ir I tM' :i;11 f,.|:>!u-,. v. a- '. : y ^.??. rk I uii .til stirrir r ^vmnn Suivi.i.v uijrlijt. His I-xt wa- Mat,l..w 'J-J i hai'-i' r 11th ati'l 1-UVi verses* subject i :er. : .Mis.- I.ula .Moultrie, Mrs. Kj\vuo:l Davis.* Mi.-- .Janic ' u j ..Mis. JL* sinfcje.. VViD isiuis. .".Mi-. Ii'.rtha I-'ri ay was 4'.< ! on t''i- \yi < k. W'c Kojjf -!r w ill siuii.hi.* ??t t vfith 'tis , a. ain... ''al'Touh. ri'i?ortws;' ( I JMCHV. of Washington, I) r,ta former ttraduate spent a few hours on the campus Tuesilay morning visiting his sister, Mi Carrie Wade a member oT~ the Senior class. Another visitor nil the iampiis was .Rev.'Jackson 'of Davidson. N*. ('. Come a\rain WARD NKWS ?i"ia\?njrr?cloudy.* lint a tine i lay for ell chinch lovers. The. mornintr worship bejra:. at the inu il hour.= Sunday sclio" !on< ne : hy 'h.- Supt. M. A. Pajaret, with the trnrhr'T's at thyii |mmv 1 Tiy pm or. IP. v. W. T. KenuV'i. preach. >1 ??worthy fennon. -and all pres. nt ur.'i been D -v? ted TlVi.'!] fine r 1 <>!:tr with as oureery hearts \v?-?made tn burr is the man of God .talked to us >v the wayside. Kvepy hr> iv was ' 1 i . i" lia'v,. .Mis. William* ai d. laujrhter." Mi-S Flfh- r T.< . Mr. ford. oif". of our. leathers win* ], -poke to us 'on "Riailine." whi vas id; l?v si!!. And tasked JO people to--subscribe for thr Paint Ttn. Lcadeiu .-u that .th?- school :hih! could iuSVe ill' sr school ioavs. An 1 "by doimr so they .could l.scpme t ?"tt r nadcr-5. Quits t nunibvlL niotore.J to the l'ui T Mi-se Minnie Amos, at P fur?Hill Sunday. " >Vhool News Hello everybody. We are proetnu1 .V'ii'h.asa'iit Wit:: tljv h- hir.nihtT " f ai.i't ei sehoo] v.extiV work, un r Cm- lead v-hin ot tile pl'ihvipsil' l*i !' I apoiii*- Wo I- v. l't en .ii: > don for. three we; ks.. l'lie'-school tr??;!ui. lit __ is^ still , iinpio\ in>r. . ). iU- a imi!'ii) r i Mr. Ili-.f this morn \ i:tr. Thi' toaoh rs to > their ilas- rooms with renew j il on, rtry. ' also nvw . iuspiratiun, mil h>t> of informationJONKSVIU.I: M:\\S Son hiy \\ hiy day in .lorosillo ho-a :- . o-ory was rnllv: - I'm tit" itoijil oi' SilMKUKV. The " ally oontir.iKs through mxi nonth. More than four- linn.!; ' < !oMn> - (>loo.oot was raisid dor- j 11 tr tlw .il Vs jjOrvioe.- Two prizes' i'Vr offered 1 no t" '.'no win. i aid th.- lartr >1 am.nt. ami oil" "[ o tho nun who paid tho larpost _\l!>; Kliza Smitlr -who > aid >1">.'1*'. won tho Q'.izo for tf.o _ a 'los; 'O : Mr. (loorye Mo- i v who . id .Si t.OO. wor the priz." iV.y til. J ion. Mrs. .los |d ino !lo.r.t rs. who '1 oiilrihtttod ovo.if S1 a.0'0, lvceiv.d of! ovary ' oiiti n. . c Tlio pastor, Kov. J. \Y. Wilhurn c r.iudn .l two wonderful soimonsj iiritur the day's service; Tm y j j ,'CTc "ir.spii We rati r.of "Inn j | ''til'.* s, liotli wi'K' lm>! li t- thot. v o people .if Ji>n<>\ilK' aiv proud | f Rev. Widutrn. His fourth an^v.'^g ivt-tsary i .- ' beinK this week. The Uadinp j> I < . .1 : ; FagfrS I PROFESSIONAL ? | ^Awns I)R. L. M. DANIELS Physician and Surgeon Olliec Hours: {? to Ki A. M.; 1 to 2 I'. .M.; G to 2 P. M. Spi-cia! Attention- Given Diseases Of Women. Office: ' Residence: 1125 Washington 22110 Hampton Phone G-120 Phone 75G4 TJRTJ. G. STl ART Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Glasses Fitted Accurately. Office .Hours: Telephone: 1 1-fill i-no o at t. _ vw i .\j'j i. ->i. i\es. wjz 0:00-'to 8:00 P. M. Office 37b6j _ ' Office: ^ - Residence: 2030 Taylor St. 1417 Pine St. ? t>iHi-p-Hoyrs: [Telephone:? 11 A.'TlT to 2 P. M. Res. 8875 0 1'. >1. tu 0 P. M. Dr. W. D. Chappelle Ph>sician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Children A Specialty " Office: Residence:, 2115 I.ady St. 1301 Pine St. .'Columbia, S. C. i Office Hours Phones 8 to 9 A. M. Office 60.13 11 to 2 R M. Rea. 6798 6 to <3 P. M. o Dr. Frederick ~ A;ea Sunday by Appointcneai " Anpstheeia ? Sneers 'y 1107ty Washington St Coin ^ (7 njnisti rs -of'this seotion .Tr^on nofrram; , . ' A largo : u:r.!).i of friei;dds and * n/riihctv of Koslers' CNrpcd Btrff: ' til' '' ! ... ".in j to (, i e o i la -1 >V'-iy to b1- th ~truts of the daple Creek Baptist Church. rhey reported a p least. nt trip. 'l.l li-w.'c?i artv at the h roe >f Mrs. J. II. Gil mo re was a cue ess. Everyone enjoyed himself. I l)o teat i f; s and ' students are u\ pariiig; for 1 prc-Thtinkairivinar . irogrpm. Everyone is looking for vai'd'to a big affair.' Mr. Stanly Fzoll of Cherokee tpriugs spent the week end with tis bi other and sister, Rev. and i Irs, J;. R. Ezell.