The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, November 09, 1935, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Pasre i V- . . . . | _ llalmrtto Kraiipr PUBLISHED WEEKLY ' 1310 Assemhlv St Columbia S C, ? ' J< < Entered,at the Post Office at Columbia, S. C., as second claas^ matter uy an aci 01 vongress. 5" " SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year _ _j.J2.00 Six Months 1.26 Three Months , .76 Single Copy .06 FOREIGN ADVERTISING AGENCY -VV. L5. Z1KF CO., Dearborn St Chicago,. ill. Ollifitl Advfl'MU'- . menu at the rate allowed uy* law. ~ ' - t f The Loader will publish brief an<: rational letters on subjects ol^ general interest when u.ey art aeobmpanied by the names hno addresses of the autrhors a no are not yf a dematory nature Anonymous communications wii not bo noticed. Kejeected maiiu- . scripts will not be returned. REMITTANCES ~~ Cheeks; Drafts' and Postal or Ex press Money (Jfilers? should b? made payable to ! he order of The Palmetto Leader. >/GEO. II. HAMPTON .. Publishei / *N. J: FREDERICK Editot E. PHILIP ELLIS Field Agen' ALFERD T. BUTLER, Adv. Mgr. Communication intended for the current issue must be very brief and should reach the editoral desk not later than Tuesday o! each -week. City news, locals personals and social TieWs by ^Wednesday night. Business and Editorial Phone* 452^ Saturday, November,?). 1 ?).'E> Italy is nslnjjj duin duin Inillets arid poison gas in its on Ethiopa. Such unfair and cruel moth? * ods of warfare |aro'condemned and outlawed by all nations that make any pretentions of being civilised: Italy however is a law unto herself This is her method of aholishir.v slavery in Ethiopa ami carrying Christianity.. If the Ethiopians hi retalifrtimi were to?nnitilnli . caw tured Italians,what a howl would Italy arid her aihoeate, Arthur Brisbane, put .up about Ethiopia!] . v savagery. I WTuIe Jo I-rinth*gTri-Xiltriat;-s t o heavyweight division of pugilism. | otlicially he is not the iTianvfio:;." " "John Henry I.eWi-i. hovvevi i . r i--| now the -champion of t rie, light heavies." Ite won this title last w eh by. knocking out the champion. Boh Olin, the clever white champion in~St. Lotiis. In t-he world of ... . sport*, skill and' ability .are what counts-i-iiyt the oil' r of your hair eyes or' skin. i.... Whatever might b- said about 7 hnfan iuss in' the other agem-ie.-' of the (lovt-m merit _ created arid brought forth,t" i-cat "hi man do-'' pressioii, tht.CCC as a whole must be praised for its fairness. A<v? id ing to the Director fliere is a t?>tal enrollment of 50(J,0HO. Of thi'< numhcr ll'.OOd are colored vomic nu n. or about. i<-n [.? ! cent.? . colored popuhit i"ii < :' the s inn.) y .. is about ton per-cent of tin wind, hence it can be seen that the colored are getting a fair deal SO.Vl E.~SFO FtT.SSl'A Brigadier Getierhl Charles II. i ?Sherrill. a'niOnibcr of the IYiternarzz, tional Olympic Commission, on his return from Geinfahy. whore the ? 1W5G contests are to be 'held said: ^'It does not conet rn me one bit > tljg way Jew- in Goi'man'y arc being treated any more than- t h lynching of Negroes in tlie South of our own country." This ex pros' sion brought forth by tlic agitation going on in this Country for the withdrawal ' of American athlpro-Dtcause of thr- cruelty and dis inn li'dug p>-"Q' - ' {main* I the Jews by Hitler, the dictator of Germanyi The expression. of Gen eral Sherrill shows him to be a man of brutal instincts and -wanting in fine sentiments and sense. . Jesse Owens, Mctcalf and I'l'itrocl. ~ who perhaps "will bo members of the American-?eowrpoting ntkieto-w enn Viov/Htr f r>e?1 niiicli i vTsi ft\f\\\ in serving" under a committee n f which that General is a member. :-'i ... GREENVILLE COf'NTY -SAVES | $2,000 ON A LYNCHING. i A Greenville County mob lynch- j ed a colored man sometimes a^o he f~" cftuse he dtd rrot muvi* ufT tin* lands of the owner as he was ordered to .. ! >. Afttft'mtty tu the law govern-1 mg lynching liability oi" counties, that county in which a lynching ikcux^ i.-, liable to the iamily of the victim in a sum of not less than SJ.Uun. In the trial of the ease for n?r?i.?;re-i :t vrvftirt t-T ttVt) thousand uoliai's ft as directed. The County appealed t.. the State 'Supreme Cuafi <>n some technical grounds, the chief of which that 'though (lr. ill 1; i 111?< 1 l*\* ?t if in t lynching, ho at the tiim- hot acvu^c.j of a crime. The Sut rehie Court sustained the- appeal, leveish-y the jt:d?nunt and order oil a ii'. w trial. At the second tiial, tiio oa~e was .submitted to ihe jury which promptly brought ip a fyvyr of the county. ' jury HI lln^ge?wiis, no lynch iyr. !: :ioe Clret-Hviile ( i'tintw does i t.! ave to pay -two thousand dolars . but (Ireeii is'dead, killed by. 1 cowardly mob. .It will In-' i-.terorlimr now t < lU'to .'.whether the otticcrs' will be i- zealous i:; h vi".ting' out the hiob iu m*- t.n?l have-them punished is they v.vie'in trying sueoessfuly to prevent?C-t-eenville?County ' . 'in having to pay two thousand ! v'l:i li'.it id' eii.ip~ . iiiv nne ex-~ hhy pf.iiishntent -not .even a trial nvY'of the "nn-hhi.-ts. ?'**** '' j ***.**"." ' "'.j'{ KarnpJfellgrams :j: v - - - >: Y Stephen C. Campbell Y Uetoher .'in, .l'.:uud nie with'the Sandy Kiver S. S. Convention at 'took Hill.- I was a^ked to ph-each aiai acLuL=.J'i esitii nt whilu. thu-..Au. Ie> I ion ' v\ u>. eai r'leil out. This is a title group: Iter. M. ('. Meeks was ieeivtl 1'ivsiiltiit ovtir. three uthI. ,.\.i 4 I... IV' ..V.... r .-cut UK- o ni.V way rejoicing. :! . ' an., i'.t inr al .M nlliiiwith l.;.c I!iu' IV'.o Ili.i1.' Iiev. F. \V. i'life is Uk i uliny reyytit. i.w'a.*i"l (>,, i>ft-.:i aiii h'lii K v. A. \V. Ii!i jlu;. ...? in- ]i!a?-(* t - Urline r. IV.e !>., :? 11 nunt Sunday Sehoni. if.y-wt i.( "* I'm- trtt-? with nu??i artil fv ami lh?-infantry.' The battle .ta . A spi.ndid' uilV riny was takivt;in.'t ;x> afH on ami aj?i i)a! ill*.' ;.t-v *1 its- HH-sioj-j i'l " .{ ,. >- fee. wiIa -M-s and Other e.M>e!ist 1 At'i . >> i: ;:i;Ty i w.m XT.v. nilu.T i. t<>' I ii; t 'invet the Ar.? ...A. . \ < s i(jjJ..v. i i <. lfv. S L!u?j -m ;*! c\e'd-t.. be ti-C best 111 on . y t:ik< r liver -aw. There' the Ibianuitioii S 'e. was r -yally received ai d -Jit ii t ;!.< t.?'speak.-The iv.ile ail '.. . yd . r a quart i.r apd :cv Iij.iwit i. ;' ( c :! : : ,1'lii- "is i I i I. i-f-P- y 1 <?t-4rnvi' 'pi it! 1 j>;s j a!:.,-. Tp .vjyo'.'j, pnd ilo what. is n.i'ti'.jit <i. I, K to' \ a : II.i'ile I Wt i:t t iiat lo -t-t. t-nv saint.-., Uev. ii. \V. i.'iatt. is the venerated lend-. I .'1'''.", if ':ia11 11. . tlie see ' .ry - r . _...vt' l.ini I ..f tlooi'. "I Unit: if lake i'.'ie. life 11 am 111 i.ti'di and ,i:? m. ?-a.'t'-Tidi-on* nifO- la . ?.?1?| .iii it :. ll'iffa - inai elie i lip tofhe .able by '.lie scon-., a.rd a -mall sup i >1 inin yain. I , I fiuw t'*' the IKa-l .el' Cici.l.V'Ah ! V ltt-'. . W. 1',. C't.U - | an w t-?h a art hie-as a mule .velO'iliU'ti 11a b it the Judy would '! !! :: 1 a .1 '.o.ieaVl \\ it'll |a.| a d .i.iaib'u. *' .sJ ' 'TJ:1' ! < .a M-tr a- a whole this | :i i- ::i: ttri* than last yeai ' aid the :.a w ,pt <> _ ) am of the S.. S(. | iiitl 1!. T. Convention is being ei i., I. ""o < ._ uaii'< ami vi-i. v. il. 2j>- 1 Si.oitei> ia .1 uly. I lie I oi!?.\wni';i (roup Atpetings \i 1'iViiv,1 i- 1'.'. nil'; ho association,.,? . < !> : -i wools, union of-ra -T- 11,i 4-lhn y -sntuct\\ :? ! i ri . bet* eh 111 i-h,K'iujer.s ^ i'lom New>? ' ! y. I.ami'iis (LreenA a'-- and MeCmmiek Lii .iii . ' ;t: 'I'ali. rnael'e lla.ptist . Ti 71. T- 7.. it, pastor! !l.i v. \Y. \V. Stewart. is director. Novi*iriT?*a- t'H, Jit'tnur and .'"Anderson 'eouuties will .me t at St. i'-anl.. An ,<'i--on, S. N'ev.r mind who the pa-t'-r i-. The fact that it will be at Amlei so,-, means success, i No-.-,'utiie.-, til. l'icken and (liven- | v 11!-. < . nixies are coming- tojrethCT j* Taherr-iieb' Church, I'ev. Wm.' Wa'-ob, i a tor. At this meeting e " i c m : i he a waI'ded...!.ef all X T-a 7oTs~ t ake notice and see 7 at year ( hut ch is well represented. ' ' i ^ hi I'cc inirt'i- we ?*o to Spartan!?;:rtr. <'hi stvr.a ml Kershaw or Catjl loii. 1 ir .January-, we tf" to Charles ii. W'nl'A w i r r Alioo-'.,! e?ot tti-? ahifehurtr. 7 have mit-heard from i> . i w* wii 11 ai on fire and all !'rc comjig.. Each vtiUl?Jll!?"?:: will have i,Ls. leader's. pros; nt t? pre-cut the. tf. the'Mate.*' '1.'" those who; want to \.v pie of the "Rig Three" here U your trine. Si' up to the :uid < t' a* 'you :.ii able to .'ai'l'y y.'.T,' 4l:a.1' the1 lort?t ( oming Boartl Meeting \'i.v< !i;t.ej" at Hi nediet Coljgc. thc-IVtu.Lt A.<-emiriv Board will-meet to .hoar rocom inundations t' r the 1 A-semhly. . Every iMivo'.ir of Teacher Training, known as District Missionaries art i>ao this meeting and sic that the presidents of the local con vent ion come. There ought he IOC P'??trn<.?m--. ?ent F binary 1-. the E. and M. Convention Board will he called in Copresent to represent h!. section and get men on the program. , ' . ' W. \ i personalities! X X X BY y X " v- G- X WILLIAM LEVI DAWSON (Music CT>mposer) In the presence of u few close friepds; Rye. John W. Whittuker joined iii marriage Miss Cecelia Nicholas and Mr. William Levi Dawson. The ceremohy took place in the home,-?#- Mr. and Mrs. Hale Woodrulf, in Atlanta, Ga., a few weeks ago. This distinguished composer comes from Anniston, Ala., the son of Georere and Eliza Pawsonl Ho was born Sept. 23, -18U8. His parents werg by n o means well-to-do, so young Dawson made a few odd pennies by shining shoes and working in a groeerystore. . T,he one thought uppermost in his mind, was to get an education. To this encl he worked. He Had iheard of Ttfskegee Institute and it was his ambition to reach the atnpus. AW the age of thirteen he ran away troni home; tifwjilrg work here and there. Soon he secured enough money to purchase a ticket for Tuskegee. Ala. He was thTn fifteen years of age, at school, and without a dollar to pay his entrance fee. The young lad was immediately put to work on a farm, where it was discovered he was not suited. He was then given a job in the uanmuum, >> 111*11* iu?> n?tuiui 111dinati. 11 atul ability was discovered With little guidance he was soon playing compositions of great composers..Very easily he learned to -u+d orchestra.?To Phc?study of the piano tie turned his attention I and soon won two prizes for his work. He became a member of the band, orchestra and choirj'and found himself excelling. At" the age of sixteen, he began to write musical . compositions. His rare abilit-y lead to his appointment as "TTusic Librarian! For five years" he traveled with the Singers and was secured to serve as trombone soloist for the Rednath (-'ha.tau(|Ua. In ll'2l he graduated l|rom Tuskegee and then went to Washburn College, in Topeka, Kansas. In the meantime,- (from '22) 3 he served as Director of Music Tit Kansas*'Vocational College irT ' that city. In 11(22 he began the study of counterpoint and th'eory at Horner Institute of Fine Arts, , e;(,. \T,^ T? iook 1,,, in I\(IIIDUn V. XII I IIV graduated with honors and a Mus. B. degree. Meanwhile he served Migh ^chuul of that. city. The Kansas" City Symphony played his prize winning composition o n rnmmencomont 4a>'! while he sat in the hnlrony and the governor of Kansas distributed diplomas to his white classmates on the platforpi. To his Bachelor degree, he added a Masters in 1027 the An.t rican Conservators! of Music at Chicago/ In May 1027 he was married to Miss Cornelia D. Lampton, who (Hod spo'n after. On Aug. ?l'.'L".) at?the .World's Fair?mChicago. he conducted a band of HI musicians and the Oapella choir This concert was a part of a contest sponsored by the Chicago Dai- i ly. Xews?.IIe was then chosen as one of" the conductors and "served ys _a judge in the, final contest. . Tuskegee's eyes were ever on her son and since 1030 he has been there directing the/choir which he organized. With credit this choir ? riif v,.?. While Mr. Dawson was studying in Chicago, he jus'ed his spareitime to complete his now famous Negro Folk Symphony.. During his stay in New York, with the choir, a friend secured the interest of Mr. Leopold Stokowski in the symphony and soon he and Mr. Dawson came to common terms, and Mr. Stokowski presented the fine composition to the public. This ! final moment was Nov. 20, HKT4 in Carnegie Hall. New York. When the-Philadelphia Orchestra play-' ed the music, as directed by Mr. ' Stokowski, t.h, large, enthusiastic. and appreciative audience was thrilled: Mr. Dawsorr- was- -t h e-: first?Negro to produce .such a fine musical composition. We shall always remember Mr. Dawson's struggles, crowned byJ success; when we hear: "My Lord What A Morning," "King Jesus"Ts Listening," "Oo To Sleep," "Jesus Walked This lonesome Valley," "Talk About A Child That Do Love Jesus, Here Is One," "Out Yank," "Break, Break, Brea|$f" 1, . .ZH ' Jt . THE PATMETTO T EATH THE VOICE FROM j THE MOUNTAIN ! The trip to the Associations in the low^F hal-t nf tKu ?\nta Inut- i week wt's a very tgood one. We Associations and other informaj tion that will be most helpful in our statistical report for the Baptist State' Convention at Laurens next year. Made a visit to Morris College "My Old Alma Mater," and spoke to a group of line looking young men anil women who had (assembled in the College au- , Htonum. \On?' will be surprised at the great change and progr iin | uit? couege nus mano in in teen years. ' I notice from the paper tint Rev. H. _D. Dupreo has called upon every graduate of the- school to send a donation to him or to the IVesidcnt of the college. At the last meeting uf the ^lumni Asso- "" ciation Rev. Dupree was elected Presidedr.t, fend the writer was. dhbsen vice president and I am heartly in accord with the president in asking every Alumnus of j the college to send in something 1, for the GreKt? Rally at Morris, on I Thanksgiving day. Let us send something if we cVn't send $5.00 j send $1.00. I am sure it will be ( encouraging to President Pinson to j' et him know that we have not for- ' gotten our Alma Mater. 1 ?-j-am thinking some steps should be taken by the Alumni Association toward putting o hnildimr uf?' some, kind on the campus. Will 1 talk about that later. But don't 1 ^?orgeb the Thanksgiving Pay. ?? I SUMTER NEWS. j I ...Ministers from the North-East ! Conference which was in session j i here last week, preached at the var ; ious churches of the city on Sun- i dav iporning Nov. LI. and niiinyj folk from in and out of the city, enjoyed the sermon by Bishop Wil | liams at Mt. I'isgah, the seat of ] the conference. ^ Thc?e of the ciiy ,\vho ftmtW-Mr. j Maceo Miller are delighted to know of the honor which has been be- ' towed upon him in winning the. . Merrick-Moore Memorial scholar- , ship. ( Miss JVIarie Singleton and broth 1 er Mr. Ben Earl honored their mo- J her Mrs. 11 at tie Singleton o n ; Thursday nite, Oct. 31 with a sur prise birthday party.? While Mrs. ? Singleton was-out visiting; a host I >f friends gathered at her home t jo greet her on her return. This ? was a real surprise for the honor ed guest and she along with the ] other guests enjoyed the entire-l'W" I ening in miscellaneous games and " other features of amusement. The~^ rooms in'which the guests'were en ^ ;d and delicious ice cream and cake J tertainod were beautifully decorat- 1 served. Mr.'- and Mrs. Wm. Thomas and family of Greenville, Mrs. Rosen a Chappelle and son Mr Talmadge UT Columbia, Mrs. Sailie Dibble and daughter Miss Timmie of Cam ilen were quests of Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Palmer on Sunday, Nov 3 ? 1 j District Meeting ol Woman's Home t and Foreign Miss. Societies. ' < The Sumter District Home and 1 Foreign Miss. Societies of the M.K.. ' Church hold their annual district . metting on Friday, Nov. 1, a Clarks Church in connection with ; the district group meeting??The ( entire afternoon session lyas given "Sf. V. Glover presiding for_ the Homo Mission due tovthe illness of | the Dist. Pres. Mrs J () Jones and ! Mrs. Maggie Smith Foreign Miss. ' Pies presiding in the Foreign Miss. | work. The meeting lyas well car- ( ried out .with -aaplendid^prTrgram?' and fine reports. Mrs. Bessie I)ib- J ble of Camden, Dist. Treas. was j nresent and Mrs V. Iv Pnfm/.i e<l as Sec. since the Sec was act- injr Pres. Three teachers of Brown * in# Home were present.and sever- | al charges brought canned fruit t to be sent to the home.-The mem- J bers of Clarks church offered cordial .entertainment to all. < LAKE CITY HIGH SCHOOL ^ : 1 " < I 5 Prof. L- H. Bradley, Principal ' The Carnival, and Stunt Show ] which wnu irivoti of TnVo rif? it: I school" last week under the diree- J tion of- Prof. J. E. Mclver is now j -Wtstory; But what a history!' The t auditorium was beautifully deco- , rated and nicely arranged w i th ^ booths in charge of the following ! teachers: Candy booth Mrs R. Sum mors, Fishing pond Miss Jean Har- ( rington; Pitch table, Miss Helen j Graham; Ice cream. Miss~;M. O. I JoneS; House of tgrror, Misses L. ' Bracey and Lenora Summers; The ^ Wheel of Fortune, Miss Eula.Mas- , "My Heart's Aflame" and many ' other compositions to which he gave hia all. , SR sey; Bingo, and Old Plantatioi show, Prof. J. E. Mclvor,; Gate re ceipts, I'wf. L. D Bradley, Prin Valuable prizes were wort fron all booths. All stores of take Cit; were represented at the earniva by the presents that were givei by them for the school. The faculty and student bod; wue well pleased with results Now watch out for the winner o the Hcg contest that's being give! by Prof. Bradley. All who wis! to enter- the contest so as to wii a hog for Xmas send name and ad dress-to Prof. I.. I). Bradley witl l()e in stamps or coin and rteeiv your eouj on WubJIKUFF NEWS Trinitv A. M. ,K. Z. Church Rev.' J. R, I,I >%., Pastor Sun lay sehouj^gi n'.d at the u*i al hour, "with Supt. and all teach ersat their post of duty. Mast", r Kugene Gist, the nin? !>?' V."-' soil 01 .til". I'Ul'K passed to the gieat b?.\\r:d Saturday morning, after a brief illnos; in J Was funeP.'lized at New Bah .*1 Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock. The K. v L?1>. Gist officiating, the funeral t\as largely attended. The floj 1' A't re numerous. Pallho;i i-<>i ^?and lower b.arers were his little class nates boys and girls. Little iVest Side Cemetery. . He leaves to mourn his passing it mother, Mrs. Addie parks and jrard-parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Deltas Gist, one uncle Dennis (rist, Jr, ind a host of other relatives and friends. . M. S. Callaham, .Funeral Uireclor. ill charge."A loving event of the week here iva.-> the supper at the h tnc ?f Mr.- Al^lie FrapUsJiy her^ d;ui-\lice Pearson, Alice Desh'ilds, Fan iy 'Downs,- Annie B. lh vkett and Rcvolec. Brown on West ll.iyrie St, Fhe rooms" wen' decotated with leat/lillulvfaH I'liiwi-t s carrying i-nt he color sc.- i. of .-.ceii ai ! whit.. fhe "guests wire met at the dooi j.v AJiss Alice Pearson : nd .Alice ri..Jiiit.if tviii i h? VaU&i* ?>f" tin evei.injj;. .. 1't< r cards veicy lai.T asltftf 'KoVVt 'chocolate, hit-ken salad. p (' to chip-,, cho olate and vanilla .wafi-is cookies gtd ice cream _w-re serve+ to the ollowinji'i .Mrs. Druseilla N'orris, diy?tl). Bevvy. Mr. and Mi'"-Jf.trn s":Kil'der, .Mr. ar.d .Mis. Pearson >teen, Mr. and Mrs. (I. Pearson, dr. and Mrs. T.<K. Xonis, Mis-is *arah'(tilliam, Matt it* Mae Brewon. Ophelia., 11 ill. V'nana Ste la-d, daybelle tJopjrins and Alice Steen. dr. 15r*.Wh y XVTiTTTy .1 r..^William" mil Ova Coleman. Peter Downs. S. I". Allen,. Ne\a Duncan,'1" Willie ibo, Charlie Williams of \nder :oi>, S. ('.?. (). D. W* tfsworthi M Igico, Ol (.? .Moody Palpi. A -11 hi i n.?I .own-?BitiVi'.i. Ai'iin Pi inis an 1 1 ip'irins of 'Clrei-nville. 1. ('. and John U. Flanks. CVniiin for ' refreshments were lk v. Mien and "*.Va m." Miss (ivr.cva Mo ly speiit the v<x'k-end in Ashcville, N, ('. _ WMHAI.l.V NEWS' The New (Jalil e Baptist Still* :ay school met Sunday mornin.-r Mill ..a?feli?. '(.tendance, wit-ti?Mr: lames l.'ohin or?.s i t a i t?.-up. i in tender. I in char,n. Our Supt.'.Mr. James .Moore and the iiiemhets .r ,.i ?... i?: vnv. ummi iliwi Iltl i?? I drove Baptist Church in (ire-in . illy County Sunday whciv lliej .very inviti.i to |7 Ttiiipai*.~in a dpgirjf nwivi'tilio:!, Amount ot noiiey i.:is.ed in u.i< meeting was >I jX.MO. , AIT lhi. n t'inln'is il' t!ii ij-Tjr i citation d. ported an id. at TiTFn " : : We hi\ soiiy to ktjow thai A-Iij .ii m i?fill dgi?1~. on?(4tr?: i ii?h?tr i\".. hope tor him a .-pcely rccovry. Mrs. .Si k Uv y l.. Simp TiTT <TF dickens sp\ nt scvial ?! ys in \\ al lalla last week with her sister-inaw,, ill's.. Kliza Sc. tt. 1'he social gixOr. ir< the Walhaila High Schooj"Ai dUo; ium last 'JY.ur* id y night, sponsor's! l?y Misses Tylvenc B: 1/1 a If .T'.TTt Wttttr" Mac Hichardson was quite a success, ind we hope how soon they will jive another. Sunday wa> a lftvely A y fur hufch goers, Flat Bock Sunday ichdbl opened Sunday morning, xioveinb' r iJ, with ail the t.achers > resent. The lesson was well aught. We hnn won lerful suhect "The'Captivity tf Judah.'*"Thc 1 etc (rates. Miss Amanda \\ iHiaoVs in J Mi". John Woods, attended the junday?School?EJiuvUionul?Chm?which coovt ned XVItil, the dheochee Baptist 'Church, Wi.-t. ninister, S. C. Both in ^ pi fed ?.wry Tne with encouraging reports, stated that it was a splendid piritua 1 jy and hinancjally. At 11 t.' begin. Tin pas ,or-selected for his. text. .KU-Lulw 1 0:35 theme, "Working in Clod's Hospital.'" ItrW Steward was at lis best ciimng the morning, and light services. Tlvei yonc xyas spii tually inspiifih Total amot nt ealized for the entire day $21.15. Also the B. Y. P. U. ?t G:0() P. LI mac Knniitifiilhr /I i liv iiany indent, subject,. "What .Dj baptist Believe About th j Resurrection." Mr, Ira Wilson. Pro*-. Miss Ruth Wilson return. ' "ionv the Anderson Hospital. She is improving nicely. Othoi-s on the sick list, Mrs. Carolina I'ick~ns and M?*?. Hari:1-h Mattison. Rev. R. B. Steward was tb. < ner guest Sunday of Rev. aid Mrs, J- A. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Fraud Howard and children. Mrs. Carrie Woods, Mipnd Mrs. Allen Crayton motored tc Westminister Sunday, visiting Mr and Mi8. Jim fhather. '* ? '*"' ". '"T ?1??rr T" . \ . I . 1 i SPARTA X RU lift NEWS lV Sur.'ay was1 a beautiful ciay for "[church jro'crs, so phase allow mr y j to .speak of the H pp,v trip wi to<?!> 11 with our Ijylnved p.istor, Rev. 1? 'n < t\ V" ,'H'k lh 1 ??| -m < K :1iT t: I Zion Hopewell Hantist (.i.undu VV, it . 1.1 them "entjatrod in Sunday y J school, which was timely 1 xplai: i.c<l.hy (hi (iit'l'e.trcMvi tcaelje'rs > t j' o'clock, the pastor. Rev. Cla'k j caiP(>- foi ward w-ita a s ii) stirrinv 11 < s'rmon. His. text was tHk'ti_?uo: h Rev. 0:8 subject, "Who conipi i ? ; uiath." ar.i. for .*{.1 minctls li" sp. l j boa: .1 ail his h.i-rers. His .-wed sinning quartet known a* the. I ; Harmony Kit ps .sarjr. Welcorn. e h< lis - a i?1 to ti cm c me airain Rev. Clark was-also iwketed l'oi ;<stor, with sal. i v of $-".00. At 4:SO. P. M. w'eTi't this point for Spartanburg. At (>: '!(/ our cjm | was parjj on the church yard at 1 (JnJ.dc 11 ST ft . t Hap'.Tst id'" Win I Rev. ,1). C. Clark is also -pastor. [ (Sunday niirht <>.ir church was cit>\Mc"J to hear our pastor preach, .Ilis;-text was t>.4an from I.'ukv 24:."52, subj'Vt, "A c,onlV si-n abofit l-bsis" I 1 hi MorJtinjf Star Business Club ' is doiiiy- moat work under t ic .1 a dorship of Mr. I>. \V. Davis: this club entertained a luiv.e. crowd I ft 1-1 io v r.ivrlit at th ho".e. ot ' Mr. a. <1 Airs. W. R. K< rt!>Ai?. View St. [ The Willlmr Workers Ci-b ) jit u e hoi'iH- i' Mr. and Mr-. IV \V. j Davis, 2i'0 X. Vivw St. A foot party wliivh was hruldy_en.ioyc' by I ".ill mat v. nr.s-id ibis great siifht. ;?A {Tti-iil iu'i-r nf~MVioa y w..s TH i v'. ci vcd au.l placed in the lr.;:.,-lire; j licy. f)(?; alass- Ilali from *"IV? 1 n S. C.. th^i hlcr son of the late l'rof Klliott Hall is conduc'tintr a iv\ | vul for Rev. 1). C. ( J ik^ai GohlI ?n Street, M' - ninht, XiV.y i; vvas his poeneinj*' uiglif with a ; lai'tro crowd to |.,-fir hirrrr njrrrr v, it h t hc coairreiiatiun. l f? preach .is ul the ?i?y were pre?nj. T. T*. < r.a li>. i!. lb*-, ': l i' ' /^LXio^svi;\\.s f. ' o , > * . I'll.' JlLpJ Vtiir. lay iiu4u. ; I I' 111' I > I" IH < I 1 I'y M j I', jrr will Hereim nib. n <1 Tor many y 'in s.. The p. u^rani was spicy and "ii't i?'stii ;r. I'n<. .J. W.' Nicholas? ' > - i>j; ti iii'.li'.y i,(it, up; iici; , ;1lic prdyrain l>y trivial an ni>. elevation of the history of'the-ciuiM-h. I)r. .Montiioinciy with his >'w it I >'"icf -no .a solo of. his own type. I i'iiii. t In t. t> i Ih> Scicn.*'' tdavh - tr spoke on the?Mrmrri~-rriTe~ An_: tin n that, vharniryr -.swell in'\Y; .aiiilphiyor. Mis-" .M n is. camo.o:i"tl".' scMy with ni'isii.filio\\'ci| hy ;i ad Mty I he-Rev. A. II. I!at*a oii i, pastor of ibr M. K. Zi in Church. Miss Mo.-si " U .lit?;?W ! 111 , III. 'Mil ,i'V. p YK'iy i s .iiiiv and r< citinsr. Miss Paten an I .Mi. - Morris' sai.y a iaaulitVl limit. I'll*. A. A.-Sins alw. ys hrirv' I i his Hr'STVTg ii lin-.-sa .v-'i li - sill id I " li. I ion w- -fi-i; I i J , -in." Do i,ot r. ajtvi I f-.', oppurni'.ity. Miss Keyiso! i_. wity: ,*;instiuiiicti' ! si.ld hfoti'.'iit many .applauses. I'rt f. l>. W'.. liolii. i hroualit-'io. th the rc.fl a'ol lie iilways U lie.ex rn helping Punt oily, and he I'd th - iiipoitant uh;iicts of the a...tin;;,, wlii.-h was _your cottri ii-iHtxn?lW?' it-.' > i io i of . Id'. A\, spok. .oil "(? <> !'.hj." Dr." i' Dawkins >poko on ' Ik-introf: i11s* ." Dr. Suit, i spoke on hoi pastor's work, service. All _ "f t.'r ;n -n Up in 1 Viio of l h. nv _ Mini of I.' I lii\\ in i it 1'iir ') i 111 lii'i year.- 1 Prizes were aw. r.i.'d for t;i^ nil; who hint iti the el b dints'. 1st prize wus*-aw-.tided hy Mis. Saiyh iSot'.l r. a set df'di- :.s, cup; ami -orrtt-rrsTpi mat r!i. 'Jnd ~r livanttfrrh " Tlril spr. a !, Dr. I,. A. Si i ter piescrtcd to Rev. P?oWen a pyi'sr i ou.ainiiiey tHidm, from" "P.nrcrri"?Nro. i an"i?T f> r l.'.Is." A!"t? f wi.irjj Prof. ?Aolio-n?spju al" i?t-w?ulis' i iiiw.i.'1'ini. ' n for lih. ral offeiina', a.: d " 11 n'v i *..\i' ) iiii -1 l.l.'i, Kev? P 'W a:, - .us 1(1 tile di'iVe. of the 11OS .;ii. ,?l..,i...?J???l?i... v; s <>r. i'.iit, that i v< ; y r\ . uU till" female ni' I'n.inii atii! I'njnp (*?>. rty will at hast ttjve i.U" 'nl! r tn t .? v.'ni t.hv >.< . A pro '. rani \.iTl !i(. in ( lii.tnn ('TiliuVl A. .M. K. /.inn Chinch Next Monday " niyht tTf7uIp tho n11*>.1 people there I'di* the same cause.. Let as all :<> uvi'r an.I (jive a helping hand. Mr. am! Mrs. S. li.'J'uckdv. Me. M. M. Tiirkev i ml wife thacth r with Mrs. I.illie T I!v" ol'tTiyoii. S. C. spent tin* we. k , ! ,l witji M i s^. ... Mis.- id; mi 1 ?< i!/:lass llifeh. Mi- i?^rtyi'na lii.r.1 was married * te I'l'iTf. .M. ]{. Christm, Auu."-t I'J. Henderson, Ky. "TTwy^HPr'TYnvr hmkfi?** their hmm in t'liion. Mnre will In, said at a Kir. W- K. McJnrfrin is- aitoticlhur Cohtmhin Annua} < 'ont'efence this yveck, in ('ohnnhjn V.. <' ? McBEE NEWS Elma Blackwelt, repn.Her T)n t"'riday afternoon all *t*T<T" ' teachers motored- to Chesterfield jt.i atten d the countyfwhI te achers airs. m. l?>uisi? rosier, oui sutK rvi. or was a visitor oil our - L E E V Y - ? S FUNERAL HOMF Undertaking' And Embalm sko/J^N-LOWER PRICES AMIUTLANCE SERY1C1 I "JAs-Near As Your Nearest I Mm ; 1 .. 1*31 TAYLOR S4'l'. (Ol.l .MI I*hono 9276 I. S. Leevy, > BnnnBni ? ; ? Saturday, November 9, 1935 RII)UK SPUING NEWS V Sunday school met at tho usual hour, opc-md by S'upt. T. F. Hammond. .The lesson Vf-s taught f V , thirty minutes by each teacher. Aiu-r UH close of tncy Sundae A. ' s.iioui tiie li. y. I'. U. held a sho.t > t .r..v. t^xrtnr n number of our ' members liiotoTcd to Wards to hear Rev. Kcuicr pieSch as th t wits it is preaching tiay-ithere. M i. -a i . i i>..i. ....... - * V (4 1 * V V - ? I IIMC? , tw U'Ui l| > school in Kcigotield County. Wo 1 -wish her much success. ' The wheel of progress around ' Uidgv Hill School-seems to he 1i.r1.i1x4; fust. The enrollment is * 1 ;>.p: ouching 1550 and the daily at te is line. The teachers . ami students are grateful to tho.-e ' in i. uthority for the.attention givui students of This school along the. lines of health. Already two of 01 w students have hpfilicatidi s 11 10 r.-ivi' ' tln-ir ri ippln?linil.s 1 -u aicht. lud. This' Was done thru -Mis* -Sowell (Stl. te Nurse). Soon there will be vaccinations made a- ? eamst smallpox. Miss Pearson W(white nurse) is also working with our cripple children. rThe Seniors were hlT smiles when they Were given' >.?. holiday Friday to attend the State Fair, peports are that the pleasure ieeived from the trip will ne\-er he forgotten. Places of interest vised before going to the Fair (JmhiihIs Were Opital, Benedict, " Elicit and severalether not d plac es. They were chaperon d l>y ~ A!i -. (.. e,. Holmes. Utlur classas are anximu to b come iaeniois. - The Ttd. and Mil j-Tl'UllOs kindly ' * served the faculty' solfie of their ilallt.v. e?.n k'e cream, candies, nuts and cioki'V Thursday. * The II. 10. trills delightfully entertained I'mfes-'or and Mrs. 'Hiph tower. at an ii|l'orin 1 Halloween * Tea Thursday. The 1 boms were tastefully d> courted witlt-fall leav -. * ainl Hower's of contfl stinor t'Ol.ns, wtfile the Burt'et style of servtrjc wa- "u-vd. .Much credit and - nutny thanks have been eiven Miss ?~~? I.alini' r and her 'trills for this kind invitation vnd delicious repast. . ' ' __ IMans are betiij* made to start "a - r water drifts?' We need pure water . .o f't..- iiijiinf| s.i if.1 . ! ! . ni-t-ii jr i.? y. u to help when asked. 1 . Many thanks to Mr. Clifton L. ? l.ynch of Trenton, N,?J. t\>r tie < peiiTH sharpeners, pencils, paper, . rases and other school supplies thai ho donated the students. He ml.'.y be known as the husband <?i' I lie former .Miss -Eliza Quatterhain. : ~ \\ e were, shock'',; to hear of the diatii of Miss Minnie Amos. Slie? had been a faithful worker of * *" Xirfas Seals lend "as a reward a nice '1'. B. Shack ha.! been made for ~ h<'r and was to be presented on Thursday, but the herd call' .1 he-, ~ as . result this shack wilj be given "another T. B. patient. Miss Sowell worked dilligently to have. _ those sharks .made an I is doing 1 >;t ~. bit to prevent the sptfad of this ? - d 11 ;111 f ul?disease: : 7 ~ - -Mrs, ItcgTna Wigfall spent' ths? week-end in Aiken with Mr.- and .Mrs. lla: l is. Mrs. Carrie Brooks is.back homo again after spending * tb . 'summer in dx*. V.. Mrs. Annie A Smith and. Bertha" Smith are hornA : ft or spending the spring an ! sum ^ lie in N. Y. Mrs. A^lcnia Heard ami Mfsr Fairy tiuinyard left.ThwVsflav" for N. Y. ' - 4? : - ? p NORTH C!I AREEST?5c "NEWTS' Rev. .1. ('. M urT'a>. Tr!uTor i Sunday v.* -s . great day at'St, . . FV'.r's.- Sunday school < iivorcd at its usual hour with Sunt, an 1 t? aohers at t.heir' piai rs; The lVs=? son was. timely reviewed and hrb'f . "4y fijse.u-sed. 'At 11 :lf? the p.istor mounted th- ^ rostrum V-nd selected as his text t'.xil, _T2: 13.'t'mine o'f the t"xt"An I \vh< if | see t'.e hJcoX I will - . 1?over -you." Bev Murray ?? pr achel a sermon that will ling ---t-?Ue ?i-n?the. h/nris-of?the poo id . \Ye are in lend ghul I > hi a a?mrr?pastoi. We?pray for hi.11 a surer.ssfu! year. \V'' are : a king t he eoop'-rati-n of each r nr 'uber to nlay,,your part. At S p. in. tV?' it-Vtor asfemh'd t he. rostrum. lie .-rle'rt d as his --?*' "! _ MiiIt' w 1.T.27-. -theme. "An-1 - sTiTT said, truth, I.ordf yet the dogs i i ul. of th'? fi tnbs, which fall from, their M.-s.tor's table." The 1 wa -T-stromr an ! p manful tilled with" tlT* spirit. Kiv. .). (\ ^ vi:rray is t'iJ tpiest pf Mr. ami Mrs. Andrew Tranpier. ' Total finance raised S10.00. ' ? " A l ie,- AM-ham. Reports ~f_ 1 vpns Thurs'av aceomnanital _l<...r . was Airs.. Puterkiii ; of ? C'heraw. Mrs. Foster is a person welcome her cornier, with pride; She has something to offer aside . f iiiii W' at?F e ro e t ,r i died nm ? i visors" have. Without any delay she is putting . the program over Mrs. Nannie-.V. 'Prince spent the W k-en.i at her home in Society TTF! Saturdav/Mr. II. J,. Brooks : snent the day with Mr. Richfcrd a j A Id rich and George Johnson wher e I,5 ' > a ? Ti delightful meal. These . 'house wives are veal cooks. i .0 v ?" F Igr.