' y , Saturday, September 2. 1032 LOCKIIART NI^VS^ . "iiul . City" was "in the nj'i'sr.nt. home ol Mrs. Mary (.Ireei.field. 1 found I'.ei not so well, having trouble with .ben eyes, but she always makes it ']Iu;v ant for'visitois. Then to the home of Mr. and M/s. John (Ioo? e. Mr, (loodo and I \v.ere reared in .the .same community and he Is now one of. th 1 deacons of Thonu si>n S}. hap'id Church. Mrs. (loodo was away on a visit tn M/.\v Vni'l.- I..,i I . <" 1 stop just the same.; Next fo -he ? lowly home of Mr. am/ Mrs.. Itoy Brandon. They- were much surpri-od, yet glad to sue 'me and wr :ij have me stay and -take dinner with ? them; whlrh I ^ird'lly rn'jnwd, ' 't'!" Airs. Brandon is a hue cook. I spent -tho night with my life lotvg friend; Mr. and'M's W- H. -Tnnnpr, The '//- hews jiMil Iti'nn 4 - ^ in loan and could?he H.'.'fl?m?tt^7; Tanner's, and many -.ailed that nitc to sc-fr me among the number' being Prof. W. Arnold and Prof. Allc.'i Williams. The Tanners have sold ? their place near Cro1** Anchor .and ljgutrht a lovely lip to il:ita-Lui4m- in Spartanburg. . He has two remarkable boys. They, are of age hut*stay at home and help their parents tornn this beautiful home. May their .1 i.vd increase. Their names nr.. .1. l:. nn.l Var.taman and Bloaso, men could easily ride into oflt.o by-abusing,t-li*. Negro. but that (lav is Co ( [ciWTp-.~~ (iod prant how soon. _ La lev/-.weeks .the-O'-hi.ni-; --.nd-'-vMleges will throw opfn their doors for the training of vniftlff' men??.>4-v.uo meh. Many will he. unal.h i because pf the depression and 11?: high cost of college expenses. It is my humble opinion that all (ho r-|. leges should .out their expenses. hecause tcachci's ' salary; ~v^ges " t.. -. been cut everywhere. The reduction in the price of all food suitf makes it possible to furnish boiifd at much less expense. So why not rut ? C'iem Cookman College, colored of Florida ' have already out,. They led the wa.\ let others' follow. Miss Minion Smith of Mt. Tal'oi spent isevcra days heie with Misses WHfio P., and Hul.yt M. Smith, who vied with each other to make ! ei stay pleasant. ? ?- Mrs. reiia '(toftd'th, diTTf"iraTrrrr1 , Miss Jeroline motored to Snartenhul'g Sunday and spent slim. da.y with Mrs. Mjary Grtenficld," Mrs. FraneoSuher and others, They enjoyed the ice cream and many other good things to satisfy the inner man.. GOLDVlI.LE. NEWS ' Mt. Zion A. M. E. Church Key. (1.?W.?Bradley, Pastor ouiK.uy -a very iK'nuiiiiM nay and IStnyday School opened at tic ?Mnial lnnir with a very 1: rye .li'eifriance, which was thp beginning of the revival meeting. At 1! :'!0 the Presiding Elder, Rev.. P. M. (Jar.Vj agcended the rostrum being quarter5 ly conference day and preached a no hlo secninri. SinifIny ?.hilq R-.e J sen Saber preached another wonderful Setmon which wfv; enjoyed by all, Mbnua'y Rev. M. G. Williams of Greenwood came to cor,.duct the meeting. He preached until Tues lay night not' oh the. r.ecount of his illnoss ho had ta-retire home. We horn' that he will soon recover. We were delighted to have Rev. W. G. Owens in passing thro'ugh !enroute for home stop . over and preached for us on u ' dnesdnfo night and ivo txwt;d.?' ? ' did.enjoy nis sermon. We wore jtls.o gird to have Rev. T. H. A-'disotr to finish the week for us. lie preach? ed two?noble?sermons.?The revival was good throughout tho week ami many souls bavo been added to the . Kingdom. 1 1 CLINTON NEWS p Rev. and JVIi k. T. if Addhmrprr-r; arid Mp*. J. T. \V. Minis were the dinner guests of JMiss: Georgia Mttlo and Mrs. Lola A l.ijr Thursday, given in honor of their T|',stor Rev. G. W. Bradley. Many rourses w< > ? served, the dinner was en joyed _h,v all '""Mr. John Edward Tut tie spent Sunday afternoon with his harm-'. Mr. and Mrs. John Little and spent | the night' with his^nunts 'Miss G orl? ?A-.?Ltttte?arrrh Mttt;?Lrrtrs Adair and rettirned early Monday to his - job in Columbia where he has been working during his vacation. . s h & 7' i!,M?lTO Ltf V ' T*W>\ llLSX-IUtlT WiiM WS "" 11 ?v I! * \ \ 1> I ! . \ M7>SI<'?V A '<' , i ' I n. V i N i ION. V ' 1 ' ' V." ; i. * i I' ' i . i -..I'm I:.t\ ,V. . ) ': ( i. ii. A, i{< \ . 15. W. il'V- . i- 'it : Mi !'!, I. i ).; !.n . " j J': ; M IN N*. <: '| " ,' ' . * . ... I I-..' : 1: ' " 'ill ''IM -' ?i-.-VI-t?_"H?'l.'l-l ?rt" fh'VO*T'-JiVl ( If". "! . iv;'. .'NJ . ?i'i.1 i' i!. ii. i , , . I . u" ??V :"ii \ "I ' rt:;rjr i iv'i 11 NT:y-i->': - 1 ! ' ' i ... i I Tt- ui i,. I i_. .b' :> ' tin-' h\ _ :t ;J. ; a'ii -l'. S j?t, 1 "J ? ' 1 : .? tin\ l <' -iuin union la*. b v is ') t _i11: ;i'i MH'j.iK; :s. ... 1 - I ; A j ?i iimil m i nuMi i in ' ' J - * - .' T"'"" ? ?^ ""j ' i *1 ; jai.. ; iii : v v. ii 1 l a givtn t>. . > ; ;! ('.Til.I wi.ii Ii .wiil j I" , < ! 1|U.U'W 'tl:.' ( "PC", i . !.?:! l'i'i-;,'Msi.ii Khl'f will ;;V >! . 1 I Ls. ;)1 i?glU>U. Tl.fi-: ' JII O | ' . .ii - fin' tiia l.i'i'.'Tit , I ,J I,1 i;x?i-M.wirii.xL, i <- i\. a-i-is.iV was cn.e ? 1"'tl.y Iv I i vi r * ! ?-ii: in t 'u- I i: ii t.. ' ( \\ . , fuYM i i _!_ i ij!i i 11 n; cL*u, .VVi?T>-' 1 ?vrnr I is I'li.-idi'irt . M. !.. Iliivi'cs mmv! A ffTohfiM* Avoik < : i :y-snu'il w ith oxpcr inoo niid has l tJiiL-iuilivc ability to put oyer the :. program. \ I{? ?>'., t'Vii v I i' >,( ! (i Xn. " ... T?: ' ; . ? ..?; , / ? >77-?: f ' 4 - * , I V ' v' .. ! l.y n !!'< ;!?::? i . ' y -s:i I : ' * ' . < , V '>.! ' ' \l _ | - ? _! ; ? i. \ r . ... ?-j N"; ( . 1 ?; !.? ;; 1; .w... : -! ' .. . ?<, . f,_j_ f : 1 " , 1 v '< ; i * * ! ' * ! f. 1 " - < ". " '.i .! ; . " . Mill. A* :r. 1 j. - j ; ' ' , .? ' f* .-I : r. I. ; a,.; . , >-i, i. w.r-- postponed. ' i: V Id i.-' v to" y A ?; . '."'J. i-i..' * , ' ! * i;>. ? < li i . : -| < :: . I" v.' t* . .V,s ..I,* T!" !\ - ' 1 ' I U.. .. : ..in i . . - : . I : ! ' A' ' ! '. J. J, . .Iuh (.M. : \ .1 i ; * -V'i ! ; i I ( ,. \l j,-, : ;. I : a 1'. |" . j V;,v.: v. f\ . ?.? , -r; ,r , '? ' : f :1 > : ;i a*. . f [lie >e'as most i.f V. T ai.i .... ;.! ' S :.V ; i ' . I ' a ill tiro y.' \ v.: r r : \V ... i vT'; . ' ' . 1 l ?.'' a; Z. ' . < .. t; :; , ,. . rr : > ; . : > ' t-i- i , - a'/l. -jy-jv.ui .Mr-' ' t...!;; iJ. . - ?T?- r. -1 0 ' <-a i . \V i'.i : ;y.r,r. < , ('< t>.. ' ?: a K' _ . ' | 55),x y.,;- j; \\* -rfv ^ . '.!! ' ;. ' 'I' ' ! .! 1 * : ' ' ' 1 ' v ..v: ' -v- ^ Mr ; 'aVv ,. y* v. ..-a -v. ; ,i ' n , ; ; "i'' i :: i . i t. ~ "? ) .V N ! U :!; >5< 1\ \ ! ; . ... . - ? ^ i lain;|>Mm ( .'n'-rtiiiia! Ti.77'a: 7"_ i-r . ;i . j, ?? ' "' :v i i ' Ml \'., . !. i*. . k a1' ' . v?. :y 1 ' ii,v ,v :\- .1... i.o.oi v 1' '!'.!!' Icy, a pm'U-r l.f r>? ,! >?' * I.'ai.l, who i> in thi- Floi-.-iue ho-pi j lal." is lapidly n? uverimr. . Mis. H. ' ami A. 15. \\ j|.nn.. t. |u.hi-rs '' A\ iiiraaa.if si liou] Fas j.ist re l,,U4J! ' t'VM' - iiwi'r a-it ::i;j him in ' ' h<- !;< . ; iiuii. ' , I J A ; \\ . i.i-vi- v.t-io slop j \i r 'ijJl'ic n.o-'. .harming part .M; rt :tHi :i> I; !,y .Mr. n?".7Tm"""Rar~ !n: to Vii-.i.- at tin- 'A. M. F. dr.trph. . . .a.. i hey ii-iich'tvil a prorr*ill<'n itttrt enjoy, d a FTiTo nip, with Mr. Ih II. Hetni'nguay. .oj.nl mm.' A- - moving pint are ua.s?giy.-n?aT? ^ ' 'v< ^I,:iaiay * night*, X la**- . FP. \vrl- v. as out. p. jr.' flhup, p: iiuapal. ___?Jf*'1 *u'l F. ( laii'. li 1_ . Rev. A\ . I. (lore. Pastor s 1 -:i' V"';A -a i; ' y ? V; ' ' n'tivn tij,? weather was 5T4*. ' *. U:I"? Rev. (lore. Rev. A. [ :i 1 u . Pi-.. (, . .'.. nins and I "s. l'nddi - vr; KHnivo aso n.Jod .. it- ii-.-lrtifVi. . Aj't.r ail | reliminar>w the; pastor. ! ,- spUtUmI -as a ox: l ail. 1 Sttl.ji i-;; .The Result*' ! :*ii!4k:!ii*\ II*- n. sou! ' y-ijnn. A/iW whiilv-wp. had i iii.ij or our f-unday School Conft->y.o;:. Total an:..tint iltisc.I . =: 11 :ts ' ..x .ma! of the cijvtains wore n..t -Aort i-o-- ... ... I| ] i'I\- Will continue until everv ! as. ylayod- tWit parts;. . Tho re. ' VA irate* front'' the Mis ...5 :rV J yt-.v^ftiioii t-irit was held ' at v _ v :~M -. lAn-ister. ' I' ~. . VTTh Lewis was a >|ili-inli 'J.> liappv souls. The moil ' V a" i 1?\ tlx- Wonderful 1 . . I - \V in'" SluVi l milini^ ' IV. (' ?! man wus i-ov illy entertain1 ' .> ' r :I he dill'ei out homos i- Lie iiW-iv4H"? s <>r tbo ' ?*orrcrro(rt IcSfT". ^~ I of hi J !c\| in his elos- j ipi? at * ip'.onl T't idav nijr.ht "The -i : i 1! he I in noil into HeU*and|jjdl. v ?v. ;?> Ihy folenian preaehod he most h v tan ied ia .tonisalcih tin- j lil he was endowed with power from np hitfhy ~ ' | _ I he l-hi 1 ivy!: o 1, ad. i. is fop sale each S:11a i d i.v at Santuek. S. C.. by Julius Blaek. Bur1 a eopy of this ~ wonderful paper from him. bturkic Furniture Co* ? WE BUY, SELL AND TRADE Used Furniture Sewing Machines and Talking Machines. We Sell New and Used : furniture. Cash or Terms . orner Hervais and Harden Sts. _ RHONE 2-123.">' David G. Ellison General Insurance Honest and efficient attention givpn to all business i plaaced with Die. PHONE 5717 1221 washington st. ; hi:y gas and oil LEEJVY'S SERVICE * STATION & GARAGE I S31 'Taylor St. Phone 9271 ?PEN ALL NIGHT FAN-O-LIN SYSTEM I In Beauty Culture Give FaN'-O-LIN Hair, Scalp Dandruff and Toilet Preparations a trial. Thgir'worth has been proven. Registered in U. S. Patent Office. agents wanted Write for terms Made by Mme.. F-annie L. Caroling . 1029 High Market Street GEORGETOWN,V was a spicnaia mcaiQine. . . : 1 began using it arid" have continued using it. I take Rlack-Draught for hllitHlstWss, constipation and indigestion. 1 find it quick to relieve. 1 don't krjow of anything worse than getting up feoiing so tired aftd with