^ Saturday, Nov. 8, 1930. " HOY SCOUT N!EWS _ The Boy Scout Troop of Booker \V. C. Johnson, Comm. of Troop 50. k Washington High School had its first meeting rsince the -opening of school at Johnson-Bradley Pnnera I Home, Oct. 20, 19.10. The meeting was opened in the regular ,Scout manner by repeating the Scout oath, allogian^n to the flag-arid singing the Scout prayer. New Patrol was..named- and in-! structed by the Scout Master, Mr. W.' C. Johnson, an ex-soldier, was called j on and made some very interesting' , ami helpful remarks, and. promised .' "his support. The troop extended him-', a vote oif thanks- The Scout Master then -ex- pressed his appreciation for the number ijrresent and outlined a progress. ive program for the year. .' ' . Robert W. Jackson1,"??!*!!!?; j- j Boy Scouts Meet At Union Baptist Church. The Boy Scout spirit must be 7 spreading, because at the meeting of Scout Troop No. 50-Of Booker Washi"gton High School at Union Baptist Church, Nov. 3, 1930, there . were more boys to become scouts. They are trying to organize a tropn Umon Ba.ptist Church. Mr. iect of scouting:: after which his hoys r~ fi'i'im DhwIiim1. Washington p.a?t u demonstration of what takes place at meetings of our troths.? Speeches. -wmmq made hy some who are inter- L ested in the troop at Union Baptist Church, t, ' _T?nop 50 wishes the troop of ijnion \ Baptist Church much success.?? -- - . j SCOl'T MASTER IIANBERRY ! r , COM MEIS'TS ON MOV EM ENT ! 2. ' 1 M hat is Scouting? Scouting is a program of interest- t ?- ing useful things for fioys to-do- in their leisure time:?These' boys learn the mysteries of wood craft,, of first ( aid. swimming and life saving, of out door cooking and camping, of signal- ] ing. jnap making; hiking and citizenship. . I ?1 Liko-the Red CrossT the Boy Scouts j of America arP chartered by congress ami the President of the United i 1?States' is it? hnnni">>"' : jnCMUt'IlL. - Tim Scout Musters are picked-local men who.give their timp without pay i because of .their iinterest in the boys' ~ Sif America. i Scouting gives boys a chancP to ] serve their community. Its activities i not only give pleasure and knowledge, ! b it they prepare to meet the com munity emergencies. In times of i floods, fires, tornadoes and earth- . )f these boys to become iXsis,Daily Good Turn to some one < -1s~thHn Scout's effort-to help the other fej8fcQl?w ol^o to make the best ojf .1 F.veJrry year thoiisands upon 'thou--sandshoysXoin the Boy Scout's of 1 /tTfipT:ir;%?a. 'They find not only tun. but < also a ?pl real chance to be something more. ^^Every boy really wants to i '""iNr n f i?u stuiiiutiiiiiK, to l?e ofiPmvaluf in life. The ideals of our great^MfAmericans frke Washington < ? aiuM.im^BJtt, Roonovoltj Wilnon, Book. ^ or T. \Vas?BV'nR'ton, Douglas and oth- : ors stir us to ambition and the desire to bo ('.Witl men. ? ^mn .^mn~ faces throe big "problems TT m. Jfcsteyy^r^rty'Trmr^rw^ors, yetting t^Ot1^111 keen and ready for i use. 2. Cetn^Wi'."^ along with other \ * people. 2. F.1K?iinding a worthy use for these powers^v*r Tlio tremendom-'4% sweep of scouting j has come bfcause helps a boy with ( these problems hV^S^ps him to find himself and his now.tt^t??helps him to "lb. Prepared." Leisure time, the nti*. l0thing bo do time, can make or brea-ivls anV fellow. 1 Some, havcv-eheeked up their own time an^were surprised wO" j find that ; J^^had six 'or eight hours ^Ciy0f ]eis- ( "r ScoJtingapvovides attractive th {>ings , to do in this spare time-^ thing , t^0 that ''getone somewhere^ ^ valueMl h^erea* heritage which the past cl? ? v tfrouyht him in the life and ideals suc, ? America and scouW points the Sev ??0? of crood citizenship through ser- up ^ "J cr? vice. Not getting but giving IIUV ? only receiving but givii*g back something that shall, as Lincoln phrased su/ . it?."Make the world better beeause of w, our little lifP in it." a j r " " * * ne' FIRST ISSUE OF 19.10 PANTHER OUT. - Pa '' . ? - w< Due to the indefatigable efforts of Professor Cyril Price, Head of the {. < English UupAi'HwmL.juid his faithfu' 11* assistants "The Panther,r offlci^v . -U newspaper -of Clafl'ti College is a^t' ? ] J being published. The paper isv. t ger and better, therefore a reri^ " 1 O^hool be.<;^se^- , tatwn ot tne * trough the "Panther tr,e outR,de - wfirht will"he given.CQn.fAfrnt record o?_: -lJ-nll. developments which take , ?i^7nn the rampn^ In the "PtfTi? " llic." "h( iviir^'^rt^c srnr _ 7 es editorials, and articles contributed ( by the student body, the President's < message, humor and eountlesg other i ?-? things of merit- which one would nat-T uralXv look for when he knows that the "Panther" is a~"hiAdfPd per cent j*... Claflin publication. i M FAMkcSw'Vr JHliB i?* 7*ff >"v :. 5 +..?i ' -r I II J ? ; ; MR. W. C . Cnrnmittren: VWIOM NBWR King winter is here! This may b a reason for many among the olde ?roup being missed from church sel rices, Rev. Dr. Baten of Corinth Baptis Hhnrch preached njprnjing. and ever ing, also reviewed the Sunday Seho< lesson. At morning service the jur lor choir rendered music. Mifcs Rut McKissick is the efficient organist t ihe junior xboir. . Mrs. '.gallie I Young'has charge- of senior tfhoi aoth are rendering acceptable sei rice, and deserve to be commended. "Dealing with a slack hand" wa subject used by Pastor Baten Oi Sunday morning, "lifting up Christ, >vas subject on Sunday evenmt rhese sermonswere both Veil pr< pared and earnestly delivered, furr ishing food for thought. Senior Missionary Society of Coi tf>th held its meeting before evenin service, Mrs. Mattie Menter presidec The program ^rendered was -enjoye and the prayer service by the sistei was a spiritual feast. The next meel ing will be held at the home of Mr: VTattie Merited. All are invited t attend?"On business for the Kin should be the watchword. Mrs Parham and Mrs. Tally wer pleased to have their mother," Mr Beatty visit them. She was a plea: ani- visitor at Corinth while here. Mr. and Mrs. Bookmatuhad as hout (?uest, Miss Gilliam, a relative, wh enjoyed being in this hospitable honn The funeral of Mr. Arthur Ber son was held at Clinton Chapel A. ft E. Zion Church. A large number c relatives and friends were * presen Rev. Lomax, the pastor attend sei vices, Abrams and Moore were ur dertakers. Death 'has been a" fr< quent visitor in this family?just few weeks ago the mother (Mr Cheek) passed into the great beyorn Prior to this there were three or fot death.* with short interval* It i nut ours to murmur or complain ovt the ruling of Providence. "His wi must be done. Many here and elsewhere are i deep syjnpattiv"'witl^ Mrs. Benson an ?ntire family in their bereavement. Mrs. Salne Davis enjoyed her vis to Columbia, where she atteneded tb Fair. Miss Louise Blaekwddl spent th week end in Columbia with her motl ?r, Mrs. Nance. She. had a pleasar sta^. Mr_Fred Blackwell is enjoying visit in New York, and tender-regard to home folk " "Mteir'Katie 'Map-MtTreheatLleft-fc Columbia to take a business -cours at Holliway's Business School. W wish for her much success. We thank Mrs. Isabelle Fair fc |1.00 paid on subscription for I.eac err~ She wants it continued. Trust others who are still in ai rears wil catch up the Palmett Leader will still be road hv t Viot> Weekly customers are also expecte to hurry up with their dues. Eriends are pleased to pote tha Mrs. Mary .T. Nicholas is now at ih aid'.home with her brother and siste Mr.-and Mrs. W. J. Nicholas, on Foj ter street. She is much improve< All here are hoping that she will soo be fully restored to health. >^A letter from Miss Bernice Sarto ,^flin University, says that she i nicely with school worl whiclii vnew subjects have been take firs. Lf) requires much of her time, ned h2*?'ula ^ Roseborough has r< ere shk>'?"-r school work in Carlisli jut the'e has successfully taught fo Frieny l'ree years. f,? is ih Union are glad to rea is m< 'om Spencer once more. Thi cjmiT issed from the columns of th >eko -^? Leader for one or -tw p) f s-v- H?Pe correspondent will soo ^1 quite well and able to continu iting news letters, seeing that w lave interest in that section. . Miss Cornelia Hemdori, teacher a iom?t of Mrs. Tobin. Mrs. Digers an Armetta also j?ave "pop" call. Mr. Byrd.-student at Claflin spen :he week end here with homP folk. Mrs. Leonora Gist and friend, Mis Tones of Buffalo, N. Y., wei'e visitor scribe a pop -call, also visited Mc Beth Grammar' and Rims Hf" Schools r>n V-mdav fhey attended services _a Corinth, the home church, of Mrs Cist. ' _ Mr. Israel Humphries is reporte somewhat indisposed at this writing. Mrs. Amy Gist, faithful mcmheF"?) Corinth Baptist -Church, is alill con fined to her room. " "?_T .k ' - THE PALMETH By \v S( \s ^4K3bB^T1 \\ work soon. rl^_ ' - p r" Dr. I. D. Davis and Prof. C. ATLaw? son. naotored to Columbia on Wednesj day, - October 29th. . ; 2] Mr. Young of Arkansas who is re h j presenting the .W.oodman Fraternal. Order is in the city for a~few days." tt ' i Mr. R. NT. Evans, spent the week- h; | end with his family. M j Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Lawson, Mrs. ; >v imams, miss unariott LMggs ami w g Mrs. Minnie Brown," motored to Dar- p j* | lington Sunday to attend the Pee Dee ii I Baptist Association. Rev. I. W. WiU e ;e liams, attended during the entire 01 session. . . ' . . \v e j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barrett, Mr. r< and Mrs. Joseph Winthrop and child\ | ren of Charleston were the guests oL_?. Mrs Alice Gilliard last week.'. , tl t. j President, I. D. Pinson, and Dr. E. S( > j C. Jones motored to Col. Thurs. to i- . wjtnoes the Allen-Benedict Gamev ai ?- Mrs. Peari Spears very pleasantly di a entertained the members of the T. A. s. C. Club and a few invited guests on j*' i.! Tuesday night, Oct. 28. Five tables ^ ir ; were arranged for bridge. Flowers ~n is j tally cards and candies were all sug- a i.r gestive of the Hallowe'en oeassion . 11 j A course of very delicious chicken * j salad with hot rolls, sliced tomatoes Vanil l>h'fk coffee wa* si-yv..il : iLj Mr Herman Walker was host f'?r '' a number of his. friends with a stag ^ .1 uariy on HaTlcV.vo'en night. A jolly ie bunch was present and a jolly evening was spent. ' 1 Lincoln Hi won ih:a game of foot-" ball over Wilson .Hi in Florence on Friday, Oct. ."1st. Scores 8-0 c ^ a ? 1 "" " H Is ASHEVILLE/.NEWS "1 The Second Anniversary Celebra- ^ rr. TiorT bT~tlie BTVTTtt~*, the purpose of the club. g is . "The Queen Esther," a sacred can- Qi t. tata of five acts apd fifty voices will ^ n I be presented-at the city auditorium, Thursday, Nov. 13. Dr. T. A. Evan?i e] will appear as King, Mrs. W. A. Sig2, mon as Queen; Mr. James W., the ?r Queen's cousin and Mr. J. W. Brogden g Prime Minister. -jy d . Mrs.. Susie Richey, 235 Grove St., s wish to announce the marriage of her r, e| daughter, Anna Helen, to Mr. John ' 6 | H. Whitson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. ^ n 1 Whitson, of Washington, D. C.,.form- j e erly of Asbeville*'N.-G.- The ceremo? e ny was performed in Washington, ~D. C., on Monduy, Oct. 20, at the home of Rev. Wm. H. Jermagin, 1341 third , j Street, N. VV. Mr. ami Mrs. John H. Whitson, Jr., is at home, 2312 On. ta,rio Road, Washington, D. C. . " The Annual Conference of the C. ? M, E. Church ' fOTtvened at Brown*?._v ,'g Temple. C. M. E .Church, WednesiHay, ' Lewis \V Thompson,'Jr., 38 Clirtffntan ^ Ave., Telephone 34.TO, .. d Do Most Of Your t Trading With Our Ad- ^ ^vertisers. > --s?-? ?-?:?. . ~ ' , i. iiof. X >> M-l'l , ro LEADER LAI KENS NMS S ==**= Sunday was a beaut Uu I day, alihoj; dd. . Nevertheless many found the.i ay to the various ehurcV.es, ^t. Paul, ] ethel ~A. M. E? ML Pi win, 1'ri ; i /terian and Springfield liauti-t. The } jrvices, were spirited. The pastoi,, ev. White, preached u soul stirring-; i ;rnion both morning-and eVening. l unday School opened at 'it, usual.] i finr'Wlth fflttX' ^In'dais ami tt t> In * 1 resent. The communion service was ! ot to be held bqfore eonfc ten-^ Lc are hoping that all will be wall nd -pleasant?and : hut all i , . id be satisfactory met. All utixil- !( tries-areTook in'jf "forward t?> lliuircfect. -'--e | We are sorry to t:e_p_orL.lvja'._ .Mr^. Men McDanieL was stricken a lew ays ago with paralysis. ? M_i^ .Samuelspent tht. week. r>d\in~ the cityrS?- guest of lps- pai nts. ' Th,, A. C. E. League is progressing i? ely under the leaders?.'p of Mr. loi.nie. Leake. ^ "The Harvest* Home, .Festival"- giv- ' n on Monday night itj tbt: Imst'ine1ii__ f the church was one among the reatest events of -season-.? Mr. lugene Anderson was "auctioneer" nd not a produce of any kind was , 'ft unsold. The Popularity CTwHo-d? as aiso a great feat. Miss Berniee Washington I>eing the most popular; lisfc Mattie Fuller, next; Misses Amy filler and Nannie Lyles last, but not ,r.o? ^affh line ran luch-y-.?Proe^n* ading business section""o7"TTm cfty. Ir. S. Sullivan is of course in "the | *ad among taihuv, Mr, A in. tl Bark, ale comes next while Messrs Wm. i loore, Chas, Irbyt and Henry Hud- ; ena are among the barbers, and so ( lany other business enterprises. Mrs. L. W. Thompson spent a fe\y j ays in tip, eit.v as truest of Dr. ami CHers enrout(? lrom Kitti'el college | here she accompanied l\vi,i of her lildren, Mr. Joe llunter aceunipan ^ d them also, Key. (J. I*. Barksdale and son, left >r their homes-Virginia and Kenicky, respectively, during the \\veel'.^! ltho' on a sad occasion they wish 1 > relate that their stay was. indeed, ijoyable and they were delighted in ' ;eing so-many old friends. s The, reporter wishes to thank Mr. .'I). Wearing, Alabama,".Rev. Barks- 1 ale, Kentucky, Mesdames Mary E. ' /"Kitener, Anna Todd, Miss Mattie 1 uckett and Prof. Garrett for sul>-,-x bribing to the Leader. * . . * Mr, Willie Edgar Thompson spent ie week end in the city as guest.of_J is father" aud other relatives. i i Rev. and Mrs. G. 11. White an- t as been named Katherire Mae. ' lother and daughter are doing fine. I The Sunday School Gleaners P.ally I hich is to he given Sunday "Nov. Pth a romises to be a great success. The \ ttlt? folk are quite busy with their ( leaner?. j Mt.-Zion opened its doors Monday v ith the same faculty and a large enill men?. as usual. We are triad to report Miss .hilia IL , ullivan is again aide to be up under ie efficient care oft Dr. T.. \V. Thorn p>ti.. Mr. and Mrs. MeWilliams wish to rtnounce the marriage of their little auprhter. Miss-'Abbie, on Wetjnesday ceiling to Mr. Willie Davi* at "the ome of Rev. Levant. Mr. Davis left ? undav for N'ow York, where lie will . side and send for the little lady ln~^ few days. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dently, Win- ^ on-Saletn wish" to j announce the ^ irth of a son, who has henn enry Jr.- Mrs. Dendv'was Miss Vila ?* Br, D.' W. Thumps,.n motored fa shevill,, Saturda'y eveninp- to visit is family. Mr. John t'utman, Jr., sjfc-n.t the J eek end with relatives. { ^ We were pleased to see so rfiany of j tp older members back at Bethel .rain Sunday, especially Mrs.: J. unter, Mr. Fred Hudjfens and little, 1 Bi 1 lieBarksdale, Baby Daniel Wear ip. Mr,?Jomth?Sheppnrd- arnL Mrs. ^ rthu,r East. I.ittle Billie is a c? .1/11 ? U.? * were filled to their capacity. Rev?J. C. Letman is still preaching ., ood interesting sermons at Glover, nd Mt. Hebron A. M. E. Churches, j Jc hope that he will return to us m nother year. Rev. Ware the pastor of Springfield &ptist Church preached another one y f his helpful sermons Sunday; he as been pastor of this church 'for l, velve consecutive years and has-been lected pastor the thirtenth year. , w Mt. Olive Baptist Church Choir ri if Abbeville ..sang foi4 ,Springfield cl unday. Mr. Wordlaw the leader of Id. Olive was at his best. . R Miss-Eloree Simptin of- Florida that t( !\s beep here visiting her sister and d< inther, Mrs. Eloise Raindrop and ^ Irs. Harriett Johnson has returned h r>me. Mrs. Eloise Raindrop accom- O unied her as far as Hamlet, N. t\ Rev. W. T. Edmund spent a fe*v v eeks with his brother and son-in- ^ iw, Mr. Gary Edmunds and Mr..* eece Ware. ~ ^ Mrs. Rosa Wiley spent three weeks " i Detroit with her. neice. Mrs. Rosa R ilman. Mrs. Hilman. accompanied ^ or homo to 1)0 at tho hod side of ?j ?r sick mother, Mrs. Julia Glover. |p Last' Monday Mrs. ftosa Hilman i rul~ Mrs. Wiley enjoyed ~ 0*' J, ispitalit.V of Bishop W. E. Fallot. r id his prood wife of Atlanta, Ga. Mfg. WflTo IVtr and Mra.-^W iiliain.p.' ingrloton wore tho happy quests of p rs. Ware's Father-in-law, Mr. Hen- hi r~Waro ' . ' ' I : .Mi'. Aha; yttitnrn Tm(t~tTT?'r''VTi mid sisli-i v. I'l'l' till.' Sunday I if -rHr t?sc .Mmrun ( a 1 h(uin_ thMr. ami Mrs. Round tret- and Miss Minna* ("allitiun. in|i?-rii-d si liuul at ?Alt. I arnieL .. . ,. \V?- art* (flad :ttj say that Mrs.. Julia [ilovt-r iv specdv rtitiivi-rintr . !Mi'. Uliar,! Hill ;tr,f Air. Maha -- 1? Mill. ar<- "ii tin- sii k ji'st- ^v?- hopi- for thvn\ Si spi < ~it,~, tin- EVi , nuiud family. . " , . I Mrs.. Eloisc Raindrop. planning to -vh*4- Irer^dck sfs'ter . nl'. I'lm-ida. , To our surprise llir door bell of ! Mr. .Julia (Hover ranjf at 5:ehiui| term and luutw htt.'k to C|ew-.nJ'l and. / *' 4 'Mr. .lame Kelbure aiiderw en'' a ? ieriotis operation last Sufiday-. His liauv friends and r< lativv^.iti pcay-- - I iiK for hisK'eiivery. - j Mr. Ke!|o-.r w i|| be reni.-.mi>..jdu > -Si p oiitiM Smith (arolinu Suite OoRejre, is *'.i Mill tie " j | Ml-s. Malic! Sutton. Anderson. en P es tiiiiK 'l a ninnbel* *"?1" her-fritsm'.s at I )' "* birthdav' party.. -They were jir p nu-'cil wit!? BriiJth' ami Whist alom? ' I vi-h imrsie an I jokes. Those enjby- v P id'the p:t>- were: Dr. R. -X'. Harris.; | ilr. ami M'-' Cien. Smith, Mr.- an-1 51 hi-.-. J. .1. Holmes.. .Mr. ami .Mrs. II. h? y M'?.si IV. Mi\ a 1,(1 'Sirs. W. I.. -Srttr. on M's-os Re.-se. Yert'irf I..eo- ? lai i.l. I\kiy. Woi iii. Renin1;1 'Slitto'i. ill's. R. ('. C.ioper, an"?th- St;, .s - ? nut h improved. . ?. NINETY-SIX NEWS On Sunday. Oct. 20th the rnemhovc ' f Bethlehem Baptist Church met ac-. ording to previous appointment to acaney made by the resignation of low A. T. Dixon. After cons id eraion. Rev. H. M. Taylor of Columbia vas unanimously eleetcd. Sunday. Nov. 2. he made hi- first innenrani'.. as iinol hl .nrd at d-u.Vbvk ho u-nal hour for preaching services ? ie ascended the rostrum and introUieed himself to his members in >reaching a sermon of lone remotntrarice and will oven liv0 in t.he minds nuL hearts of all present, and long ?efo?iu-die concluded we were verily leciib'd thai Rev Dixon's r'ght sue essior had been found. > At S ri'clock. Sunday night he again j, tirre'd his audience from the pnhot -l u the rear 'of the church by preach- ^ evt. Man. This ?ormon \v7Ts'amn-~-? erpiece and as such We all proclaim- : 'd as one of old,' "it is good for us o hy here." Total collections for the lav \Vas $25.00. On,, of fh,? great** t e\eiits fhat lias wr" occurred at Hvthlehem Church ias the pilgeanl conducted !>y Mrs. I. \ I'arker. Thursday night. Oct, Otli. While Mr. T. .). Aiken presidd at the piano and rendered excel- ' lit music. Tliis play consisted of o .-participant* or mnic.' all repro?-f anting the noble women of the Bible. """ t proved a proat^ inspiration to all' ihl(. readers.- Mrs. Parker is indeed zealous, and earnest ehurch.'worker. '! nd has hut few'equals in the state, os. Bethlehtffvi Church wop Id he. lone without her. fljid verily .she ought e encouraged. ^Miss Richie gJVan attended Hallo'- ^ een night at Mr. and Mrs. Ed Porin's Oct. 'loth, given liy the senior V "ass of Brewer. ' . .Prof. R. P.. Dean, principal of the! oherson Training School of Max- f n. N. C.. Mr. Grover C. I>ean, sUi?nt at A. and T. College. Gretnshoro I (' Mr. Roosevelt Dean, sen- . ir Vcallege student at State College. rangehurg. Mij^-iio-i111ia >1.?Dciittt" ?gji tachyr thEoosville Hi School, T.oosilie. Mrs. Mattio, Dean Jahher, teach r * in Ninety-Six High School of ' reerwood made a short visit to their mtluir and {father. Mr. and Mrs, ,1. . Dean Saturday, Nov. 1st Their re so nee was very much enjoyed. (Irover went away very much dis ppoimert tteratrse- -ho did nut- tret?ainnoo to se,? Misses Mary .too and ? oniiio I.ark. . Mr. George Itoan. and Wilson .of ?* ohnston. were the- Monday evening I ues'ts of Sir. and. Mrs, ;f\ R. Wan on ov. Tlrd, ' "AUv BoofcSv~4k Btoeher^Tetnvned 'to7 ? rower Normal on Nov. .1, to.resume Ts studies. . , Mrs. R"lta ??ales. let't Nov. : >. to vis T ~hrr sick father. Mr. IVfol"*? Satehell Tio is seriously ill in ChaHotte, N. C. f Mr., jftnd Mrs. Jftfk Tllll pf Gold vf ??? . . ' .. ?: r page three lit1. .HM-micd rtf'Trrr; " TvAT. Tit thiriv iv, .Viv. :ii '! '. . . ~ . J recommend Black Iframdiijtor J | blllousie-s.-. and constipation." p" J Sold by all druggists. ? ! 8 .' ? ? > Iht'Olorijs "1/ BLACK PRAIGH1; B I ?1*GKs ,-ShUS Ir... i Constipation. Indigestion, I ' ' Regal Drug Store I IJl \\ A\ SI u \ GOOD JM.ACC T?) THAl>K ust ji hail' ? i'.-ci; 1"l- ii-: Mam on . i mm- ji ' 'all I s I or Your Drug Needs .">.*)( 17 ? 0171 7AN-0-UN SYSTEM In Beauty Culture "Niive FAN-O-I.IX liyir. Scalp ['VaiairulV "jirrl" Tarter- Preparations I" "trial. Their ivunh * has been mm ei;.?-ttrgi-".1 m i! \-S. : Pat- l~ nt Office. WANTED. W rite for lernn M ide ,y -h Mine Fannie L. Carolina 102il Hi^ii Market-Street . - GK. K'Ct-Ti 5 C ' 6 ? is a i ?Pro r.ri.pl-hm for ' COI.HS and HEADACHES .is i'ii- irn^! Mioedv ieinctC known ' (idii.uilsu in Tabids. , Special {Vices far Teachers and StiulenJK-^-Hest Material l.sed-I |>-'To-Pale Workmanship 01 !( K SERVICE SHOE < REPAIR * SILQP Prompt Delivery Service ^ 121 W:*?hini>'ic>n ST., Phone 21037 DM 11U1 >S0>: .1 ACK SCOTT I'llKSTON JOHNSON -t 1 '' trr INSURAN CE I'he Greatest Investment in the ? AV7rrT