Saturday, September 13, 1930. " ' ... A CHURCH NEWS OF g. O. S. TO THRMVOMEN or THE WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY SOVTII CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Extracts t'rom a leUer received by .the SUite Tor responding eretary from Mrs. Dyn Brunrtmi't, National -Chairman of the Jubilee, F.vanstun, Illinois. 1, The Gold Certificate Procession al occurs on the .evening of October r 18th in. Masonic TenypteT-Ctrfnnhati. / Q Every Conference that has reported one or more "Gold-Certificates is' risked to havP ipC Corresponding seureiary mftV??h in the -procession.? 3. Order of march will be alphabetical. *T 4. All?Secretaries?are1 a eked?to -wear white "and go bareheaded. ft.?A Gold Shield will" be piTivuh'd each Secretary, on which will be ^^m-lnted the name of Conference and money raised for Gold Certificates. . (\Y?> hnvo' S-.oon IWI \ ' " G. As the nanie pf each Confer~ Vtoce i?--ea1lc^'s ? Corresponding Secretary will march 4o the platform with the golden shhdd in hand back id Iter on the screen will appear the figure^- raised' l\v her Conference; " tTip shield will then he placed' at tht foot of' the cross. A golden halloor will he released outside the temple for ev?iw # $1*000 Hashed on the * scree?). . "'-j. The shield will be given your Secvotary at the close oft the meeting tc hei's: Remember if you do rmt?semi?m?yrrm?routine ent from each Auxiliary in the State- your secretary will not be there to represent f your Sta.te, Act at once, send money to Conference Treat*.;' Mrs. E J . Small, t? 17 Coming St., Charleston S. C. . Respect full v, MAMIE E. FIELDS, Conf. Corresponding- Secretary ri:thi,i.iiim ( ih hcii news A meat number- of bright face? greeted the snnerint.-iifli nt and teach ers Sundry morning at 10 o'clock After devotion teachers took ollUrgt of their ircjeellve cla-^-e for thlrlj minutes. After which a ..brief review of the lesson was made by the pas tor. At i 1 :.{*? Rev. I.. llollowuj pleached a nol'?lt. sermon using ' foi -his subject "Stay ?>n the joL." ?: The service in the H.. V. P. U. a 6 o'clock \vas very impressive and dk verv -much to encourage the yoiinii people. The program ehargi of Miss Mary 1.. Ford and fa 1.1. ant worthwhile. ? Our 4ir-W. i.i pri.prei-idug?numeiicall> a-, will a?tinaneinlly.?Wj are very proud of-our-president, l)ea coon N. Worthy wlm is trying to di his best, At 8;U0 p. 111. the pa-tor Rev. S H. Smith preached one. of her sou . stirring sernioonr, using as'her sub jeet, "The burning hush." Fx..tins 3 Mi The spiritual fervor was high fron the pulpit to the i!d had d?n' ????tor us,? We are all looking forward to th< paper dress^ contest which will taki 8 "o'clock. Our pastor is leaving the city . Mon ' ' day night* to, conduct a meeting ii " (lastonia?for Rev, Rgrk. - We wis) for her much success. I)on't forget that.. our .revival wil * start oo Sundtiy night, Sept. 9A. Wi are expecting- a great meeting. ST. JAM ICS A. M. F..CHIRCH ? The superintendent: called Ith. School to order promptly at 10:00 g m. The opening-?exercise ha.vini been completed, the teachers too charge of their respective classes The review was given by Miss Nor Harris. After which Mrs. Klla Msj ) Owens gave a splendid talk." i- At 11:30 we were favored with ; strong and convincing sermon by ou .*? .pastor, Rev. E.'Dixon on the'sub ject "Christ, The Fountain-."""" A ti.mes tt|v house was on fire with th Holy .Ghost.. Tiie Cord's Supper wa administered to a large number. The session of the L eague was liv ly and worthy of praise. Again at - S o'clock Rev. Dixo from the subject: "Self Deriiai7*-==X a result of the powerful sermon on lady took advantage of the opportu nity and joined the church. The members, and friends of th above named church were glad to se Mrs. Maggie Young out after beUi confined to her bed for several week! V BETHEL A, M. E. CHl.'KCH NOTE* ~ A full school of- hu.Vs aruigrrhrAva* present Sunday morning to bear ol ..^-4 "fid study the life and \yorl^ of th young King Josiah. After whie the school was entertained by Mis: ? Bliabeth?Reese, damoiistrating ji = chart composed of pictures r^pr^ant port of some of the subjects discusse< at the state convention in Charlestoi which she attended as delegate fron ^^he Sunday School. The services tov B^i-e very good Sunday with Rev Bu^h preaching two very good Her a. m.,and X p. m. as fount Hkjl: 1 and Joshua 4:19, respec ^Khjecta (Enlarging the Kinj, ^^ature Provides no He ?that) - bull interest seendngl\ ^udoyed quite f ^age by th> lit'ii.' |kfiene I III SOUTH CAROLINA ^ * I : , ' 1?m?the League which was highly ~ 1 pleasing. We again thank Prof. Hi. i liort for his wholesome an^ inspira I tional message; also Mr. Hope Grant | for' a very good musical number and I invite you to come again. -Anions it he visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Spears i of Sumter, S.' C. on the sick-list. Inquire about them and heln them when you can. J 5 0 1 ' *" " I CHAPPELLE STATION NEWS Sundav. AtlP" ^-^d t4ro?frmrth ?r?r4-l last quarterly cosferenee was held at 'V above named church. A full day having been spent all returned to hear the^elder at ?:30 p. m. Elder Lyles preached a wonderful sermon ?which waft enjoyed by all. After the ' sermon he held the quarter which I j was very good.. The elder spoke very i I 'commendable concerning Chappelle Station and its members. | The "church seems to be satisfied I with the pastor and ask for his re-j II turn. We had many visiting friends ' among who were Rev. L. G. Bowman,] | fVof. H. W. Bumgardner and many , others whom we are always glad to j ! i have. Chappelle Station wishes her i 11 friends to come. FIRST CALVARY CHURCH NEWS Sunday School was attended by a1 ) Jarge. number of girls and boys who received helpful (. discussions on the ' life of Josiah, a young but fearless r king, who discharged his duties and ' saw to it that ;hisi people obey the u law ofo God. At 11 a. m., we were greeted- by the pastor, Rev; S. S. Youtlgblood, who has been away at tending the ? Natioonal Convention. We listened to a report from the Convention and learned that such men --as Dr. Modeeai Joohnson, Kelly Mil' ler, Judge Harris ahd Grand Exalted _ Ruler Wilson delivered addresses., We were proud tb learn that of the Carolina- stands 19th and First Calvary leads in South Carolina in giv ing to?foreign ""missions,? After* the report we listened to a very helpful \ sermon from J^eu. 8:2:. "And , th.ou shalt remember all the wav which the ' Lord led thee these forty yars in the : wilderness,, to humble thee, and to prove to thee, to^know what was in thine 'heart, whether thou wouldst I pastor stressed the point that we should be mindful of the blessings God,has given us and not be ready to grumble- all the time. We. are indeed grateful to Rev. T. I.. Duckett who served us duriug the = -abng service" brought to them through the courtesy of Mrs. Janie Roof and hef jubilee choir of Jones Chapel A. M. E. Zion Church, Sunday afternoon. They thank the choir. They thank th? eholr for the funds donated for fruits. ? , ? T^he inmates are eagerly awaiting Sunday afternoon when they are hop. ing. to be entertained by the young petypt^ of Ridgewood and Eau Claire? Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Page of Wesley. M. E. Church visited,the camp recently. Some very ertaite - - i -1 v. u i ncic ^ iuii iu see rvev. ruuia wife at Alt. Hebron Sunday. There were lots of visitors in town last week. Miss Bessie Rollinson of Willington was the guest of Miss Mamie Belches during thp last .wpefr. ! Calhoun Falls motored tn Iva last Saturday and turned back Iva to the J tune of 7-5. We .had it in for Iva (..who whipped us 20.-6 on the 4th of ; July. The game last Saturday was ; thrilling. Calhoun's pitcher was in rare form. He whiffed 17 Iva-men. His best innings were the 8th, and 9th when he fanned six straight. Hen| ry Cade got a circuit blow in the 8th that decided the game fur us.?UNION NEWS. Revival meetings- in rural district and nearby towns are-about over; all ?report a aui'i'gssTtH Season and berr efit derived. Rev. Dr. Lomax of the Zion A. M. E. Church spent a week or ten days assisting his son, young Dr. Lomax. The meeting was well attended and sinners converted' to I God. ? The funeral of Mrs. Jennie Brandon was Jield at Zion A. M. E. Church Dr. Lomax, pastor. A number of relatives and friends .attehdfed. Rey. Lomax spokp commeridably of the Christian life of the deceased. Melt issick and Son, Undertakers. Revival services at Bethel A. M E. Church are in progress.- Rev. [Dr ^Johnson is still at the helm. v j Dr. Lilliari A. Sartor is .endeavor i inn iu re>urre? tnp r eaeration AJlut in this city. One or two meetings have been held and the outlook is encouraging. Mrs. Rosa Dawkins, one of our teachers at McBeth is back from the mountains. Miss Cornelia Herndor is on the way. Mrs. A. M. Montgomery has just closed a'summer session in I.aurens County. These wil report for duty at McBeth Grarnfhai School. Out of town teachers are again with Union folk. - Rev. J.-A.-Baten. pastor -oCUorinth Baptist Church continues to preach the gospel with power; a splendic congregation is in attendance at each service. ' \ _ _ Mrs. J ulia. Par ham, on N. Pinckney Street will leave on Thursday foi Columbia, where her son","Douglass will enter Benedict College. May success attend his efforts. Kev.. and Mrs. Baten are grateful to Mesdames Frazier, Rogers . and "Thompson for the nice things sent them; they- ask that you "ibe not weary in -well doing." Mrs. pracie Johnson is better ami able to attend services more regularly. Mrs. Julia Thompson returned from Anderson where she attended the funer aloT Her mother-iii:JEwi Mrs. Mfcry Thompson. ~ Junior and senior choirs of Corjinth are rendering well selected "music, with Miss McKissick and Mrs. S. B. Young as organists. Misses Willie and Dewey McDowell lef^ for Rock Hill and Chester, respectively to resume their r school work as teachers. A card from Mrs7 J. S. Daniels states that she is in Baltimore, Md., : :having?a "dee4y tiiue1' anil Ha" rah Mae is quite happy. Mrs. Anna H. Sims had as dinner guest, Mrs. Mary Davts Peblar." A most palatable dtnner was served by the hostess, who sweetens har with "smiles. , . Mrs. Annie McK. Tucker spent a v . 1 *' - *7 * jgaM"!iflniTit ir - i ... i i: .?. ? ITO LEADER ' few days with parents, Mr. and Mrs. M\ C!' MeKissick. Miss Maud McKlsfiiekv accompanied Mrs. Tucker to Tryon, N. C... where she will be gues't [for-a we?k. ? Mrs^Wartha SartTTr aod daughters were pleasant visitors at*""hoTho of your scribe. Mr*. Mary K. Co^erhatr: Mrs. Lilly bawKms, Miss Th<-lma rind Floyd were also a m ong?tko- - xuimheiv Mesdames Katie Kedrick. Sallib 15. Crawford and- MUs Anna Thompson spent a delightful visit in Greenville guertr, of Mrs. Addie -Miller. __ Mrs. Lula Mae Farr enjoys reading the Palmetto Leader and will take a cop^. each week. Mrs^ Minnie Blackwell is nmv in Ontario .visiting 'relatives. Come again Mr. Mentor and others. Many thanks are tendered Re v.'"and Mrs. Baten also Mrs. AnnabelU- B Renwicks for" courtesy extended ?'Mrs. Daisy Lee Dnvm war w pi<-uant visitor at Corinth on Sunday. Weekly subscribers to the Leadei ai>. again requested to 'ittlc aiu.i.i.v j ast due. - Mr. mid?Mix. All run?' hiiilh oi?r~ Orange, N. J., weiaj, pleasant visitor-, at the home of Rev. and Mrs:. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Willie Davis, Jr., and children -aeeompamed?rheTir " back 'TTo New Jersey, where they Will probably spend some time. . m ? . AIKEN NEWS. '^The beautiful and palatial honie of Mrs. C. F: Holland was the scene ,ol' a very pleasant and unique party on Wednesday evening, August l.'llh. Invitation^ had been sent out for a "Plate Party,"" each guest was a-ked to bring a plate?in other words her supper. When the dozen or more plates were assembled on the (lining table thtye was a bountiful and -yaJ'led display of food.?Alter the ladu-~ had spent a most enjoyable houi chatting, they vrent in to supper. The genial hostess passed ice .cold lemonade. Every one clamored anothei party and Mrs. Phemia Peeples invited the ladies to her home lor the next repast. A party of "exceptional henutv ;n>?i enjoyment was had at the beautiful home of Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Met!hue last Fftdav a1 ternoon. The occasion -was thj. celebration of the t'th hirth day of'their little daughter HJlie. There were fifty of her little friend? .present to enjoy the evening. Tlu living and dinirie rooms were attract ively "decorated In green .and wlifte On the center of. tht, dining room table was a huge cake with nine can dies representing th^ aee of little Miss utile, who was the recipient oi many beautiful f gifts.0 Ice cream cake, peanuts and candy w ere -served. The many friends of .Mia. 'Frankit Pal more Coleman will I.,. - I. >- > ????? vxr Miurivni U. le?rn of her death which occurred lu;jt week. The funeral was held at YaJ ley Fair Baptist Church" on " 2 . -Oranitevilk', S. C. : Air.?and?Mrs.?Willie?in.?a*companied by Mesdames Mary Masr > Matilda McFarlhnd^ tnd lie." Qu.ittlebaum, niother rf Mrs. Cuoiiklin, motored tu? Edflvi'ield. last S uiday v. v;sit reitrrive^ v 7 Mhts^-fcUureua H- Landy left iu-t Sunday for Leesville wh,ere h,. w:.l spend a short vacation with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. ^1, W. 1 .n >1\ . ! ? Patif. R7 1..- Hick sin is now. ..I s His many friends here wish for lli'a great Success in his new field of la bor. family have Returned tu their hoi in on Fairfield street after y pen Jin's three .weeks in New Yopk, and Phila delphia. " ' Mrs. W. M. McGhee, accompanies by Mr. \V. M. McGhee, Jr., and liei ' daughter, Mrs. Beatrice liams motored to Albany, Gu., las ! week to visit-relatives. 1 ThtjL.Aiken Trio will appear in con 1 ceiTTSt the Andrew Robertson lnsti . tute, Moonday. ;Sept, "22. p. in These-talented-ybung ladies art- bool ed for several performances. ^Thosj appearing1 are Misses Mary Price soprano, Mary Bradley, piano am . Lillian Harris, Dramatic Reader. Mrs , M. B. Price is the directress.. ( Mrs. Evetta Jones has returned t' . her home on Union street after spent ing a very pleasant vacation'in Brims wick, Ga. , Cumberland A. M. E. Church New* ( The teachers and scholars wet; very glad to see their superintendent Mr. \V. M. McGhee; back iti SuTuTa | School after an absence of thre . weeks. He gave a glo "ing acco'.tn , of the Sunday Schools he visited i: New York and Philade'phia. i Avery large cong'vyation?greet -f ( d the naStoT -it rhJrirrCTirmW ^r.+-, I i.t pumterlahd Sunday a'tul we wer , l,??Kd with an exc -Aem* nigssag celivered from John*. "Beh.?i? ~ the man11 The mn/at'i* Sunday ev . tninir was fuTTTh from Acts~r jj. " Subject: "The Christian sdut.v am ! ' livilego ' The following persons were-visi i tors at the morning, service: Mrs I Ethe Siflford, of Philadelphia, Pa. tMts. Jiiltff" Tudd, Sshevilte-?N-. Mrs. Emma Haynes, of Ehrhard Mrs. Hill, of Greenville, and Mrs I Virginia Childs of Savannah, Ga. .'Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Jennings, Rc^ I and Mrs. A. B. McGhee, and Mis I Callie Johnson, attended the Sunda; L Si'liuul TtmveWtiun of the Clindento'i u"District which met in Graniteville. , The pftstor and members of Cum bertanct were very glad to see si~tn Janie Pearce, and sister Rachel Jen kins in church Sunday morning; hot I ~ f 41 ? * 1 ui inese gouu woi'Kers nave heen - icl for several weeks. Mrs. Janette Bland, returned to thi city last week after spending tie summer in Asheville, N. C. j; ? UNION I'KAVKR SFRV l( K. H I!I I. AT THE OLD Ol.KS HOME. Si N DAY, AT 4. P. M. _ -???ti ? ?1:?J Orangeburg^- ?St- <.h=Tfae- linltFZ members of William Chappelle A. M. E., St. Paul Baptist and Fourth Bapi'tr'r<;''T>MMttia*Vl'' I i' ..wr'..-.- ' - uLiiLri ... >?l tist Churches iiict at the Old Folk's Iloini'., Sunday P. M. J" it 11ym?i--- A Charge 4.0 Keep 1 Have; lead Irr?brm her J. ('. Conner. Cladness, C?,me Befme His Presence Bible Verse: Serve '1 he Lord With i singing. 'One hundredth Pralm. L'nd ynr-rr PeT?nrV he ' >,r?Qn v ti'i'fr'm? St *L.ptist Ci:jj\l.. }'.nd h\tnn j .'vitrr Jrrrr-.ifat th>- cf:?_ I'AkniL^^A . eon _ , Men and boys asked?solemnly for -prayer.-The^oid folk- were made to feel glad. We are always. happy in do-Jtiuir. .^i< k. and heipiosMir:" Streeter'tr oar ready jong :tej A'lwdys. glad .? inormnt?. Hai opton S' lliyh St-lfutil .opened it>-~dunrs .-with iin < ! < av?l <11" rhihltV*!!.' Alii" ', pat entx~ ntfd . visitrrr??wito Jil'esent fuj; tt. vK.voiioiial 'exercises; aft" n.-1itri m.t rcjiiai j^s '-*\"er?- nfai'.ehy ih of; Sander.-; Key .White and ; . t.htrs. - . AlL.' I n \\. ilia it is of ('hi^inttutt i. t fhiu.-.aii-! J tjaiilif ltelle Vo!.!,]' of t'harlote. N. < I .. v ,d v'H ts of Air.' an I Aits.. If ,j>. 11olined. . . Air. aii-l All.-. I ?.r. .i I lturkt tl ia.vuiii pa lti'x i I?y Alls. I. i~< lie William, inoto: ; I~ei"T In ( iiniTTTr,?;.TT i ' 11. I- Mrs. \ wiftii Da'\i- ami son Willi-'' , are in the i'it\ I loin Ni. V. _ ~ i "AlrJ I.. -J?. _\\ Mi:.-, t'lmrit . r i t hy mid . AI as. ^Nannie Inc. a an I _ Mm. AV-illh-. l/rrvis Aveia di'mier rui'y. >' of Air. and Alls. A. If. lireen. riday > M ri -G+eeo. and Vfeaemp :ita?AVn 11 \- . . . ;tu.- aim . tii-ar. uM jial.-. Mr', r- \Wrt~Hir i.-'n' Tn K(-rv I ! < ~yi unl" rtTTt ' i \ i? itinj; Air; ami-'Mrs. Kit-il 'H ""afitl utlu-r ri-lati\v-f. [??Xiir in4mM??-f?n of-.Mr. atnl -Mr.-. Ai. i?. In (in; Iit*t- i n11I.-Ini:iif i' uiuiiifi iii lni'ii a"ny i ijn: jj- a1111 11 a i li n r (11 TP I nil. I I' |f, i l.i-l , I - I ' ; i I I . I .1 i i . ' liui'ine llit- Wffk. : j* Mi*silanm I ?a\vkib<. Allfnt Franks 1 an,I. Air ' 11; 11 I?- > k rank hi.itaif ' ' j >?i L-|i.n tlikin g il ii iii^ - t in* wt-.-l; ' Mr. '1'lioinn- Owvns V. a-. tai:-i:?TT~ I t n li-w 'la> f ng'iijliut i.-. 11ii{rt injf. I Alt:. Alar, Mi Mm n-, war liw-."t-.-*-# |A\ t'-iliii-: ila \ a 11 t-i i a a iii, I,, iiit- "M.i , I l til. IBu> 11 if: r ( lulj U ilh, a L'ii t! ! rrwWtl rrl1?rrrt'M11???'-TS Hint"'lf-i Hit- -4ni-trrrrr-r" itll^-lit I III I I t-aiil lilltl takr \\ ar ,-l'ff f " j' ?Air- . 'A'.?Al: i.l.iL.i.; tup- it-1 at in-i! i tlu- t 11 y t?1 ttn- ili-1if/lii1',ii' |i?-r luiiii, j M.V ? y*--,U ii I i o lln1 il j .Siiiuieiy: at a delightful dinner ii, libiiui' ii-! ,?i kaninc I..U- :* > - i 1 j R?i.-:i I.. In-ndv uh.i Will in a tea ..I ua v; Kavi- i?.i' I'liUt-k-i* t.r ii1- it an* "t hi-i i j studies. I lioii- .present, Were Ah*, a d !? .Mrs. (Hiphaift. .Mr.- aiiil .Mir. M*-\\ il liai.'r, Allr. tA'Vant. Mirr.e:. Rura t >'heplii*dl. Abide .MoW illianis. 'ttnd 1'. ~ \\ at tv.'tvb liar Jfjfd returned Tyo. k 11 ifi* it." . 7 . e id v i lit-ok ii',' .(ii t-ciu ilic \\as-iia_ J.uest ol .Miss .Mattic lhicketl nit St-ir. 1 day. Master (lliajlej; Jr. is \isiiitio lit Misses Priscilla Sheltoii aiW -('miicii.? l); Raima-.'. 'j .aai.y l'i4iin?ls ol' Mr" Millie -1 faille was prieVed to hear ?.?fhis su'dk I dctf tHiu-ss and death mi Sunday. lie '* was funcralifced 'in 1 U-iHlcrSonvdie ^|\vhei'c lie has! resided fur tin- past a- years. ^ ! j.Mrs. Mary Sapp and .'daughter Mr-! t'^V111 le VVhitnei; were guests of. .Mi : .. j Nctie k" Thursday uidil m',! "I nn Friday morning they vvciv guest l-oj Ali. an I ^'-s. John \S illiains fur ?|?|jecaJcl|loucheoil- FrrdaV^jtt tha uiotiier. . ~ j Mi. W illi.- Farl Whitner ami wit'". _ :.?\-uiii|i;.iiit-.i l.iy their yuiiilg .v.?n an.; ~ ?.llitM'S?u.'ic iI'l11111 i?> in ? rs?nf?Htt? j ami ,U;>\ I . V Di-n^ly on Friday. Mi-. Minnie. Franklin M'miv v>t' .\. V. r|.'<*nt tin: ]V;-t ttt'rk \iiiting . lat ivrh . ^ ...Mi . J (<. r t.ua11 and mother Mi . : at?Mtr~ii?'inV Vt,Ali-v. Stuai t'? mother CAM III \ M Wti * Jur-t as n?-vfs *w?*re t>. th. ^ 'l 'l~ t ' t'111 .f,1', | ' ii^ ial. tu^k plave h riilay i-vening. t'n.w ut \ aindt n- t.'Ui.n ril.n'ri;r?Lun?ttuiir. The. bereaved oues. are really and ^ tru+i sympathised'< with. This ha _ hei-n a war nf -i.-kn..-- M'ir.t I.H 11;- it'll ;"t I'iw to outer 111 at the ? r^traitflit irate. r> T 1,11' l'uluot to f+-jjtler one?rrt* ttlO . 'lentfimr e'nlnretl papers an.); widely ?feyf'-'iTT** ' I'f- in subscribers ami >?* wlieo you haveciiieWs of-iutoivst ami wish to subscijiWse?? Mi:Kr-.l,,l??i,?He K. 1), tVlcn^ es, atf'ent for the same. We art' tt??tof -making tUts a strong puLli. Rev. \V. B. Bouhle.r, pastor Bethel A. M. E. Church (to be for it is yet ~ ' , t:'v " \ ? ' . ' *' V- i v-* ? ' " f , PACK FIVE' ^ to Jit- finished) is stMl'giving message's o< !Kjw'i't'. ( i( nmst'be a decent church toV the A. ,\l? K. in historic Camden. I'ray. j.ray that (hid \v!ll_ h lirtu v.[\ i>h"--?i- -' ? !"" , ;> !', . r ;m. j ' .T/Vn'or. \\ f .have ?..iii'.ii ;? ?.? the ' .".didatr ^r ycr \Ve h'/i'.- I!,? be '? mar,- will b?> elected. ! . . ? . :?Ir%. Liilmr. .1: Ih.c .i:. .. . ? 'art I ii'Tny f> *h' <>? . ! tj.,- hotter. * ? Ait-?Jaiue h'cott. at.u ? toted vy K Mountains:" ia^-t hurh-" . . da.. t'i \ . at- hoc- until ' 1 1' " ' ' ' 1 ' I ' ! !' 1 1 : | , : , I " "" nor av.iit getting uK.tfg ' line. P' A . 1 < u ell. ia i.i.t.-.l y^nl i i. loquert u- .U-J ?n.K?rrh.^.>l .U.TFuTuC;?~? ' li.ji 11 1^1. i . i ;i,?i 1111.j i'h1 | ? nr- rii it-i..ii, M li "cLtU.:?ail J - I t J..r. i an_ I jiU. i. ably asyistfit by lit \ . .1. 11. ( uii MUUl. \\ltb i.- wrlt-knuv. n in SiiiTtti < 'rrpi >1 ilia, " "1? bf 1'ormeH-y?pavt .ii-ri "at ' baliTbctr$r?7 ' ami I-i-x 111y t >i.7 Mrs. ( i,'itu.Z?Ai._ A\-itiii ru;?t hn.i.lf ja ' 11!) bit.- bi'i-ii > |h-i. 1 j'iif s.'iiin- ii:ni- \viiti Mi. ami .M:> William .k-u-r. Alt .. "iCibl.-l TTHil;- rim_ iTu 'ai," b.-aitb ami lift iiiai y Ira-mi- \\a i:< . ..|i-iiyiita*) fo st-f iit-i. ' SbV la if bt .1 bf ? fluiivl at All. 1 ,abt11 i ia t t-iti ami maiivr a \v..mii-; 4,\il iTn|n * n.|i ii|i.,u I hi- r ' wi.ii wnuiii . In- -rttHlphtsnf, li; -.yure l.ri ?*r\ii-?- ijfM \'. i L. SIMMONS ~7 .< ontr ai lini: Palnler K a I . -<>i ii i 111 T'l? ?-?'i Waxing and ?a. ? IMfrreTrPoMi " ' - . . ; "l2'.h'? Mum,.in^ Am',, i ultimbiff. S. C: ~ . v"*~ p IMVMH-kssion.VI, | . " ' C A111 IS rr Ollicc Until*- niuiic ? I -'ii A.?iM?i' i j r .\} - t rri '0 on !' " AI W. |\'.Vf iCt - i'.niM ?1 >r. si? i<4ii and ii11.? ? it tf in 1.11 v I I;. f-?1?1^4,?M lAllK'tr llnuir-': if A .\1 t . . ill! I' iVl DR. II. 14 IIAUI'I U Sinv.eyn PcnliM I'.Jiliiiya, I .M i in 11 iii>, l"ha?o|-'' (i-iUl C'liltt li: Hlid ISl ItJjif \\ tifk r ' I? A?s f ". ct-A-rrrv ^ 1 ll'.l ' j,* \\ asltilij: I nli .Si , I'lli.lic -ln'l.l | Ollice 11.nil I tlf|i|it.nva. p? id? A . 'M In1 T"tn> I1. ?t T'l1 * *???* _ -V Kc-sUit-nce ft*. i.J Dr. D. K. Jenkins , * ' 01..N I IM . . * * . rilllii?s, I'lal? >, ( i i??lis it tit) lit nix f o iuiliitUJi?Lii?A pp.-1 IdIn flit \I rin t'inn t.\ (*? nifiu'tTTe A Uriillifll a' iSjiyci liy. . v l lll'i 'ii Wuishinp't ii St., ( v ia, S. ('. DR. I J. Al DANIELS I'lly>uian and Surgeon Special Allriilinn (i:\t-ir l'lMUM-ii Of V\ omen. Office- ? lieMvlence I Ilia \Y-u.sltint;l'>ii ?11 .tin pi ?>n >w? I'liulie C4li0 l'hotte -mi. J. ti. STUART 'i Ofi ii't lliiur.i. ; I . *T I flv.i'lioiif; % 11.00 Iti I ;00 IM 1 U.-. JOOJ' 0:00 to tt.ou 1". M i. (Mine rtJ'.Mi Uff'ii'e: - Uonh-iice - iiOiiO 1 a> U>i Si . I 117 I'11if ' (.?; ? Office iltaiis: I'li.iiieM If A M. Ill ii I'. M. K?.s H?:b . ii I*, M.', r. M*? oiii-f titi??i DR. W. D. Uluippelle Mh> Milan and Surgeon I >lM-tt?rs nt W.uMien aiiti Oillil'i en A S|iecial(> Office: Resilience:' l.'ll'4'ii A>sen.iiil> Si. 1001 1'ine St r (.'alii inl'ia. l\ tl'tiee I'liuin J* liL- . -I** s-. Phone '?7U8 N. J. lUKDlOUKK .Vllnitiey al ami Notary, I'tihlic I'KM llt.|. IS U.I, nn HIS ?State ftrnl leiU-'al I t I ? \\ nxliiiiKlMH St.. Columbia. S. C. ;; jn ^ ; N<4ary Public and Dialer in real e?-fate and sale ?jf.. lot* ?Me- - ; '.t'/N'E ;,^n.>GK O^ET-KR^-Bea'ai- ? Phone 6422. na9V^ Washington Street . ?: . w' r "< 4 . ; t , \ . , * - s* . \ . v.. .