The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, September 13, 1930, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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\ . Saturday September 13, Iflflft. BAILEY-ROBERTSON WEDDING i ^ LAURENS - __ _t Beautiful in its simplicity and of I cordial interest to many throughout , t the state was the wedding of Miss ' RObfrrUoh ud-o' VVmlhWdn!,' ill Iol I i ? September artl. at the .humr uf tfte bride's parents' Ah. and Mi?^.?Mm11 > \ Bailey. ? lTiniintlv at. 1 :t)() o\l,,.k. to the strains OT Meiulelsolm s Wedding 1 t? March, played by Miss. Mattie i'ut-i? . man.-ttirHirn'r attractive in in al'ter.? - muicl ol .uupge printed chill'on joined the gjyoai w.i.ting at the beau- . xiilly decorated improvised altar in ?Vi the living.!o.,in.' T"7Tntlr\ ami feins iuJ b en i:..<?! v, .! i 'striking .e'll'eot. The attendants . v.. Mla telle 1 Di.i-i...jiis of s'i>, ,-v, , . and Dr. .lohii H. < i?i ~i ett ?'1'...?g~*ri. A In. Kev. 1 ' J. \V. iVi'.t 1t liTV. ii4<l the ce|V? ? llilllli . Tl+V II 11?I t" . ! III.' . . n-u-' \v;uv ustd, wild . M ! >?!> .of I.mvo was -so; tly - pl;>; ' I. 'Ill" "ic e ?ion rol! \v d and dr>- . I t ious ice oii earn. ;aiJ-cakere-.s luVt. ed. '1 lie many ml \ulTi-<b!c gilts ; i. tte .ted the popularity oof ,the br:de ? - and groom here -and elsewhere. To y the :b.rjd?s harp*-' chest were heirlooms of intuhsa- value?rare linens ? ml silver nearly a century old. The -couple left immediately, after the I reception for New Orleans 1 . - -where l)i^Jtx4?ertsTnr"Tta4^a"lucrative ? pnn t'se. The In-id- w???e an < ?i\ ai. fall su t of leown s'lk and wool tw - <' j .with ha'monixitvy aee'SKo s." She has had ell ' ir-- of tii - li-r-im _ n ie- departio at io G\: CI Mot 11' j-V I * ' ,j t School ?,r Ml." ?:?: I. few y?"il s .: ??! her.iiiaiiV; ft iiiuls if "ret he- rourruiyfe * takes h i to another Mat*;. , Ainone; those pr.-sept UtvjJmi- hap py wens-ion w 'v: ,Misso *^.Mnl! ic an.! ~ Cecelia Duckett,- Mrs. Amanda Hvr.' , ? Miss flattie 1-uUnan, Mrs. . Sullie f llupter, Mrs. F.ttii Garlingtoii, Mrs. Ida M(aDuuiel, Miss Naomi Allison Mis^ A.lene Franks.'Mrs. C -rilla Hlid' gens.Mr. Ik Ik Franklin. Mr. Chat M. Fra'nkliii. Mrs. Ik S. Snher,- Key. ?- and Mrs. .1. \V.'MAthis. .Mis 21 WHitekier, Mis;1- I rnmidi lv. 11 milt.?:? _ _ _ Out-of-town truest:-. nVclthlt'd: AI is, ' V. Stuart. Greenwood*. Mi-s. (l)i) ,1 Co Stuart, Columbia lh of'. a rid .\ 11 . . 1 John B. Garrett, Tuskegee, Ala.f 1 Prof. C. VV. Madden, Columbia 'and * * Laurens; Mrs. Marthenia John-on. Mr. Rapdyjph Barksdule, Mr. Oscar Barksdalef Siiupsonville; Mrs. Ik ' t-ie Henry, and daughter. N< kl?<-i ,TT~At Huepwul -ltuui,-rMi.--..e:- Gladvs and Pansy Mice, Suniter, llalTTo -Ctrrrrntiy ; ham, Laurens ..and MTTiiassas. Yfp. ' Mrs. Minnie Franklin Mooli'V Ill'ook. I lyn, N. Y. - . 4 M A PR I li!) r s : '. ' Mrs.?Haehel?W'utts -a-niiuunce. the-marriage of her daughter,. Lillian [). to. Mr..Theodore (I. Brown After a few more - days -stay in the ,'i*a t Airs. Blown will be at her Columbia home, 1914-Pulaski Bp, to her triend;* , Later in tin- season she will leave for her future home in Floi-eneC, S. ('. Mrs. Brown is one of CoIu^uibiaV. . attractive,and popular young women with a host Of friends. She .is a ; ? graduate of Howard 11 i;' 11. Setiuol ami ^ Allen University; for' the past few \ears she has served-in- the capacity | of bookeeper and typist for the Mut Ual Relief and Benevolent Association of s. c., . f; *. Mr. Brown is a graduate fronivthe. ( College Department of Clafiin Uni- , ^ ,.t ,.yp*d?-y.?tie, is ahw-nstmiauted-with, -j __L. the_ Undertakers Establishment of j Perrifl-.Blown andThoinas. ? - < It 1 DUE. SPRING NEWS " ] Sunday morning, 'Sept. 7th, the ^ good as usual, with Supt. T. F. Hani- ] morid and Mr. G. D. Hazzard at their post of duty. ( _ ___ _ Little Thelnm Gunther, after spend ing the summer with grand parent, Mrs. W. B. lluzzard; left Monday for New York. Iiiltle Thelma travel~ ed alone. / .. Messrs Earl jjluf Olyile BlHssengale -1 and Gibbs were} visitors here Sunday A M ~ *?r . -v? ? - - ~ ~ " mr. vv. ivi. iiarns andiAliss Kuby Bwanson in the "Tresspassers." M iases Sadye llazzard and?Ruby I Raiford, arid Messrs Rhodes, Washington and Buts, ol' Aiken, were the Sunday evening guests of Miss .lessye Hammond. Supervisor Hammond has started ( ' his work the community wishes him a successful year; Much improve = nient?has been seerr under hh??ad- ~ ministration, ? ? MAXXtyn M:\VS Miss Rosalee Heal, who is spend ing the summer with Dean ami Airs. Pearson oof Orangeburg, S. C., spent the past week \^ith relatives and ? friends;?She?h?also-a?atmleht of _ Claflin. : ? ?*?t Misses Gertrude Me Bride, Inez Gamble and ^Iary Lou Me Bride spent the jyeek here Visiting" relatives anil -friends. They have been for the past ' year in Washington, D. C. ?* Miss Evelyn SumpUtr?loft?Friday, _ ? ?ept. 6th, for Charleston, where she will spend the winter attending Avery Institute. ' * A johy time was spent on Monday " night September 1st, at Miss Eugene HL McDuffie's home. Mrsf Lillean Flemine eptertained a _ H^few girls ami boys on Thursday even ^king Sept. 4, in honor-of Miss Bosalie Kal. Hkscs Theo Lewis, Lottie Suinpter ^Holiday. Messrs. .1 a ke. Gamble, _ _ BCrtTKnlker, an<I .lames Plow-'" Hjeed to Sumter, Sunday af^k^isit friends. They reB^Paniels arrived in M^L after n.Verv Bwrimer school | Ijj^nre glnd I ^ i ^ " : j v' ' i ?, ^ood term with our splendid teach-$4t r's work at.heart ireul "MWesdnmes Eddie Walker, NeathrJ )u4;ie, and?several other hulir-s sit B> ended the "?tl issiohary Convention" m 1 hey reported a very pleasant time. " sh ihf. VUlllLLU. C. W. Un-nie in Ibuiiito*', -Xu spent Sunday afternoon in the city id vi^li lelatives and t'riemJs.? rtf, Airs, .'selson of Columbia was se -n Tl ii the city lmcly to thy tk'llgilt of. lwi. J?i fiends. s be Born io .Mr. and Mis. Mathew Ra- la .?I Friday night." Sept. f?, a little girl pc I here were serviees held at all tii harcin*. on .' Outlay, \% hiejr were very di !*oo.l. All pastors were on. duty. y; Miss Annie. Crawford is spending st ii.. trine 111 And.ivon and G-Ot?j\. in town. lu Aii's'.. I?o!l' Ivinloeh spent v'oruoti'.uo in with her mother, Mrs. J. P. Crawl'or ; hi . i.11 i.t.oi tins esty. She has "01 com -h.'t k to her llollle which is lil _D A ndt" son. S. C. D Our Agricultural teacher, Mr. Mayfv 1 I arrived in the city last week, to in m> duitlut.v. W.e-1iQpe_thaC Jh_u?..wprk ,ai is among the best. w EASTOVER NEWS - - ai ; ^ ' hi a i La s wyii.nsf wi-'sv e very sorry ir : epo.T that F.ev. 11. \V. Jenkins is f< still .y.ery ill al thy ^Vnv.o-ly Hngpitnf st we are lhniTiJy TmTtn7vaytng~oaelrday ir thftthe-w iff soon show some improve- -Pi intents. : ' . . . L -M.s Kebycea .Barksdale* audi little T: ti; tial.t V ?ret Hi iheil to .their di i-wnw- i-H- tliiluiitbus.. Obio last Sun F nay s?;. t -r speeding five week's with te j. >?!i . (:'!. T,1 ami M i s. VV. W. Dowdy. ' Ihoi'. II. !?. Dowdy of Barnwell, S. bs (\v:;.. Lite Week end guest of hi- te patents-, Mi. and Mrs. VV. VV. Dowdy, M .'nnl.-r. ix . Miss Helen Webber has returned St from Jacksonville, Fla., after spend-; St ing a few weeks with hel^ brother. Miss l)areus Scott was the dinner tr guest'of Misses Alice Lea and Annie m Mae Dowdy,- on last Sunday. Mr. and Jilrs. Wilt. Webber, gave h< a birihnight party in honor of theii w day night, Septr tilid. 1 Prof. VV. VV. Dowel v. Jr. of Jetfer < >, I < i' <. Mo':, is spending u few days ?? with parents Mi*, and Mrs. VV. VV." 1 >o\\tlyt Sr. "j * I HKSTKK PAIt AGKAPHS . ^ Mr. ami Airs. T>rtis Cunningham, -moot a couple of day's very pleasant\y mi Ko:moake,~VTr.rMfoA wcrJt with friends.. . w Alias Alary Lee Coleman is A'isiting lit-i mother, Airs. AlaryColeman, Ala rrrrn?:i( Mti .iiin i d?institute?h+h4?herrelatives. Air. and Mrs. E. B-. Gray, jn prior to her leaving lor Columbia, pj ttln'te slu- will tenoh?in Mew?HruuL Ivn Sehool. cj After spending the summer ; with PC Air. and Mrs. C. L. King, Columbia st St., .Miss l.ois- Derrick has returned to. ('hai'lotte. f,. Alter a s'uninier spent in Colonial pj Beach, Va? Airs. Esther W. Borders re I iu'ned to her home here, Tuesday. ,.a she spent a few days very pleasantly \\ in Washington, P. C., ..with her Mrs. .Janie B. Stuart returned to ./ her homo in Charlotte after spend- y, ing the-'week-end with her mother. Mrs. Sicily Sims, Columbia St. ] Brainerd Institute, opened Mon- Q] lay mornio - .with a very ereditable- ar nrollment. President Martin made \ very' t'lnndv ' Catk ^TTrdlm' stturSnr iody, and introduced the new teacb-.. ,'is. The. class .work is now in pro jn si v.cwim i iv? juHierus ur.y arriving Iaily. ' M Prof, and Mrs. S. L. Finley and son Mr. Louis Finley motored to, Coluni- <, ilii Tuesday, and spear the day at jy, Benedict College. Qf ...Tlie/nahies of Miss Maria AleXanr th lor of Chester and Mis.s Lorine Har- ac l is of Clinton, did not appear - last week in the list of teachers in the he Primary Department of the Loomts re Street School; ~ to All out of town teachers arived Thursday and everything is in readi- w ness for the opening of Finley High t.h and Loomis St. Schools,.. Monday morning- All teachers were present' -fa at Teachers' Meeting and received tmteh?inspiration from the?talks ov Prof. Hrockmanr Supt., and Prof. S. ti? L. Finley, Supervising Principal. Rev. Nathaniel Harrington, of Cot $ ; umbia the h<>v iii>nn?lm? * ? vmvuvi ( 1I1UK [lay berg a* the euest of Mr. Louis. . ^ Finley, while enroute to Lancaster to conduct :t revival meeting. hi Rev. Wi W. IL^variTTof Darlington ^ and Dr. J. A. Jinson, President of A Morris College passed thru "Cluster last week enroute to the convention (Baptist) at St. Paul, Lowryvllle. ^ Miss Elizabeth Foster, left Monday ^ afternoon for Barber-Scotia College^ CowortF, N; C. Where she is" ti member of the senior class.'" Mrs. Edward Shharnon and JVItss IleleuAIrCulIuugh Jeft y ester dayfor _ New York City. Si Miss Abbie. Byrd, returned Sunday night from a stay of several weeks in Dav'td.on, N. C. 4 k. .1. late, Knoxville, Tenn. music .teacher at Bruinerd Instil' re. c, and Miss P. G. Adams, oT Char'ot.F?, teacher in the Grammar department arrived in the city, Wednesday, and iro now hnny w?>hr~ theirst- work mv chat :'?tituf'on M rs. Maggie IT Currence, after'l v< speeding - the summer in Baltimore, ol Philadelphia and New York City Si passed through last Sunday enrout? S. to St. Matthews, 'S. C., and returned Ri home Sunday. ? . y Re. W. T. Baxter, preached a very M iwh'i11 .'d iny sermon" Sunday ntgtrt? the WTowen's Missionary., Society hi The ladies were present, dressed in P: white and sat. in a body. Mrs, Met- G tie Rainey, Vice President acted in gj the absence of?the President.' A very" nice "collection was .taken. Prof,-.and Mrs. W. Means, has re te turned to their .school work ih Padu- le cab, Ky., ufter'spending the summet_^f< here oh the campus of Brainerd Inr r;- {- .t, '; \ . fMK rata ituto, witb*~their pareflts, Preside) I Mrs. J. t> Martin. ' Tiie "beautiful home of Mrs. Del 11 was the scene of a very prett urriage last Wednesday night, wTu e became the bride uf Mr. Krne 1 "balmy?mewnlight?night w, eal tor the solemnization of the ni rhr-which were said by Kev. J. ti u .rifle r bur k, as., the bride . ai oom inarched irnni tho hiidid eh? r to take |their places beneath rge wedding bell which was su nded from the ceiling of the arti I'ally decorated pqrch. The hu eds of guests stobd in the fro ird, on tltt .side walk and on t reets and witnessedithe lovely set i this most beautiful and gayly tminated home. Tl>e groom car i with Mi'. Peter Lander anil to is place, while Mrs. Belle came 1 the arm of her only son, Mr. r. T. H. Ayers offered a prayer The bride was becomingly dress t a tan. lace dress with gloves, ho id - slipper to match;?The prescn ere numerous, serviceable and val wmtivcri?saiaa, sattmes, ca id brick cream were served. T appy couple have the best wishes le entire citizenry of Chester. B >re the ceremony, M. T. J. Walk< txojxhonist-r -MrrE-con ~Stanback, chi letist, ancT Mr. Louis" inley, niani layed a selection, then?Mrs, ?Ki eathers sang sweetly, "I Love Y. ruly," after, which Lohengrins Wi' ng March was played by Mr. Loi inley,?Thw-^rc_at home on Cein ry Street. Mrs. Marie jGilmore and Mrs. Ba ira Hooper, have returned home a r spending the summer in Sahul r's. Gilmore left Thursday mornii l resume Hm5 work as Domest :ience Teacher in Emmet Scott ] shool, Rock Hill. Mr. Gregg Bernard Allen has 1 irned home after spe ding the sin er in the mountains of N.- G.. Mrs. William Chisolm is visitii ?r relatives ijere. Mrs.. Chisol as fornierlly, Miss Eliz allall. SI now living .in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Daisy Atkinson,, is home fro hio, visiting relatives. GREENWOOD NEWS ? D n rx ivvv7 rTTUOUglass Johnson, left So mber bill, for Texas, to spend se a! days with his sick daughter, M* ertha?Marie. ?? -- 1 Rev. and Mrs. L. D. Gamble a ildren of Sanfuc, were visitors i 0 home < f their sisters, Mrs. Hatt eir.aiul Miss Mayme L. Willian st Sua 1 i.,1 ; Mrs. Bessie Wilia-mr, ? nurse it i line again on tiage St. after spen g several weeks in" Spartanbui ying h?r nude. Miss Jesse Gilliam a teacher in tl ty school at Winnsboro, has retur 1 home after spending a pleasa (miner in the mountains. Mrs. Effe Dixon has returned hon oni Philadelphia where she spent easant summer. Messrs David and Leniar Willian Irpenters' are plying their trade innsboro. { %~ Friends of Miss Gladys Bradh 0 Relighted to know that she spe, most enjoyable summer in Ne ork City. Misses Kathern. Bluford, Jesse G liam, and"' Lily Boyd motored t reenville, Friday to visit relativt id" friends. -Mrs., Sysjo Joni-s iu- ^AKIvv+1 siting her daughter. ? Mr. . W. J. Bluford, is very mu< (proved ;~he is able to be out agai Last Sunday was a great day ^ orris Chapel Baptist Church. / '!() P. M. a large crowd was presei hear the pastor's special messat i "Brotherly Love, the true evident Reliiriori " TViio cr. . iiuo nn lllUll S LlITfe e olel chureh up. There were s cessations to the church. Dr. Johnson js a great preache > was born in Havana, Cuba, .ar ared in Texas. May he live lor preach the gospel of the Kingdoi Don't forget our ten days reviv ill begin on the rhird~~Sunday is month-conducted by^that gre; ilpiteer, Drr Avtr^oone of Clev nd,. Olwh - He has an internatio11 putation and in one of the ou anding ministers of his denomtn; L>n. The total collection for the da 7.06 ; HT. PISC.AH A. M. E. CHURCH All departments are at wor lans are bipg laid for getting ii adiness for'conference. The paste v. Thompson, has the situation we hand. Last Sunday he preache it seemed the most effective se on yet. -The attendance was got large number took finmrniinim 1 Rally1' to aid the trustee depar ent in purchasing the winter's fu pply. The neat sum of $31760 w: ised by the^six clubs Into which tl inday School was divided. ' Watch us grow at Mt. Pisgah. Miss Lula Balard, left Tuesday is week fo^ Columbia, where s! /ill teadi in Booker WashLngtc hool. - T~"r! ~ NEWBERRY NEWS The Newberry District S. S. Co ntion of the Columbia Conferen the A. M. E. Church^^h^ h<^ h"H<l C., Septet?iber 25-28-30,-Rev. R. ansom, D. D., Bishop, Rev., ance, P. E., Rev. E. V. Riser, Past [i?s J. O. Counts,- Dist. Supt. raytnn Hi vSehgttl opened witiu rge enrollment: three new teachei l*of. Stewards Miss Gess, Mrs. J. illiam: t.h?v have added the eleven rnde; Prof. R. F. Gladden, Princip; IVrrr-tr-Rufns- Jame*,- of Hot [roe Street passed away Friday a rroon. and Was funeralized at Bet hem Baptist Church. He work >r the city for a' number of yes Mrs. Alma Hopkins and mothi n IBgTTO LEADftK^ ut Mr'^. CamioiT and two sonii-were'The " guests of Mrs. JoSefdi- Davis, on Dray 1.x | ton St., they "returned to QoluiTibla ' Ly | Monday, "tTti.^jiss C. Keesy Uf -St. If 11 st Monday"1"dr. .(Columbia to resume Ileitis j-woi'k tta-lettcIter4n-AV4rverly LA'houl; us ' Mr.1 Marion?Watkii Ip Hn# iJit? suinmer hertf- left-4-e*?? K. 1 ta. Ua. * uJ4 Mrs. Mamie Williams, spent the -Ht-r-week.?emf with hue. SiatKf LLjismiXh^tm a . <laldwell St. " - f is-*' Mrs. I., levies and children id Col s- umhia returned ho tie after . .spendiy,j . ii- a week or more with her pui;yntx, Mr, nt and MTs. K. B P. ail ol' Cu!i"I\v?ll he Mr. Cole (lijlinm and Mr i; Wit ne 1'anis motored from Detroit, Alieh. to il attend 11 ? tunc, a) ?<i Mr. hi.ha ! tie Gilliam, the tath.r of. I oie. ok Miss Ida Boyd toUidi.-r in the ni \ in school of Clinton, ' S. C- tak'Mi til L.' it ml was va ri ied to ( u*-thro,?Hospital ^and?was?t^p tooted -uii? l apendTeitis; at the last report sated was getting along nicely.. She is the se daughter of Mr. C. P. Boyd rts 'The^reA'tval mc^tiTTtr opened tit M4fu ler Chapel with great success wi'h ke?the Boy?preacher, Rew Nathaniel ii' Hamilton, Sunday September 7i.t of he preached three sermons. , lie can >e- sing and preach and shout,. Two 2r, joined the church, one confessed if-*- Christ as her personal Savior*-- Thy ist meeting will continue two weeks. W Ibt- are expecting great, success A lar -r on ciowd was present Sunday night, a: ^ d? many of-themwere visitors. You art-lis welcome at Miller -Chapel. SI MTKK NEWS if- The revival m 'etinc at Mt Pistr-i'i la. A. M. E. Church is. being well ?tig tended and much good ih being achiev Ic od in soul saving. On Sunday morn Hi ing Aug. 7th Hi members were taken i in the Church as a result of the , e- meeting. . L-. r\-~ A well~"known resident of the city j ! Mrs. Emily Glover passed to the . ig great beyond on Thurs. aft. Aug. -Itil j Itn Funeral services held at Emanuel M. i he E. Church. Monday afternoon. "Aug. J Ftll.l T1 fe funeral was largely at- i m tended and floial offering* beautiful, j Rev. Nelson of Little Rocl^, Ark. who [ | the funeral. President Pinson and Rev. Gar - j j," rick left for New York on Monday.1 v_ ' August 8th. for a short stay. Jdiss "N. I. Davis is in Atlantic City 1 J attcrnlmg ihe B. at. i;. n(j Mrs. Maggie Abraham of .Charlotte j' a* i~~N. err-spent Friday ami Saturday. je Aug. 29th and 30th ~tn the city. 1S Miss H. N. Usher had as Iter guests : tor. Mr. and Mrs. S. Owens.of Oxford j j. j W. U. Mrs. L.., Sheppeard and sons, g Samuel, and Lorenzo of Philadelphia,' and Mrs. Harris of Oxford. ^4 Mine. G. T?MiCein of New York-tr j I visiting Prof, and Mrs. E. F. .Imwn . nt 1 On Aug. 26th Mesdames H. Mena-4 "t fee, M. B. Wilkinson. K. B. Rowe, L..[ Blanton and 'Miss N. Houghson, iiiua tored from Oratigeburg thru Sumter ! rnroute . to Hartsville to attend the! I F'ed. " Poe Dee Dist. Meeting. Miss I jn h. n. Usher joined the p^Tty here. 1 I On reaching Hartsville the party was i ?v i taken to the beautiful home of Mr.-.. nV Brown ami served a delicious lunch.,* ,v/ where the' meeting was held. AtT j this meeting Mrs. Hi H. Butler, was j il. i elected VTice Chairman of the Pee Dee j 0 Dist. We regret very much to have Mrs. M. O. Levy give up this .Dist. as [ i she is one of the pioneer Fed. Work p. ers of the State; but we feel howevm j that success is sure with Mrs. Butler cn 1 at the head. v < in j ' A CORRECTION . ^ I Rev. John Thomas spent Thurs. i ' August 28th in the city but did no* J preach " -\nuel. Rev. * Win." P.. p,'; A. Palmer, of New Jersey spent Wed- j ;e nesday, August '20th in the city and i preached at Emanuel. ix.L._._=r- * - A 4 Ninety six news r, ?-?? lJ ! Rev W M Piinnni' filloJ ?l.^i* . j . ?? . T T . V/WIIIIVt 11 1 IV U kilC j at Bothtehem, on Sunday, Sept. Ttn. ? : Rev. A. T. Dixon, the pastor bein-.f al | engaged in a Revival at on of-His-1 , other churches. *- j KevT'JUonnor preached a wonderful' e- | sei mon ... ; . . ; Piwinptly at H-- P. ?M., the uppeintevb-r hour lor service Rev. A. T. Dixon--' a" . arrived and preached one of his map ' netic s-. mons. Subject. "David's pie i lV for a "home." v Many hearts 'were, | made to rejoice as the man of Go.I talked with us by the way. After ' I ij)reaoh!r.^ he baptized several eon k. yerts but to the sorrowful, regret >f iv-both members and friends a curtain i )C of eltlom iivurshaHiiivjfl .RathH.....i '1 Church and the whole town&uf tNine?d ty Six and community. when at tlv Jj: conclusion ot' the sen ices, Rev. A. id T. Dixon piesented his resignation ii." as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist >- ChurctFtd take effect oh the 1st Sunt day in October, at which time he will 11 preach his farewell sermon. We ofiv fer eongratulfttionsTrto the Baptist le ; Chuich of l)a/t> .?a LiJa h. Knr?rr~ ; their choice of a p.strrr. v idle \ve Is*rM to give V'.ii ur. "V shall earnest if lv pray for his c >r?th u-J s vcess in to his niw fi"!d of 1. b< . n I Mr. and Mr.-. E. J. Goodman, and |_M~sr- Mattie L. Jobber was the Sun day ev-rtintT tt -H-rr -^md Mr*e:? J. ft. Dean on Sept. ft.. Messrs J. i Ml Hurley, Geovtre De:.,i, Timoth> _ Miles nf ton t' made a busi " 1 ness trip to our little town on Satur | day, Sept. Hth. ^1 ?? ?Mr.? ,1 unupii?\> a. ,.i?i ^ New " Yens " fit\r 1c'vlciflncr Viio follvof n?\,l ^ V"VJ ? ? wiviiifj iiio ?4?uiri aim mviuiri r p Mr. and Mrs. Henry Watts. or - -? - ' ANDERSON NEWS "si Mrs. G. R. Johnson.- little Miss ' K Grace Kennedy and Hubert' Swafrhr. th i have returned to New York City afal. tor an extended visit to their daughse tsl' ffTfd aunt, Mrfr. G. J. Peek. ' if" Mrs. Minnie B. NeelyT ot Bricri. , h College, N. C.. is visiting her neiee ed . and nephew., Mr. and Mrs. W. I. irs | Peek. . ... ' ? sr, North-Side School opened with an * x * 3 A1-"* ' * ^nrothiifiil rid ay, Sept." .Tth of 200 scholars with seven, teachers. ?. Assigned" tvr grades as,follow:- : T 1st (J cade Aht.'s Gwendolyn Anderson. l-st Adv.4 ,M-is.-. Kittma Alack. 2nd Grade Mi:'- Scipip. GainhreL .Grade Mi'.-. Georgia ! ullsvuij. iili *. i ado M i - H 1Ua\ i :-Mi (.-I" A) i'r. L. B. Qtiirk. ., u . __j_ The: P a .Very uiee tynek. remonto ! 'huiluinR \vitii_xix large. ? ;>: -.roomer" t'oniii- Peek, is - tin-. |?r i f -1 (;: 11. , j l>i J-. I. I> tekoite. Mi .Miller 1 G r'eou V i!li\ } ' <\,"\\eie \i-itoY. t<? tie*, city, last week ' Mi' ..a !n.?t ior olie of tie' liilfj'y t- iTTI !>.-t s-iitei t Uniineiil evi-n in \ i 1" aii. ? J ai.l ?rfit.*rlan'. to.-:.. t-i* ? fjo?H-t e*h-L?e?-trite?Litei-ie \ id ? li A1 e" afid t la.'t.'U'."'!! 1 .-.tli r ?. 'i i : ...I Ihoitip. in t'fliteli y ini 1. 1. ii:i,i eh. I ni t her detail1. \\ rl ' . !., l.,t I t la ii the foiillti.t- "" '" t? p.p ..| - . Al . . C. 1 I' l l I',: ,t of-.G-mi V .Yd. Al s. .1 tine I'-oV-v, j' i 5 i . \Y. !'. St'. :y. arid' Alt : jw \ . -c-'-y.y-r? P?'?*Vi;t. (;ne n J'Aurii1-( lr.-J ;~ Al-T:?.\e? hani-l ! ". m : ;>i e iittjr It's vaeatinh 2>:' ' ' tno'V . AI's N -ar'-a .1 o! it - a. Irs* v.'.'t'k fi r Ni^hvillf, Tenn;, wlji'iT * -< ' 1. . ' ' Kov, -I. K. Ji irking?I >jsi. . " -!r?r^. c, ... i. .,f ^he. d-C fcnisconal Church |H-<ut-?4ttd avery :-'blr. sermon, Sunday. ni&ht at; Jl'1 'ji.of~i.r ('ennV-iviirf K. "noi'-h l>r. \V. II. Yia'.inr.(Mr. < *, liyrti, :i"i?! <1ai "ShePiaidi- s]n-nt ,\fi'W days iri._J\tt:mla <>a., Ma^i week .Mr. and :' Alt IV < I . .I w I'.'slrllc Ala.joi>, M I " . i * a ri* Al;. mis. of Phil. PTT -an I Air .* _!'I AIis. T. T'??(i11? nf Wiliiiiin ii.ii Del.. motored here Saturdav I? at 11.1 I he funeral of their fat her, Mr. klias U. Trailo. of Philadelphia. . s-^-Air. jHTias H. 'J rullk, form* <71 this cj-fv *i 1 iei I in l'liilailelphia' I'a .at" til' ail illllei-S ,??f several I I < t h>. Hi hody a: lived' here. Saturday. ' II is funeial was .field Sunday. i'e|/t, th, : 'toil tile KoV'ul liaptist > IiUl'eh, whole lie' vv as'a. iiieinher' If e .. ! 1 < A rrtfeisoii. Par fur. ? ; Tl.-- Iniiid' lie I) ii.e- I,.. \| ^. -Feed?1 pel:?I-TI. Ill I!- Illd.-.lit .1 ?' I <-"d H-> i JV 11 !el " . Ui a i ii| | i'ei' I ,i I l.v?m?' Tni?' 1? is u\\ li.ed h\ Olie .lit our ).' i?".iji This | . a i . . a .1 .. i ... > i\ , i lie , I n Mil I' >1 ' VCl y art IS l-ie lUeS.lg II h. iliv of !n\ < !;. . %M earn Iti.'h > * '4 1 . >. I" 11 ll.i.n' . . IK): tw o >-}>;ii'i?iii.-' I onia- \s 1! f 1 snow vs I111 y\ a 11-,. . I In* 111 ( 1 i' -' \ is mi? a' lv eipli >| I- I t'.. iVll l?'i I null. liU'iitiJ! ; I'inv-11 fr,rooms are of :i (, nil* i? sis'- and i!i" w. 11 Is Jit* ft* Hiv also I A\'hit-\ l ilt* II I 1.1 ins/ will l(t* steam ' lentod. and ja.iJI li'i \ ? afl modem i-ir> J |)l'< > V<- 11 !( 11 I . Ms. Jackson is one of Anderson! D.?'tinI, own, and la- js a young man, 1, -ot?S t CI f 11 K?1 |l l.l I il leS 1 W"hi 11 I in :)k 111 r rapid sttuier towaul tin* top. Our finite .g'ioiip fmt mile in .Andel sou- f'oun-t-v fmt hi tin* entile statu . s.hould Ti el- proud of "what is being, dote- Ii-v " t !u?on in-' man. 1 in.* "build 11 itr AVrll- he icuilv for Cuvupat ion i l; A. K * I I. ( i L?a: (I. pAs top ol W lis >11 round Sept. 1.5 th.' > * f'alvary and Lhene.'.er Baptist Cl.tu -li t*s, who siitfoKvii a stroke of paral\ms It a -fv\v-weeks ago is much ^improved ; at this writipg. - - ' , ~?'I Little ."lames Peek, and Vermel NVil lia'ins are out again after having them ? tonsils and adenoids removed, last weekr. "" I)r. \V. H. Young was- agreeably surprised Saturday morning when d Truer ivpd at--his .otEiue?U>* find -?- -phrty.o<" friends the'-e waiting to help him*]' celebrate his birth-day.. The hono.-'ee -was the of ' ;i lovely ami useful gift from his wife" and many good friend*# F.lllcV Mtiil'S of tin. \I.-fT0.1 "(".-J. Mrs, Silas Diilni<e of Charlotte. N..T. L iukI Mrs.. Kaimit* Guilbeau lot' Sit. ? X!arimJ-5v-r,.?au^r. rerom vU4^rs of c Mrs. Mnrv ,1. Cuniiintrhani on Wat son'Street. s Miss Constance Rivder' loft Mm) tlnv for Aneiisja. (in., to resume ln'r ; ?tu?lii;s at- Haines Institute. PHILADELPHIA NEWS. Mr. and Mrk. . Lea?Da-vcd- KiLvvarJ? 14^UL CamM dge- T*tfeet- entertained"Saturday evening in honor of Miss Emma Edwards of I.atta, S. C.. who is spendistr the vacation season with h< r sister MVs. Mary Tart. The following guests enjoyed cards and dancinc: Misses' Elizabeth, Clementine and Irene Tyler; Miss Dinette ' Verhy of Washington, D. C.; Mr . Willie ("Ionian, of Detroit. Mich.; Mr. Robert L. Bethea; Sir. Morris Celzer. After which a five course menu was served. : Miss Hattie R. Bethea and Dr. 1 >i? ntel- A. Wilson?and dauglitxr?are l o?se guc-ts of Mr. and Mrs. Lovest -W ood be W? Vi= ? ? **C ' Mi-s Edith '\VicWer, brother and fnnvlv .after spending^ three Weeks in mule Mountain, S. C. motored to Albany. X. Y. ? Mrs. Hattie Dennison s?ent two works with her sister in Little Moun tain, S. .0. - ' 'Miss. Addie Cannon of C ran ford, N'. ,1.* is honie 'spending some time with her sister. s i bscrtbk^FOR xs n R E AIT? , THE FA I. >1ETTO 1 - L AI) ER (Get Mc Hundreds- of Refined, Respectahhi quainted through our Cluh Mymher Wealth and Talent their Ol?jeetive WrrHy^ -?vl)i members of record two. insert ions. M Scarce lor ^ix months including the i Fxpectanv should accompany rem Agents fnHvery frdfiVtviuniTy; two cei Orders pay a 14*^4-^- _1_ THE NATIONAL K< 3515 Antoine Str< ... j. ~1 . / . ' * A-v ' rAUK TliilKft f ; "' ' I * * 1 BILIOUS I 2 three years ago I had Jj ___ R ' bilious spells," says Mrs. | 2 CUarles Perkins, 3929 Twelfth J B Ayo.-'m'--. NoiUl, birminKham, 1 ; 2 Ala. "When I would let mv- 2 H eeif get' bilious. I would have- | 4? seveie headaches, and feel i H very bad after one of these it* headaches. But after I would" ^ Htake Black-Draught, my head M -wopld gut esrsy; and it would g ?1 ? Sbe some time before I had ! another spell, certainly can g reeommertd Black-Draught foi^ S 2 biiioUoncjo and constipation," | g Sold by all druggists.. - . " g 1 I "I, .,BL? *LCUT ff Rla<& ? t B wMr ? I % m _g Constipation , Indirection/ g H_ u Biliousness . | liega'l Drug Store | 11 _ i w \ ^111 \. K iysi i A (iU< ).lB I 'I A i I- - l ' 1 li.A 1 ?i. [ -Iwm I 11,111 M... ~ ,'M,r.Ti' ..i, I*. v; vv . i * ii ' : ' . I l all I ? 1 <>TjrTnui lh>|^ Ni t d ;,TaTrr'~f""^~; ^r. i- ^1 FAN-O-LIIM SY.VH.M ?In Be a lit y .Culture *' ?11 a i ?L-?\ .\ 11 I. I . :; - -H?: I'^ndjurt" ariTt?V.-.ii, i i?r.T-.Tf?rt1nTr~ . .i t i'i::I I In !t' 'i ; *.a (h-i-u in. la-i'i in I . / . J'at t-nt Office ' ACLrvi - WAM I I I \\ I 11 c 1 O I I CI (I 'g I" M itlc \ ' ' ' Mint; Fc.aiife I. ( bioluia 1 O 11 i|;L Mdt t. e t Mitt! CFoHUi 11. W N,"' S (\ 6 6 6 r es a Headache or .Neuralyia in W minutes, checks a Go'ti the lirxi ?>, and checks \1 alalia in three davs. (?(?(> also in Tabh'ls. ' ? Special Prices lor Teachers and- ; Students?Best Material I sedr-. ~ - l: p-To?Oate W >Vrkmanship>:> - - jorick 'service shoe repair shop " Prompt Delivery Service 1RJ1 Washington St.. I'hone II1 tl'17 IVfl Hl'P.SdN ' . .lACK SPOTT ' INSURANCE The l-ireatest ln\ est nicnt i"ti the , t . World - hSI'Kt 1 Al.I.Y""111 A1/1 II AND AC C I DI N I l.NSt UAN( K~ . \\ !iy n il pi oTect v oar-iiirvm,.. AvitlT a tieaTTli A A c ?I< 111 I' :u s furthei int in inut iun s Y.T.' (TY\ SK AWTTTI . 11' it- ln-ui atu-f 1* !J It " * 1 . ' ' ? I'ltoiie ti.'i.'iO 11?4 1 Main St.II A M I I. TO N ' S 1 (> 11 M;i m St. 1)1 A M?>N DS^iiiul \\ \l v llLS un V>a-\ I ol iii* Small" ') 11 no, Small _J \|>on?e; | - i ""<i;iiiiilt I'nfi t l . 1 , ' ~m \ (iASOXINK & 111LS AT ' ' , LEEVY'S SERVICE v STATION I nn Blocks From Benedict - Allen - I A ^ l.t)K Si Ri-KX . OI'KN . DAY AM) NKill T irried) I 1 Indies, uinj GonileimTT trot uc-- ?? ? ship l'law;. niafty" ol' whom have Matrimony, contributors to our rates?tb4Uy?ceuls nor word to etpbevship Fee Fivt. doll&r^ ill Ttth? 7 ,f taino "arSd- address, of three proslittance. Liberal commission to rds stamp Jo'' replVT niake money "" JMANCK CLUB EDITOtt, ?. j set, De)p?it? ^lichipran. \ , ? . - . : ' "3