The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, September 06, 1930, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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? Saturday, September 6, 1930. CHURCH NEWS OF - BETHEL A. M. E. CHUBCH N-BWS A K.plondid attendance greeted t?c superintendent and teachers Sunday morning.. After the study period Mrs. Murph made remarks, reporting to the oehool some of the very helpful things discussed at the State Sunday School convention in Charleston. The entire school listened tc parting remarks from Miss Sawyer of Georgetown, who has been a frequent visitor durihg her stay in the ^ ?ity this summer and rendered valuable service when called upon. Dr, Murph fWPaf.hgd two?noble ^sermons Sunday morning And at night as found ip Acats 7:35-25 ahd Rev. 3:18 respectively, Subjects: "Methods of Divine Revelation and Providence" "Putting the First Thipg First. The services in* the League were very impressive and did much to stimulate the spirit of mission in the cyoupg folk, especially the address by Mrs. Matilda Grlffln. The program f was in charge of Mrs| Murph which was full and worthwhile. A delegation of young people thru the kindness of Dr. Murph and Mr. r..ti. Kurt was taken by automobile to State Park Sunday afternoon for a song and prayer service. 1 The following persons were visitors in the Sunday SeKool and chtnrh services Sunday morning: Mrs. Cathr ~ ~ ~ erine Holman of Latta; Miss Mary H. Thomas of Georgetown; Miss ?pheo. Buzzard. W. tjonrad of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mr. Cole<3, Mr. , Swinton of Benedict College; Mrs. Harley of Jenkinsville; Mrs. Mazie L. Cain of Holly Hill, Mrs. Janie Pope. Mrs. Corrie Bruister and Mrs. Jackf son of Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Richardson of Manniryj; Mr. Dunlap of Ches ter; Mr. Brown of Camden and Mr. Sisters Hannah Williams, Mary J. Nicholas, C. A. Adams, Frances Leap - hardt and Matilda Harrison remain on the s\?k list. We hope for them recovery soon. Come to the service at 11:15 a? m., and 8:00 p. m. Sunday, you are welcome, . ? . BROWN'S CHAPEL NEWS After the Sunday School lesson had been discussed, Rev.L Frazier aseended the pulpit and delivered a won derful sermon. After the morning RPPV1PO P PTroo io?? ?? */! LU *?v > A UilU HID UUUIItT Choir motored out to Rev.I; 0. Simmons church at College Place, where Rev. -Frazier preached . The memr bers enjoyed having him. The Jubilee choir rehdered beautiful music Miss Lottie Tolive has returned to Patterson, N. J* after a pleasant stay with her parents and friends, Mrs. Hazel Sett has returned to Rock ingham, N. C. after a visit of 10-days -with- her aunt- Mrs; Victoria- Benson. The reform ushers board met at the home of Mr. James Bates on Friday evening The meeting was very interesting. Refreshments was served. ?The club is making progress since it has been reorganied. "first calvarychurch news Aug. 31, 1930?For many Sundays our Sunday "School lessons have been uplifting and have given a source oi inspiration to the students. Amos - to leave hlscoutUFv home and go t > an outstanding ^prophet, who dared the city to tell the people that they were living sinful lives.. _1_ ^ Rev. T. S. Duckett our acting Pasf? tor preached ta wonderful sermon taking his text Tfom John 3;2, and used as a subject " Coming by Night.* ?T Those who knr.iw?the text?know that it deals with- the coming of Nicodomus to Christ, asking for a solution to a problem that had long trouhted him The Pn?tnp Nicodemus, a great teacher antf rulfore the mind's-eye the picture of er, one who was well educated holding degrees knowing many things, and yet this great scholar who had grown old had" to find his way to Christ, one who held no degree and who was ,yet young. Seme may say that Nicodemus was cowardly asham ed fo let his friends see him seek information from Jesus, therefore he went by night, but let it not be thought coward in this man, because the remarkable thing was not when the man came to Jesus, but the fact that he came at all. Then another picture is presented and we see Nicodemus standing before Christ admitting to him that he knows he js_ a great teacher sent from (Sod, kiul befm-e th#4|uefttlon*iTi his mind is asked, Jesus gives him the solution to the problem?ye must be born again * . As the tune of Lord I'm Coming Home. soinrtferf for -the from the or, gan, every one felt lifted up over the blessed privilege we have of coming to Christ. , We are glad to have Prof. Townsend our financial Secretary . back with us. Prof. Townsend has been r much missed bv the members of our ^ ' attending Ohio . State U. and was ^ NAZARETH ^ L. H. Hatfield, Pastor Sunday was a high day at ^^nzaretth. The Pastor preach HL morning and evening, to ^ttct was "Christ and the La^midiences. At 11:00 a. xn. At R:30 jr. hi. tfw ^^ Barrowed Religion." ^^gached Sunday as ^ta^to the deHlKdnt' R', : W ? S i >/' # ? . '1^???g. ? ~ 4 ' SOUTH CAROLINA 1 i ? k ??? i ' . r and ne^ing. - ? ? - r * ?1 ? At 3130 p. itTi Rev." Porter "aiiiTTfnf - fruMK'egntinii -will worship wlih lis. His choir -wilt sing.-A.;. I" Conic und?hmrr?this nu-at?gonpt ) minister. There was an?Ice Cream- Slipper ' ' given at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. II. Brooks, 828 Millwood * Ave. Sponsored by the Pulpit Aid Club, Mrs. Sallie Thomson President Our Pastor is leaving next week on ! his vacation. . He will attend the National Baptist: Convention which will convene in N. Y. C. u?Don't forget Sunday at 3:oo p. M. 1 all members and friends are invited ! to Communion Service at First Nazareth Church <? V UMC.LL?i I\K>VS St. Luke A. M. E. Church * Sunday was a day Ing to be remenibered, \ye closed a greaVanniversary celebration. v Rev. C. Capers had a number of the 'ex-pastors with i 1 us. All classes jvorksd with class ! five with its good leader, Mrs. Mamie j J Grant. _? : ? |1 We gumed three^scmls for Baptism ~ . J$6250 was raised-. -ReVr Caper"? I to handle his people we trust he will reutrn. . : We are making preparation for the - annual conference. 1 "V LANCASTER NEWS On Sunday services at. _St. Paul A. M. E. Church were as usual conduct" ed l-y Rev. John Crocket. ~ Arrangements were made for the .Sunday School picnic, Wednesday, >' September 3, at the Eight Mile Creek " up the Charlotte road. The pastor, Rev. W. G. Owens, r preached for Rev. J. E. Thomas last Sunday in Florence an his return trip stopped over To Rev. C. C. McIllWain at~St. Phillip A. M. E. churchr Camden, S. C. TKe^amp Meeting will open at St7 - Paul 3uiiday night conducted by Ifrgvr_ " N. H. -Herrington. Brother C. C. Mclllwain conducts a meeting at Bethlehem church last week for Rev. W. G. Owens. We had a great success, both spiritual and "?otherwise. One grown man about " the age of fifty was converted and two joined. Brother Mcllwain is one of the "coming" young men of our church and reflects great credit to Mrs. Carrie Jones motored to High Point, N. C., on August the 22nd, J " "To spend a week with her mother. She was accompanied by four of her 1 daughters: Miss Kellie and Ophe' 11a Jones, Mrs. Viola Harris, all of j Lancaster and Mrs. Emma T. Jones,,1 | of Camden, S. C., Misses Kellie and |: 'Ophelia "End their little nephew Du-' J bose accompanied Mrs. Emma T. | . 1 with her. ' | Mrs. W. G. Owens is spending two ; ..weeks with her mother, Mrs. Lydia t . Young in Cplumbia, S. C. t Mrs. Eliza Allen Todd-Belk, Frances Crockette, Emma Gavin and Mrs. v Sadie Ballard are on the siek-fiat; , UNION NEWS 1 Union fleeting of the Union Bap- * Baptist" Church on Saturday , Aug. uviM, ?x/ov. j a iic nnoisiuiijijry oermon * was preached by Rev. Dr. Baten, Pas- s tor?of-said'.church. Sermons morning: and evening were ably' delivered andmany expressed themselves benefited. One.._thii}tr haye I desired of-the Lord, was the text at evening ser- t vice., This too was a wonderful mes- j _ sage^ ' The holy spirit wao preuent, ? morning and evening and we, too, felt that "it was good to be there." i The sad intelligence reached t Thompson of Anderson, S- C. mother j of Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Thompson--j Marty will recall visit paid to Union by the deceased and helpful message 8 given members of Corinth.. t Sympathy for the bereaved ones is c extended by many here and elsewhere c Mrs. Rosa Dawkins of Philadelphia a Pa. is visiting the home folks. Orange, N. J. is visiting their pafents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and Mr. and j Mrs. Andrew Smith of Union, S. C. j Miss Pette4^on is in .company with,. Mr. and Mrs. Smith of: N. .T I IninnT i is pleased to have these and "other j visitors within her gates, may they y stay "be" filled with pleasant memories. Mrs. .W. S. Diggs and little ones t are in Rbck "llill, S. C. with the home } folks. The. Reverend is?kerprm? 4 house as besT^he can.? MissKDaisy Baten is a little indis- j posed at this writing. Her friends are wisning for her improved condi tion. "? ? ? i A card from litle j3arah Mae Ruff house guest Of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Daniels, Spencer, N. C. says she is having a delightful time. "We are invited out to dinner every day and on Monday we - leave for Baltimore, , Md." Your scribe is pleased to have . a message from her little jSfirT and i trust that the visit to Baltimore will prove a most plea&ant and profitable -< one. ' ' 4 Many thanks {o our other little i girl Mary Garnett, who so kindly sent j us ^a nice chicken. We hope to see 'j her again in school room, Oct. 1st, j 1930 1 We take this method of asking that patrons give names q? children who < will attend Wallace St. Primary j = -Qehrioli nt ants. ?Thoae wfafi?ar^ift 4 1 arrears are requested to pay up be fore enrolling elsewhere. Please do e not fail in complying with this re quest. : ?^ 4 The young man from "fexas is now v bstter,' He thank* friends who no t a : ?< * THE PALMET iindly inquired about him. 4 Mrs; M^rmie Crawford, Mrs. Ange- 4 ine Goudlock, Mesdames Weddington t uid Gregory ah?o Miss Dawkins, Hisses Kuth and Maud McKissick, 8 Hrs-r-Julia MeKissick were all pleasint visitors at the home of your \ cribe Miss Anna: Thompson of C<^1- c imbia. S. C. is spending a pleasant t Gsit in Greenville. S. C with Tier unit Mrs. -Addie Miller. Mr. Bennie Reid of. Greenville, mo- i f orod Ihnmgli the country a days?J igo spending a, hours-with his i "Tacky Party' in interest of stirr- i ng club of Corinth Baptist Church, t it the home of Mrs. Sarah Huff, was i veil attended. Club on N. Pinckney St. in interest of Senior Missionary society is wide awake, Mrs. Carrie Singleton s'eeiiy to be leader of this >and; which means that all other dubs must hurry up or be left. r Mrs. Mary. Brown has consented i ;o work, with pulpit aid club, - Let J ithers do likewise and meet Sunday ( doming after service, Sept. 7th at 1 Corinth Baptist Church. ;? ?- \ Many friends in Union join others 1 n wishing that Miss Mary J. Nieh>las be fully: restored to health. t ?\Tt?h?M?Tnliiii trvati-fnl ? t.?W. Boklen for , motor trip from Spartanburg;Many friends join in a naking stay here a pleasant one e Mesdamet} Rqchelle and Giles gave our scribe a pop call while njiiking 1 i: egular calls. ~ ( ~TT; SLE NEWS ? J Tli^Zjevival -tweeting of the Wil- ' liams Chapel -A r~*M. E. Z. Church ' i'1 wsed?on?Friday?night?August, 28, J with real success. Eleven souls were ' brought to Christ. On Friday night August 122, and Sunday Morning at' at* 11: A. M. the pastor Rev. L. T. Tate pleached wonderful kermons.* OTITrT'STitnd'ty woi'ning the- meeting was conducted by the Rev. J. R. Funderber, Pastor, of the Metropolitan A. M. E. Z. Church at Chester, S, C. lie is a "wonderful pieachcr and sing? or. ' We had with us a number of visitors-during. the f meeting, especially Sunday. j > ." Mr7 Jesse Emerson -of Spartanbur'g ~ S. C. motored hore on Sunday to see hii^brotlier^ Mr. Wesle^^merson.^ glad to see Mr. James Johnson's face . again, after spending some time in BlackstQck, S. C. Mrs. Reuben English, and child- : ren of ppti'dt, Mich, are the wel- < come guests of her mother-in-law, i Mrs. Francis English. < Miss Biooksie Mills is home again after spending some time in Santuc. i s,.G, - ? - ... They are many sad faces around Carlisle now, especially among the c Tfie?visitors are "leaving?and- the It young people are returning to school \ Mfes Beatrice Mitchell left oh t Monday?Sept-;?1, for Chester,?S?C?1 where she will attend school at Brain ml Institute. We hope 'hera success- t pul SOhOol lerm. 1: Rev. Mrs. L~. W. Stewart, returned .u her home in Knoxville, Tenn. Sat. \ August 30, after spending a pleas- s vnt summer with her son and daugh:er, Mr. X. Stewart and Mrs. Wait- n ;rs Johnson. li 'Mrs? WlTt Dawkins and children c vho has been the guest of her Sister t md father and mother-in-law- re- ~ urned to her home in Jacksonville, s Florida. , p The revival meeting of the Mt. v Cden A. M. E. Church Rev. W. L. fohnson, Pastor begins Wednesday 1 dgUT 3rd we wish, hini:-gmch._ X ueess. , * ? . ? ? ? CONWAY NEWS- ^=r==H _ 0 At the' usual hour Sunday A. M. j lie Pastor ascended the rostrum. .' ect "The Christian Race." Sei'iiiun?wus-found Heb.-Dl:l. sub ? A most inspiring sermon was de- ? ivered by Rev. Gore. Remarks by ^ lie delegates of the 'women home and oreign missionary society, namely drs. N., R. Levister and Mrs. Lillie L.artimore. y The Sunday School is doing nicely it thp close of the lesson Miss Spuey he daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jpuc'y who has been to Europe fiiad.? juite na interesting address on Social ^ md Comic Section. Mr. Clarence McCray was in the 'try Sunday~achTnpanied by his sister We are glad to see Mrs. Eliza Mclae in the city she has been visiting ? ier daughter in Richmond. A .AVe are also glad tcr have Miss c< ^ouise Flpwers back again after be- R ng in Durham, N. C. to visit her old n lome town we are clad to have her fi Mrs./'D. Cannon who is spending a .he summer with her aunt Mrs. E. f< VI. White mhtored to the city Monday ej P .M. visiting relatives. d Mrs. T7. Adams 1s*teffftrnr"for^Wash ngton, Friday to visit her son Mr. E. A Glascoe -G "Mr. Ernest Hemmingway is back ci ifter .spending quite awhile in Phila. v H EM MING W AY NEWS I " I s Jerusalem A. M. E. Church i IV Sunday was a quiet day at ur 11 :hurch the Sunday School was opened it. y,:30 a. m. with Mr. P. W. Rod- u jersf Presiding The lesson "Amo^11 a vns rev!*wcd by?Refr:?R D. - Gray o yhich was very interesting teal ic .he committee on arrangements fur ;he picnic was appointed by the Supt. s is follows: Messrs Leggette, Wright, ^ raylor, S. Wright, Hemingway, Lew s, to make the lemonade, Mr. R. F. S todgers and brother to purchase re- s freshments r. Our picnic will be foturday September 6th and we ex- a >ects to have a high day and give the ii - -- -- p At 11 :HU a. m. Rev.' Gray preach d a very good sermon . si On Saturday tho Baptist of No. 2 Jistrict held?their?'Union Meeting -h yith_Walker j^hapel Church here and ti iftd avjyry successful meeting with E \ ' .V " t o TO LEADER mrui ryp.nts from every diarg* t was the -hpst. meeting of this Dis rict Rev. H. Dozier Presided. Mr. R. A. Leggette is at home o iccount of sickness. ' Mr. R. L. \Voodherry spent th veekSTiic] at home with wife an; ihildren he is employed in the gov >rmneot service at Georgetown, S. C Mrs. M. G. Coles isCon" the sick lis Mr. J. W. Morgan allei a vcry-pte iant stay returned to Haines Citj Fin, he conducts and operate ail 0 ange Grove ?Mrs^Alnin 1 .n-vet t.r-nt^hTrdnm-ttt riade a flying trip home .on Sunda; :o see her father?and?mother Mr ind Mrs". Leggette. * WAIIK SHOALS NEWS The Devil is still getting a bu> lame in?Hri*?section.?Sunduy?igb narked the beginning of revival a 3ig Bethel M. E. Church. Rev. S iowan have secured the service: o iev. White of Abbeville to help in th var against sin. Sunday School \va argely attended at all churches. Mr. Wilie Rice and brothers mo ored to Clinton on the 24th. The; cporte<l a grand time? Big Tothel choir attended churcl it Belton Sunday and rendered "sonv xclleht music Mr. Maceo .Webb, Mr. Wesley Dav s rribtored to Anderson Sunday, Dui 3reek and the Hotel hovs r>lnv<irl : iobinson Pasture Thursday. Jnc Fames showed the fans that he is no >nly a sheff cook ,but a home ru; <ing, having connected with two or jut tiie Hotel'lost in the_9th innin, sy-ir close niacin of 2-to-S Mr. and SIrsv. N. Tf Washingtor Miss Susie B. Hood Mrs. V. Pose Mr. P. T. Robinson, attended th Union in Abbeville Sunday. Mrs. Delia Fisher, Mrs^_Bertha Rn inson motored to,.Abbeville Sunday Mr. Karl Thomas of the Riley Se< fion was seen in town Monday. Mr. K. N. Robinson of the Dr Cleaning Plant is on his vacation thi week. eastTspencer news Shady lirove Baptist Church Tuesday night a large crowd wit Junior Missionary . Thursday was a big day for th members of Shru' - Grove's !Sunda School. They motored fifteen mile ^ut in the country to have their ar, nual picnic at ~New BetKeT"TTnrre >f which Rev. Daniels is pastor. The 11 o'clock service were .we! ittended. Rev. Whitmire of South >rn City Tabernacle was the speake At thrpp nVln?lf tVio Pi-oci/lont lers tyid many members of the Dis rict B" Y. P. U. Conventlno held ser 'ice for the installation of the ban ler of the B. Y. P. U. awarded a -Tig-h Pnint, \T C Miss Corrie E. Conley-of Spartan >urg isagain the pleasant guest o ler aunt, Mi's. H. B. Drayne. Miss Otis P. Kelly arrived horn* Vednesday nite after spending th< ummer in Cedarhurst L. N. Y. Mrs. Martha L. Reid of Ports louth, Va. (formerly of this town] ias arrived in town with her grant hild wFiom she is going to leave foi he winter. The son of Mr. E. G. Craige i: pending .a few days here with hi: arents."" Hhe is accompanied'by hi: .'ife. 1 . r !' > Mrs.- Mary. E." Watson "ilnd Mrs lattie Jamison will leave Saturda\ !ity, N. J. . Miss Myrtle Bo'eer, Shady. Grovt ews. writer: is spending a short At the close of tlie Baptizing Fri ihile in Gastonia, N- C.' ay, me memocrs siormea new uan Is with groceries. Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Daniels, little rand sons of Baltimot-e, Mr. atnMit". e Sarah Mae Ruff of Union, S. C, Irs.-'"Daniels Sister, were the dinnei nests of t*Ii\ and Mrs. Henry Woods Monday, Mr. and MrsT" Crawford Biown, Tuesday, Deacon Peoples, Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Wil arns, Thursday. - Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Daniels, Rev, laniels grand sons and., Mrs.. DanieD ttle Sister left Monday night for ope for them-a. pleasant trip. 4RMaJ4EWS_ Sept. 2nd, 1930?Young's - Chapel ,. M. K. Church has just closed a sucessful revival meeting conducted by ev, J. R. Johnson, Pastor of Waylan A. M. E. Church of Winnsboro. iur ..souls were saved. The town as whole commends Rev. Cunningham >r sOch a wonderful selection. ' We njoyed Rev. Johnson very much and on"t cawT how ^oon he comes pgain, The revival meeting- at St. Paul .. M. E. Church of which Rev. S. L, liles is pastor was also a great sucess; 11 souls were saved and fifteer 'ere united to the church. ~Stnre?Miss -Sarah Rattle of Lex; igton has become Mrs. Corley she is eldom seen in Irmo^ anyway; ws Iiss her every much, in, Lillian Williams and Messrs Ale> Misses Willie Lee Dixon, Celia Mai mbia surprised Miss Eloise Boozci nder Sanders-pnd Mayfteld of Col n last Sunday evening with a po; all J" Miss Ethel .GlhSOlL Of Culumbii pent last Thursday with Miss Jenni? 'oung ' Mrs. llowelL Boozer- Bryant lefj i_*. i?r *?j~ ? itnuiu ?;v iui i^uituuure mu. wrier* he will Visit, her husband. Mr. J. D. Dorrah of Ware Shoals nd a graduate of Harlison Institute i the class of 1930 is here visiting riendsrr Mr. Dorrah-Will soon-en te* Itp"frestimnh class at Mmith tlniver ity, Charlotte, N. C. Mr. John Hope has returned to hii Dire in N. Y. C._ after spending soms ime with his parents* Mr. and Mr* hff. Hope. MrsrLiltte B. Hope oi ^ High' Point, N. C. and two littl neices arc also visiting their parent "and grand parents Mr. and Mrs. E. 1 n Hope. A good many members of the Pres H byterian S. S. atended the school o p-methods at Haines Institute, AifgUh _ tu, Ga. last week *_ < Mrs. A-r-M. Jfolloway of New Roeli t elle, -Nt ?.??? here \'tsiting~her siste pp and tii'i.l Ini1 W.-v Iiurl 'Mm T How r man, Mrs. Hulla.way is enjoying her much self very much eatibg the iu ?dine vegi'mbles arid melons 2- Mr.tftai Mi>i Borneo f>avis and lit Jr tie Uughter Rosa Lee, of Columbia ? have returned? home after sj>endutj a week with Miss Eloise Boozer. Mrs. Jauie B. Stokes and chitctrei accompanied by Mrs. ilattie Smith spent Labor Hay with hkeir mot he and grand mother, Mrs. Idella Booz j er.* Mrs. Idella Boozer is ill at thi writing. . . t Miss Mabel Strother of ^'ew Brooi . land is the house gueijt of Mr. Pep: f and Miss Eloise Boozer. Mrs. Pru dence Dreher-Lyles is spending som< s time in Chapin, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freshley 0: Columbia spent Sunday with Thei' parents, -Mr. and - Mrs. - Jacksor Frcshlov. i __I l, Mr. O. G. Rnwmnn ic 1 ... ..mll nvt tuc Ucir ? ber in Frmu now, 1?? ? Miss Louise Bowman left Saturday for her home in Columbia; af 1 tfcr spending a few days witlvl-hei A jousins, Misses Birdie Mae and Ver n.._ nell Dreher. Miss Vernoll I}reher is at. ho me from Knoxville, Tenn.^t< ^ .he delight of her many friends . n The many friends-in I rmo of Mi j Gonzales Lybrand, and Miss Matti ^ Bowman of Columbia, were glad t see them" attending the revival meet j ings last week. . y *r Mr. Freddie Boozer spent th e week-end in Lexington. b GREENWOOD NEWS The Greenwood Harm'oniers stage a great program at Morris Chap< .il Baptist?Chureh, Friday?night, Aut IS 29 Alarge crowd W&1Tpresent?to et Morris Chapel Baptist Church B joy the music rendered by this grou ble School opened ljjfst Sunriday at 1 A. M. by the acting~SuperTntender Rev. H S. Chapell,' all officers an t- teachers were at their posts. At tendance and collection were good. At 11:30 a. m. out Pastor, Rev. F e gospel message from the subjec y Douglass Johnson delivered an able >s "Journeying Homeward." ? ? > ? ? - * i auiyi reiurneu iasx~ t rida hr from "Chicago where he has beerr"at tending the National Baptist Gonven !1 tion . 1?-* ' ~ Our revival meeting will begin th r third Sunday in this, month, conduct - ed by Dr. A. L. Boone of Cleveland - Ohio. All are invited ?o attend thes< ? sendees'. *?1 ~ ; Dr. C. H. Henderson, returnee t Thursday of- last week from th. _ National Medical Association whicj ? was-held in Indianapolis, Ind., he als< i visited Chicago and other points 01 his way back.''?!*.. ; We are glad- to see Mt. and Mrs i Benjamin Sanders home Mr. Sandert will take up his work "at Brewei Normal and Mrs'. Sanders at Easi I End School. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Mayes of Ashe r_ ville, N. C., spent last Friday in the city visiting relatives. Little Mis-s Lillie Ruth'their daughter accom? panted them baick home. 5 Miss Ida "F^air left for Gaffney last , Friday where she will teach in tht . city school. ' Miss Jimmie Williams a teacher in L -N~C?left-Saturday A& begin-heFWork Mrs. Mattie L. Mathis of Lauren? i and Miss Founts, nurse at Brewer L Hospital were pleasant visitors at Tabernacle Sunday. Miss Garrick of Columbia was the guest of Miss Willie Fox last week. Misses Annie Sherai;d, Katie Cow' ans and Mr. Joe Cowans, were thd ~ gUosr of-. TohnsUh "test .! week. Rev. John H. Walker is still on th* ' sick list. ' Mrs. Lula Bluford and grand daughter, Kathleen_ lfave returned from the mountains after spending - a very pleasant summer; Mr. Charles Williams is s?ill indis1 posed; hope to set* luw-Asfct koon. Mrs* .Janni Perriii;; arid' son left for Philadelphia, tjpurcjfty 'where they will spend th^-wrfiter. Mrs. Eunice Goodman of Ninety_ Six was the pleasant visitor of her I neiee, Mrs. Mattie Lee Jobber last week. Mr. Charlie Stuart has gone to Columbia to the Hospital for further treatment-.?? L ? Rev M F W5I-'.? -* ... ? ? . ?? wowii ui t narmiW, N. C. is conducting?=?--revival' tat ' Mars Hill for Rev. B. W. Walker.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jobber motored to Modoe last Sunday' to visit Mr. rind Mrs. Ja'mes Robertson, r;- Mr. and Mrs. -G. L. ".Floyd" and daughter were visitors of Mr. and , Mrs. Robt. Wiliams and friends last Wednesday. Mrs. Maddox of Ware Shoals he? r daughter^ Mtjt. Sarah -Walker, Miss , Maggie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Wvatl Hampton, Hev. and Mrs. Mathis, were , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Evans, 241 Byrd Street.. Mrs^ S. N. Martin has returned from Williamston, S. C. where she . ter and husband, Rev. an'd Mrs. R spent a pleasant stay with her daugh , L. Rpjbinson. Her grand-daughter came, back with her. . . ^ Mrs, Celeste Evans is spending th( , week-end at home, Ware ISholaa The meeting: of the-"ex-soldiers will . be held at Mt. Pisgph A. M, E, j Church, Sept. 9, at 12 o'clock. s ?-HKV^IIOWM * WTTf*PffOVW? i Rev. W. R. Bowman who wart ser> iously hurt in an automobile Wreck . last week and had to be taken to the H GoocT Samaritan Hospital is muhc , " . 1 f *- ** ,:a -.'.a PAGE FIVE i_. JL improved according Lu?statement ? ? from Dr. Green, Supt. of the Hospital . 1. Kev.^ Bo-wm'an had bruises and sprains* on his right leg and an arm.-- i which gave much pains, fie is now f at his home and will be tble to attend ? his church 'tomoirvAr . ?-__ ? His car was totally destroyed and L.. it was only a miracle that he and Dr.- . - ? r EUlS W^l-6' not killed .' 11 - ------ ? m mm '- ^ , KKV. Khl.IS DISMISSED ' ? I UO.M GOOD SAMAKll AN l, The Key.. K. K Ellis -who miracug -kmsly-escaped death in an iaxitomobile accident in which bath cars were tT completely demolished,-has been dis, missed from the Good .Samaritan Ho? r pital, and is now at his home 141'J ?-Oak Street,, confined under Dr. . L. s M. Daniels his -family physician. In. ?the accident?uur?correspondent. suf i ..... ? < fered larcerated wounds atkhtrfrac- ' s tured rib, also a great loss of blood.. - He was rendered unconscious for _ 2 nearly twelve hours. ' . The hope of his many friends is 1 that he will soon be abl,e to continue r his work as presiding elder of the r Winnsboro District and" "hrs wgekly ? ? - uontributiunn to tlie ralnu'lUt Loudl-l'1.?' i . ; L. SIMMONS Contracting Painter _ Kalsomining; Floor Wax i 11 g and j ?- Glazing. v 2L PHONE 4039 ... e 1225 Manning Ave., Columbia, S. C. o PROFESSIONAL^ . CARDS - ^ - 12.. it ? "i "*" a ? : Office I lours I'hone ;? i- 11:3U 1'. M Office 3530 ?- " 6.00 P. M. lo 8 1\ M lies. 6548 8 Dr. C. E. Stephenson it Physician ami Surgeon I Disease of Wuiiien and (Children A ^ :? "^Ijyeiialiy " ^ ? Office:?* *?- -?~ llesldencefC""^ t 1414'.* Assembly St. 1328 Oak St. d ? y Office Hours: 8:3<* A. M. to 7 :UU P.' :j DR. H. D HAItPEIt Surgeon Dentist - ^ e Fillings, Extractions, Plates, Crowns 7?1 and Sridges Gold Crown -and Bridge Work ~ : 1 A'bPEClALIK ' 1 i 100Vi Washington St., Phone 210113 1 ? 1 DR. H. II. COOPER Dentist , Special Attention Given to Di.*e*?ea ef-the^Gumar 8?? * Gold Crown and Bridge Work A Specialty , OHice Phone G4P0, 1125 Washington St i Residence Phone 8264 - Office Hours: Telephones: ( 8:30 A. M. to 7:00 P. Mi Office 6033 r Residence 8873 - ^ I(r Jenkmr ; DENTIST Fillings, Plates, Crowns and Bridges Sunday by Appointment Extraction by Conductive Anesthesia a Specialty. 1107V4 Washington St.,, Cola,"-S. C. DR. L. M. DANIELS ^ Physician und Surgeon Special Attention Given Diseases Of Women., ?? Office ?7? *; Residence ' 1125 Washington 2230 Hampton Phone 6420 Phone 7664 .. DR. J. G. STUART Office Hours: i Telephone: 11:00 to- 1:00 P. M. Res. 46a2 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. Office 3796 Office: ' Residence: Office Hours: Phones ll A. M. to 2 P. M. Res. 8876 o f . M. to* 8: P. M^~?OI#rre 4247 - DR. W. D. Chappelle ? : . Physician and Surgeon Diseases of Women and Children _ A Specialty Office: f Residence: r i3Z*% Assembly St. 1301 Pine St. T ~ Columbia, S. C. I __ ? ,! , I O'fice Phone 3407 Res. Phone 6798 N. J. FREDERICK Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public ' PRACTICE IN Al.i: COPRTR ; ?State and Federal I1U) Washington St., Columbia; S. C. r J. H. JOHNSON & CO. Notary Public, and Dealer - "Hi ifHl au'l ^leref^lotr-iir 1 PINE RIDGE CEMETERY. Beau_tifully located on paved, road above College Place. ' . Phone 642ff. ^ 1 II09H Washington Street if * v