PAGE 3IX' srcmisiw.vr ' t: . i \ :?r-r WayniuJi .luliia. oil " t it)11 " hen I" 1 state tail i>? * s?j'm * " giTfntiv as mm- i i. ~ -tlie oer,there is som.'l Lii.;. Nr. - i.... . .the well tial"'iii ,ir. r vMuti)^ 11m >. ;~i state. cf.urmy ' - , euro ;t ^lvaiti * _ ' . In')*nuTir.^- ^?.? ? ? .?.ii_ ? ot".- tilt* uit:.' * _ m:il Im-s in w In. :. ' a!,IV' trrTi11111 i, : j - = ing i \ rii! : ' . Iioml u|"?m ii!,r. i.? .. rsemitiu'U- "iirr?<:TfH . It wtint In- ; : mote-.Kim ii"^ ' > " ^ clvaft?iny maoKHiCUmlll It'll I"1 SUM it' J't'tiil V'.Ui'. expected ul a!! "7:? ^ \\~iH tr.V nr-r-r-:-?' edict u iil .ar al: _i_ ^plll lit ': 11 < >1 III.': "f_ ?"' I !l -C> I : : I T ' 7 ~~ nieaii > ait> I liiiiv-. . _ _ . l-'lTtl Sin 11 *:i ; i>luviii;> t.n.h ' > /_ 1 \\ 11M'i' 1 ' i' . t Ik > I ' ' : *' VI Kill. H t and t In- .in.?.; . ?; SUilv-wi'iii if' i (i* \ iUv ! : 1,1 l ? :-r? I -. t;\ :iit i ; \ In- 111 ? ^ _- : iir ? ^ Srtlith lia i" ; t. . bb ll till"'-' I "I :: It It H.I > lir i N . i?. z^Z?! ' Tltu fl " ! > - J ' day u a- . -_i main | ; ? paiiH-s ar d thiui " ] 11 a in in1 ml. Mi. ami M i ? :Vt;?l M ;? ; Oi l' ?'t,a j't : . thj.y will !>< ' .' ' sniM-ial t: a* *' T5 . ll^ ' 1 -r. Wnr?! *.uM a!.?1 Mi; ^ I . ?-'\vi'?*k in \ i U> .Mr- Sal lit1 W : hftdizay^U^!?.. K1??i - *1 .Mat i i-?ami. : '-v " T. V. ders and. Mi. II-1' tliv'Tirain! ! weVTT" TTmj' "T"T v'r : ful alul I'li.ivN a'. !> " "Mr. w: M..-ri -d- - Sunday uith.'M ' * ' All aiv if!ad ' ??:: tr.TTf^nttd S: I; tL. - ? ** Hazzard lnndi?ij. . Qmlr a 111 i i t : 1. Spl i?K a** ventmn rn Ual'-M-t.- ?- ? ** di'lt'Kalc r? 11 .i:? ' > veliliwll. h. I., Qnaitl-io r :. AlmaTtrrn 1ft >* ?1 y .1 ' : r M r. 1 t < ' j " "visitinv i t ivTid ma. .? Willi- mnl"ird ti" iuiw Btiii I;. ' i Mr. a. d M. I.', i'- ' . i ii- u" th en > pent amlM i \ J; ? All's Alnm [ \vc?4. in A sifts 1 Raehel! 1 l:t/./:u '! S i'1'. ?*?; \h";iini All.. si.. ~~ ?:?:?'Tlf-ir AJe h"I ' "t 1 ~ ' . ? spent l:i I " inn !:i> M. >lla?r? Mrs. 1 ren fr???ii" t M si ii:- >. : .' ' inu' their Vin ssl '< Alj'i. Th<>in1 ' ( ' house fiiest Mi 1 df ( ulnnihin. W i> her varat ion. . Mr-\. Mamie ?-rtp-^'oriey If! ? . ~ . town, I'j'-. ami 1" :n i their eiiihl'-eri. . ... :?We lire i-I^aifotd ami M ( t ?on the -susk 1 i-J-i? ;?i have a speoily ?'? ? ?' r"~5Tr?er*.fe?iie Ha niti-? Tin- T" ' > ? ;-. zard afc all snub-* * expecting??k"b? >1?' " ?t Mr. David Renew your sul^rnpl?<.n T Palmetto- Leader. r*~" " ? * V I ' _ r, . i ' I "i mir i j uowsiN(is - -" { AH. \K1>.\ in. Tn,.t week in his cei*iniuinica- 1 i hi llit- Various towns-of~the , , .Uioil ul 1 he paper a a Vw-?.-r.virnniy appreeiate j h\r in iiMiimuiutirs where 1 mi uillfrelpinjf Us tell ;.iuI M-iti'ols Ihroughoiit the t, i-liner it real service and se- ' tti rrnw ttr^?fect" some-one , . > >| uT;il I'll for lilt? lit'111'til ? -fliv public informed" OTTah i' i*n uhaiely I he paper-is not .4-'4.iuxlci:.s Jo_eoyel' allj-he-i iii i ar.olina anil mifeT de- " ' iwiii i he -state in helping: dis- i - ?? " - .J.- " hii\ s will be 'donning their . ?rr .11 i In- lavklnitf?dummy. \ n-M'il for: getting I hem -in -4 . in- ; ridiron. TlierTT were J tii-itrr brand of foot .-ball is|,'( . , M| I ... J. . ? ; ihat Allen a-nd Ben _? i.,i 11 i i* t heir- wares at the ~ I i ain>' arc one to cbfne' j ?i?ii j In -.-law of averages _ v\\ utiii-ial, we understand is , w N ork. '".SlietV" was ? ? iir ' years.' 1 ^ ..h ni I'insoiuof -Morris to be } 7???ils diivetor of Athletic > missed 1'rbn^ the bench I hen we move up in -the seule_... be modo-... knocking home runs and , ! luuicrstaiul that beslye ' ih?' W'estr These-boys will ! 1 . rit iu-es to relate. it !" t'aciilty-personnel tor 1 11 in alhliMii'iiriles-rrr-1111 StafeT and Met i hoe --has" hi. i'? . : , _ _ ? ?s- -4 1 ii.l_ .f\vs reached the city that ' f'i. .*( r.tlufn anto'riv The funeral ( - . . -k plac. Monday aftornmuv-A : * :; -\vlih tlTT-fu-neral. ,,f M-- -Per- ,1 I T ilri tak'er J. It. W. Morris a ndciTul. solo. A l'.irgi* num ( "r~7rr~"i~(T the s.iiT (U'cuTin. ? ?^??It- :n ty?rrf?^faffnny?is?in-the t . . V.inij Rev. A. J. Wright and ' , i iota R. Sexton *of Spartan-! I m:-,. M ??? 1 _ ' v. Shevisiied Shiloh :sun-i ('. ('amphell is in the city(\ \?: !? t'.- in cimductinf; our l'ev.i- ' ~ '.7, ' - 'jl - 'Margaret -Hanna was the .j > . -mi V.iest to Chi-raw lasf wel-k * t .-t. J ' Johnson was our del- j '? . On* I district Conference in] "" ' ,i?i?Afr!,. She reported a! ' "1 '--sio.n. jj Mildred Watson .left for the *: iy; Mullins.Sunday acconinan-'j v t-r- M ?v 11. ) :. *and a few of the. j ! . I'nist she "will soon recover, j. \ lolet Reese, mother of our ( ; made-an interesting talk, on | ? :?-r.f Mr--.. Frances f'ervis"?1,, \' ;M:irs'aret . Reese our dtde^atu? ;T,t. V,. S.'and H. V. R. U'. Conven- !. .. ... t I-?I a real meeting in every, J ! ' il l!tic. Bridges made a visit'! .. y last week. j ,'N T\ arty Ktven t'oMr. H. E. Cuv \sas a real affair'in honor of daughter, MiSs 'Ruth Covington.' "j "/.! Ruuh Smith and sister dautfh- j Rev. Smith r\nd Mrs. Mel,eod|( i '.it!?fi >1111' | I'niii New York Cityt -?1 ' - ?*-trr? picture?of?health. A1su.p-i -j";." l,'-lrMd!_,?_ 4j ?r?7~r' I . M. iMeCol'luni - reported a--^ j ; - .t .1 . js'n.n to the Grand l,odj?e! ! ; < a:iidi*n. j i - - t CAS l' St'F.NCEIt NEWS i I ' . 1 * r "U Sltadv (drove Baptist Church '! i bv Myrtle linger. I, o' .prtny oVeninK :nt~ ?? -p." m.. the]" r mis ioiiary motolod up to the 11 7*i ..... ,'r r???? .. .? - nutliiat Chufch. Wtittw'j. Au*-1' '.,ii v 1.1 '/animation. Rev. and Mrs. i J, ^^ t>aftj"eTs^iinC'cT llIr'sr Clement la- ^ ~ ' 1'iiilay mrnip^. .the, short funeral d r ? THF PALMRTT SPO wt VlCt ut Ml'^K Jl'IitlM* Jlolnmsr Wu.S reiU?iw?rvrt-rt?tny timi'V??mi*?uii.t , ?nrgrt. rviic UIVI^U l.y MlY H III; KIU'IV HIT lot 3iniic.>.ana uiviiij^ Kiiuim,h>. .sumiay iiiiii'iini^ .mtvii i' \\;Ts Wetf j mt-tK'U ni(i M-rimiu ua.. Jb-4 c>. .LiILiv 11 j huiiimy m iiimi was i tiiiuucteu jy All's. I'.ii/.a llulincs,. ai'Uii^ S.t|u,i i iic if>uiinay?>cinM lesson siiuuki nave, jt'i'iu "ii nmpu alioii To' IIU1 ulii Villi ' > uUiiK- .?II. n. u. I icU, |>i>mi d acni vC tin- li. \ . i . i . uu't lualiy new ami win siiiiiin.y races, itL uic| aaeetii)){ sunday morning. -James iicjny ami vi uiiani i lazier liic sranu 'sons ut K.ev. Kuiucis arnvcu kmimcx -ana i*m utaa: sptn'.t?-? aii.; uiu .M i s. noiiriViis TiVni tier oi I ma< hi: 1 a ot) Lulls are.liu\\ visitor's"' lil uirt1 town"j 1.1 luucKiiiir iu lia\e irnjm' woisnip.! ivith -us ii? U1$xservices.- i <>me ttt)Miij ilTTlt UTHl J tii-ima s tie. picasafit*A-a-atau^ux.'jjm_ ctLUHJO 4isu. ilicy uuileg 'themselves -\Vlu?l 114 * SlUllljlV 11 < 11 l I Mllil III - ill 11? * I* 1 , ices. I iiV 11 tin toss iii 111vii inuLUel. I aT e\^7uf"T" ' tlti.',Ill" f"M ny nipulu> I mil w;isn llu in much suc.ccss "that lu-y in'ake iiiul iio Weil 111 lilt-.. 1 ncy 'iu hole now-xvTTvtv liidy writ remain iiitil ' Isvpt. w 1^ tr~T1ieir u ii n t s n i*. .Carrie, Caney and 1\\??Suns-.Oh asr -Sunday .Mr', anil -idr?. A, L.. Ti^iynv ami ^RTiiiivn master ATttnrr ... and Gmfilyju'i'? spoilt" the day in Ireuirairuru, N. (they returtuTI" Chf .ollowirig iwi'iiiiiK. 'Ahey spent the. lay ia outing and enjoyed it much. >N ? all ai e*, lookmy; lorward to the dad-town -'convention which will be octet! b y-ALls. -A Ibon l>.i Jiull 1 Jaiueli. Friday nijtht. t'onio one conic all. ? i ? .?.? r? m rm" ~ - ' I'l .NKRAL SKUVIt'K >( Mrs. Kuth?Hi nw m held?h?? VV ashnglnn, 1>. A'. ? .\1 rs. ltulh Hi'uwn wh?> was a faith-1 HMC_hcrc; passed aw^*>j at the Frleluan ilnspTTrrl-.-ltdy-Ll!!1.; 'I ho fundral ^01 i iii'?vrttr?held Iti 1 Washington.?iUher homo 11- OakilaTu l'ku-e, .\. \\. TTTTy?TV.?rrrrrr?I'tic minim wan preached How .Mi'. Taylor, pastor of Uv_Memorial jdaptt;* t t Jimx-k --Shu was" sWcctly tmd to rust ill the Inn-. olrv Memorial t.'cmetury' X. I.. which was covered ami sum owmh ?i with trn-uii *?aml n-nut it :jI lloral lesions. Slu- was pit to rust at her lesire in a.litfht j;ray hall rom h. She iv-a.< sweetly Jyiny dressed in light J /ray?(lent-gcUc with tin gilt of Lhme pink loses h\ her i.-tcr I'.va .Sims in her right hand. . "i'ti r -s Mr I.aney Sims iniHtnyd thi-r,. jternnipanied hy Mr. Frank llichurdsnn ofspence.r, N. ??7?-?7?~ Siie h aves 't o mourn her loss three sisters,- otto ' hrothef and husband wo rhildmn and?a h..-,i . of relat i ves old friends.' . -The I'allheriiv^V *'V?ere lite employees of tlieyWar \:i'.rV llllilding of vhich. Mr. Bros, n lor hn-V.nml was lerk. - " r -s i. ' Vil ... riora] . noly.-^= - Tulayv m(-rniny the .sisters returned r(?ni Washington. The tw.i>' .little rirls accompanied them, they will ho u-re with their nnnt^ jintJJ em.-. >er when they will p. luirk '!!> AVtyshy nyt.on to school. "We the mouthers - of the church vjth the lendiny v.f- our hearts .and ninds^ in sweejt reccolectinns?of;~_s>un>athy and thoughts do sV mpa-fhi/" villi yo.u and the chTTdreiTT .WiN-XKttnUO NK\V>?-?; Thn weather eoatmur--. hot and dry' n this vicinity. The f;?rms are Toolcny-fine. hut eardnlis yro hurnt up. Mrs. Ih MauS-enult. who has ieon visit ihy Iter-Tetative-' and' 'l ie/ids atf -Hopkins. ret iVneiV, io this ity rejv?rtiin* a- deliehtfu! trip.. ?I'l u>f. W. A. Ito iii-: r. i mi iHeh-rojudimtner T-^ehool?rrt?;u.iie?t-Vdlop- =?q 'riends!' ''' - ' -?? Mr.' VI IU'ero.-.1.1 .-viaii iti/.ietf iif this roiCn.1 p:t' ;ViT Ijits "life ast Monday 'JI t of July. Hi- was or many years mhherted with Way nan A.. M. K. ("liiin U hut h. as a mein^ it-r, ami sexton. His hody was' fun rali/.ed Wi'il. 'J'hd, hy his pastor Rev I. If. Johnson., who \yn emial to the evasion. ' * . j IJ is wile .Mi--. I'.ell !\1 illnran, died th?t .iilutnt a \ i 'ii* u'/o. ttnoi';>li'/oil?by?biy pastor toy. A. Wade at the A. M. K. /.ion church last Wednesday 2drd. His >ody was J>lh'id to rest in the Middle vix Cemetery, .lie left a host <->f i-e.1?tive,s rtnrd ffiends to mourn his loss." Mrs. ClTadden of Chester was n the city last week. the puest "of tAf StStPPT -Wrs.?Mnrinh .Tack ?<>n. Quite a number from Winnsboro ittended th0 County- Convention at tmnlhvotyiC last Friday."* Sat u rday and Sunday, Pyfc O. K. Manipanlt remits it as On~hest'in tin' hj.?tui ' tr exstence frow every prmf of vew.'' lenity represented . St. Paulla. JSum. lay .school. ... ' . . . . 'PLEADER ^ ? ui;v. l'okteu answers east-'tn?n ?vi.? v nuuKKt'()Vt>i:\r. I' y \\ hy throw tin- Stun, ami iini,. %w?urf.' liaJiiLi. , ' liai.' i noticed in tii? Falmcito 'T.,aih7fi "' fin i iii ^nvi Uitnriai .vi. Wt.t.i j At .' \S ny lit row t'h, i u,k ami .linn , >utir hand." '.Ilr. M. or Airs. .VI. '' ,n in* I.oiil knows who?., To nflemi>in\ soil", hrsi to'f. 'iv ft.xl. 11,11,1 hciolV t ll, i'llltl'i'll { al i . -x.lo.ij , ? ilni'ii lu'loi'i. tli, Baptist. lirolii,i iiooo ,,i ?>uutii t.arollna", puliu, iTTa"~ f.cni'i'al. 1 dart; not publish a llr. . .1 repudiate tin* 'statement tiuij wat.i11.ii^in .I i,y Mi- M., ^r Al. Tan ''f Kuril -kri >\\ s -who? -r,lativL. 1 j> tut t? sijrmn^ Vtt Zion liaprTst-'" cfrurrv , r.astovei*; at,,ail:-,?i?t ?.:liu( puaiiii. the. three (.'J) churches. .That s an . I ruiieoUK charted aieautsi. your. htrfm- ' ?U??suxvaiiU-' jViv lvsitrnatton A pr: oarUy ba-,d on tin- lack- oi coopiaaXn>TT -iirst s,i:*?n4 .... sauteMission "anil Mhird Korciy.n Mission; ami not because 1 cannot pastor iTc ,, three clniri iu'si ' ; (K,v.) A. 1'. Port,r. . llKl.lvN A NKWS.* Sunday was trustees' day. \i>uj L-nnw wiinr job, sn \v?- ask nil "! Vih ; '1' members to be present on S.Uiid;>ts . oh xrt all nicotines. Sehb>d opened llb:;ib ir I v. ith Supt. Mr. J. S. t...Sa:idt'i s . ai d * : teachers. The lesson was well diseu.s-': .pi sed by all of its niomticrs The normj>ers of our dyhool are' a >cKat . -p^t-iuT(?ur*1Vsson. Tin1 school > ry ie.inir -on. At 1? : 'irrmv. Ke\. K ?Ay?cAa Youn^preached a wonderful' serin- li V .which we all enjoyed. I u 7:(J0' [). m. ('. K.' I.eayue. na.'l T wUh Kres. Jesse Marshall. 'Ui 1 . i^ t. youiiS nierT and younK ladies* hi jrah i t() dip into the lesson. It- n'iahes u- _ fejA pood to see that. ..3:30 p. m., Key. \ oiinp' again " preached To his ' Ileal CJ s,?1 to. _eh i .' i "* is. niuVnip on along all lines." Miss' Sarah Kay is hole *sp Ttlin" awhile with 'her iatln-i" vi r. .w. i. .. "1 When you. want to , In nr g > i " preaching come (.se,, us :c 1 ' i h 1- - (. Impel. _ . ' } ire cream. enld-ilcinTTs- at?Mm'- L:J i I llms." Leader "Vale :ik ". . . *? ? a*1 .Mr. ami 'Mrs. Moses .I;u4;,? is a i : In ".'uutnunoiy tW' nmrrinye. daughter Miss (Jeorn-iii Kith n tn Mr. Ilarvev W. Ilaywnud. M.. n.'.'i.a Kaloirft. X. ('.. .Inly V.':W at the! \V hniiu.- irl' )ii'r filUit .M.r^vT, W..Ts;<-!:er. mm. Mrs".; ItetieecTf tlrneret v 1iM --''ft" ^ i 11 ii.vmi Ini ) In.v. . r i I i i i 11. i'j? S"if ;m i?I -P. mil' 1 in i U lin i In,?Mil.,, ;i-Ui4i ;?mi?: i?UJ 1 UW-U-U-it I In ir' J.llli ii i' d_muiil' ? Mr. Unfits Chnrshiro of <'Ii?:t >.ri" and j' "i| Mrs. .('arrie .Jaek^m an-! 'Mr-'- Mat... I-.. I irct a nl** this city. ?^ L IM-yi l lS ACAlHfMV Nl^vs, - a I Prof. A. \V. , N'u-hnlsna 1. ft f f" Pie: Philadelphia .and New Ynrk Friikr fill-' carried witty, him Ailiert nmnds, .Alfred Nlchid.-ni:,?dr..- a??his son-in-law AIr. C'.enrL-e VN'e'avr : b a Ailan. We hope fnp them a plea i.nt stay.' Tihe l-'.Neciiti've Hoard i Mr. Herbert Hlasseimtile; *?!; .Viola ijnd ltuhy Nicholson .-pent ^ 1 an I; i y in Wa'.o-nor.- S. ('. Ilia-trrtaiL'n^ ATf?" Haynyml mo-ri nm?-?? ti?. spend the rest of the. soinmej !> ' ; . them.. . j i a-', M fs-t_ J Men Tyler, rt student ??|* It. ' - i ,-a lis Academy left 'fori her heme iv.'-V-a-t (' harlot te. X. C., Saturday. '..." -J I ^v Mis. \ieteria Nieh??Isi>n few wcelfs willi their -friends Mj- ' V . and Mrs. V? Niehol im. I Cr Miss Viola Nieholsen, Mi ' O Olga and (Irofvhen K.san and M. r. 1 lei-la rt lllas^'iutale had a 1" !\ ! It-' < =ff(r'-t+lo~l;f) Frdp-etielTl wher e l|i? y-.vl- jij. itfd 1M r. and Mis. A ? lte:p!e??. and Mr. and Mrs. Pavel .1 *ni?t i $ ft I " . n' '" ~hoiii,,' fr.'in Camden ilL .Slio t|,a ill hed ever since. We hope - In will g -non lie., herself again. . { ? , _ J u ! - s r. <;ko-u<;k n I:\\ s. | ' ' . ' Mc. N The Ileyward boys ;.r,f. ridinv in a j $ ' six cylinder ami (In* hay /nyt "( nine I ride with lis u'ii ls." k~" : ft The annual fall revival will luein ^ at Ciufid Hope Baptist rlmrcli tnitiiil.t o Sunday duly 271 h, conducted l>V Ih v. V Wilson, push >r of African ISaj.i'i ?. $ JcKurch. TTerturort. Mr. T>avid Lemon. Mr. fail < he t"nTTr. "MT. WIIMit-tttttI H^rMd-fb-v-w>e>-a, ?*?' Mr. (oustard llevwanil and Ajr. .ft--.. Senior motored to lloTTy 4*1iH?>htlni .ajj dav .: B r~?Mr. Bia?chi Dupninjr ?r? f ivi'!< -i. >' g ms.. v..? i.o-i... oi.. i.-i \\n I , (\ M. t1.' Church Nrw"r- Th v. ~ff. , . Watson, . _ Something new happened on thi u d^y was observed at A. MhTTr^prrM. ; B R. on .Inly 20th; Mr. M. I,. (Tiiod^p r6 . .ai Led- as master uI. CtVeiinjlu.v jr. ' 9 Marcus- Lyns is president of the Fir- . _ ,r. .. t * 1?- ' ** :,~t?*:?? c_? ?^?_ l?a\ fiUair. I'ap.t?vs were road tin* lather* .ami also talks and ii- i -s . I * \ the vai imtr* t nthinn. u.-fv.-.kdv- 2.lh it .will Lc ol?,s*.;l'\v?l jhady tirove TSl. K. church. They tin* ijj; at the Kalhoiis' Uay at St. Voj lv_ ttl U.ntf. Van i.V iiiiu-ral services of Mr.., -ill i I'aion uor,', held ai ?"fillliy. TRTT P.. V H 111 it on .1 uly. I Till. All', fax- -'an v. aj. ai va ry yofin^ mail about . 21 ' ( 1 OJ a-T* r'.. :i-al litadc hi- .home ill ton ioii i.i tin.-., last ?yearst? a s.oward ul' lliis chuicdl and to \(. 0;?-mlu-i" our since lie- entered TjTTil i i.i. lan.ty. lie was a; ul' man tfnil lived a jyood^life a- f]u it lu? _l i iend>. Rev.' Watson ile-J |j(. ted' im ? alouy. . - . ^ . jnjiM cfrfrht?H??' roil* . Mia r-u Bran, i s Jenkins of Newjvart <]j0 , V7i77 is .sf-TTutin'jf spirit time, wh, Cii,)H'. to' attend the funeral of "|j|ns of "Charleston -v.)h taliup ;i few days in town. ? .A . v. V\ . il. I'tmrkney preaclud at wt.j >4' fi< !?? Sunday. ! ' eon i-v. V Mi1f.T^n- -prnnrhul- a mr slit ritiu senium at Bethel A. M. M:r huieli ,Sunday morning and nijrhp. (; Ui\. S. J'.. Watson" preaehod Al. -ait i iiijjC- .sermons at Trinity |^j. S;-.Viaireh nmmintf and* nipht, (V>r "Saint ilied meet in j?" that W:vs veil iJ ;rt 1; til -oil" 1 own lor the two -p'> have ?oivu' to a close. A Pre- j|.lv I .-Ider .from Ohm premd+ed-two its. - , . | veil liydrii k Stro'nel and Mrs. C.eo. mjs if- ,Vn of .(larnett have returned ..( - emlipL- j on till- "irk ^ Me. ... jrav nail ~r \ Ki?-or.:c^>,^sJlii" !; ? ? . Mr. i .. in I I-"1 il.i-na-i t?jtl tlii-' lit*' mi|\, ". " "" i '-| II"' I >' t'.'l I In~ |>, ui .,11. Ilif?m+H?tli<-r-; aiul | IV J.>t. linlVT lniivll. ilMir,;,,,. I'l ii in! " 1>). Sumter "HUV;. sim-ere |?;v i-k' an.I apiiiv.iati.'M J'or tlicir < plumlul ainl to'.u li-I.'- \|j wn a-: ihM+ii:4_llic silliiM'ks anil t;is in i .T l (if .'iai l'in? "I our, liomo. ltj(] wi n t. ? pv* i:t!ly mention our ,f v. ii-it.n ami i-.i al it ml., to Key. ;p IHS \S V11? HI. e\ t'l.'l 1 e tltl^ ill" ,|< , ,1 in-i-ri.l scrvirt-*i*se ni.*iijitnr Sa'l'c \y? shall ever love ^T-! -. y-'i r ft r'hol't life I'e. J'' 5 i v ? a fi-ai' I'iir' I? ? r ihe pa; It of 'lilo. pleasant , t.h_e_. i??jc_V-f ? v ''11''11 J? .'.Vi: I'?I'. aV.nH'' t 111"-t.rei-s ' jllii i-am Vny -ili-ni flninl.or, |?a| i-,.i i'j, (iiy J^Iayo At. IIAV.i - 'V1 >i,i iiii nunc ntiall join our numtier 1-, i -'I- *'i " thou liath loft ill-' '1 ( ;,?r ..In. ha! h l.toa-fl n-5 ~X thy l>'s.v \\XL_(lws. hoalT :i"'yii \\c hrtjy to'UM'Ct thrv' '"Ki > n ' }.. T* ll< ?i; tiiti ti ill 'II. :i\cri. with j"V to prcct < J'!.. TV~nw?t'nivw. 11 -hear?m shed.. .*'u. , Sim 11 'v .-1!' illyy, - . ' a* : :ii: ! M- . l-hniii l McKrtdden, Sum -< I'-- : 1 ' 'A Lin-. sMl'l" ; Mr? Kiairk MeFaddeii,! ^ . \ivi.' a.l Kiiu?'Ti(>'jlturtrt'ss;'oil id. ;:*., s! I i.mul M. Fadden, [ , c-?Mi-Kaddwi, SiiiiXtor, S. C, r* ; .. | , o . .v.;,o o' a oo?>'oooo&GtfG&> A ^ikSSAGEOF O .W'ljcii hath invades yourTanniy ra .n-i ;.((> > to \ mi n am ;lfcie fai l ... IIKXLUJI jlNX AS.SV<;iA I'JtJ :i < -t..: |;j .a-hi am e laws, to pay iii-y v i.i. i. your ftrretluiugjiit persuj ??^ ---P. ~.f ^ S\ utiinl Kt lief &Bcn ? ? 'i. u. toi'nt;nrrnTD .r 11 < i \ i: tim; * . - ? * >00.>v'7">vvv*vOvOvOOO?iO.OOOvQ'-?iCQ -K^y.<*Myit''*1,""V,SO v'y OOO'7'OOOvOOOC'OO* .'KURSK'S DUO MKS. I1. K. KMK ' A I''ill~T.ino nf Putnnt > ( Varef tf-F -ami' To^a^cos Madam ( . 1 WhiH-pf': f . - "?-kI'HON E 1 1 122 A* -< mbly Str^t, " OfGETTING u ?- " t- . , '.'Cii l 1 [or tl iein*] GLAUS! RRF.AD'fe -SOU I I I S FAVORITE - w VVTW! - . "17- T A ' , ? ' v . ) ; Sntafda^^August^^^^MO^ T~C ' * ' - m ^ _ '_ ' (WI'.IIOI N FALLS NEWS hi'. past-. week "wits ~a busy one for people uf this community, as old ri'lioxi'il itjc vigillance, and it bein footer. Farmers resumed their tivatinir of the crops.. - They (have'1 ^UllV'I't'it as imiili as it seemed be ? ise uf the short drought. ?' )n Monday Messrs William Single . ^attie Edmonds. ?ad Calhotm I.tuiils, 11 mtored to Anderson, S. C. ? uutnes a baselifpjj^jrame. They .ret an excellent game-^! interesting, - r- . I) Under tip. gtii(lan.fir^of''^R?s^?MLeslie .held it's regular 'weekly 1 4-i4Hf the' Wine-of M4?K~P4?k-ie llicr. . There was, not, a TTternr.y . i. Carrie Edmunds and Mrs. Ad- Cl M. Ware, a visitor. A* reporter y happened to-be there, I ' would 1 to make this criticism president -should alwuy-K- -stai+4 .ft or thi.' last lecture refreshments *e served that w^ns enjoyed, of rsc by all present. Refreshments Tthr rlnhV chief drawing card. . y the rofreeshment increase! in the 24, the delegates of the A. K. Churches uf this vicinity, de- - * ted for Springfield church in Memickk tf rain. Sunday night was an ehmaking one in the history of Hebron. The CoeTTl MtsstoPeTT ^ hiy hj l.l iU^iiioM^h^Ling, Mtv. rrie Murray, president. A proim-atas rendered. Welcome ad was 'rendered by Mrs. Carrie ii inds. Responses by. presidents: , :i Johnson, Harriet Johnson and ' /.a" (Ti <'e1>7 of Bnnvhs. S]HTfig fie Id >t (Hovers rosppefc ly. The very efficient choirs of ll.i try and Shady drove. And 1 fe'.vya.s.--real singing too! ? ' It. Hebron cbmr is to s^ng at Mufry Monday night. 1 -iu' base hall team fhde oy**r to [. "a" giiitfi' from the team of Tate's ive Saturday. Score; 9-8 in f-avoriiir ho vs. . ' ' lixs .IneV;. Smith charming young !7i7o " ~ ^ y, lit VI v? I IU \ . 4.1 Ml 1 l?IIN. tJ . H. tK. i(T AT,lu-vitiewoh n SuOtkty ? v ^firr-t+Til' M iss Manfii' E. BeK'hef. ihscribe To? The Palmetto ^Leader ^rrrrVYr>y>y)nrr^ ONSOLATION \ : nks, whai a nu-ssaRti of con- S thai THE Ml) TIJAL UICEIKK J l.N is under cmithu't 3 you promptly your insurance * adcd y''U to lake out covering x > ie v'tent Ass. of S. C. ! , (lcn. Manager. ' I lr.Ol'i TAY1 .OK STREET ? ji yooaoooooo^oaaiaaaDOJCuajcujua -S- y- '-^T ; . 1 :.oc^'oc?ooac?poo0^c0a?0j?KeoHci GSTORE S SF, I'rop. Jpdicinea. _ Cigars, ! i. A Full Line of j 'reparations at all 820 Columbia, S. C. j .p: annnnrtmw%nr?nnn *wvwi T TR pn I . THE BEST7 _ 5 E N ' S C- A KTES S SI NCt I84l"_.