The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 26, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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? . : , ~ J"*" " ^ ?.PAGE FOUR ofyg t>alm " PGBLiStt 1310 Assembly i 1 . GEO. ll.-HAfl ^tiirn-o Ui tin- iv-t mil,, .ii ('.?,riiV 1?~TT?. " Ai* L?ui ,lulirj,'!'r-*. a; : J? . S >- i*s< One Year $'J,00 "STx-AVTCnrth?? _ . l.Xu - t'UUi:ii?N AI)> \\ . li. /11 I (. (>.. (iUS IkT , | *Otiic.'a['' AUVi'i nus. ;.i llie rajie * 7T7L . r - 1 \ixr hvitxivr ,v%-i11 itibt?n- 'inrl; :imt' U i ? - w in ii t :.t \ ,.i v m > I lit I>a II thuis ami atv nol ui :? tu iania will tiul be fiotn t il. lit jecUd l 1M.M C'lit'i'kt^*. it I*iit nil 11 sja i it! wr 1*. ii t ? tu ihe urni'i el uu J'itii.neiiu i.c r- N. .). l'liKH'Kltl' it. . it. w. ii,\i .\iiiai:ii ... .. . " Con:jiiun ic i ioli~ i!Ui n :tii TY7r~t i,r V :i ' it avli lri i iii'wi .ni ;tlv k _oi iinoi i.a ri t'l>. City infcii uay nitrht. ? V ' -? - : : ?>?;?=- iltl?Luti;u- Utttfr-j " " - > ' -i -VTr-t-ittrt-v - s?e -,-s A riii: iiEi\i;i)k r-Ai . ' . . , . *. j ^ . i : ""T hP'Til 11?-1 I i ( I ;\ ) 11 ' 11 Sill III jit'I Ltu h lu-aitl innifi .i 11iiii*. iTTat 11 \\";T: JiiiiitHiiu i il lv\ I'i livlil al I >i'ili'tljt'l la. I. I'ritia\v .1-1 . .50 ^au-t't-^sl uU ^iiiniiir.i: 1 HiIV.- u 11it;11 a111h'11111.'t mu*111 \\ a jlail.'V t >! I lie 1t avh t T i l H It'll I s !l v.aV; a fai l worlli inil ii>*->* n?f t ttiii(ilt'|t il I lit ii; . v\ al?! ?a'-ll? IlH ail?Al l -iff . 'l ilt' ;\Hft*,-.-I aII\ a II \\ a li'-iiitn>: k ill*! Iit *Uft fit I ri) i: 111 ft 11 \ lit! J? MINJSTIII t, i , * 'flu'., rt'inii l; i?111-lisfit'd in lhi A1:n;i: li-jv/' l'ti? Li lido lu id at- I. 1 " ' .i"' '' in i Mm i ! n i . iiTu o|" our 11iii-i^ nyarTlloVs' ol A. t>J" I 1ic i>11|'i< j-hiiiily l'i >r I'll I lirlll. ' ' ? l! i. a si'v'ji of ; ) i? i s in I la ?rtriT?ryt"'"I < ! 11r11 . i i;d d i mi-a aifal o< .d ol di m i ji-r ii;i I I>a|ili ,t*. _Ad'i fi<id.i.a-, I Yi .-I?\ ; t ?? t?i - l 1111 V' ntTtii'- ti-i'.)-: I [|? f >t!I n Ivt ?}ay. onI. di 11 oi I'lii d-'iii'ininal ioi .1t wa. a?o|dt lull* 11y?I r:iiin d vrTTJi t lu- Y ofidiic-t?iifl lit- i 11sI i11 KM1, i-' \\fll Klaivvat- a.T^-yt-htiH-?+fs+^ jaf Id roivii missions nnd',i"- 1> | ii'i .! 11. im < I 11 t'l mi.;- I,*?+U. ' * |Kt>lo)' of Si i ond ( alvar\ ] la - - . ' iiiiif DT-ivi.-rTir, is well.Tuioawi a; llr'is a roHWve I l aitu d man. ai l"i' 'riii-oloy'ii al l>'ominar\, OtliiM' t oar In i.*.- a. I 111?. Tr; I'* ol' A lion 1 'jii\ i')'s,ji >'. and yrai U'1.' l-i 111\ i )""11y <i.i ( fiit ai'i). \\ li laiou n: I >r. l-'ivdorirk <K^did . ?-sr/rnrrTarv" r Tlrr- '1 rr. y-V7' < lo.'jirnl < I'iitil"i*?' ntistun A:?#t l?i I lit*;?|i\ ;il killnlj ( i?ll"V i>n I-. I t* H H 11, wit1*1* '"'Ifi k<I <>t"S I ? hold :i V)i;i I im'"'- ;liM^ > u|" Srn i'cl I'hc.i|It>;,\ I'r Alih 11 IM'lif.'il inn. I |T:{TT> I f ; IK I' ' J ;JLi.l '??'tr-r^*-?w .< i :i 0 < 'i' h i 11 W.J IT llli'.UIl ?. !', t '"I' u.rn ^ ?i i 111 ( 'an >IjjT^r"" <r<<>\!MISSION : ^ . - i-'arl .\I iii iU/\ r < '!i<kj" ?!' 11it ~ * ^ "V. ! 11 11 ii I t >1 | o | i I . I 11:11 I I 11111 I n".;i I >1'1 ,'iu I i i i.i11 ( < 11 .ii 11 i.i >\ t- I t!':i hit"' I In 11 ;i i I iHwi'vV. i- II.. I i i... I -.1 -. i'i...*. nil ii|(-iv<i !l i,'.:tJ r Vtiiiliv iiili' .-'i'-m i; ;t l.'O., H' lluI'iiiij" I i.i i la U:n;,i 11,;. 1. tl' I !i: i \?hi ''II'.: !il?Tt ;tri?i ? I]it-<-1 ;ii'.aj,| siiii' ilij'. I )lil|l.;il " "ilialfftV |h>i h\ f)r. AI iVi 11 ; 11 YV'vai I .lolm ? > WlOlr I ))'. .lolnif !E'?Tt< It I'M':': (.1. - mum- from .lafh?v<\\VI<lon in] It- coursr it siiotilfiifi-i'.'M' i ?!' an\ Lliinj.'- doiif l?\. tiif < t;t11 ? (Vow ;*t*i 1 inn -pro\ ii|i i| by ||t t lit"'f rcpri'M llf ;i!\\ ? t*'' 111 I''II11 . . itt'H.y to! t (if |>nliltr\ >nl I'fl.'. rotllil It;i?-?11 y . inia'.4jn-M in I'l.v 'iiti ?. t t s I osI jlit' i' t?I I f 'in iTi (fitaiiijnrUl <i| :i s-i'io'- i llii f'iV tia-- r-ii.t-i ? . *.* I Inward . . ml TIP-' lH'ar lo ju f a.< v:r<N'i1'nilvaiiLu tile Afa^stninr ?( t ^ Insiilntvn t lif i-otuil c\-; -'f'hcr Hntbi;"ri ' if (If11n?11> t rat ion. hail, been <{"< 111> itmhas.-'.nflnrs' i in has or lo aw ? i 1 a I!:i)'< 1 Miartv-f to an -I ;i" : . UHyli.l i+^4?aflfoli"- )| 1-frc -p" Sf+YTffT TTTRTT U?11 1?'- ? -a:? ?. f< >? ! .of^to^f*Vnn p'1' : omt few .facts <<met rliiiiilt tl farm un<l?T which Ilii^Vta is rrenl Knp'lish y?jr?|osoj?hoi\ sttt t hijiKf-r, (h-balcd < ij? i-ropnsif i rrrrtpat, mpplLuaUtu^) Wow torn, s who acto<l ,?:-s chairnt% ) at l Ik . iiiH-f-Tiii l lie suiticrt iy. a 1 rav ' .^lv\_Noarim'"-<!i'!!H''i! the So =--- ^nvriracv^^iHyi1 "M'i the .it ' Itiil ;> transition i*o< cinn i nt "Way from capitalism. > . pf^Q^dk'tatu'rV' ' *' ^ ' '' ' ij " 1 ? ? ?- ' ' He-ttii Seafier El) WEEKLY 1 t'TO N, ? t'u Wisher. " nbia. S. C.. as sccunu class li'iatter bv an LKtPTloSs . ?Throe Months __ $ .75 ^? ?.Single Copy? . .05 EKTISIM; xaKXcv arborn St., Chicago, 111, . . allowed by. law. x ruiurnat letters uii subjets-ol general Inn ii I>\ tiii* name.- and aduresses of the au. lory nature. Anonymous coiiunuincaUons nanuVcripls will nut be returned. ?7~Mon^y~t)rdfrs should~be made payable auer.- . . < " . .-a'--. ----- ?- - ----- Editor ? Acting Editor : rc lit" issue must be verv brief, and should pt .-^oiiuis and social news, by Wedues.dil'Tial Phone 4|>23 ' iTt KL>AV. JULY- 20, 1930. ^ . d.KN SUMMER, SCHOOL School; From all reports thai have , ( hTiirv, pr'o\ed a? tremendous sije osrdent Sirnsrat the tinal exercises nth since 11 it* experiment had proved iuul at iloliiinljiii had become a^Jj^xs ei'eeted with the~tnunderous upwTio Jiad bcen the benetieiiiries; thai, two students, because Ot" liav- J ^iie Summer School, received their j Suiiimer-Sc|n?ol idea-carried out as j i rated beyond question that-Allen tune *>!?*? School, and in tho-coi^se j .... ; ' . ; '" t ts INSTITl Tir is |?;?in*r-hist week, of the National. leiivdicl (ullej*e June '2-1 to July -1: ' It nppeiuv. that nmnyii denominational aljiliation topk atiself-improvcment th?U?was exteiid? .. direction when our ministers i lie vitnT^]n*()t>h*nis of life without 1 iinihliliiiy. We have tfoile far when j j iah> anii ot her ministers are able ! tin- a uhilo under teachers who re?' ? I L*?-' " i1' 'U|i of minis I ei s that had -to tin ite. Dr. r. 11. Antisclel, State Direc-1 HtiTts rn fi experience in the held iini^i.oruiiarly lit to shed light-on i d-' 11' li.i -v. Tin- Kev. ('. 11, Brown. pli. i f'huri-li. Columbia, the Assis-! ; a pulpiteer and up to date thinker^. <1 a graduate of the famous-Roches-r t * ' . . I nli- were Dr. 1). H. Sims, president.' Inalt ??f tin- *14ioolr/j.dcal School of: v?M- i ejuitation as a minister is wellj -in, "ra,iluai?' of the Rochester Theo1' f!" Dei ft", coll etfeTFftined and. then-1 I Diversify. lie lias served as Dean e in Carolina} and the Re.v. j ifc in t lu-oloiry. lie holds-the decree i <>ni Ih.tqu I niversitw~i dt-rived from the formation of' i;di\ | lit1 In- t it me. \\ helleve t hat ! It r landing anu>mr our people , in i ' ' ' ' ; I sllorKS HAITIANS Afro American. said in an article it- .Moh.ii (Yimhiissioners sang spiri-J .Ia : enil'dv \\ hilg' t hey were in t ;-n I iji^al uiti :?yst:i?ni for President tin* Haitian elite were .shocked and d- t lieni in do so. The C'ominis-' ..article, sang several spirituals on, "in I'.'li l, lo I lie I'niled I'a-TT" hayv. gat hered fo ~Tisl<*n to the in \\ hen Alalitnla Sings" was read :i ill. I 'resident of Ilnu'nwl I T?i ? . ... ... . tx/TfUl VI U?II VGI .^11^ , Lake hues', of Tuskegee, read serin-'iirs "Hod's Trombones." baiter of too'^i'eat surprise to hear mission, after it accepted the Jin'i rLuia- 11bovbT,' I Ail. Hie report that, i/ii' -haw* jjrade of themselves minitiiin'iit i . at least nailsbatlhff: TTnT7-id.nts of Harvard and the. Massn'?e> enpapinir In a siip? for the'WFK -ami passemrers on which they were kep-ee. it appears tb~us," sTiblild apauion^ Ne^i'Oes as Harvard and >f Technology appear to tho rest of shocked" at tin- Port au Prince vocal ly shocked at the spectacle Of these +t*e--white people on'board shin.. If k ins! bul'oonery whei^those who are - ' ' TTT noVKRNMKNT ?h a \.f itilHUPlShi tlad the 4t^-we think it woitfr while to state' 10 Soviet form of government?the now ruled. Pert rand Russell. d Scott NearitiK, eminent TVmerican oir: "Is the form of Soviet Govern>-dehate, said that our dense ignores! y upon pur institutions. \ iet form of ^vetmment as being a JVSS 'hetxtcoTTTupttHlisrh_ ahTT socialrrtrtlist nor a communist government working toward communism and aL_..w " ? .. hiyhly centrali/.ed and is in the form delegates1^ peasants and workers ' V" ' , " ^ ___ I iLn'iii m r i i i i ki . v.~ T11K i'AhMUTt 4 f u 1 . cure j^i ^ I''IF ^ owning of their own jolts. and'cent deciding the polit y of ituit.i.<i i \ is t ty.^aiuMiot^ a fact ah t atly'yp-rompi workers. Local constituents^ -hv school teachers, sty-el workers. hu senitdy or congressional libtrid a: tiling tt> do with ft. It is a pin !v^ i The basis of represent at i?>n is i [Soviet CJovei nnient iiroposes to or would eliminate proliteeriip'' -an,f cally Org^lTTTZmg- the en tie >7.77< "!;; e contains the* phrase: "lie that w eat." The parasite can't \ .?L -n he. I?It is ML. Net-ring's opinion that ' will fit Western ('i\ ili/at :'c 11 w h J i I elieves furthermore t hat a .'Prop to the inevitablenpss ol* t ht present-', r.nd that the"whole h'f WThfn-flt 4 possible* for the -next inierifaLif-umI -Unaiutional. war.' class war. eivil-un mi. u'hiik ranis lliai a IV -11? -t r? ?> thai tile Salvation of tic \\< -ten of the Sd\ ief foWhT"7r "n:m< n't Mr. Uussell doesifl l i !'.- ! \ down. II is" opinion i 111. i: nl> :?! t tired I>y Mr. Nomine; at !!ir.< n:r eotnh thron.irh a process Ila-v lit!U. ill' e<I uci.'t hrOttl^miTrtiiTn?rliai i v <- A one act play was ') roSeoU-d o which deserves "jr .speeiaI word i?f I of play selected, and . e<-??-iid. I??r i!n played by-each member ??I" tin v'a- i (-i'ole a\;;is thut of priest "pl-iyrd lu" Irr-igsbyone id' 111? -ins-i in. im- a. I '. hut the role liienl ioncd w.-y l>\ :'; mention. , ^ Prolesror (i. PI. Nelson. ol liecdi Allerr deserve t-leinK - I<m; i h.-d r<) Itenediel Alien. Snnnm i* 1t. hi' >t frr hktwt:i:\ Tin: F ...silss-. l jnks:..?. z in (to It I a i \ p. n \ \< en k - & "( \\N()\ HHiM.U - c Unless- this- writer t" r*'trr: iv irrtaken -Cind knows". lie 11? f ? ? th: : is- ? tin* Ni'i'T"- rare in ijii i ?utii r> liviiiy; on.tin- luniks i?T a <-a? i > r - tfcdy: Fur MVii'iy irt<>11l-l? -I In- .lien.l a l:(l t ('1)1)1' 111" t | U'. ,\l 'I 11 lit - t, : bci'ji iniiTu 11 y* : tiulii il. a:.a ai liii' now lit- six |>;iT iv I ^ 11 h VI' Utl ?til.?tiniim n ii I i ti.nn-ss in tli' in all' Tin . rn i-"lit t1 ill tin-in that is rnh-nlalinl/t. inah.- * without a in iiii inn in ..f I v. i.| j :hi " Nt'ifro Tummt surviyr- in "i hi-' . iii"~. That tin- Xcjf'rii lias a iu-\ap-.- i ? ton- well kilowiii ;tiiil i ii-n :h<- w hitj>'. man w ill this, uirl'v fad -admit: d! aT'T" a raci* ot tin- Xi-uruV stajji-*' ? h'-nhl j-~ [IliitcSt i i l-t - ! in in I,,?,? rrimfnaThms is at n?t?.*o v. ;t- . ii-:-. ,, and mvi'ssai-y: . 1 li.'ft the lem r.'-.Y Nl'IH'O I ?l=ll> S - t-ilt'l ' ^irrdrj ?'i-n- ~p+-?-?-<" U'stant. js im-vit-aJ.h-! lint it i: , . tn-nu-ly ili'ii'lit iTi'l if a jn .a i in " ,i,v li\flUThvn rv;uf In-- 11;. -.1,1- ...| t; ._ .l . tTrntmn ~?i| ' It i t r.-i.-i.'t I . ' ' " Tin*?rump thn- far by tinjfuiid will, and tln-i,. i lit tic' r i : illy tn indicate-that In-' ma advaf:ir't In-r wit limit il. Tin - ; . - Nci'Tu writers-- li-arii. thai 11 p t . .i. . ,, i- mi i lit c 11 i; ? * i| ij pari n!? | ii'iir t hi t ti-l' -it i- I'.iiii"- 1,1 lie . I'.". I ' . ' . rin* I'vituiv. It rs a ! .1 tot the xtffu. j?iv> -lo addi^,-- il t: , ton }'cin-r:ilj\ Ii'i tin- ItU-a i-' mhi'I Ik; >, lins anil t licit- tli-M. ri - . Wjitli ! I' ni'tti'" (ii ev- iif*?:?t ht-.tii*' trrttrmio" *i -;! . Wit lj' the u hiti- ?I? 111: l * 1? " if. !.*'i alt a ; j( "tht eat faint1". nmt--Mirm-hi. r'' a.?? tile Nufi-'ii -.fruttt jln: l'iil-iim .T I i-oMtjt ryi it lafcr^" no )m ojilii r _t to:."' see what mn 1 In- t In- *i:'vr it al "!? .' * . . A rt. >:e -ehitiii.y ul' , u 1 . j dieate that J.Jxi- ijio t l.iti- ' i: 1 * . i , h found in tin'-li:V|'ct ' |>u'l.,'.i -1iV ii al.i j, ?l i" .Ma.-ini . 11111 I ?i'' n !""-ii""" 1 I i lit' t hey enjoy at lea 1 a n'.i otv . vt?V immunity tii rirlaiii riv"- ?!i ' . ehlor question; TinA .-an at' 1-a-r , i'j.ifsi- -t-Wk wh-i-k-?atari -timer' n?;.r, .?r~ ahd hi* feast m'nli-ly safe- fiour if..h . vijilVncMT "As* Kelly .Millet- t.iul !t'!: j week it takes im yieut e*i.tirnvo >"stay. North ami etii-.-e' S, ,i: h. Sm,. cowards can do 'as niurh!-. iiui assumption i- 111:11 I! !. j a tinit' when a'-people mu,-t d v .?' it- rirhts. This r> inn-??lu~?world has st|>vays tr11 i i? ?1 i'r -r--e i (ilt- who dntVd ti? 1 i< I"ii -It' -aiel ' " i principles. (Xur point i_ i hi*. - i f rV-t- ? ' ti: in Netfroes .want to ?! i .t'or tie Ne toil's right* that* is- t-ii 7T"TTr1 j l.ut in arrantrmv t ho d\ iiij'r -for rights lot the lniilso jii'ir.TiiM' t,,n<Io 'he ily- r j ing or show how it is to h<- .! |' i t tint'- man -in ?' ??? part?nj- xiie t-nipt v-t to .arrange* a death-trap for. .-motfu r. ' N unfair, unwise a; <1 ilai>"-'inei . 1! o 'I is a e owned who :ifi-aii se-' f.m .th.-rs " J.,L '^(l *he death* he liiu. i ll' -' i; i.-' ' . lileSs ther<> is af ihanrc -of t . tht Ni'itivi |)ii:ss, there. i- - - mtin?1.-> ' . H?yi-ak out an of hi..oil -tu .i m the South that is uoinif to ).? t regie. 'I"he lines that far too ma"v of i a ?\egvo papers are* wont to follo^ destined tif hring t tie Soul hern >\< grin-to gregty^t inhalation.. In "fh??on. > ?i. , of physical and oeoiioinie warfare \ the Southern Negro in his i-rii-taiae ' and poverty will he the i-anijon fed ] '. .derj In other whrds. the isT.uthern T4 m the '?*.and the some of tlie' Northern'- .V tiroes evidei | ly want in . twi-t. t lti- ' lion's tail! " ??rtffi.ntlv t'lMlli'l) nnnh->! Hindenlnirjr congratulated J-ho f;?r?? fnans for their courage arnl fort it whin erfdurintr the. French' mvnn:i! im, j Wjth their head in the KrtJirh lion'.They might have resisted uifito death . H - ?* : -I ) IKA UKK _. :,v _ .sh-jetrvv \\ln> lia\> in \ i- \v (lu> [ttrl i\ :-rrrr^-niTr''-"r; i^^ij all c sj?N :i : 1 MM. ;,;!'! i 11>ro'itiitV i i*rt ?i" ??w ti j11:?tiiii i s- and lit- <1 VI *t Mini-' pari.'llt'tl. ' if till' l'til t.i- ) he inv!11 1 rial ft on unit? r I tr;t;i ,L't oyTat'h It'll rn r~r~; i-1: r;ir , > ilainir li-aat v. <)! 'iv> i. Ty n?p< Wf Haw in AitjoTt-a i"{.'' "Huinit. system. V :CU1Xmil- t-t t?yvn?'?; r i.'J. T ie "aiyy.pp crt>iioi.nir {'A*. 'Hit \1 <1 It lit t 'it ?IH >' t! It"-? -r--\ JiClIiLLiiix. ri;Vlr- ( .>r,.it nt;.?n, ill ixii work.1 ifi it j- 7ha;i hi! i?!ii;j"It !'.4'a .'MI', I. mto i n ttr 14 e'-'Wa vfcf -t'f'i'm -t-f-nn??^ 'if (.! ! t.,;t!rr i i < a.k; .la * j';. : He" I HI tl'l'ailrc- T-,t xrnf'if.r t p> (.J' tl-ia.v in !\;<f(ip. an ' ? a"".-. I'lyaiinn irjnyparia'1 wTTrTTt is lHa_fif7iiTi'nn ; !,* ? ini" hitiii \ innv .m?* T. 1 tin 4" yuv t,-i\iiiXa.i.inp. JIV JjillihYvs i \\'?>i'tl wilj.- rw.-.? wlvai PaTiT'TtnTr.; !.; a v. n7 ' I .'lAf iV I p.-ili/ai ra J)I -V.-H I f ca k x r ' <?i j.i pi>-W In; ! iJI f'hVi' - if \ "ii ,,;r\ :H- ' ?'/ 1+tt+4a Vvrttri \\ I ji fli'l'l ', I ! !. r~ .* .-? ttf : Mf 1;11:i |.? '? ) y, Lll?--J'l.H Lil . 4?r ii "1" <!;iI M!. .; rf. fii .- .*i!- i1 i OHK- fi!*:! i(i>! |.. iy. \J,. !l> 4\ !< ! 1 < ,* : vJ. i If'i, - i-i?44?1-I4-. *. ?-{ ni ;. i ri, .(! , T' ~ ' 1 " ; ?"V U4'v . !;!.; I .! .11' M! III ii'i.lJv . ;;!?.< ; ;t ' :"r ? n-T - - . , ? . = : n \\ |,i , : '< . < ' !- ' i.i V" " i. , . J':'. ' ."nil v'-li'" * r ' _ "I ?H * ' :: ' ' TTTi I \\ .. " - ;t| I ,,,\ ' 1 ??;??, , rr-? 1 ? = ' ^?--t-r -Hi ' : -- . , rr~=* - ? t ' ? . . ;"'i m i. ; . i . ': ?'!. j...... .* I, 'j i ' .v vr:?i* } - sv ?- ::. ..i ... ? '?: t?* " :?; ??-?: rr; ? " ; . . M ,.~-r -r. 1 . ^ -'.i ^ A,j.ui i_" , | f; " ....?n-?i " ... ..,-r?-? 'i'v ' > ( -;hV ! , y. 7 ; ... ~ . I t Mtvi - ' ' ; y ' ' if- T"' 11 Tji , ; *, | ">,. "] '! V n i i: . ;? ^ ! '? ' i ujl : ' }j? ?: I , ^ I:t ; -_ii j4-- ^ t?. l-Kri?i4rp?V "V 'i ?' ' * '( ' h'u'v- II? I" V\ 1t;i; u r . r< * I h is* 1 *i > . ? > . ? I. . 1 - 7, ', ,| * ?!; i I: : !i'i>'i|-:t :Vt,._ i >'it. il ?Yf. :i T...J i -r%ir."?!i- < ...v Ji. ,v- " -.'v' !-' : ' .v. ?;">; ' ' \ <'ir'.i, I n?ji.*.t . Iv? i:f i|i I ' i>* . '1 T <'t it i. ( ;> S -4'' 'l. ;|t.t I ; , J,V i; fiit'1 if'l'Mtltf '^f.ltt!"'- \ .. f. .. Tu?Tm!IV " ' ;i M'tv I M'V't it? I*.; , .'it'-. ' 11V i': :i i' : I I 11: . ; '-jfi , ; ; I :iV71 t' i ! v,'). ; f -t./ij.-l" V-iy-.' ! ?!.i.Y M-.rv:?V!,'., !' i. kt #W'IV.' . i t- ! :>'< , : I i. |>"i1-n 'IIIMT V; i""I'hmT~(I"I? "Hili'i'i'ii S n'!i \ ;ni v, iV' k^ni I' i?t . J **?:4 r.y 'icv is 'I -1 i??? ?I * w. ?; ,,11 <! ' ' I i '' :?: U : li T7T( ' ! l :lf* Tf: ' ;in: 1^ ' .last Sav Y':n Saw it in . 'THEL[:Ai)i:uS~ :* - V v*? ' * . *- " \ / "* w ^ i . ~~~~ " "T7-~ T *' \ * \ i . r~~ , _i P (> I N T E D i N. TS ^ m> ,(ii:<ik<;i: A.<i\r;j.r:TON I 1 ..." ' ' 4 vv? ?-k4y ti'XJ;?A-s ye would that ! fin n ? ho il<l do uiiti> you,.do ye cVen J u?> on -it?Htvm.- Jesus. ? ' ? *'" i "Tu. hell with.. jlho C list ij ijt ion." Coleman L. Blease. j l si.< uttered J l is tfrcat teaching [< I i>i < iherly-love nearly two thousand | years ago and' njcu haVu been trying live ii. ( .>le-Blease uttered his a t .-w . days ago rrt~ xi^jroliti?o4 fOHinaiun in-.Coion, -scene uf re-1 lent lynching. It remains to be seen w'ljel her the wi ll, meaning people ofS nth < aroiiaa will reelect r. Blease uu?hha_4dutfiHm of Synch jaw audi, thereby repudiate Jesus, or defeat! Jim. and exalt the Christ of God a-j. ?\v Ii-'Hi?so?much has been?said1* these* many years. . . W.hxjt i.. o ...ii. r*? ! si": . .!< its nrii 'ole -ftlease,? This writer holds that all. rapists should be. v, hil> , yellow, brown or black,.^buf' li,. does l ot hold that it is Rood'poli-j ' '' >; the lieonle to set aside the! nl od law and proceed to hanjC. <n riddle a hotly with bullets or burn :iT "llu^sial". even if )>niity. li* this t i emit inues, I mean lawllessness,; tli,. life of a white man will not bei Negroes ace. the lust imitatorsj i ' i1 u \o >i Id. I low lonp- will it take iIii 'iV tl?*ttfii their lesson is to lie p. It is hoped tljat the "superior ; "tree" wfH ret tin- rieln example, ' lie on,, hopeful slpn is to. be seen 'ii I e. f.;et that Mease does pot speak _ yil of ij.e jieopU. of South Can>' lb a. It1: may yoiee the sentiments "' ! I'TiI not the Charleston News and Courier. /The sun of ilitelli^ence is too Ii it'll now for a lawmaker to advoeate lawlessness -in a rtyl.|.ij|,l\; wjoise' fornerstdue is "law'and I" the ;neatit.:ne, what is the black', ?" ) <lo W Q'k like sixty to pet: l i- '.alh.T. TtTtd a iter having - gotten it. M i' it t'lft'i'lively to y>111 out of of- " , !\ e. a n<l lyeej> out all sons'of (lot! who p t owdi-i e t h,' <'onst it at inn atwl the !->< ! i lara' ion of Independence. Artiusp, | 1 . pa hi 11 lip in 11 hi until 1'uii - mm n ;imi \\(Mii(*ri wriji nLMiisvej .io-lice and Jesus, lift~t"hoir voices.! ! 'hi1 sid< tif the pijfht. .What . can , I b'|!* hlack. church do?!, J . 1 J i ti:rii ti do\v11 _tiii( iLf ,(|u> _ski e s :' '?! ifiikc it pot?the people to work-:] l i inkii.e: tlvo?<e commodities which"', > world musjt h:\vo :uid thereby 'de .self sustamitr independent j, r op- vI n? \ i '. power. S on <ict not ; ' t' X idie- Ivifhiii'.r .lews. There 'j 0- 1 Mack folk in t he IJnitud e- than there are Jew's , in the i, \Vhat ijs llie trouble ? The Jews J leLinion and practice it yet see., ' thai it' does not interfere with ( ~ The relpiioTi of .the blac^fC j : '>11i! nn -dijwrt copy of : the.- Jewish j -ion taken over from the white , i,a ;.,heen a sedative, an opiate , ; o;i f le hi relie io'is nerves, arid < eke hini satisfied with the present in-Pi. i ' ?r. tlu why blael; poo ( "7 ;! ?. cn intensely ?interested in. | i V. i" e.'lil li e life after death. .They j j lii' naive and possess a jrreut1 ( "! "t" th" Afriean primivity. (In to'., A.1 'hodi.-t ."('lass meotirtir or , l'( -tj.:.1,\ < i:tv.< me(Tin?r and li.-t in l I - c'.HOi ieiiee ; and ''determinations'.' ' ? ) 'j. The predominant note, is "i. ts\v-<rh!ly. They desire to'yo to I . I of iiiolhe.r.' father, or some Tf v. let's- p-one on helore."; ?-VrtrT'e.-t he '.Ir-rrr?were lieiny *per'si',-~j' n "i h . IJ'iinaii l'!inpii (. ahd .down ; 1 h f ! i 'e Middle A'/e:; they pursued; I! pn i <;f' io neV jendiny. How Well) i\*o. h i tied their le.SSoll is to.j 'I'd iii the fart that sensible J . 'lu not iall tliein '-Sheeny.."j, :'.>i a. are -Vailed "N iyj'er.,7 , i - pt\? t?r-ilie nify the' term or ' i i i ia t a the early Christians, -r ' 1 11 I: i-' ,-i'd t^iiMUt'i .-.?So live ~j "a o.'i.i'ii," ;;e::ei at foils will deliyht | term ahd r}ump "N'iyyer." !i;'-thi: p.. a I \\ill in-ve.r lie aohiev-| i i of "(IoId -Star" Mothers j' 5 1 Ve.-|i| ' M'trre-rat-ioil UKiT"hilHnIias''|1 " 'no haiiii ui the War 1 >eparii; -t. Tln-y ha\e derevrated the pre- ' ;.i i''' i.n-iiinrv of the lads they bore j I i. 'Pt- u-iil Id.- Thiol- IiiiV-: (Tfil veithl' ~ ? T ! >:in'l'l at Kin oT a better'' ' 0 . -T-ln v would have rested more, cfnllv bad tbeir 'mothers remain- 1 n't borne. Now their sleep of death i v been disturbed. T.ot lis para- 1 u' ta c Mr. Rlcaso's timely remark : ed say: To bell w'ith all Uncle Toms ' : "! i a-->v footers. Rather die a free- -1 ' lv than lj\i n slave. I'lve hundred thousand years bonce k ;. bora jre aerations will tta/.e upon ! eeiituiy with pity.. With alWof.j1 ' ii , ! : led culture* education,- re-,1 fnem< fit and religion \v(. still oppress:' [the v. e.ak-;?t al;,.. advantage of the down ifroddeil and take the life of our bro-! ' ' T. wlio-e skins are non-white. _ 1 i Rat the greatest enemies of the ', are not the lloflins, and irenCfe-'-1 '-nTT-n'^Tt-his stump: the greatest one?1 I ii. ie>" a re w itbii^ the race Itself.' The" ! oiproiivisets. and those \v1ib put ' ; ?' stomachs where their heads.' ! ' .ii e. ; 1 Dr. W. D. C.tok is dead. His-grcat | 'far,:, i", rtiivaun1 n nan iirivvt.dv id D rT I'm, Tbv'bvend .1. M.'Kvnnn of Be- , Iti'ii'm t<> ": mocoed him. Both I)r. Evans ' J . ! iiri 1hc late Dr. Cook \vpro' formerly ! nu-mU rs of the A. AT. E. Church; "T'Tth h,(vr the reputation of heinj? as, marly .ideal clergymen as they conic Cook's.. futmral hy Dr. Kvans. 1(1' assmuesTfu| t- afti r 10th. On lost Sunday the writer talkt ,. f ' ?ij. -the, sacred fostrnm. He will j-'-ver remember Dr. Cook? Durinp his -tniyirhnjc student" day? in the HniJvt vev.- if y of Chk-ayo Dr. Cook was .'more, than a friend and an inspiraat Met I'opo litaii Is a pieasnKe-and a privBojea.-Tho choir., under the lea-i dership of Professor J. Wesley Jones I ?7 - V"". . " . t iy?i -Saturday, July 2(1, .1080. 'B Bn intt.itii^inn m itself ' 1 _ I see by t^e papers that Trimly,-Jr." has been made a member of the Fly- ? -mg Club. May- be. unique for- h fin J jnrt?nomwhitea been members of the club ever ?ince their coming ? to these shores?"* . . Give honor to whom honor is ?* In this space sometime ago thin wri ter mentioned the advisability and pro prieFy of giving a testimonial to* Pro^ festyor Casner fieorge Garrett, the last of the great teachers at Allen University, -lie has toueht-lhe lives . , of hundreds of boys and girls who are now scattered all over the country making good. ,They love Professor Garrett and .the writer believes they would gladly join in any movement vrhifh wniilit makp concrete anil vocal their"estet}m. "? ; Professor.. Garrett has been recently added to the staff of Allen as Field * Agent.- It is his duty to travel the State and make contacts for the school... un?*.living <>r dead Js beta? .. ter fitted for the task. In keeping with our suggestion it would be in ordei* to tender?the?testimonial?and ? at the same time present him an autiimnViil-o; The' least we cani do is" de monstrate our appreciation. The call 7~ would be made to his friends and ad- - ??' IT~ ...' 11 ??rn?i.r.~.?i.TtV"" ai.;I mirers us wt*u as iu ins uvj ? ?*>? girls. The writer is willing to start tho subscription and serve, .on a Ainu4^ _ mittee whose duty it will* bt> hr van y the plans to a sucee_ssful_ conclusion'.'' It seems that this couldbe done , by the o.tlicLalcmuiniu: a^-Alieu... Xkc (ienera) Superintendent of the area and several visiting i?ninisters and frii'mls wilt bt> in?Columbia at that * ?? tinta. -FiVun that gathering would radiate an- - influence anil enthusiasm which would automatically lead to the, proper celebration of the Fiftieth A n'nivorsipg- of the college at a date designated by. the proper authorities. At the recent Council of Bishops in San Antrmin^?Texas, ' tlio. plan to, ? merge schools and colleges of the A. M. K. church" was ratified by the episcopates. It was recommisruled that KlUivll . anii?AHen- merge. This. . .? writer wants to see who is going, t-o bell the cat. A Hen jis a going concern .and Kittrell is practically defunct. D_uki^_gave_a' unu- buildings but. ' . thc_ school has no revenue." On the other hand competition in the North . Carolina Kducathmal system is. out t of the question. North Carolina leads .? yti^_dsouUi_in_JJie_^^hauHH)ir -uMmir-- ?? in sending the Constitution to hell. Allen will use good sense and think aJotig, long time before rushing into any sort of merger scheme. Tin; atliUation. with Benedict college whereby professors and classes exchange augur a brighter day for the two colleges. In time they will be literally one, .supported- b.V liir Negroes of SsnntV ('nrri vJ i Iio-~ 'I-Ik.aj oViahI.I ,?.w? ? ' '".inc i U\ J filjuniij 11\- *111*. nowi ? ? Thc?sar^e 'Tibe ,of 'renso/iing hoUl.*:? ? l'oihJ with (reference to Morris Brown -' . in Atlanta. It can never hope to onmote with Atlanta University baek :?f which will be the millions of the General Mtlucation Boar-tl. Uvin tho<' it does inor^co with Edward Watery . it cannot .hope to do a yflide. of w rl; hieh will be. recognised by educational authorities. In the/Safne breath nisirtiu* should be . mel ted with State. Division and duplication of ett'ori keep the race .impovcfb)>t This writer writes not to please but to provoke tliot. When be thinks he* U vijifht he eot'-s ahead. The,'aalvatfintr **" d' t he race, is a hij|j?er lob-than. any duple irronjp of individuals can ac. oiimljsh. * . I i> i.- D i i> * t d nn i n I _ JL I j 1 v I I 1 L 1 IV. m ti si mt$-~ Hy I. WAIM.K KOI ND A little-while. bar k a {.'real deal* of 'iithii: iasm was being generated orer a ptaTspective Consumers Cooper- ?. , itivothat w,as_tu?be opened in ColiiTrrbtn nrnrrrtp?mrr-?-aide cit iVem;.? ? Many air- ibt* nerfldd who rnb-vribed for the p:\e"nHMit pf?a substantial sum the purpose of launching the v" movement. The idea 'tip pears . to have bed a natural death as i^.sWnis tjuit _ uikfaing- -lum been- done about it. - ?Willi 'Nug4Hum-mu'gnni'/ing theii for- t es for "economic''betterment all over the country, it. is rnjt to wonder whv v.nie movement can'F bo begun and carried' through to success AlnoUgTis here in Columbia ? What is needed more than anything is Tor. some person?who is able to catch the imaginalion of the people to draw'up some well thought /tut plan and continue . v?v i? . - *A . i . j? i * L-iiuiiurmK n?r us auopiufti oy mr .. unmmunity until something is done'" ullOAlt it.. f : ; ?y?1 Faint heart will never accomplish the establishment of a stabalized economic condition among. colored f'o- ?? lumbia. Satisfaction at individual oresTerffy \vTTl- never accomplish it~ T * Until some of the more affluent of our people realize that their state of economic well being migKt not be but for for the woradny masses, and that a duty devolves upon them to use som<i of Ufa .means .garnered by ?? ITkmm for the rescuing -of these mas- " sptt fmm huh'illlnt-lo'n of economic thraldom, the eonditiorr of our people?In?Ut>lun]bin will continue-- pre- ~ carious. ; , Since this column was" hegurT many" ~ dissei titl.iuns have ttppettml?Tn?rt? eomrsellimr econoinle organl/nllon. ???That shall bef" the major theme "as long as .it continues. In? Chicago Negroes are^?deWtaruttng tho^right to be emploved at the places where the> spend their money. Their dotpnod ^wpuld bo-foUle?i-f they-. itido'l. have elsewhere Jo buy the necessities 7" " of life sold by the places that they threaten with the hovcoft Thns.. Mo'. * proes are so organized that if all _ the plwas an' closed u, thetP they ~T~ will furnish their own necessities We may only make demands^ when,^ wp are in |n6sitio"n to hack thetn *" with appropriate action. ' _ v FT we dkTn't spend-our rpowcy where we Columbia (except Continued on page five I . V ' % ' . 1 . I.