The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 12, 1930, Image 7

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v Saturday, July 1271350 Rev. Wm. Si mens-of Boston, MasL ... - sachusetts, a former Columbian; " Tft"-- spent a few days irt the city visit in ~ relatives and friends preparatory to *" taking his leave for Nigeria. Africa/. as mtefllonarv. HejwilL^M'tily-I'Mhr Mrs. Olymphia Harris, the win Some private secretary of i)r. M. A. EvanSi has joined the ranks of ""fritty"* Elks." Without the remotest anibitioni to be a "Bill" she is, nevertheless. - fiftdi|'vi*' as a' veritable On Friday, July 4th, Dr. M. A. Evans .entertained at her beautiful park a T.vimber of -her ffiends, w ith a barbecue that w^s prepared by the dotted?barbecuist, Carl L. Cauley, and . that was most outstanding because of the excellence of^the quality, ami the super abundance the quantity, oC the food nerved;?Exciting outdoor gamips and large measures of re^ r- fined whoopee were significant fea" tures of the truly great occasion. Miss Jessie Lorair.V Ti'ottie. a teach er of Booker Washington high school," who is pursuing, at Hampton institute, a course for the degree of- I'h. I)., ' writes friends in.Columbia t^it she is as sure as sure can be Jthat her nresertt sturlips of P^wKoloiv* logy. and kindred"ologies,"' will oventuallv enable her to offer Oiis deplQrably poor old world a remedy f- r divorces and other ' domestic in felicities. It is prespmed.'that Miss Trottie is even now engaged in writing, on that far reachinff"~and truly important subject, a book that is dos? lined, hecanse-of untrmjil merit. hr sellers." Her host of friends and admirers?especially her pumerous male admirers?eagerly await this produc^ ttoff"from her facile pen. Miss"tMV~01ga'fertrhs,, the conl'essedly charming and admittedly refined daughter of -Dr. M. A. Evans, is a ^ senior in the 1931 class at. the mostexcellent. Browning Home intitule., at Camden. By tip highly .efficient service that she during her vacation is rendering as assistant maid, in the handling the large, and ever increasing iQumhrr of .patrons- of her mother's office on Taylor- streets?proof ! abundant Is evidenced that a riuelv beautiful young woman can?and. she is?highly useful as well as u)luri>'j>ly ornamental. Miss Matilda Gretchenj Evans, the . second daughter of Dr. M. A. Evans. is being featured, at a number of so eial functions, as a musical prodigy rare, fn addition to her unusually excellent performance at the piano, with violin and other instrumerits, she possesses, in soniCf_a.jLojce of w hie range and intense sweetness. ??* The girls' clinic, an anxittirrv'- of the Columbia Clinic association, meets with Mrs. Olymphia Harris, as diree tress, .every Monday ever|'ng. The present membership is more than 'J.r>. But a membership of more than 100 is imperatively needed. What better" training-can-parents secure for their daughter than will be. secured by active and enthusiastic participation in o.w.u > un... nutn ciciiiiua^iyu y vnviyuvui . . >> irtv J. not have them meet with Mrs. Harris, dach Monday afternoon, at (Irillrn Memorial hall and learn "the. joy of service ?" \ At the wonderful vetretahle. fruit . and farm produce display conducted at Irmo?by?MrsPranccs-T-Thunins,' ? home demonstration agent of our group for Richland county, more than one thousand people were present. By previous arrangement, Dr. M. A. ? fivono and ulliii ineiiilJt'l s M llio ,t lumbia Clihic association were presaul by whom, and after a most irrfDrmmg" address by Mrs. Olympia Harris, free examinations were made of, and timely advice given to several hundred, free of cost. The examinations, were under the personal supervision of Dr. _ Evans Miss Ada Mae Wright of 2812 Pen w.vvv/ii ouvvi, ictllll/ P.I ciuimu.' Ill /Air len university high school, left for Ansonia, Connecticut, Tuesdays July 2nd to visit her uncle, Mr. W- Mj Hofl" r for three weeks, therr she will spend _ the rest of the summer with her friend, Miss Katie B. Sandle, formerly r of Cameron but Plow of New York City, after which Miss Wright will return to Columbia, to enter collegeat Allen. We wish for Miss Wright a pleasant stay. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mack of t Princeton,., ucc5mpanned by ftir. James Burton, of Philadelphia, tored down fast Tuesday to visit their ? mothgr, Mrs. M.4; BurUm, of 21H4 Oak street. They are also visiting lV{r " " MSck's parents of Augustaul MrT and - Mrs. Mack an- a very happy couple i an'd have a Wonderful* 'business in Princeton. , ' 1 Miss Mayme Watts spent several days this week in Greenville. She was J - accompanied on this trip by Mrs. Lilla Ijavyv ?*?^ t - * n ~ I . " : Rev. L. M. Keitt, who now resides in Charleston, is visftii|^ his sister, Mrs. , Carrie K, Gardner. Mrs. Fannie Games is murTTTm^ Proved after several days illness. < Mrs. J. P. Wakefield"'ia^5.peuxlinjjr ?the ^roek in pickeng. _T jy- . ^ . - .1 - War _______ _i Don't - wrong r When you ask for Dr. F 1 . Preparations?be sure clerk hand you the wi people have been deceiv to say Dr. FRED Palm< Palmer's. Skin Whitene their merit and when y are getting the best. Ii ? Skitr Whitener -Prepa SUBSTITUTE. _^ SKIN WF A settoro * S<h?P un?i ? jr- - - ^ zit Through the kindness , of lhx-sidt 1). FT Sims the teachers" iiV'nttendar at. Alled-Benediet-S'tate sunvm school will-present a program "in I anditurUun of Bethel A. .M. E. chrrn Sunday aftenirton; July l.'Rh at f>: o'clock'"in interest of the above nai ed church. The public is incited' attend. Mrs. R. II. Paul and her niece, M Hilt tic- Ella Sawyer of (Jeprgetov left Wednesday aften^ >on for II Springs, Arkansas. They will also'" sit friends in Birmingham, Atla to, and other cities. The trip is I in|r made by. motor. ? Mr. Richard llagbod, th'UM.-SeUii si reel , ha* heen-'contined to his_b for four weeks. Lie will be. glad have all friends brine- fiim a word cheer. Mr. Arthur Kdward Harper \v leave ,Sunday for Washinjrtonj D. < t"i- a?three M'rfk.i' visit with friem Dr-. and Mrs. A. J. Collins spe Sundfty. afternoon, in Sumter. Mrs. Mary Harper, 2H2S .Washiii Ion. street", is convalescent .from a j cent iMiiess. M;r.r . _ , Mrs. Benjamin Boozer and litt ??.!>. Benjamin. Jr., Ul'e S|>ohdniK' sc erul wneks in A.sheviUfr - ?? 1 ; r . v???" Mr. David and Miss Alice Gurdn are visiting oim Millwood avenue. Mi ss Alice Dowdy of Kastover w tlieV'uest of .Misses Mary and (Jeor'e Cooke on 11,,. 4th. ... . .tt Mis. Jennie l.yk'.s Perry-and ch tlren nrv visiting father ' at4 f gra father, Mr. Win. l.ylcs, 221 ti Wan iiigton street. ' Miss l.eila Walker, 1701 Callio street, is spending tin- siimmi'r, u'it'll" her all III, Ml >T (ii'tujj Walker, formerly of this city. Messrs;..John SimpkiuT ami J. h wards spent last Sunday in Canuh We are'glad to weleonitu Mrs. (Ii .IcilnisoTJ^iTl our midst." Miss A line Kountree populate sclu teacher, Of this city, bas joined h brother and sisters in T"4e\v York. S will remain throughout the sumnv M isst'^;;'?ret()Tia and Eloise Wi ton, Sadie Adams and Easter S'.imtt let'(i Wednesday for. Asheville wht Ihe'y will spend the summer. Mr. Samuel Brown is spending few days in the city. He is plannii to visit his parents in Andrews 1 fore returnineIottesville, Va. MrsT"II. W. Batimgardner, who, spending the summer ir* -Darlingtt motored to Columbia last Monda -with her brother. David Collins.. M Baunigardntu- and her brother; retui ed to Darlington Fridav nftp.- hh.o had a pk?astmt stay in-^ottrmhta'. T'ast Tuesday the RevOJ. P. Iteed< "PTofessor and Mrs. li. W. Baumgai nor and Mr. Z?a.vid Collndsl. of Dt irrraton, motored to the Saluda I>a Mr. W. J. Arnold of Atlanta vis erf friends in the city last Frid; a'ul Saturday. Mrs. Simniie Hiller Smith, \v now resides in Jacksonville, is visitii her sister, Mrs. L. "H. Htrf+man, Pnfc? street. 1 '' ' ' Mrs. Alherta Ford ami little si Rufus are at home, again,-after spcn intr three weeks in Philedel'phia a other,, northerru points. * They we wVR-rmTrrtrunrd wrtfi socTat* Oum'1 ?imiims rivivi?AMiUTKtm, Who wa.-r teacher at Allen university tfuh pa season has been appointed assista teacher in psychology at Howard dli intf summer siJipJ. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bates, of Kn X^w^wotn-^trpefT. mi'onipaified By Mi B. T. Prrmpey, motored to Prosperi and Newberry- for the'4th to visit 1 latives and friends. They had qui an enjoyable trip. Mr. William- H. White and Mr. .lotys left last Thursday for N< York to enter the. teachers collep Columbia university, where they w study Tor the gummer. . ' .0 c , v ' . ' " f e . + - Tin: tw1 ning! take the ? package 'red Palmer's Skin Whitener you get them. Don't let, the ong package. Hundreds of ed?just because they failed &r's. The original Dr. FRED r Preparations have proven rou l*uy tnem, you know you [' isist on Dr. FRED Palmer's ? rations?AND TAKE NO ? and get Dr. FRED Palmer's IITEN^R PREPARATIONS from your druggist u? trial antnpie of the Skin Whitener. >. f?w PawJer gent for 4t in atampai Dr. Fred" Palmer's TAboratuViea, Atlanta, Ga. ~ : : _ji . ? / ' lit AVANTKD -.SITUATION?IVmtttH ice stenographer "with several years' ler periettce desires work. Host of He terences. Address: 7IT7- MRS.A1. 1. ADDISON 00 2210 Hampton Ave. Columbia, > ESTATE NOTICH ~~~~ ATI persons having claims, aga the -estate of Joseph "AT^TwrkeTT ,'n" ceased, are hereby itilied to t'iLe' ' same, duly verified, with the ul! signed, and those indebted to-said tate will please make jmyment 1 wise. * Bessie M. Tucker, Administrat 220-1 Pendleton Street* Columbia,' S. " Cr~*? ^ Colombia, S. C., July 10, 1020 ROYAL Hi ANNOl NCK.MKS'I Since some of the member5 "t = ^Buyal?Sixteen chth haye?errrre ^r for the summer season and the otl HI are planning to leave the city s ^ for many points of interest, tl .plL will lie no more meetings. until ' ? U iss Filoise Weston* preside Miss Katie IF. TVIooro. socretn COLl'MMA CLINIC "ASSOCIATI MEETS ' IT- ^ C'< * - ?, . . The Columbia Clinic associat whose actuality anil permanency. TTT clermosynary service, aiv "o\v as: i ll, anil "f h;"h Uir' i.i'i ii ! 1 l"i v* our group?-Mr.'Willis C. Johnson. 1<) oriitlont. held, lust?Tuesday ? ing, at Critiint Memorial hall, am or ing.* the outcome of which is b lie prove rar-reachmjf.. It is~~ un< I stood that, as soon as Alie report a-*1 thecommittee on. constitution, "ia been ?rcled upon, a charter from secretary of state will he somvht A MUSICAL AND LITERATI !id . TKEAT--. n- _ ... ..... There, will he a musical and li ary program given by some of l?n teachers of tlie Benedict-Allen S -hk r School. Wcrtnesdm?evening. Ia 10th, 1U3U, at 8:30'o'clock at We ryjiiwu for the bent-jit of the l.a * I Aid society of said church. Tl will be no adtnission -ebaraed ~hti ^ silver offering will lie taken. A who come. )()j Mrs.' J. 10. Roseniond, I'resid [01, Ladies Aid Society, Wesley chu he ?? -?-? **" VACATION 2?" M\v hrHrott 10. Stewart tifOral ,,.J burg. ^S. (' . is visit iii;1,^ wit li.Jieii.iu ' 308 Hamilton aveiViie 'fnnl has enji i many social activities. She leave: )e2 a day t?r so after a two weeks' \ rr? in (iiLi iiuIlIi i'm K Y, .u il l?i i ca.jL. I.' m, '""MARION* CirrKCH NEWS rs. ?On Sunday nmrnirir at 11:00 n" m. the excellent choirs of Bethel np: M. 10. church were in lheir resptLC places and Began with a~wong serv After which the Rev. .C. C. Reyno d- our efficient and proficient pastor U'jl-.ed l^bi hyjnns which all joined in si m* irig lustily. , it- His sermon was a masuTpliVe ay ing full of thought and eloquence he preached the Holy- Spirit moved Rev. Reynt)!ds is now serving ^ third year with Us and we hope 4 him marf nioi'o. We fee); with sainted divine as our leader wt., lLU_ know no failure, ITndor his, leader.a church organ of, the latest mode a cost of TUltlllillll 1(1 ly V*.. KUep duuujk.-raLeLU-ul'. 51111 * |:n nis salary lor inis year wim'u a Kive him a salary <>f SHiOu.Oo. isl ' , On Sunday nipht our own 1>?\ K ir- Harrington, district superintendent the Florence District was with ^ and preached a Mpst wonderful < Mir r i ng wormom ; . '-r v r -:r !^_ Collection was $23.74. ite On Monday nifcht the 7th Dr. "T r-infrton held his thhd quarterly < ?Lftxerre. Tim clflss leaders best iFi ^ themselves in srRrvjr ttrrtr tflontl (tome flgftin Pr, ' LMKTTO r.FlADBR : T ??- ? BEDTIME _J. 1 ,CHH ? Wee Fairies 'twenty milky ' fairies' . ~ ? Ferchl'd ilT aTi arch'ed door-way ,* i They work 1' r little boys and -girls fXlu-y never stop for rest or play; jUntil wee heads are lost in divan M.lf golden castles. k-i**gs- and quetjn - I in' y. if t ailed "Teinpoi'ai'U. __ i Whiell, "leiiJAS^ jUi-t. for a win+e. I'I hey do not work lor trrown nplidt TTr a teeny weeny chijd, I lien as the child grows up in tcra.1 A group of "IVrinanents" take the place. t IIKSTKK If Alt AtiRAI'IIS l r ... - 0 ? -?Mr. Scott?l-'osler mot jred" to ~Ah live and liethune Friday on a bus ? trip. Mrs. Klla heathers' is ab'le to s terrH^tp after bcina' very sick for twrr^vcni ox- Mrs. Ml la I ee is up and about a fit -n^L- -rn-ith.tas.s_ur severaL. days^ ? ' ?. (.' I'icdinont Summer school at Hoc I f ill reports that the enrollment ; ' I'.li..'.,. OTV TU'..' -*.i ' " i.w%* -M',. i nt- win k iiiuyt** ainn^r met # Is Willi Thr-fttfn44-y :n:id mli-nt tV " A successful session. (lev-! Mrs. C. M. Finley, jjrand royal a> ;it's* j .-iH'iaU' matron;?O.?*B. of Scut ''xl e.l'aruliitu, Mrs. Ilettie Rarnej, rix, J,:,st associate matron, of Queen ftetl ' slielta Chapter, No. 7t will niotor t Camden .Monday to attend the m ail j ?> Kapler of Kastern Star. *. Quite a lafjje "representation plan . to jro fr?'ini_here to () leeuville to th 4-he Sranr S. S: ami 4*. V~i F. I,'. enrrrtrn way tp,n.; ' ?r=.-~ lers MrJMtudrew Fu ndeihurk> Mrs. An con' i' i 7 rie frame t.ud .Mr. Charles Wither veto fall. motored her... Wednesday nieh rrc,?: ft oth Cfuttldte Mrifl -spent sever; : hoars very pleasantly with Mr. Fujj Tiieilunk at the A.M. 10. Z. parsonayi 1<>N j Miss Jessie Wright ad .Mr. K ma tin iel < spva. of Haltiniore; were niarrie (here FfiVTay. Mrs. fovea-will leaV top. W^atm-day?to join her hin^hrrrrd in" Hal sur- i ti moro. t * ,{t ?TTf- 1 'hihtv.-ll'-i 4>!U' W!P ole'lh'Ved |*'a>' night at t In* Met ropoHtan' A nnt V1 l'" r- etuuvh with a targe uudient' CCl-I ^ . iiiul pt The Sunday night grtW'luuileT'-1 rlie Alt., ("arniel Presbyterian chure : hc.ld their (')ii bleep's J>;iy. On Stlh?la ^jaltemuu". :it t'alvary Baptis t li.m lt will?ba-ve their Children's 4-he <. pi-op'r?Ull. *..? ?1 ? ' r. ^ -Air. and A1i sr Homer lira t ton haw moved here fiitin Hock TTiIt ami ^ ?tee 11!?\'ii|- a new bungalow pn Ceine the lull- J'lio t-llli pasf.ed- ijuietly and pleas hltT ahl ly liere. " HAMUUkt;' M:\ns lere . '* - . ?jj Untlgr ui'e moving on qxiTetly dur do- these sultry-July day-.; tom* ?Many. people ai\. spending 4-hoir v.t rations in the north and other poii.|> ent. Those who remain ..uL..iiuoie ar ..,.U i-I llli-a V,. I'i II1'- to <ll<1 Jl ini t ho ell ni-i-h -in. I 1 11. -y ? * r-. " ..-.-.III v"> v,,v** v" "" other places or interest. The various churches have held an will chhhIucL the Chliden Day service at'the proper time and. will have up lire-- t'tppritite programs,'. ~ .< ice. The 1'ythiah order gave a highl T^,~ TTvtliUihJe einertainnient in the au . diloriunt liTSRjuzier academy the evt nine of July- fburth. The promoter * *n of this enteitaininent are de^efssdjij Lsit of great commendation. imi M i.11iei)i go JM11 snm, Mild III' Pur \Vld awake citizens keeps busy. Asipl ?'? "Troip being one of" our leading busi ptfos nietl he is a line dnmchnnun ii is the capable superintendent of Ziol llill church, - + a Mr. \V. (J. Nelson, who is_bne.-of ou 'A. etncii is also a good churcl Live* j^nrker being an elder in his church ice Those repsonsrble for the success . . iul carrying outfit' the Children' Ids.| pay exercises at St. I.uke Presuvter l'n- ian church Were Miss Harper, AIis -ug?L'. I'dnlarvis and Mrs. L. Lewis.?-? I'rof. J. W.-Harper is improving af '? ter several weeks of illness, he- Aim ?\1. G. Ayers wife of the* pas > av u>r of St. l.tjj?e and Zion Hill, isat tending summer s^htroj. I She is at. Pennsylvania State cy1 his Ifge. " ' for Miss Dorothy Reese is in New Vorl this?d-wcudizing iiunusie at ColufnTiTa uni vevsity. ?? -.;-v Fra/.icr academy will be Rrvy.T. M illy ^ M-iss T. I..* Walker, ai.J) Miss A. 11 1 at Singleton, , (fn"" - 11,11 1 duly?\ aontionnl?RibU?:rliim Dnii NVas* conducted at St. Luke undei ^"' thr direction ,.f Tv,-f tw.-rr.. ,.r t ... U111 coin iih vriwity l\j-r, Taylor-wa^ ahl; assisted-by a number^of the young la dies,,of the Sunday school. ' ' Pro!'. W. c. heever is a velersi Sunday school 'wurker^and has' beei us superinlt'endent of the, Lake"'Suinla; and school i>f Orangetnrrp for years. A same capacity m^Carmel. Church ii \ Chester. j. . We note with interest the presenc of those teachers attentling sumnie: M>n' School upon our services each Salt :mg_bath morning Mrs.Q. P. Pngue, Sum erg. tor. Mrs. Cirmfoir<y CTo vela flit, Mrs , (1f Foster and Mrs. Barber of Rock Mil and Mrs. A. A. Adair of Chester an< U3'" others \vhose nnmes we cannot recal at this juncture. ? . A * I s. ** . . - I jl: -V story Fofc 7 LtiR?N *V, ":im -tire \iiti lut\c .'tin Jin-Hi. (a j o\i|)('(( iii 4lifir rural Imhit, F.?r they nil \\mk t<i^'clh? iy _ A.-^niirl a- ti- 4iM !? iiniu'-u :? ,U1 al| Vh>' siimrt iifoiila1 hey iii'f. tli** hest. I know. thw "i't iiii iaut-i!;v ihuin I n.^illUtrllH'.? ;4.-; till'.Y jr-|o\V. At k-u.-^t thiee ini:c- a day <>i fk:c they will '.< > an! live _L'Jl!'t':iaui in;?i.. ''?*- 7 I k now you wouldn't like Ifhtrf^ ?#S(/^kt*4-j. \ Wr- ?rti- b- jrp-'t' rJFliT Alld let \ ?a 1?' "T.e in|io? u I (? ,- " t- I*.- :ilw:iy rloan awl l?ri.;>ht. * 11 ..... ( - " Anita.-'.:. - ; ? r ._.*?> Hlv I ill il in 11T tin. I'alnu-tt I .f-iili r - -- _ AIkr.v 1 nr. a?jJaTT- in\ mu paper t j, express a J.i'U u| in.', tkuiu'lit.S+nitlr -< arulrrrn lioukt inn f,. t|u- Hi hoiirh." . . .. - II I r?' -LL i-' " i-a^t lliifl-lii'. Af?tiit*t- i- 7T<'m i I A '"i ? i 'liiil hr-irrTlTrTiv ! ?'1L' i-rTrr^r^TFTiiUi- ltish n nr i h l,-jha> ralli-d {inn, ui- must look f or war k I to running- s?>incl?i>dy i-lse. Is AW- should always* ki'i-p a mail ? *. ji.u-11 rujihinv; for lii.-h?>|>ric- pr^soni . (it'l'tiaJ?r I. .T7i till-^ wy. lilt to tin' Ilia.A- utu'ic \\t? tan '? lift a ,man tu run frhin this state I theft fun mi\ I'll make a jrood His hop, at fl 1 ni a rtioruutrli 1ped Soutl ('aioliniari, ami a j*oi-d preacher. 11.ow'cvcr, ?j'ni < lit?-thai, we ha\*< l'5ts of .itui.d nit-n to put' forth this stall-, fiajV'l.v J'Jiesiik-nl DV LI 7 Simms. I). I).. \hoaiw fi. A. Adams 11 Ih I I{i. v. T, .I.1 .Mih >, |i. Upv. J l: ..-Beard.-1 h I. Bcv.b-amjy' Simmons Iprohajy i thi-r.v hunt is a kriuwi ; 1 act that all- id these mi-n -can't rid at thf sanu' time. SLucy this is trui ^ 111::ik that .1. Pk Heard mml.l . maki a strung hiyhop from. this stale., . therefore uucAmmienik hSsfv to th-e-s'tat< for the- m-xt cumulate iwkphe Bishop .'ric'from South" t'ainlina. ' . tj: .Ik is.-a ,vt i-4?u^f |?n'itt'ht-r "t" thr-tbT? pel. Il-t??is -thr?U)glrif-nlv-^ttpp?,??m.,haMv 11? will t.reat men .rhfhtr?.lie is Iron ' est to the- core and'We heed men ii t-'jlhis day of that kind. ' So lei tin (| stale as a whole iret behind him o J any other stiotie mail that maki a ytM><1 Jlishup: We all. 'are much pleased to hav? ; Ri.-hop 11 a 11 - .:11. 1*. 1) .W ,.m- nre- j,I "Tntr I?mhop. 1 am - in- that lie wil . tieat all men; troni" lhv~VniuTIpst ti fit he tri-vaiwt a?ln-dn i.^uul th?t lu . will jfiw every mail a ejjmjiiee, for hi; life and tlVat i'<' uhat tfie slate-u ' South Caiarliiia ha-- lotio needed, / V ii.ail of that kind. Xul_a id river, nt? t a biy boss. hut a hi ot liet_J > all men feel Hlft that all men h:i\- liyhts. . I -I- v n?iiol -ntde t"o"!'T"?'TJ^the BisTioj/l ^(Council al'.'"y with the other brethtvi [to niiiki: t'tii1 Hi hop , k no w 'that' 1 an 1 wit h- him: lml. I ani. just the saiiTe'apc * others who did. not eo ate with tif'n just tin* saiiie, A|| -mart men v hot in t-'oiieiess. tiiere. are just a --stilly i mail- men out of t'die) i-ss a: the> are in (.'onyress. 1 say that t? letp -behind. as ' those who went. \V< j<liall do all in oti'r -oower-tr, hf-tp hiTi - succeed; __ I have |d ! a n111 ii _riylit?to tool my horn as theother fellow. 1 \va: J iti;-that hunch which. helped to elee j Bishop Ransom, and 1 sai.t ??ot ? - * that 1 cotild to- have him come to thi: j. *tatr" . hen . bishop Beckett died - hat *is the horn that 1 m tooting. i. .- We must also- keep .soriie Cienej'a Otlioors from t-his", state. v I hid T7-. . :ij?,. iniIn.' I-;, f) - liill, l>. it., tortile So 111 ia\ Si'Ii.-ii il i ' o '* i<'ti. Later on I .-hall mention sonn s others u il! . niake oood* iteriera it officers tor the various, depuiliueiit of ur churcr. j_ I A\ i 11 . he jilad to have any of tin L ItK't IlLi-XL?11 r CO Hie to St". .MaHheWS t< I see hre at anv time I'll.make it pleas u ? hi 1 ?|r t hem. r?inTT a friend to al II ministers. ? * I M. ilaeksot li , siMMiiiajj i.t:. m;ws. * " ?* A .-urpF-ise party was yiven in honm s. of M iv...Adrer.,a Kershavv I" Suminitt ?New .h i'-ev;- at?Hie? ho me of AlM ' K. Als.oi?. Promptly.; at -'.host _ ilivitoil to this delh.'hliiil .itfaii- wi-v. invited iii the I iv ine nnim,' vv here mils;c was ell.ioYod'vv iule a dyJ-?eious sup. piM* vv.,;sajscj-v ed all ju-nt a pleasant evehitUr - ' I Mis. V'.liy.ahet h .Millet also entertained v-. it it a liUletieori in huiinr Oil M rs. Ret -haw. (iue<t>. wefe Mesdarfte7 Villa Martin, i K 111 i?-11 n Mo- h \ . T Kr.-ivv \ Small li'nk. Anna llov.m. I and I' a ' I ), Jo ilhi-. Li Mrs. Kei.-havv u-m .-I.ipp.-d m li-n... A. M. K. - hut eh oH^Sitttday- and Wro M iniieh TTi TTT. ...i ..;n. m.. i ; I, vt?y " ?ril \ I H- r* 1 | 1111* II I ?\ ? dlK- pastor, liAy Sandy. Simmons. i | ?My>..i H'Mf.f-rh-^VitT'Ti; 5l7^.*>JilaiYT v Fraseri Mr. .!? ?;: jr Brown and' Kt>\ . flid Mis-: Stannous auvndrd the "mis(j'hViiui'V fit ill iHiwro' "MTP 1 week. t?'~ Mr7 tVa'dd (] amY- of Ro, k 11 ill an, r M p. \\ a\ Mian \\ <>i s4m|i])(mI at Botha F ''fors ~;m' always ^rleonm.' ' " ^ Don't f'oi avt tIte pit i i!o *uti the thirc I M>indav. Sftowl The day in the f?rov e ?Bring the flilldttjii: ?1?T' * ^ ]ir - BP" TaT^B I i m X v^>-< *-^ ? 14JiU?u?&^?J MM/M*' mv _ - ?<~ *?: ??^? v. : 'J A LOVELY light > ilL So easy to gt ;v, the double ([tjicl;, : ^ '"BIFaclu'rig cream. Ju ; . on at?bedt iine-and-a r iitmost at' onel\ tjuicj.. your skm lighter an'! ! by- day,1 until you T'.? ~ complexion you'-.i;'.. >v ' Ntrd^;sappol^^.g^^n^ r~~ ? i~ . ?? ? .always works. JtV ; ?-?-?? ? and. roughness disrivyc. <? ' your skin soft and ; ; ? package diii in. s'o'J, . 1 ^ - ' j ' ey-back fjuiit ; ., ' . uj directions. Begfn'7"t i if ! working treatment / i ; all drug stones i . - .?_? -large-, money;savin;.-. . . j - you cannht hnv it .. . * 1 j . -send-us^tF-cents or v I, ; - -. 7^} e I inail if postpaid; u. , _J . _ r~t" sample ly?? r tv-. i i ? ?r? L-r Department J"] f'ai ' | ? Company, Paris,. T- n : ?.. ... t~ cBkadm^C i ' | Makes St.iii VCiiii't : V." p. i ? i i _x_. nrxTITii.; ' ' ;| iTiie ii. -'I I K--'t r?:y < . |- ie>. V . ~ f~ i } \Z ^7?f -^TX^Tat Vein-' i tonu-i.-s. . ... _j. AeenI- t ?i. --|o+- Hitiii|thiirSI. f ' J T.VK R A J I. Ye; h~, - - . ^ . TkUl 1:1.x LKI\VY\S ( liv IXpcrt .\Ii'i'!',7" uj f . ' ' K1 ?nn :iiiv .-;u , ; '?. , 7^; 4 "2 HI.mUv' r I 4i,n '\v'" ?- ' 1 < ?\ I U I I Hi 4 -U IM:< KS~l) VY- f>:.: - I l.( 0N-0MK A I \\ I I K ! ' -J?. *jTo..\l.|,. si. NSIIoi; 1 ... . i A IN Ui-S< lifts > .-> . ' '' , 11 onI i.| in KM r" '' | SOl I'll I UN |;\|| u rr . ! Davill (,. l'i'. . : .... GeneTat I nstii-T/T i 111an*: I "and i il.?*. . . t-!. t1mi j.d\ ? n ' l" aii . i I'laafid \\ ii h iim . - -u' i mi ox i'. .v.; ? >j 1221 WASIllNi.l. 1 ? - --A (ireal i 1... V\"-hoi. l'a>Unr Ii?-LA. iThat . tlu>- in ft i-ti,.n ?.> '* | '*11 Ms ill In- : ; . ' _ ' ' - V ' * -VI * , , , ; t.o ti?aiikiiul. Sii!* \.',t !.< lias lift n '[.rii.i.i. .1-, .. ' iiiti.-cj-t h m to !. it': * ; , i'"' may fiiti-i; tin . . .. ? _ . t- ! as f?Mil ll- .1 l y . . ' : : . ami liii'k.ia. X'o\v. ,,,< to In" s"thi' thai llfr^r . ' Mill hot iiilt t t a wiHii'i.. v. on ml. !io\vi \ ii- / i ... " ? IVit It" P. it fit ; ? t*> .:iso*?tit-. You ?au < < : i. ' T in a vizi- to tit \ n't i ' * . I from L i ll I: w .w i:ivi.l'.\ l>i:; ^ l sin i ni i; \ \n w \ ^ i oi i ?-i I fit i o M a \ Arrivo I ni.m Sfat .. -?7" No. ^ * ; r>:(Mij, \urih tsi N V i . ><>:! .ii. ,\ . \ \ p--1:?ir>Oa?2t?('liar''-tun ?. ~?r? -* .. lit* Cinu.iL'iiat u..-j_? . 10 CiMttnil'":. ( :?>'ilui ..V" i m n M T, 12:ooj> 20 <"TTj a -Savaiirt: v ~ ~ ~ 0:0011 2:;. .(/ola <" i t 1 11:00a 1 .*> Clt?l'a-( }ia.riw?Mi". I 1>ir?r>p: 11 ('ohiniliui ? ! ?i.?,? --t:.r>?n 1!> t'V.QMa r' ; - ""I :40)>?2 (^il'.i : *! 'i r-1?" 1 ="?~ v-?' 10:00p 10 ('uUtu- I- ( - w_ j 5:40pli;i ('hai],: v ! i 1ft:45a IX t V.Vtm.'i. A t j r i . J * Via. CiuitJVh Pullman cara. > Dftilng Cars.-1- ? , / '*** . r . / ' * . ;; &