The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 12, 1930, Image 3

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??. Saturday,-folly IZ, 193U ^ .* . . LOCKHART 5JKWS Mr. Sims Thompson, an old citizen of this place, died last Wednesday, l Mr. Thompson has been/ in failing u ?? health for some lime. He leaves a _ wife,"three daughters, three boys. The v funeral sermon was preached by Rev. . J. A. Thompson, and the body was buried in Mt. Hopewell cemetery. a Rev. J. H. Coleman^ formerly of ?, JjQUth Carolina but nbw of KnoxviLle, . Tennessee, preached at Lockhart last | ; Sunday. He preached a great sermon. Everybody wants him to come back, y Mt. Hopewell and Mt. Pleasant Hap- j tist churches inrve~ Cfftted hi nk . ^+1 we trust he will accept and return j to South Carolina. ? - ? 't Mr. and Mrs. James F. Talley, son -Clyde, and?little g>tt?id son. of the ?* -Maplle Ridge ?JntmUT$ty, motored iup "[ Sunday with Prof, and Mrs. Hogan, ;| and enjoyed the sermon by Rev. Colt,- * man. Mrs. Tally is the only liyiiig__ sister of Mrs. Hogan. ?\ Mrs. Janie Thompson and chidlren , wish tp thank the people for the k itjil t nesses shown them in "the sh-kii.--^ . and deaih 01 Mr. Thompson.? Mr. J.- H. Laftd.i ai^d .Miss (lussie t; SmiHt spent the 4lh in AsTTeyjLLe with , friends and kinsfolk who made it very pleasant for. them. " l -The Wfitpr is qjidcr maT\v~~oT>Tiga- t tions to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ken. wick of. Union, f&r 1 him. These young pcopllc have not been^married long, but they arc line. a ?171^ club and is succeeding, nicely. 1 They own a nice six room cottn;*e r wlttiall^Tnodern, arrangements. The Leader continue^ lead. We welcome Dr. C. R. ,.r? our number." He is a great man aril ^ an old South Carolinian.. ? ? ?? If you want to keep -up with the ' times read the Leader. Mrs. Clara Feaster?of?Union has been! visiting Mrs. Carrie Ray this < f - - Week. *T T ?? .i l_ . AiRRN-N+WS- 7 ?-yv ~ On last Tuesday'evening Mrs. Ger-~" trude?Enhanfrs entertained at her spa- c cious home on Abbeville avenue, witli \ a buffet'supper in honor of the sum -1 == Hiex'-jschool faculty oi bettls academy: ?) The table was beautifully decorated f for the occasion. Those present were: : Mesdames A. L. Clark, H. V. Cum- t ; mings, E. Williams, Profs. 11. p. Hut-! ler, J. T. W. Minis. W. W; Nicholson, .1 J. C. Bryant and Miss M. \V. RushJ from Bettis academy and .the follow- i ing friends from AikeiV Rev. and a 1 Mrs. T. P. Hammond,' LTc. and Mis.. I Geo. Morris, jMr. and Mrs! Henry h Smith, Dr. G. T. Cherry, Mesdames' Mabel Jeter and E. M, Jones.- t ,The younger set of Aiken enjoyed ( a.delightful Weiner Roast, at the faun s ?^? of Prof. B. B. Williams last?Friday i evening. v The Aiken Gunners entertained y with a large-harhecue -on--J-nly 4t-h.-a A delicious dinner wad eh joyed byi the large number of invited "guests " after fthich the shooting \yas very in- ' ? lereatiMg?to allthe spectator.-'. The ft . contest included members of the And gusta, Savannah and local Gun clubs 'a ?and each?provetTtu have great skill ^ in destroying clay birds. Beware real - birds in'the airT <? Rev. A. W. Hijl has lieen roPtinid *' to his home by illness for some days. ft His many_Xi)ie?ds wish for him a spec- 1 dy return to WelTsvTTIel " 7" Mrs. Annie Loyd's funeral, was held "-n at Friendship Baptist church last Mun ft ~r d&y evehihg. Mrs. Lovd died in r.har.v lestort the latter part of last., week.-,! from a yery--sudden attack of_ heprt i , trobule. ?^ * ' ' The death of Mrs. Janet Corley 1; Johnson came as a great shock to.I her large circle of relatives and other v friends. She died in the hospital p last Thursday night-as the result of a sudderV attack of Illness. I She lived in Aijken all of her life and was a wo-' ' man of very gentle apd loving disposition! and will be greatly missed by her family a?(d friends. The fir-~h church last Tuesday evening and in- c termeht was made In the Aikerl ceme- c tery. Survivig?her?are her husband, h Mr. Frederick Johnson, three children, ti mother, several brothers, and sisters, v also a host of relatives and frier^ls. The floral offerings were beautiful. <1 _n HEMiMINGWAY NEWS tl Jerusalem A. M. K. Church E Sunday was a big day at Jerusalem n dent Bro. PT-W. Rodgers opened Sun;'. / - day School at 9:30 with a full atten- p dance. The -lesson was about fcbra- -fl . . ham. It was ably discussed by tea?t chers and scholars; contribution was ( $5.47. The pastor, Rev. W'ni. Wright tj conducted the morning service*, in ' his usual spirited way; the day was* v ~ a day the white peojple of this place t , ask our pastor to preach a special w sermon on Death in the Pot. He used > for a text 2nd Kincs* atVi clmntni" in r verse. Rev. Wright was at his best " and preached the best sermon he ever v did. The white people was delighted! ' and said it was the best sermoh they c ever heard. Collection $10.00.. O.'l j members Communled; there were :i joiners. Rev. Wright have just clos-!j , Pd one of the greatest Revivals we ever1(| had here. 81 persons accepted Christ ^ and received full membership. Rev,'p Wright is a "Holy Uhor.t" preacher of |, ability^ " fU,pit orQtor of|J^ Yo|im L] Warren Jj. Walker, Reporter j j; ?' r !k DUNBARTON NEWS l{ - ? [-S Everybody seemingly enjoyed a hap- s py fourth in Dunbarlop./ ArchtT1 and b Gilbert Doe, Husie and'Kefniit Wil-,L _? . , lurms. and, HarmOT.fflayd w?r*- Highly entertained'at the home of Misses' tl Ellen Louise Coleman and Yoma New, R - ,~'f Mr. Archie Williams, student of 1 . ' t.hp Atlanta University, returned-hohmjs tn spend hlfl numftier vacation. V Otitis Doa, student at Pstn ColUjjo, s is spending itgi iffettion with parepts I Mr. Archie Williams enjoyed ft happy e fourth at the home of Misses Mahfe T and Corine Harmon. js v . i I?~ t'LiM BRANCH NEWS' Mr. Hampton Curtledge who has . teen on the sick list is doing fine I' f. this writing ; ?f; Mf;?James?Fhnmblm?of?Augusta ias the afternoon!guest of Miss Jes- ' to Mae Crawftml on Sunday, Miss Sal lie Freeman- is lingering iround at this writing. We hope to ; ee her better in, a few days. Little (J. W. Wells, is very sick. W'e 1 lope lor him ,a speedy recovery. Air. Klijah Wells, who was called ionic dn account of liis sister's doulh, ?We are \ery glad to know that Miss ' essie Searles who has been ui|ible o walk for more than a year is now lenoin'tr ;n-i.initl a .lillle... ^r-.IauiT Mrs. Jasper Welis euUiratiled Mes.daines Fremanl and Searles it dinner on Sunday. They had a doiity to eat and plenty of fui-l Srlls entertained Misses Sullie Frenan und I a uiy}r-\\TTlls atdinilef oh lie tth of July,'They repurted a joy-td?11 inc. * 1 Miss X'iiuf Fi e man was fhe d??>nc* of Mes- .less to Stories on Sun* . , .' v ' ' There will he a rope pullihg euni'sl at lJilie Grove A. M. K?dumJi-~ m the 12th of this month?Come out tnd see Mrs. Nance pull Huh Searles, ill around the church. ; " Misses Sallie Freman, Conijc S. mil Willie Mae. Seniles were the ti in ii-r of their uncle. Mr. John : freman Sui^lay. IR.MO NEWS :: "The St. Paul A. M. K. Sunday School ilrs. Josie R' winan, superintendent, ilid h!ev. Glass, pastor, is piakir4g tnusual progress. The one hundred nembers enrolled enjoyel one oFthlT" rreatest events of the .season] w"hich vas a picnic op .July 4th in the' spa- junx weeds...igiae thev-ehurehi The iev. Mitchell of Little Mountain/ ac-. . client services last. Sunday night. " Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lorick, acompanied hy their-daughter arjl son, ,'ermell and Hiran, also Mr. Krward?I .K It;.c, a student and recent graduate i ITarliison, moto+ed to Philadelphia v/1 .HIV auiiuiivi ill IIIL'U Uiuu i>a?SII. Mis?, lieba Jorps -is-spelling someinle with relatives in* Columbia. Miss J ante .Burgess spent *4th of uly iir Charleston. Mrs. .J. Borroughs ami children have eturnc,d to their home it* Winiisboro ifter living her^ three years. Mrs. iulTuUghs rondo ?i:iuyKfi-i<.mls .hiving ier stay here.. - i ??-?- ?Mrs. Mabel:-Foster arid little\laugher, Mattie Beaufort, of " New York'ity, are ^it home for an ind'-linfte, tay. Mrs. Foster , is attending -suniner school at S4atx* coll I ~ ._M'rs._(ji. M. Youiig of Harbison intitutV is attendiii* summer school J?Belled ict Allell. '' _ .Messrs.. James and Vernon -Stokes T Columbia are spending the sumner Ijere . with-, their grai funother, Irs.?Booster.? ? Mrs. Calhoun of Greenville' is here t tile bedside of?her father, Kev. \V. ( isurgess. ' ' ' .Mr. Joseph t'orley, letter carrier, ' f Columbia, is spending the* summer ^ t home with his parents, Mr. ami Irs. Henry Corlcy. lie drives over"-! o work every day. - I .i II Miss 111] re rf ? 11' L" s I or wf f'fintiin < spending a #whik' with her cousin, ; liss Rosa Too J imcsr .Mr. Alon/.o KoiV'oy-ol' ('ha'pin is >>f- on.seyp in Irmp. . _ H .Miss Maggie 'Stephens of. Jtidgp spring visitPd MTss' Eloise Boozer , :st week." I -Mr. Franklin Bradford, of York.isi.tod his wife,- ar^i son,- Mrs. J. S. . hadfoid, a?d B. F. Junior last week. \ NEW JERSEY'S NEWS Paterson, NT J.?The varipifff col- this si: ir are (dosing with a sU<^ ~ essful credit and different churches j luhs and fraternities are pleased to ' trre?thro?fiosh. thinking?minds re- J i;rnod. The: past week hasr 'heen a cry busy one for Patersoni.ons ith -socials, religious hall games and ' rainatic concerts. .Ajll of which re- j of spring zenith and love. ' here w:vs-di liae .tia.ll game between ~l k<> A M 1 f I i. P -l- 1 J .v ?i. i-,. u. k 111111*ii di wnicn kpv. !. C. Roherson is p:\steiy and Calary Baptist ,llev. A. A. AVatts, the '' lanaeevs had a real trame with hijrh ( pints! . The "Yanks" were represented by I lev. B. (\ " R.oborsbn while the lev. A. A. Walts manaired the Giants he scores were live hundred and"? to he "Yanks'! a friendly- drubing; * At this season and time of the ear all Elks are looking forward to heir annual convention and by the 1 ,ay, and .Alienate and a Palmetto ., late man is in the race for Exalted tuler/a than that is .capable. All j Bill's" should think wisely before i oung. ? ? ??- p A'merican l.odge. No. 3I. H. p. < K K. of W. of whicn the writer is ' nher-Guard. ; Group No. 2?Thursday evening, line 19, HMO, gave musical and r'amatic concert at the JurrWfr O. U. l.. M. Hall, featuring Prof. K. N. iiatlnov, Baritone Soloist. Pnrmpr. _s / of Washington, I), P. ftlme Rssio .out* l^uien, whom we, all know as unt Monday and her children J t'lrougli station' W. J. V,.- Mrs. Naomi I fradiiox Clay, pianist. The Proramme consist of Negro Spirituals, 1 ) ram a tic Readings, Tenor Solo by Mr. tdfel Hoggs of Paterson, and a few . elections from Paterson's Planfat'miti-1 our. A good time was had by cll fi little Misses Dorothy and laieile Ate- j he week-end* with their uncle T. W. i IcCUiiy?and?friend. Mr. F>. A~ Irodman. jiff fcewnrk .and Chicago. < pejnT few hour* in the nilb oltyj yh'on in Paterson stop _aLJ7Ji Pater- -< on Street and be welcome to the city ] f you want any data as to the propr up-keep of your car, see L. W. ( hompson - expert in polishing and ( inionizing, , ' ' ? *?? 1 4 *1 j,? ' _ r"*. . J Ik > . . . g BETTIS ACADEMY NOTES The Summer Schoul Faculty was entertained, on Tuesday evening of Uml week, ut diiniei at the home Of Mr. and Mr*. Enbanks of Aiken, S...C-. The dinner.given by Mr. and Mrs. Enbanks ? was one of the most delight7" ful events thus far, of the summer session. The entire > faculty, were present and speijt a most enjoyable evening with their host and hostess. Superintendent Thurman of Edgeheld County waa s visitor to the summer session on Tuesday of last week While at Bettis, addressed the teachers at the Chapel lfour. Messrs Lightner and Courtney, friends of th,e school were also present ami iiiailiT^n?spu'ing?rtuimiiku to the r' oup. The fourth - of- July was cob-brttterH as usual at Bettis Academy, l'eople. vm-c hi'rr from all of the surrounding rp. > u niia, 1U unu WHO llUS lie Vet' wit tleSS sueh a scene. the-fourth ol" July e in deed an event to In' rcmi-nJ,......!? & estimated that there wort- between two and throe thousand |w.i - ..n ,i 11... celebration. Miss Willele Rush and. -Alto. Amrat'tark of the Summer. School Faculty were wi;ek-eiid. visitors to Augu U?. Georgia.' . -_ - - On-W-ednesday evening 'of last" wT'ek the entire Faculty and student leachers of the summer school gov., ;l n..v. interesting program in the Academy Ch.apel.The program consisted of solo numbers.vgfidings ''nets, -uuartetsr jubilee numbers and a drama tie interlude. The program was well ieii-" dered and thcu-oogbly?.?o*:t"rT,Tt tw-'-T large appreciative audience. Prof. Asa Gordon of Georgia State College, a former professor at S. C. State College, was?ua-4he?Campus lost week in the interest of his Negru 1 Iistory of South Carollina. _ While dn_ the campus, Prof. Gordon?metmany old friends. Prof. H. P. Butler, director of the Sumnut Ocliuul spent- thU"~WTTc1r--TrnTt~ RIDGE SPRINGS NEWS Messrs Henry Memvtt and Isaac ggdes- frorn^Chtca'gi) are spending their vimntiun heie aitli Undl1 |i.nonl> Miss Maggie Stevens is spending the week In Whghek S, C; visiting, friends. : I Misses J. Reynolds and A. BomaiV1 spent the. week-end here visiting sin- ' dents and school mates. Miss Bessie Buzzard, from N*e\e York is sp?;ndini? her vacation at home with hor-parcnts: TlV are irlad to huvg iier. take charKy. uf Lias* Nov BTrrthe Sunday Sehou| Sunday Morning. " The Lawn Party given by ?\liss, Ruby K. Kaii'wrd for the childrcij Saturday?a f to men?wtrs?rr?succe; There were ninety' little girls and boys who enjoyed, the Party. It" was given in honor of Thelina and t-beitlith Sum ter at id Vivian \ Veils of New York, llco I'eay of t'olumhia . and Kflen Frances Thomas of Millodgwille, La. sters enjoyed peanuts, punch and ice L'reain cones. ' . --- '' -< * Mi. U'flll Ml.*.. W.'.T.f f?ea.V a??T Mis N'ancv .Raiford spj$tu duly 1th yj-it rif parents. Miss It. 10. Raiford was delighted to?have?M-i-ss Bessie llaz/ard spend Saturday afternoon with- her. Messrs H. Merriett and l.<N'agghs njotored to Orangeburg Thursday in Lheif- Buick Six. Messrs Robert Merriett and Me-? =rr^ : r\.jmyi-eierson Misses Queen K. Corle.v,t Annie-fr."Met'i'lott itT'd Hiby I,.' Raifor'd were delegated, tu district conCHnition which?will take place?Friday before the 4th Sunday in JulyMr. and Mrs. G.'.L. Crawford, .Mr. and Mrs.B. A. Raiford and their fa mi dies motored to the Big Saluda^ Dan Sunday afternoon on a site seeing trip. -They reported a very enjoyable trip. Miss Queen Kenner had as her Weekend guest Miss Willie Raiford. ?Quite a few of the Ridge?Spring" people worshiped at the Mr. Alpha Baptist Church at Ward, S. C. Sunin v A. M. ? Theresa N, Smith Passed Away. The death angel came in the home af Mr. and Mrs. ('. F. Smith, July and stole their third daughter, Thresa She-leaves to mourn her lost .father mother, six sisters, one1 Ip'oiIuc and x host of other relatives and friends. Theresa was a beautifuP-stmgstcr ind a good church worker. '.The funtfral message was delivered l?v her pastor Kcv. A. W. Williams, assisted ay some of her Schofield class mates *nd other Ridge Spring friends. "Peflce o her ashes:? 4)KAN(;rini itn man :< i Mr. and Mrs. A. R/ .lav_J;v:<.n of ll'llo Daniel Street .Waycross (Jeogrid, announces the marriage of their daughter Mary"Lee Kimljrough. to Mr.Iioine R. Singleton. Itoecmhor 2P, 1 !?;>!? in Sumter. Mr. Singleton is a graduate and well known at helot e of Clair11ti t ollege. M iss TCimhi'ou'gh, was a student in the college department at Hlaflin. The couple now reside/" at 25 Goff Ave., Orangeburg, S. (\ OOKESBt'RO >VK\VS St. Paul's., pastor preached scud dining sermon Sunday wliit li ('..o on" inyed hy ull. ? The Sunshine Club gave a program [ 'iidav iNieht Thw W ily Cjm?r etsang. The4th of July" was enjoyed hy a arge crowd as usual, at the hall gameWe are proud, to have Mrs. Mamie Jamison of Orlando, Fla. up to see. naster Willie Williams o?4%d?ml>ia xy-u* -gge-hjp-amrnhnvrmtr , t. We regret very much thht Mr. Tolvor Dixon is on the sftfltlist.Mr.' Dt R. Cummings and little laughter' vy ypetta. m o t tr red' t o" TiwitHtr sunday tn meet^WTu^oii-^ trrrs, Philtp and Rloise Sampson of Philadelphia. Rev. Goode, pastor Of the "Baptist Church presided at, St. Pmrl Wrdneslay evening. He brought with him, lis wife And some friends. [ " 0 v . .v A\ ' IU I.HAUl.tfr---" ? . ?. n ??? (;hkenwo(TD news Mount pisjjah The twelve mother?pettrl contest.lailts, rppresmtTttp--the twelve months rd the year, #iven under the-auspices V1'- the VV'-r-Hrtliid F M7 Society ;u Mt I'isj/ah on tin* !>Ui Sunday at |'. M. was unite an interesting' "feature The following lad ie$ read interesting papers on appropriate Subjects: .Mrs. Mamie Kiley and Mrs. S. J. Buries, Mrs. i-'opie Holiday led the congregation in sinuinp. "The Church is Moving on". M i s. Martin of the Baptist( hurcTi was present- and entcrtuiifwl ifie' alulieiiep with an excelllent address. Miss Esther Washington sang a solo. The pastor, Kev. W. M. Thoinp"on spoke On "Woman'- Blare.' i-M?the ehatelrr1^ -After which?r fTe" twelve little girls representing, tlu-l months of the?year?were ratted forward and seated in chairs, and after _tM'ew minute?nl rivalry, they rep'-r 1 - j e<l a total ut ,Sla.up,?Mttle ,\lisr J. Nell?Moor the .'i yeai's daQglitei "-of M i A fat tuii?,AI in i ri1'?iv i .i. i' r... i s"j ,... iiur recei\e?f 11 pHze. The cJiUiehVa ('i>inivaLjxiutur the auaniees.-of-the?A "P K. .League and Sunday Stthool, was iiuitjf-a-sueri'S/s . The -?m?naK<*?'s 'were' Mr..Ja^. K. Hunt and l<; LR. Mctiheo, The Tortifrr" n;td charire of the Parnlval arid tin; latter had eharjrc of the refreshments. The- following?laTtoshad c harge, of the hrmthtcr Miss R*oi> MeOhoo Miss', Sarah Xnnee, AtU? Mnm. ie 11. WfHtams~iri?r3Tlss-Esther Wnshl"tt'ton. .Mrs. hilla Williams ? had charge of the MusiO' Halt The -h'i's tVfi'f: ftl rsi flattie Weir?. Mis. Halt ie Anderson a nil Mrs, t'.elln Wil liams. Tile jjastnr.x Rev. W.< M. Thompson, preached an excel lent sermon Sut|4ay Morning on "The danu'er Si.trim Is of LiTe". He discussed it under three divisions: 1st find's call to stop. 2nd "God's call to?look."?drd Cipd'scall to Listen." Rev. T. D.'Fox ! of the Macedonia Bantis't Church pt'eached-nn oxyefkmt sermon-at ft:Ktl~ T M M? I'istftth-V-(TilITh Rev. .1. W. Ijoujrlas-pastor McCorniick Circuit/was a welcomed visitor Suiiflay n'ght His talks are always enmved. .' .Mrs. Ml X. Clary, president ,Lr n,lk ... ? ... .... ... i.-.-nMictry .-society nas announ"d .1111)1 lll'l linihoy yettinp; |' r> i J i ??? "Tile l.enion t'oirtest*-' Buy. .*} lelnon, try your link. I let a prize Tuesday, July loth. JKMylNSX 11.1.1-: NT.W'S S ft !.y\ : t-ri-at |.? a? INTfiTTv Mall A. .Af. I-], eliureli. The ' Rev. \V. 1? Mow hi: n ii'"- ' ' j | i - ? y a a. [U' I'i'-1 -and pVf.t.-Iii <I ; \V'?- sv*> Iril and instructive ser molls. The I \c-.fea t on Friday nielit'.is attract i iny man\ people to the service. Our Sitiu)a\u. school is one of the I 'I ' I?III the?>1 If t rie t. .M I' .?(.'la I'U?t u pt I- the superintendent, knows what to tin to keep life .in her school, ?Our tii^t iiiitui- hetl voalur.*, I'rofr -Ov -A^i-t-aut. I'i o.iii?North, Carolina. Mis< Hei*i ha .Mc.l mi kins, of I'nion, iiml All.eiia Canltnaii of Carlisle. These aly. ill I ellili IIV' I ?e I |i -i I ii t A Urn - lIUllil'l ?t;hiiol and all ttiatle interestinir remarks. .' ^ liii'lll I'tf.uhers' colifei'tflice vviU-l In- held at \\ 11111 -Hj|H ttiird >'n11 day"iit- duly.There will In- ten sermons preached Tiy dill'ei old minis-. I ?_i : :??-?-? h'U 11f \* of lemonade will'l.o on hand and the otlicials of the church arc c\p.octiiiyt" five hundred or. more people. It vv:,s (announced that the tion 1'rnni Prosperity will .woVshi|. w it h Martin *is one of our sons., lie was and his ollieiiils are plannij; to uive If in- iiiid'Tils'coiifsretration a yood time. Tlie fourth day passoU. here quietly . [Jock lllll church, and .Martins and company, had Itai hectics. Both fttW" out. ...; White, llall wave Rev. BowmanTipst" Sunday a. summer suit. The members and friends - were very, pleased' the way it tit him. t ?? Favorable tam meats were heard from many onirics. . Sunday a I'd n wo I'olliTu ml. I tin Rev. Bowman to pine Grove where, he preached a soul stirring sermon 1'(ir on- i'V|i;Kt,.i' ?Liu.?Bent. Rev. He n't was our pastor-last year. In spi akiiur id" his removal Suniia'v Tie c-.U M. . .. ? - " ,, -?,rrtcn-~TTm.l |1 I,y ImTTTrFT^ 7" . . ' \\ e arc praying for a 'gfeut apvivrrh i Ids year. Mrs. Klizahrtli Martin aiid Carrie I'misuir-ure?on?tin; *h k, list. r Rev. Rnwjnan annuiiiH-ed that he Very. inut;11 pleased this month With Ins leaders' reports. Rioth.-r ?* . Young, .1 r^ jtliLl_ leads. W'ytvh us grow. ,MT. CARMKI. N I AN S ' * Mrs. Aaron Carter of ( iinioiiati, Ohio a. V ioilinu ho* prt*v?rt~-neR-strv tor. Mr. and Mrs. ( lath Rovd imd "Vis. .\l a in to JohiiSo'i^ " Mr. Thomas Ouiilap. age 20, was killed Saturday' night between, 12 and oiie u'eloek on the state highway a; the t'oik oka through road joining \\ heeler's plaee. Hi- was killed liy "Mr. Thomas Tuek:*. or. age 2J.. lie was stabbed to death n tilting from a despuit*.- lie was laid t< rest" at Roekford eono-aon- si.,n,.. ;i11iTiiinjiti at 5:00 o'clock* .Mrs. Frances VV.ii;>' is on the sick list. W7- homier her a speedy lU'covfi'v. ' ? .IllF.Ud.Vh Wheeler s|TTii( a ul.ll>- ' with her sister. All's. Frances Ware, m/>>. . - *T Kvoryhndy seemed 40 enjoy the halt i'; :iie m \ the Fourth at Caihoun Falls. (LINTON NEWS *flhrr t'trrrstian H onir?HurtnF-^Rene? fit. society had' its^ annual" turn out " ""-L" ' 1 ??- ? The Rev. W. R'. Roeder preached tlu' annual sermon. Lodges from Ne\v-| herrv ahd Silver street attended. The! of Ttelfna also attended and made* a wholesome address nlong the order, j Mrs. Fannie Reeder is the local president. Wo are expecting a large gathering at the union the last of the month. We raised $12.34. ' F . ' * \ 4 ' * ' ? ' > *' . . .. /K- * ^rr^T-' - ' . . ? m ^ '' ? - uv. aUSl.JtG Church- U-Kin v.,tk S.lit,lav* Soh which oportcd at It) o'clock v; +"*' ?rttq ?llifli? I ? I . ; i,,,, ,. vt bled umJ tauphl t la .1 cla-?e S ject til tin- lc--",ii \s;i- Abraham. lesson war icsicuiU hir.\|)Sv ,\'ill Johnson. At II ./clorls J Uv. Mix our beloved" pastor preached a v J< del I ile scrniun fiIMiilem. n chapter; 1 Nth verve; He t7)Jd <,f |' " loyalt,i Id the enure I,'and'h I.M WHHtl r,. eo.nvHMJ l',rfhi, pteacliini"- and of l(.u;tl(| ? are loyal I,, (i ?l i /'<d... |. I h.- p, . .. h i,!~TrT?n7i7 it-t- -rri t h?A1 j - miia i . ~.,rrqr~7 hied to have then 11 > 1 ! i, 'j f r roll w a called aire. v.h,ch \] y!:\Vl'h'.hapm on Al ?, "huh VV a -VW V .IP- ! IS;.! auur-H^. Mi;,r((, -f-,K AIT7 VT77 ' 'C v.; -?i ?? " , 1 -r.i .(ifiu. J.,( T . " . 1'' * - "li :i limit Ja. ?.?i t At-M L -|i-y; ;lJ i x' filt aiTu'ii ;t T^rnf'TTT iii;,,.",f ,.\ a IK- Ihou..(,| Kl(U \it?<l,Vj7l-li< i'K a 4,-ar),rl -r ,|,t. ,[,.w^ M. 11'(IJUM TT.Upr ||/l] |i;( , Kii.Lth yral -lir.w t if fii'tmrfi! ' r.J'^ h""' V"'" , i v itj11 I,, ????? Hli-'M' I' ll > midrnr-Tjzli U'yc-h<'t>_ vt-tv m'r-hT^Mr--.Flui-c .) j-iotte u hu i< j? SuinV<-r Vi.-ifln'^ ?' -iK'^.Ti;; Rvy,vriu-i 7 ' lK-y. .1. J? hi,\i.n,? . 'M UN NSIi0R< > \ j;w S I ' / ^ ^ ... V -p.?n ^ ^-vil> i-Ai i~~-^ fiamlini w-(-ie tin- ir rcsti? ,.'r Mi v.*; **'* ,{l';iU.v. '1'ui-i-iJav; Rvv y,,.1 M,y. w. |.. Willi;, -TM-ttHtfKs, avciv j? t,,u'n th-yAV.-rK ,|?. ,f i s; \ ? L.-MuiKvaiil; h;: ivlur I OIn U 11 11 (h tfci H i 11 < Mr. (ILuu'Ui.-' Wj I. i,i * | ,f *|f. ip | M*v 1> I Jiilii. Mr y. \ .VI....i.-. ' I<>raiiv'(U.Uili ..11 ti,,.. Hi lt, ... lIjillilarL'.-r:.. . A .*? - M r. I'KK'yt ?'in? r ;,r,,.| \l v . Martliu ( lt,fi . -M, | ' | LMi.tlixr yl .Vli.. ) I.? Ai:>jlti. , ^ | .Mi~. OK.. ;.} *1,,'" j'JUf-t- u| Alt ;?[.,) All- II I A|; C'.iiit >uihil.i\ Mr. A i 111111 ll:nn ,,,, \[, n:i't"ll'll I.I I :^T??I. { W ImK- Willi |. );,[ |\ ,. ;. |M| I , -fly - ,if? H M-?T?4TTI! IU-V. ( 1 Hi (it lii.vkh pleached la t u..i, /. ..-n A. A], < 'III' ' }' -A ? . 1 i , a I, tl| j I a.! Rev. -lliutoii I- ( tiii 't.An y'.-titl.-M: ft nil I-??w ?j t ii v .it tier:?rui-lin JkiKAv -him. .i.>, tr? liiin. W-t- pi 44rjtt ( n MI I !? - - i iT: Will i*.Vr| I. iljion him ;fiiii tlittl 11 fi!t net\ >1 aiftl. I?>ue, T*? lain r nil. \\-f t-i e wity.j plnth tn haw. uch. tnli-iit i<t t'i u.s.. Mi'. Kariii'.'t fi.iil?r ufi'u pnnio.d him. Mr. t). K. .VfatYit'a li ft" N1 r: h!. Bwtllware .and Mr. Sam. (ia'jlhtt IS! K \ I.\\ S The services at-Mi. Ihkn uuv std did throughout' the day. AUhuir eho-taffl-w as d"V. ?t-Hr h Monthly 'N*ii:M.' 'tt~' 1. !f rurv ' inygr; was given at AViHiaii,s"M'h:,pel l.v J young ,pet?i?Ie?ad" that church. Th were, .very slices*tS11 -i??t.-tV.. ?Un ~ \\ edno> i i; i y?\ io ti 1?tin?M1? % 11 {try Society of .Ml. Kde.n trave" an Itertainniem at the l^all. Tin- your s 11*i > trrjiryTTl i I \ i - \\ !". TTuT bin >tlie - It h a picnic \\ asome af the''citizen ?.f turii.-lo iu beautiful jr.ryeU |1aTTTf7~~\Tlver\ ~b?. seemed to have cti.ioVod thom-ci\ Just before the-pji nif- l.i-eau ;i breii last iLmu?rrrn?TT?n?n?M ' - -?FTF: ifiee Mitchell -at tl.e b inc. of hei ai. 1 mean ae bad oaTF" -u. !! tifije. repast ot liot t oi'oa at it I .si-.tulw tcl were served, / .Ui) Friday nijiht afWYber patty-w niveii af the ball It ua -aid til t h IS._WUs lUte? .of. .tbi'? be?'1-, -pin t o--t" We are plad Mi-. \ itrrrrM m ei roll out af riti ; f tn J, ?r|?...|,?, disposed tor svrnYe trait IJ>kuc; - " tW'NTsT i , -1 - - iky1 1 OS?Washington Stree 1 ^ .. Dl'it'll. W0Ci0vC'0C'vvv-:l>Oi.-o--''.-n-h-M The Home 3 Mrs. Nettie Si o " J . ! " ~ a Wr makt | Wet I<1 in^ and H ! 330 Assembly Street * i -V . V ... ' . PAti I' i 1)11.1.ON N f-;w s ^ ?-* ZT At. tOV'Sundayit. . rir. '' ^ashmytun pivachMl . 1 -77? ','T" ** ' rioTi h. . 1 , 7th V.CCM'. Subject . , 1 I sv' hip.* 1 llii I !?<? * I Sunday V<h<vi,l- aT?air "ft";; , ' ........~r :r'"'1 ?''> '*'y tiitcii<i< <r J.-t ,-iV* A- '* i^-ioU-uu' ..I* U V. 'hi- J Charfst"H suciit Siir..l-,? , : >I)U. .ncici' ami rn-i)}n".-,. 'm , T" ;1j-4AVa--nri7irFrri hid , V -- w,. J ill}' scijnu Siiii<la\ a . jVatiun. |>?.v I'i'ioi, ;4(J . __ hl.n.,_thu?Afiii-i iraif-?U . , ; 1 j. . 1 "I-1 S,,ri.rl,v._iif: u . I.,, _l _ in- I.. , till - I til" J I til* I it I "Cl'i |( I, , . 1 M' l;;"- ?ih. ,j ; ... If, Li.' Lu^ii. . lull:" iiLJij.i- .ii, \ .-,v- - ( ?7-*? I;, - 1 ^ 111111 i f 11 :tt( v"f. 1 fv. ,; , , . ~ II ,-.. v. - .. '' ' -'ui'' .i,'? ,ii,.?~r~~?; ? ?? lu'liiir, _ . :fr~r\ - .M,--gjjgpg 1' " '< ';*' tn-i pan (it ; -M, ai.': " . ' * "".I Ni->v tpii.. in X.-u 'lav.ii " . ' II I) - : , . . t^V1T-;7- r.rfriar, vxi.'h.-.t " "~ Mi - -fmriK- jy v j. ji pv . ; / . ;nn * it? A . hviHi. \. i ???^? ? ?nrrt ? ??' " * v'n".;rr-/ ? > J Friday Nitfht'to a '!' -u ::> ; * *' Ll1 J?M r. I In cVi-r I I .. . 1 _ ?>i. t'|n 3 _ an., j-'iimcs ??f \yhi>t tta1'KT 1 ii'iii* v Cr?*<[_ V'Kk-si'.ii.w ??I?|Hir:r.h. . "*"T ' ?' - - ' .; ? - 4->Tf.. ^Vrv.-. Kilrluh.-.i-...LXxwt^>-; -? \\ Jiitfatt*. Maria, Kate, ai n f -,\ . J", . Iiv"n Rt?v. Hffriijti nw.^.f. ... tins, Friday to. wittiysf tin- . ? ; tint u><-m SrlicrK ancf K1 A.l.aTTT" X :?r ' M?P>'. Clara C'oUsrr and 11 : . ?r*. _?ii^fiu,lol> (i an vi i 11 : ??i-? ? tHtt )li" and .Mi i Cu t,.,;.?v; ? ? ??* and Mil.firti and Mi. T. SXTT7 Sunday at -Myrtle of a ' , aTv ' 1 a-af." ( ppr it.- i in- U t J J i fitr \V. .cki > i .' . A i til71, nil a: P ; .. . . I -j , j i J-1.-.'. iiua-.tiiH(, ,ll?- hi.- ...... . ~~~ '" ""i-lrp,-'- ri'fl 1111n i11 ,(i.!' t ii - . ? ?. - . i-il i-tki r. ' . , ' " j* - ' 1 HAMILTON *7 TTuT- v? ? i i i i M ?/**, ? - . jj ' " I' I 1 ill >! ? ? . - 1)1 \ M< |\!? ;ii?i \\ \ I ' 11 i " <in Ka-? 11 i in. ~1_. v ( *( \; - '. 1: -- : Small I'tuiii : ?? ' :i MI I. - *. nyiii ? Hi. v\ . . i .i. ' ~ " ' Up; . . 4 ,'|lj ."j AM a dressmaker. iin.S- . tpj belong to a number .* . ff-i L: s9cietH-s. Last 'spring. i en mj unusually busy. . I ci; . '-h Ujj realise- I was doing so rr.u ' r L]Ji' untii'my health jjHrt- V-Tt l"l (Jp" (and I just' wasVrt-V.rm-T-'-'? ,.v j-i [1 Seems like* 1 c.ouldnltst.i;,.: H-. " IjB anything?i-h*?hrrn----- . -?? in* . "* L i ^rtton mid?I-?j }t^ ^v- ?. .. In- t| jj --weak t re tobies. 7? ! 1 't-"- -fTj! . "I heard ..f C .v.h-.: d .. til thought it--might -do m ' * * " 'y ~lT^""go0d- 1 **'"*' lb)- :V l..IVfV; lv ill' a^ttr biking it 1 stronger and" so i, . . ik lX|, ous. 1 rested much 11* 11? ~ i U- ?"I Ki'lJl U[t lukdig t " . -' , "d ... Itti and now 1 am w, !l -. TP ' * jT|l StrOllg." Ml>. M;i?-y I rWiv I I ri ^ Gerson, Montg.>ni< : . I Lmi Aki. [Sold by ;iil tlvuggi t * I CARDU! ; Helps Women to Health WANTS ; rRY f. dri <; stork IKS I " : * i t - C AI i\ 21 # AM i <1 N'I'Mi I'H IV T ^ : i;iO.:<.....i.;.m??0': : ?^lead-Bakery anders-Epps, Prop. ra"Spgmtry~" of \ C 'ii k t s _ ...... . p pon f 4^3'J? ~w". 7? ' . . g' .V i uC'j^tJ>.C ! 'Ct \UVam4 y? j