r- ? ??r r? ^ f ' VOL. IV?NO. 20 . ,/ -r * r s ' , '" i .* ' . . '?T-^ 4 _ 4> ' ' . , . < . * . . GOV* KRN'OK RICH A UI)S i?AI(OONS ; HfcLN 111JS-5S Governor Richards, who', yhen Ken Bess' case was' first- brought to" hV ' attention by an aiiidaviL f' the pi:n~ secuting wiunan that she l..ul o -omv IKU JlCIJUiy, SUSpi'llUOU >'.11-. . . . tence, has granted- him a full pit no n. Believing however that even a pardon, ?was not enough for |t-n's It; y-'.h-' of service for a crime of which lie v\: innocnet, the Govern r -has it.. ; ; the Attorney eUneral l'or his opinion yv as to- "whether Mt would he legal ~ ~~ assist Bess v'ill? lliohey fP.'ohi -lite State's contingent fund... 'i n:' following is the letter of tin gu'vr. n,.r; "You are 1 presume from newsv ?.-yaper reportr. fantilfui?tfrtiT v.hal known as the Ben Bos.; C;i?*v^ ing ever since. "It appears from the reeor is in t'.. Governor's Oflice that gray*. *Vloul-! existed' in the nvinds". of many as- t?. whether' or not he was guilty-even a the time of his conviction. C'oiUiw.! ous!y? since his 'incarceration, c.Toi" have been made to secure his release. rV THgsp c?fii?rts cnntf:nnut! i ! /%* flvi1*" ? two Ailmiiiist i :ll iim1-. inn?tia- -1* .^v tutrix remained linn ni her chtfgr that .this Negro was guilty, ai'ul ll\? ecutive clemency wa.l denied; tor been called.io |hy attention. The y/~ woman in question has nntdc an Uiil falscl;.; a .gainst, this Negro, ami realising that she cannot live much longer, she desire to eorifet in part at least, the injury that she had done. - She now declares that the Negro was n -t guilty of the charges' upon which he was convicted. As soon.as the matter was called to fny-. attention, 1 suspended the Negro's' sentence, and he p was released.?-Today I -w+h-v xt?-n?j?JJM -t>a full pardon. 1 . r" "Tr . iti,a | cannot-ho charged tluji,._Vhe "Sta*to >: So?fth' Carolina is at fault that-tbh ? Negro has hccn madoto^-sntVer uu justly. Convictions at > secured upon , the 'evidence submitted. the machine -of the courts Wing adminb toi" d u. ' dor the law. l.et; in this ease, the.;', was failure of justice.' "It appears from the records th:? this woman is direct J y ehnvqvabb. ;.o i/ . well as other witnesses in the ease some"-of them, ' at' IctP?, were ptejurers. * "This Negro has served Sou'It C.? rolina as a prisoner for thirty n,y^o During this tir.ie he has not, only-iA'' i deprived of. his liberty, hut the^pvo eeeds of his labor have been appv printed by the StaU\ I feel s,ure t' jr^ the people of this State tun to \viV me in feeling, t hat insofar as rest it u Tiion is posjble 'it should he made. There is no definite way of determin ink just what j$.ju.Sv and proper. Tlr ?Negro is in destitute circiimsfant-eand I am writing to request,-your Jo ? gaj opinion as to whether or not til r? x I i. .1 r* t.? . i K 9-f VOnWIiy-Vlll I' "llll l 11| l |ll l L l i-i- i^i y authority of law for making1 seme rvi ?? propriation?to provide fur lrm-nnt the matter can he submitted to 1h General Assembly for its considers! ~ tion." ' , . . Jffcivingston y11 "' ??" * i ? . St. Louis, Mo., May 18?CANT The eyes and interest of the Africa M^thwdift Fpinoopal *7itf>n rnnfrri.ni in session liW WBB f'Tii'i^nn-tt j work and| progress of Livingwlne Co lego, one ?of"the rfover lost colleges lp tho Staio^of North Carolina and pe haps the oldest conducted under <1 auspices of Zipn l.rnijth of the. Moth j 1 dial. ? , "" Friday night was 'Livingstone (** ' logo Night", and as such was devot ~T hM furnished several bishops to tl 1 ?? ..?- - : A, M, E, j Matin , j i hii* /. -.?. ;>!.:> is? IANI/) ;Thp Ai'vicaif JtlvUioiiini"Clirnyh, in. all oT i.taa/a-ac.; ."is "Trtnviiulonv.'.w i tvjii'o s . tll.ijii: U'.if al the ponj v oi.n.Yi'onoi*. -o*r ;lhi? deooinhialion, i.1*".- in" so . foil hviv at lluv Eighth . ? ? < ' . T:.n ;* 2i>U.i S.ivotaiul I>ay - u (lay i?u| '.lu> linaisand to i1 i .of vi.itdK.s ' f \ y . \\ :-,u li v:tC*in 1 s ;a li 'oli n !. }h, i.vuf* . listening ' He ' i lri-.'if.vn f^i.i t in1 ?-? :> .'ii, io'* v! itj'iaa iio':v_'. :y;'-';"'-. :'i -'that, jjux^.-hcvn a W , i . ' l-'tficil- ciild which- hyvo ! i d. to .iti.- .(U'^'y ales si) ? , ?..a a-.1 ,!..( uyo . i if > v.i.ai- < ;? i ?u?;r ciusuhioms.! o i 0. Liii.it-*' not. a * Word i.s * .i i.-(-rf'-'"by liio v ast^Tnrdioiu o a mirnu h< e anil ni:i|ditkn:d have boon jn. . ;.fl. In ii.u:*y iiustamos tlu.v.c in' .aiiyi a V .y: e Ainiictvysyry lis mini* I ' >-r i. < !' flic. l)io{hrcp hro fully oapai'lile of 'being board oven in the fai J u i a": of lie building; . r-; I Thy litiixcopal AddrtSs -j 1 ii'-y i. om'i ,-i?mid?t oiininniuii.Kt. 1 wviy .-folul as i.lvo %< -great' J in I ' it c'i.'!j-/.:it i<>V and "Ui{ ! |> 1 ioh to pros rtn.inn'' it i ?v' . m i i > d ', v* ,;! , '.! " by tin- r|),i.Si'i>j)al a.l \vl:ii :> is a iiii^ilico from tlu .liio'imp- t?? .... .c* eoifrfvivrituv and. tlo, lA-t .t.i ,\!' l)isliu|>:?, .Tin iV i ..! ; ?.> Mil', pniji'i uss oJ huryh. . ];r?iiu1,': in'^vorj K-y. *. .'l/.n a. ;-\ l ivi karona I, in this add. - . < \iii? ili-liul* Tha t in 'a ri al;vst- vv. i'i;,. lio ait I'uin . -p.-.! tlnc- ' h -"'unity- of. r.oli.uk>n?'! ,"uia \ i-f. ill - iiiu'.vh" and tin* 'tianii; ; ' t man.' ' i ! v t'y' 11--.''. - !.i; to t ho ( ' N* ;i( I.m'iI ,ii O. ,;!)Uiil t<). till y,i; . \ > \h:s %l vn??" : i; i r 11. i iiyy.i to ll;e. ".-up ;> i'I siiiii ; y. *: i.i'lnun. >< . alioii ?. | I 1. I ?;i . ^...1 i y -.. rd/ s 11111' t i 11'. i: . 1 J.V *_| -ft JK',rfyira . r- t .';1 via' j.i'opK' io iiiak1 a. :it ., il it - o i ;j\o ballot; in t|] 1 t;?.,?< i V A. t":.t r ? < ft .ninivr-Va:it ::il. tk I .:,;'.uv .li1.Uul la:A lIIo .(KaajmitVn ! n. as ovjoy'.nu-'.a healthy Trfi vlU'tt' . iVintV a' million aval ;-i-illf ,!oiiars Itavb boon paid into, th - , ;:o, a . rM Jit in doUtir' money ,? ,? ' j . d 1)0.1), an iinTvasi'' t. mote titan ;tn,6. -Throilpfh th njuuH -al ilt.-j: n'ttv.cvt many church* :'H' 1 apt: ( .' -"r o o.' t!<" ; v-: ^ int* v. a to ei-mtTRlp *>>T~ n" luipun:. '!. ' :: t! 1 o M ""~4. Di;i;il l'.i,,, ;i l.Tn"";;. ::tuAi f!- " i( ;1 con'-'o'i ' ; );!.if. ; m! mf-i ,'1 ?{' lodovy. -V!1 :< fa'1'. ha at | .T^^TtTTvauQ. he fund, the General Education I>oa * J : . ' V . * coLtwiuiA, ^ jgs.\;;i:rj m n ~~ ~r unurcn . f ? ' ^Progress UTtXen school's, all \viiuli repot'! c.i ; li;.t " "hey wei'o nuikini; i.tro'jri ess . :t*l .V.ere "ili"* better shape limn, at -the. ,!'':st n'eii,erul conference,' lids doiitmiina;ion iV. . ' f ' , , ; . i . 'mn'i>nt^' ilie itvi or i?; ?a t youii}r people who-aie e?n>ea> vviutv I -?| ,ireparo_ tht^.; el.vea a. lar a"? .an : 1 mote ;*.,r\'iie?d ie tile ami a -Well-)| rounded, citir.t. nsii'ip. . ' j | 'i he AiclUotiml "iie.'k i'o.sa-.'\.:'j ' tite iiuii|ti:Xein< iv,* ? i I?. *.4. id.: Hi/W a eiu-!'t?\v?d ol lite c.ii. t.-n ? Ill-, li. li; \\ ?v.lil. .1 i\. .i.eh.i * !\ .iin t made I"111. v 1:i . in FT * i vu'lder, ol which lie is tin ed- i in it-Oiu;* sti, made a ni.L'uiy imX iai ] ire .-.st ui i iir 1 ay or * )!' id X.tu.,it!aey ' ior the bishopric. 'I his orKiin ol (lie ,-huivh, licv'uiilintf to i>t-. V. ri . has'. " growii, in i li tMuaUui a>:ti mUui lu tb / .! " Till' Mrs: ion;;. J 'i lio sessions lmve l?.\ 11 iuu uvuiuu >. l'roiii tiic hojsinninii: aifii whiie dieio. * " > ' are "rumors *>1' war" as yo.i 11 naia^' - IIUS IVtrlly i't'Ul I'll l ill' so : on. I .- ti I..v' meeting. One.of the mo C"Tin;j?>ria?il resolution* f'lissi'it" has Lvi'ii m.:, ii. > nish'ps u'hn have servci. tv. o ?ir is.ore L iei ii.s in niie iii'sWirl mil-. he i i. \ "tVTfile '-it is tihnorr > i. -tim. i .u., not" take so Well Avi'tiv 's.yi>ie.-*ut" tlur bishops, there lias iieen mt.im. i~ h.n.ii i -.rum tile hisliu|.l'.i'. . i, ' ho. was1- prir-uHiig ; t' ;' e .t hue ; i 11* - o.lut ion v.a,s iu'oji'ci.h itV.vi - warned, the cie'.efraic^. thai the "wish .!,'.i ?.li! he eh * t.-ieiue, iiii-fiii. iif.? in1.' .v'r' K. .V l. lias .Mav..^ viti;..-:-! i..-:: 'ivm:.-:. - i>r. Shalvr. IT -Malihew. , I'a.,..; . . i tie-niO'M.eal. .VVh.ii>! .if t"iJ ,. ! .. i* .versify-, anil ,l)r. (inn :;c I I. * dry:ii:' > o?"\.!ie Federal (-uuiiei-l -i>f , iiy > ' I es" o! Christ in All.era a. a! ?' . i'-S :' vJ."I.'i>;vi i.' c: ii.ii : . :n . . " vT: M Mlfi.iv ( > I'' -k ( 1 * i : a ? * - ' ilowanl i>. joi iiUT .A .m ft i1 '.horns L'n?V;iiA('o!;c;.-v. an A. M> '..A. > vhool anrfejjtow dcun. of iivAi'rtif on j ' r - iiml director- ill".' Ihhuaiion :;v.-.v-u h * - t-iHoj-in?> I ! i i'?Coll"1 c.?<+ --'.: f?r - (.'tut I on m e \\V?ne.v!a. a L' | hat the' Rival "A. M. K, t'lAiivh. should i concentrate its eduiait { ;.l ? ' . s liiyicad of fy;iviii'.r .suvcn'tcn ti s.-ho.-A. - \vo.h]hhi!?I have s'pyeiij insicadol n;r. pijsht" oiAniho t hovl?i>.rc \U . we should have orily -three ??r - f>?v?i. iiftil to draw iu Liu1 .l.ii v I a nstitulii.ns instead of sj11 mI"i; our t* iu h a.large field. . i- Mr. (Jre-.}?}? ,in spcii.kiiijf of. Arad< A-?eolli'p'cs affirm ect?that?\VH'oi-rt',^ r c done could appi'oximato the :rrd:: m >'!' an American^ College. We need arj tiovrr 1 ahd-' hctter Schools said '/ref.-1 ipffjcci'. 'Professor (iVoyn' exer-'i..! 'vc secretary of" the- national- a.sfx-inof Deans .a>i(l is rottoifh' ?d a h | hiivlnif first hand information- nl>""~ K ' A'f'^ro. collctrr- in the i^miiiu-.? " . " 1- , "?c"r" \r' ncr V?ifK fVo V A Jt Ji ^ ? W A ^ A if Or .!??':i ,";il'l. nf fiT-'iHtlH, oliiili i. . It k"-"j i>l' tho l;n*fft*st oyer :u fo'tk d a /. : i ?;i'<> nirtlitHtion ?*f hi -hyr Un-m*' iy 1'.. X. -','i, i --j-fnnd-W thrf~rnhr"Tr~"Vt of J f* . * o.' 'T- > ' . ' vp ffiv" i4\_f;L" ' 'r -' ;> ' V Lu^ fia- I.'t'wr< i's itnth in n- (.' i rd j . (Continued on rvngv Eiffht) ?^? ' ? itiW ^ ^4)28 , .^.r.c "r * , ! _ I " ~ (. . . B. C. WOfr , *'i Fl:i>?UA' -'rm W-4'"' i v , . ? ."*> -?r'l.i ir-r-fr/ T~t7Ti.wl W ' At. . .. . i:.. ? 1 . i' ,' i" ' h , S7~Y ,'t ,V'- ..... mi Ui .s'oulh lt?r i .:? i !i* . -'V I \ji.iV'.; Ij?Vi:. m. \V ? ? M> v i; ' '1 * * * I T ) ?. I l.'l. . . . . . \ n * i, . - . ! V 1 1 1' 1 . "1Un.'v liv>. .,<-11 _ . rvv; . ./ -u. * ' . I . "* v> u _l. ?oc (ivMwj.iu-iit > * i - i ' '/uih. uaii-n . i . 1--iy?1 >" tdiC rli iii'i.i mY?trr * * i ' <> t'Te i> tfur Fairwnli v ;. ? .'iij ii ;la-V.>nOtmc ai-Onca- . ' i'ii v? ii. u'.i?, t:.r annual 'incoiin^ i< -v<- itt* jvV.n . <ii' i Imn vv.cr. . ?he i i.i to liror.rafti will alloi^l mud i. a an instructive ivaturi .ts if. a t'r.iiy <.f idmmuti&y con i.i a... , wl.ii s.ddu s- . os cotieWmiifi: <*m :a li.v v L'lia of jlto Nl'jri'O tiT "Ivii.-'i ia .-. | i and oil to iatnm r 1.1 ' t . I. 'ia:'lf will Ikj placing ol ' : n- s i*. 1). 11. Si iii s, provide ill" o ' ii i n.'Vcr.' v.'.ll nddi. s.? tli< . 1 MVO'l'lt il -'j \VlMhic'laiay-'-H4y?llt , .>i!iO. lv . .. wifi l-o oilivi* -prominent : peal, on Ihv.jin'ijfrtim. . _ A :' 1. Ipi I'viiiji'- n\ad 'Ofi'no s o tlio 'U'lt'jrali'j* and vi> 1 j :v. -vit' tho a.>aVolition. .. I.ai-K ' .i aitd v isd'oiv; an V 1 ~T* I'. .i . O'M'. ;i,i v iT .^. 1..^ : * :' 0 . VJ'. ; \ 'liu'.ilw\i \ Hiaii . of llio I: II 111;.,' I Hioillitto.' 'V.'l >ul Vo' *i.'.i 1 iv.ic'i'r in sdl.-wli.i pi..a to at _.J? * o', LA'-':o. ;s UO-S,?-? d ?1 ? Amended'. ? .. . % ( < >N }'i n ilM' K . tew M-?y -is* ' '('! -j?~~1 ; *"" ri rf >. < . irui'daU'd TfTTTv i _ ate:rent cf/1 he, condition of, i] j.j;T; j.-NKKir 1,1 FK I> 7?-?. .\ X' .11.X'i'Fo'AH'i'. has?rv'ij , rt"' ? v. n\ which has been jiuhiishcd in miu n.T-i m\vspa"per< refers to'it- ; -t I1(. npisi' JlUl'I'e-slXc ff.'iTF"" _ " ' '?iif . tir..iin i '1 /v jiirht ev a/e^cd hv .r husiiitvs' institution . -r ; Knee. _ v-' "Tl'-M ill K-i hi'i Ti rd Hays. ''It. is jusliy . ' <-r 'fur pride-and. \ve are proud . -Z1 J-UU?we i'f . .N'.l't'.gffil ITinef't a > ' -'e'.' !o ;r w!nj 1hc.-o ijnjn'e j siv'w :> . t ina fiifinvi' \\ ?; r.i\ .< " . . . 1" ' * . ii.'- i'uivi jjho sluvV !U'ruinul:vt i "L 41J TTTfij*' .lo, .and its po " M -y> < * :i "t in tuv.mnp t ; i. ??? r-:.r fat. indijii'i'Uil n I-'..;. ' ).<, } tiiynv tivnlmr ,n?>t' " ' ?" ''' 1 ; v ,i n't.'.., i v' -t'i , ' \yv. tax- n it; .the- prntr'rt 'jV . * ii'rai P -np'i',;, r. - lyt oiv't>1 ' .' ; ". ft ?f^rrrr t.;tdlllUpUnnt part of the pnigrt . .if the racp, ns well as of Natioi . ' * '?\ ?: ? ' J-' " A-'.' tM . - . ... I v ' ^ ' ' f . J * 1EN MpT RACE I HEVl-Ufi CHAI^Ts iNCKc.Abc.0 ih it Mi i-.tv if: . , \ j u". ;s ,v.i/uti) v : :-X Vr-rrrs rrrriVlY". . ; _ '' } ' 1 J '1 111 :v!l.^ \ > . - i.i : > :? i" , .!. : -?< Kiij, liiivl I'.in i' :ioA ! ins.', i ' . iiu . >* t\ ' j' a_a' -Q-. i^i> .it i:->i .I. toon i . ( :?'. * ' inn?l?4 v 1. ip, -N K- * ' z? ? i i i?I Hi i *<; 11 ill'.1?iti ' i:?t+r*?r *i: 1 ~~y . 1 0 .?.> ?_; Ja'. intutl r~ m -v i livjnyte^t' p I -jUaiV thoat ies. in l hi-; e> >unt i I i,. t> t{io.ati:t* i.'l (111.-.iVvi:-.'. S. i.-' iMV iiK'v.i in)]>".ta ir. < i r-ti.* rnrrr *v 'U'.wly ucml;i.nata>ir"bous?' lila.vinjf l?-th pie- tl ' Mire's. ami vaTiuovTlle.. The two small- i ^ " "Hi- ' Vial "1 tin' Stan '-tiCuhAi ..CdreviLjUin'. tuv/pieiftlfhir t.i'r' jv.ore la uses !< atetl in the Souvh. 7 "A? i l . ti iU Ut-tlu r announcements of ifcwj11 piirrhuse.s are to ho n'nt iripatod in the ' L 'mar fiHine. At present the line'-up 1 , : 1' thw SLn/u-Svaflls,-(!irr.uit j tui?i jjm iHu Ylu at iv of N.;- hvillo., V ' t'i i.m.: tho li.hrr.pln t l;( iurt- of . Wins-,J N. ( .; th'e henox theatre.-. ': , . ' e i>l Aumista, (la-.; the l,inVi?ln theatre . ------ . 11 >., < harle.-^ton. S. (i.j the Udjival th**a- i C i>> ?.T Columbia, S. C.t'the I.ineuln'r l-.oal i v nllrvs i-Te^:1- > l's- [ s* ' i x; i i.;' aj-plau.-e u?i I >? ' v:ili, In' his eilitoriaJ 'cxpr?v?r he . ii J lit i'i s #aj:d sinalls siicutJsjji s .of our I K-i-iiit'-- ??- ?; I'M-;, is the recently-an- ' | I . i i,(i <' ' ii.t? h\i. if"'"of t.ho National': !!- iv ! = Life Insflranfe (hnnpany head ' j.n U ;rll-vtTri?r' 'the Ssujt . f.,r I '\< every of nr rv than ir Million-Dol-i "j (j. "s.n-oMh >. / t he nvsrt^ rtf YlVe Shind-H ' . "- 'J I '!? Tn> ny'naco .Company. which ... y) r-ufiiy. .wa^Y has been the tar- 1 III . . ' . V'i4 ??>-oHfcu*-sro-as \rr!l r.? av{tl'Tc,iv. . - ' ; An Act of Just ice. " " i li;-y. Ii'i'l. that jus"ii-.O to t he 'v oc ijilarrs.'mil policyholders of-^hat "Convi ' vo? yttny^whiyh^ have ran ha.-.t:.i. ^ wiivrnM this action in the lfeht of ,, ' I.; facts, in" the ease. ' ! ^ fh"thus safejr\f;i rt! mjfthe interest"" eh o; tin ir poUe'yholiiers^anil nihkinir,it jrofxl the elafin that t{iey a'ie ye^llr . :s'r'-viny toT build racial iiisfitutions j without. regard for the iliflirulties in-. ^?vt'U-oj. ihei >iiy! it-rhP-?anpTid?'ation or* dtf '1 !> 'masses and i he'.'continued support |<} 'ii fhn a hoin nt Mm iianni Hilrhn I ? . J. I'um: III 1 ?? I VI > II? II', . * j ',r ' " Vmi.ns. it was one of the fast, to (< 1 t:eh e . lu m in 1 fieir step, it notv'*is" t T.ii.' tlu?; first- ti> commend them '' " f-eljis- laJi action. And., for thjs . '.fy oT ri i'rci-nt nn?l commendation. n - lAc* I'ho.m..hn?> no excay T^'mntio ' I., .Ll* I'toil?w-y it.< Mc>re ?ss sjron'frth to -them. Best success to ial their latest venture." , v?v - ' t ? 'V .T ^ :-.-v : I ^ ^ ~5c A COPY ~ IN HJNE J i ' ? ' .. , -sbshssmbbJ ?: , . \ ** f.?. '. j i:i>i':l$ATWJN I'l.ANs-j-'OK KOCK * Li: LT ^i;.iai.\v^Fr.viiovoLij 111 11 1 > 1 Ni? W i.1,1. I NliKlt _' WAV . i.'v i.-js *?f' the South-Oa- . . liu i . >hu uiiun'lvi; .t'oloj'C'il; Vy umtri's . i.i .. 0 .11 1 J uv. 1HM |\ 1IU1, O 14.1 iV. ', *8- and Id, will, undoubtedly ' e 1 ail pnvious sessions dl* t;l?C 'Olr .v.'.. Ii [ Hi!..-. 1.1)1;'tn-d V.y .Sltt-tg- ? ud Xkicui- uiHi 'a. "arc. avidud thru, f -r- ,'(.I- t tVu ir.V.tbs- lln 'Wonit'H ' i 0 ? u. u-.IAvri uu.nma apraotiUaH -v-^r i; m i-*. I \ t nt.d \<-.;'.-:."al;ny, .pror t ah-. a hh-h..via "U- .of' udyre'st ofr.ufl !"' a1 '-n''1.c-iw h ;,rv: Ai-iutT.Tit" ." ' v.eui-rs have 1>i dr-mhi'u- Ktltf-4ir-ui!y (,i'.ih._ This vluh !. an t! j > put libit forth stren'. . . .. n ,i\t> hr.-nd Thinn\s. to pass" t i! u >' v kam?iu>nyi-iHiutn It is x i-.tud '.ia. t..- v uhih in the Stati>~ ' ' I ajMVi'i. !it\'(l i'U tVfu.ur m>M'0 ? leathers. 'ili.- hi V .irvoH Schhol dormitorv EhUuintn&Tiudoniiy.pViaiiQns f..? TRTvTy ' 17>?is >.d\v in ,j.roc.i > ol e'ivelion,, '? in- ?.?>iur;. t hav'sig "bei-h. lfl iu.K. J. intvahintfet ami rohs,-Oblu:lV ia/sov- . :nl uciks a;; 4. *Ti.< b.uIld'rr.T, 1.1 " i vvt-'"y ro-jn-. i. i ; !!n rtu.i.dy rush-:' il tMvai\i .y'. T he woincn cf the State, who iVc labored' 'faithfully t?> house and are for the p?v!? entrusted to their' are?i\ .the public of the State fdi. ' he ; a.-jt Tew year.--, are- looking foi'ii.al. to-inoyiitg; iitto the biuldihg with:.. ,, ahl'.v antici; auons.y> It. is' rouem.- ' i-I'm! that the new school sitc_ was o?j?.'d; to Triis" c.- by the Kpi.--copal huvch of the State, -j . ' -Kwently a .Inuldiitg campaign'was ay-<1 to -raise. sairjiicmentary4 funds , ~ d.y, nrplote the hulUUp'gi ancf 'il large, y thru this ' medium ol*. hearty . re-. ' " ; onse i>y niini-Ut-Vs and other public ' . i' l 'id i i v i:.s that a l'.v.r -v.ni was' ?^ tah.h ch-sud/'-ient tA go,iV?rc\*ard with he V "ik% Alt h('.,Roek 11 iil meeting fer.f ial r.o:tine matters will i>e looked ' ' rtio as well as a progra.m outlimng 'iilu1 ?p- licirs Ih ii-sorktl- \vtf-k. tat'.(< -iviid.t v an evert ntuie ufv .v ' ?rn?* vjCaitt . sitv i e.? to?t?;e orjjanixytuins;. , \ J it/.[ :v. e. the. civil status , . : Y. ! ;< ,;n u umi.vr rtiVU'ers ?:?d' tiu*. Nu:ii.r.v.l, liar Association ' costly i ..week- and- 4f4d--plftfts?? V-r a cvp/nt reli. "isivo proKTant__lu_Le gey.elopca 'a., .'.a-tr. annual mooting "* ?0IV*> rapid...strides boir.fr rttudo tyy Ncjrfi L^iii; the "h'.uy.I"priiti-iaiu..- the-?- . _ n\ Ppr<>toct th" interests aBBaaHfea&ii.iiii'" iiltmu. ii 11 wm^etteCSgj 2= ill ho ha? a sympathetic into vest and a kbvher. understanding .of the con. d.t-o'ns which eonfront the colored petlit.ioner at thi* bar", said Mr.- Phillips. "I'll.- National Har Association is aw l-n-jVI in its* scope and'purpose, as the Ait iia-i'.n?liar?A s ^n-iayiun?ewept?-?? ? thai-# has nor cofrrr rcsti ioliona. ft? ?- ! lot^w-e have white memboss, a judgein .-fcLL Paul being one of oirrymem- .' hersfi i p. ; ."" v " *t.: ' * " ^ ^ .. n. ^ .1